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A Pedophile Priest who was sentenced to an additional five years for the “predatory” rape and abuse of a schoolboy over 20 years ago - having previously been jailed for 19 years for similar offences relating to three other victims - has had his most recent jail term halved on appeal. The Pedophile Priest will be released in 2032.
This pedophile Priest, Father Heckler, Kidnapped & Raped more than 500 boys over 6 decades and got away with it, with the full blessings of follow Clerics and the Catholic Church.
Download the full Scoping Report "5 Volumes" on the link above
Thousands of dead Babies from Mother & Baby Homes were used and murdered by the criminal illegal Vaccine Trials in Southern Ireland. The dead babies were then sold by the merciless Nuns again for money, only to be used in further Medical Experiments by Trinity College, Dublin. Many Babies remains are still at Trinity College, Dublin. |
Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme:
Help Websites for Mental Health Services for Survivors of Mother and Baby Home, Industrial Schools etc...
[email protected]
[email protected]

Australia has charged an Australian Prelate, Bishop Christopher Saunders with the rape of Children and other sexual offences against children.
The Pedophile Emeritus Bishop Christopher Saunders was arrested on Wednesday at his home in Broome, where he became bishop in 1996. This pedophile had a long career (50 years) of the Rape of Children in his pastoral care.
The Pedophile Emeritus Bishop Christopher Saunders is one of the most senior Catholics in Australia.
The Pedophile Emeritus Bishop Christopher Saunders was arrested on Wednesday at his home in Broome, where he became bishop in 1996. This pedophile had a long career (50 years) of the Rape of Children in his pastoral care.
The Pedophile Emeritus Bishop Christopher Saunders is one of the most senior Catholics in Australia.
More than 40 Jesuit priests accused of child Sex -Abuse/ Rape;- Jesuit report discloses.
Findings relate mainly to Priests at Belvedere College in Dublin, Crescent College in Limerick and Clongowes Wood College in Kildare
This is a flawed report by the Jesuits themselves…We know from past experience that Clerics investigating themselves, are always tipped in their favour.
It is about time we here in Ireland took all the Clerics out of our school-systems, immediately. Clerics cannot be trusted around any child, period.
As I would say to all the Clerics and the Catholic Church in general;- “Falsus in uno, Falsus in omnibus” Latin Maxim meaning "False in one thing, False in everything".
Findings relate mainly to Priests at Belvedere College in Dublin, Crescent College in Limerick and Clongowes Wood College in Kildare
This is a flawed report by the Jesuits themselves…We know from past experience that Clerics investigating themselves, are always tipped in their favour.
It is about time we here in Ireland took all the Clerics out of our school-systems, immediately. Clerics cannot be trusted around any child, period.
As I would say to all the Clerics and the Catholic Church in general;- “Falsus in uno, Falsus in omnibus” Latin Maxim meaning "False in one thing, False in everything".
Take all the property of the Church, it was built on Slavery of Women and their Children
Whatever your view of the Catholic Church, Rape is Rape. To trivialise it is to diminish ourselves.
This is Rape of over 200,000 vulnerable children in Spain on an industrial scale, the numbers are staggering. This has nothing to do with religion, this is simply criminal.
Over 200,000 minors are estimated to have been sexually Raped in Spain by the Roman Catholic clergy since 1940, according to an independent commission published on Friday, October 27.
Over 200,000 minors are estimated to have been sexually Raped in Spain by the Roman Catholic clergy since 1940, according to an independent commission published on Friday, October 27.
So a single Pedophile Christian Brother, Rapes 400 children, pleads guilty and is sentenced to 4½ years in Prison. This is the Rape of 400 Children on an industrial scale by one Pedophile Christian Brother who was working all his life in the Boys Schools.
Some of the Boys were even Raped in front of their own classmates by this Pedophile.
Still today we in Ireland allow the Christian Brothers to run most of the Schools in Ireland. Are we not outraged?
“It was the sheer scale of it,” one boy said. “The guards told me there were as many as 400 victims in this.”
The Pedophile Christian Brother is currently serving a sentence of three years and two months given to him earlier this year when a jury found him guilty of 30 counts of the Rape of Children on a further five boys at the same school in the 1970s.
Full story from The Irish Times Story on the link below.
Some of the Boys were even Raped in front of their own classmates by this Pedophile.
Still today we in Ireland allow the Christian Brothers to run most of the Schools in Ireland. Are we not outraged?
“It was the sheer scale of it,” one boy said. “The guards told me there were as many as 400 victims in this.”
The Pedophile Christian Brother is currently serving a sentence of three years and two months given to him earlier this year when a jury found him guilty of 30 counts of the Rape of Children on a further five boys at the same school in the 1970s.
Full story from The Irish Times Story on the link below.
Updates;- The historic Sexual Rape Investigation by the Clerics in the Irish Elite Schools;- Story on the link above
Mass baby graves at Sean Ross Abbey in Roscrea, Tipperary, Mother and Baby Home, could be 'worse than Tuam'
A team of engineers who surveyed the Bon Secours plot in Tuam has reported similar anomalies at the Co Tipperary site which could be mass burial plots.
Almost 1,100 babies died at Sean Ross Abbey- Mother and Baby Home, in Roscrea between 1931 and 1969 – but only a very few infant remains were found by the Commission of Inquiry. More than a 1,000 babies are still in secret mass graves or cesspools.
A team of engineers who surveyed the Bon Secours plot in Tuam has reported similar anomalies at the Co Tipperary site which could be mass burial plots.
Almost 1,100 babies died at Sean Ross Abbey- Mother and Baby Home, in Roscrea between 1931 and 1969 – but only a very few infant remains were found by the Commission of Inquiry. More than a 1,000 babies are still in secret mass graves or cesspools.
Scoping Inquiry into Historical Sexual Rape in Schools run by Religious Orders;-
Engagement with survivors is central to the work of the scoping inquiry. The survivor engagement process will provide an opportunity for the views of those who are most directly affected to be heard clearly, and ensure that the recommendations set out in the Lead’s final report to the Minister are informed by the outcomes sought by survivors.
The survivor engagement process is being led by child protection expert Kieran McGrath and conducted by facilitators trained in trauma-informed practice. More information about the survivor engagement process is available. Further information on this process will be published on this website as the scoping inquiry progresses.
The Scoping Inquiry has begun to send information about the process and the next steps to people who have registered their interest in participating in the survivor engagement process.
Should you have any queries, you can contact the scoping inquiry by emailing [email protected]
If you prefer, you can call +353 (0)90 6483610 between 9.15am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, or outside of those hours, you can leave a voicemail.
Please be aware that if you provide details relating to your experience as a child, staff of the Department of Education may be obliged to report this matter to Tusla. This is so that Tusla can assess whether further steps need to be taken.
Access further information on our child protection procedures, which also apply to details of abuse suffered as a child.
Scoping Inquiry into Historical Sexual Rape in Schools run by Religious Orders;-
Engagement with survivors is central to the work of the scoping inquiry. The survivor engagement process will provide an opportunity for the views of those who are most directly affected to be heard clearly, and ensure that the recommendations set out in the Lead’s final report to the Minister are informed by the outcomes sought by survivors.
The survivor engagement process is being led by child protection expert Kieran McGrath and conducted by facilitators trained in trauma-informed practice. More information about the survivor engagement process is available. Further information on this process will be published on this website as the scoping inquiry progresses.
The Scoping Inquiry has begun to send information about the process and the next steps to people who have registered their interest in participating in the survivor engagement process.
Should you have any queries, you can contact the scoping inquiry by emailing [email protected]
If you prefer, you can call +353 (0)90 6483610 between 9.15am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, or outside of those hours, you can leave a voicemail.
Please be aware that if you provide details relating to your experience as a child, staff of the Department of Education may be obliged to report this matter to Tusla. This is so that Tusla can assess whether further steps need to be taken.
Access further information on our child protection procedures, which also apply to details of abuse suffered as a child.

Sexual Rape allegations made against Priests in 19 Catholic diocesan Colleges throughout Ireland.
My questions are,
1. Why are the Pedophile Rapist Clerics till allowed to Rape Children in Irish Schools?
2 Why are Pedophile Rapist Clerics still running our schools?
Do we remain powerless and silent. How many more Children must be Raped by the Pedophile Rapist Clerics before we as a free nation act, 10,- 100, -1,000, -10,000 - a million. As long as the Catholic Church runs our schools, run our hospitals, run our Sport's Fields, run our Politicians, run the Government, run our lives, Rape our Children, all with the direct help of the Pedophile Rapist Clerics of the Catholic Church.
Enough of the silence, by not acting against the Catholic Church, Irish Politicians are enabling the Pedophile Rapist Clerics in their sexual crimes against Irish Children, our future generation. Mouthing off, belated Apologies and Prayers by the Catholic Church don’t work, never did, when the Pedophile Rapist Clerics are found out and after the Rape of the Child. A Child lives the rest of their lives with this stain, this stigma, this endless shame of their Rape and intimate violation, by so called Holy Men.
This stigma of being Raped, makes Survivors feel as if they're getting Raped all over again. It is now time to dismantle the entire institution of the Catholic Church. It never was about religion, nor spiritual nourishment, it was about Raping Children and the ruthless collection of both wealth and power by the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church Raped Children because it could, it ruthlessly collected wealth and power because it kept them in power, controlled many lives, with their endless lies. Rape is about control, Rape and Sexual Assault are about coercive control' and domination, so is the Catholic Church.
If we have learnt in the last few years about the Rape, Torture, and Murder of vulnerable children detained in Ireland’s Religious run Institutions by a flock of Clerical Pedophiles, is that, the harm done to one Victim effects each and everyone of us that Survived. Felix O’Neill
Cardinal Rapist McCarrick became the highest-ranking Roman Catholic official in the U.S. to face criminal charges for sexual Rape when he was accused in 2021 of sexually Raping a teenage boy in Massachusetts at a wedding reception in 1974.
Pope John Paul II covered up Child Rape as Cardinal in Poland. The Rape of Children by his Polish Clergy.
Feb. 13, 2023, at 5:03 a.m. LISBON (Reuters) -At least 4,815 children were sexually raped by members of the Portuguese Catholic Church - mostly Priests - over the past 70 years, a report by the commission investigating the issue said on Monday, adding the findings are the tip of the iceberg.
Here we go again, the Irish Catholic Church continues its orgy of Rape of Children and more sad news coming out from the Elite Schools of Ireland. (Full stories to be found on the link Blackrock College above)
The Catholic Church is accused of rape of million of children world-wide.
The Catholic Church conducted organised crimes against children.
The Catholic Church conducted organised crimes against children.
The United Nation's outrage over Redress for Racism in Mother and Baby Homes

Eleven French bishops accused of sexual violence and rape of 330,000 French Children
French Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, after he admitted to a "reprehensible" act of Rape on a 14-year-old Girl.
Jean-Pierre Ricard, a long-standing bishop of Bordeaux who was made a cardinal by Pope Francis in 2016, has admitted to a "reprehensible" act on a 14-year-old girl, the president of the Bishops' Conference of France, Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, told reporters.
French Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard, after he admitted to a "reprehensible" act of Rape on a 14-year-old Girl.
Jean-Pierre Ricard, a long-standing bishop of Bordeaux who was made a cardinal by Pope Francis in 2016, has admitted to a "reprehensible" act on a 14-year-old girl, the president of the Bishops' Conference of France, Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, told reporters.
Read the full devastation story on the link, below;-

The truth of the Mother and Baby lies buried with the Babies. They were human beings, for God sake. The Septic Tank that became a cesspool for babies. The Catholic Church branded the babies ‘Defective” and choose to forget. They’re only legacy a memorial wall, which is a Septic Tank still filled with over 800 children.

Pope Apologises in Canada for the Catholic Industrial Schools that Raped Indigenous Children. Pope Francis begged forgiveness for the Catholic Church's-run Rape/Murder Schools were thousands of Children were forced to assimilate, Sexually Raped and Murdered by the Clerics of the Catholic Church. Frances now asks for prayers and forgiveness. Please what about the tens of thousands of Native Children, Raped and Murdered, whose bodied have never been found, and still hidden in secret graves on Church Lands. Or the millions of other children Raped and Murdered in other countries by the same Clerics of the Catholic Church.
A sick French Priest Claims Child Rape Is Not Violence But ‘Tenderness’ Full story on the link below.
Click on the link for the latest update;- file:///Users/owenfelixoneill/Downloads/217154_dd32ddf8-ef03-47b2-b4a8-58b07a8e40df.pdf
250,000 children raped by Pedophile Clerics in New Zealand;- An interim report by the commission in December 2021 found up to a quarter of a million children, young people and vulnerable adults were physically and sexually abused in New Zealand’s faith-based and state care institutions from the 1960s to early 2000s.--
Story Breaking https://www.rawstory.com/93-potential-graves-found-at-canada-school-site/
Now the Nazi- Pope is a known Pedophile Protector. He knew by his own testimony that children were been rape by his Catholic Clerics, including his own Brother. The Nazi Pope Benedict also admits to lying to the Germany Commission, investigating child rapes in Germany. WE are outraged, as should the entire World. Pope Benedict says-"I did know about a Priest who Molested (Raped) 23 Boys".
Story on the link;-
Government criticised over lack of answers into mother-and-baby home report leak
Portugal's Catholic Church to set up committee to investigate child sex abuse
Update;- Our story of "What’s in a name-Artane Boys Band" Story below.."Dublin City Council carried Mannix Flynn's motion to remove the Lord Mayor of Dublin as Patron of the Artane Band was WON by Mannix and carried by Dublin City Council".
Cartel Paedophiles
So here we go again, over 3,200 Paedophile Catholic Priests in France. The French Catholic Church raped over 365,000 children, 97% were boys. The youngest was 3 years old, this is according to the Commission’s Investigations of France.
The head of the Commission, Jean-Marc Sauvé told Agence-France Presse that the 2,500-page report, based on Church, Court and French Police archives, as well as interviews with tens of thousands of witnesses and their families. The French Catholic Church nourished and enabled paedophiles to remain active in the Church. The commission, made up of 22 legal professionals, Doctors, Historians, Sociologists and Theologians, was set up in 2018 after Pope Francis passed a landmark measure obliging people who know about rape of children in the Catholic Church to report it to their Superiors, but not to the local Police.
The Commission promised that the report would “have the effect of a nuclear bomb”. Meanwhile the enfeebled French Bishop Éric de Moulins-Beaufort, the president of the French Conference of doddering Bishops, told a meeting of senile Parishioners he feared the report would reveal “significant and frightening figures” and Church Authorities have warned publication would be “a harsh and serious moment”, calling for “an attitude of truth and compassion” and feeble prayers.
For example, one of many from the Report, last year, 2020 a Pedophile French Priest, Father Bernard Preynat, 75, was sentenced to five years in prison for raping over 350 boy scouts aged between 7 and 14 in his care between 1971 and 1991, following allegations his Superior, a Cardinal in the French Catholic Church had covered up his rapes of children. It got worse, like here in Ireland, after the Pedophile Priest was first denounced in 1991, the Pedophile Priest, Father Bernard Preynat was prevented from leading the Boy Scouts but was later allowed to teach children at the local school and held positions of authority in the local Parish. Father Bernard Preynat continued to rape children, unabated. You can get away with anything if you are a Priest in Holy Orders. The Catholic Church always protects its own, no matter what.
Recently, I wrote about it on my website, www.tuambabies.org A French Cardinal, Philippe Barbarin, the Archbishop of Lyon, was given a six-month suspended sentence in 2019 for not reporting Father Preynat’s crimes against children. The French Cardinal was protecting the Church at all costs.
Ex- Nazi Pope, Benedict XVI addressed a Letter to Irish Catholics on the crimes of Pedophile Priests, in which he expressed his shame and sorrow over such actions. The Holy See published on its website a reminder of the legal procedures to follow against these scandalous sexual rapes of children and how to cover them up.
I know this is simplistic reasoning but Catholic Priests are pedophiles because they are celibate, plain and simple.
Or in more sensational terms: Clerical Celibacy is a crime, because it is responsible for the criminal actions of the Pedophile Priests which the Catholic Church has tried to hush up.
The Pope himself is therefore an accomplice because he intends to keep the Catholic Clergy in this crime-provoking celibacy. And also because he is the head of a crime syndicate, a loose affiliation of Clerical Pedophiles and criminals in charge of organised criminal activities. Catholic Church networks are defined by fluid interactions. They produce crime groups, Religious Orders that operate as smaller units within the overall network, and as such tend towards valuing significant others, familiarity of social and economic environments, or tradition. These Religious Orders networks are usually composed of:
Organised Clerical crime groups of Nuns, Christian Brother, Priests and other Religious Groups provide a range of illegal services and goods. Organised Church crimes often victimises businesses through the use of extortion or theft encouraging fraud activities like -extorting money from vulnerable companies, Governments, and families. Running Death Camps for vulnerable children like the Industrial Schools, using slave children, who are then raped, tortured, and beaten to death. Magdalene Laundries to enslave women and their children, Orphanages used for sex Trafficking of stolen babies, vulnerable children and slave women. Trying out experimental medical vaccines on victimising babies and children on behalf of criminal international drug companies. Selling the brutalised children’s bodies to Medical Schools, or the same drug companies that killed them.
Other Organised frauds committed by the Catholic Church are economic espionage, embezzlement, identity theft. All the organised crime groups defraud national, state, or local governments by bid rigging on Religious or Public Projects, counterfeiting money, trafficking or smuggling a range of goods, and people, mostly babies and children. All to enrich the Church and to avoid paying taxes.
The Catholic Church as an Organised crime group seeks to corrupt public officials in executive, law enforcement, and judicial roles so that their criminal enterprises and activities can avoid, or at least receive early warnings about, investigations and prosecutions.
Criminal activities of The Catholic Church organised crime family, world-wide and is headed by a Supreme Leader, The Godfather, The Pope- includes-
Money Laundering
Confidence Tricks
Trafficking in Human Beings
Organ Trafficking
Death Trafficking
Insurance Fraud
Identity Document Forgery
Providing illegal immigration and cheap labour, women, babies and children smuggling. Organised Catholic Church crime groups also do a range of business and labour criminal activities, such as setting up monopolies in Schools, Colleges, Universities, Nursing Homes/ Retirement Home, and Hospitals. Political Corruption and Extorting.
In organised Religion there is a hierarchy, with higher-ranking members making decisions that trickle down to the other members of the family. The leader of each Religious Order family is known as The Superior, normally a Bishop or Archbishop, or even a Cardinal. To become a family member/ cleric means to accept secret rituals, complicated rules and tangled webs of loyalty to a Supreme Leader. Part of the oath a Cleric takes when he/she becomes a "Cleric" a member of a Religious Order/ family, is that the Roman Catholic Church comes before birth, family and even God. The inductee must promise that he will be a member of the Roman Catholic Church family for life. The Religious Order Families use a variety of activities to accomplish the Church's main goal of making money. There is no difference between the Roman Catholic Church and the Mafia, both are part of the same Religious Order.
The biggest problem is the culpable silence of their deprived Superiors, within the crime family known as the Roman Catholic Church. That deafening silence acts as a permeated cancer and will continue to pervade into the tortured children’s lives, and in the end consumed by their own stolen abused childhoods, many will fall by the wayside, abandoned by humanity, only to seek solace in the worst excesses of human depravity. The lecheries of the serial Pedophile Clerics and the innate corruption and total depravity of Mother-Church are serious drawbacks to Mankind to this very day. It is now time to abandon and destroy this insidious corruptor of evil, The Cult, The Clerics, The Roman Catholic Church.
No Child will even be safe as long as this evil Cult, The Roman Catholic Church operates. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle once said- “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man”. St. Ignatius Loyola said- “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” The power of early training and indoctrination, espoused and practiced by the Roman Catholic Church says -“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will rape, torture, brutalise and destroy the child, the child's childhood, his life, his family, his future, until he is a man”. Owen Felix O’Neill
So here we go again, over 3,200 Paedophile Catholic Priests in France. The French Catholic Church raped over 365,000 children, 97% were boys. The youngest was 3 years old, this is according to the Commission’s Investigations of France.
The head of the Commission, Jean-Marc Sauvé told Agence-France Presse that the 2,500-page report, based on Church, Court and French Police archives, as well as interviews with tens of thousands of witnesses and their families. The French Catholic Church nourished and enabled paedophiles to remain active in the Church. The commission, made up of 22 legal professionals, Doctors, Historians, Sociologists and Theologians, was set up in 2018 after Pope Francis passed a landmark measure obliging people who know about rape of children in the Catholic Church to report it to their Superiors, but not to the local Police.
The Commission promised that the report would “have the effect of a nuclear bomb”. Meanwhile the enfeebled French Bishop Éric de Moulins-Beaufort, the president of the French Conference of doddering Bishops, told a meeting of senile Parishioners he feared the report would reveal “significant and frightening figures” and Church Authorities have warned publication would be “a harsh and serious moment”, calling for “an attitude of truth and compassion” and feeble prayers.
For example, one of many from the Report, last year, 2020 a Pedophile French Priest, Father Bernard Preynat, 75, was sentenced to five years in prison for raping over 350 boy scouts aged between 7 and 14 in his care between 1971 and 1991, following allegations his Superior, a Cardinal in the French Catholic Church had covered up his rapes of children. It got worse, like here in Ireland, after the Pedophile Priest was first denounced in 1991, the Pedophile Priest, Father Bernard Preynat was prevented from leading the Boy Scouts but was later allowed to teach children at the local school and held positions of authority in the local Parish. Father Bernard Preynat continued to rape children, unabated. You can get away with anything if you are a Priest in Holy Orders. The Catholic Church always protects its own, no matter what.
Recently, I wrote about it on my website, www.tuambabies.org A French Cardinal, Philippe Barbarin, the Archbishop of Lyon, was given a six-month suspended sentence in 2019 for not reporting Father Preynat’s crimes against children. The French Cardinal was protecting the Church at all costs.
Ex- Nazi Pope, Benedict XVI addressed a Letter to Irish Catholics on the crimes of Pedophile Priests, in which he expressed his shame and sorrow over such actions. The Holy See published on its website a reminder of the legal procedures to follow against these scandalous sexual rapes of children and how to cover them up.
I know this is simplistic reasoning but Catholic Priests are pedophiles because they are celibate, plain and simple.
Or in more sensational terms: Clerical Celibacy is a crime, because it is responsible for the criminal actions of the Pedophile Priests which the Catholic Church has tried to hush up.
The Pope himself is therefore an accomplice because he intends to keep the Catholic Clergy in this crime-provoking celibacy. And also because he is the head of a crime syndicate, a loose affiliation of Clerical Pedophiles and criminals in charge of organised criminal activities. Catholic Church networks are defined by fluid interactions. They produce crime groups, Religious Orders that operate as smaller units within the overall network, and as such tend towards valuing significant others, familiarity of social and economic environments, or tradition. These Religious Orders networks are usually composed of:
- Hierarchies based on 'naturally' forming Religious Orders, of male and female members who follow social and cultural traditions;
- Communication and rule enforcement mechanisms dependent on organisational structure, social etiquette, history of deceit and collective decision-making.
Organised Clerical crime groups of Nuns, Christian Brother, Priests and other Religious Groups provide a range of illegal services and goods. Organised Church crimes often victimises businesses through the use of extortion or theft encouraging fraud activities like -extorting money from vulnerable companies, Governments, and families. Running Death Camps for vulnerable children like the Industrial Schools, using slave children, who are then raped, tortured, and beaten to death. Magdalene Laundries to enslave women and their children, Orphanages used for sex Trafficking of stolen babies, vulnerable children and slave women. Trying out experimental medical vaccines on victimising babies and children on behalf of criminal international drug companies. Selling the brutalised children’s bodies to Medical Schools, or the same drug companies that killed them.
Other Organised frauds committed by the Catholic Church are economic espionage, embezzlement, identity theft. All the organised crime groups defraud national, state, or local governments by bid rigging on Religious or Public Projects, counterfeiting money, trafficking or smuggling a range of goods, and people, mostly babies and children. All to enrich the Church and to avoid paying taxes.
The Catholic Church as an Organised crime group seeks to corrupt public officials in executive, law enforcement, and judicial roles so that their criminal enterprises and activities can avoid, or at least receive early warnings about, investigations and prosecutions.
Criminal activities of The Catholic Church organised crime family, world-wide and is headed by a Supreme Leader, The Godfather, The Pope- includes-
Money Laundering
Confidence Tricks
Trafficking in Human Beings
Organ Trafficking
Death Trafficking
Insurance Fraud
Identity Document Forgery
Providing illegal immigration and cheap labour, women, babies and children smuggling. Organised Catholic Church crime groups also do a range of business and labour criminal activities, such as setting up monopolies in Schools, Colleges, Universities, Nursing Homes/ Retirement Home, and Hospitals. Political Corruption and Extorting.
In organised Religion there is a hierarchy, with higher-ranking members making decisions that trickle down to the other members of the family. The leader of each Religious Order family is known as The Superior, normally a Bishop or Archbishop, or even a Cardinal. To become a family member/ cleric means to accept secret rituals, complicated rules and tangled webs of loyalty to a Supreme Leader. Part of the oath a Cleric takes when he/she becomes a "Cleric" a member of a Religious Order/ family, is that the Roman Catholic Church comes before birth, family and even God. The inductee must promise that he will be a member of the Roman Catholic Church family for life. The Religious Order Families use a variety of activities to accomplish the Church's main goal of making money. There is no difference between the Roman Catholic Church and the Mafia, both are part of the same Religious Order.
The biggest problem is the culpable silence of their deprived Superiors, within the crime family known as the Roman Catholic Church. That deafening silence acts as a permeated cancer and will continue to pervade into the tortured children’s lives, and in the end consumed by their own stolen abused childhoods, many will fall by the wayside, abandoned by humanity, only to seek solace in the worst excesses of human depravity. The lecheries of the serial Pedophile Clerics and the innate corruption and total depravity of Mother-Church are serious drawbacks to Mankind to this very day. It is now time to abandon and destroy this insidious corruptor of evil, The Cult, The Clerics, The Roman Catholic Church.
No Child will even be safe as long as this evil Cult, The Roman Catholic Church operates. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle once said- “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man”. St. Ignatius Loyola said- “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.” The power of early training and indoctrination, espoused and practiced by the Roman Catholic Church says -“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will rape, torture, brutalise and destroy the child, the child's childhood, his life, his family, his future, until he is a man”. Owen Felix O’Neill

What’s in a name-Artane Boys Band
At its height, Artane, an Industrial School in Dublin, had over 400 boys, detained in a hell-hole prison built for children. Daily discipline was brutally maintained by the Christian Brothers. The Christian Brothers that ran Artane Industrial School, were given no specific training on how to be childminders. Instead they were free, within limits, to do whatever they thought was necessary to maintain order in the children’s prison and to command the respect of the children. Artane Industrial School regulations certainly gave the Christian Brothers the authority to punish children at will to maintain control. The Christian Brothers officially had the right and christian duty to use endemic violence and rape on the vulnerable children arbitrarily, plus the absolute right to kill them. Violence was always used to ensure orderly supervision and management of the Industrial Schools. In spite of the regulations laid down by the Order of Christian Brothers and their prohibition on assaulting children, the Christian Brothers at all the Industrial Schools carried out their daily tasks brutally and bloodily. It's a fact that some of the most vulnerable children in Artane and other Industrial Schools in Ireland over the years were raped and beaten to death.
Remember the Christian Brothers had no training in child care, no understanding of children, except within their own families. The Christian Brothers were told from day one of their training as Brothers that these children of the Industrial Schools were the spawns of the devil. The children of the Industrial Schools in Ireland were marginalised, by the Catholic Church and that allowed the Religious Orders of the Catholic Church to commit the worst atrocities on them. Even to this very day discrimination against children of single mothers in Ireland is deeply rooted and a common reality in the Catholic Church.
Collective violence and rape was common in all Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Passive Christian Brothers and other officials who saw what was happening by not acting, like refusing to see, amounted to silent approval. It confirms to those Nuns and Christian Brothers who do act that the fundamental rules of mutual help have ceased to apply. To understand the excesses of violence, it is crucial to consider the role of the passive Christian Brothers who also generated violence. At the same time, sadist colleagues serve as ‘negative figures of reference’. They allow the spectators, the passive Christian Brothers, to see themselves as ‘normal’, even, by contrast, humane and compassionate.
It is now known that many of the Christian Brothers, themselves were known to be guilty of multiple sexual rape and humiliation of boys in other Religious run Institutions in Ireland and England. Many of these sadist Christian Brothers were especially assigned to Artane Industrial School. The first thing to remember about Artane Industrial School, in Dublin is that every Christian Brother that worked there, was a pedophile and a sadist, one way or the other. Every single Christian Brother that worked at Artane Industrial School was named as a sadist and a pedophile. One only needs to read The Ryan Report on Artane Industrial School to understand why;-It was open, hunting season by the Catholic Church and its policy to rape, beat, torture and murder children in any of the Religious Run Institutions in Ireland. And they the sadists, the Religious Orders got away with it, the Catholic Church as a whole were given immunity by The Ryan Report- The Commission to inquire into Child Abuse Ireland.
The Congregation of Christian Brothers told the world that it does not accept any blame as a Congregation for the sexual rape, brutality, torture, murder and humiliation of boys as young as 7 years old in Artane Industrial School, in Dublin. According to the findings in;- The Ryan Report, the Commission to inquire into Child Abuse Ireland 2009. --3,685 boys were detained between 1940 and 1969 in Artane Industrial School, Dublin. According to The Ryan Report;-
1,173 boys reported sexual rape on them by all the pedophile Christian Brothers, the other 2,512 boys died or were to afraid to give evidence to the Ryan Commission. The numbers alone 1,173 boys now as men are staggering. Secrecy is an Irish disease, secrecy is also a Catholic Church sacred ritual, the Catholic Church thrives on secrecy. Child Rape by the Clerics absolutely thrives on secrecy. Secrecy was employed by The Irish Catholic Church to facilitate and conceal the rape of vulnerable children in all their Religious run Institutions or child prisons in Ireland. The Secrecy was suppressed for many decades and was orchestrated and perpetuated by both the Irish Catholic Church, its Clerics, further concealed and encouraged with the active help of most members of the Irish Government at the time.
Music was a fundamental component of life in all the Industrial Schools of Ireland. The most famous was the Artane Boys Band, Dublin. From almost the beginning of the opening of Artane Industrial School, in Dublin, a boys band was established, the year was 1871. The Christian Brothers routinely ordered the boys to sing while marching or exercising or during punishment actions. This was done to mock, humiliate, rape and discipline the boys. Boys who disobeyed the rules or who incorrectly carried them out gave the Christian Brothers an excuse for arbitrary beatings. Boys who didn’t know the song or music or marching were beaten as well, a few were beaten to death.
The sadistic Christian Brothers inflicted savage beatings and rapes on most boys daily. In 1886 the band established its hugely rewarding relationship with the two-year old Gaelic Athletic Association, known as the GAA, when the Artane's Boys Band first performed at a GAA match in Dublin. This relationship would help to chart the future of the Artane’s Boys Band right up until the present day, as it would later become synonymous with Croke Park and Gaelic games right throughout the country. The State broadcaster, RTE also has a lot to answer for, for glorifying the Artane Boys Band and encouraging the Band’s biggest Pedophile, Brother Joseph O’Connor. Brother Joseph O’Connor was a bigger pedophile than Jimmy Savile, the fiendish Brother Joseph O’Connor even raped and beat the boys in the band in public. Brother Joseph O’Connor encouraged other nefarious pedophiles to pick up any vulnerable boy they chose and take the boy home for a day or two.
The repertoire of Artane's Boys Band depended on the preferences of the Christian Brothers, on their musical sophistication, and on the occasions when the band would perform. Artane Industrial School boys band performed not only Sundays at all GAA sports events, but any other day that the Christian Brothers could exploit. The boys in the Artane Band never received any payment, not even a penny from a grateful GAA except a shared bottle of Fanta and a bag of Tayto Crisps as a thanks. Irony would have it that Fanta was actually created in Nazi Germany, Fanta was invented by Coca-Cola, an American company, inside of Nazi Germany during World War II.
The Artane Boys Band was a veneer for the criminal activities of the nefarious Christian Brothers, it was all an elaborate hoax. Elaborate measures were taken to disguise the dreadful conditions in the child prison known as Artane Industrial School and to portray an atmosphere of normalcy. The Artane Boys Band was used ruthlessly to show a very content Christian school. Also a beautification propaganda program was started, the boys were forced to planted gardens, painted housing complexes, renovated dormitories, and developed and practiced cultural programs for the entertainment of the visiting dignitaries to convince them that Artane Industrial School and the Artane Boys Band were happy and real. Artane Industrial School had been "cleaned up" and rearranged as a model Industrial School, an Irish Boys Town. It was Fr. Edward Flanagan, the founder of Boy's Town who was from Roscommon. Fr. Flanagan’s visit to Ireland in 1946, he was appalled by the abuse of children in the institutions he had visited.
But no amount of veneer or makeover could hide when the distinguished visitors walked around and saw for themselves, children with black eyes, children with broken limbs, terror and sadness on most of the children’s faces. You cannot veneer horror, nor the smell of fear, nor the pain and suffering of vulnerable starving children. During the inspection of Artane Industrial School, the conniving Christian Brothers talked to the eminent visitors and hoped to show that the treatment of the boys was a demonstration of their benevolent treatment by the kind and generous Christian Brothers, a safe place where the children could be housed and play in safety. The Artane Boys Band would parade and play a few marching musical numbers, the Christian Brothers smiled, the eminent visitors smiled, while the starving, bruised, beaten and raped boys cried.
When Government Officials and other clowns came to inspect the hell-hole of Artane concentration camp for inspections, proud Christian Brothers showed off the band as a 'special attraction' and as proof of 'their' Industrial School’s exemplary performance. The musicians’ the boys main duties, however, were to provide background music for the daily horrors of rape, beatings, humiliations and ever murder by the Christian Brothers in Artane Industrial School. The boys band performed under the most inhuman of circumstances, something that caused all the surviving boys to experience feelings of guilt and depression for the rest of their lives. Some of the boys as young musicians were summoned to play for the Christian Brothers or visiting Clerics in private entertainment. A few of the boys were beaten and raped at these private events by visiting Senior Clerics and prominent people.
Many of the boys were granted a special status that offered them some protection against arbitrary acts, committed by the Christian Brothers as well as privileges essential for survival, but still most if not all the boys in the band were raped and beaten. Yes the boys got 'milder' work assignments, better clothing or additional food rations, like a bottle of Fanta and a bag of Tayto Crisps. In a sense, making music at the Industrial School served as a survival strategy for many of the boys, but in reality the beatings, humiliations and rapes were more severe. The Band leader Brother Joseph O’Connor was a well known serial and prolific pedophile, of the worst order and the boys band was his special domain. Brother O’Connor ruled the band, his boys, his chicken coop with an iron fist, a childhood for all the boys, a life filled with fear, humiliation and random sexual rape.
Musical life in the Industrial Schools was of a distinctly two-faced nature. On the one hand, music acted as a means of survival for the boys; on the other hand, it served as an instrument of terror for the Christian Brothers. The Christian Brothers raped and beat the boys for their own purposes. With forced daily musical performances they furthered the process of breaking the boys willpower and of human degradation. Thus, music in the Industrial Schools served as a necessary distraction and method of cultural survival for the boys, and simultaneously as a means of domination for the perpetrators, The Christian Brothers.
The GAA needs to pay reparations to all the survivors of the Artane Industrial Boys Band. In reality the Artane Boys Band was at all times used as a vehicle by the Christian Brothers to economically exploit highly vulnerable boys. In its original guise, The Artane Boys Band was used as a front to hide the gross inhumanity, the rapes, beatings, humiliations and death that took place at Artane Industrial School in Dublin.
The original and traditional insignia of blue and red uniforms are still worn to this day and are a shameful reminder of the institutional rape, beatings, humiliation and death still suffered by so many ex-boys from Artane. Just like the Nazi regime’s prisoner uniforms made of coarse grey-blue striped material which had become standard issue in the concentration death camps of Nazi Germany. The blue and red uniforms still worn today are a stark reminder to all survivors of the horrors of Artane boys band and Artane Industrial School. Each of these Artane band uniforms were marked with a boy’s name inked on the inside of the uniform indicating the boys’s category and an identification number that henceforth substituted his name, the same method as the Nazi used in their death camps. It is insulting to still see boys and girls parading on nation television at sports events in the blue and red uniforms that still represent, rape, humiliations and death of the boys of Artane Industrial School and Artane’s boys band. Shame on the GAA, Shame on the Political and Businesses that still support the Artane Boys band-but the biggest shame is reserved on the still behind the scenes of the Christian Brothers and the Irish Catholic Church. Their culture of rape, humiliation and death of many of thousands of the boys of the Artane Boys band.
In view of some deaths of the boys in the band, new boys to the Industrial School were often given the old uniforms and shoes left behind by the murdered. Let’s not forget that these same uniforms are handed down proudly to future generations of children ignorant of what the uniform represented;-The Artane Industrial School for boys and Artane’s boys band. We need to change its name to break the association with the discredited murderous institution, an institution forever know for death, rape, torture and humiliation of thousands of boys. Boys as young as 7 years of age to boys as old as 16, all vulnerable children. All at the mercy of Catholic Christian Brother Pedophiles, 80% of the boys have died since Artane Industrial School was closed in 1969. Many through-Suicide, Drugs, Alcohol, Despair and Murder. This is the true legacy of The Artane Industrial School, Prison Camp, hell-hole for boys and Artane’s boys band. Owen Felix O’Neill
At its height, Artane, an Industrial School in Dublin, had over 400 boys, detained in a hell-hole prison built for children. Daily discipline was brutally maintained by the Christian Brothers. The Christian Brothers that ran Artane Industrial School, were given no specific training on how to be childminders. Instead they were free, within limits, to do whatever they thought was necessary to maintain order in the children’s prison and to command the respect of the children. Artane Industrial School regulations certainly gave the Christian Brothers the authority to punish children at will to maintain control. The Christian Brothers officially had the right and christian duty to use endemic violence and rape on the vulnerable children arbitrarily, plus the absolute right to kill them. Violence was always used to ensure orderly supervision and management of the Industrial Schools. In spite of the regulations laid down by the Order of Christian Brothers and their prohibition on assaulting children, the Christian Brothers at all the Industrial Schools carried out their daily tasks brutally and bloodily. It's a fact that some of the most vulnerable children in Artane and other Industrial Schools in Ireland over the years were raped and beaten to death.
Remember the Christian Brothers had no training in child care, no understanding of children, except within their own families. The Christian Brothers were told from day one of their training as Brothers that these children of the Industrial Schools were the spawns of the devil. The children of the Industrial Schools in Ireland were marginalised, by the Catholic Church and that allowed the Religious Orders of the Catholic Church to commit the worst atrocities on them. Even to this very day discrimination against children of single mothers in Ireland is deeply rooted and a common reality in the Catholic Church.
Collective violence and rape was common in all Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Passive Christian Brothers and other officials who saw what was happening by not acting, like refusing to see, amounted to silent approval. It confirms to those Nuns and Christian Brothers who do act that the fundamental rules of mutual help have ceased to apply. To understand the excesses of violence, it is crucial to consider the role of the passive Christian Brothers who also generated violence. At the same time, sadist colleagues serve as ‘negative figures of reference’. They allow the spectators, the passive Christian Brothers, to see themselves as ‘normal’, even, by contrast, humane and compassionate.
It is now known that many of the Christian Brothers, themselves were known to be guilty of multiple sexual rape and humiliation of boys in other Religious run Institutions in Ireland and England. Many of these sadist Christian Brothers were especially assigned to Artane Industrial School. The first thing to remember about Artane Industrial School, in Dublin is that every Christian Brother that worked there, was a pedophile and a sadist, one way or the other. Every single Christian Brother that worked at Artane Industrial School was named as a sadist and a pedophile. One only needs to read The Ryan Report on Artane Industrial School to understand why;-It was open, hunting season by the Catholic Church and its policy to rape, beat, torture and murder children in any of the Religious Run Institutions in Ireland. And they the sadists, the Religious Orders got away with it, the Catholic Church as a whole were given immunity by The Ryan Report- The Commission to inquire into Child Abuse Ireland.
The Congregation of Christian Brothers told the world that it does not accept any blame as a Congregation for the sexual rape, brutality, torture, murder and humiliation of boys as young as 7 years old in Artane Industrial School, in Dublin. According to the findings in;- The Ryan Report, the Commission to inquire into Child Abuse Ireland 2009. --3,685 boys were detained between 1940 and 1969 in Artane Industrial School, Dublin. According to The Ryan Report;-
1,173 boys reported sexual rape on them by all the pedophile Christian Brothers, the other 2,512 boys died or were to afraid to give evidence to the Ryan Commission. The numbers alone 1,173 boys now as men are staggering. Secrecy is an Irish disease, secrecy is also a Catholic Church sacred ritual, the Catholic Church thrives on secrecy. Child Rape by the Clerics absolutely thrives on secrecy. Secrecy was employed by The Irish Catholic Church to facilitate and conceal the rape of vulnerable children in all their Religious run Institutions or child prisons in Ireland. The Secrecy was suppressed for many decades and was orchestrated and perpetuated by both the Irish Catholic Church, its Clerics, further concealed and encouraged with the active help of most members of the Irish Government at the time.
Music was a fundamental component of life in all the Industrial Schools of Ireland. The most famous was the Artane Boys Band, Dublin. From almost the beginning of the opening of Artane Industrial School, in Dublin, a boys band was established, the year was 1871. The Christian Brothers routinely ordered the boys to sing while marching or exercising or during punishment actions. This was done to mock, humiliate, rape and discipline the boys. Boys who disobeyed the rules or who incorrectly carried them out gave the Christian Brothers an excuse for arbitrary beatings. Boys who didn’t know the song or music or marching were beaten as well, a few were beaten to death.
The sadistic Christian Brothers inflicted savage beatings and rapes on most boys daily. In 1886 the band established its hugely rewarding relationship with the two-year old Gaelic Athletic Association, known as the GAA, when the Artane's Boys Band first performed at a GAA match in Dublin. This relationship would help to chart the future of the Artane’s Boys Band right up until the present day, as it would later become synonymous with Croke Park and Gaelic games right throughout the country. The State broadcaster, RTE also has a lot to answer for, for glorifying the Artane Boys Band and encouraging the Band’s biggest Pedophile, Brother Joseph O’Connor. Brother Joseph O’Connor was a bigger pedophile than Jimmy Savile, the fiendish Brother Joseph O’Connor even raped and beat the boys in the band in public. Brother Joseph O’Connor encouraged other nefarious pedophiles to pick up any vulnerable boy they chose and take the boy home for a day or two.
The repertoire of Artane's Boys Band depended on the preferences of the Christian Brothers, on their musical sophistication, and on the occasions when the band would perform. Artane Industrial School boys band performed not only Sundays at all GAA sports events, but any other day that the Christian Brothers could exploit. The boys in the Artane Band never received any payment, not even a penny from a grateful GAA except a shared bottle of Fanta and a bag of Tayto Crisps as a thanks. Irony would have it that Fanta was actually created in Nazi Germany, Fanta was invented by Coca-Cola, an American company, inside of Nazi Germany during World War II.
The Artane Boys Band was a veneer for the criminal activities of the nefarious Christian Brothers, it was all an elaborate hoax. Elaborate measures were taken to disguise the dreadful conditions in the child prison known as Artane Industrial School and to portray an atmosphere of normalcy. The Artane Boys Band was used ruthlessly to show a very content Christian school. Also a beautification propaganda program was started, the boys were forced to planted gardens, painted housing complexes, renovated dormitories, and developed and practiced cultural programs for the entertainment of the visiting dignitaries to convince them that Artane Industrial School and the Artane Boys Band were happy and real. Artane Industrial School had been "cleaned up" and rearranged as a model Industrial School, an Irish Boys Town. It was Fr. Edward Flanagan, the founder of Boy's Town who was from Roscommon. Fr. Flanagan’s visit to Ireland in 1946, he was appalled by the abuse of children in the institutions he had visited.
But no amount of veneer or makeover could hide when the distinguished visitors walked around and saw for themselves, children with black eyes, children with broken limbs, terror and sadness on most of the children’s faces. You cannot veneer horror, nor the smell of fear, nor the pain and suffering of vulnerable starving children. During the inspection of Artane Industrial School, the conniving Christian Brothers talked to the eminent visitors and hoped to show that the treatment of the boys was a demonstration of their benevolent treatment by the kind and generous Christian Brothers, a safe place where the children could be housed and play in safety. The Artane Boys Band would parade and play a few marching musical numbers, the Christian Brothers smiled, the eminent visitors smiled, while the starving, bruised, beaten and raped boys cried.
When Government Officials and other clowns came to inspect the hell-hole of Artane concentration camp for inspections, proud Christian Brothers showed off the band as a 'special attraction' and as proof of 'their' Industrial School’s exemplary performance. The musicians’ the boys main duties, however, were to provide background music for the daily horrors of rape, beatings, humiliations and ever murder by the Christian Brothers in Artane Industrial School. The boys band performed under the most inhuman of circumstances, something that caused all the surviving boys to experience feelings of guilt and depression for the rest of their lives. Some of the boys as young musicians were summoned to play for the Christian Brothers or visiting Clerics in private entertainment. A few of the boys were beaten and raped at these private events by visiting Senior Clerics and prominent people.
Many of the boys were granted a special status that offered them some protection against arbitrary acts, committed by the Christian Brothers as well as privileges essential for survival, but still most if not all the boys in the band were raped and beaten. Yes the boys got 'milder' work assignments, better clothing or additional food rations, like a bottle of Fanta and a bag of Tayto Crisps. In a sense, making music at the Industrial School served as a survival strategy for many of the boys, but in reality the beatings, humiliations and rapes were more severe. The Band leader Brother Joseph O’Connor was a well known serial and prolific pedophile, of the worst order and the boys band was his special domain. Brother O’Connor ruled the band, his boys, his chicken coop with an iron fist, a childhood for all the boys, a life filled with fear, humiliation and random sexual rape.
Musical life in the Industrial Schools was of a distinctly two-faced nature. On the one hand, music acted as a means of survival for the boys; on the other hand, it served as an instrument of terror for the Christian Brothers. The Christian Brothers raped and beat the boys for their own purposes. With forced daily musical performances they furthered the process of breaking the boys willpower and of human degradation. Thus, music in the Industrial Schools served as a necessary distraction and method of cultural survival for the boys, and simultaneously as a means of domination for the perpetrators, The Christian Brothers.
The GAA needs to pay reparations to all the survivors of the Artane Industrial Boys Band. In reality the Artane Boys Band was at all times used as a vehicle by the Christian Brothers to economically exploit highly vulnerable boys. In its original guise, The Artane Boys Band was used as a front to hide the gross inhumanity, the rapes, beatings, humiliations and death that took place at Artane Industrial School in Dublin.
The original and traditional insignia of blue and red uniforms are still worn to this day and are a shameful reminder of the institutional rape, beatings, humiliation and death still suffered by so many ex-boys from Artane. Just like the Nazi regime’s prisoner uniforms made of coarse grey-blue striped material which had become standard issue in the concentration death camps of Nazi Germany. The blue and red uniforms still worn today are a stark reminder to all survivors of the horrors of Artane boys band and Artane Industrial School. Each of these Artane band uniforms were marked with a boy’s name inked on the inside of the uniform indicating the boys’s category and an identification number that henceforth substituted his name, the same method as the Nazi used in their death camps. It is insulting to still see boys and girls parading on nation television at sports events in the blue and red uniforms that still represent, rape, humiliations and death of the boys of Artane Industrial School and Artane’s boys band. Shame on the GAA, Shame on the Political and Businesses that still support the Artane Boys band-but the biggest shame is reserved on the still behind the scenes of the Christian Brothers and the Irish Catholic Church. Their culture of rape, humiliation and death of many of thousands of the boys of the Artane Boys band.
In view of some deaths of the boys in the band, new boys to the Industrial School were often given the old uniforms and shoes left behind by the murdered. Let’s not forget that these same uniforms are handed down proudly to future generations of children ignorant of what the uniform represented;-The Artane Industrial School for boys and Artane’s boys band. We need to change its name to break the association with the discredited murderous institution, an institution forever know for death, rape, torture and humiliation of thousands of boys. Boys as young as 7 years of age to boys as old as 16, all vulnerable children. All at the mercy of Catholic Christian Brother Pedophiles, 80% of the boys have died since Artane Industrial School was closed in 1969. Many through-Suicide, Drugs, Alcohol, Despair and Murder. This is the true legacy of The Artane Industrial School, Prison Camp, hell-hole for boys and Artane’s boys band. Owen Felix O’Neill

Pedophile Cardinal McCarrick ‘ran child sex ring from beach house where he obtained at least 7 boys to be raped by 4 Clerics’. Top US Cardinal Theodore McCarrick expelled from Catholic Priesthood because he Raped a teenager and solicited sex during Confession. Pope John Paul II knew former Newark Archbishop was a PEDOPHILE before promoting him to Cardinal in Washington. An internal Vatican report published on Tuesday found that Pope John Paul II was aware of the accusations. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has been charged with raping a 16-year-old boy during a 1974 wedding reception. Pedophile Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has raped many young boys during his lifetime as a Cardinal.
Breaking Story;- Click on CANADA Banner above for Updates
Researchers say that TB at residential schools was no accident
GENOCIDE-The deliberate killing of a large number of People from a particular Nation or Ethnic Group with the aim of destroying that Nation or Group.
Chief Bobby Cameron Interview;-
Letterfrack Industrial School.
We were children.The Industrial Schools, Orphanages, Mother and Baby Homes and Magdalene Laundries of Ireland, were just child brothels, rape rooms for the Clerics. A smorgasbord for pedophile Clerics and Christian rapists who preyed on and terrorised vulnerable children in all the religious run Institutions in Ireland. Floggings and nights of stark terror as Clerics took their pick of the frightened children as they hid in their nightmares. Vulnerable children whose childhoods and lives the Clerics destroyed and stole. The rape was worse for the girls, who were sometimes violently impregnated by their Christian rapists.
The screaming children were passed around, from pedophile Cleric to pedophile Cleric. The rapes would stay with the child for eternity, the Clerics would simply smile and confess their filthy sins, holy water was used to cleanse their foul mouths, sinful spite was used as a lubricant for their uncleansed members. The full magnitude of the children's suffering has yet to be entirely understood, but each child, now a man or woman, hides their delirium of shame, some bury their grief, in oceans of soothing alcohol. Others swam with psychedelic drugs, hoping to change their perception of their altered state of consciousness. Many vulnerable children, damaged as men, ended their hopeless lives of misery at the end of a crying rope, or a cocktail syringe of Christian hypocrisy, pumped into drug hungry veins, or a multitude of other sad endings, rough sleeping on cold, wet streets of despondency. Desolated streets filled with shame and wondering despair are full of dead humanity’s bones and everything unclean.
Still tens of thousands of apparitions of children haunt and roam the ghostly mass graves, overflowing septic tanks and haunted Industrial school hallways. 150,000 vulnerable children passed through these forbidden gates, 21,579 survived today. Each minute, each hour, each day, each week, each month, each year, we die, stories are untold. Sadly our band of Survivors decrease, even as I write and record our collective history.
I walk daily with both the living and the dead, I recently walked in the soulless cemetery while in Letterfrack Industrial School with a six year old boy, a kindred spirit. Yet I knew his name, though unspoken was Sean. Sean whose brutal death he wore on his exposed back. The scars of a flogging and rape at the hands of endoparasite Christian Brothers, was still raw, raised welts and strafe marks crisscrossed his back.. Sean led me safely through the spiky evergreen hollies, he recognised our mutual pain and suffering. Sean brought something else, his benevolent spirit to sooth me, a very angry man. Ectoparasite infestation was and is Christianity, which is a cancerous parasite feeding on the body of humanity. Clerical parasites with their snouts, buried daily, deep into the rape and murder of children.
God didn’t send this Kindred Spirit as I stood with Sean, as I witnessed the secret graves, beyond the giant evergreen hollies, used to guard the forgotten graves. The children’s stories, untold, their shame is engraved on any passing leaf, the murmuring wind carries a voice, their voices that pass through the drooping evergreens. The holly bears the crown of a child suffering, each spike carries a tear that drops into the crevices of this unswept earth. Beneath the carpet of wild moss rests charity and maternal love, the unwanted children hide, beneath a hundred years of brutal Christian hate, fed on superstitious fears. Many Winters of Conifers of fallen leaves, deposit and hide their suffering, but their brutal pain can be seen, if one looks, etched and felt in the surrounding air or hidden by a small clump of moss, lurking beneath a confused conifer.
The hidden cemetery floor is covered with 85 broken heart shaped stones, used as grave markers, each stone was engraved with a name, age, and passing year. The cause of the children’s death was never recorded- age 5 one read, name unknown, my tears of anger seeping into the crevices of their anguished graves. For here lies a genocide of crimes against vulnerable children. This forsaken cemetery while barely kept is guarded by a drunk, leaning Virgin Mary, she denies the horrors, the Mary Cult of death, now deny these horrors, their worthless clerics and their religion caused the rape and murder of the innocences, the children, now unfolding in her name. While a few feet away one large granite stone obelisk, covered, partly in creeping fine moss, now cracked, listing the names of 61 children disposed of, beneath the corrupt obelisk. The front panel reads —--
“ Dear Lord Grant Eternal Rest to all our Deceased” You are all Remembered by The Brothers, Lay Staff and Pupils of St. Joseph’s
How insulting that the 210 plus children, now dead, were in the care of the Christian Brothers, who flogged, terrorised, raped and then murdered these vulnerable children, and disposed of into these thankless mass graves. Only to be remembered by their pedophile tormentors, chiselled in cold stone on a stone obelisk by their rapists for eternity- These degenerate clerics, these murderous pedophile Christian Brothers. This is truly outrageous.
No amount of fresh colourful paint on the cold grey stone walls, can hide the stench that percolates the suffering and pain, of floggings, rapes, torture and murder of vulnerable children, that took place within this godforsaken hellhole of Letterfrack Industrial School. Now the brilliant red colour to the front of the Industrial School outer walls, acts as a flash beacon in the lush wild Connemara landscape. In reality the red colour of hell is a bleak reminder that it was a real hell on earth for the thousands of vulnerable children who resided there, a living hell and a continuous nightmare on a daily basis for its few remaining Survivors. Owen Felix O’Neill
We were children.The Industrial Schools, Orphanages, Mother and Baby Homes and Magdalene Laundries of Ireland, were just child brothels, rape rooms for the Clerics. A smorgasbord for pedophile Clerics and Christian rapists who preyed on and terrorised vulnerable children in all the religious run Institutions in Ireland. Floggings and nights of stark terror as Clerics took their pick of the frightened children as they hid in their nightmares. Vulnerable children whose childhoods and lives the Clerics destroyed and stole. The rape was worse for the girls, who were sometimes violently impregnated by their Christian rapists.
The screaming children were passed around, from pedophile Cleric to pedophile Cleric. The rapes would stay with the child for eternity, the Clerics would simply smile and confess their filthy sins, holy water was used to cleanse their foul mouths, sinful spite was used as a lubricant for their uncleansed members. The full magnitude of the children's suffering has yet to be entirely understood, but each child, now a man or woman, hides their delirium of shame, some bury their grief, in oceans of soothing alcohol. Others swam with psychedelic drugs, hoping to change their perception of their altered state of consciousness. Many vulnerable children, damaged as men, ended their hopeless lives of misery at the end of a crying rope, or a cocktail syringe of Christian hypocrisy, pumped into drug hungry veins, or a multitude of other sad endings, rough sleeping on cold, wet streets of despondency. Desolated streets filled with shame and wondering despair are full of dead humanity’s bones and everything unclean.
Still tens of thousands of apparitions of children haunt and roam the ghostly mass graves, overflowing septic tanks and haunted Industrial school hallways. 150,000 vulnerable children passed through these forbidden gates, 21,579 survived today. Each minute, each hour, each day, each week, each month, each year, we die, stories are untold. Sadly our band of Survivors decrease, even as I write and record our collective history.
I walk daily with both the living and the dead, I recently walked in the soulless cemetery while in Letterfrack Industrial School with a six year old boy, a kindred spirit. Yet I knew his name, though unspoken was Sean. Sean whose brutal death he wore on his exposed back. The scars of a flogging and rape at the hands of endoparasite Christian Brothers, was still raw, raised welts and strafe marks crisscrossed his back.. Sean led me safely through the spiky evergreen hollies, he recognised our mutual pain and suffering. Sean brought something else, his benevolent spirit to sooth me, a very angry man. Ectoparasite infestation was and is Christianity, which is a cancerous parasite feeding on the body of humanity. Clerical parasites with their snouts, buried daily, deep into the rape and murder of children.
God didn’t send this Kindred Spirit as I stood with Sean, as I witnessed the secret graves, beyond the giant evergreen hollies, used to guard the forgotten graves. The children’s stories, untold, their shame is engraved on any passing leaf, the murmuring wind carries a voice, their voices that pass through the drooping evergreens. The holly bears the crown of a child suffering, each spike carries a tear that drops into the crevices of this unswept earth. Beneath the carpet of wild moss rests charity and maternal love, the unwanted children hide, beneath a hundred years of brutal Christian hate, fed on superstitious fears. Many Winters of Conifers of fallen leaves, deposit and hide their suffering, but their brutal pain can be seen, if one looks, etched and felt in the surrounding air or hidden by a small clump of moss, lurking beneath a confused conifer.
The hidden cemetery floor is covered with 85 broken heart shaped stones, used as grave markers, each stone was engraved with a name, age, and passing year. The cause of the children’s death was never recorded- age 5 one read, name unknown, my tears of anger seeping into the crevices of their anguished graves. For here lies a genocide of crimes against vulnerable children. This forsaken cemetery while barely kept is guarded by a drunk, leaning Virgin Mary, she denies the horrors, the Mary Cult of death, now deny these horrors, their worthless clerics and their religion caused the rape and murder of the innocences, the children, now unfolding in her name. While a few feet away one large granite stone obelisk, covered, partly in creeping fine moss, now cracked, listing the names of 61 children disposed of, beneath the corrupt obelisk. The front panel reads —--
“ Dear Lord Grant Eternal Rest to all our Deceased” You are all Remembered by The Brothers, Lay Staff and Pupils of St. Joseph’s
How insulting that the 210 plus children, now dead, were in the care of the Christian Brothers, who flogged, terrorised, raped and then murdered these vulnerable children, and disposed of into these thankless mass graves. Only to be remembered by their pedophile tormentors, chiselled in cold stone on a stone obelisk by their rapists for eternity- These degenerate clerics, these murderous pedophile Christian Brothers. This is truly outrageous.
No amount of fresh colourful paint on the cold grey stone walls, can hide the stench that percolates the suffering and pain, of floggings, rapes, torture and murder of vulnerable children, that took place within this godforsaken hellhole of Letterfrack Industrial School. Now the brilliant red colour to the front of the Industrial School outer walls, acts as a flash beacon in the lush wild Connemara landscape. In reality the red colour of hell is a bleak reminder that it was a real hell on earth for the thousands of vulnerable children who resided there, a living hell and a continuous nightmare on a daily basis for its few remaining Survivors. Owen Felix O’Neill
The Complicit Irish Police (An Garda Síochána).
It is only with a scrupulously honest debate about our past that we can talk about our future in a very thorough way. We need a historical colloquium on examining the role between the Irish Catholic Church and the complicit Irish Police (An Garda Síochána). We also need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, with Survivors who are identified as victims of gross human rights’ violations by the Irish Catholic Church being invited to give statements about their experiences, and with the hearings open to the public. The perpetrators of violence should also give testimony and be denied requests for amnesty from both civil and criminal prosecution. All the Irish Catholic Church agencies and the Irish Police agencies must open their archives to an inter-disciplinary team of renowned researchers. Both the Irish Catholic Church and the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) should immediately stop destroying all archives with their incriminating documents, and give a full account of those which have already been destroyed and who ordered the destruction.
For a long time, the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) denied its past collaboration with the Irish Catholic Church - a past in which they gave full immunity -in both written and verbal form - and gave free rein to the worse atrocities committed by the Irish Catholic Church in their Religious-run Institutions.
There is a doctrine of international law that allows an accused to avoid prosecution for criminal offences by granting immunity. There are two types of immunity. The first is Immunity ratione materiae or functional immunity, which can be granted to people who perform certain functions of state. The second is personal immunity, or immunity ratione personae. This was an immunity granted to certain Church Officials because of the Holy Office they held, rather than in relation to the act they committed. Any Irish Cleric who, in performance of his Church duty committed a criminal offence, was immune from prosecution. This was the secret agreement between the Irish Catholic Church and the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) and rubber - stamped by the elected and inept Irish Government. The virtually ineffective Irish Institution of State had considerable de jure power but little de facto power, because all the levers of power were held by the Irish Catholic Church. The incompetent Irish Government rarely (or never) disagreed with the more powerful organ of the Irish Catholic Church, but chose instead to lockstep with it and adhere to and emulate its actions.
The immunity, given by the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) and applied to the acts of individuals, is an attribute of state, and it is based on the mutual respect they had with the Irish Catholic Church in their Religious-run Institutions. It is a fact that the incapable Irish State regularly asserts that every Roman Catholic Church official acting in a Church capacity was, and is, immune from any form of state prosecution..Though in recent years a few token clerics have been prosecuted through the Irish Courts, and given laughable sentences in relation to their crimes, and because they were clerics. And only because of the Irish public outcry when it for example became know that one Priest, the prolific Fr. Brendan Smyth had raped over 400 plus boys across Ireland in a raping spree for over 40 years, moved from parish to parish with the blessings and help of the Catholic Bishops who knew about all the children he raped. Another Priest, Seán Fortune of Wexford, and the specific charge that he was accused of was- the homosexual rape and sexual molestation against 29 different boys. He faced 66 charges, Father Seán Fortune was never tried, and committed suicide before any charges were proved against him. These are just two of the many Priests that the Irish Catholic Church couldn’t put the fix in for, there was a sigh of relief in Church quarters with the timely death of Father Seán Fortune. The other few thousand Clerics, who were in the same boat as Smith and Fortune have got away with their crimes against Children, with again the active support and backing of the Irish Catholic Church and its Bishops.
The Constitution of Ireland at one time recognised the special position of the Roman Catholic Church, so it was written into our very own Constitution - by themselves. An air of triumph reigned in the highest echelon of the Irish Catholic Church, with their belief that their Christian doctrine was, and is, far superior to all others and indicated their pejorative view of the Irish Constitution. Another secret agreement of Personal Immunity was conferred on the leaders of the Irish Catholic Church. It was immunity given by the civil, criminal, and administrative jurisdictions in Ireland to all senior Irish Church Officials holding a particular office. Under this immunity, the private residence, papers, correspondence, and property of a Church official would enjoy personal immunities which were inviolable. This is what the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) upheld and knew, and it is why when the worst atrocities were being perpetrated by the Religious-run Institutions, the Irish Catholic Church knew they didn’t have to worry; their secret agreements held firm as the conniving Irish State was powerless to proceed against the might and power of the Irish Catholic Church.
While proselytising Irish politicians in Ireland in recent years assumed responsibility for the Irish Catholic Church’s crimes, other pillars of Irish Society have been slower to confront their past. We must remember that no line can, or should, be drawn under the Irish Catholic Church’s monstrosities for which the Irish police force of the time were partly responsible. During the Irish Catholic Church’s reign, An Garda Síochána played a prominent role in the rounding up of women, girls and helpless children in their thousands. None had committed any crimes, but crimes were about to be committed against them: rapes, torture, beatings and death.
In Catholic Ireland the chauvinistic Irish Police were allowed to arrest people on suspicion that they were about to do wrong, such as committing the sin of holding hands with your lover, kissing, dancing, putting on makeup, not covering your hair in church, talking in church, or not showing deference to the jingoistic Catholic Clergy by doffing your hat or bowing your head. This gave both the Irish Catholic Church and the Irish Police huge powers. All local police stations throughout Ireland had to draw up a list of people in their locality who might be suspected of being enemies of the Irish Catholic Church. Once compiled, this list was given to the local Parish Priest, who in turn sent a copy to the area’s Bishop and then up through the hierarchy which had the power to do as it liked. This is how hundreds of thousands of women and children were removed from their communities and locked away into the hellholes that were the Religious-run Institutions.
The Institutions were deliberately barbaric, and were run by Clerics who could disguise their violent nature by simply wearing religious dress. As well as the daily flogging and torture of women and children, the Religious-run Institutions were very basic and sparse. The provision of soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, combs and toilet paper was unheard of. Food and drink were of an extremely low standard and there was never enough.
The pugnacious Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid, was one of the most feared men in Ireland running, as he did, both the Irish Catholic Church and the ineffectual Irish Government with ruthless efficiency and with fanatical devotion to both the Irish Catholic Church and Rome. He had the direct help of the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána), which in its earlier years was headed by the renowned fascist Eoin O’Duffy, the Garda Commissioner (Irish Police Chief), and his gang (Blue-shirts) which was strongly supported by the Irish Catholic Church. O'Duffy advocated fascist policies and during the Second World War held negotiations with politicians in Nazi Germany about the possibility of persuading the Irish Republican Army to undertake a policy of sabotage against Britain. O'Duffy helped establish the Fine Gael Party, which is one of the main political parties in Ireland today.
Because of the secret agreements with both the Irish Government and the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána), the Irish Catholic Church was free from any review by the law courts of Ireland. This effectively meant that the Irish Catholic Church became a law unto itself, and remember this - the Irish Catholic Church appointed every sitting Judge in the land. Thus it was that the Irish Catholic Church became justifiably feared by almost every member of Irish Society.
Is it not time now for the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) to be honest and accountable, to open up their secret archives to a wider Irish public and to talk about their role in enabling the Irish Catholic Church. We need the reconstruction of the Irish court system as an important first step in this direction. Unfortunately, many perpetrators - the people who carried out harmful, shameful and illegal criminal acts and their enablers in the era of criminality - have never been tried or punished for the chronicle of abuse, rape, murder and terror.
The Roman Catholic Church of Ireland ordered, organised and condoned a substantial number of heinous crimes. The most notable of these took place in the Religious-run Institutions in which hundreds of thousands of our fellow Irish citizens were systematically raped, tortured and murdered or died from their abuse and mistreatment. The true number of victims may never be known since much of the evidence was deliberately destroyed by both the Irish Catholic Church and the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) in a cynical attempt to conceal and erase evidence of their outrageously evil crimes. Owen Felix O’Neill
It is only with a scrupulously honest debate about our past that we can talk about our future in a very thorough way. We need a historical colloquium on examining the role between the Irish Catholic Church and the complicit Irish Police (An Garda Síochána). We also need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, with Survivors who are identified as victims of gross human rights’ violations by the Irish Catholic Church being invited to give statements about their experiences, and with the hearings open to the public. The perpetrators of violence should also give testimony and be denied requests for amnesty from both civil and criminal prosecution. All the Irish Catholic Church agencies and the Irish Police agencies must open their archives to an inter-disciplinary team of renowned researchers. Both the Irish Catholic Church and the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) should immediately stop destroying all archives with their incriminating documents, and give a full account of those which have already been destroyed and who ordered the destruction.
For a long time, the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) denied its past collaboration with the Irish Catholic Church - a past in which they gave full immunity -in both written and verbal form - and gave free rein to the worse atrocities committed by the Irish Catholic Church in their Religious-run Institutions.
There is a doctrine of international law that allows an accused to avoid prosecution for criminal offences by granting immunity. There are two types of immunity. The first is Immunity ratione materiae or functional immunity, which can be granted to people who perform certain functions of state. The second is personal immunity, or immunity ratione personae. This was an immunity granted to certain Church Officials because of the Holy Office they held, rather than in relation to the act they committed. Any Irish Cleric who, in performance of his Church duty committed a criminal offence, was immune from prosecution. This was the secret agreement between the Irish Catholic Church and the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) and rubber - stamped by the elected and inept Irish Government. The virtually ineffective Irish Institution of State had considerable de jure power but little de facto power, because all the levers of power were held by the Irish Catholic Church. The incompetent Irish Government rarely (or never) disagreed with the more powerful organ of the Irish Catholic Church, but chose instead to lockstep with it and adhere to and emulate its actions.
The immunity, given by the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) and applied to the acts of individuals, is an attribute of state, and it is based on the mutual respect they had with the Irish Catholic Church in their Religious-run Institutions. It is a fact that the incapable Irish State regularly asserts that every Roman Catholic Church official acting in a Church capacity was, and is, immune from any form of state prosecution..Though in recent years a few token clerics have been prosecuted through the Irish Courts, and given laughable sentences in relation to their crimes, and because they were clerics. And only because of the Irish public outcry when it for example became know that one Priest, the prolific Fr. Brendan Smyth had raped over 400 plus boys across Ireland in a raping spree for over 40 years, moved from parish to parish with the blessings and help of the Catholic Bishops who knew about all the children he raped. Another Priest, Seán Fortune of Wexford, and the specific charge that he was accused of was- the homosexual rape and sexual molestation against 29 different boys. He faced 66 charges, Father Seán Fortune was never tried, and committed suicide before any charges were proved against him. These are just two of the many Priests that the Irish Catholic Church couldn’t put the fix in for, there was a sigh of relief in Church quarters with the timely death of Father Seán Fortune. The other few thousand Clerics, who were in the same boat as Smith and Fortune have got away with their crimes against Children, with again the active support and backing of the Irish Catholic Church and its Bishops.
The Constitution of Ireland at one time recognised the special position of the Roman Catholic Church, so it was written into our very own Constitution - by themselves. An air of triumph reigned in the highest echelon of the Irish Catholic Church, with their belief that their Christian doctrine was, and is, far superior to all others and indicated their pejorative view of the Irish Constitution. Another secret agreement of Personal Immunity was conferred on the leaders of the Irish Catholic Church. It was immunity given by the civil, criminal, and administrative jurisdictions in Ireland to all senior Irish Church Officials holding a particular office. Under this immunity, the private residence, papers, correspondence, and property of a Church official would enjoy personal immunities which were inviolable. This is what the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) upheld and knew, and it is why when the worst atrocities were being perpetrated by the Religious-run Institutions, the Irish Catholic Church knew they didn’t have to worry; their secret agreements held firm as the conniving Irish State was powerless to proceed against the might and power of the Irish Catholic Church.
While proselytising Irish politicians in Ireland in recent years assumed responsibility for the Irish Catholic Church’s crimes, other pillars of Irish Society have been slower to confront their past. We must remember that no line can, or should, be drawn under the Irish Catholic Church’s monstrosities for which the Irish police force of the time were partly responsible. During the Irish Catholic Church’s reign, An Garda Síochána played a prominent role in the rounding up of women, girls and helpless children in their thousands. None had committed any crimes, but crimes were about to be committed against them: rapes, torture, beatings and death.
In Catholic Ireland the chauvinistic Irish Police were allowed to arrest people on suspicion that they were about to do wrong, such as committing the sin of holding hands with your lover, kissing, dancing, putting on makeup, not covering your hair in church, talking in church, or not showing deference to the jingoistic Catholic Clergy by doffing your hat or bowing your head. This gave both the Irish Catholic Church and the Irish Police huge powers. All local police stations throughout Ireland had to draw up a list of people in their locality who might be suspected of being enemies of the Irish Catholic Church. Once compiled, this list was given to the local Parish Priest, who in turn sent a copy to the area’s Bishop and then up through the hierarchy which had the power to do as it liked. This is how hundreds of thousands of women and children were removed from their communities and locked away into the hellholes that were the Religious-run Institutions.
The Institutions were deliberately barbaric, and were run by Clerics who could disguise their violent nature by simply wearing religious dress. As well as the daily flogging and torture of women and children, the Religious-run Institutions were very basic and sparse. The provision of soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, combs and toilet paper was unheard of. Food and drink were of an extremely low standard and there was never enough.
The pugnacious Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid, was one of the most feared men in Ireland running, as he did, both the Irish Catholic Church and the ineffectual Irish Government with ruthless efficiency and with fanatical devotion to both the Irish Catholic Church and Rome. He had the direct help of the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána), which in its earlier years was headed by the renowned fascist Eoin O’Duffy, the Garda Commissioner (Irish Police Chief), and his gang (Blue-shirts) which was strongly supported by the Irish Catholic Church. O'Duffy advocated fascist policies and during the Second World War held negotiations with politicians in Nazi Germany about the possibility of persuading the Irish Republican Army to undertake a policy of sabotage against Britain. O'Duffy helped establish the Fine Gael Party, which is one of the main political parties in Ireland today.
Because of the secret agreements with both the Irish Government and the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána), the Irish Catholic Church was free from any review by the law courts of Ireland. This effectively meant that the Irish Catholic Church became a law unto itself, and remember this - the Irish Catholic Church appointed every sitting Judge in the land. Thus it was that the Irish Catholic Church became justifiably feared by almost every member of Irish Society.
Is it not time now for the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) to be honest and accountable, to open up their secret archives to a wider Irish public and to talk about their role in enabling the Irish Catholic Church. We need the reconstruction of the Irish court system as an important first step in this direction. Unfortunately, many perpetrators - the people who carried out harmful, shameful and illegal criminal acts and their enablers in the era of criminality - have never been tried or punished for the chronicle of abuse, rape, murder and terror.
The Roman Catholic Church of Ireland ordered, organised and condoned a substantial number of heinous crimes. The most notable of these took place in the Religious-run Institutions in which hundreds of thousands of our fellow Irish citizens were systematically raped, tortured and murdered or died from their abuse and mistreatment. The true number of victims may never be known since much of the evidence was deliberately destroyed by both the Irish Catholic Church and the Irish Police (An Garda Síochána) in a cynical attempt to conceal and erase evidence of their outrageously evil crimes. Owen Felix O’Neill
‘He targeted kids with health issues, whose families weren’t rich’ – former pupil of Fr Joseph Marmion
Just click on Vaccines Button at the top for fuller Information
Proof of Murder of Babies & Children
Make no mistake I was 18 years in Religious run Institutions- I was born in St. Patrick’s Mother and Baby Home, 4 years 1954 -58;- St Philomena Home Stillorgan 1958-1963;- 1963 at the grand age of 9 -I was sent to an Industrial School in Tralee as a slave and sex-slave of the Irish Catholic Church. I was Illegally Experiment on at both St. Pat’s & St Philomena’s by the Drug Companies;- I have the documents and scars to support all of this. I am not afraid to say it-but Constant Rape was part of my stolen childhood.
Now, Chapter 34 of its Final Report
1. The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes - found that the vaccine and clinical trials were illegal and unethical even by the standards of the time. (Hundreds probably Thousands of babies & children died because of these illegal clinical trials)That is clear proof of MURDER, a smoking gun according to The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes -
If The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes found that the vaccine and clinical trials were illegal and unethical- Then that is clear proven proof of Crimes-and Murder, by The Cult, The Irish Catholic Church.
The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes - said scientists lacked the correct research licences and failed to comply with contemporary regulatory standards.
The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes - said these trials would have been a basic breach of the Nuremberg Code, following the trial of Nazi doctors accused of conducting murderous and torturous human experiments in the Nazi concentration camps during World War II.
2. Now, Chapter 34 of its Final Report tells us more about what happens when social classification is taken to its logical extreme, and those at the very bottom are used for medical research, without evidence of consent.
3. Now the mother-and-baby homes report has described them as "systemic", and gave details of at least 13, which is more than double the number previously known about. Trials were carried out on infants not only in Bessborough, and St Pat's but also Sean Ross Abbey, Castlepollard, Dunboyne and 8 more Religious run Institutions. Originally the Irish Government said that there were only 5 vaccine trials. The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes - Said there were 13 illegal vaccine trials.
What Are The Nuremberg Code's Ethical Guidelines. The Nuremberg Code aimed to protect human subjects from enduring the kind of cruelty and exploitation the prisoners endured at concentration camps.
(Why is the Nuremberg Code important? Because informed consent, is the core of the Nuremberg Code, and has rightly been viewed as the protection of subjects' human rights. )
The 10 Elements of The Nuremberg Code are:
Our skin is the parchment upon which our identity is written, class, race, ethnicity and gender are read upon the human surface of our skin. The same applies to the stealing of a baby, which tears away that child’s identity and leaves a blank slate upon which abuse, punishment, sanctity or monstrosity can be committed upon and etched into both the mother and child’s mind, illegal adoptions, strips away the means by which children see themselves or are viewed by others. Really a stolen life of slavery, a distraught mother, an abused child, endless search, eternal hunt for the truth and the real mother. The Irish Catholic Church authorities incarcerated a large number of children in Industrial Schools and transit Orphanages throughout Ireland. Physicians and medical researchers for the Drug Companies used a number of babies’ children, including their mothers, in the Irish Orphanages for medical experiments that often resulted in the deaths of both the children and their mothers. The Irish Catholic Church authorities deployed helpless adolescents, particularly younger women, as forced labour in the Magdalene Laundries, where many died because of the monstrous work conditions, the Irish Catholic Church authorities held other children under appalling conditions in both Industrial Schools and transit Orphanages. Owen Felix O’Neill
Make no mistake I was 18 years in Religious run Institutions- I was born in St. Patrick’s Mother and Baby Home, 4 years 1954 -58;- St Philomena Home Stillorgan 1958-1963;- 1963 at the grand age of 9 -I was sent to an Industrial School in Tralee as a slave and sex-slave of the Irish Catholic Church. I was Illegally Experiment on at both St. Pat’s & St Philomena’s by the Drug Companies;- I have the documents and scars to support all of this. I am not afraid to say it-but Constant Rape was part of my stolen childhood.
Now, Chapter 34 of its Final Report
1. The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes - found that the vaccine and clinical trials were illegal and unethical even by the standards of the time. (Hundreds probably Thousands of babies & children died because of these illegal clinical trials)That is clear proof of MURDER, a smoking gun according to The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes -
If The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes found that the vaccine and clinical trials were illegal and unethical- Then that is clear proven proof of Crimes-and Murder, by The Cult, The Irish Catholic Church.
The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes - said scientists lacked the correct research licences and failed to comply with contemporary regulatory standards.
The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes - said these trials would have been a basic breach of the Nuremberg Code, following the trial of Nazi doctors accused of conducting murderous and torturous human experiments in the Nazi concentration camps during World War II.
2. Now, Chapter 34 of its Final Report tells us more about what happens when social classification is taken to its logical extreme, and those at the very bottom are used for medical research, without evidence of consent.
3. Now the mother-and-baby homes report has described them as "systemic", and gave details of at least 13, which is more than double the number previously known about. Trials were carried out on infants not only in Bessborough, and St Pat's but also Sean Ross Abbey, Castlepollard, Dunboyne and 8 more Religious run Institutions. Originally the Irish Government said that there were only 5 vaccine trials. The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes - Said there were 13 illegal vaccine trials.
What Are The Nuremberg Code's Ethical Guidelines. The Nuremberg Code aimed to protect human subjects from enduring the kind of cruelty and exploitation the prisoners endured at concentration camps.
(Why is the Nuremberg Code important? Because informed consent, is the core of the Nuremberg Code, and has rightly been viewed as the protection of subjects' human rights. )
The 10 Elements of The Nuremberg Code are:
- Voluntary consent is essential
- The results of any experiment must be for the greater good of society
- Human experiments should be based on previous animal experimentation
- Experiments should be conducted by avoiding physical/mental suffering and injury
- No experiments should be conducted if it is believed to cause death/disability
- The risks should never exceed the benefits
- Adequate facilities should be used to protect subjects
- Experiments should be conducted only by qualified scientists
- Subjects should be able to end their participation at any time
- The scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment when injury, disability, or death is likely to occur.
Our skin is the parchment upon which our identity is written, class, race, ethnicity and gender are read upon the human surface of our skin. The same applies to the stealing of a baby, which tears away that child’s identity and leaves a blank slate upon which abuse, punishment, sanctity or monstrosity can be committed upon and etched into both the mother and child’s mind, illegal adoptions, strips away the means by which children see themselves or are viewed by others. Really a stolen life of slavery, a distraught mother, an abused child, endless search, eternal hunt for the truth and the real mother. The Irish Catholic Church authorities incarcerated a large number of children in Industrial Schools and transit Orphanages throughout Ireland. Physicians and medical researchers for the Drug Companies used a number of babies’ children, including their mothers, in the Irish Orphanages for medical experiments that often resulted in the deaths of both the children and their mothers. The Irish Catholic Church authorities deployed helpless adolescents, particularly younger women, as forced labour in the Magdalene Laundries, where many died because of the monstrous work conditions, the Irish Catholic Church authorities held other children under appalling conditions in both Industrial Schools and transit Orphanages. Owen Felix O’Neill
The lying Sisters of the Bon Secours offer a hollow apology that the Saint of Tuam has accepted on behalf of the genuine Survivors. Historian Catherine Corless said she is grateful for the “honest” statement. This is outrageous, the Saint of Tuam is not a Survivor, therefore she cannot speak for any Survivors, she is a useful idiot, who is recklessly causing further pain for all Survivors. In a statement, the Sisters of Bon Secours apologised for being “part of this sorrowful history” in which many women and children were “rejected, silenced and excluded”. No Sisters, let’s be clear here you put or flushed 800 babies down into a Septic Tank with your human waste, where the Babies still reside. The Sisters went on to say - We did not live up to our Christianity when running the Home. Many enablers in the Press refer to the site in Tuam to a mass grave, it is not, it is a Septic Tank full to the brim with 800 disposed Babies and Children. I was born in a Mother and Baby Home and spent 4 years there. I have never met my Brothers or Sisters, nor even my Mother who was brutalised and died in a Magdalene Asylum and dumped with a few hundred more murdered slave women by the brutality of the Irish Catholic Church. Please remember that this same order of Evil Nuns, the Bon Secours Sister, one of the wealthiest Religious Orders in the World used a PR. Firm to sow disinformation to say that the Babies and Children flushed into their Septic Tank were Famine Babies. The Septic Tank was not built at the time of the Great Hunger in 1845 – 1849. All the available Evidence points to the fact that all the Babies and Children were disposed of, the Babies and Children were flushed into the Septic Tank between 1920 and 1960s by the Evil-Criminal Nuns of Sisters of the Bon Secours. Owen Felix O'Neill

Total Whitewash
The Irish Catholic Church may still be able to command millions of Irish people and die heart fetishises but The Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation is a Total Whitewash --
(A Whitewash is a deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant or incriminating facts about (someone or something). "most sources prefer to ignore or whitewash the most disturbing aspect of such reports”)
No Accountability for the filth that is the Irish Catholic Church—-Let us not forget that in St. Patrick’s Mother and Baby Home alone in Dublin over 9,000 babies and children alone died. I spent 4 years there, I was born there my brothers and sisters who I never met died there.
The Irish Catholic Church may still be able to command millions of Irish people and die heart fetishises but The Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation is a Total Whitewash --
(A Whitewash is a deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant or incriminating facts about (someone or something). "most sources prefer to ignore or whitewash the most disturbing aspect of such reports”)
No Accountability for the filth that is the Irish Catholic Church—-Let us not forget that in St. Patrick’s Mother and Baby Home alone in Dublin over 9,000 babies and children alone died. I spent 4 years there, I was born there my brothers and sisters who I never met died there.

Catholic Church still prioritising own reputation over vulnerable children, Rape inquiry finds;- Report accuses Cardinal Nichols of ‘caring more about the impact of child sexual Rape on the Catholic Church’s reputation than on victims’
Child sexual Rape in Catholic Church ‘swept under the carpet’, inquiry finds;- Damning report says church put its reputation above the welfare of Rape victims- Children
Top US Cardinal Theodore McCarrick expelled from Catholic Priesthood over allegations he Raped a teenager and solicited sex during Confession.
Pope John Paul II knew former Newark Archbishop was a PEDOPHILE before promoting him to Cardinal in Washington.
An internal Vatican report published on Tuesday found that Pope John Paul II was aware of the accusations
The former Vatican ambassador to France, Archbishop Luigi Ventura, went on trial Tuesday 10th. November 2020 in Paris, accused of groping and inappropriately touching young men.
The Pope Knew- The Entire Filthy Catholic Church Knew that Children were RAPED by their Pedophile Clerics.
Outrageous Scandal of Tuam
The banality of evil that was Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home is an outrageous scandal. The invasion of memory by both the Irish Government and The Catholic Church’s and their attempt to rewrite the history of Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland is succeeding. In successfully co-opting and using the Saint of Tuam to fit their false narrative. What will be found in the Septic Tank at Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home will be that no-one was ever meant to see.
Please remember that 800 bodies of babies and children were rigorously organised by size, meticulously arranged in old newspapers, re-used brown meat wrapping-paper and wrapped in death shawls or cleaning rags, carefully placed on stone shelves which filled the 20 death chambers of the Mother and Baby Home’s underground Septic Tank. Also at the very beginning, in 1925 the Bon Secours Order of Nuns, that ran Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, simply just flushed the babies and children down the toilet and out into the underground Septic Tank. The villainous Nuns philosophy was really very simple, “out of mind out of sight”.
The dubious agitated Nuns lacked empathy for the babies and children because they perceived these babies and children born out of wedlock as nothing more than spawns of the devil. The despicable Nuns lack the ability to experience empathy toward the mothers and their children was shaped by their distorted religion and their confused sexual emotions. The unwed women and their children were so marginalised by both the Catholic Church and Irish society in general that it made it much easier to not only mistreat the mothers and their children, but even easier to contemptuously disposal of the babies and children’s very existence, it’s as if they, the babies had never been born. Hence it was acceptable by the frigid Nuns, blessed by the criminal Catholic Church, to flush the babies and children into the toilet, or placing them in the sewage tank itself as-contemptible human-waste. We know this to be the norm, as it was done not only in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, but every other Mother and Baby Home in Ireland. This my friends are the brutal facts, this is why both the despicable Catholic Church in Ireland and the spineless Irish Government want a complete cover-up of the septic tank-sewage tank in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, using the Saint of Tuam and other Quislings, puppets to do their filthy biddings with their verbal diarrhoea of disinformation.
Another fact, and after spending 18 years in different Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Many of the Religious Orders that ran them like the Nuns, or Christian Brothers and Priests were psychopaths, don’t take my word for it, every Survivor would tell you the same, better still, just read The Ryan Report--
The Nuns and all the male Religious Orders actually enjoyed inflicting pain on defensible women and vulnerable children in their pastoral care. This is what the Ryan Report is all about. You see psychopathy is a personality disorder characterised by a lack of empathy and remorse, shallow affect, glibness, manipulation and callousness. All traits applied to most of the Clerics that ran the various Religious run Institutions in Ireland. These psychopaths raped, tortured, brutalised and murdered 100s of thousands of women and vulnerable children in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, in their care, hence the mass secret graves, cesspools, and septic tanks filled with women and children yet to be discovered.
Significant historical discoveries emerge not from order, but from disorder, something as minor as a stray sheet of paper. This is how the Saint of Tuam connected the dots. Here in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home in Galway is clear proof of the heinous crimes of both the Irish Government and the Catholic Church in Ireland. Now both the Irish Government and the Catholic Church in Ireland want to transform the landscape of Survivors memory itself. The Irish Catholic Church’s mania for wholesale destruction of unwed women and their children is well known, I have documented this destruction in many articles I wrote over the years for www.tuambabies.org
The Irish Catholic Church was built on the pyre of women and children bodies, both living and dead that populated their Religious run Institutions. The Religious Orders took great pains to criminally destroy or avoid creating evidence directly linking them to their grave crimes. But the disposal of 800 babies and children into a rural septic tank in the town of Tuam, County Galway was so far the worst of many outrageous crimes committed in their Religious run Institutions. Sadly we Survivors know that every Religious run Institution in Ireland has a few hundred more bodies of our brothers and sisters and even our own mothers to be yet discovered.
Yes I concede that the patron Saint of Tuam exposed with others this heinous crime against humanity, but now she is the elephant in the room. We Survivors thank her for her work, but it is time for the patron Saint of Tuam to step aside. We don’t want a monument, we want what we all wanted the day we learned about the babies in the Septic Tank, they are removed with dignity, identified, and reburied with dignity. The order to eradicate the babies and children’s memories is the wish of the Catholic Church, they know that if they lose in Tuam they will be vilified globally. Their rotten power will evaporate in minutes. All their lies cannot hold reality at bay, any longer, we need public accountability or moral qualms. The babies in the septic tank for so long minimised and trivialised by the lying Catholic Church and its allies, will finally reach its day of reckoning.
The Irish Catholic Church so far has been a study in indifference – on the part of the Religious Orders and there wider supporters across Ireland – towards any of their actions, no matter how immoral, dishonest, incompetent or even illegal.
The ugliest brawl is now on the cards. The Irish Catholic Church is scrambling over the 800 bodies of dead babies to secure its interests, it has done so for hundreds of years. There are some things even beyond the Irish Catholic Church’s reach, you can’t spin. Like 800 babies and children in a septic tank, but they are trying with the help of both the Irish Government and the Saint of Tuam to delay, delay and delay. The Irish people need the truth now, immediately, as does every Survivor, it’s not about the babies and children in the Tuam septic tank, it's about all the babies and children in all the septic tanks in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland.
There are some crimes even they the Catholic Church in Ireland can not outrun. The Church’s profound failures in both the Religious run Institutions and Irish Society at large. The Church’s complicity in those failures, will claim them eventually. Despite all their lies, reality will ultimately win through. The Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages are a symbol of their own failures, the facts speak for themselves, that 800 babies and children were cruelly abandoned and flushed into the convent septic tank at Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, the same as their own human waste and used toilet paper was disposed off. But there was something almost biblical about the hubris that the vile Nuns would do.
This after all was not a one off random action, no, the Nuns did the same action for the next 40 odd years, every time they took a collective dump. The disposal of the babies and children, that took some planning and calculating depravedness on the part of the evil Nuns. Remember that Tuam’s town cemetery was just a few minutes from their own front door of their convent, why not bury the babies and children there.
The Irish Catholic Church itself has been compromised by a calamitously poor response to its many scandals coming from all their Religious run Institutions in Ireland- Hundreds of Thousands of Women and Children in their care, their rape rooms, their slaughter rooms, had their lives upended with —-
Let me pose a simple question please, name me a Religion, Holy Books or God that allows for the following by its members, The Priests, The Nuns, its Clerics to-
Illegal Drug Experiments
Dispose of, rejected babies and children into Mass Graves, Septic/Sewage Tanks, Cesspools
Illegal Trafficking of babies and children
Money Laundering
Family Separations
Wholesale abuses of the above- mutilation of 100s of thousands of Women, their Children and other children in all their Religious run Institutions. Name me one Religion that allows this in the name of their God. I can think only of one-The Catholic Church.
The useful idiot which I apply to all the Church’s enablers is I admit is a derogatory term I use but I perceived them as propagandising for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who are cynically used both by Catholic Church in Ireland, and the Irish Government. The order to eradicate all Survivors and their memories are being carried ruthlessly out by both the Catholic Church in Ireland, and the Irish Government with the help of a few well placed enablers, useful idiots like the Saint of Tuam, or another the clown who is the Chairperson of the Coalition of Mother and Baby Home Survivors, two or was it four days having his nappy changed, poor thing. Spends his worthless time degrading Survivors on Social Media, even wrote a poorly written book, which I wouldn’t stock in my water closet room as spare toilet paper, give me a f—-king break. Or the woman sitting in a grand house in County Wicklow, who spent what was it? A wet day in a Mother and Baby Home, had her hair combed, given a new frock and was farmed out to a rich family for adoption, sorry sold, now pontificates on all matters relating to Survivors, give me another f—-king break. In reality, she spends her time debasing any and all Survivors, and only looks after her own interests above all, how sad. Irony is they all were specially selected to see The Pope when he came to Ireland, all kneeled and kissed his ring.
These clowns and others like them are what both the Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church use as their mouth pieces with the recently canonised Saint of Tuam as tools and fools to be used in the propaganda war. On Radio, on Television or speaking engagements, writing worthless books for the print media, while the real Survivors are dying, many other Survivors are impoverished by their raped and abused childhoods.
This insidious propaganda is a powerful weapon used ruthlessly by both the Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church to dehumanise and create hatred toward all Survivors who speak out about the Religious run Institution, the secret mass graves, or septic tanks in them. These same fools helped to create a false history of life in the hellholes that were the Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages of Ireland.
Let’s not forget unwed women, whose babies were stolen from them to be sold on the black market, to the highest bidder. Children who were locked into these Religious Institutions, and fed on a diet of daily rape, brutality, illegal drug experiments and death. The many hidden cemeteries spread across Ireland have yet to be discovered but will soon. The babies and children in the septic tank in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home should always be the focus, and not the Saint of Tuam. It is not about her any longer, she is not even a Survivor. Yet the spotlight is almost always about her, to the detrimental interests of all the Survivors of both Tuam and all the other Religious Institutions in Ireland. They are my Brothers and Sisters too, as they are the Brothers and Sisters of all and any Survivor. I’m not a religious person, but after 18 years in these hellhole of Religious Institutions, what I saw there, what I experienced, vulnerable children were led to unimaginable brutality as was I;- I say-"There, but for the grace of God, go I."
The Saint of Tuam only wants a sanitised memorial as a way to both honour the babies and children in the Septic Tank and to symbolically bring them home to rest. Sadly that is not possible till we have an honest reckoning of all the women, the babies and the children in all the Septic Tanks in all the Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages of Ireland.
Long lost women and their children were not the only casualties of this propaganda war waged by the Irish Catholic Church, We living Survivors daily witness the tools that still are aligned against us, in their propaganda war, they use the compliant Press and Media, Social Media, levers of the Irish State, and their many enablers.
Facing international outrage, Ireland vehemently denounced accusations of atrocities committed by the Irish Catholic Church in the town of Tuam, in the Mother and Baby Home, 796 Babies and Children, but in reality there are another 1,800 other bodies unaccounted for, their Mothers, dumped in the playground nearby, and even a few hundred more Babies and Children to add to the numbers. That is one Institution in the West of Ireland, wait till we get to secret graves in—-A few others—-
1. Bessborough House, Blackrock, Cork; Over 1,000 missing children in a secret mass grave.
2. Sunday Wells Cork City, 100s of women and children in a secret mass grave.
3. Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, Tuam Co. Galway; 796 babies and children flushed into a Septic Tank
4. Artane Industrial School, 100s of boys beaten to death dumped into a mass graves
5. Letterfrac Industrial School County Galway, 147 known boys beaten to death and buried.
6. Sacred Heart Home in Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath; Over 220 deaths
7. Sean Ross Abbey Roscrea, Co. Tipperary; More than 1,000 children died
8. St. Patrick’s, Navan Road, Dublin;- Low estimate 3,500 to probable 7 or 9 thousand children
Plus a few dozen more Religious run Institutions in Ireland all with high death numbers in secret mass graves. All the Religious run Institutions which can be found on my website www.tuambabies.org
Several of the named homes above - principally Bessborough House (Cork), Bon Secours (Galway), Manor House (Westmeath), Sean Ross Abbey (Tipperary) and St. Patrick's (Dublin) - Where sources for illegal domestic and foreign adoptions, with many of the children being illegally trafficked and sold into the United States.
According to the Sea Monkey Files;- Beyond historical revisionism, practiced by both the Catholic Church and the Irish Government the wilful destruction of all documentations constitute further psychological pain on living Survivors—in essence, an act of again killing the living and the dead. Also the destruction of all documentations deprived Survivors and their families of the bereavement rituals that, over the years, had brought survivors together in shared grief and memories. The Catholic Church’s secret written orders alluded to “individual instructions communicated previously for the destruction of specific documents relating to the disposal of babies and children. The Church’s directive laid out a path for a more systematic and widespread alteration of Survivors memory. Clerics and Legal Professions working on behalf of the Catholic Church were instructed to look over incriminating documents for the archives to destroy and eliminate them, this is directly from the Sea Monkey Files.
In both the Irish Government and The Catholic Church’s eyes, intend to defame Survivors and the Septic Tank babies and children. But also to destroy and eradicate what is to be found in Tuam’s Septic Tank. The Saint of Tuam has been used as a useful idiot to restore the Irish Catholic Church’s reputation and protect it for posterity.
Saints were and are not perfect and should never be, they are like us, human after all. But we here in Ireland love our Saints. At the moment we have a Saint in the West of Ireland, we will call her the Saint of Tuam. Most people in Ireland and throughout the world admire this Saint, as I do myself, her discovery of the records and names of the babies and children in the Septic Tank is to be applauded by very decent human being. But we now have a major problem, I must now use a metaphorical idiom here, the Saint has now become the proverbial elephant in the room so to speak.
This was truly Ireland's final solution, not just in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, but all the other Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland. It took pure evil actions by the contemptible Nuns in Tuam to plan and execute a strategy of the disposal of the bodies of 800 babies and children into their septic tank. To do so, continuously for the next 40 years, was worse than criminal. So the question is, when did this monstrous plan get put in motion? We know it was carried out by the despicable Nuns, the evidence still remains in the Septic Tank to this day. To think that a group of Holy Nuns were the perpetrators of such evil, beggars belief. It shows that the contemptuous Nuns of Tuam were more than willing to commit mass murders, and ruthlessly, on vulnerable babies and children in their pastoral care.
The Nuns knew how to eradicate the babies and children, the evidence of all other Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland, proves this. All have hidden mass graves, septic tanks filled with bodies, their final solution. The Irish Catholic Church was responsible for the euthanasia program that killed more than 80,000 women and children in their care.
The Irish Catholic Church has taken an extraordinarily cavalier attitude toward Survivors and Irish Society which now grapple with questions of blame and guilt. The Irish Catholic Church and all their Religious Orders are solely responsible for the genocide of women and children in their care. The Irish Catholic Church now hides behind the excuse that they were just doing good, or it was a different time, or let bygones be bygones. Impossible I say as long as bodies remain in their cesspools, mass graves and septic tanks. The other main problem is we have big gaps in our knowledge because most of the documentation that was available at the time is being destroyed. The documentation about how the genocide was carried out by the Irish Catholic Church in all the Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland, can still be found, in the dusty archives that the Religious Orders and the Catholic Church control.
Make no mistake, the crafty Nuns of Tuam thought that nobody would ever look or care for the 800 babies and children in their Septic Tank. After all the Septic Tank was buried deep, concealed on the private grounds of both the Convent and the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam. Something else, both the Convent and the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam were now on Tuam’s town main sewage systems. It meant that their old Victorian Septic Tank was redundant, it was bypassed, no noisy town council people calling around ever again to inspect their old Septic Tank. This was when the odious Nuns decided to execute all manner of their nefarious deeds, their very own final solution of the disposal of the bodies of the babies and children, out of sight, out of mind. Nobody would ever ask any questions or so they thought, until now. Now we have the coverup ongoing with a few useful idiotic lackeys and the conniving Saint of Tuam.
When the heartless and conniving Nuns that ran the Mother and Baby Home settled on straightforward disposal of the remains of 800 babies and children. Their first and foremost task was to be the annihilation and disposal of the babies and children for the next 40 years, down the sluice drains and out to the old Victorian disused septic tank, other babies and children were wrapped in old newspapers, old kitchen cloths, bed-sheets, mummified like slabs of meat and stacked high and tight on the shelves that the Nuns had build in the old underground Victorian sewage system. The scheming Nuns had a secret passage built at the back of their church that leads a couple of hundred feet to their secrets, the underground Victorian Septic Tank, which was the size of a large concrete bungalow.
This Septic Tank was sealed up tight at the time, but the Nuns managed to cut a crude doorway into the side of the Victorian sewage system, so a person could gain entrance. The purpose of this entrance was so a trusted woman who worked as a slave for the manipulative Nuns would take the mummified bodies of the babies and children into the Septic Tank and place them on the new shelves that were purposely built. We know according to records that over 800 babies and children are stacked within the 20 chambers of the Septic Tank. We also know from the same woman who carried the babies and children into the Septic Tank, who also said that when the Septic Tank was full, she then put hundreds of more mummified bodies along the dark passage leading to the underground Septic Tank. A few local experts put this figure at about another 1,800 more bodies.
This took a level of planning by the devious Nuns to carry out this plan, disposable of babies and children. This also shows the main quality of the unconscionable Nuns, and it is this, they were pure evil in their intentions. In my mind, this is irrefutable proof that God doesn’t exist and that he has a sick, dark, sense of the absurd.” The evil that Religion does, in the name of a wicked god, is proof, lies in all the Septic Tanks, cesspools, mass graves, still hidden in all the Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland.
It seems that such elaborate and inefficient deception likely grew out of a concern for the reaction of the mothers. What was more cruel and shocking was the mothers were told that their babies died, either at birth or hours, days later, or weeks, months later. But the deceitful Nuns never told the mothers where their babies were or even where the baby was buried. In fact the mothers had no knowledge of their impending deaths of their babies. If they were oblivious to the fate of their babies, then the mothers could be expected to avoid the reactions of terror likely to accompany such knowledge. Thus, for the mothers, the elaborate deception would make for a less stressful and therefore more “humane” dying experience, so the evil Nuns thought.
Something else, with no graves to visit by the mothers, was the most cruel of many cruelties committed on the mothers, as the mothers had nowhere to mourn the loss of their babies, never mind visiting a burial site to place flowers, grief and seek comfort. We must now, immediately, honestly deal with Ireland and the murderous legacy of the Catholic Church in Ireland. It is time for the Saint of Tuam to step aside, her intransigence is the elephant in the room, (metaphorical idiom) as is her willingness to be used. The Patron Saint of Tuam had a clear moral voice, a duty, a platform to speak out and hold both the Nuns of Tuam and the Catholic Church to account.
The criminal, murderous Religious Orders and their twisted religion that put and flushed 800 babies and children into a septic tank must be held accountable. Six years have now gone by, wasted, nothing is done, we get one excuse after another from both the Irish Government and the Catholic Church in Ireland. Sadly the Patron Saint of Tuam, her prestige is now squandered at the expense of all Survivors, and not only in Tuam. It is convenient for both the Irish Government and the Catholic Church in Ireland to deal with the Patron Saint of Tuam, only, who is not and never was a Survivor, nor a spokes-person for Survivors. They, the Irish Government and the Catholic Church in Ireland have made it known that they will not meet any Survivor, they prove by their actions daily that they hold both Survivors and the Babies and Children in the Sewage Tank in utter contempt as does the Patron Saint of Tuam. Owen Felix O’Neill
Part 2—Timeline
In 1975 two young boys were playing football and other games at the site of the former Mother and Baby Home, in the town of Tuam, County Galway, when they found an underground hole "filled to the brim" with children's skeletons underneath a concrete slab.The broken slab covered the Mother and Baby Home’s Septic Tank. At the time many local people thought they were the remains of victims of the Great Famine, of 1845 to 1849. At that time 1975, the number of bodies in this septic tank were then unknown. The local town council got wind of the find and re-sealed the broken slab of concrete, while the local Priest said prayers at the site. All was sealed and prayed away for the next 35 years, but the burial site was tended to by a local couple, who also built a small grotto there.
Then in 2012, a local historian and researcher, now the Saint of Tuam published an article about the home in the annual Journal of the Old Tuam Society. The local Saint did not have the names of all of the babies and children who had died there. In fact it was another public servant in 2013 who worked for Galway’s Health Service Executive at the registrar for Births, Deaths and Marriages, who was working with the Saint of Tuam. The public servant retrieved the names of the 796 children who had death certificates listing "The Tuam Home" or the "Tuam Children's Home" as the place of death. The shock was that most of the Babies and Children were infants and had died at the Home during its years of its operation 1925 - 1961. The Saint of Tuam was given the list and names of 796 children who had death certificates, and she studied all the state death certificates. The Saint of Tuam then cross-referenced the names with those in local graveyards and found that only two of the children from the list of 796 had been buried in any of the public graveyards. The only logical conclusion that was possible was that the Septic Tank full of bodies that the two boys found in 1975 were the bodies of 796 babies and children.
The local Maps of Tuam’s town showed that this was indeed the site of Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home ’s septic tank. This common burial ground was unmarked and not registered with the local authorities as a grave site. No records were kept of any burials there, the Nuns that ran the Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home kept their evil secret to themselves, this was a mass grave of babies and children. Some elderly residents living nearby in the local housing estate that now surround the disused Mother and Baby Home, recall seeing Nuns and workmen apparently burying remains there late in the evenings. Why they didn’t inform both the local police and the council is still a mystery, yes some did but both the local police and the local council said that any remains were Famine bones and bodies.
The Saint of Tuam on April 2014, research was published during the dedication of a memorial to the 222 dead children at the Bethany Home. (Also please remember that in 2010, the bodies of 222 infants from Bethany Home, another maternity home, were found in a mass unmarked grave in Dublin). But the Saint of Tuam was now campaigning for a similar grave marker to be placed at the Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home. But at first Ireland was busy reporting the bigger story of a Hollywood couple honeymooning in West Cork. Few in Ireland cared about 800 children in a Septic Tank in a Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, County Galway, few in Ireland at the time gave a shit. But the shit hit the fan, only when news broke about a Septic Tank full of 800 children in rural Ireland in America and by international media outlets, but it wasn’t till late May/early June 2014, that the story sparked outrage in both Ireland and the wider world. In fact most of Ireland’s major newspapers, like the Irish Times, The Independent and other quality Irish newspapers, couldn’t be bothered to cover the outrageous story of 800 babies and children in a Septic Tank. A bigger story for them was the Hollywood couple honeymooning in West Cork.
The Irish Government came under pressure to launch an investigation. The government called the allegations "deeply disturbing" and ordered the police to begin a preliminary investigation, with the aim of launching an inquiry. The Local Gardaí in the town of Tuam with the blessings of the local Catholic Bishop said that any bones on the site likely dated from the Great Famine of 1845 to 1849. "These are historical burials going back to famine times. There is no suggestion of any impropriety”. We intend to do nothing, they collectively said.
So to delay the outrage around the world of 800 babies in a Septic Tank in a former Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, County Galway, the Irish Government formed a Commission of Investigation.
The Commission of Investigation found a "significant" quantity of human remains, aged from 35 foetal weeks to two to three years, interred in "a vault with twenty chambers." a few hundred bundles in each chamber, stacked. The Commission's statement reported that "The Commission has not yet determined what the purpose of this structure was but it appears to be related to the treatment/containment of sewage and/or waste water. (Septic Tank)The Commission has also not yet determined if it was ever used for this purpose." Carbon dating confirmed that the remains date from the time-frame relevant to the operation of the Mother and Baby Home by the Bon Secours Order of Nuns, Between 1925 and 1961, and not the great Famine of 1845 to 1849
The Commission stated that it was shocked by the discovery and that it is continuing its investigation into who was responsible for the disposal of human remains in this way.
The Irish Police, an Gardaí said there was no criminal investigation, because there was no evidence of a crime, this is even before the Irish Police looked at the evidence, how extraordinary. While inspections were conducted by Official Inspectors from the Galway County Council, reported “everything in the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, County Galway was great, in good order and congratulated the Bon Secour Sisters on the excellent condition of their Institution, in spite of the fact, that many of the babies and children were suffering from malnutrition, and 12 out of 31 infants examined were described as being "emaciated and not thriving".
The Official Report also says that the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam was overcrowded, with 271 children and 61 mothers were living there. Death rates were extraordinarily high:
34 per cent of children died in the home in 1943;
25 per cent died in 1944;
23 per cent died in 1945;
27 per cent died in 1946.
The Official Report states, "the care given to infants in the Home is good, the good Sisters are careful and attentive; diets are excellent. All was very well, according to the local collaborators, who were wined, dined, by the Nuns, the gullible Inspectors from Galway County Council;- Meanwhile 2,875 children and women died since the Bon Secour Nuns took over the Mother and Baby Home, from 1925 to 1961, that over 1,000 babies were illegally adopted, but the figure of 1,000 babies sold was in reality very low and some experts think that figure of 1,000 is higher at 2,000 babies sold and again some think much higher. In reality babies and young children died from starvation, exposure, and a lack of adequate clothing and shelter.
We are now in 2020 and nothing is being done, or will be done. The Irish Government with the help of the still powerful Catholic Church in Ireland have successfully managed to block any meaningful investigation of the Septic Tank in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home. It suits both the Irish Government and the powerful Catholic Church in Ireland, to stall and hide all the evidence of their combined crimes at Tuam, because if they expose Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home crimes, everybody knows that it will open a Pandora’s Box of great and unexpected troubles, for both the Irish Government and The Catholic Church. Hundreds of other secret mass grave sites, septic tanks, cesspools in every Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland would have to be examined and opened. There were over 200 Religious run Institutions in Ireland at the time.
The Saint of Tuam succeeded in splitting the Survivor groups in Tuam, the Tuam story is now The Saint’s story in spite of the fact that she isn’t a Survivor, just a researcher, she has managed to hijack the Survivors Story. These are Survivors who have a brother, or sister or both in the Septic Tank. Tuam’s Septic Tank isn’t about Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, it is about all Survivors, the babies and children in the Septic Tank who are, our brothers, or sisters or both. Owen Felix O’Neill
The banality of evil that was Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home is an outrageous scandal. The invasion of memory by both the Irish Government and The Catholic Church’s and their attempt to rewrite the history of Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland is succeeding. In successfully co-opting and using the Saint of Tuam to fit their false narrative. What will be found in the Septic Tank at Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home will be that no-one was ever meant to see.
Please remember that 800 bodies of babies and children were rigorously organised by size, meticulously arranged in old newspapers, re-used brown meat wrapping-paper and wrapped in death shawls or cleaning rags, carefully placed on stone shelves which filled the 20 death chambers of the Mother and Baby Home’s underground Septic Tank. Also at the very beginning, in 1925 the Bon Secours Order of Nuns, that ran Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, simply just flushed the babies and children down the toilet and out into the underground Septic Tank. The villainous Nuns philosophy was really very simple, “out of mind out of sight”.
The dubious agitated Nuns lacked empathy for the babies and children because they perceived these babies and children born out of wedlock as nothing more than spawns of the devil. The despicable Nuns lack the ability to experience empathy toward the mothers and their children was shaped by their distorted religion and their confused sexual emotions. The unwed women and their children were so marginalised by both the Catholic Church and Irish society in general that it made it much easier to not only mistreat the mothers and their children, but even easier to contemptuously disposal of the babies and children’s very existence, it’s as if they, the babies had never been born. Hence it was acceptable by the frigid Nuns, blessed by the criminal Catholic Church, to flush the babies and children into the toilet, or placing them in the sewage tank itself as-contemptible human-waste. We know this to be the norm, as it was done not only in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, but every other Mother and Baby Home in Ireland. This my friends are the brutal facts, this is why both the despicable Catholic Church in Ireland and the spineless Irish Government want a complete cover-up of the septic tank-sewage tank in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, using the Saint of Tuam and other Quislings, puppets to do their filthy biddings with their verbal diarrhoea of disinformation.
Another fact, and after spending 18 years in different Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Many of the Religious Orders that ran them like the Nuns, or Christian Brothers and Priests were psychopaths, don’t take my word for it, every Survivor would tell you the same, better still, just read The Ryan Report--
The Nuns and all the male Religious Orders actually enjoyed inflicting pain on defensible women and vulnerable children in their pastoral care. This is what the Ryan Report is all about. You see psychopathy is a personality disorder characterised by a lack of empathy and remorse, shallow affect, glibness, manipulation and callousness. All traits applied to most of the Clerics that ran the various Religious run Institutions in Ireland. These psychopaths raped, tortured, brutalised and murdered 100s of thousands of women and vulnerable children in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, in their care, hence the mass secret graves, cesspools, and septic tanks filled with women and children yet to be discovered.
Significant historical discoveries emerge not from order, but from disorder, something as minor as a stray sheet of paper. This is how the Saint of Tuam connected the dots. Here in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home in Galway is clear proof of the heinous crimes of both the Irish Government and the Catholic Church in Ireland. Now both the Irish Government and the Catholic Church in Ireland want to transform the landscape of Survivors memory itself. The Irish Catholic Church’s mania for wholesale destruction of unwed women and their children is well known, I have documented this destruction in many articles I wrote over the years for www.tuambabies.org
The Irish Catholic Church was built on the pyre of women and children bodies, both living and dead that populated their Religious run Institutions. The Religious Orders took great pains to criminally destroy or avoid creating evidence directly linking them to their grave crimes. But the disposal of 800 babies and children into a rural septic tank in the town of Tuam, County Galway was so far the worst of many outrageous crimes committed in their Religious run Institutions. Sadly we Survivors know that every Religious run Institution in Ireland has a few hundred more bodies of our brothers and sisters and even our own mothers to be yet discovered.
Yes I concede that the patron Saint of Tuam exposed with others this heinous crime against humanity, but now she is the elephant in the room. We Survivors thank her for her work, but it is time for the patron Saint of Tuam to step aside. We don’t want a monument, we want what we all wanted the day we learned about the babies in the Septic Tank, they are removed with dignity, identified, and reburied with dignity. The order to eradicate the babies and children’s memories is the wish of the Catholic Church, they know that if they lose in Tuam they will be vilified globally. Their rotten power will evaporate in minutes. All their lies cannot hold reality at bay, any longer, we need public accountability or moral qualms. The babies in the septic tank for so long minimised and trivialised by the lying Catholic Church and its allies, will finally reach its day of reckoning.
The Irish Catholic Church so far has been a study in indifference – on the part of the Religious Orders and there wider supporters across Ireland – towards any of their actions, no matter how immoral, dishonest, incompetent or even illegal.
The ugliest brawl is now on the cards. The Irish Catholic Church is scrambling over the 800 bodies of dead babies to secure its interests, it has done so for hundreds of years. There are some things even beyond the Irish Catholic Church’s reach, you can’t spin. Like 800 babies and children in a septic tank, but they are trying with the help of both the Irish Government and the Saint of Tuam to delay, delay and delay. The Irish people need the truth now, immediately, as does every Survivor, it’s not about the babies and children in the Tuam septic tank, it's about all the babies and children in all the septic tanks in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland.
There are some crimes even they the Catholic Church in Ireland can not outrun. The Church’s profound failures in both the Religious run Institutions and Irish Society at large. The Church’s complicity in those failures, will claim them eventually. Despite all their lies, reality will ultimately win through. The Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages are a symbol of their own failures, the facts speak for themselves, that 800 babies and children were cruelly abandoned and flushed into the convent septic tank at Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, the same as their own human waste and used toilet paper was disposed off. But there was something almost biblical about the hubris that the vile Nuns would do.
This after all was not a one off random action, no, the Nuns did the same action for the next 40 odd years, every time they took a collective dump. The disposal of the babies and children, that took some planning and calculating depravedness on the part of the evil Nuns. Remember that Tuam’s town cemetery was just a few minutes from their own front door of their convent, why not bury the babies and children there.
The Irish Catholic Church itself has been compromised by a calamitously poor response to its many scandals coming from all their Religious run Institutions in Ireland- Hundreds of Thousands of Women and Children in their care, their rape rooms, their slaughter rooms, had their lives upended with —-
Let me pose a simple question please, name me a Religion, Holy Books or God that allows for the following by its members, The Priests, The Nuns, its Clerics to-
Illegal Drug Experiments
Dispose of, rejected babies and children into Mass Graves, Septic/Sewage Tanks, Cesspools
Illegal Trafficking of babies and children
Money Laundering
Family Separations
Wholesale abuses of the above- mutilation of 100s of thousands of Women, their Children and other children in all their Religious run Institutions. Name me one Religion that allows this in the name of their God. I can think only of one-The Catholic Church.
The useful idiot which I apply to all the Church’s enablers is I admit is a derogatory term I use but I perceived them as propagandising for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who are cynically used both by Catholic Church in Ireland, and the Irish Government. The order to eradicate all Survivors and their memories are being carried ruthlessly out by both the Catholic Church in Ireland, and the Irish Government with the help of a few well placed enablers, useful idiots like the Saint of Tuam, or another the clown who is the Chairperson of the Coalition of Mother and Baby Home Survivors, two or was it four days having his nappy changed, poor thing. Spends his worthless time degrading Survivors on Social Media, even wrote a poorly written book, which I wouldn’t stock in my water closet room as spare toilet paper, give me a f—-king break. Or the woman sitting in a grand house in County Wicklow, who spent what was it? A wet day in a Mother and Baby Home, had her hair combed, given a new frock and was farmed out to a rich family for adoption, sorry sold, now pontificates on all matters relating to Survivors, give me another f—-king break. In reality, she spends her time debasing any and all Survivors, and only looks after her own interests above all, how sad. Irony is they all were specially selected to see The Pope when he came to Ireland, all kneeled and kissed his ring.
These clowns and others like them are what both the Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church use as their mouth pieces with the recently canonised Saint of Tuam as tools and fools to be used in the propaganda war. On Radio, on Television or speaking engagements, writing worthless books for the print media, while the real Survivors are dying, many other Survivors are impoverished by their raped and abused childhoods.
This insidious propaganda is a powerful weapon used ruthlessly by both the Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church to dehumanise and create hatred toward all Survivors who speak out about the Religious run Institution, the secret mass graves, or septic tanks in them. These same fools helped to create a false history of life in the hellholes that were the Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages of Ireland.
Let’s not forget unwed women, whose babies were stolen from them to be sold on the black market, to the highest bidder. Children who were locked into these Religious Institutions, and fed on a diet of daily rape, brutality, illegal drug experiments and death. The many hidden cemeteries spread across Ireland have yet to be discovered but will soon. The babies and children in the septic tank in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home should always be the focus, and not the Saint of Tuam. It is not about her any longer, she is not even a Survivor. Yet the spotlight is almost always about her, to the detrimental interests of all the Survivors of both Tuam and all the other Religious Institutions in Ireland. They are my Brothers and Sisters too, as they are the Brothers and Sisters of all and any Survivor. I’m not a religious person, but after 18 years in these hellhole of Religious Institutions, what I saw there, what I experienced, vulnerable children were led to unimaginable brutality as was I;- I say-"There, but for the grace of God, go I."
The Saint of Tuam only wants a sanitised memorial as a way to both honour the babies and children in the Septic Tank and to symbolically bring them home to rest. Sadly that is not possible till we have an honest reckoning of all the women, the babies and the children in all the Septic Tanks in all the Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages of Ireland.
Long lost women and their children were not the only casualties of this propaganda war waged by the Irish Catholic Church, We living Survivors daily witness the tools that still are aligned against us, in their propaganda war, they use the compliant Press and Media, Social Media, levers of the Irish State, and their many enablers.
Facing international outrage, Ireland vehemently denounced accusations of atrocities committed by the Irish Catholic Church in the town of Tuam, in the Mother and Baby Home, 796 Babies and Children, but in reality there are another 1,800 other bodies unaccounted for, their Mothers, dumped in the playground nearby, and even a few hundred more Babies and Children to add to the numbers. That is one Institution in the West of Ireland, wait till we get to secret graves in—-A few others—-
1. Bessborough House, Blackrock, Cork; Over 1,000 missing children in a secret mass grave.
2. Sunday Wells Cork City, 100s of women and children in a secret mass grave.
3. Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, Tuam Co. Galway; 796 babies and children flushed into a Septic Tank
4. Artane Industrial School, 100s of boys beaten to death dumped into a mass graves
5. Letterfrac Industrial School County Galway, 147 known boys beaten to death and buried.
6. Sacred Heart Home in Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath; Over 220 deaths
7. Sean Ross Abbey Roscrea, Co. Tipperary; More than 1,000 children died
8. St. Patrick’s, Navan Road, Dublin;- Low estimate 3,500 to probable 7 or 9 thousand children
Plus a few dozen more Religious run Institutions in Ireland all with high death numbers in secret mass graves. All the Religious run Institutions which can be found on my website www.tuambabies.org
Several of the named homes above - principally Bessborough House (Cork), Bon Secours (Galway), Manor House (Westmeath), Sean Ross Abbey (Tipperary) and St. Patrick's (Dublin) - Where sources for illegal domestic and foreign adoptions, with many of the children being illegally trafficked and sold into the United States.
According to the Sea Monkey Files;- Beyond historical revisionism, practiced by both the Catholic Church and the Irish Government the wilful destruction of all documentations constitute further psychological pain on living Survivors—in essence, an act of again killing the living and the dead. Also the destruction of all documentations deprived Survivors and their families of the bereavement rituals that, over the years, had brought survivors together in shared grief and memories. The Catholic Church’s secret written orders alluded to “individual instructions communicated previously for the destruction of specific documents relating to the disposal of babies and children. The Church’s directive laid out a path for a more systematic and widespread alteration of Survivors memory. Clerics and Legal Professions working on behalf of the Catholic Church were instructed to look over incriminating documents for the archives to destroy and eliminate them, this is directly from the Sea Monkey Files.
In both the Irish Government and The Catholic Church’s eyes, intend to defame Survivors and the Septic Tank babies and children. But also to destroy and eradicate what is to be found in Tuam’s Septic Tank. The Saint of Tuam has been used as a useful idiot to restore the Irish Catholic Church’s reputation and protect it for posterity.
Saints were and are not perfect and should never be, they are like us, human after all. But we here in Ireland love our Saints. At the moment we have a Saint in the West of Ireland, we will call her the Saint of Tuam. Most people in Ireland and throughout the world admire this Saint, as I do myself, her discovery of the records and names of the babies and children in the Septic Tank is to be applauded by very decent human being. But we now have a major problem, I must now use a metaphorical idiom here, the Saint has now become the proverbial elephant in the room so to speak.
This was truly Ireland's final solution, not just in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, but all the other Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland. It took pure evil actions by the contemptible Nuns in Tuam to plan and execute a strategy of the disposal of the bodies of 800 babies and children into their septic tank. To do so, continuously for the next 40 years, was worse than criminal. So the question is, when did this monstrous plan get put in motion? We know it was carried out by the despicable Nuns, the evidence still remains in the Septic Tank to this day. To think that a group of Holy Nuns were the perpetrators of such evil, beggars belief. It shows that the contemptuous Nuns of Tuam were more than willing to commit mass murders, and ruthlessly, on vulnerable babies and children in their pastoral care.
The Nuns knew how to eradicate the babies and children, the evidence of all other Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland, proves this. All have hidden mass graves, septic tanks filled with bodies, their final solution. The Irish Catholic Church was responsible for the euthanasia program that killed more than 80,000 women and children in their care.
The Irish Catholic Church has taken an extraordinarily cavalier attitude toward Survivors and Irish Society which now grapple with questions of blame and guilt. The Irish Catholic Church and all their Religious Orders are solely responsible for the genocide of women and children in their care. The Irish Catholic Church now hides behind the excuse that they were just doing good, or it was a different time, or let bygones be bygones. Impossible I say as long as bodies remain in their cesspools, mass graves and septic tanks. The other main problem is we have big gaps in our knowledge because most of the documentation that was available at the time is being destroyed. The documentation about how the genocide was carried out by the Irish Catholic Church in all the Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland, can still be found, in the dusty archives that the Religious Orders and the Catholic Church control.
Make no mistake, the crafty Nuns of Tuam thought that nobody would ever look or care for the 800 babies and children in their Septic Tank. After all the Septic Tank was buried deep, concealed on the private grounds of both the Convent and the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam. Something else, both the Convent and the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam were now on Tuam’s town main sewage systems. It meant that their old Victorian Septic Tank was redundant, it was bypassed, no noisy town council people calling around ever again to inspect their old Septic Tank. This was when the odious Nuns decided to execute all manner of their nefarious deeds, their very own final solution of the disposal of the bodies of the babies and children, out of sight, out of mind. Nobody would ever ask any questions or so they thought, until now. Now we have the coverup ongoing with a few useful idiotic lackeys and the conniving Saint of Tuam.
When the heartless and conniving Nuns that ran the Mother and Baby Home settled on straightforward disposal of the remains of 800 babies and children. Their first and foremost task was to be the annihilation and disposal of the babies and children for the next 40 years, down the sluice drains and out to the old Victorian disused septic tank, other babies and children were wrapped in old newspapers, old kitchen cloths, bed-sheets, mummified like slabs of meat and stacked high and tight on the shelves that the Nuns had build in the old underground Victorian sewage system. The scheming Nuns had a secret passage built at the back of their church that leads a couple of hundred feet to their secrets, the underground Victorian Septic Tank, which was the size of a large concrete bungalow.
This Septic Tank was sealed up tight at the time, but the Nuns managed to cut a crude doorway into the side of the Victorian sewage system, so a person could gain entrance. The purpose of this entrance was so a trusted woman who worked as a slave for the manipulative Nuns would take the mummified bodies of the babies and children into the Septic Tank and place them on the new shelves that were purposely built. We know according to records that over 800 babies and children are stacked within the 20 chambers of the Septic Tank. We also know from the same woman who carried the babies and children into the Septic Tank, who also said that when the Septic Tank was full, she then put hundreds of more mummified bodies along the dark passage leading to the underground Septic Tank. A few local experts put this figure at about another 1,800 more bodies.
This took a level of planning by the devious Nuns to carry out this plan, disposable of babies and children. This also shows the main quality of the unconscionable Nuns, and it is this, they were pure evil in their intentions. In my mind, this is irrefutable proof that God doesn’t exist and that he has a sick, dark, sense of the absurd.” The evil that Religion does, in the name of a wicked god, is proof, lies in all the Septic Tanks, cesspools, mass graves, still hidden in all the Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland.
It seems that such elaborate and inefficient deception likely grew out of a concern for the reaction of the mothers. What was more cruel and shocking was the mothers were told that their babies died, either at birth or hours, days later, or weeks, months later. But the deceitful Nuns never told the mothers where their babies were or even where the baby was buried. In fact the mothers had no knowledge of their impending deaths of their babies. If they were oblivious to the fate of their babies, then the mothers could be expected to avoid the reactions of terror likely to accompany such knowledge. Thus, for the mothers, the elaborate deception would make for a less stressful and therefore more “humane” dying experience, so the evil Nuns thought.
Something else, with no graves to visit by the mothers, was the most cruel of many cruelties committed on the mothers, as the mothers had nowhere to mourn the loss of their babies, never mind visiting a burial site to place flowers, grief and seek comfort. We must now, immediately, honestly deal with Ireland and the murderous legacy of the Catholic Church in Ireland. It is time for the Saint of Tuam to step aside, her intransigence is the elephant in the room, (metaphorical idiom) as is her willingness to be used. The Patron Saint of Tuam had a clear moral voice, a duty, a platform to speak out and hold both the Nuns of Tuam and the Catholic Church to account.
The criminal, murderous Religious Orders and their twisted religion that put and flushed 800 babies and children into a septic tank must be held accountable. Six years have now gone by, wasted, nothing is done, we get one excuse after another from both the Irish Government and the Catholic Church in Ireland. Sadly the Patron Saint of Tuam, her prestige is now squandered at the expense of all Survivors, and not only in Tuam. It is convenient for both the Irish Government and the Catholic Church in Ireland to deal with the Patron Saint of Tuam, only, who is not and never was a Survivor, nor a spokes-person for Survivors. They, the Irish Government and the Catholic Church in Ireland have made it known that they will not meet any Survivor, they prove by their actions daily that they hold both Survivors and the Babies and Children in the Sewage Tank in utter contempt as does the Patron Saint of Tuam. Owen Felix O’Neill
Part 2—Timeline
In 1975 two young boys were playing football and other games at the site of the former Mother and Baby Home, in the town of Tuam, County Galway, when they found an underground hole "filled to the brim" with children's skeletons underneath a concrete slab.The broken slab covered the Mother and Baby Home’s Septic Tank. At the time many local people thought they were the remains of victims of the Great Famine, of 1845 to 1849. At that time 1975, the number of bodies in this septic tank were then unknown. The local town council got wind of the find and re-sealed the broken slab of concrete, while the local Priest said prayers at the site. All was sealed and prayed away for the next 35 years, but the burial site was tended to by a local couple, who also built a small grotto there.
Then in 2012, a local historian and researcher, now the Saint of Tuam published an article about the home in the annual Journal of the Old Tuam Society. The local Saint did not have the names of all of the babies and children who had died there. In fact it was another public servant in 2013 who worked for Galway’s Health Service Executive at the registrar for Births, Deaths and Marriages, who was working with the Saint of Tuam. The public servant retrieved the names of the 796 children who had death certificates listing "The Tuam Home" or the "Tuam Children's Home" as the place of death. The shock was that most of the Babies and Children were infants and had died at the Home during its years of its operation 1925 - 1961. The Saint of Tuam was given the list and names of 796 children who had death certificates, and she studied all the state death certificates. The Saint of Tuam then cross-referenced the names with those in local graveyards and found that only two of the children from the list of 796 had been buried in any of the public graveyards. The only logical conclusion that was possible was that the Septic Tank full of bodies that the two boys found in 1975 were the bodies of 796 babies and children.
The local Maps of Tuam’s town showed that this was indeed the site of Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home ’s septic tank. This common burial ground was unmarked and not registered with the local authorities as a grave site. No records were kept of any burials there, the Nuns that ran the Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home kept their evil secret to themselves, this was a mass grave of babies and children. Some elderly residents living nearby in the local housing estate that now surround the disused Mother and Baby Home, recall seeing Nuns and workmen apparently burying remains there late in the evenings. Why they didn’t inform both the local police and the council is still a mystery, yes some did but both the local police and the local council said that any remains were Famine bones and bodies.
The Saint of Tuam on April 2014, research was published during the dedication of a memorial to the 222 dead children at the Bethany Home. (Also please remember that in 2010, the bodies of 222 infants from Bethany Home, another maternity home, were found in a mass unmarked grave in Dublin). But the Saint of Tuam was now campaigning for a similar grave marker to be placed at the Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home. But at first Ireland was busy reporting the bigger story of a Hollywood couple honeymooning in West Cork. Few in Ireland cared about 800 children in a Septic Tank in a Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, County Galway, few in Ireland at the time gave a shit. But the shit hit the fan, only when news broke about a Septic Tank full of 800 children in rural Ireland in America and by international media outlets, but it wasn’t till late May/early June 2014, that the story sparked outrage in both Ireland and the wider world. In fact most of Ireland’s major newspapers, like the Irish Times, The Independent and other quality Irish newspapers, couldn’t be bothered to cover the outrageous story of 800 babies and children in a Septic Tank. A bigger story for them was the Hollywood couple honeymooning in West Cork.
The Irish Government came under pressure to launch an investigation. The government called the allegations "deeply disturbing" and ordered the police to begin a preliminary investigation, with the aim of launching an inquiry. The Local Gardaí in the town of Tuam with the blessings of the local Catholic Bishop said that any bones on the site likely dated from the Great Famine of 1845 to 1849. "These are historical burials going back to famine times. There is no suggestion of any impropriety”. We intend to do nothing, they collectively said.
So to delay the outrage around the world of 800 babies in a Septic Tank in a former Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, County Galway, the Irish Government formed a Commission of Investigation.
The Commission of Investigation found a "significant" quantity of human remains, aged from 35 foetal weeks to two to three years, interred in "a vault with twenty chambers." a few hundred bundles in each chamber, stacked. The Commission's statement reported that "The Commission has not yet determined what the purpose of this structure was but it appears to be related to the treatment/containment of sewage and/or waste water. (Septic Tank)The Commission has also not yet determined if it was ever used for this purpose." Carbon dating confirmed that the remains date from the time-frame relevant to the operation of the Mother and Baby Home by the Bon Secours Order of Nuns, Between 1925 and 1961, and not the great Famine of 1845 to 1849
The Commission stated that it was shocked by the discovery and that it is continuing its investigation into who was responsible for the disposal of human remains in this way.
The Irish Police, an Gardaí said there was no criminal investigation, because there was no evidence of a crime, this is even before the Irish Police looked at the evidence, how extraordinary. While inspections were conducted by Official Inspectors from the Galway County Council, reported “everything in the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, County Galway was great, in good order and congratulated the Bon Secour Sisters on the excellent condition of their Institution, in spite of the fact, that many of the babies and children were suffering from malnutrition, and 12 out of 31 infants examined were described as being "emaciated and not thriving".
The Official Report also says that the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam was overcrowded, with 271 children and 61 mothers were living there. Death rates were extraordinarily high:
34 per cent of children died in the home in 1943;
25 per cent died in 1944;
23 per cent died in 1945;
27 per cent died in 1946.
The Official Report states, "the care given to infants in the Home is good, the good Sisters are careful and attentive; diets are excellent. All was very well, according to the local collaborators, who were wined, dined, by the Nuns, the gullible Inspectors from Galway County Council;- Meanwhile 2,875 children and women died since the Bon Secour Nuns took over the Mother and Baby Home, from 1925 to 1961, that over 1,000 babies were illegally adopted, but the figure of 1,000 babies sold was in reality very low and some experts think that figure of 1,000 is higher at 2,000 babies sold and again some think much higher. In reality babies and young children died from starvation, exposure, and a lack of adequate clothing and shelter.
We are now in 2020 and nothing is being done, or will be done. The Irish Government with the help of the still powerful Catholic Church in Ireland have successfully managed to block any meaningful investigation of the Septic Tank in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home. It suits both the Irish Government and the powerful Catholic Church in Ireland, to stall and hide all the evidence of their combined crimes at Tuam, because if they expose Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home crimes, everybody knows that it will open a Pandora’s Box of great and unexpected troubles, for both the Irish Government and The Catholic Church. Hundreds of other secret mass grave sites, septic tanks, cesspools in every Magdalene Asylum/Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages in Ireland would have to be examined and opened. There were over 200 Religious run Institutions in Ireland at the time.
The Saint of Tuam succeeded in splitting the Survivor groups in Tuam, the Tuam story is now The Saint’s story in spite of the fact that she isn’t a Survivor, just a researcher, she has managed to hijack the Survivors Story. These are Survivors who have a brother, or sister or both in the Septic Tank. Tuam’s Septic Tank isn’t about Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home, it is about all Survivors, the babies and children in the Septic Tank who are, our brothers, or sisters or both. Owen Felix O’Neill
Ireland’s Psychiatric Hospitals/or Lunatic Asylums
We do not know exactly how many women and children were killed, direct or directly by the Catholic Church in Ireland. Twenty thousand is a very conservative figure, over 100,000 is another and maybe too high. But between 1922 and 1995, 28,000 psychiatric patients, mostly children from the Religious run Institutions, The Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages, were killed in Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals, known at the time as the lunatic asylums. The vast number of people in these institutions, like the Religious run Institutions meant that ill-treatment was rife, and their roots in the Religious run Institutions meant that some patients including children were left chained up or fitted with restraining straitjackets for years on end.
There were 22 asylums in Ireland, some of the asylums were enormous and yes the Roman Catholic Church was certainly involved, it placed many problem children within the psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums. The crimes of these unfortunate children were that they had complained about the many abuses suffered on them, like daily rapes, beatings, and torture. The children were transferred on the word of any cleric, and a willing medic, including the cleric or clerics that raped the child. In most cases the church itself referred children to an asylum without medical opinion, such was the power of the Church.
It was well known certainly in the Industrial School and spoke about in the secrecy of a whisper, that being sent to the asylum or the threat of being sent, silenced most boys with dread. I myself on a few occasions was threatened with the asylum if I ever spoke about my rapes. The last time was when I was 15 years old, when I spoke about the Archbishop McQuaid of Dublin who had raped me. The man that told and threatened me at the time is now the sitting Archbishop of Dublin. The threat of being sent to the asylum was viewed by the boys as a death sentence, which was used by the clerics as a powerful weapon to silence children that they raped. Once inside the asylum you never came back, every child of the Religious run Institutions knew this, and we all lived in fear.
The children themselves were transferred there by the Religious Orders that ran The Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and Industrial Schools, Orphanages, of Ireland. The reasons for me addressing this issue today is because of the secret Sea Monkey Files. There are details of the so-called euthanasia program that was carried out in all the psychiatric hospitals in Ireland. The secret Sea Monkey Files, entailed killing of women and children with lethal injections and through the introduction of a starvation diet. As well as the illegal drug experiments conducted on the children in all the Religious run Institutions that went wrong.
Malaria therapy was used to cure their mental illness in Ireland, it was used for people with advanced syphilis. Some patients were then treated with quinine and the suggestion was their mental health symptoms improved. Another treatment was -Insulin coma therapy which involved putting children into a coma with insulin a few times in a week, then waking them up again, some of the children died with this treatment.
Lobotomies, first introduced into Ireland in 1946, it became a mainstream part of Irish psychiatry with a few thousand operations every year, where the connections between the two hemispheres of the brain are cut -this was carried out regularly in all the asylums in Ireland, it operation itself rarely ever worked, many died because of the botched operation or from an ensuring brain haemorrhage. Believe it or not, two holes were drilled into the front of the head and brain tissue then severed or cored out with an instrument resembling a butter knife. The aim at the time was to detach part or all of both frontal lobes from the rest of the brain, and so break the nerve ‘circuits’ that were believed responsible for mental illness. Now the operation is considered an aberration, an example of what happens when doctors run amuck.
To give a scale of the size of the Irish asylums. In one town alone, in the West of Ireland, the town of Ballinasloe in County Galway which had a population of 5,600 in 1951. Of those population numbers, 2,100 were patients in the local town asylum. Hundreds of town-people depended on their local asylum for work, whole families for generations worked there, they lived and depended on the asylum income.
Lobotomies were performed “well into the 2000s” in Ireland. The procedure was described by medical experts as thus- a patient would be rendered unconscious by electroshock, then an icepick was used. Ice-pick lobotomy became wildly popular in Ireland at the time.The quack, sorry doctor would then take a sharp ice pick-like instrument, insert it above the patient’s eyeball through the orbit of the eye, into the frontal lobes of the brain, moving the instrument back and forth. Then he would do the same trick on the other side of the face.
One of the youngest patient’s in Ireland was a 10-year-old boy from Letterfrack industrial school, he complained that a Christian Brother had violently raped him, repeatedly. The boy was lobotomised and died within 6 weeks of his transfer to The Central Mental Hospital, Dundrum County Dublin. The Christian Brother said the boy was crazy, but St Joseph's industrial school in Letterfrack received a lasting notoriety through revelation of physical and sexual rape of most of the boys by all the Christian Brothers there, sexual rape and extreme physical punishments going back to the 1930s was a daily ritual for the boys. St Joseph's industrial school in Letterfrack was one of the rape centres used by the Christian Brothers as were all the other Industrial Schools they ran. The Christian Brothers were a true band of Christian Rapists and Pedophiles. It is known that over 147 boys died while in Letterfrack in the care of the Christian Brothers, all the boys died from rape, torture and neglect. The Christian Brother that raped that 10 year old boy would go on to rape and beat boys to death for the next 30 years and get away with it. The Christian Brother was moved to 5 other Industrial Schools to continue his orgy of rape and death. His superiors knew for over 30 years, but nobody stopped this animal who preyed on a diet of rape and death of vulnerable children daily.
Try to remember that the majority of children and women who were forced into the psychiatric hospitals were put there because they had complained that the clerics had raped them. What the young male children didn’t know at the time was that they were admitting that they were gay because a Priest or Christian Brother had raped them. The children though were asexual but now were viewed as sex deviants by the clerics and the doctors. The vulnerable children were neither straight nor gay, just children that were raped by the clerics. Homosexuality was classified as a mental illness by both the medical profession and the Catholic Church. Nowadays the medical profession no longer view Homosexuality as a mental disorder, whereas the Catholic Church still does, in that case all its Clerics should be in asylums.
There is now no doubt that the Catholic Church in Ireland sought to systematically exterminate women and children in their Religious run Institutions in Ireland. However, little has been published from this dark period of Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums. At each stage in the murderous process lay a series of unethical and heinous practices, with many psychiatrists demonstrating a profound commitment to the atrocities, playing central, pivotal roles critical to the success of the Irish Catholic Church’s policy.
We must talk honestly about the role of psychiatrists in the Irish Catholic Church’s atrocities, both in the Religious run Institutions and the psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums of Ireland. The Irish State ran and staffed the psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums of Ireland, allowing Catholic Church pressures to influence practice. It thus becomes crucial to include the Church’s era psychiatry experience in ethics training as an example of proper practice gone awry. Psychiatry during this period provides a horrifying example of how science was perverted by external forces, the Catholic Church. There is no doubt that Irish psychiatrists and the medical profession with the Catholic Church’s help, sought to systematically exterminate their patients, especially children.
There is also no doubt that the medical profession in Ireland was profoundly involved in crimes against women and children. The illegal drug experiments carried out in most Religious run Institutions against helpless babies and children was carried out by the worst transgressors, doctors. At each stage of the descent of the profession into the depths of criminal and genocidal clinical practice lay a series of unethical decisions and immoral professional judgments, encouraged by the Irish Catholic Church.
We now need an honest debate about the role of psychiatrists and other medical professions in the Irish Catholic Church atrocities. There involvement in illegal trafficking of children and babies, there involvement in the illegal drug experiments carried out in most Mother and Baby Homes, and Religious Orphanages of Ireland. Their involvement in illegal deaths of children and babies in Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums.The professional status of psychiatrists did not place any obstacle to their participation in the Church’s many nefarious crimes. Many psychiatrists and medically trained professionals demonstrated a profound commitment to the atrocities, most hid behind their catholic faith. It was the medical profession who faked causes of death on certificates of babies, children and women.
Irish psychiatric hospitals or lunatic asylums were also prisons and death camps, just like The Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and Industrial Schools, and Orphanages of Ireland. Psychiatrists, and other medical professionals, facilitated the resolution of many of The Cult's ideological and practical challenges, rather than taking a passive or even active stance of resistance.
The medical professional in general played a prominent and central role in the crimes against women and children, namely sterilisation and euthanasia. It was Irish psychiatrists who saw to the killing of the babies, children and their mothers through the use of starvation, illegal drug injections, as well as the heinous lobotomies. And we know from the Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums, they faked the causes of death on death certificates. We can see the records today and what was sent to surviving families. The majority of children and women sent to Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums had nothing wrong with them. They complained that they had been raped and beaten by the clerics in the Religious run Institutions of Ireland. Large scale murder was carried out on the women and children in Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums by Ireland’s medical professionals and they were empowered to do so by the Catholic Church in Ireland. The only crimes of the children and women, were that they were viewed as “undesirables" by the Catholic Church in Ireland. The medical professionals like the Clerics were and are implicated in the children’s murders. Owen Felix O'Neill
We do not know exactly how many women and children were killed, direct or directly by the Catholic Church in Ireland. Twenty thousand is a very conservative figure, over 100,000 is another and maybe too high. But between 1922 and 1995, 28,000 psychiatric patients, mostly children from the Religious run Institutions, The Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, and Orphanages, were killed in Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals, known at the time as the lunatic asylums. The vast number of people in these institutions, like the Religious run Institutions meant that ill-treatment was rife, and their roots in the Religious run Institutions meant that some patients including children were left chained up or fitted with restraining straitjackets for years on end.
There were 22 asylums in Ireland, some of the asylums were enormous and yes the Roman Catholic Church was certainly involved, it placed many problem children within the psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums. The crimes of these unfortunate children were that they had complained about the many abuses suffered on them, like daily rapes, beatings, and torture. The children were transferred on the word of any cleric, and a willing medic, including the cleric or clerics that raped the child. In most cases the church itself referred children to an asylum without medical opinion, such was the power of the Church.
It was well known certainly in the Industrial School and spoke about in the secrecy of a whisper, that being sent to the asylum or the threat of being sent, silenced most boys with dread. I myself on a few occasions was threatened with the asylum if I ever spoke about my rapes. The last time was when I was 15 years old, when I spoke about the Archbishop McQuaid of Dublin who had raped me. The man that told and threatened me at the time is now the sitting Archbishop of Dublin. The threat of being sent to the asylum was viewed by the boys as a death sentence, which was used by the clerics as a powerful weapon to silence children that they raped. Once inside the asylum you never came back, every child of the Religious run Institutions knew this, and we all lived in fear.
The children themselves were transferred there by the Religious Orders that ran The Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and Industrial Schools, Orphanages, of Ireland. The reasons for me addressing this issue today is because of the secret Sea Monkey Files. There are details of the so-called euthanasia program that was carried out in all the psychiatric hospitals in Ireland. The secret Sea Monkey Files, entailed killing of women and children with lethal injections and through the introduction of a starvation diet. As well as the illegal drug experiments conducted on the children in all the Religious run Institutions that went wrong.
Malaria therapy was used to cure their mental illness in Ireland, it was used for people with advanced syphilis. Some patients were then treated with quinine and the suggestion was their mental health symptoms improved. Another treatment was -Insulin coma therapy which involved putting children into a coma with insulin a few times in a week, then waking them up again, some of the children died with this treatment.
Lobotomies, first introduced into Ireland in 1946, it became a mainstream part of Irish psychiatry with a few thousand operations every year, where the connections between the two hemispheres of the brain are cut -this was carried out regularly in all the asylums in Ireland, it operation itself rarely ever worked, many died because of the botched operation or from an ensuring brain haemorrhage. Believe it or not, two holes were drilled into the front of the head and brain tissue then severed or cored out with an instrument resembling a butter knife. The aim at the time was to detach part or all of both frontal lobes from the rest of the brain, and so break the nerve ‘circuits’ that were believed responsible for mental illness. Now the operation is considered an aberration, an example of what happens when doctors run amuck.
To give a scale of the size of the Irish asylums. In one town alone, in the West of Ireland, the town of Ballinasloe in County Galway which had a population of 5,600 in 1951. Of those population numbers, 2,100 were patients in the local town asylum. Hundreds of town-people depended on their local asylum for work, whole families for generations worked there, they lived and depended on the asylum income.
Lobotomies were performed “well into the 2000s” in Ireland. The procedure was described by medical experts as thus- a patient would be rendered unconscious by electroshock, then an icepick was used. Ice-pick lobotomy became wildly popular in Ireland at the time.The quack, sorry doctor would then take a sharp ice pick-like instrument, insert it above the patient’s eyeball through the orbit of the eye, into the frontal lobes of the brain, moving the instrument back and forth. Then he would do the same trick on the other side of the face.
One of the youngest patient’s in Ireland was a 10-year-old boy from Letterfrack industrial school, he complained that a Christian Brother had violently raped him, repeatedly. The boy was lobotomised and died within 6 weeks of his transfer to The Central Mental Hospital, Dundrum County Dublin. The Christian Brother said the boy was crazy, but St Joseph's industrial school in Letterfrack received a lasting notoriety through revelation of physical and sexual rape of most of the boys by all the Christian Brothers there, sexual rape and extreme physical punishments going back to the 1930s was a daily ritual for the boys. St Joseph's industrial school in Letterfrack was one of the rape centres used by the Christian Brothers as were all the other Industrial Schools they ran. The Christian Brothers were a true band of Christian Rapists and Pedophiles. It is known that over 147 boys died while in Letterfrack in the care of the Christian Brothers, all the boys died from rape, torture and neglect. The Christian Brother that raped that 10 year old boy would go on to rape and beat boys to death for the next 30 years and get away with it. The Christian Brother was moved to 5 other Industrial Schools to continue his orgy of rape and death. His superiors knew for over 30 years, but nobody stopped this animal who preyed on a diet of rape and death of vulnerable children daily.
Try to remember that the majority of children and women who were forced into the psychiatric hospitals were put there because they had complained that the clerics had raped them. What the young male children didn’t know at the time was that they were admitting that they were gay because a Priest or Christian Brother had raped them. The children though were asexual but now were viewed as sex deviants by the clerics and the doctors. The vulnerable children were neither straight nor gay, just children that were raped by the clerics. Homosexuality was classified as a mental illness by both the medical profession and the Catholic Church. Nowadays the medical profession no longer view Homosexuality as a mental disorder, whereas the Catholic Church still does, in that case all its Clerics should be in asylums.
There is now no doubt that the Catholic Church in Ireland sought to systematically exterminate women and children in their Religious run Institutions in Ireland. However, little has been published from this dark period of Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums. At each stage in the murderous process lay a series of unethical and heinous practices, with many psychiatrists demonstrating a profound commitment to the atrocities, playing central, pivotal roles critical to the success of the Irish Catholic Church’s policy.
We must talk honestly about the role of psychiatrists in the Irish Catholic Church’s atrocities, both in the Religious run Institutions and the psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums of Ireland. The Irish State ran and staffed the psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums of Ireland, allowing Catholic Church pressures to influence practice. It thus becomes crucial to include the Church’s era psychiatry experience in ethics training as an example of proper practice gone awry. Psychiatry during this period provides a horrifying example of how science was perverted by external forces, the Catholic Church. There is no doubt that Irish psychiatrists and the medical profession with the Catholic Church’s help, sought to systematically exterminate their patients, especially children.
There is also no doubt that the medical profession in Ireland was profoundly involved in crimes against women and children. The illegal drug experiments carried out in most Religious run Institutions against helpless babies and children was carried out by the worst transgressors, doctors. At each stage of the descent of the profession into the depths of criminal and genocidal clinical practice lay a series of unethical decisions and immoral professional judgments, encouraged by the Irish Catholic Church.
We now need an honest debate about the role of psychiatrists and other medical professions in the Irish Catholic Church atrocities. There involvement in illegal trafficking of children and babies, there involvement in the illegal drug experiments carried out in most Mother and Baby Homes, and Religious Orphanages of Ireland. Their involvement in illegal deaths of children and babies in Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums.The professional status of psychiatrists did not place any obstacle to their participation in the Church’s many nefarious crimes. Many psychiatrists and medically trained professionals demonstrated a profound commitment to the atrocities, most hid behind their catholic faith. It was the medical profession who faked causes of death on certificates of babies, children and women.
Irish psychiatric hospitals or lunatic asylums were also prisons and death camps, just like The Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and Industrial Schools, and Orphanages of Ireland. Psychiatrists, and other medical professionals, facilitated the resolution of many of The Cult's ideological and practical challenges, rather than taking a passive or even active stance of resistance.
The medical professional in general played a prominent and central role in the crimes against women and children, namely sterilisation and euthanasia. It was Irish psychiatrists who saw to the killing of the babies, children and their mothers through the use of starvation, illegal drug injections, as well as the heinous lobotomies. And we know from the Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums, they faked the causes of death on death certificates. We can see the records today and what was sent to surviving families. The majority of children and women sent to Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums had nothing wrong with them. They complained that they had been raped and beaten by the clerics in the Religious run Institutions of Ireland. Large scale murder was carried out on the women and children in Ireland’s psychiatric hospitals/or lunatic asylums by Ireland’s medical professionals and they were empowered to do so by the Catholic Church in Ireland. The only crimes of the children and women, were that they were viewed as “undesirables" by the Catholic Church in Ireland. The medical professionals like the Clerics were and are implicated in the children’s murders. Owen Felix O'Neill
The Disappeared
Irish Official accounts say almost 60,000 vulnerable babies and children were "disappeared" by the Irish Catholic Church, illegally trafficked, sold like cattle into North America by the Religious Orders of Ireland. But many groups of Survivors say the figure is at least 100,000. The disappeared children have left a deep scar on Irish Society for decades and for decades to come. Figures as high as 35,000 children are known to be buried in secret graves and septic tanks that haunt the landscape of former Magdalene Laundries, Industrial Schools, Mother and Baby Homes and Orphanages of Ireland. This pattern was similar for those stolen, the women and their children who were taken from their homes in the middle of the night, only to be tortured, raped, enslaved for life at the many Religious run Institutions of Ireland.
The weak among the children were deliberately starved to death and then crudely disposed of at clandestine septic tank sewage systems. Most of the babies and a few children were disposed of by flushing them down toilets, flushed into secret Victorian sewage systems attached to all Religious run Institutions. After years of investigations, it is thought that some bodies of the disposable babies and children were destroyed with caustic soda, in the abattoirs that operated in all the Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland. We also know that caustic soda was added soon afterward to prevent blockages in the sewage drains, the Nuns taught of everything. Caustic soda was also known for its corrosive effects by the Nuns and was added by the Nuns to speed up with the decomposition of the child’s body to erase the baby's identification, while others, babies and children were just dumped, or dismantled into unknown mass graves.
Many Religious run Institutions in Ireland have mass secret graveyards for the disappeared, the mothers, the babies, the children, unwanted, not profited by the Catholic Church in Ireland. Children Raped, mothers brutalised by the Religious Orders in their rape rooms of Orphanages, Magdalene Laundries, Industrial Schools, Mother and Baby Homes. I still have hopes of finding the remains of my own Mother, my Brother/s and Sister/s, one day I hope to find them and learn with them, their stories, my story. Today, families of some of the disappeared children are watching closely to see what is recovered from the long delayed septic tank at Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home in the West of Ireland. Over 800 babies and children still remain in the septic tank since it was discovered four years ago. One excuse after another is offered, it’s all to do with saving the Irish Catholic Church public humiliation. After all it was from a Mother and Baby Home run by the Catholic Order of Bon Secours Sisters. The unscrupulous Catholic Nuns disposed of the babies and children into an active septic tank with regularity for over 40 or 50 years. The septic tank was used for human waste, so the babies they flushed down the septic tank were also human waste. It was the diabolical Nuns that disposed of the babies and children into the septic tank with their own human waste.
The same order of Nuns, also trafficked illegally, over 1,000 more babies and children from Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home into North America. Now we learn that both the Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church want the septic tank to be kept secret, forever. It is understandable, because if they remove the babies and children’s bodies from this septic tank, they know that they will have to investigate and open probably dozens of other septic tanks and mass grave-pits that dot the religious houses of Ireland.
Child Euthanasia was carried enthusiastically out by the Religious Order of Nuns and endorsed by the Catholic Church in Ireland in most of the Mother and Baby Home of Ireland. The sanctioned murder of severely mentally and physically handicapped children and young people up to 14 years old during The Cults reign in Ireland. We know that there were so-called special children's wards at all Mother and Baby Homes in the Irish State. The organised euthanasia of babies and children was carried out with religious fervour, ruthless efficiency by the Nuns that ran all the Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland.
There are documents to support this, many of the documents come from what are now known as the “Sea Money Files”.Many of the documents are marked "Strictly Confidential" The Nuns called the shots, in all the Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland. Doctors and other medical experts were absent, as were reports that were to be filed with the appropriate health authorities in Ireland. The pitiless Nuns had decided that if a newborn child is suspected of being afflicted with the following congenital disorders, the child was to die.
Down's Syndrome, known at the time as Mongolism, is microcephaly in which the brain does not develop properly, resulting in a shorter-than-normal head. Malformations of all kinds, particularly the absence of limbs, severe midline defects of the head and spine. Paralysis, including Cerebral Palsy which in most cases was caused by the Nuns themselves, have been untrained as medics. Cerebral palsy is caused by abnormal development or damage to the parts of the brain that control movement, balance, and posture. In some cases the Nuns pulled by force babies out of their mothers. Many within the Catholic Church in Ireland supported euthanasia with great enthusiasm. Make no mistake about it, euthanasia was carried out with ruthless efficiency in all Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland. We know that the Nuns spoke to each other, regularly by phone and letters on their many mutual problems of the Mother and Baby Homes. Exchanging ideas, like what to do with a problem baby with birth defects, how to dispose of the baby, how to continuously collect money from the Irish Government, and finally how to dispose of the baby’s body once it dies. More importantly to the Nuns was how to deal with the unwed mother whose baby they killed and her family. The answer was with fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and fanatical devotion to Holy Mother Church with many a night of inhumane pain, visited upon the unwed mothers, a few as young as 11 years old.
We also know that even though the babies authorised for disposing off by the Nuns, didn’t died immediately, many of the babies instead were used for months in scientific research run by the International drug companies that paid the Nuns for the live babies, and more shocking kept the dead baby’s bodies long after the child die. Something else, there was close collaboration between the Nuns and their enablers, the Doctors, by the placing of some sick children in Irish asylums, where further experiments were carried out under medical supervision. There were "Special Children's Ward" in all Irish Asylums, there is evidence that a few hundred children with disabilities ended up in Irish Asylums up and down Ireland. Many of these children died and their bodies were preserved as were their brains for future research. There was no family to object, no written consent, and more importantly no documentation to worry about.
A few thousand children lost their lives through deliberate malnutrition, disease, and neglect, there was no official autopsy ever performed on the babies or children. Yet many of their brains and organs were kept for research, certainly by the Irish medical schools, a few are kept to this day in both Trinity College Dublin and The Royal College of Surgeons also in Dublin. We know from documentations that two International Drug Companies performed their own unauthorised autopsies on the brains of the dead babies and children. We also know that hundreds, if not thousands of children who had been used in medical experiments, died, soon after they were experimented on, and a few died within a few years after, from the complications of the different drugs they were exposed to. I say that the babies and children who had also been used in the drug experiments were brought to the Religious run Institutions to be murdered. Babies as young as a few weeks old and up to children in the age range of 14 were sadly murdered in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland and that is a fact.
A few professional Researchers were hired by the Irish Government, most of them Academics who would soon be shocked at what they discovered trawling through the religious secret archives, now known as The Sea Monkey Files. All the Academics found themselves at a loss to convey the horrors they encountered and uncovered while compiling, and trawling through the different archives of all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Thousands of Boxes filled with alphabetical lists of heinous crimes, documented in thousands of documents, oversized ledger- books filled with the names of the inmates of the various labour camps they worked in. Many Academics were still trying to grasp the reality of what they read and saw, all were horrified. The Academics discovered and saw the vast crimes committed by all the Religious Orders. To most Academics it was like the death camps of Nazi Germany, they read about in history lessons. One professor wrote that it was “Evidence of pure Evil” as a staunch catholic he wouldn’t believe that he was reading. His notes, his account is unsparing and graphic, with descriptions of what he was reading as he went through the documentation. He also noted that he could smell the odour of fear leaping straight from the old letters and musty journals in the archives. The professor was still trying to grasp the reality of what he was reading.
The large industrial processing – of human beings” the illegal trafficking of babies and children. The Academics were stunned to learn, this was Ireland after all they were reading about and not Stalin’s Russia or Hitler’s Nazi Germany. In the early 20th century, a group of powerful and bloody-minded religious men in Ireland hit on the idea of enslaving unwed women and their children, thus adapting the methods of the death camps in Nazi Germany, and pioneering for themselves or what they preferred to call the processing – of human beings.”
Every act of cruelty suffered by tens of thousands of babies, children, and their mothers was and is a crime against humanity. Yet the Nuns and other Religious Orders are desperately trying to destroy their terrible relics, the death camps, slave camps of Magdalene Laundries, Industrial Schools, Mother and Baby Homes and Orphanages of Ireland. As long as these slave and death camps stand, all are evidence and living testament to the atrocities committed within their cold stone grey walls by the Catholic Church. Remember too that all the Religious run Institutions have vast unmarked mass graves and septic tanks, filled with women and children. We Survivors must preserve the memory of the our Holocaust, we owe it to the tens of thousands who died brutal deaths as chattel slaves of both the Irish State and - The Banality-of-Evil, that is the Catholic Church. We must never allow these remnants of human beings, the babies and children to be forgotten. The Septic Tank of Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home and other Septic Tanks in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland will and must stand as one of the most chilling symbols of the dark days of our most recent history. Let us also not forget that the amoral Nuns had quietly and methodically organised the flushing of over 800 babies and children into their Septic Tank, in Tuam and doing so for over 40 years. Where was their Christian duty of love then, or their Christian compassion. Maybe the Nuns forgot — Isaiah 49:10
“They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.”
The Catholic Church did not just murder thousand of babies, and children, but their mothers and other women, and their children, but literally “harvested” their remains to the International Drug Companies allowing them to do illegal drug experiments in the Religious run Institutions. Researchers and Academics were highly shocked when they also discovered illegal drug experiments, committed on vulnerable babies and children. The Academics also discovered a brisk trade which emerged between the death /slave camps,The Mother and Baby Homes, Orphanages the Magdalene Laundries and the International Drug Companies. The Researchers and Academics were reading the reprehensible crimes from the account books kept by all the Religious Orders and their Institutions.
Not only did the International Drug Companies gave money to the Religious run Institutions, but so did local textile manufacturers. The Laundry was a profitable business for all the Magdalene Laundries, why not it was run entirely by slave labour. Carpets were also made and sold in many Religious run Institutions in Ireland. As was carpentry, tailoring, shoe making, farming, and hiring out domestic servants to locals and the hospitality industry, as well as hospitals, schools, universities. All Irish Government Departments, all the Irish Defence Forces, An Garda Síochána, The Prisons. The true profits made from the illegal selling of babies, children, women and orphanage boys and girls, that ran into tens of millions of dollars a year. All can now be found and seen in the many well kept ledger-books used as account books by all the Religious Orders.
My question is “Can one do evil without being evil? And my answer after 18 years in a few Religious run Institutions in Ireland is a resounding YES. What is extraordinary was that many of the Nuns, Christian Brothers, Priests were just ordinary, probably from good middle class homes. Once in religious life and donning their uniforms many turned into amoral monsters, perverts, pedophiles, sadistic, and yes ‘terrifyingly normal’. Most performed evil deeds with evil intentions, many seem to get pure joy at inflicting pain on children, and women. What is sad is now I understand, many Religious people I met later in life and spoke to seemed disengaged from the reality of their evil acts. Many ‘never realised what they were doing’ due to an ‘inability to think from the standpoint of somebody else’. Lacking this particular cognitive ability, they ‘committed heinous crimes, against children and women under circumstances that made it well-nigh impossible for them to know or to feel what they were doing wrong’. All said they were doing the Lord’s work, many religious people said that they drifted into the Religious Orders of the Catholic Church, in search of purpose and direction, not out of deep ideological belief. Sadly many of the Religious Orders afterwards felt no remorse at their actions. There was no particular intention or obvious evil motive they said, things just ‘happened’, many claimed it was the work of the devil or they were led astray by seductive children and their immoral mothers. Owen Felix O’Neill
Irish Official accounts say almost 60,000 vulnerable babies and children were "disappeared" by the Irish Catholic Church, illegally trafficked, sold like cattle into North America by the Religious Orders of Ireland. But many groups of Survivors say the figure is at least 100,000. The disappeared children have left a deep scar on Irish Society for decades and for decades to come. Figures as high as 35,000 children are known to be buried in secret graves and septic tanks that haunt the landscape of former Magdalene Laundries, Industrial Schools, Mother and Baby Homes and Orphanages of Ireland. This pattern was similar for those stolen, the women and their children who were taken from their homes in the middle of the night, only to be tortured, raped, enslaved for life at the many Religious run Institutions of Ireland.
The weak among the children were deliberately starved to death and then crudely disposed of at clandestine septic tank sewage systems. Most of the babies and a few children were disposed of by flushing them down toilets, flushed into secret Victorian sewage systems attached to all Religious run Institutions. After years of investigations, it is thought that some bodies of the disposable babies and children were destroyed with caustic soda, in the abattoirs that operated in all the Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland. We also know that caustic soda was added soon afterward to prevent blockages in the sewage drains, the Nuns taught of everything. Caustic soda was also known for its corrosive effects by the Nuns and was added by the Nuns to speed up with the decomposition of the child’s body to erase the baby's identification, while others, babies and children were just dumped, or dismantled into unknown mass graves.
Many Religious run Institutions in Ireland have mass secret graveyards for the disappeared, the mothers, the babies, the children, unwanted, not profited by the Catholic Church in Ireland. Children Raped, mothers brutalised by the Religious Orders in their rape rooms of Orphanages, Magdalene Laundries, Industrial Schools, Mother and Baby Homes. I still have hopes of finding the remains of my own Mother, my Brother/s and Sister/s, one day I hope to find them and learn with them, their stories, my story. Today, families of some of the disappeared children are watching closely to see what is recovered from the long delayed septic tank at Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home in the West of Ireland. Over 800 babies and children still remain in the septic tank since it was discovered four years ago. One excuse after another is offered, it’s all to do with saving the Irish Catholic Church public humiliation. After all it was from a Mother and Baby Home run by the Catholic Order of Bon Secours Sisters. The unscrupulous Catholic Nuns disposed of the babies and children into an active septic tank with regularity for over 40 or 50 years. The septic tank was used for human waste, so the babies they flushed down the septic tank were also human waste. It was the diabolical Nuns that disposed of the babies and children into the septic tank with their own human waste.
The same order of Nuns, also trafficked illegally, over 1,000 more babies and children from Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home into North America. Now we learn that both the Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church want the septic tank to be kept secret, forever. It is understandable, because if they remove the babies and children’s bodies from this septic tank, they know that they will have to investigate and open probably dozens of other septic tanks and mass grave-pits that dot the religious houses of Ireland.
Child Euthanasia was carried enthusiastically out by the Religious Order of Nuns and endorsed by the Catholic Church in Ireland in most of the Mother and Baby Home of Ireland. The sanctioned murder of severely mentally and physically handicapped children and young people up to 14 years old during The Cults reign in Ireland. We know that there were so-called special children's wards at all Mother and Baby Homes in the Irish State. The organised euthanasia of babies and children was carried out with religious fervour, ruthless efficiency by the Nuns that ran all the Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland.
There are documents to support this, many of the documents come from what are now known as the “Sea Money Files”.Many of the documents are marked "Strictly Confidential" The Nuns called the shots, in all the Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland. Doctors and other medical experts were absent, as were reports that were to be filed with the appropriate health authorities in Ireland. The pitiless Nuns had decided that if a newborn child is suspected of being afflicted with the following congenital disorders, the child was to die.
Down's Syndrome, known at the time as Mongolism, is microcephaly in which the brain does not develop properly, resulting in a shorter-than-normal head. Malformations of all kinds, particularly the absence of limbs, severe midline defects of the head and spine. Paralysis, including Cerebral Palsy which in most cases was caused by the Nuns themselves, have been untrained as medics. Cerebral palsy is caused by abnormal development or damage to the parts of the brain that control movement, balance, and posture. In some cases the Nuns pulled by force babies out of their mothers. Many within the Catholic Church in Ireland supported euthanasia with great enthusiasm. Make no mistake about it, euthanasia was carried out with ruthless efficiency in all Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland. We know that the Nuns spoke to each other, regularly by phone and letters on their many mutual problems of the Mother and Baby Homes. Exchanging ideas, like what to do with a problem baby with birth defects, how to dispose of the baby, how to continuously collect money from the Irish Government, and finally how to dispose of the baby’s body once it dies. More importantly to the Nuns was how to deal with the unwed mother whose baby they killed and her family. The answer was with fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and fanatical devotion to Holy Mother Church with many a night of inhumane pain, visited upon the unwed mothers, a few as young as 11 years old.
We also know that even though the babies authorised for disposing off by the Nuns, didn’t died immediately, many of the babies instead were used for months in scientific research run by the International drug companies that paid the Nuns for the live babies, and more shocking kept the dead baby’s bodies long after the child die. Something else, there was close collaboration between the Nuns and their enablers, the Doctors, by the placing of some sick children in Irish asylums, where further experiments were carried out under medical supervision. There were "Special Children's Ward" in all Irish Asylums, there is evidence that a few hundred children with disabilities ended up in Irish Asylums up and down Ireland. Many of these children died and their bodies were preserved as were their brains for future research. There was no family to object, no written consent, and more importantly no documentation to worry about.
A few thousand children lost their lives through deliberate malnutrition, disease, and neglect, there was no official autopsy ever performed on the babies or children. Yet many of their brains and organs were kept for research, certainly by the Irish medical schools, a few are kept to this day in both Trinity College Dublin and The Royal College of Surgeons also in Dublin. We know from documentations that two International Drug Companies performed their own unauthorised autopsies on the brains of the dead babies and children. We also know that hundreds, if not thousands of children who had been used in medical experiments, died, soon after they were experimented on, and a few died within a few years after, from the complications of the different drugs they were exposed to. I say that the babies and children who had also been used in the drug experiments were brought to the Religious run Institutions to be murdered. Babies as young as a few weeks old and up to children in the age range of 14 were sadly murdered in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland and that is a fact.
A few professional Researchers were hired by the Irish Government, most of them Academics who would soon be shocked at what they discovered trawling through the religious secret archives, now known as The Sea Monkey Files. All the Academics found themselves at a loss to convey the horrors they encountered and uncovered while compiling, and trawling through the different archives of all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Thousands of Boxes filled with alphabetical lists of heinous crimes, documented in thousands of documents, oversized ledger- books filled with the names of the inmates of the various labour camps they worked in. Many Academics were still trying to grasp the reality of what they read and saw, all were horrified. The Academics discovered and saw the vast crimes committed by all the Religious Orders. To most Academics it was like the death camps of Nazi Germany, they read about in history lessons. One professor wrote that it was “Evidence of pure Evil” as a staunch catholic he wouldn’t believe that he was reading. His notes, his account is unsparing and graphic, with descriptions of what he was reading as he went through the documentation. He also noted that he could smell the odour of fear leaping straight from the old letters and musty journals in the archives. The professor was still trying to grasp the reality of what he was reading.
The large industrial processing – of human beings” the illegal trafficking of babies and children. The Academics were stunned to learn, this was Ireland after all they were reading about and not Stalin’s Russia or Hitler’s Nazi Germany. In the early 20th century, a group of powerful and bloody-minded religious men in Ireland hit on the idea of enslaving unwed women and their children, thus adapting the methods of the death camps in Nazi Germany, and pioneering for themselves or what they preferred to call the processing – of human beings.”
Every act of cruelty suffered by tens of thousands of babies, children, and their mothers was and is a crime against humanity. Yet the Nuns and other Religious Orders are desperately trying to destroy their terrible relics, the death camps, slave camps of Magdalene Laundries, Industrial Schools, Mother and Baby Homes and Orphanages of Ireland. As long as these slave and death camps stand, all are evidence and living testament to the atrocities committed within their cold stone grey walls by the Catholic Church. Remember too that all the Religious run Institutions have vast unmarked mass graves and septic tanks, filled with women and children. We Survivors must preserve the memory of the our Holocaust, we owe it to the tens of thousands who died brutal deaths as chattel slaves of both the Irish State and - The Banality-of-Evil, that is the Catholic Church. We must never allow these remnants of human beings, the babies and children to be forgotten. The Septic Tank of Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home and other Septic Tanks in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland will and must stand as one of the most chilling symbols of the dark days of our most recent history. Let us also not forget that the amoral Nuns had quietly and methodically organised the flushing of over 800 babies and children into their Septic Tank, in Tuam and doing so for over 40 years. Where was their Christian duty of love then, or their Christian compassion. Maybe the Nuns forgot — Isaiah 49:10
“They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.”
The Catholic Church did not just murder thousand of babies, and children, but their mothers and other women, and their children, but literally “harvested” their remains to the International Drug Companies allowing them to do illegal drug experiments in the Religious run Institutions. Researchers and Academics were highly shocked when they also discovered illegal drug experiments, committed on vulnerable babies and children. The Academics also discovered a brisk trade which emerged between the death /slave camps,The Mother and Baby Homes, Orphanages the Magdalene Laundries and the International Drug Companies. The Researchers and Academics were reading the reprehensible crimes from the account books kept by all the Religious Orders and their Institutions.
Not only did the International Drug Companies gave money to the Religious run Institutions, but so did local textile manufacturers. The Laundry was a profitable business for all the Magdalene Laundries, why not it was run entirely by slave labour. Carpets were also made and sold in many Religious run Institutions in Ireland. As was carpentry, tailoring, shoe making, farming, and hiring out domestic servants to locals and the hospitality industry, as well as hospitals, schools, universities. All Irish Government Departments, all the Irish Defence Forces, An Garda Síochána, The Prisons. The true profits made from the illegal selling of babies, children, women and orphanage boys and girls, that ran into tens of millions of dollars a year. All can now be found and seen in the many well kept ledger-books used as account books by all the Religious Orders.
My question is “Can one do evil without being evil? And my answer after 18 years in a few Religious run Institutions in Ireland is a resounding YES. What is extraordinary was that many of the Nuns, Christian Brothers, Priests were just ordinary, probably from good middle class homes. Once in religious life and donning their uniforms many turned into amoral monsters, perverts, pedophiles, sadistic, and yes ‘terrifyingly normal’. Most performed evil deeds with evil intentions, many seem to get pure joy at inflicting pain on children, and women. What is sad is now I understand, many Religious people I met later in life and spoke to seemed disengaged from the reality of their evil acts. Many ‘never realised what they were doing’ due to an ‘inability to think from the standpoint of somebody else’. Lacking this particular cognitive ability, they ‘committed heinous crimes, against children and women under circumstances that made it well-nigh impossible for them to know or to feel what they were doing wrong’. All said they were doing the Lord’s work, many religious people said that they drifted into the Religious Orders of the Catholic Church, in search of purpose and direction, not out of deep ideological belief. Sadly many of the Religious Orders afterwards felt no remorse at their actions. There was no particular intention or obvious evil motive they said, things just ‘happened’, many claimed it was the work of the devil or they were led astray by seductive children and their immoral mothers. Owen Felix O’Neill
Survivors Lives Matter
Ireland's Mother and Baby Scandal
In two special episodes of People and Power, (above link) from filmmakers Callum Macrae, Mark Williams and Al Jazeera correspondent Laurence Lee, we investigate deeply disturbing allegations that both the Irish state and its religious orders were responsible for a systematic decades-long regime of institutional neglect and exploitation involving the death of thousands of children.
Ireland's Mother and Baby Scandal
In two special episodes of People and Power, (above link) from filmmakers Callum Macrae, Mark Williams and Al Jazeera correspondent Laurence Lee, we investigate deeply disturbing allegations that both the Irish state and its religious orders were responsible for a systematic decades-long regime of institutional neglect and exploitation involving the death of thousands of children.
Over the period from 1922 to 1970, 195,000 children entered the gates of the 50 or so Industrial Schools in Ireland. The period for which they stayed varied widely, but the average was more than 7 years.
‘There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about our duty to preserve the purity of Irish motherhood through the sanctity of holy matrimony, according to the rites and traditions of the Irish Catholic Church, this was said at the time in the late 1940s.’
The Irish Bishops also said this;-
“We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.” in eliminating this scourge from our pure Irish society, these unwed women, and their filth, their offsprings.’
Should the Irish Catholic Church Pay Reparations for Slavery?
Besides the crime which consists in violating the law, and varying from the right rule of reason, whereby a man so far becomes degenerate, and declares himself to quit the principles of human nature, and to be a noxious creature, there is commonly injury done to some person or other, and some other man receives damage by his transgression: in which case he who hath received any damage, has, besides the right of punishment common to him with other men, a particular right to seek reparation.
— John Locke, “Second Treatise”
Religious texts in Judaism, Islam and Christianity all recognise slaves. So the question I pose is should the Irish Catholic Church pay financial Reparations to the women and children of their Religious run Institutions, like the Magdalene Laundries, the Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools of Ireland?. My answer is a clear “YES”, the Irish Catholic Church made money, hundreds of millions of pounds from the dehumanisation and demonising of unwed women and their children. It is naive to think that the past has nothing to do with the shape of today. It’s not enough that the Irish Catholic Church closest to ever offer a full apology was “ with deep sorrow and great sadness”. Financial reparations should be paid in consideration of the forced and uncompensated labour these women and their children performed in the Religious run Institutions in Ireland in which the Irish Catholic Church profited. Also many private institutions and local businesses, profited with the use of free labour from these Religious run Institutions. The main people who profited from the slavery and trafficking of children, itself, were the Irish Catholic Church.
These are the reasons Reparations must be paid and why:
1. The slave women and their children built these Religious Institutions against their will. They were compensated with rape, torture, beatings and death.
2. The women and their children never had anything of value to pass down to generations to keep their memories alive, many lost their complete families within and because of these run Religious Institutions.
3. Slaves of these Religious run Institutions were not considered humans so we have no true documented history of where we are from, who we are related to or anything pertaining to our family history. Most survivors lost their complete families to the evil system, run by the Catholic Church in Ireland.
If we want closure, both the Catholic Church in Ireland and the Irish State must pay Reparations. I believe that our entire Irish society would benefit from this move of paying Reparations to the women and children of these Religious Institutions. First of all, much of the economy of these Religious run Institutions, current and past were built upon the success of the Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools, with the use of free slave labour in the form of women and their children.
For example all the Magdalene Laundries made money with the use of free slaves in the form of women and their children, who were held captive in these Religious run Institutions.The Religious Orders as slaveowners were allowed to do whatever they wanted to their slaves including beating them, sometimes to death, raping them, including impregnating them, stealing their children and babies from them to be sold as slaves and worse than anything else, dehumanising them. In many areas of these Religious run Institutions, educating their slaves was actually discouraged. The Religious Orders took any possibility of education away from them. If our parents were not educated then we would begin life with a severe disadvantage.
We went a step further by continuing to deny educational opportunities once slavery in these Religious run Institutions had ended. In addition to this, the Religious run Institutions actually convinced many of women and their children that they were, in fact, less human than other Irish people. Many of the women and their children of these Religious Institutions, believed they were animals.
Slavery in the Religious run Institutions in Ireland.
The Irish Catholic Church, run Institutions, all practiced domestic slavery, they couldn’t survive without slavery. Domestic servitude was also a normal practice in all Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Many of the women, girls and boys as slaves, were hired out to the local hotels, private homes, hospitals, as daily domestic help. All the slaves, male or female were unpaid, most worked very long hours, their duties were to undertake cleaning, cooking, laundry, child minding and other household tasks in private households and hotels, farms and hospitals, many of the women were also beaten and a few got pregnant after having been beaten and raped. The domestic slaves of the Religious run Institutions were trapped in an endless servitude through the use of force or coercion, such as physical (including sexual) or emotional abuse and rape. All the Religious run Institutions collected the money, from the private companies or people who used their services, but the Religious Orders never paid the women, or boys their just dues. Some of the slave women and boys reported sleeping on cold kitchen floors, or locked into farm barns or outhouses if they had to stay over. Both the female and male domestic slaves also talk about being forcibly raped and beaten during the night. The Religious run Institutions kept its vulnerable women and children in domestic servitude. Child trafficking was also widely practiced in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland.
The Irish Catholic Church sold thousands, of women and children into a hellish life of Slavery and Domestic Servitude, including the illegal sale of babies abroad to finance the Irish Catholic Church’s continuous operations and expansions, both at home and abroad. On that fact alone, there is no dispute, the Irish Catholic Church history’s worst crimes against humanity, was the selling of children and babies as slaves. Another fact, Catholic Church, run Institutions in Ireland sold children as slaves for vast profits for a low estimate of $100 million dollars. This revenue from the sales of babies and children subsidised expansions of their state schools and private hospitals that the Religious Institutions ran at the time and run to this day, and paid the school and hospital building debts that the Irish Catholic Church had accumulated at the time. Many Convents, schools, churches lands, bishops palaces, church buildings and hospitals, private nursing homes were all built on the broken backs of slave children and their mothers. All the women and children of the Magdalene Laundries, the Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools in Ireland were slaves. Now it seems to some morally imperative that they, the Irish Catholic Church, repay their ethical debts to these former slaves of these heinous Religious run Institutions. When the Religious run Institutions fell into financial trouble, the illegal sale of the Irish babies, women and children staved off its ruin.
Finally, the Church’s asset portfolio included 10,700 properties, the Catholic Church in Ireland owns or occupied more than 10,700 properties across the country and controlled nearly 6,700 religious and educational sites. With property worth in excess of 12 billion Euros, plus billions more in assets like Hard-Cash, Art, Books, Manuscripts, Gold, Silver, Jewels, Furniture, and other investments. This information was gleaned from known records. Something else the Irish Catholic Church pays no taxes and even gets vast sums of free money from the Irish Government. So the money for paying reparations could easily come from the very wealthy Irish Catholic Church’s assets. If we moved that Irish Catholic Church money, into reparations it would provide the recompense deserved for the abuse of all the Survivors, it would help also to remove the stigma many Survivors feel today. I want to elaborate on how reparations improve Survivors' lives. By acknowledging the disadvantage created by slavery in these Catholic Church run Institutions and the subsequent human rights violations committed in them. Its important even significant factor that slavery played a huge part in bolstering the economic strength of the Irish Catholic Church, and Ireland in general.
We here in Ireland must take responsibility as a nation for allowing such a thing to exist, we also restore the dignity of that suffering to those, the Survivors, who have descended from it and most certainly been impacted by it. Improving those relationships and removing the stigma from the money that this Irish Catholic Church should distribute, would unite our nation, improve our economy (putting money into the hands of people who will spend it) and significantly improve the conditions for many of our elderly Survivors. The Irish Catholic Church directly benefited from the slavery of these women and their children, as did all the Religious Orders, with the illegally, selling of babies and children, enforced labour on the captive women and their children. The vast profit making of the Industrial Schools through the selling of their farm products, clothing, shoes, and carpentry, and of course the illegal trafficking of babies and children directly out of the Mother and Baby Homes of Ireland. Also the vast profits made in the Magdalene Laundries run as a criminal enterprise with the full support of the Irish Government and Irish Business Contracts.
These women and children of the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, did not go to a proper school and had little or no time to play. Also in most cases they very often did not receive proper nutrition or care. They lived the life of an adult and had their childhood, abused, raped and stolen. A vast majority of the women and their children worked in hazardous environments, as slaves. The women and their children were forced to work long hours as slaves in the Magdalene Laundries, the Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools of Ireland. Many within the Religious Orders that ran these vile Institutions, beat, raped and even killed their charges, forcing the women and children to work long hours, many in poor health. Many women and their children were physically tortured, with beatings, rapes and starvations. All the women and Children were verbally abused and physical assaulted on a daily basis, many women and children were worked or beaten to death. Child slavery and child labour was acceptable in our society and encouraged and run by the Irish Catholic Church.
Let’s be clear, child labour, exploitation and child slavery destroys the innocence of the child, children should not have their childhood taken away. It is not the children’s duty nor should it never be the duty, to meet the needs of the Irish Catholic Church, in all cases, child labour leads to corruption, child abuse, child rape, human trafficking and slavery. Slavery in any form is wrong and it is disgusting that the Irish Catholic Church profited by enslaving women and children in their Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools of Ireland. “Slavery is the use or the threat of violence to make another do work without compensation”, and this is what the powerful Irish Catholic Church did. The Irish Catholic Church now has a Moral Debt owed to these women and children of their Religious Run Institutions.
Slavery is the ownership, buying and selling of human beings for the purpose of forced and unpaid labour, and this is what the Irish Catholic Church did with tens of thousands of unwed mothers and their children throughout its many Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Even Irish Catholic Church practice of slavery didn't usually try to defend it - they made excuses and attempt to avoid being caught; which suggests that they, the Irish Catholic Church know that they were doing wrong.
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood”.
Article 1, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”.
Article 3, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
“No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms”.
Article 4, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
• Slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human beings
How ironic from the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis considers exploitation 'a grievous wound in the body of humanity’ and therefore for Catholics a wound in the body of Christ. If Pope Francis believes his own words, then let him speak out about the past practice of slavery of women and children in the Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools of Ireland.
Some children were kidnapped by force, by the Nuns often after their Mothers had died, during birth or the mother was murdered, by neglect, or deprived of medications, in the Mother and Baby Homes of Ireland. These kidnapped babies would not be permitted to remain even with other living relatives who were lawfully married and in some cases had no children of their own. Other kidnapped children were sent to special centres and other Religious Institutions to be fattened up for future sales. All their official documents were altered by the enterprising Nuns, including their date of birth, the place they were born in, and their Mother’s name. Some of the kidnapped children had their original metrics of birth destroyed, and their names changed so were classified as "of little sale value" due to chronic undernourishment, deformity or ongoing illness, they would then be sent to other Religious run Institutions, within Ireland or abroad. Many of these kidnapped children now grown women and men, upon returning to Ireland to look for their families, in the last few years, said that their childhood kidnapping and abuses with their new families abroad has left an indelible haunting impression on them, when years later they learned the truth.
The extent of this secret program run by the Irish Catholic Church became clear to researchers over the course of many years, as they found groups of “returning Irish men and women, with dubious paperwork of their birth, false paperwork, issued to their adoptive parents by the Nuns, who sold them as nothing more than chattel. These returning adults, now come to beg for any official help in tracing their true families, which is now provided by the different Survivor groups partly funded by the Irish Government. Locating these children’s childhood was and is a hidden minefield which turned up their horrendous stories of forcible removals, beatings, rapes and even death at the hands of the savage Irish Religious Orders.
Some researchers with Bernardo’s Tracing Services, were constituted to search for any paperwork or family that would or could help. But sadly with Irish Religious Order’s paperwork altered deliberately on the adults as children, it has proven hopeless. The Religious run Institutions and the Religious Orders that ran them were trained and coached to provide false information. Thousands of these children now adults, suffered emotional trauma when they were removed forcibly from their Mothers or other relatives, and will continue to do so to this day. Many have memories of their wretched childhood, the youngest children sold out of the system had no memories of their mothers or other family members that could be recalled. Now returning in their thousands to Ireland, desperate for any scrap of information about their true identity, sadly not finding it, as the criminally desperate Irish Catholic Church, continues to destroy all documentation of their criminal past crimes. Owen Felix O’Neill
‘There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about our duty to preserve the purity of Irish motherhood through the sanctity of holy matrimony, according to the rites and traditions of the Irish Catholic Church, this was said at the time in the late 1940s.’
The Irish Bishops also said this;-
“We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.” in eliminating this scourge from our pure Irish society, these unwed women, and their filth, their offsprings.’
Should the Irish Catholic Church Pay Reparations for Slavery?
Besides the crime which consists in violating the law, and varying from the right rule of reason, whereby a man so far becomes degenerate, and declares himself to quit the principles of human nature, and to be a noxious creature, there is commonly injury done to some person or other, and some other man receives damage by his transgression: in which case he who hath received any damage, has, besides the right of punishment common to him with other men, a particular right to seek reparation.
— John Locke, “Second Treatise”
Religious texts in Judaism, Islam and Christianity all recognise slaves. So the question I pose is should the Irish Catholic Church pay financial Reparations to the women and children of their Religious run Institutions, like the Magdalene Laundries, the Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools of Ireland?. My answer is a clear “YES”, the Irish Catholic Church made money, hundreds of millions of pounds from the dehumanisation and demonising of unwed women and their children. It is naive to think that the past has nothing to do with the shape of today. It’s not enough that the Irish Catholic Church closest to ever offer a full apology was “ with deep sorrow and great sadness”. Financial reparations should be paid in consideration of the forced and uncompensated labour these women and their children performed in the Religious run Institutions in Ireland in which the Irish Catholic Church profited. Also many private institutions and local businesses, profited with the use of free labour from these Religious run Institutions. The main people who profited from the slavery and trafficking of children, itself, were the Irish Catholic Church.
These are the reasons Reparations must be paid and why:
1. The slave women and their children built these Religious Institutions against their will. They were compensated with rape, torture, beatings and death.
2. The women and their children never had anything of value to pass down to generations to keep their memories alive, many lost their complete families within and because of these run Religious Institutions.
3. Slaves of these Religious run Institutions were not considered humans so we have no true documented history of where we are from, who we are related to or anything pertaining to our family history. Most survivors lost their complete families to the evil system, run by the Catholic Church in Ireland.
If we want closure, both the Catholic Church in Ireland and the Irish State must pay Reparations. I believe that our entire Irish society would benefit from this move of paying Reparations to the women and children of these Religious Institutions. First of all, much of the economy of these Religious run Institutions, current and past were built upon the success of the Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools, with the use of free slave labour in the form of women and their children.
For example all the Magdalene Laundries made money with the use of free slaves in the form of women and their children, who were held captive in these Religious run Institutions.The Religious Orders as slaveowners were allowed to do whatever they wanted to their slaves including beating them, sometimes to death, raping them, including impregnating them, stealing their children and babies from them to be sold as slaves and worse than anything else, dehumanising them. In many areas of these Religious run Institutions, educating their slaves was actually discouraged. The Religious Orders took any possibility of education away from them. If our parents were not educated then we would begin life with a severe disadvantage.
We went a step further by continuing to deny educational opportunities once slavery in these Religious run Institutions had ended. In addition to this, the Religious run Institutions actually convinced many of women and their children that they were, in fact, less human than other Irish people. Many of the women and their children of these Religious Institutions, believed they were animals.
Slavery in the Religious run Institutions in Ireland.
- Domestic Servitude.
- Forced Trafficking.
- Forced Labour.
- Bonded Labour.
- Child Labour.
- Forced Adoptions.
- Forced Rape.
- Forced Beatings.
The Irish Catholic Church, run Institutions, all practiced domestic slavery, they couldn’t survive without slavery. Domestic servitude was also a normal practice in all Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Many of the women, girls and boys as slaves, were hired out to the local hotels, private homes, hospitals, as daily domestic help. All the slaves, male or female were unpaid, most worked very long hours, their duties were to undertake cleaning, cooking, laundry, child minding and other household tasks in private households and hotels, farms and hospitals, many of the women were also beaten and a few got pregnant after having been beaten and raped. The domestic slaves of the Religious run Institutions were trapped in an endless servitude through the use of force or coercion, such as physical (including sexual) or emotional abuse and rape. All the Religious run Institutions collected the money, from the private companies or people who used their services, but the Religious Orders never paid the women, or boys their just dues. Some of the slave women and boys reported sleeping on cold kitchen floors, or locked into farm barns or outhouses if they had to stay over. Both the female and male domestic slaves also talk about being forcibly raped and beaten during the night. The Religious run Institutions kept its vulnerable women and children in domestic servitude. Child trafficking was also widely practiced in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland.
The Irish Catholic Church sold thousands, of women and children into a hellish life of Slavery and Domestic Servitude, including the illegal sale of babies abroad to finance the Irish Catholic Church’s continuous operations and expansions, both at home and abroad. On that fact alone, there is no dispute, the Irish Catholic Church history’s worst crimes against humanity, was the selling of children and babies as slaves. Another fact, Catholic Church, run Institutions in Ireland sold children as slaves for vast profits for a low estimate of $100 million dollars. This revenue from the sales of babies and children subsidised expansions of their state schools and private hospitals that the Religious Institutions ran at the time and run to this day, and paid the school and hospital building debts that the Irish Catholic Church had accumulated at the time. Many Convents, schools, churches lands, bishops palaces, church buildings and hospitals, private nursing homes were all built on the broken backs of slave children and their mothers. All the women and children of the Magdalene Laundries, the Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools in Ireland were slaves. Now it seems to some morally imperative that they, the Irish Catholic Church, repay their ethical debts to these former slaves of these heinous Religious run Institutions. When the Religious run Institutions fell into financial trouble, the illegal sale of the Irish babies, women and children staved off its ruin.
Finally, the Church’s asset portfolio included 10,700 properties, the Catholic Church in Ireland owns or occupied more than 10,700 properties across the country and controlled nearly 6,700 religious and educational sites. With property worth in excess of 12 billion Euros, plus billions more in assets like Hard-Cash, Art, Books, Manuscripts, Gold, Silver, Jewels, Furniture, and other investments. This information was gleaned from known records. Something else the Irish Catholic Church pays no taxes and even gets vast sums of free money from the Irish Government. So the money for paying reparations could easily come from the very wealthy Irish Catholic Church’s assets. If we moved that Irish Catholic Church money, into reparations it would provide the recompense deserved for the abuse of all the Survivors, it would help also to remove the stigma many Survivors feel today. I want to elaborate on how reparations improve Survivors' lives. By acknowledging the disadvantage created by slavery in these Catholic Church run Institutions and the subsequent human rights violations committed in them. Its important even significant factor that slavery played a huge part in bolstering the economic strength of the Irish Catholic Church, and Ireland in general.
We here in Ireland must take responsibility as a nation for allowing such a thing to exist, we also restore the dignity of that suffering to those, the Survivors, who have descended from it and most certainly been impacted by it. Improving those relationships and removing the stigma from the money that this Irish Catholic Church should distribute, would unite our nation, improve our economy (putting money into the hands of people who will spend it) and significantly improve the conditions for many of our elderly Survivors. The Irish Catholic Church directly benefited from the slavery of these women and their children, as did all the Religious Orders, with the illegally, selling of babies and children, enforced labour on the captive women and their children. The vast profit making of the Industrial Schools through the selling of their farm products, clothing, shoes, and carpentry, and of course the illegal trafficking of babies and children directly out of the Mother and Baby Homes of Ireland. Also the vast profits made in the Magdalene Laundries run as a criminal enterprise with the full support of the Irish Government and Irish Business Contracts.
These women and children of the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, did not go to a proper school and had little or no time to play. Also in most cases they very often did not receive proper nutrition or care. They lived the life of an adult and had their childhood, abused, raped and stolen. A vast majority of the women and their children worked in hazardous environments, as slaves. The women and their children were forced to work long hours as slaves in the Magdalene Laundries, the Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools of Ireland. Many within the Religious Orders that ran these vile Institutions, beat, raped and even killed their charges, forcing the women and children to work long hours, many in poor health. Many women and their children were physically tortured, with beatings, rapes and starvations. All the women and Children were verbally abused and physical assaulted on a daily basis, many women and children were worked or beaten to death. Child slavery and child labour was acceptable in our society and encouraged and run by the Irish Catholic Church.
Let’s be clear, child labour, exploitation and child slavery destroys the innocence of the child, children should not have their childhood taken away. It is not the children’s duty nor should it never be the duty, to meet the needs of the Irish Catholic Church, in all cases, child labour leads to corruption, child abuse, child rape, human trafficking and slavery. Slavery in any form is wrong and it is disgusting that the Irish Catholic Church profited by enslaving women and children in their Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools of Ireland. “Slavery is the use or the threat of violence to make another do work without compensation”, and this is what the powerful Irish Catholic Church did. The Irish Catholic Church now has a Moral Debt owed to these women and children of their Religious Run Institutions.
Slavery is the ownership, buying and selling of human beings for the purpose of forced and unpaid labour, and this is what the Irish Catholic Church did with tens of thousands of unwed mothers and their children throughout its many Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Even Irish Catholic Church practice of slavery didn't usually try to defend it - they made excuses and attempt to avoid being caught; which suggests that they, the Irish Catholic Church know that they were doing wrong.
- Slavery increases total human unhappiness
- The slave-owner treats the slaves as the means to achieve the slave-owner's ends, not as an end in themselves
- Slavery exploits and degrades human beings
- Slavery violates human rights:
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights explicitly forbids slavery and many of the practices associated with slavery
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood”.
Article 1, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”.
Article 3, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
“No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms”.
Article 4, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
• Slavery uses force or the threat of force on other human beings
- Slavery leaves a legacy of discrimination and disadvantage
- Slavery is both the result and the fuel of gender discrimination
- Slavery perpetuates the abuse of children
How ironic from the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis considers exploitation 'a grievous wound in the body of humanity’ and therefore for Catholics a wound in the body of Christ. If Pope Francis believes his own words, then let him speak out about the past practice of slavery of women and children in the Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes and the Industrial Schools of Ireland.
Some children were kidnapped by force, by the Nuns often after their Mothers had died, during birth or the mother was murdered, by neglect, or deprived of medications, in the Mother and Baby Homes of Ireland. These kidnapped babies would not be permitted to remain even with other living relatives who were lawfully married and in some cases had no children of their own. Other kidnapped children were sent to special centres and other Religious Institutions to be fattened up for future sales. All their official documents were altered by the enterprising Nuns, including their date of birth, the place they were born in, and their Mother’s name. Some of the kidnapped children had their original metrics of birth destroyed, and their names changed so were classified as "of little sale value" due to chronic undernourishment, deformity or ongoing illness, they would then be sent to other Religious run Institutions, within Ireland or abroad. Many of these kidnapped children now grown women and men, upon returning to Ireland to look for their families, in the last few years, said that their childhood kidnapping and abuses with their new families abroad has left an indelible haunting impression on them, when years later they learned the truth.
The extent of this secret program run by the Irish Catholic Church became clear to researchers over the course of many years, as they found groups of “returning Irish men and women, with dubious paperwork of their birth, false paperwork, issued to their adoptive parents by the Nuns, who sold them as nothing more than chattel. These returning adults, now come to beg for any official help in tracing their true families, which is now provided by the different Survivor groups partly funded by the Irish Government. Locating these children’s childhood was and is a hidden minefield which turned up their horrendous stories of forcible removals, beatings, rapes and even death at the hands of the savage Irish Religious Orders.
Some researchers with Bernardo’s Tracing Services, were constituted to search for any paperwork or family that would or could help. But sadly with Irish Religious Order’s paperwork altered deliberately on the adults as children, it has proven hopeless. The Religious run Institutions and the Religious Orders that ran them were trained and coached to provide false information. Thousands of these children now adults, suffered emotional trauma when they were removed forcibly from their Mothers or other relatives, and will continue to do so to this day. Many have memories of their wretched childhood, the youngest children sold out of the system had no memories of their mothers or other family members that could be recalled. Now returning in their thousands to Ireland, desperate for any scrap of information about their true identity, sadly not finding it, as the criminally desperate Irish Catholic Church, continues to destroy all documentation of their criminal past crimes. Owen Felix O’Neill
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil"-
"God will not hold us guiltless".-
"Not to speak is to speak".-
"Not to act is to act".
Attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
"God will not hold us guiltless".-
"Not to speak is to speak".-
"Not to act is to act".
Attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Philomena author on scandal of Ireland's 60,000 babies 'sold' by nuns to rich American families
Journalist and author Martin Sixsmith has travelled again to Ireland and the USA to meet people affected by the forced adoption scandal for a new TV documentary
Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, in Cork City, Ann O'Gorman, Living Survivor a True Hero , Ann's daughter, Evelyn O'Gorman is buried in Bessborough’s Mother and Baby Home.
Bessborough’s 1,000 Missing Babies.
The problem isn’t the barrel of bad apples, the roots, the trees themselves are diseased.
I must revisit Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, in Cork City, in the county of Cork, Ireland. The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary who owned and ran Bessborough do not know where the babies and children are buried. The burial cesspools of well over 1,000 children who died in the care of Bessborough Mother and Baby Home is unknown, despite very extensive inquiries and searches.I have no doubt that Bessborough Mother and Baby Home has hundreds if not thousands of babies secretly dumped into their cesspools and septic tanks on the grounds of the ex Mother and Baby Home, in Cork City.
According to the strictly confidential documents I have seen, I now know that most of the 1,000 babies missing, and whose cesspool cannot be found, according to the Nuns and it really is very simple. First of all, sadly many babies died in Bessborough, like all the other Religious run Institutions in Ireland. In fact according to the official documents, in Bessborough over a 20 year period, from 1934 - 1954, of relatively reliable death and birth records that I have seen, there were 478 infant deaths registered. When compared against the underestimated number of live births, this equates to a higher death rate in the region of 25%. In other words, one quarter of all babies born in Bessborough in the middle of the 20th. Century died in their first 12 months of life.
Put it another way, the Infant Mortality Rate for Ireland (IMR) as a whole was 3.5 per 1,000 life births. In 1950 by comparison this was approximately 50 per 1,000 live births. The IMR is a staggering and sobering statistic which I suggest was used as a cover-up to account for the illegal trafficking of stolen babies out of Bessborough Mother and Baby Home. Anecdotal accounts confirm that hundreds of mothers who gave birth in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, were told that their babies had died but yet the mothers were never allowed to see them or bury them. So plain and simple, The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Nuns, stole the new born babies from their mothers at birth, told the mothers that their babies died, moved the mothers to another Mother and Baby Home or Magdalene Laundry in another county of Ireland. When in fact the evil Nuns trafficked and exported the new born babies into North America and elsewhere for profit, and the other crimes of the immoral Nuns was that the Nuns altered and falsified their handwritten documents, with the direct help of corrupt Irish Government Officials. I have seen these official documents, not only did the inept Nuns falsify the official documents, they then told their co-conspirators, the Irish Government that the stolen babies had died at birth, enabling the deceitful Nuns to collect more monies from the Irish Government to bury the so call dead babies, when in fact the trafficked babies were not dead but stolen by the disingenuous Nuns. It would appear that the morally corrupt Nuns collected monies at both ends.
Something else according to the original documents from, Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, was that the Death Register only lists deaths of babies and children up until January 1953, while Birth Registrations are listed up till August 1955, therefore it would appear that a total of 5.5 years of death registrations is not accounted for by the Nuns. The inference therefore is that the IMR of 25% may indeed be far higher. The findings are as follows—From entries in Bessborough’s Death and Registration of Birth Books-
December 1930-April 1936
April 1936- January 1942
January 1942- January 1947
January 1947- June 1951
June 1951-August 1955
1. According to the Registration of Birth Books- in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home 2,270 babies were born.
2. According to the Registration of Death Books- in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home. Between February 1934 and January 1953, the deaths of babies were recorded as 482.
Now this would correspondingly indicate an IMR of 21 % . However staggering these figures are, they do not reflect a complete picture of IMR as the Death Records only begin in 1934, whereas the Birth Register begins in December 1930, thereby missing 3 complete years.
So using the IMR in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home appears at least 212 deaths per 1,000 babies born-that is a fifth of all babies died before the end of their first year. This is the absolute minimum because over 5 years is missing from the Death Records …So 212 by 5 years equals 1,060 missing or dead. This is true and from the official records what we know of. It has implications far beyond our small universe, it is nothing but shocking. Put it another way, this is the equivalent to the IMR in Ireland in the 18th. Century. It is five times the IMR in the local community in the 1950s, which was 5% and 65 times the current IMR. The current IMR in Ireland is 3.8 per 1,000 live births.
Causes of baby death by the Nuns at Bessborough’s Mother and Baby Home are also a lie, because we now know that 1,060 babies didn’t die, but illegally sold into America. From the hand-written records, the causes of baby death according to the Nuns were;-
-Gastroenteritis, also known as infectious diarrhoea and gastro, is inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
-Congenital syphilis is a chronic infectious disease caused by a spirochete (treponema pallidum) acquired by the foetus in the uterus before birth.
-Pneumonia is an infection in one or both lungs. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi cause it.
-Bronchitis is an infection of the main airways of the lungs (bronchi), which causes them to become inflamed.
There are no medical records from Bessborough’s Mother and Baby Home to substantiate the veracity of these findings, in fact one child’s record cites “Prematurity” as the cause of her death, that’s impossible because the so called child was recorded as been 3 years of age at her last birthday.
-Prematurity is a term for the broad category of neonates born at less than 37 weeks' gestation
And more, I have seen Letters from Irish Bishops who wrote to the Nuns - requesting that babies be made available to sell-as they, the Bishops needed money. We know from other official records that the Nuns stole the babies to satisfy the Irish Bishops need for monies. There are also documents that some of the children died in transit and secretly buried, also that some of the babies stolen and sold were children from the age of 3 years old to 10 years of age.
More shocking is that a few official documents say that Irish babies and children were illegally trafficked by the Nuns, themselves with the support of the Irish Bishops on a HP basis- Hire Lease was an agreement whereby a person lease a child for a period of time by paying instalments, and can own the child at the end of the agreement. This is extraordinary to see on office documents, as is the use of the words-Trafficking, Forced Adoption, Hire Purchase, and Commodities.
In other words, the family in American or elsewhere that wanted an Irish Baby paid the Nuns $1,500 or $2,000 up front in the 1950s, remember at that time this was a huge sum of money, before the new parents took possession of the child, and they the new parents, would agree on a Hire Purchase form or contract to pay additionally $65 or more on monthly instalments, till the child reached the age of 18. A document I have seen also says that the Nuns spoke and wrote about the stolen babies as “Commodities” Another document also says that the mothers in the Mother and Baby Homes never gave their consent in spite of the fact that the Irish Catholic Church claims otherwise, the Nuns at the Mother and Baby Homes couldn’t produce a single document to support that the women gave their consent for their babies to be stolen. The trafficking of Irish Babies was a huge profitable business for the Irish Catholic Church, worth at the time at over 100 million Irish Pounds. Again another official document goes on to say, that outside private Doctors, Matrons, Welfare Officers and Irish Government Officials, all conspired and received illegal cash payment for their criminal parts in this vast criminal conspiracy, the Trafficking of stolen Irish Babies sold around the world.
The criminal Nuns further criminal acts, it is reported during the period in question that, once a mother and child had been discharged from Bessborough’s Mother and Baby Home, two dates were routinely recorded. The first date of discharge listed is the date when the woman was geographically discharged from Bessborough, while the second date appears to function for administrative purposes, denoting when the woman was discharged from the institution’s books. These dates are separated in some instances by years. In addition, mothers and babies were often kept long after their babies were born, and after they were otherwise medically fit for discharge.
It appears from the official documents that monies were paid both by the natural mothers for the care of their babies, and by their adoptive parents. The latter were requested to pay sums of money for the time, in the region of £50-£60, and this was payable by monthly premium.
More than 120,000 babies and children were stolen, sold and treated as Commodities from their mothers in all the Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland, since the foundation of the State. Of these, 40,000 were adopted after the introduction of legal adoption in 1952, and a further number were illegally registered as if born to their adoptive parents (known as "de facto" adoptions). Most unmarried pregnant girls were consigned to religious-run, State-funded Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland. The official documents say that the babies and children were stolen and the mothers told that their babies died at birth. What please could be more horrendous for any mother, to be told her baby died! To learn later on in her life that the baby was not dead, but was stolen, sold to another, and then to spend the rest of her life looking for that child and that is one of the worst crimes to commit again another, worse than even death. Owen Felix O’Neill.
The problem isn’t the barrel of bad apples, the roots, the trees themselves are diseased.
I must revisit Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, in Cork City, in the county of Cork, Ireland. The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary who owned and ran Bessborough do not know where the babies and children are buried. The burial cesspools of well over 1,000 children who died in the care of Bessborough Mother and Baby Home is unknown, despite very extensive inquiries and searches.I have no doubt that Bessborough Mother and Baby Home has hundreds if not thousands of babies secretly dumped into their cesspools and septic tanks on the grounds of the ex Mother and Baby Home, in Cork City.
According to the strictly confidential documents I have seen, I now know that most of the 1,000 babies missing, and whose cesspool cannot be found, according to the Nuns and it really is very simple. First of all, sadly many babies died in Bessborough, like all the other Religious run Institutions in Ireland. In fact according to the official documents, in Bessborough over a 20 year period, from 1934 - 1954, of relatively reliable death and birth records that I have seen, there were 478 infant deaths registered. When compared against the underestimated number of live births, this equates to a higher death rate in the region of 25%. In other words, one quarter of all babies born in Bessborough in the middle of the 20th. Century died in their first 12 months of life.
Put it another way, the Infant Mortality Rate for Ireland (IMR) as a whole was 3.5 per 1,000 life births. In 1950 by comparison this was approximately 50 per 1,000 live births. The IMR is a staggering and sobering statistic which I suggest was used as a cover-up to account for the illegal trafficking of stolen babies out of Bessborough Mother and Baby Home. Anecdotal accounts confirm that hundreds of mothers who gave birth in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, were told that their babies had died but yet the mothers were never allowed to see them or bury them. So plain and simple, The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Nuns, stole the new born babies from their mothers at birth, told the mothers that their babies died, moved the mothers to another Mother and Baby Home or Magdalene Laundry in another county of Ireland. When in fact the evil Nuns trafficked and exported the new born babies into North America and elsewhere for profit, and the other crimes of the immoral Nuns was that the Nuns altered and falsified their handwritten documents, with the direct help of corrupt Irish Government Officials. I have seen these official documents, not only did the inept Nuns falsify the official documents, they then told their co-conspirators, the Irish Government that the stolen babies had died at birth, enabling the deceitful Nuns to collect more monies from the Irish Government to bury the so call dead babies, when in fact the trafficked babies were not dead but stolen by the disingenuous Nuns. It would appear that the morally corrupt Nuns collected monies at both ends.
Something else according to the original documents from, Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, was that the Death Register only lists deaths of babies and children up until January 1953, while Birth Registrations are listed up till August 1955, therefore it would appear that a total of 5.5 years of death registrations is not accounted for by the Nuns. The inference therefore is that the IMR of 25% may indeed be far higher. The findings are as follows—From entries in Bessborough’s Death and Registration of Birth Books-
December 1930-April 1936
April 1936- January 1942
January 1942- January 1947
January 1947- June 1951
June 1951-August 1955
1. According to the Registration of Birth Books- in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home 2,270 babies were born.
2. According to the Registration of Death Books- in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home. Between February 1934 and January 1953, the deaths of babies were recorded as 482.
Now this would correspondingly indicate an IMR of 21 % . However staggering these figures are, they do not reflect a complete picture of IMR as the Death Records only begin in 1934, whereas the Birth Register begins in December 1930, thereby missing 3 complete years.
So using the IMR in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home appears at least 212 deaths per 1,000 babies born-that is a fifth of all babies died before the end of their first year. This is the absolute minimum because over 5 years is missing from the Death Records …So 212 by 5 years equals 1,060 missing or dead. This is true and from the official records what we know of. It has implications far beyond our small universe, it is nothing but shocking. Put it another way, this is the equivalent to the IMR in Ireland in the 18th. Century. It is five times the IMR in the local community in the 1950s, which was 5% and 65 times the current IMR. The current IMR in Ireland is 3.8 per 1,000 live births.
Causes of baby death by the Nuns at Bessborough’s Mother and Baby Home are also a lie, because we now know that 1,060 babies didn’t die, but illegally sold into America. From the hand-written records, the causes of baby death according to the Nuns were;-
-Gastroenteritis, also known as infectious diarrhoea and gastro, is inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
-Congenital syphilis is a chronic infectious disease caused by a spirochete (treponema pallidum) acquired by the foetus in the uterus before birth.
-Pneumonia is an infection in one or both lungs. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi cause it.
-Bronchitis is an infection of the main airways of the lungs (bronchi), which causes them to become inflamed.
There are no medical records from Bessborough’s Mother and Baby Home to substantiate the veracity of these findings, in fact one child’s record cites “Prematurity” as the cause of her death, that’s impossible because the so called child was recorded as been 3 years of age at her last birthday.
-Prematurity is a term for the broad category of neonates born at less than 37 weeks' gestation
And more, I have seen Letters from Irish Bishops who wrote to the Nuns - requesting that babies be made available to sell-as they, the Bishops needed money. We know from other official records that the Nuns stole the babies to satisfy the Irish Bishops need for monies. There are also documents that some of the children died in transit and secretly buried, also that some of the babies stolen and sold were children from the age of 3 years old to 10 years of age.
More shocking is that a few official documents say that Irish babies and children were illegally trafficked by the Nuns, themselves with the support of the Irish Bishops on a HP basis- Hire Lease was an agreement whereby a person lease a child for a period of time by paying instalments, and can own the child at the end of the agreement. This is extraordinary to see on office documents, as is the use of the words-Trafficking, Forced Adoption, Hire Purchase, and Commodities.
In other words, the family in American or elsewhere that wanted an Irish Baby paid the Nuns $1,500 or $2,000 up front in the 1950s, remember at that time this was a huge sum of money, before the new parents took possession of the child, and they the new parents, would agree on a Hire Purchase form or contract to pay additionally $65 or more on monthly instalments, till the child reached the age of 18. A document I have seen also says that the Nuns spoke and wrote about the stolen babies as “Commodities” Another document also says that the mothers in the Mother and Baby Homes never gave their consent in spite of the fact that the Irish Catholic Church claims otherwise, the Nuns at the Mother and Baby Homes couldn’t produce a single document to support that the women gave their consent for their babies to be stolen. The trafficking of Irish Babies was a huge profitable business for the Irish Catholic Church, worth at the time at over 100 million Irish Pounds. Again another official document goes on to say, that outside private Doctors, Matrons, Welfare Officers and Irish Government Officials, all conspired and received illegal cash payment for their criminal parts in this vast criminal conspiracy, the Trafficking of stolen Irish Babies sold around the world.
The criminal Nuns further criminal acts, it is reported during the period in question that, once a mother and child had been discharged from Bessborough’s Mother and Baby Home, two dates were routinely recorded. The first date of discharge listed is the date when the woman was geographically discharged from Bessborough, while the second date appears to function for administrative purposes, denoting when the woman was discharged from the institution’s books. These dates are separated in some instances by years. In addition, mothers and babies were often kept long after their babies were born, and after they were otherwise medically fit for discharge.
It appears from the official documents that monies were paid both by the natural mothers for the care of their babies, and by their adoptive parents. The latter were requested to pay sums of money for the time, in the region of £50-£60, and this was payable by monthly premium.
More than 120,000 babies and children were stolen, sold and treated as Commodities from their mothers in all the Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland, since the foundation of the State. Of these, 40,000 were adopted after the introduction of legal adoption in 1952, and a further number were illegally registered as if born to their adoptive parents (known as "de facto" adoptions). Most unmarried pregnant girls were consigned to religious-run, State-funded Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland. The official documents say that the babies and children were stolen and the mothers told that their babies died at birth. What please could be more horrendous for any mother, to be told her baby died! To learn later on in her life that the baby was not dead, but was stolen, sold to another, and then to spend the rest of her life looking for that child and that is one of the worst crimes to commit again another, worse than even death. Owen Felix O’Neill.

‘There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about our duty to preserve the purity of Irish motherhood through the sanctity of holy matrimony, according to the rites and traditions of the Irish Catholic Church, this was said at the time in the late 1940s.’
The Irish Bishops also said this;-
“We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.” in eliminating this scourge from our pure Irish society, these unwed women, and their filth, their offsprings.’
Full Story please read 'Felix's Blog'
The Irish Bishops also said this;-
“We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.” in eliminating this scourge from our pure Irish society, these unwed women, and their filth, their offsprings.’
Full Story please read 'Felix's Blog'
An Open Letter to the Community of Survivors of the Boys Club, Eccles Street, Dublin, Ireland.
I Patrick McCarthy was a 15 year old boy in 1969 when I first entered the Boys Club, on Eccles Street, than called Our Lady’s Hostel for Boys at 64-65 Eccles Street. I spend the next 3 years there, as I went to school at the nearby Catering College at Cathal Brugha Street, behind the Gresham Hotel on O’Connell Street. My own story can be found on my website www.tuambabies.org
So to any and all Living Witnesses of the Boys Club, following the publication in a recent article in the Irish Sunday Mirror-July 7th. 2019. We here at www.tuambabies.org want to offer a public platform in which all Living Witnesses of the Boys Club can tell their stories, good or bad. Their unvarnished truths in their own voice and style, we will publish on the front page of our website www.tuambabies.org and all social media platforms. The Living Witnesses, their stories, their experiences, their personal journeys.
I’m calling out to all former Witnesses of the Boys Club to step-forward with courage, we are no longer alone in our nightmares. I found the courage to stop living in fear and shame of my horrendous past but instead I found the courage to speak out. It wasn’t easy at first, but with the full support of a few close friends, I have open up, found inner strength in the face of great pain and grief. I continue to remain steadfast in the face of adversity, the various forms of distress and evil conveyed by our tormentors, the miscreant clerics. We have in our hands the power to overcome this adversity, our truth and strength will cause even more devastation against our unscrupulous tormentors, the exploitative clerics who inflicted severe mental and physical suffering on our continuous lives.
We must speak out now, not just to speak out now, but to shine a bright light of truth on our blighted childhoods. As for the people, the depraved clerics who we trusted the most with our collective childhoods, than ruthlessly betrayed our innocences with criminal acts of brutalities, rapes, and beatings. I say never again, to another child or any future child in our land, these people, the nefarious clerics we trusted, traded and fed of the trauma of our fears. The same miscreants who passed themselves of as holy men and women of a corrupt and deeply immoral church.
I hope I can give you, the Living Witness the strength to take them on. We can if we united with are common pain, our inner strengths, our story must be told, are stories will be told. Please remember, strength is in numbers, we are no longer alone, together we are strength. Our tormentors, the criminal pedophiles of our collective childhoods, mustn’t win, they depend on our continuous silence and ingrained fear.
Please contact myself, Owen Felix O’Neill, formally Patrick McCarthy at- ([email protected]) Owen O’Neill of Dublin was my father’s name, so I changed it over, recently, when I found out that he, my father, intended to marry my mother, Nora. But the Nuns at St. Patrick’s on the Navan Road had other ideas, they refused, because I was born out of wedlock. Owen O’Neill, my father left his name on official documents at my birth. Because he wasn’t married at the time to my mother, he couldn’t use or give his family’s name to his son, me. I was condemned to spend the next 18 years of my childhood in one Religious run Institution or other. Please be confident our stories will be told, put aside our fears, be brave, we will be heard, loud and clear. Owen Felix O’Neill
I Patrick McCarthy was a 15 year old boy in 1969 when I first entered the Boys Club, on Eccles Street, than called Our Lady’s Hostel for Boys at 64-65 Eccles Street. I spend the next 3 years there, as I went to school at the nearby Catering College at Cathal Brugha Street, behind the Gresham Hotel on O’Connell Street. My own story can be found on my website www.tuambabies.org
So to any and all Living Witnesses of the Boys Club, following the publication in a recent article in the Irish Sunday Mirror-July 7th. 2019. We here at www.tuambabies.org want to offer a public platform in which all Living Witnesses of the Boys Club can tell their stories, good or bad. Their unvarnished truths in their own voice and style, we will publish on the front page of our website www.tuambabies.org and all social media platforms. The Living Witnesses, their stories, their experiences, their personal journeys.
I’m calling out to all former Witnesses of the Boys Club to step-forward with courage, we are no longer alone in our nightmares. I found the courage to stop living in fear and shame of my horrendous past but instead I found the courage to speak out. It wasn’t easy at first, but with the full support of a few close friends, I have open up, found inner strength in the face of great pain and grief. I continue to remain steadfast in the face of adversity, the various forms of distress and evil conveyed by our tormentors, the miscreant clerics. We have in our hands the power to overcome this adversity, our truth and strength will cause even more devastation against our unscrupulous tormentors, the exploitative clerics who inflicted severe mental and physical suffering on our continuous lives.
We must speak out now, not just to speak out now, but to shine a bright light of truth on our blighted childhoods. As for the people, the depraved clerics who we trusted the most with our collective childhoods, than ruthlessly betrayed our innocences with criminal acts of brutalities, rapes, and beatings. I say never again, to another child or any future child in our land, these people, the nefarious clerics we trusted, traded and fed of the trauma of our fears. The same miscreants who passed themselves of as holy men and women of a corrupt and deeply immoral church.
I hope I can give you, the Living Witness the strength to take them on. We can if we united with are common pain, our inner strengths, our story must be told, are stories will be told. Please remember, strength is in numbers, we are no longer alone, together we are strength. Our tormentors, the criminal pedophiles of our collective childhoods, mustn’t win, they depend on our continuous silence and ingrained fear.
Please contact myself, Owen Felix O’Neill, formally Patrick McCarthy at- ([email protected]) Owen O’Neill of Dublin was my father’s name, so I changed it over, recently, when I found out that he, my father, intended to marry my mother, Nora. But the Nuns at St. Patrick’s on the Navan Road had other ideas, they refused, because I was born out of wedlock. Owen O’Neill, my father left his name on official documents at my birth. Because he wasn’t married at the time to my mother, he couldn’t use or give his family’s name to his son, me. I was condemned to spend the next 18 years of my childhood in one Religious run Institution or other. Please be confident our stories will be told, put aside our fears, be brave, we will be heard, loud and clear. Owen Felix O’Neill
Irish Sunday Mirror
Gardai probe claims of clerical sex abuse at Dublin hostel of horrors
Victims say priests passed them around "like pieces of meat"
By Sylvia Pownall 09:00, 7 JUL 2019 UPDATED 12:21, 7 JUL 2019
Gardai probing a hostel for boys which operated in the 1960s and 1970s believe they’ve uncovered a paedophile ring run by clerics. The half-way house – which opened under the name “The Boys Club” – is the subject of an investigation by officers attached to the Sexual Crime Management Unit.
While there he was subjected to horrific abuse for four days and he attempted suicide in a desperate bid to end the torment. He told the Irish Sunday Mirror: “During the three years I was at the hostel I estimate a couple of hundred priests and seminarians passed through Eccles Street to visit the boys, including senior clergy.” The man was born in a mother and baby home and was sent to the hostel from an industrial school where he was raped from a young age. He said: “The abuse that took place in the hostel was an extension of the abuse I suffered in the industrial school but it was far more intense and pressurised.”
He added priests used the home as a “hunting ground” and “passed boys around like pieces of meat” bribing them with cigarettes and money to keep quiet. The man claims he was also warned on several occasions to “keep his mouth shut” or he would “end up in the lunatic asylum in Dundrum”. A typical ploy used by senior clerics was to send their car and chauffeur to the hostel to collect a particular boy who would then be driven to a nearby location and abused. The victim, who is now 65, said: “A priest or seminarian tended to come with somebody who knew the hostel… they might depart with a boy. “The seminarians would chat me up. If there was a disco going on I would dance with them and I would be groped. This happened even in the toilet. “In hindsight there was a selection process. There were a lot of B&Bs in the area, it was close to Gardiner Street and nobody would dare stop a priest.
“There seemed to be a constant stream of priests and student priests coming in, this was normal to me. “I get it now – it’s beginning to hit me. I denied it for years.” Detectives are taking the claims seriously. Several of the priests who are implicated are still alive and are expected to be interviewed by gardai. More than 700 vulnerable teenage boys passed through the hostel over the space of a decade and it’s feared most were preyed on by clerics. Abusers included seminarians and their foreign visitors from Clonliffe, All Hallows and Maynooth as well as visiting priests and their “guests”. The hostel opened in the early 1960s and was run by nuns on behalf of the Archdiocese. It typically housed up to 30 teenage boys, aged 15 to 18, in dormitories.
There was a games room downstairs and a disco where priests would dance with the young boys. There was also a private flat upstairs where abusers took their victims. From 1972 it was known simply as “Our Lady’s Hostel”. It closed in the late 1970s and the building now forms part of the Mater Private Hospital. A second man, who was sent to the Boys Club in 1967 when he was 16, stated he was taken on a pub crawl by an elderly priest who got him drunk and raped him. He said: “He had done this before, some of the boys said later. “They all wanted to be our friends, to buy us stuff like ciggies, drink, food, movies or take us out on drives in the country for sex in their cars. “[Abuse happened] maybe twice a week. I was drunk most of the time, it deadened the memories so that I didn’t care. They just wouldn’t leave us alone.” A third former resident said he was thrown out of the hostel two days after he punched a senior cleric who made unwanted sexual advances towards him. Decades later he was in hospital after suffering a severe mental breakdown because he could not verbalise what had happened to him. Fr Brendan Smyth – regarded as the most depraved paedophile in Irish history – used to stay at the girls’ secondary school nearby and visit the hostel on foot. Institutional survivors’ advocate Fintan Dunne has set up a Boys Club Justice group on Facebook in a bid to uncover the truth and support victims. He said: “Most victims of the Boys Club are all still deeply affected and largely abandoned to their ongoing psychological distress. “What’s contributed to this is that somehow Ireland had remained oblivious to even the existence of the Boys Club or the depth of harm inflicted there. “As a result, most of these men lack appropriate care and many are troubled by the unfinished business of justice.”
The United Nations heavily criticised the Vatican on Wednesday for what it said was a systematic adoption of policies allowing Priests to Rape and sexually Rape tens of thousands of children
The United Nations heavily criticised the Vatican on Wednesday for what it said was a systematic adoption of policies allowing Priests to Rape and sexually Rape tens of thousands of children
The only Website in Ireland hosting alleged and convicted Catholic Church Clerics.
Catholic Church Begins Releasing Names of Texas-Based Clergy Accused of Sexually Assaulting Minors
The full List of the Pedophile Priests are at the end of the Article, click on the link above for the names of 300 Pedophile Priest in Texas
St. Patrick’s Guild Scandal Is The Tip Of The Iceberg
This original ad above was placed in the Irish Press in the 1950s and ran for many years. This was how the Irish Catholic Church sold and traded children, making tens of millions of Irish Pounds profit from the illegal sale of vulnerable children. Article on link below.
St. Patrick’s Guild was involved in the secret export of 572 children to the US for adoption from the 1940’s to the 1970’s, which was more than any other adoption agency. So much for ‘Love Them Both’- so called ‘children of sin’ ended up sold off or starved to death and buried in a septic tank.
This original ad above was placed in the Irish Press in the 1950s and ran for many years. This was how the Irish Catholic Church sold and traded children, making tens of millions of Irish Pounds profit from the illegal sale of vulnerable children. Article on link below.
St. Patrick’s Guild was involved in the secret export of 572 children to the US for adoption from the 1940’s to the 1970’s, which was more than any other adoption agency. So much for ‘Love Them Both’- so called ‘children of sin’ ended up sold off or starved to death and buried in a septic tank.
Excavation of former Tuam mother and baby home announced Minister signals that children interred at the site ‘to have a dignified and respectful burial’ Irish Times
tuambabies.org "TuamBabies Organisation", is a Registered Company at CRO Companies Registration Office, Ireland. Number 12496625
More than 1,800 Irish Priests accused of child Rape but only 82 convicted, in Ireland;-
The Importance of Tuam.
What hath Irish Catholic Church wrought? The decision to excavate and identify the remains of hundreds of bodies at the site of the former Mother and Baby home in Tuam, Co. Galway, Ireland, announced on October 23 2018 by the Irish Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone, was a very brave one to make. It will have huge and real repercussions and consequences for the corrupt Cult that is the Irish Catholic Church. Tuam is only the tip of the iceberg; the same standard and template will have to be applied to all the other Religious-run Institutions in Ireland with their secret disposal sites and septic tanks containing the remains of hundreds of rejected dead bodies. The Irish Catholic Church has now suffered a major historical defeat, one from which it will never recover. Irish people are ill-prepared to cope with the horrors they are about to learn about with the discoveries in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home. Reports of the inhumane conditions and the torturous treatment of the rejected babies, children and their mothers and the manner of their horrendous disposal in a Victorian septic tank, will only further reveal the true cruelty, barbarity and savagery practiced under the reign of the Irish Catholic Church by the Bon Secours Sisters who ran the institution.
We already know (and my own experience bears it out), that the children were so weak, diseased, and malnourished that they could barely walk or carry out their basic life functions. I myself couldn’t walk until I was four years old. Thousands of babies died as a direct consequence of the ill-treatment, in spite of the fact that the nuns were well paid per head by the Irish State to look after the children. The nuns were even paid by the State for burials, but instead kept the money themselves, with a portion given to the Irish Catholic Church coffers. In Tuam, we know that approximately 800 dead babies and children were disposed of and rejected by the Christian Nuns, by being flushed into a septic tank or stacked like slabs of bacon on crowded shelves. Up to 1,800 (and probably more) bodies of women and children were dumped into pits scattered about the grounds of this so called holy convent. Why do humans have to do this to other humans? Why can’t they just be human?
In the coming years, each discovery of the remains of the vulnerable women and children will deeply penetrate the hearts and minds of us Survivors, and, I hope, those of all Irish people and the world in general. I personally will weep at the horrors to come, for there goes my Mother Nora, my Brothers and my Sisters. The tears came out of my eyes at the news of the planned recovery of all the bodies. I cried and I said to myself, “How could the Nuns give such cruel and inhumane orders - to dispose of defenceless babies, children and women into a septic tank? Why is it that there was no respect for the lives of these women and their babies? What was their crime?”
The pain and suffering felt by all - but especially by Survivors - will be universal and I will no longer have the language to describe my pain as each rejected baby is exhumed from the horror that is this septic tank. We Survivors were stripped of our humanity as well as our personal identities. We were all emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally raped. I want to be clear; I don’t seek revenge and my heart is not full of hate, but I want the truth. I want to know what happened to all the slave women and children, but of course I particularly want and deserve the truth about my own Mother, my Brothers and my Sisters.
For many years I was afraid to come out about my experiences. I was like a timid animal, hiding, insecure and fearful of my insurmountable childhood horrors. Sadly many other Survivors fell by the wayside, looking in despair for consolation and solace through binge drinking, or illicit drugs, or, with utter hopelessness hovering in and around them like contaminated air, seeking oblivion in a darker world and fatally chasing their final demons through a fog of death to an anguish-filled suicide. Those of us that remain are merely a shell with a dearth of human emotions.
Understandably, many Survivors reacted to the news of the planned exhumation with tears, horror, confusion and/or denial and a deep hatred for the Irish Catholic Church. It doesn’t help that the nuns and the Irish Catholic Church insist to this very day that they did not know of the atrocities that lay within the Religious-run Institutions with their secret mass pits and septic tanks. Somebody put the more than 796 babies and children into the septic tank in Tuam. It could only have been the conniving Bon Secours Sisters, with the complicit help of the Cult known as the Irish Catholic Church. Nobody else could have done it.
Through rape and suffering, the four Religious-run Institutions in which I spent my first 18 years were the most shattering experiences of my entire life. It is not an exaggeration to say that I was insane with confusion for 40 years. I was all skin and bones when I first saw Dublin and I just couldn’t understand what had been inflicted on me as I walked around the wet, grey and cold city. I didn’t understand the medical experiments performed on us, (me included). I didn’t understand the selling of babies and children, dead or alive. I didn’t understand the brutality, the rapes, the beatings and the senseless deaths and ostracism. I didn’t even understand the Christian Religion with its message of love. I knew many children, and, later, many adults who didn’t survive. But I had seen and experienced all that happened to me and them in the work Gulags, known as the Magdalene Laundries, Industrial Schools and Orphanages of Ireland.
The soon-to-be-revealed horrors of the septic tank filled with rejects in Tuam will make a deep impression on minds and hearts, be they young or old. The Irish Nuns and Irish Clerics were born with hearts, but many somehow lost them through their cruelty and inhumanity. Owen Felix O’Neill
What hath Irish Catholic Church wrought? The decision to excavate and identify the remains of hundreds of bodies at the site of the former Mother and Baby home in Tuam, Co. Galway, Ireland, announced on October 23 2018 by the Irish Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone, was a very brave one to make. It will have huge and real repercussions and consequences for the corrupt Cult that is the Irish Catholic Church. Tuam is only the tip of the iceberg; the same standard and template will have to be applied to all the other Religious-run Institutions in Ireland with their secret disposal sites and septic tanks containing the remains of hundreds of rejected dead bodies. The Irish Catholic Church has now suffered a major historical defeat, one from which it will never recover. Irish people are ill-prepared to cope with the horrors they are about to learn about with the discoveries in Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home. Reports of the inhumane conditions and the torturous treatment of the rejected babies, children and their mothers and the manner of their horrendous disposal in a Victorian septic tank, will only further reveal the true cruelty, barbarity and savagery practiced under the reign of the Irish Catholic Church by the Bon Secours Sisters who ran the institution.
We already know (and my own experience bears it out), that the children were so weak, diseased, and malnourished that they could barely walk or carry out their basic life functions. I myself couldn’t walk until I was four years old. Thousands of babies died as a direct consequence of the ill-treatment, in spite of the fact that the nuns were well paid per head by the Irish State to look after the children. The nuns were even paid by the State for burials, but instead kept the money themselves, with a portion given to the Irish Catholic Church coffers. In Tuam, we know that approximately 800 dead babies and children were disposed of and rejected by the Christian Nuns, by being flushed into a septic tank or stacked like slabs of bacon on crowded shelves. Up to 1,800 (and probably more) bodies of women and children were dumped into pits scattered about the grounds of this so called holy convent. Why do humans have to do this to other humans? Why can’t they just be human?
In the coming years, each discovery of the remains of the vulnerable women and children will deeply penetrate the hearts and minds of us Survivors, and, I hope, those of all Irish people and the world in general. I personally will weep at the horrors to come, for there goes my Mother Nora, my Brothers and my Sisters. The tears came out of my eyes at the news of the planned recovery of all the bodies. I cried and I said to myself, “How could the Nuns give such cruel and inhumane orders - to dispose of defenceless babies, children and women into a septic tank? Why is it that there was no respect for the lives of these women and their babies? What was their crime?”
The pain and suffering felt by all - but especially by Survivors - will be universal and I will no longer have the language to describe my pain as each rejected baby is exhumed from the horror that is this septic tank. We Survivors were stripped of our humanity as well as our personal identities. We were all emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally raped. I want to be clear; I don’t seek revenge and my heart is not full of hate, but I want the truth. I want to know what happened to all the slave women and children, but of course I particularly want and deserve the truth about my own Mother, my Brothers and my Sisters.
For many years I was afraid to come out about my experiences. I was like a timid animal, hiding, insecure and fearful of my insurmountable childhood horrors. Sadly many other Survivors fell by the wayside, looking in despair for consolation and solace through binge drinking, or illicit drugs, or, with utter hopelessness hovering in and around them like contaminated air, seeking oblivion in a darker world and fatally chasing their final demons through a fog of death to an anguish-filled suicide. Those of us that remain are merely a shell with a dearth of human emotions.
Understandably, many Survivors reacted to the news of the planned exhumation with tears, horror, confusion and/or denial and a deep hatred for the Irish Catholic Church. It doesn’t help that the nuns and the Irish Catholic Church insist to this very day that they did not know of the atrocities that lay within the Religious-run Institutions with their secret mass pits and septic tanks. Somebody put the more than 796 babies and children into the septic tank in Tuam. It could only have been the conniving Bon Secours Sisters, with the complicit help of the Cult known as the Irish Catholic Church. Nobody else could have done it.
Through rape and suffering, the four Religious-run Institutions in which I spent my first 18 years were the most shattering experiences of my entire life. It is not an exaggeration to say that I was insane with confusion for 40 years. I was all skin and bones when I first saw Dublin and I just couldn’t understand what had been inflicted on me as I walked around the wet, grey and cold city. I didn’t understand the medical experiments performed on us, (me included). I didn’t understand the selling of babies and children, dead or alive. I didn’t understand the brutality, the rapes, the beatings and the senseless deaths and ostracism. I didn’t even understand the Christian Religion with its message of love. I knew many children, and, later, many adults who didn’t survive. But I had seen and experienced all that happened to me and them in the work Gulags, known as the Magdalene Laundries, Industrial Schools and Orphanages of Ireland.
The soon-to-be-revealed horrors of the septic tank filled with rejects in Tuam will make a deep impression on minds and hearts, be they young or old. The Irish Nuns and Irish Clerics were born with hearts, but many somehow lost them through their cruelty and inhumanity. Owen Felix O’Neill
"Forgotten Voices from Ireland's Institutionalised Past."
We must hold to full account the Irish Catholic Church, The Irish Government, for crimes against Women and Children. The Church that organised our rapes and slaughter, the thousands of Children and Women in the Magdalene Laundries, Industrial Schools and Orphanages throughout Ireland. The book of our lives, the leaves are relived and exhaustively poured over to be relived and read daily. Our memories, though real, are powerful reminders of our brutal and broken childhoods, all in the service of a sick cult, the Irish Catholic Church. The Irish Catholic Church is a secretive, authoritarian cult whose Clerics, for decades raped, tortured, brutalised, murdered, terrorised and mentally destroyed women and their children. Owen Felix O'Neill
“We took their babies and gifted them, sold them, trafficked them and starved them” “ No Nuns broke into our homes to kidnap our children. We gave them up to what we convinced ourselves was the Nuns’ care. We gave them up maybe to spare them the savagery of gossip, the wink and the elbow language of delight in which the holier than thous were particularly fluent”. TAOISEACH ENDA KENNY
The Catholic Church PR Team has mastered the very fine art of apologising

Above a similar Sluice Toilet which was in use in every Mother and Baby Home in Ireland. The Death Chamber, Septic Tank, with scattered remains to be seen, on the earthen floor, one of 20 similar Septic Tank Chambers in Tuam's Mother and Baby Home, County Galway. Two more Septic Tank Chambers have recently been found underneath the Children's Playground. It is now beyond dispute that 796 Babies and Children were disposed of into such Death 's Chambers, a Septic Tank in Tuam's Mother and Baby Home. The oldest child disposed of into the Septic Tank Chamber, was 7 years of age.
This is not just about, the Tuam Babies.
This Website is about all the Women, and Children, in all the Religious Run Institutions in Ireland.
Irish society largely responded to the enormity of the evidence for and the horror of the Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home with an attitude of self-justification and a practice of keeping quiet. The Irish Catholic Church attempted to rewrite their own history to make it more palatable after the Ryan Report was published. The Irish Catholic Church has refused to allow access to its many archives citing privacy concerns, but have destroyed and cleansed numerous archives of any incriminating documents what would show or hold the Irish Catholic Church or its Clerics to account in its criminal actions.
I heard it be said, sadly by Survivors themselves, that we mustn't upset the Irish Politicians or the Irish Catholic Church. I for one, am not having it, I intend to upset them both and hold them both to account.-
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil"- "God will not hold us guiltless".-
"Not to speak is to speak".-
"Not to act is to act".
Attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
This Website is about all the Women, and Children, in all the Religious Run Institutions in Ireland.
Irish society largely responded to the enormity of the evidence for and the horror of the Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home with an attitude of self-justification and a practice of keeping quiet. The Irish Catholic Church attempted to rewrite their own history to make it more palatable after the Ryan Report was published. The Irish Catholic Church has refused to allow access to its many archives citing privacy concerns, but have destroyed and cleansed numerous archives of any incriminating documents what would show or hold the Irish Catholic Church or its Clerics to account in its criminal actions.
I heard it be said, sadly by Survivors themselves, that we mustn't upset the Irish Politicians or the Irish Catholic Church. I for one, am not having it, I intend to upset them both and hold them both to account.-
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil"- "God will not hold us guiltless".-
"Not to speak is to speak".-
"Not to act is to act".
Attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

The Church of Pedophiles.
Why DNA is Important for Irish Survivors.
Forensic Interpretation of Mass Graves; War crimes are always committed during armed conflicts between Nation States. Crimes against humanity, such as summary executions of civilians, are also not uncommon in situations of national armed conflicts, revolutions, or in totalitarian regimes. All of these events result in missing persons and often in undiscovered Mass Graves. Both are searched for and processed by forensic experts in the aftermath of the conflict. Legal medicine has greatly benefited from the development of molecular biology and its new analytical techniques, in particular DNA analysis, in the identification of highly decomposed human remains. But we have an usual situation, shameful here in Ireland of many secret Mass Graves at many of our Religious Institutions, run by the different Catholic Religious Orders. Years ago DNA was unknown to humankind but the identification of human remains are now possible in all cases to be identified, by comparing medical and dental records of missing persons with findings at autopsy in cadavers rescued from mass graves. The United Nations defines a mass grave, as containing three or more people in it.
Mass Graves can tell a story that contain large amounts of highly decomposed bodies and skeletal remains, but they do pose specific challenges for forensic experts in Ireland or anywhere else for that matter, especially when dental and medical records are none existent, or when the grave is a secondary one, as is many cases, containing parts of bodies which were purposely removed and mixed by the perpetrators, the Irish Catholic Religious Orders. The recent development of new DNA sequencing and profiling technologies, as well as the understanding of the uniqueness of certain DNA sequences among individuals, has become greatly useful for human identification in situations of mass bodies dumped into Mass Graves, in many of the Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalene Laundries and Industrial Schools in Ireland.
DNA can be extracted from the bone marrow of Mass Grave skeletons, no matter the age of the remains. All genes are inherited in two copies: one from the Father and the other from the Mother, which are respectively known as paternal and maternal alleles. Each “allele” encodes a phenotypic feature or a certain inherited characteristic. An individual normally has two “alleles” for each gene, one contributed by the Mother and one by the Father.
Now to the technical, First with especial Thanks to Thomson Gale of World of Forensic Science;- DNA sequences are also used for human identification. They are classified according to their characteristics, such as LINES (long interspersed sequences), SINES (short interspersed sequences), LTR (long terminal repeats), STR (short tandem repeats), and VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats, or micro-satellite DNA). Short tandem repeats are used in tests of paternity and VNTR is used to identify victims and suspects. Crime scenes, like mass graves often produce mixed biological samples containing genetic material from two or more individuals, such as mixed body fluids , bloodstains, or blood pools. In mass graves however, samples contain DNA of several victims, rapidly degrading in tropical climates or due to moisture and soil conditions, all of which affect the STR sequences and other DNA loci used in human identification. Until recently, this constituted a serious obstacle to forensic interpretation. With the rapid evolution of genetic screening technologies, however, new test kits and software are being constantly developed. Some of these kits are more sensitive to low, degraded concentrations of DNA found in mixed samples than others. In degraded DNA mixtures, the margin of error for minor STR components can be 10–33%, and the burial of several relatives with similar alleles in a mass grave can make individual identification of DNA from a mixture even more difficult. Statistical evaluation of DNA mixtures takes into account the match probability.
So it works this way, living relatives of missing persons donate blood samples for comparison with DNA extracted from the long bones and teeth of the exhumed human remains. Mass Graves when located and exhumed in the Irish Convents or other Religious Institutions, run by different Catholic Religious Orders are located, to identify one corpse or any, or multiple bodies, and DNA is recovered, Survivors are then needed to give their DNA to seek matches. This way a unique profile for each individual is established, this is called DNA profiling. Every child, mother or other body must be DNAed to establish Identity and family connections. We know, DNA extracted from teeth and the application of other forensic identification techniques will led to the successful identification of all the victims, dumped into secret Mass Graves at most Religious Run Institution in Ireland.
DNA analysis may efficiently contribute to the identification of remains even decades later. The significant percentage of positively identified remains (60%), even when the number of the examined possible living relatives was relatively small, proved the importance of cooperation with the members of the local community and Survivors, who can help to identify the closest missing persons’ relatives and collect referent samples from them.
There is another Ireland, buried under modern Ireland. There is nothing more awful nor powerful than standing on the edge of a a septic tank structure, posing as a final resting place at the back of an Irish Catholic Convent, to watch the hundreds of baby’s bodies being taken up from a septic tank below. With Survivors and their families, sitting throughout the land, anxiously waiting in the hope of identifying the remains, and muttering quietly to themselves, “ Is this my brother, Is this my sister, Is this my son, Is this my daughter”, Is this really Ireland !!. Hundreds and hundreds and Row after row of baby sized heads and bones, mixed up, with human waste, shattered across 17 dark septic tank chambers, all filled with human bones of babies and children. Incomplete, unable to be identified, and never given dignity, in life nor death.
There is something rotten in the Catholic State of Ireland, that we can do this with babies and children, 796 is a big number, a powerful symbol of a failure to safeguard vulnerable babies and children in the care of Irish Catholic run Orphanages. This is a constant reminder of human vulnerability and exposure to Irish Catholic Church tyranny. The Irish Catholic Church contributes to maintaining the atmosphere of distrust that so often defines the fragility of Governments in transition and they adversely affect the credibility of political, democratic and rule of law institutions. While the public in general and Survivors of these Irish Catholic run Institutions, seek answers as each baby is pulled from the depths of abandoned the septic tank chambers below. Survivors and other Family members have a right to honesty and clear information concerning the fate and whereabouts of their Brothers and Sisters. This right is clearly stated in the European Convention on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Resolution 7/28 of the United Nations Human Rights Council, and other human rights instruments, as well as in International Humanitarian Law as applicable.”
Above a similar death chamber with scattered remains to be seen, on the earthen floor of the chamber, one of 22 similar secret Chambers used in Tuam were 796 remains of Babies and Children bodies were dumped into similar cesspits or cesspools. 17 of the Chambers were proven to contain remains of Babies and Children bodies for the 1950s. Many experts now believe that this number of 796 will greatly increase. A cesspit, or cesspool, is a manmade structure, which is not sealed at the bottom. It was used for the collection and storage of feces, excreta or fecal sludge as part of an on-site sanitation system used at the Tuam Mother and Baby Home in County Galway, Ireland. Traditionally, it was a deep cylindrical chamber dug into the earth, having approximate dimensions of 1 metre diameter and 2–3 metres depth. The septic tank chambers were lined with red bricks, and formed into underground chambers covered with a very large concrete slab, the septic tank chambers should have been emptied on a regular basis but it never was emptied, because the Bon Secours Sisters, at the time knew their dirty secret would come out, the septic tank chambers were the place to dispose of, in secret, the remains of the bodies of unwanted, vulnerable Babies and Children.
Burials were expensive at the time, and money was provided for burials by both the local council and the Irish Government of £5 I believe. So the Bon Secours Sisters, collectively made a decision not the bury each child or baby. The Bon Secours Sisters believe that these babies and children were not God’s Children, but spawns of the devil. In addition, we now know that the Crafty Sisters of the Bon Secours Order, collected money weekly on the babies and children in their care, the Bon Secours Sisters, never informed the Irish Government when a baby or child died, you see they were paid per child, it was in the interests of the Bon Secours Sisters not to report any of the children’s deaths, if it could, and something else, if the Bon Secours Sisters reported too many deaths, they feared Irish Government Inspectors, visiting, unannounced and asking awkward questions. The Bon Secours Sisters feared exposure, both for their financial crimes and manner of the children’s murder and deaths would be exposed.
Also the Irish Government Inspectors, would then see the site of thousands of tiny crosses denoting an individual grave on their, the Convent lands, which would mean that all the locals and Irish Government Inspectors, would know and see for themselves, the thousands of tiny crosses, and that the Tuam Mother and Baby Home in County Galway, Ireland, was really the killing ground for unwanted, vulnerable Babies and Children. Something else, the Bon Secours Sisters, would than have to keep a record of each child, each baby, they buried, and the Mothers’ of the Babies and Children would have a place to visit daily, and lay flowers, this I can assure you would cause horror and nightmares for the Bon Secours Sisters,. The sight from their luxurious bedrooms and well refined, elegant drawing rooms, of their Convent, watching a parade of thousands of grieving Mothers, paying homage, every day, at the graves of their buried babies and children, would be to much for the Holy Nuns to bare. The Children’s graves would be a daily reminder of the Bon Secours Sisters, barbarousness, murderousness, brutishness, and merciless savagery melting out daily in their Convent.
To the Bon Secours Sisters, the Cesspit was the better option, concocted by the evil, warped minds of the Bon Secours Sisters of Tuam, “out of mind out of sight”, the Bon Secours Sisters, believed, and told each other, it’s for the better, they said among themselves, after many scrumptious dinners and many bottles of sherry, no grieving mothers to worry about, no Angel Plots for Babies or children, no nosey Irish Government Inspectors. In reality it really was easier for the Bon Secours Sisters to forget the spawns of the devil, flushed into the bleak, black hell of the cesspool chambers, hidden, far under their Convent lands at Tuam, County Galway.
The present Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Michael Neary, while previously distancing his Archdiocese from involvement in the Tuam- Mother and Babies Home scandal, is now in fear of further investigations, discovering more hidden graves and septic tank chambers, and has and is refusing to meet any and all Survivors from the Tuam, Mother and Babies Home. The Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Michael Neary has also refused to provide Church Documents and Records pertaining to the Tuam- Mother and Babies Home and Survivors, looking for their brothers, sisters, and mothers. In fact Dr Michael Neary, is committing grievous crimes and genocidal crimes by hiding and disposing of, direct evidence of the atrocities committed at Tuam- Mother and Babies Home. You see, it’s very simple, the Bon Secours Sisters would have needed the express permission of his predecessor Archbishop Thomas Gilmartin in 1925 to enter the Tuam Archdiocese to set up shop, their Mother and Babies Institution.The Bon Secours Sisters would have been under the direct jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Tuam and secret contracts would have been entered into by then Archbishop and the Bon Secours Sisters at the time and rubber-stamped by Galway County Council as regards the refurbishment of this old public assistance building and the payments of monies to the Order, which would only go through the Archdiocese of Tuam and then passed into the rich coffers of the Bon Secours Sisters themselves, for their “taking in” of unmarried pregnant girls. I expect the Parish Records that the Archdiocese of Tuam had, is now, disposed of into the same septic tank chambers with the remains of the 796 babies and children.
The Bon Secours Sisters, showed their true colours, their total lack of empathy by never touching the baby or child, they simply told an older docile, slave woman, how to dispose of the spawn baby down into the septic tank chamber with the used toilet paper, except there was no toilet paper, it was only a used baby, the older docile, slave woman, simply did as the Bon Secours Sisters instructed and taught her to do. In this way 796 babies were disposed of into the septic tank chamber at the rate of 22 babies per year, or an average of 2 babies per month for 36 years, since 1925 and the Tuam Mother and Baby Home closed its doors in 1961. But recent Irish Government Forensic Science Reports has informed us that the majority of the babies were from the 1950s..and again something else, the forensic archaeologists, also informs us, that the children’s playground in front of the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam which was also part of the Convent land, contains another mass grave, a genocide of more women and children, again from the same period of 1925 to 1961, and not the famine babies from 1843 as first reported by the lying Bon Secours Sisters in 2014 and the compliant Irish Police, An Garda Síochána. The Bon Secours Sisters said, and I quote….“we never knew anything about it.” The Bon Secours Sisters, again in 2014, also said “They had no awareness of a grave “in the area” of the Home. — Please Sisters, don’t add insult to injury, when does the lying stop. Owen Felix O’Neill
Forensic Interpretation of Mass Graves; War crimes are always committed during armed conflicts between Nation States. Crimes against humanity, such as summary executions of civilians, are also not uncommon in situations of national armed conflicts, revolutions, or in totalitarian regimes. All of these events result in missing persons and often in undiscovered Mass Graves. Both are searched for and processed by forensic experts in the aftermath of the conflict. Legal medicine has greatly benefited from the development of molecular biology and its new analytical techniques, in particular DNA analysis, in the identification of highly decomposed human remains. But we have an usual situation, shameful here in Ireland of many secret Mass Graves at many of our Religious Institutions, run by the different Catholic Religious Orders. Years ago DNA was unknown to humankind but the identification of human remains are now possible in all cases to be identified, by comparing medical and dental records of missing persons with findings at autopsy in cadavers rescued from mass graves. The United Nations defines a mass grave, as containing three or more people in it.
Mass Graves can tell a story that contain large amounts of highly decomposed bodies and skeletal remains, but they do pose specific challenges for forensic experts in Ireland or anywhere else for that matter, especially when dental and medical records are none existent, or when the grave is a secondary one, as is many cases, containing parts of bodies which were purposely removed and mixed by the perpetrators, the Irish Catholic Religious Orders. The recent development of new DNA sequencing and profiling technologies, as well as the understanding of the uniqueness of certain DNA sequences among individuals, has become greatly useful for human identification in situations of mass bodies dumped into Mass Graves, in many of the Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalene Laundries and Industrial Schools in Ireland.
DNA can be extracted from the bone marrow of Mass Grave skeletons, no matter the age of the remains. All genes are inherited in two copies: one from the Father and the other from the Mother, which are respectively known as paternal and maternal alleles. Each “allele” encodes a phenotypic feature or a certain inherited characteristic. An individual normally has two “alleles” for each gene, one contributed by the Mother and one by the Father.
Now to the technical, First with especial Thanks to Thomson Gale of World of Forensic Science;- DNA sequences are also used for human identification. They are classified according to their characteristics, such as LINES (long interspersed sequences), SINES (short interspersed sequences), LTR (long terminal repeats), STR (short tandem repeats), and VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats, or micro-satellite DNA). Short tandem repeats are used in tests of paternity and VNTR is used to identify victims and suspects. Crime scenes, like mass graves often produce mixed biological samples containing genetic material from two or more individuals, such as mixed body fluids , bloodstains, or blood pools. In mass graves however, samples contain DNA of several victims, rapidly degrading in tropical climates or due to moisture and soil conditions, all of which affect the STR sequences and other DNA loci used in human identification. Until recently, this constituted a serious obstacle to forensic interpretation. With the rapid evolution of genetic screening technologies, however, new test kits and software are being constantly developed. Some of these kits are more sensitive to low, degraded concentrations of DNA found in mixed samples than others. In degraded DNA mixtures, the margin of error for minor STR components can be 10–33%, and the burial of several relatives with similar alleles in a mass grave can make individual identification of DNA from a mixture even more difficult. Statistical evaluation of DNA mixtures takes into account the match probability.
So it works this way, living relatives of missing persons donate blood samples for comparison with DNA extracted from the long bones and teeth of the exhumed human remains. Mass Graves when located and exhumed in the Irish Convents or other Religious Institutions, run by different Catholic Religious Orders are located, to identify one corpse or any, or multiple bodies, and DNA is recovered, Survivors are then needed to give their DNA to seek matches. This way a unique profile for each individual is established, this is called DNA profiling. Every child, mother or other body must be DNAed to establish Identity and family connections. We know, DNA extracted from teeth and the application of other forensic identification techniques will led to the successful identification of all the victims, dumped into secret Mass Graves at most Religious Run Institution in Ireland.
DNA analysis may efficiently contribute to the identification of remains even decades later. The significant percentage of positively identified remains (60%), even when the number of the examined possible living relatives was relatively small, proved the importance of cooperation with the members of the local community and Survivors, who can help to identify the closest missing persons’ relatives and collect referent samples from them.
There is another Ireland, buried under modern Ireland. There is nothing more awful nor powerful than standing on the edge of a a septic tank structure, posing as a final resting place at the back of an Irish Catholic Convent, to watch the hundreds of baby’s bodies being taken up from a septic tank below. With Survivors and their families, sitting throughout the land, anxiously waiting in the hope of identifying the remains, and muttering quietly to themselves, “ Is this my brother, Is this my sister, Is this my son, Is this my daughter”, Is this really Ireland !!. Hundreds and hundreds and Row after row of baby sized heads and bones, mixed up, with human waste, shattered across 17 dark septic tank chambers, all filled with human bones of babies and children. Incomplete, unable to be identified, and never given dignity, in life nor death.
There is something rotten in the Catholic State of Ireland, that we can do this with babies and children, 796 is a big number, a powerful symbol of a failure to safeguard vulnerable babies and children in the care of Irish Catholic run Orphanages. This is a constant reminder of human vulnerability and exposure to Irish Catholic Church tyranny. The Irish Catholic Church contributes to maintaining the atmosphere of distrust that so often defines the fragility of Governments in transition and they adversely affect the credibility of political, democratic and rule of law institutions. While the public in general and Survivors of these Irish Catholic run Institutions, seek answers as each baby is pulled from the depths of abandoned the septic tank chambers below. Survivors and other Family members have a right to honesty and clear information concerning the fate and whereabouts of their Brothers and Sisters. This right is clearly stated in the European Convention on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Resolution 7/28 of the United Nations Human Rights Council, and other human rights instruments, as well as in International Humanitarian Law as applicable.”
Above a similar death chamber with scattered remains to be seen, on the earthen floor of the chamber, one of 22 similar secret Chambers used in Tuam were 796 remains of Babies and Children bodies were dumped into similar cesspits or cesspools. 17 of the Chambers were proven to contain remains of Babies and Children bodies for the 1950s. Many experts now believe that this number of 796 will greatly increase. A cesspit, or cesspool, is a manmade structure, which is not sealed at the bottom. It was used for the collection and storage of feces, excreta or fecal sludge as part of an on-site sanitation system used at the Tuam Mother and Baby Home in County Galway, Ireland. Traditionally, it was a deep cylindrical chamber dug into the earth, having approximate dimensions of 1 metre diameter and 2–3 metres depth. The septic tank chambers were lined with red bricks, and formed into underground chambers covered with a very large concrete slab, the septic tank chambers should have been emptied on a regular basis but it never was emptied, because the Bon Secours Sisters, at the time knew their dirty secret would come out, the septic tank chambers were the place to dispose of, in secret, the remains of the bodies of unwanted, vulnerable Babies and Children.
Burials were expensive at the time, and money was provided for burials by both the local council and the Irish Government of £5 I believe. So the Bon Secours Sisters, collectively made a decision not the bury each child or baby. The Bon Secours Sisters believe that these babies and children were not God’s Children, but spawns of the devil. In addition, we now know that the Crafty Sisters of the Bon Secours Order, collected money weekly on the babies and children in their care, the Bon Secours Sisters, never informed the Irish Government when a baby or child died, you see they were paid per child, it was in the interests of the Bon Secours Sisters not to report any of the children’s deaths, if it could, and something else, if the Bon Secours Sisters reported too many deaths, they feared Irish Government Inspectors, visiting, unannounced and asking awkward questions. The Bon Secours Sisters feared exposure, both for their financial crimes and manner of the children’s murder and deaths would be exposed.
Also the Irish Government Inspectors, would then see the site of thousands of tiny crosses denoting an individual grave on their, the Convent lands, which would mean that all the locals and Irish Government Inspectors, would know and see for themselves, the thousands of tiny crosses, and that the Tuam Mother and Baby Home in County Galway, Ireland, was really the killing ground for unwanted, vulnerable Babies and Children. Something else, the Bon Secours Sisters, would than have to keep a record of each child, each baby, they buried, and the Mothers’ of the Babies and Children would have a place to visit daily, and lay flowers, this I can assure you would cause horror and nightmares for the Bon Secours Sisters,. The sight from their luxurious bedrooms and well refined, elegant drawing rooms, of their Convent, watching a parade of thousands of grieving Mothers, paying homage, every day, at the graves of their buried babies and children, would be to much for the Holy Nuns to bare. The Children’s graves would be a daily reminder of the Bon Secours Sisters, barbarousness, murderousness, brutishness, and merciless savagery melting out daily in their Convent.
To the Bon Secours Sisters, the Cesspit was the better option, concocted by the evil, warped minds of the Bon Secours Sisters of Tuam, “out of mind out of sight”, the Bon Secours Sisters, believed, and told each other, it’s for the better, they said among themselves, after many scrumptious dinners and many bottles of sherry, no grieving mothers to worry about, no Angel Plots for Babies or children, no nosey Irish Government Inspectors. In reality it really was easier for the Bon Secours Sisters to forget the spawns of the devil, flushed into the bleak, black hell of the cesspool chambers, hidden, far under their Convent lands at Tuam, County Galway.
The present Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Michael Neary, while previously distancing his Archdiocese from involvement in the Tuam- Mother and Babies Home scandal, is now in fear of further investigations, discovering more hidden graves and septic tank chambers, and has and is refusing to meet any and all Survivors from the Tuam, Mother and Babies Home. The Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Michael Neary has also refused to provide Church Documents and Records pertaining to the Tuam- Mother and Babies Home and Survivors, looking for their brothers, sisters, and mothers. In fact Dr Michael Neary, is committing grievous crimes and genocidal crimes by hiding and disposing of, direct evidence of the atrocities committed at Tuam- Mother and Babies Home. You see, it’s very simple, the Bon Secours Sisters would have needed the express permission of his predecessor Archbishop Thomas Gilmartin in 1925 to enter the Tuam Archdiocese to set up shop, their Mother and Babies Institution.The Bon Secours Sisters would have been under the direct jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Tuam and secret contracts would have been entered into by then Archbishop and the Bon Secours Sisters at the time and rubber-stamped by Galway County Council as regards the refurbishment of this old public assistance building and the payments of monies to the Order, which would only go through the Archdiocese of Tuam and then passed into the rich coffers of the Bon Secours Sisters themselves, for their “taking in” of unmarried pregnant girls. I expect the Parish Records that the Archdiocese of Tuam had, is now, disposed of into the same septic tank chambers with the remains of the 796 babies and children.
The Bon Secours Sisters, showed their true colours, their total lack of empathy by never touching the baby or child, they simply told an older docile, slave woman, how to dispose of the spawn baby down into the septic tank chamber with the used toilet paper, except there was no toilet paper, it was only a used baby, the older docile, slave woman, simply did as the Bon Secours Sisters instructed and taught her to do. In this way 796 babies were disposed of into the septic tank chamber at the rate of 22 babies per year, or an average of 2 babies per month for 36 years, since 1925 and the Tuam Mother and Baby Home closed its doors in 1961. But recent Irish Government Forensic Science Reports has informed us that the majority of the babies were from the 1950s..and again something else, the forensic archaeologists, also informs us, that the children’s playground in front of the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam which was also part of the Convent land, contains another mass grave, a genocide of more women and children, again from the same period of 1925 to 1961, and not the famine babies from 1843 as first reported by the lying Bon Secours Sisters in 2014 and the compliant Irish Police, An Garda Síochána. The Bon Secours Sisters said, and I quote….“we never knew anything about it.” The Bon Secours Sisters, again in 2014, also said “They had no awareness of a grave “in the area” of the Home. — Please Sisters, don’t add insult to injury, when does the lying stop. Owen Felix O’Neill