Sick Polish Archbishop Rationalises Pedophilia
Poland’s Catholic Church Slammed On Sex Abuse and Rationalisation That Children Are Partly To Blame;-
In Warsaw, the capital of Poland, the leader of Poland’s Catholic Church was strongly condemned when he appeared and said that children are partially responsible for their being Raped by the Priest. Archbishop Jozef Michalik who is the head of the influential Episcopate of Poland had commented on the dissemination of Pedophile Catholic Priests this month. He told reporters that a child who belongs to a troubled family, looks for closeness and love and in this case got involved with others to the extent to become a victim of RAPE. Pedophile Priests in Poland; Increasingly, victims of Child Rape are taking legal action against Pedophile Priests in Poland's Catholic Church. Many were Raped as Children, when they served as Altar Boys. Now they're taking their former tormentors to court.
Poland’s Catholic Church Slammed On Sex Abuse and Rationalisation That Children Are Partly To Blame;-
In Warsaw, the capital of Poland, the leader of Poland’s Catholic Church was strongly condemned when he appeared and said that children are partially responsible for their being Raped by the Priest. Archbishop Jozef Michalik who is the head of the influential Episcopate of Poland had commented on the dissemination of Pedophile Catholic Priests this month. He told reporters that a child who belongs to a troubled family, looks for closeness and love and in this case got involved with others to the extent to become a victim of RAPE. Pedophile Priests in Poland; Increasingly, victims of Child Rape are taking legal action against Pedophile Priests in Poland's Catholic Church. Many were Raped as Children, when they served as Altar Boys. Now they're taking their former tormentors to court.
Pedophile Priests in Poland;- Poland’s Catholic Church admits clergy sexually RAPED hundreds of children, some figures are put at thousands.
“Poland's Catholic Church has published a report admitting that nearly 400 of its Priests had sexually RAPED children and Babies over the last three decades. 1990 to 2018
Solidarity-era Priest accused of Rape of children, a statue of the legendary priest, Father Henryk Jankowski of Solidarność, was dismantled by order of the City Council.
Conservatives must face Pope John Paul II's legacy in Child RAPE Crisis;-
A cluster of facts too enormous to ignore, though many labour mightily to avert their eyes. Call it the elephant in the sacristy. One fact is that the offender was himself molested as a child or adolescent. Another is that some seminaries seem to have had more future pedophiles among their students than others. A third fact is that this crisis involving children—this ongoing institutionalised horror—is almost entirely about man-boy sex.
Solidarity-era Priest accused of Rape of children, a statue of the legendary priest, Father Henryk Jankowski of Solidarność, was dismantled by order of the City Council.
Conservatives must face Pope John Paul II's legacy in Child RAPE Crisis;-
A cluster of facts too enormous to ignore, though many labour mightily to avert their eyes. Call it the elephant in the sacristy. One fact is that the offender was himself molested as a child or adolescent. Another is that some seminaries seem to have had more future pedophiles among their students than others. A third fact is that this crisis involving children—this ongoing institutionalised horror—is almost entirely about man-boy sex.
Demolition of Polish pedophile Priest’s monument. After years of living under Catholic Church occupation, Poland starts to become secular country. The scene happened during night on 20 February 2019 and already symbolises the fall of Catholic Church in Poland.
Poland: 'Hands off our children' - Hundreds demand justice for Catholic Church sexual RAPE victims.
Hundreds of protesters marched through Warsaw demanding investigation of paedophilia cases of Catholic Church Priests. "Do not be fooled the Polish Catholic Church say 400 Pedophile Priests, raped children, but in a few weeks you will find it will be thousands of Catholic Priests and tens of thousands of children.
Hundreds of protesters marched through Warsaw demanding investigation of paedophilia cases of Catholic Church Priests. "Do not be fooled the Polish Catholic Church say 400 Pedophile Priests, raped children, but in a few weeks you will find it will be thousands of Catholic Priests and tens of thousands of children.
Clergy (Kler)
A few years ago, three Catholic priests’ fates were joined together by a tragic event. Their lives were miraculously saved. Now, on every anniversary the clergymen meet to celebrate their survival. Each took a different path. Lisowski is moving up the ladder in the church administration in a big city, dreaming about the Vatican. Standing in his way is the Archbishop, a luxury-loving dignitary who uses political influence to build the largest sanctuary in Poland… The second priest, Trybus is a rural pastor. Serving in a place full of poverty, he slowly succumbs to human weaknesses. Kukula is not very successful, either, and despite his fervent faith, loses the trust of his parishioners overnight. Soon, the clergymen’s paths will cross again, and the events that will take place will have an impact on the life of each of them.
W KINACH OD 12 PAZDZIERNIKA – ANGIELSKIE NAPISY! Przed kilkoma laty tragiczne wydarzenia polaczyly losy trzech ksiezy katolickich. Teraz, w kazda rocznice katastrofy, z ktorej cudem uszli z zyciem, duchowni spotykaja sie, by uczcic fakt swojego ocalenia. Na co dzien uklada im sie bardzo roznie. Lisowski (Jacek Braciak) jest pracownikiem kurii w wielkim miescie i robi kariere, marzac o Watykanie. Problem w tym, ze na jego drodze staje arcybiskup Mordowicz (Janusz Gajos), plawiacy sie w luksusach dostojnik koscielny, uzywajacy politycznych wplywow przy budowie najwiekszego sanktuarium w Polsce… Drugi z ksiezy – Trybus (Robert Wieckiewicz) w odroznieniu od Lisowskiego jest wiejskim proboszczem. Sprawujac posluge w miejscu pelnym ubostwa, coraz czesciej ulega ludzkim slabosciom. Niezbyt dobrze wiedzie sie tez Kukule (Arkadiusz Jakubik), ktory – pomimo swojej zarliwej wiary – wlasciwie z dnia na dzien traci zaufanie parafian. Wkrotce historie trojki duchownych polacza sie po raz kolejny, a wydarzenia, ktore beda miec miejsce, nie pozostana bez wplywu na zycie kazdego z nich.
A few years ago, three Catholic priests’ fates were joined together by a tragic event. Their lives were miraculously saved. Now, on every anniversary the clergymen meet to celebrate their survival. Each took a different path. Lisowski is moving up the ladder in the church administration in a big city, dreaming about the Vatican. Standing in his way is the Archbishop, a luxury-loving dignitary who uses political influence to build the largest sanctuary in Poland… The second priest, Trybus is a rural pastor. Serving in a place full of poverty, he slowly succumbs to human weaknesses. Kukula is not very successful, either, and despite his fervent faith, loses the trust of his parishioners overnight. Soon, the clergymen’s paths will cross again, and the events that will take place will have an impact on the life of each of them.
W KINACH OD 12 PAZDZIERNIKA – ANGIELSKIE NAPISY! Przed kilkoma laty tragiczne wydarzenia polaczyly losy trzech ksiezy katolickich. Teraz, w kazda rocznice katastrofy, z ktorej cudem uszli z zyciem, duchowni spotykaja sie, by uczcic fakt swojego ocalenia. Na co dzien uklada im sie bardzo roznie. Lisowski (Jacek Braciak) jest pracownikiem kurii w wielkim miescie i robi kariere, marzac o Watykanie. Problem w tym, ze na jego drodze staje arcybiskup Mordowicz (Janusz Gajos), plawiacy sie w luksusach dostojnik koscielny, uzywajacy politycznych wplywow przy budowie najwiekszego sanktuarium w Polsce… Drugi z ksiezy – Trybus (Robert Wieckiewicz) w odroznieniu od Lisowskiego jest wiejskim proboszczem. Sprawujac posluge w miejscu pelnym ubostwa, coraz czesciej ulega ludzkim slabosciom. Niezbyt dobrze wiedzie sie tez Kukule (Arkadiusz Jakubik), ktory – pomimo swojej zarliwej wiary – wlasciwie z dnia na dzien traci zaufanie parafian. Wkrotce historie trojki duchownych polacza sie po raz kolejny, a wydarzenia, ktore beda miec miejsce, nie pozostana bez wplywu na zycie kazdego z nich.
KLER - 10 Faktów, Których Nie Znasz - Część 2 - Poważna Dyszka #48
Na życzenie widzów serwuję wam drugą część faktów na temat filmu Kler. Tym razem ciekawostki w dużej mierze dotyczą tego, co dzieje się wokół premiery filmu, oraz wpływie, jaki ten miał na aktorów.
Na życzenie widzów serwuję wam drugą część faktów na temat filmu Kler. Tym razem ciekawostki w dużej mierze dotyczą tego, co dzieje się wokół premiery filmu, oraz wpływie, jaki ten miał na aktorów.
KLER Pedophilia Film Exposing Roman Catholic Church Scandal Sets Box Office Record in Poland.
KLER -- A Polish feature film about the abuses by clergy of the Roman Catholic church is setting attendance records at the country’s box office. ‘Kler’ -- named after the Polish word for clergy -- attracted over 935,000 viewers last weekend, the country’s best opening three days in 30 years, according to the Association of Polish Filmmakers. The movie, which explores the themes of Pedophilia, child abuse, romantic liaisons, corruption, greed and alcoholism by clerics,Kler has been harshly criticized by Poland’s conservative government with close links to the church. The debut puts a spotlight on the Polish church’s role in concealing cases of pedophilia,an issue that has largely been ignored in the staunchly Roman Catholic nation even after public outcries in Ireland and the U.S. An appellate court in Poznan, Poland, Tuesday upheld a 1 million zloty ($269,000) fine on the church in a case of a priest convicted of imprisoning and raping a 13 year old girl -- an unprecedented penalty for the religious institution in the east European country. “The film amounts to a very serious conversation with Poles” about the sins of the church, Janusz Gajos, who plays an archbishop in the movie, told TVN24. “It should be a shock -- we know of many incidents that are unimaginable, which take place behind the church’s curtains and whose perpetrators are then protected.” Poland’s human rights ombudsman is looking if a decision by local authorities in Ostroleka, who refused to show the movie in a municipal movie theater breaches the constitution. The film topped Fifty Shades of Grey as the country’s biggest blockbuster.
KLER -- A Polish feature film about the abuses by clergy of the Roman Catholic church is setting attendance records at the country’s box office. ‘Kler’ -- named after the Polish word for clergy -- attracted over 935,000 viewers last weekend, the country’s best opening three days in 30 years, according to the Association of Polish Filmmakers. The movie, which explores the themes of Pedophilia, child abuse, romantic liaisons, corruption, greed and alcoholism by clerics,Kler has been harshly criticized by Poland’s conservative government with close links to the church. The debut puts a spotlight on the Polish church’s role in concealing cases of pedophilia,an issue that has largely been ignored in the staunchly Roman Catholic nation even after public outcries in Ireland and the U.S. An appellate court in Poznan, Poland, Tuesday upheld a 1 million zloty ($269,000) fine on the church in a case of a priest convicted of imprisoning and raping a 13 year old girl -- an unprecedented penalty for the religious institution in the east European country. “The film amounts to a very serious conversation with Poles” about the sins of the church, Janusz Gajos, who plays an archbishop in the movie, told TVN24. “It should be a shock -- we know of many incidents that are unimaginable, which take place behind the church’s curtains and whose perpetrators are then protected.” Poland’s human rights ombudsman is looking if a decision by local authorities in Ostroleka, who refused to show the movie in a municipal movie theater breaches the constitution. The film topped Fifty Shades of Grey as the country’s biggest blockbuster.