10 Stages of Genocide
Classification: Women, unmarried women, their children and orphans were all classified by the Irish Catholic Church/ Cult as animals, spawn of the devil or satan, vermin, diseased, filth and not fit for purpose.
Symbolisation: Women, unmarried women and their children and orphans were forced at all Catholic churches to identify themselves during Mass. Many women and their children were dragged out in public, beaten and humiliated and taken away to the Religious Gulags, namely, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, Magdalene Laundries and Religious Orphanages.
Discrimination: Women, unmarried women and their children were systematically discriminated against by the Irish Catholic Church/Cult which resulted in their unjust and prejudicial treatment at the hands of both the Irish State and the Irish Catholic Church/Cult in society and the Religious-run Institutions in which they were forced to work and live as slaves. In these gulags they were subjected to daily helpings of prejudice, bias, bigotry, intolerance and inequity as well as torture, brutality, rape, murder, illegal drug experiments and massacres.
Dehumanisation: Women, unmarried women and their children and orphans were equated by the clerics with animals, spawn of satan, vermin, diseased, filth, and not fit for purpose. This dehumanisation, actively carried out by the Irish Catholic Church/Cult in Ireland, occurred across several domains and was openly facilitated by its status, power and social connections. It resulted in behaviour such as, rape, brutality, torture, murder and support for even more violence against women, unmarried women and their children and orphans. Dehumanisation by the Irish Catholic Church/Cult in Ireland was viewed as a central component of intergroup violence because it was frequently the most important precursor to moral exclusion - the process of the stigmatisation of groups of women, unmarried women, their children and orphans and which resulted in their being placed outside the boundary in which moral values, rules, and considerations of fairness would apply.
Organisations: The Irish Catholic Church, cum Cult, created special groups of Religious Orders and Clerics to enforce their policies of hate, genocide, rape, brutality, torture, and murder against innocent women, unmarried women and their children and orphans.
Polarisation: Both the Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church broadcast propaganda throughout the State and in thousands of local Catholic churches to turn the Irish populace against women, unmarried women and their children and orphans. As the polarising Cult, the Irish Catholic Church, became larger and more powerful, it attracted followers who formed a cult of personality around the religious figure of the Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid. He was referred to as “charismatic authority,” in Ireland at the time and his insidious influence rested on his supposed exemplary personal traits in a way that other forms of authority did not. He ran the Country of Ireland as the divine ruler, answerable only to God.
Preparation: The Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church, took official action to remove/relocate women, unmarried women and their children and orphans, to their Religious Gulags, namely, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, Magdalene Laundries and Religious Orphanages.
Persecution: In all their Religious-run Institutions in Ireland, the Irish Catholic Church, cum Cult, began a Campaign of Terror with rape, torture, brutality, murder, theft, illegal drug experiments and massacres, of women, unmarried women and their children and orphans.
Extermination: The wholesale elimination of women, unmarried women and their children and orphans, could be accomplished because they were not considered human by the Irish Catholic Church, cum Cult. The women, unmarried women and their children and orphans were rejected and disposed of in mass gravel pits and septic tanks in all the Religious-run Institutions in Ireland, were they remain to this day.
Denial: Both the Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church/Cult, deny to this day that any crimes were committed, despite the fact that all the evidence obtained through multiple Official Government Inquiries and Reports shows that heinous crimes were openly perpetrated against women, unmarried women and their children and orphans in all the Religious-run Institutions in Ireland and sanctioned by the State. The Irish Catholic Church/Cult’s continual denial is an attempt to deny and minimise the scale and severity of their culpability in the genocide of women, unmarried women and their children and orphans in all their Religious-run Institutions in Ireland. Their denial has taken the form of illegitimate historical revisionism and has been aided through their various mouthpieces in the Irish Press.
Denial always follows a genocide. The perpetrators in this case, the Irish Catholic Church/Cult, are now are in favour of digging up their mass disposal sites and opening up their septic tanks to burn the bodies in an effort to cover up the evidence, or burn the evidence itself to intimidate the witnesses or Survivors. The Irish Catholic Church/Cult, claiming innocence and self-righteousness always denies that they committed any crimes in their Religious Gulags and always blame what happened on the Survivors. The Cult do not intend to ascertain the truth. Moreover, they do not believe that their Clerics could have been as evil as the descriptions above of the genocide imply, even though many deaths took place.
“It was another time,” they say, “a long time ago, so it is important to put the deaths and mass burials aside now and forgive and forget. Let’s move on, let bygones be bygones.” The Irish Catholic Church/Cult, uses pseudoscience and dishonest or unreliable PR firms in the service of this confusion. The position taken is seemingly an innocent one: “We do not know enough to ascertain the facts of history and rather than condemning anyone, we should await the ultimate decision of research.” This is a manipulative misuse of the valued principle in science that facts must be proven before they are accepted. They say this in order to obfuscate facts that are indeed known, and to confuse the minds of fair-minded people who do not want to fall prey to myths and propaganda. The very purpose of science - which is to know - is invoked in order to justify a form of know-nothingness. This was used, if one remembers, when the 796 babies were first found in a Septic Tank in a Mother and Baby Home, in Tuam, County Galway run by the Bon Secours Sisters. The nuns engaged a PR firm to say that the 796 rejected babies were from the time of the Great Irish Famine (1845-1852 circa) but science and DNA have proved that the rejects, the babies were not from that period but from the time that the Bon Secours ran the Mother and Baby Home (1924 to 1961).
The Irish Catholic Church/Cult claims that we must be realistic as we are dealing with ancient history, that investigation by digging up the rejected babies in the Septic Tank will bring confusion to a time long forgotten, is impractical and will not bring closure to the Ireland in which we live today. In reality, the Irish Catholic Church/Cult wanted to distort the facts and sow time-sequence confusion, hence the PR firm and famine babies’ fiction. For a while, this confusion and dishonest linkage of a different time sequence to excuse denials of the facts succeeded as planned by the Bon Secours Sisters and the Irish Catholic Church/Cult, but it backfired when science, through DNA, spoke.
But the fact is that there are at least 796 rejects, babies in the Septic Tank in the Bon Secours Sisters’ Mother and Baby Home, in Tuam, County Galway. The Irish Catholic Church/Cult wants to distort the record of past history and is continuing to do so to this very day. By calling the discovery of the Septic Tank and the rejects, the babies, fake news, it continues its denial by going off on tangents about trivial details that avoid the essential issue of whether genocide of the Rejects even took place. The avoidance can also be done in a seductive manner by acknowledging that the issue should be discussed - but that discussion never takes place. That is the true power of the Cult and its many enablers. Owen Felix O'Neill.
Classification: Women, unmarried women, their children and orphans were all classified by the Irish Catholic Church/ Cult as animals, spawn of the devil or satan, vermin, diseased, filth and not fit for purpose.
Symbolisation: Women, unmarried women and their children and orphans were forced at all Catholic churches to identify themselves during Mass. Many women and their children were dragged out in public, beaten and humiliated and taken away to the Religious Gulags, namely, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, Magdalene Laundries and Religious Orphanages.
Discrimination: Women, unmarried women and their children were systematically discriminated against by the Irish Catholic Church/Cult which resulted in their unjust and prejudicial treatment at the hands of both the Irish State and the Irish Catholic Church/Cult in society and the Religious-run Institutions in which they were forced to work and live as slaves. In these gulags they were subjected to daily helpings of prejudice, bias, bigotry, intolerance and inequity as well as torture, brutality, rape, murder, illegal drug experiments and massacres.
Dehumanisation: Women, unmarried women and their children and orphans were equated by the clerics with animals, spawn of satan, vermin, diseased, filth, and not fit for purpose. This dehumanisation, actively carried out by the Irish Catholic Church/Cult in Ireland, occurred across several domains and was openly facilitated by its status, power and social connections. It resulted in behaviour such as, rape, brutality, torture, murder and support for even more violence against women, unmarried women and their children and orphans. Dehumanisation by the Irish Catholic Church/Cult in Ireland was viewed as a central component of intergroup violence because it was frequently the most important precursor to moral exclusion - the process of the stigmatisation of groups of women, unmarried women, their children and orphans and which resulted in their being placed outside the boundary in which moral values, rules, and considerations of fairness would apply.
Organisations: The Irish Catholic Church, cum Cult, created special groups of Religious Orders and Clerics to enforce their policies of hate, genocide, rape, brutality, torture, and murder against innocent women, unmarried women and their children and orphans.
Polarisation: Both the Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church broadcast propaganda throughout the State and in thousands of local Catholic churches to turn the Irish populace against women, unmarried women and their children and orphans. As the polarising Cult, the Irish Catholic Church, became larger and more powerful, it attracted followers who formed a cult of personality around the religious figure of the Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid. He was referred to as “charismatic authority,” in Ireland at the time and his insidious influence rested on his supposed exemplary personal traits in a way that other forms of authority did not. He ran the Country of Ireland as the divine ruler, answerable only to God.
Preparation: The Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church, took official action to remove/relocate women, unmarried women and their children and orphans, to their Religious Gulags, namely, Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools, Magdalene Laundries and Religious Orphanages.
Persecution: In all their Religious-run Institutions in Ireland, the Irish Catholic Church, cum Cult, began a Campaign of Terror with rape, torture, brutality, murder, theft, illegal drug experiments and massacres, of women, unmarried women and their children and orphans.
Extermination: The wholesale elimination of women, unmarried women and their children and orphans, could be accomplished because they were not considered human by the Irish Catholic Church, cum Cult. The women, unmarried women and their children and orphans were rejected and disposed of in mass gravel pits and septic tanks in all the Religious-run Institutions in Ireland, were they remain to this day.
Denial: Both the Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church/Cult, deny to this day that any crimes were committed, despite the fact that all the evidence obtained through multiple Official Government Inquiries and Reports shows that heinous crimes were openly perpetrated against women, unmarried women and their children and orphans in all the Religious-run Institutions in Ireland and sanctioned by the State. The Irish Catholic Church/Cult’s continual denial is an attempt to deny and minimise the scale and severity of their culpability in the genocide of women, unmarried women and their children and orphans in all their Religious-run Institutions in Ireland. Their denial has taken the form of illegitimate historical revisionism and has been aided through their various mouthpieces in the Irish Press.
Denial always follows a genocide. The perpetrators in this case, the Irish Catholic Church/Cult, are now are in favour of digging up their mass disposal sites and opening up their septic tanks to burn the bodies in an effort to cover up the evidence, or burn the evidence itself to intimidate the witnesses or Survivors. The Irish Catholic Church/Cult, claiming innocence and self-righteousness always denies that they committed any crimes in their Religious Gulags and always blame what happened on the Survivors. The Cult do not intend to ascertain the truth. Moreover, they do not believe that their Clerics could have been as evil as the descriptions above of the genocide imply, even though many deaths took place.
“It was another time,” they say, “a long time ago, so it is important to put the deaths and mass burials aside now and forgive and forget. Let’s move on, let bygones be bygones.” The Irish Catholic Church/Cult, uses pseudoscience and dishonest or unreliable PR firms in the service of this confusion. The position taken is seemingly an innocent one: “We do not know enough to ascertain the facts of history and rather than condemning anyone, we should await the ultimate decision of research.” This is a manipulative misuse of the valued principle in science that facts must be proven before they are accepted. They say this in order to obfuscate facts that are indeed known, and to confuse the minds of fair-minded people who do not want to fall prey to myths and propaganda. The very purpose of science - which is to know - is invoked in order to justify a form of know-nothingness. This was used, if one remembers, when the 796 babies were first found in a Septic Tank in a Mother and Baby Home, in Tuam, County Galway run by the Bon Secours Sisters. The nuns engaged a PR firm to say that the 796 rejected babies were from the time of the Great Irish Famine (1845-1852 circa) but science and DNA have proved that the rejects, the babies were not from that period but from the time that the Bon Secours ran the Mother and Baby Home (1924 to 1961).
The Irish Catholic Church/Cult claims that we must be realistic as we are dealing with ancient history, that investigation by digging up the rejected babies in the Septic Tank will bring confusion to a time long forgotten, is impractical and will not bring closure to the Ireland in which we live today. In reality, the Irish Catholic Church/Cult wanted to distort the facts and sow time-sequence confusion, hence the PR firm and famine babies’ fiction. For a while, this confusion and dishonest linkage of a different time sequence to excuse denials of the facts succeeded as planned by the Bon Secours Sisters and the Irish Catholic Church/Cult, but it backfired when science, through DNA, spoke.
But the fact is that there are at least 796 rejects, babies in the Septic Tank in the Bon Secours Sisters’ Mother and Baby Home, in Tuam, County Galway. The Irish Catholic Church/Cult wants to distort the record of past history and is continuing to do so to this very day. By calling the discovery of the Septic Tank and the rejects, the babies, fake news, it continues its denial by going off on tangents about trivial details that avoid the essential issue of whether genocide of the Rejects even took place. The avoidance can also be done in a seductive manner by acknowledging that the issue should be discussed - but that discussion never takes place. That is the true power of the Cult and its many enablers. Owen Felix O'Neill.