It's about time that genuine Survivors find their own voice, for too long we have watched and listened to Fake-Survivors and their evil groupies who seem to dominate all discussions on genuine Survivors issues. Busybodies who trade in the sin of gossip and slanderers. A perverse Fake-Survivor stirs up dissension, using gossip to separate close friends. Fake-Survivors who engage in this behaviour do nothing but stir up trouble and cause anger, bitterness, and pain among genuine Survivors. We know that Fake-Survivors thrive on this and look for opportunities to destroy genuine Survivors. “A fool’s mouth (Fake-Survivor) is his or her undoing, and his or her lips are a snare to their soul.
It’s with great sadness that we as Survivors learn about the early deaths of fellow Survivors. Worse still when we learn about their helpless struggles, their ill health, their struggles with drink, drugs, depression and loneliness. Their failed marriages, their down beaten lives, their utter realisation that their childhoods were stolen, subject to daily beatings, and humiliating rapes. Many abandoned as in their cruel and distorted childhoods to the nearby gutters of most major cities and towns in Ireland. Their advantages in life were very limited, due to lack of basic education, and family structures. Their daily life struggles, their black and grey depression wallowing in an ocean of despair. Regrettably for many true Survivors happiness is found at the end of a demon bottle of liquid death or a needle of white despair, which lingers for a short time, as life withers on the vine of useless veins. The facts speak for themselves, we true Survivors are losing 3, to 5,000 Survivors a year. Over 80% of Survivors today are over 65 years old and in bad health, physically and mentally. Their daily struggles to live, or pay rent, add to their struggles. Many sadly remain homeless, covered in a constant blanket of cold and hunger, a brutal daily discomfort, with few places to seek both medical help and personal safety. One of the major problems that true Survivors speak about is, we have no voice that truly represents us, the genuine Survivor. It seems that Irish Government Officials are only interested in so-called Fake-Survivors, who never spend a wet day in a Mother and Baby Home, or any of the dozens of Religious Gulags that dot the landscape of Ireland. We were marginalised as children by both the Clerics and the Irish Government, which allowed the most horrendous cruelty to be committed upon us as helpless children. Now again we genuine Survivors are again marginalised, by these Fake-Survivors and grovelling Politicians and insincere Clerics. They do not speak for any Survivor, they certainly do not speak for me, as a Survivor of 18 years in various Religious Gulags. These fake Survivors with their grovelling Politicians and insincere Clerics, bring nothing but pain. They only speak to enrich themselves and flatter and fatten both their pockets while masturbating the vanity of many narcissist politicians, kissing the rings of insincere clerics, who lack true empathy. These so-called Fake-Survivors go on TV and Radio and talk about Survivors in general. Using a distorted language of unfamiliar experience of real life, lived in any of the Religious Gulags in Ireland. These same Fake-Survivors, use their time and energy degrading and further marginalising true Survivors. Fake-Survivors spread their malicious poison on many social platforms, injecting poisonous venom into genuine Survivors who challenge them. True Survivors don’t need to speak their names, Fake-Survivors lack true empathy, in understanding the daily pain of genuine Survivors and their real issues. Fake-Survivors general ignorance speaks volumes to true Survivors, Fake-Survivors are insensitive and uncaring to true Survivors. Genuine Survivors want action not words, the Irish Government needs to step up and honour their pledges, their promises made to all Survivors. We sadly are running out of time, a couple of hundred Survivors are unnecessarily dying every month. No Survivor should be struggling with the basics of life, like, warmth, housing, food, human kindness, medical and mental services. No Survivor should be living in the gutter. Survivors should be represented by True-Survivors, and not Fake-Survivors or their enablers. Owen Felix O’Neill
So here we go again, over 3,200 Paedophile Catholic Priests in France. The French Catholic Church raped over 365,000 children, 97% were boys. The youngest was 3 years old, this is according to the Commission’s Investigations of France. The head of the Commission, Jean-Marc Sauvé told Agence-France Presse that the 2,500-page report, based on Church, Court and French Police archives, as well as interviews with tens of thousands of witnesses and their families. The French Catholic Church nourished and enabled paedophiles to remain active in the Church. The commission, made up of 22 legal professionals, Doctors, Historians, Sociologists and Theologians, was set up in 2018 after Pope Francis passed a landmark measure obliging people who know about rape of children in the Catholic Church to report it to their Superiors, but not to the local Police. The Commission promised that the report would “have the effect of a nuclear bomb”. Meanwhile the enfeebled French Bishop Éric de Moulins-Beaufort, the president of the French Conference of doddering Bishops, told a meeting of senile Parishioners he feared the report would reveal “significant and frightening figures” and Church Authorities have warned publication would be “a harsh and serious moment”, calling for “an attitude of truth and compassion” and feeble prayers. For example, one of many from the Report, last year, 2020 a Pedophile French Priest, Father Bernard Preynat, 75, was sentenced to five years in prison for raping over 350 boy scouts aged between 7 and 14 in his care between 1971 and 1991, following allegations his Superior, a Cardinal in the French Catholic Church had covered up his rapes of children. It got worse, like here in Ireland, after the Pedophile Priest was first denounced in 1991, the Pedophile Priest, Father Bernard Preynat was prevented from leading the Boy Scouts but was later allowed to teach children at the local school and held positions of authority in the local Parish. Father Bernard Preynat continued to rape children, unabated. You can get away with anything if you are a Priest in Holy Orders. The Catholic Church always protects its own, no matter what. Recently, I wrote about it on my website, A French Cardinal, Philippe Barbarin, the Archbishop of Lyon, was given a six-month suspended sentence in 2019 for not reporting Father Preynat’s crimes against children. The French Cardinal was protecting the Church at all costs. Ex- Nazi Pope, Benedict XVI addressed a Letter to Irish Catholics on the crimes of Pedophile Priests, in which he expressed his shame and sorrow over such actions. The Holy See published on its website a reminder of the legal procedures to follow against these scandalous sexual rapes of children and how to cover them up. I know this is simplistic reasoning but Catholic Priests are pedophiles because they are celibate, plain and simple. Or in more sensational terms: Clerical Celibacy is a crime, because it is responsible for the criminal actions of the Pedophile Priests which the Catholic Church has tried to hush up. The Pope himself is therefore an accomplice because he intends to keep the Catholic Clergy in this crime-provoking celibacy. And also because he is the head of a crime syndicate, a loose affiliation of Clerical Pedophiles and criminals in charge of organised criminal activities. Catholic Church networks are defined by fluid interactions. They produce crime groups, Religious Orders that operate as smaller units within the overall network, and as such tend towards valuing significant others, familiarity of social and economic environments, or tradition. These Religious Orders networks are usually composed of:
Organised Clerical crime groups of Nuns, Christian Brother, Priests and other Religious Groups provide a range of illegal services and goods. Organised Church crimes often victimises businesses through the use of extortion or theft encouraging fraud activities like -extorting money from vulnerable companies, Governments, and families. Running Death Camps for vulnerable children like the Industrial Schools, using slave children, who are then raped, tortured, and beaten to death. Magdalene Laundries to enslave women and their children, Orphanages used for sex Trafficking of stolen babies, vulnerable children and slave women. Trying out experimental medical vaccines on victimising babies and children on behalf of criminal international drug companies. Selling the brutalised children’s bodies to Medical Schools, or the same drug companies that killed them. Other Organised frauds committed by the Catholic Church are economic espionage, embezzlement, identity theft. All the organised crime groups defraud national, state, or local governments by bid rigging on Religious or Public Projects, counterfeiting money, trafficking or smuggling a range of goods, and people, mostly babies and children. All to enrich the Church and to avoid paying taxes. The Catholic Church as an Organised crime group seeks to corrupt public officials in executive, law enforcement, and judicial roles so that their criminal enterprises and activities can avoid, or at least receive early warnings about, investigations and prosecutions. Criminal activities of The Catholic Church organised crime family, world-wide and is headed by a Supreme Leader, The Godfather, The Pope- includes- Rape Torture Murder Genocide Money Laundering Blackmailing Assassinations Confidence Tricks Kidnapping Prostitution Trafficking in Human Beings Organ Trafficking Death Trafficking Bribery Insurance Fraud Identity Document Forgery Providing illegal immigration and cheap labour, women, babies and children smuggling. Organised Catholic Church crime groups also do a range of business and labour criminal activities, such as setting up monopolies in Schools, Colleges, Universities, Nursing Homes/ Retirement Home, and Hospitals. Political Corruption and Extorting. In organised Religion there is a hierarchy, with higher-ranking members making decisions that trickle down to the other members of the family. The leader of each Religious Order family is known as The Superior, normally a Bishop or Archbishop, or even a Cardinal. To become a family member/ cleric means to accept secret rituals, complicated rules and tangled webs of loyalty to a Supreme Leader. Part of the oath a Cleric takes when he/she becomes a "Cleric" a member of a Religious Order/ family, is that the Roman Catholic Church comes before birth, family and even God. The inductee must promise that he will be a member of the Roman Catholic Church family for life. The Religious Order Families use a variety of activities to accomplish the Church's main goal of making money. There is no difference between the Roman Catholic Church and the Mafia, both are part of the same Religious Order. The biggest problem is the culpable silence of their deprived Superiors, within the crime family known as the Roman Catholic Church. That deafening silence acts as a permeated cancer and will continue to pervade into the tortured children’s lives, and in the end consumed by their own stolen abused childhoods, many will fall by the wayside, abandoned by humanity, only to seek solace in the worst excesses of human depravity. The lecheries of the serial Pedophile Clerics and the innate corruption and total depravity of Mother-Church are serious drawbacks to Mankind to this very day. It is now time to abandon and destroy this insidious corruptor of evil, The Cult, The Clerics, The Roman Catholic Church. No Child will even be safe as long as this evil Cult, The Roman Catholic Church operates. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle once said- “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man”. St. Ignatius Loyola said- “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” The power of early training and indoctrination, espoused and practiced by the Roman Catholic Church says -“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will rape, torture, brutalise and destroy the child, the child's childhood, his life, his family, his future, until he is a man”. Owen Felix O’Neill What’s in a name-Artane Boys Band
At its height, Artane, an Industrial School in Dublin, had over 400 boys, detained in a hell-hole prison built for children. Daily discipline was brutally maintained by the Christian Brothers. The Christian Brothers that ran Artane Industrial School, were given no specific training on how to be childminders. Instead they were free, within limits, to do whatever they thought was necessary to maintain order in the children’s prison and to command the respect of the children. Artane Industrial School regulations certainly gave the Christian Brothers the authority to punish children at will to maintain control. The Christian Brothers officially had the right and christian duty to use endemic violence and rape on the vulnerable children arbitrarily, plus the absolute right to kill them. Violence was always used to ensure orderly supervision and management of the Industrial Schools. In spite of the regulations laid down by the Order of Christian Brothers and their prohibition on assaulting children, the Christian Brothers at all the Industrial Schools carried out their daily tasks brutally and bloodily. It's a fact that some of the most vulnerable children in Artane and other Industrial Schools in Ireland over the years were raped and beaten to death. Remember the Christian Brothers had no training in child care, no understanding of children, except within their own families. The Christian Brothers were told from day one of their training as Brothers that these children of the Industrial Schools were the spawns of the devil. The children of the Industrial Schools in Ireland were marginalised, by the Catholic Church and that allowed the Religious Orders of the Catholic Church to commit the worst atrocities on them. Even to this very day discrimination against children of single mothers in Ireland is deeply rooted and a common reality in the Catholic Church. Collective violence and rape was common in all Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Passive Christian Brothers and other officials who saw what was happening by not acting, like refusing to see, amounted to silent approval. It confirms to those Nuns and Christian Brothers who do act that the fundamental rules of mutual help have ceased to apply. To understand the excesses of violence, it is crucial to consider the role of the passive Christian Brothers who also generated violence. At the same time, sadist colleagues serve as ‘negative figures of reference’. They allow the spectators, the passive Christian Brothers, to see themselves as ‘normal’, even, by contrast, humane and compassionate. It is now known that many of the Christian Brothers, themselves were known to be guilty of multiple sexual rape and humiliation of boys in other Religious run Institutions in Ireland and England. Many of these sadist Christian Brothers were especially assigned to Artane Industrial School. The first thing to remember about Artane Industrial School, in Dublin is that every Christian Brother that worked there, was a pedophile and a sadist, one way or the other. Every single Christian Brother that worked at Artane Industrial School was named as a sadist and a pedophile. One only needs to read The Ryan Report on Artane Industrial School to understand why;-It was open, hunting season by the Catholic Church and its policy to rape, beat, torture and murder children in any of the Religious Run Institutions in Ireland. And they the sadists, the Religious Orders got away with it, the Catholic Church as a whole were given immunity by The Ryan Report- The Commission to inquire into Child Abuse Ireland. ( The Congregation of Christian Brothers told the world that it does not accept any blame as a Congregation for the sexual rape, brutality, torture, murder and humiliation of boys as young as 7 years old in Artane Industrial School, in Dublin. According to the findings in;- The Ryan Report, the Commission to inquire into Child Abuse Ireland 2009. --3,685 boys were detained between 1940 and 1969 in Artane Industrial School, Dublin. According to The Ryan Report;- 1,173 boys reported sexual rape on them by all the pedophile Christian Brothers, the other 2,512 boys died or were to afraid to give evidence to the Ryan Commission. The numbers alone 1,173 boys now as men are staggering. Secrecy is an Irish disease, secrecy is also a Catholic Church sacred ritual, the Catholic Church thrives on secrecy. Child Rape by the Clerics absolutely thrives on secrecy. Secrecy was employed by The Irish Catholic Church to facilitate and conceal the rape of vulnerable children in all their Religious run Institutions or child prisons in Ireland. The Secrecy was suppressed for many decades and was orchestrated and perpetuated by both the Irish Catholic Church, its Clerics, further concealed and encouraged with the active help of most members of the Irish Government at the time. Music was a fundamental component of life in all the Industrial Schools of Ireland. The most famous was the Artane Boys Band, Dublin. From almost the beginning of the opening of Artane Industrial School, in Dublin, a boys band was established, the year was 1871. The Christian Brothers routinely ordered the boys to sing while marching or exercising or during punishment actions. This was done to mock, humiliate, rape and discipline the boys. Boys who disobeyed the rules or who incorrectly carried them out gave the Christian Brothers an excuse for arbitrary beatings. Boys who didn’t know the song or music or marching were beaten as well, a few were beaten to death. The sadistic Christian Brothers inflicted savage beatings and rapes on most boys daily. In 1886 the band established its hugely rewarding relationship with the two-year old Gaelic Athletic Association, known as the GAA, when the Artane's Boys Band first performed at a GAA match in Dublin. This relationship would help to chart the future of the Artane’s Boys Band right up until the present day, as it would later become synonymous with Croke Park and Gaelic games right throughout the country. The State broadcaster, RTE also has a lot to answer for, for glorifying the Artane Boys Band and encouraging the Band’s biggest Pedophile, Brother Joseph O’Connor. Brother Joseph O’Connor was a bigger pedophile than Jimmy Savile, the fiendish Brother Joseph O’Connor even raped and beat the boys in the band in public. Brother Joseph O’Connor encouraged other nefarious pedophiles to pick up any vulnerable boy they chose and take the boy home for a day or two. The repertoire of Artane's Boys Band depended on the preferences of the Christian Brothers, on their musical sophistication, and on the occasions when the band would perform. Artane Industrial School boys band performed not only Sundays at all GAA sports events, but any other day that the Christian Brothers could exploit. The boys in the Artane Band never received any payment, not even a penny from a grateful GAA except a shared bottle of Fanta and a bag of Tayto Crisps as a thanks. Irony would have it that Fanta was actually created in Nazi Germany, Fanta was invented by Coca-Cola, an American company, inside of Nazi Germany during World War II. The Artane Boys Band was a veneer for the criminal activities of the nefarious Christian Brothers, it was all an elaborate hoax. Elaborate measures were taken to disguise the dreadful conditions in the child prison known as Artane Industrial School and to portray an atmosphere of normalcy. The Artane Boys Band was used ruthlessly to show a very content Christian school. Also a beautification propaganda program was started, the boys were forced to planted gardens, painted housing complexes, renovated dormitories, and developed and practiced cultural programs for the entertainment of the visiting dignitaries to convince them that Artane Industrial School and the Artane Boys Band were happy and real. Artane Industrial School had been "cleaned up" and rearranged as a model Industrial School, an Irish Boys Town. It was Fr. Edward Flanagan, the founder of Boy's Town who was from Roscommon. Fr. Flanagan’s visit to Ireland in 1946, he was appalled by the abuse of children in the institutions he had visited. But no amount of veneer or makeover could hide when the distinguished visitors walked around and saw for themselves, children with black eyes, children with broken limbs, terror and sadness on most of the children’s faces. You cannot veneer horror, nor the smell of fear, nor the pain and suffering of vulnerable starving children. During the inspection of Artane Industrial School, the conniving Christian Brothers talked to the eminent visitors and hoped to show that the treatment of the boys was a demonstration of their benevolent treatment by the kind and generous Christian Brothers, a safe place where the children could be housed and play in safety. The Artane Boys Band would parade and play a few marching musical numbers, the Christian Brothers smiled, the eminent visitors smiled, while the starving, bruised, beaten and raped boys cried. When Government Officials and other clowns came to inspect the hell-hole of Artane concentration camp for inspections, proud Christian Brothers showed off the band as a 'special attraction' and as proof of 'their' Industrial School’s exemplary performance. The musicians’ the boys main duties, however, were to provide background music for the daily horrors of rape, beatings, humiliations and ever murder by the Christian Brothers in Artane Industrial School. The boys band performed under the most inhuman of circumstances, something that caused all the surviving boys to experience feelings of guilt and depression for the rest of their lives. Some of the boys as young musicians were summoned to play for the Christian Brothers or visiting Clerics in private entertainment. A few of the boys were beaten and raped at these private events by visiting Senior Clerics and prominent people. Many of the boys were granted a special status that offered them some protection against arbitrary acts, committed by the Christian Brothers as well as privileges essential for survival, but still most if not all the boys in the band were raped and beaten. Yes the boys got 'milder' work assignments, better clothing or additional food rations, like a bottle of Fanta and a bag of Tayto Crisps. In a sense, making music at the Industrial School served as a survival strategy for many of the boys, but in reality the beatings, humiliations and rapes were more severe. The Band leader Brother Joseph O’Connor was a well known serial and prolific pedophile, of the worst order and the boys band was his special domain. Brother O’Connor ruled the band, his boys, his chicken coop with an iron fist, a childhood for all the boys, a life filled with fear, humiliation and random sexual rape. Musical life in the Industrial Schools was of a distinctly two-faced nature. On the one hand, music acted as a means of survival for the boys; on the other hand, it served as an instrument of terror for the Christian Brothers. The Christian Brothers raped and beat the boys for their own purposes. With forced daily musical performances they furthered the process of breaking the boys willpower and of human degradation. Thus, music in the Industrial Schools served as a necessary distraction and method of cultural survival for the boys, and simultaneously as a means of domination for the perpetrators, The Christian Brothers. The GAA needs to pay reparations to all the survivors of the Artane Industrial Boys Band. In reality the Artane Boys Band was at all times used as a vehicle by the Christian Brothers to economically exploit highly vulnerable boys. In its original guise, The Artane Boys Band was used as a front to hide the gross inhumanity, the rapes, beatings, humiliations and death that took place at Artane Industrial School in Dublin. The original and traditional insignia of blue and red uniforms are still worn to this day and are a shameful reminder of the institutional rape, beatings, humiliation and death still suffered by so many ex-boys from Artane. Just like the Nazi regime’s prisoner uniforms made of coarse grey-blue striped material which had become standard issue in the concentration death camps of Nazi Germany. The blue and red uniforms still worn today are a stark reminder to all survivors of the horrors of Artane boys band and Artane Industrial School. Each of these Artane band uniforms were marked with a boy’s name inked on the inside of the uniform indicating the boys’s category and an identification number that henceforth substituted his name, the same method as the Nazi used in their death camps. It is insulting to still see boys and girls parading on nation television at sports events in the blue and red uniforms that still represent, rape, humiliations and death of the boys of Artane Industrial School and Artane’s boys band. Shame on the GAA, Shame on the Political and Businesses that still support the Artane Boys band-but the biggest shame is reserved on the still behind the scenes of the Christian Brothers and the Irish Catholic Church. Their culture of rape, humiliation and death of many of thousands of the boys of the Artane Boys band. In view of some deaths of the boys in the band, new boys to the Industrial School were often given the old uniforms and shoes left behind by the murdered. Let’s not forget that these same uniforms are handed down proudly to future generations of children ignorant of what the uniform represented;-The Artane Industrial School for boys and Artane’s boys band. We need to change its name to break the association with the discredited murderous institution, an institution forever know for death, rape, torture and humiliation of thousands of boys. Boys as young as 7 years of age to boys as old as 16, all vulnerable children. All at the mercy of Catholic Christian Brother Pedophiles, 80% of the boys have died since Artane Industrial School was closed in 1969. Many through-Suicide, Drugs, Alcohol, Despair and Murder. This is the true legacy of The Artane Industrial School, Prison Camp, hell-hole for boys and Artane’s boys band. Owen Felix O’Neill We have far too many Nostalgic Catholic Church Memorials in Ireland, like Grottos to a maligned superstition. It seems that the Virgin Mary who according to the Bible had had 4 sons and an unknown number of daughters, now only appears in dark caves. (Mark 6:3 – Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?”) Millions of huge concrete or iron crosses to a stone age creed that dot the landscape as a grim reminder of the rule of The Cult, now is just the time to remove them.
We should emulate the way Germans treat Nazi memorials. Germany has no monuments that celebrate the Nazi armed forces. We here in Ireland don’t need any memorials either to a murderous, raping Death Cult, the Catholic Church. Tens of Millions of babies, children, women and men died for their evil sins throughout the world, The Cult, the Catholic Church must be held accountable and allowed to wither and die. Time to finally remove their symbols of hate and repression that dot the many lands throughout the world. Why do we here in Ireland tolerate so many streets, parks, schools, colleges, libraries, other buildings, named after Pedophile Catholic Priests, Brothers, and Nuns.? I think it is now time for change, time to remove and dismantle all offending religious statues, monuments, commendation plaques, street and public buildings named after Catholic Priests, Brothers, and Nuns. Symbols are powerful things, names of Pedophile Catholic Priests, Brothers, and Nuns, still adorn many villages, towns and cities streets, schools, collages, and parks to this very day. Defenders say they are a part of our Irish heritage and caution against erasing all history. Shameful Irish heritage of slavery as practiced by Religious Institutions where rape, torture and murder of woman and children was actively condoned by the Catholic Church. Forcing children today to go to a school named after a Clerical pedophile or other Clerics who fought and still fight to dehumanise their mothers and vulnerable children, is wrong. There are nearly 150,800 public buildings, streets, parks and schools, colleges, libraries named after Catholic Church Pedophiles. Ireland is still a monument to Pedophelia as long as we maintain the clerical names of Pedophiles on monuments, streets, parks, and public buildings, as an Irish legacy, gifted to future generations. The Irish Catholic Church and its Clerics, known as The Cult were the dictatorship of evil, the machinery of the State, was under the command of criminals, murderers and pedophile rapists, the Clerics. The Cult regime was characterised by the brutal oppression of women and children in their Religious run Institutions. Despite Ireland's reputation for not being self-critical with its past, some Irish street names still pay homage to Pedophile Catholic Priests, Brothers, and Nuns. Distorted historical figures who left Ireland with a legacy of cruelty. Their Religious run Institutions, were the rape rooms for the brutish Clerical rapist and their murderous legacies. Ireland needs urgently to confront its shameful historical past, we need an honest reckoning with our brutal past. Far too long, Irish Politicians have turned a blind eye to its shameful history for the longest time, many streets and buildings in Villages, Towns, and Cities are mostly in need of a new identity. The shame, we here in Ireland must be the only country in the world with streets and buildings named after Pedophile Catholic Priests, Brothers, and Nuns. Today many of these Pedophile Catholic Priests, Brothers, and Nuns, would be hanging for there crimes and sins, of rape, torture and murder of thousands of vulnerable children. It’s time to remove Clerical names form the monuments, the street names, public buildings, and national parks of Ireland. This is not an erasure of history, the names of Clerics was sought and used to reinforce a reasserted Catholic Church’s dominance over Ireland in part by romanticising The Death Cult. I say- “Justice delayed is justice denied.” To many people and not just Survivors, symbols are powerful things and symbols shape our understanding of the world. To walk down a street, enter a building, or a park named after a Pedophile Cleric, that shapes your experience in that place. That tells you that place is not for you, we must change that, immediately. We need a new wave of soul-searching here in Ireland, not only about the Catholic Church and its Clerics we place on pedestals. Their brutality, their reign of murder and rapes, but about whether to continue honouring these same Clerics, past and present who supported child trafficking, turned a blind eye on slavery in their Religious Institutions, plus the brutal rapes and murder of vulnerable women and children that took place in these same Religious Institutions, in Ireland. Also here in Ireland we have to this day, commendation plaques given out by grateful local councils, thanking our band of murderous rapist, torturous Clerics, honouring the same cult of death of Pedophile Catholic Priests, Brothers, and Nuns. Commendation plaques, and money prizes, from the public purse, local government officials, singing the praises of a cult of death, for their good and brave action of, flushing thousands of vulnerable babies and children into Septic Tanks. The rape, torture, flogging and then murder of thousands of vulnerable mothers, their babies and children. Then we have the trafficking of tens of thousands more of vulnerable babies and children into the pedophile slave markets of North America, and the deliberate killing of tens of thousands more vulnerable babies and children with starvation. A duel disaster of under nourished and chronic diseases as a result, all mixed with beatings, rape, religious misery and finally a painful death. The Cult of Pedophile Catholic Priests, Brothers, and Nuns, that ran Ireland, then disposed of the emaciated bodies of tens of thousands of babies and children into Septic Tanks, mixed with their human waste or other Cesspools, still to be uncovered, as a final humiliation. And we here in Ireland now honour the same cult of death of Pedophile Catholic Priests, Brothers, and Nuns with commendation plaques, cemented onto public buildings, like libraries, national parks, schools and colleges as a reminder to all including Survivors. We, the Cult are still the power, Survivors who still live in pain, daily from their broken and stolen childhoods. Owen Felix O’Neill The Pedophile Oblates
The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate operated in Ireland, one of the most notorious Industrial schools in the world, St Conleth’s, Daingean from 1870 until 1973 in County Offaly. Daingean, was the 2nd reformatory set up in Ireland. The first was St. Kevin's Glencree, Co. Wicklow. St Conleth’s, Daingean was a reformatory school, the place where boys aged between 12-19 were sent when convicted of a crime. Crimes ranging from stealing a loaf of bread to burglary. In its history Daingean became a forbidden prison for adult criminals. From 1871 to 1934, it became a reformatory school for children run by the Oblates. Daingean officially closed on 16th November 1973, and the boys were mostly transferred to Scoil Ard Mhuire, Lusk. Daingean Reformatory is listed as one of the schools involved in the worst clerical rape of children. Flogging was the main form of punishment before and after rape. An 'inmates' (aka 12 year old boy's) story The lovers of rape the wayward Oblates, a gang of philosopher pedophiles, taunting sadists and masochist murders that ran St Conleth’s, Daingean in County Offaly, in their General Statement given to the Child Abuse Investigation Committee, (The Ryan Report) asserted that they, the mentally crippled metaphysician Oblates had high ideals. They ‘brought a vision of their own’ cruelty to the work, ‘arising from their long experience in this work and their nature as a rapist religious order. The work was accepted as a mission: the Christian welfare of the boys, their rehabilitation in so far as they were wayward, and their preparation to earn their livelihood as far as possible. They developed a tradition of cruelty going back to 1857’. The Commission into Child Abuse report into St Conleth"s reformatory school in Daingean has concluded that the boys sent to the school 'lived in a climate of fear', were regularly subjected to inhumane floggings, rape and murder. The Catholic Order of pedophiles that ran the school in Daingean, The sadist Oblates has apologised 'unreservedly' for its 'shortcomings' and the 'serious consequences' of public flogging, rape, torture, and murder of thousands of vulnerable children in its care. The Oblates of Mary Immaculate according to The Commission found that 'corporal punishment was often excessive and was administered by staff using a wide range of weapons. Relatively minor offences gave rise to severe punishment' and while there were never any convictions of sexual rape of children, or murder, The Commission did conclude that 'sexual rape and flogging of children by The Oblates took place in Daingean. The Commission concluded that 'Flogging was an inhumane and cruel form of corporal punishment, on children, there was no control of The sadist Oblates in the infliction of flogging children. The boys were 12 to 18, and a total of 5,275 boys passed through in 33 years until its closure in 1973. Sexual Rape after corporal punishment, of flogging was the norm, practiced by most of the sadist Oblates that ran the school. Later it transpired that one of the worst Brother’s in the Industrial School had a conviction for raping young boys in Wales. The school and The Oblates knew this, but did nothing. In the 17 years that that Brother was working in St Conleth’s, Daingean he raped, and flogged hundreds of more boys. A few boys died at his hands. According to the Ryan Commission into Child Abuse Report. 'Daingean had a system of administering corporal punishment in a formal, almost ritualised way. The ritualistic flogging and rape of boys in Daingean was done on a production line by The Oblates, and carried out most nights in the Industrial School. The same Catholic Religious Order of sadist Priests, Brothers and Nuns, The degenerated Oblates, also ran one of the worst Industrial schools in Canada, St. Anne's Indian Residential School, Fort Albany, Ontario, Canada. Also ran the worst Industrial School in Ireland, St Conleth"s reformatory/prison school in Daingean, County Offaly. The sadist Oblates, a Catholic Religious Order of Priests, Brothers and Nuns, ran 57 other Residential Schools in Canada in which we now have discovered secret graves of thousands of raped, flogged and murdered children, soon to be accounted for. St. Anne’s Indian Residential School in Northern Ontario was a place of horrific rape, murder and crimes against children that took place on a daily base over many decades. The immoral Oblates ran 57 Industrial Schools in Canada, every one of the 57 Industrial Schools has secret graves. The unaccountable deaths of tens of thousands of vulnerable children will surface in the coming weeks and months. So far 6 Industrial Schools have been investigated in Canada and 1,800 secret graves have been found. This is a true nightmare in the making, all in the name of the death cult, the Catholic Church. Every Industrial School, or Indian Residential School or Orphanage or other Religious run Institution that the Catholic Church ran throughout the world, with its band of different Religious Orders of sadist Nuns, pedophile Priests and Brothers, Remember that hundreds of thousands of children were, flogged, tortured, raped and murdered and that’s a fact. I myself spent 18 years in these same Religious Institutions, where I and thousands of other children suffered horrendous daily abuses, and watched other vulnerable children, been raped, flogged, humiliated, and die at the hands of these holy sadists, Nuns, Priests, and Brothers dressed up as holy Clerics. Helpless Children died around them, powerless to resist, the daily feed of rape, torture and death. Owen Felix O’Neill |
May 2022