Clerical Junta of Ireland
The Criminal Assets Bureau and the Cult.
If we start from the premise that the Irish Catholic Church is a criminal organisation similar to the Italian Mafia, then we must apply the full force of the State to seize all Irish Catholic Church assets through the mechanism of the Criminal Assets Bureau. The authority comes from the law known as the Proceeds of Crime Act, 1996 which is an Act of the Oireachtas, (Irish Parliament). The Act itself deals with the disposal of any property or assets that have been obtained through criminal means. It was designed to deal with organised crime and coincided with the establishment of the Criminal Assets Bureau which was set up to investigate, identify and seize assets derived from criminal activity.
The Irish Catholic Church has already admitted, both in the Irish Courts and the public domain, to criminal acts and was convicted lawfully through the following:
The Ryan Report (2009); The Report of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (commonly known as the. Ryan Report). Headed by Sean Ryan, President of the Irish Court of Appeal.
The Murphy Report (2009): Report by Commission of Investigation into Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin. Headed by Yvonne Murphy, a former judge of the Irish Circuit Court.
The Ferns Report (2005): Chaired by Mr Justice Roderick Murphy, this was an official government inquiry into the allegations of clerical sexual abuse in the Catholic Diocese of Ferns in County Wexford, Ireland.
The Cloyne Report (2006): The Report by Commission of Investigation into the handling by Church and State authorities of allegations and suspicions of child sexual abuse against Clerics of the Catholic Diocese of Cloyne in the Ecclesiastical Province of Cashel (also known as Munster).The investigation was led by Judge Yvonne Murphy.
The Criminal Assets Bureau, or CAB, is the use of civil forfeiture to freeze and seize the proceeds of criminal conduct under the Proceeds of Crime Act, 1996. Ireland was one of the first countries to introduce civil forfeiture. Civil forfeiture involved a recognition on the part of the State that conventional methods of tackling organised crime were ineffective. Whilst the CAB was perhaps intended to confiscate the assets of drug dealers and those involved in organised crime, its powers can extend to all assets that have been obtained as the result of criminal activity. Even though the CAB focuses on serious and organised crime, it has increasingly moved against low and medium-level offenders who may present as poor role models within their communities, albeit that these cases often cost more to bring than they return financially. The CAB has been distinguished from other agencies who tackle serious organised crime in Ireland in that those agencies may be typified as being reactive, whereas the CAB is proactive, a fact which may be considered as representing a significant development in crime control. Whilst novel to Ireland, the concept of forfeiture in the absence of a criminal conviction has a long ancestry, with roots in ancient Rome and evidence of its lineage in the Old Testament. It has long been an important feature of the jurisprudence of the USA and has recently been adopted in other common law jurisdictions including the UK and the Cayman Islands in their Proceeds of Crime legislation.
The CAB's powers were amended by Part 3 of the Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Act 2005. The purpose of this Act was to make further provision in relation to the recovery and disposal of proceeds of crime. This involved amending four different acts as follows:
1. The Proceeds of Crime Act 1996
2. The Criminal Assets Bureau Act 1996
3. The Criminal Justice Act 1994
4. The Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act 2001.
The organised racketeering activities of the criminal organisation known as the Irish Catholic Church are as follows and took place in their Religious-run Institutions: Mother and Baby Homes; Industrial Schools; and Orphanages-
Article 6 of the Rome Statute;- In which is Ireland a signatory, provides that "Genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;- The destruction by the Irish Catholic Church of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, of 100s of thousands of women and children in their care, fallen into the definition of Genocide.
The Charges:
Genocide Irish Catholic Church conducted deliberate and systematic campaign of genocide, to destroy a group of Irish people, namely 100s of thousands of innocent women, unmarried women and their children, and orphans, held captive as slaves in their Religious run Institutions.
Slavery of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children, held in forced captivity.
Rape of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children.
Torture of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children. The UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The Irish Catholic Church broke all these protections in their Religious run Institutions in Ireland.
Beatings of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children.
Theft of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children, their lives and childhoods, clothing and possessions.
Murder of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children. (See Genocide above)
Illegal Slave Trafficking by the selling abroad of stolen Babies and Children for vast profit.
Illegal Drug Experiments on women and children. Thousands of children in Irish care homes at centre of 'baby graves scandal' were used in secret vaccine trials in the 1930s-1940s-1950s -1960s-1970s
Profiteering and abuse of their dominant position from the unpaid work of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children.
Extortion of the Irish People
Blackmail off the Irish People
Racketeering: large-scale and organised in ALL THE ABOVE.
In America, the equivalent of CAB is known as R.I.C.O (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act). In some jurisdictions in America, RICO suits have been filed against American Catholic Dioceses using anti-racketeering laws to prosecute the senior clergy for rapes committed by those under their authority.
The CAB was formed to combat organised crime. It enables CAB Officials to go after a criminal organisation like the Irish Catholic Church in and of itself, rather than targeting the specific crimes of individuals such as priests connected to it. The Irish Catholic Church leaders who covered up the deeds of pedophile clerics were acting like Mafia Bosses. CAB needs to do its job immediately.
Now the Irish Government is talking about a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which would focus on the importance of bearing witness to the horrors of the past, and on the healing powers of forgiveness. However, there is also a concern that with a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, relevant experience would simply be re-traumatised by Survivors in the process. The impact of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Ireland with all the attendant psychological distress, would, I believe, be a disaster. We couldn’t or wouldn’t believe the Irish Catholic Church we know that they burned and destroyed, over a million documents and continue to do so to this day.
Then there are the many secret mass disposal sites and septic tanks to uncover. It is inevitable that the shrewd Irish Catholic Church would want immunity for all their crimes, past, present and future, and the Irish Government would be stupid enough to grant this based on the fact that they granted blanket immunity to all the Irish Religious Orders before they appeared before the Ryan Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse. The Irish religious orders were given a written agreement from an Irish Government Minister before they agreed to testify in the rape, torture and murder of hundreds of thousands of women and children in their care.
This Irish Government Minister was Dr. Michael Woods. While serving as Minister for Education, Dr. Woods signed a controversial agreement with 18 Irish religious orders involved in the torture, rape and murder scandal which limited their compensation liability to the victims of abuse to only €128 million. This compensation scheme eventually cost the Irish government €1.250 billion. The secret agreement was signed just before the 2002 Irish General Election and consequently was not laid before the Irish Government for its approval. It then remained unpublished for several months. In 2003, after brokering the deal, Dr. Woods claimed his strong Catholic faith made him the most suitable person to negotiate the deal. Dr. Woods said, “I’m a Catholic first, than an Irish Citizen.” He was a member of a few secret Catholic organisations like Opus Dei and the Knights of Saint Columbanus.
As can be seen, we are dealing with a criminal and sophisticated organisation, which pays no taxes in any jurisdiction. It answers to nobody and deems itself above the law, has vast wealth, and uses that and its overwhelming influence to crush any and all opponents. Like the Mafia, the Catholic Church is an organised international body of criminals operating from its headquarters in the Vatican and throughout the world and especially in Ireland. Like the Sicilian Mafia, it has a complex and ruthless behavioural code.
I define the Irish Catholic Church as a Mafia-type association where "those belonging to the association (Clerics) exploit the potential for intimidation which their membership gives them, and the compliance and omertà which membership entails and which lead to the committing of crimes, the direct or indirect assumption of management and control of financial activities, concessions, permissions, enterprises and public services for the purpose of deriving profit or wrongful advantages for themselves or others.”
The Irish Catholic Church, a Cult regarded as exerting a hidden and sinister influence in the lives and careers of its subordinates, the people. Until we, the people, can stand up to them, they will win every time. They use subtlety to hide their crudeness, stupidity and vulgarity. Please let’s start with CAB…it’s a small beginning, with the potential to cause big ripples, elusively the Truth Remains a Fugitive.
Owen Felix O'Neill
If we start from the premise that the Irish Catholic Church is a criminal organisation similar to the Italian Mafia, then we must apply the full force of the State to seize all Irish Catholic Church assets through the mechanism of the Criminal Assets Bureau. The authority comes from the law known as the Proceeds of Crime Act, 1996 which is an Act of the Oireachtas, (Irish Parliament). The Act itself deals with the disposal of any property or assets that have been obtained through criminal means. It was designed to deal with organised crime and coincided with the establishment of the Criminal Assets Bureau which was set up to investigate, identify and seize assets derived from criminal activity.
The Irish Catholic Church has already admitted, both in the Irish Courts and the public domain, to criminal acts and was convicted lawfully through the following:
The Ryan Report (2009); The Report of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (commonly known as the. Ryan Report). Headed by Sean Ryan, President of the Irish Court of Appeal.
The Murphy Report (2009): Report by Commission of Investigation into Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin. Headed by Yvonne Murphy, a former judge of the Irish Circuit Court.
The Ferns Report (2005): Chaired by Mr Justice Roderick Murphy, this was an official government inquiry into the allegations of clerical sexual abuse in the Catholic Diocese of Ferns in County Wexford, Ireland.
The Cloyne Report (2006): The Report by Commission of Investigation into the handling by Church and State authorities of allegations and suspicions of child sexual abuse against Clerics of the Catholic Diocese of Cloyne in the Ecclesiastical Province of Cashel (also known as Munster).The investigation was led by Judge Yvonne Murphy.
The Criminal Assets Bureau, or CAB, is the use of civil forfeiture to freeze and seize the proceeds of criminal conduct under the Proceeds of Crime Act, 1996. Ireland was one of the first countries to introduce civil forfeiture. Civil forfeiture involved a recognition on the part of the State that conventional methods of tackling organised crime were ineffective. Whilst the CAB was perhaps intended to confiscate the assets of drug dealers and those involved in organised crime, its powers can extend to all assets that have been obtained as the result of criminal activity. Even though the CAB focuses on serious and organised crime, it has increasingly moved against low and medium-level offenders who may present as poor role models within their communities, albeit that these cases often cost more to bring than they return financially. The CAB has been distinguished from other agencies who tackle serious organised crime in Ireland in that those agencies may be typified as being reactive, whereas the CAB is proactive, a fact which may be considered as representing a significant development in crime control. Whilst novel to Ireland, the concept of forfeiture in the absence of a criminal conviction has a long ancestry, with roots in ancient Rome and evidence of its lineage in the Old Testament. It has long been an important feature of the jurisprudence of the USA and has recently been adopted in other common law jurisdictions including the UK and the Cayman Islands in their Proceeds of Crime legislation.
The CAB's powers were amended by Part 3 of the Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Act 2005. The purpose of this Act was to make further provision in relation to the recovery and disposal of proceeds of crime. This involved amending four different acts as follows:
1. The Proceeds of Crime Act 1996
2. The Criminal Assets Bureau Act 1996
3. The Criminal Justice Act 1994
4. The Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act 2001.
The organised racketeering activities of the criminal organisation known as the Irish Catholic Church are as follows and took place in their Religious-run Institutions: Mother and Baby Homes; Industrial Schools; and Orphanages-
Article 6 of the Rome Statute;- In which is Ireland a signatory, provides that "Genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;- The destruction by the Irish Catholic Church of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, of 100s of thousands of women and children in their care, fallen into the definition of Genocide.
The Charges:
Genocide Irish Catholic Church conducted deliberate and systematic campaign of genocide, to destroy a group of Irish people, namely 100s of thousands of innocent women, unmarried women and their children, and orphans, held captive as slaves in their Religious run Institutions.
Slavery of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children, held in forced captivity.
Rape of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children.
Torture of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children. The UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The Irish Catholic Church broke all these protections in their Religious run Institutions in Ireland.
Beatings of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children.
Theft of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children, their lives and childhoods, clothing and possessions.
Murder of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children. (See Genocide above)
Illegal Slave Trafficking by the selling abroad of stolen Babies and Children for vast profit.
Illegal Drug Experiments on women and children. Thousands of children in Irish care homes at centre of 'baby graves scandal' were used in secret vaccine trials in the 1930s-1940s-1950s -1960s-1970s
Profiteering and abuse of their dominant position from the unpaid work of hundreds of thousands of Women and Children.
Extortion of the Irish People
Blackmail off the Irish People
Racketeering: large-scale and organised in ALL THE ABOVE.
In America, the equivalent of CAB is known as R.I.C.O (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act). In some jurisdictions in America, RICO suits have been filed against American Catholic Dioceses using anti-racketeering laws to prosecute the senior clergy for rapes committed by those under their authority.
The CAB was formed to combat organised crime. It enables CAB Officials to go after a criminal organisation like the Irish Catholic Church in and of itself, rather than targeting the specific crimes of individuals such as priests connected to it. The Irish Catholic Church leaders who covered up the deeds of pedophile clerics were acting like Mafia Bosses. CAB needs to do its job immediately.
Now the Irish Government is talking about a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which would focus on the importance of bearing witness to the horrors of the past, and on the healing powers of forgiveness. However, there is also a concern that with a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, relevant experience would simply be re-traumatised by Survivors in the process. The impact of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Ireland with all the attendant psychological distress, would, I believe, be a disaster. We couldn’t or wouldn’t believe the Irish Catholic Church we know that they burned and destroyed, over a million documents and continue to do so to this day.
Then there are the many secret mass disposal sites and septic tanks to uncover. It is inevitable that the shrewd Irish Catholic Church would want immunity for all their crimes, past, present and future, and the Irish Government would be stupid enough to grant this based on the fact that they granted blanket immunity to all the Irish Religious Orders before they appeared before the Ryan Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse. The Irish religious orders were given a written agreement from an Irish Government Minister before they agreed to testify in the rape, torture and murder of hundreds of thousands of women and children in their care.
This Irish Government Minister was Dr. Michael Woods. While serving as Minister for Education, Dr. Woods signed a controversial agreement with 18 Irish religious orders involved in the torture, rape and murder scandal which limited their compensation liability to the victims of abuse to only €128 million. This compensation scheme eventually cost the Irish government €1.250 billion. The secret agreement was signed just before the 2002 Irish General Election and consequently was not laid before the Irish Government for its approval. It then remained unpublished for several months. In 2003, after brokering the deal, Dr. Woods claimed his strong Catholic faith made him the most suitable person to negotiate the deal. Dr. Woods said, “I’m a Catholic first, than an Irish Citizen.” He was a member of a few secret Catholic organisations like Opus Dei and the Knights of Saint Columbanus.
As can be seen, we are dealing with a criminal and sophisticated organisation, which pays no taxes in any jurisdiction. It answers to nobody and deems itself above the law, has vast wealth, and uses that and its overwhelming influence to crush any and all opponents. Like the Mafia, the Catholic Church is an organised international body of criminals operating from its headquarters in the Vatican and throughout the world and especially in Ireland. Like the Sicilian Mafia, it has a complex and ruthless behavioural code.
I define the Irish Catholic Church as a Mafia-type association where "those belonging to the association (Clerics) exploit the potential for intimidation which their membership gives them, and the compliance and omertà which membership entails and which lead to the committing of crimes, the direct or indirect assumption of management and control of financial activities, concessions, permissions, enterprises and public services for the purpose of deriving profit or wrongful advantages for themselves or others.”
The Irish Catholic Church, a Cult regarded as exerting a hidden and sinister influence in the lives and careers of its subordinates, the people. Until we, the people, can stand up to them, they will win every time. They use subtlety to hide their crudeness, stupidity and vulgarity. Please let’s start with CAB…it’s a small beginning, with the potential to cause big ripples, elusively the Truth Remains a Fugitive.
Owen Felix O'Neill