Pennsylvania Priest Pleads Guilty To Child Rape. Father David Poulson, one of over 300 “Predator Priests” who raped over 1,000 children, within the state’s Catholic Church, faces 14 years in prison. Father David Poulson, 64, in the orange jumpsuit above, a Catholic Priest in the Diocese of Erie, in Pennsylvania, U.S.A., for four decades, Pleaded Guilty to the rape of many children. Father Paulson’s many child victims were aged from 8 to 15 years old, all young boys, who authorities say Father Poulson began raping between 2002 and 2010. Father Poulson raped one of the boys more than 20 times in Catholic Church Rectories, forcing the 8 year old child to give him confessionals about the rape to “seek forgiveness for being sexually assaulted by the pedophile, Father David Poulson”
List of Catholic Priests Convicted for Sexual Abuse and Rape;- PLEASE BE PATIENT, THERE ARE OVER 10,000 MORE NAMES OF PRIESTS TO BE ADDED TO THIS LIST.
1 Aaron Joseph Cote
18 yr old boy filed suit 11/05 alleging abuse in 2001-02 when the youth attended Mother Seton Church in Germantown MD., Suit said abuse occurred in both MD and DC. Cote removed. Reported to Archdiocese in 2003 but it just moved him to RI. Also alleged to have abused 2nd youth in OH in 1980s. Case settled 8/07 for $1.2M paid by Order. Also worked in Springfield MA. Woman filed suit 4/08 re abuse of her children. First criminal charges filed 7/08 re 2003 abuse. Found guilty 7/09. 10 yrs probation 11/09. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
2 Alphonsus M. Smith
In 1995 Smith admitted affair with 1 youth from 1988-1993. Civil suit filed 1995 dismissed on statute of limitations. Sentenced 1996 to 16 years for abuse of 4. Reduced to 1 year. Sent to live at St. John Vianney in St. Louis. Died in 2005. At least 1 claim included in $1.3M settlment with Archdiocese 12/06. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
3 Alvin L. Campbell
Arrested on sexual assault charges in 1985. Owned child porn. History of abuse involving numerous victims going back at least 20 years. Convicted and sentenced to 14 yrs prison. Released 1992. Bishop requested laicization in 1989 but was denied by Ratzinger because Campbell did not agree. He later agreed and was laicised (1992?). Died in late 2002. At least 1 civil suit settled in 2004 mass settlement. Six more victims from 1970s and early 1980s settled with Diocese 1/07 for $625K total. -- Diocese: Springfield, IL
4 Andre Anthony Corbin
Criminal charges filed 1988 alleged abuse in 1966 when parish was part of Raleigh Diocese. Sentenced 3 yrs jail; served only about 60 days. Put on probation for 5 yrs and sent for treatment. Accused of dressing young boys in loin cloths to depict modelof crucified Christ. Charlotte Diocese stripped Corbin of priestly faculties in 1988. Also named in 12/03 lawsuit in Springfield, MA which settled 8/04 as part of multiple plaintiffs $7.75M settlement. Died in fire 5/08 at age 79. -- Diocese: Raleigh, NC
5 Andrew Christian Andersen
Convicted 1986 of 26 counts of felony molestation of 4 boys. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation after treatment at Servants of Paracletes. Continued to molest boys while in therapy. Arrested in New Mexico in 1990 for abuse of another youth. Sentenced to 6 yrs prison for violating Calif. probation. Laicised in mid-1990s. Current whereabouts unnknow. Prior to 2005 there were $4.62M in settlements regarding Andersen. -- Diocese: Orange, CA
6 Andrew L. Millar
Ordained in Ireland and had worked in Rockville Centre since 1964. Retired 1999. Arrested 5/00 on charges that he sexually abused a 15 yr old learning disabled/developmentally delayed youth in a bathroom. Pleaded guilty and sentenced to 1-3 yrs in prison in 11/00. 17 yr old altar boy complained in 1999 that Millar had abused him in 1991. Millar sent for treatment and "retired." 3 other complaints made since 1995. Priest V in the Suffolk Co. Grand Jury Report. Laicised. -- Diocese: Rockville Centre, NY
7 Andrew W. Krafcik
Ordained for Richmond diocese but requested transfer to Arlington Diocese in 1984. Convicted in 1984 of a misdemeanor charge involving a 12-yr-old girl and sentenced to counseling. Served in "limited ministry" from 1985 to 1996 when he retired. Laicisation requested by Bishop Loverde in 2002 and announced 7/04. -- Diocese: Richmond, VA
8 Angel Crisostomo Mariano
Mariano was a cross-dresser who was convicted of child molestation in 1998 for performing oral sex on a teenage boy while posing as a 25 yr old woman. Served 5 months in jail. Jesuit leaders had reprimanded Mariano for sexual misconduct at least 5 yearsprior to the 1998 incident. Jesuits had apparently been moving him around since 1988. After release from prison he moved to Jesuit community at Los Gatos where other priests abused two mentally disabled residents. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
9 Anthony ""Tony"" Jablonowski
Pleaded no contest to 2004 charges of abuse of 17 yr old boy in 1982. Sentenced to 15 months to 7 yrs in prison. Privileges removed. Another accuser filed civil suit 3/05. Released from prison 7/05. Required to register as sex offender. He worked in several dioceses and is on Tucson list of abusive priests. Laicization announced 6/06. -- Diocese: Cheyenne, WY
10 Anthony Martinez Garduno
Accusations that Garduno asked an adult man to strip during premarital counseling surfaced in approx. 1993. Sent for treatment. Church trial for heresy after Garduno found a separate Catholic sect in 1996. He was "removed from the clerical state." Arrested 12/09 and charged with abuse of a 17 yr old boy 4 yrs before and continued sale of drugs from the church. Accuser said he knew of other minor victims who had been abused at that location. Sentenced 3/10 to 2 yrs prison on drug and gun charges. -- Diocese: San Bernardino, CA
11 Anthony Parlangeli
In 3/02 article, Man says that at 15 he was drugged and raped by Parlangeli on overnight camping trip. Parlangeli said he was too tired to camp and rented a hotel room. Drugs caused convulsions; Parlangeli had to take youth to hospital ER. Police notifed; he was arrested. Charges later reduced to administering drugs illegally and he spent a brief time in jail. Transferred to Baltimore where he also abused. 1994 civil suit settled. Died 1997. -- Diocese: Miami, FL
12 Anton Mowat
Mowat, from England, was charged in 1988 with abuse of 4 altar boys in Stone Mt. Georgia. Prior to charges, he fled the U.S. Extradited from England in 1990 and convicted. Sentenced to 6 yrs jail and probation. Served 15 mos; released and deported to England. Atlanta Archdiocese paid at least $358K to families of t3 of the boys. In 03/96 Mowat was arrested on charges of violating his probation by inappropriately touching an 11 yr old boy in 1994. -- Diocese: Atlanta, GA
13 Antonio Cortes
Arrested 4/16/09 for unlawful sexual behavior with a teenage boy and providing alcohol to a minor. Most recent event 4/09 on church property, just before the accuser told police. Assigned to St. Mary of The Nativity in Salinas. Placed on leave by Diocese. He had been counseling the boy for 2 yrs. Child porn also found on his computer. Pled no contest 3/11 to 14 counts, including child porn. Sentenced to 1 yr jail & probation. Case will be referred to Vatican. -- Diocese: Monterey, CA
14 Armand Thibault
Sacred Heart Brother for 34 yrs before being ordained as Marist. Personnel file released 12/02. 1993 criminal trial in ME for 1992 sexual contact with child under 14 (re 3 boys) and child endangerment (providing beer to kids). Found not guilty on sex charge and pleaded no contest to the other. Received treatment then reassigned to Boston under restrictions. Retired. All privileges removed 1/02. -- Diocese: Portland, ME
15 Arthur J. O'Brien
Accused of abuse of 1 boy in MD between 1984-1985. Also allegation of abuse of 14 yr old boy in Boston when O'Brien was in seminary. Moved to Hawaii in 1985. Accused of abuse of boy, age 10, in 1989 in Hawaii. Recd 5 yrs probation in 1992. Placed on permanent leave in 1993. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
16 Arthur Manuel Cunha
At least three civil suits filed as well as criminal charges re abuse of boys in 1986. One suit settled for $640K. Sentenced to 60 days jail and 4 mo counseling center for abuse of two boys. May have left priesthood. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
17 Arthur Maurer
Maurer pleaded guilty in 1993 to child sex offense that occurred out of state in 1992. He apparently retired and was living in Baltimore from 1992 to 1993 but 1993 Catholic Directory shows he was affiliated with Galveston-Houston Diocese. Maurer died in 1993. His obit was in Houston TX newspaper. Name appears on 9/02 list from Archdiocese of Baltimore of Religious priests and brothers accused of sexual abuse of children. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
18 Arturo Ahumada
Deacon. Pleaded no contest in 3/02 of providing pornographic material to 2 boys and misdemeanor sexual battery on one of them between 1999-2000 at Epiphany Church in South El Monte. Taken into custody 5/02 pending sentencing Sentenced 6/02 to 1 ys in county jail, a 44-month suspended state prison term, 5 yrs felony probation, and required to register as sex offender. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
19 Augustine K. Jones
Convicted 1968 of abuse of boy. Rec'd 3 yrs probation and treatment. More charges in 1993 of abuse in 1990. Indicted 1993 and pled guilty. Rec'd 4 yrs probation. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
20 Augusto Cortez
Arrested 6/08 and charged with touching the breast of a 12 yr old girl on 5/29/08. He worked with students at Saint John the Baptist School, in Bushwick. Per The Tablet 3/1/08, Cortez had been working at Centro de Evangelizacion San Vicente de Paul but was to return to his order, effective 12/31. Sentenced to 6 yr probation 7/09. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
21 Avdon Serratos
Priest visiting from Colima diocese in Mexico. Sexually abused a 15-year-old girl on 8/10/03 during confession, was arrested, pled no contest, and in 2004 was sentenced to a year in jail. Archdiocese could not determine whether Serratos had been granted faculties to minister. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
22 Barry E. Ryan
Air Force Chaplain for many years. Left military in 1995 after investigation in 1994 for sexual misconduct with minor in Mobile, AL. Also left active priesthood. Name became known in 2003. Pleaded guilty in late 2004 to abuse of a 6 yr old boy in fall of 2003 in NY. Suffering from stomach cancer. Resided at St. Luke's, rather than jail, because ofr "Health.". Attempted suicide 8/07 to avoid sentencing. Remanded to prison 10/29/07. Living at St. John Vianney Renewal Center as of 6/09. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
23 Barry F. Bossa
Bossa pleaded guilty in 1974 to charge of misdemeanor sexual abuse of a 12 yr old boy. Served no jail time. Order knew; still let him be ordained. 2 victims filed suit in Boston in 2002 They allege he performed oral sex on them as 8 and 10 yr olds in Bridgewater in 1970s when he was a "parish brother." Worked in NY archdiocese in 2002. Transferred to Rome after NY Archdiocese learned of 1974 charges and pulled his privileges. MA charges filed and attempts made to extradite him. Died 5/07. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
24 Bernard Dabbene
Suspended 11/00 after found in car with 17 yr old boy. Sentenced to 3 yr probation and community service. Named in 2003 civil suit which alleged he was part of a ring of child molesters at Salesian High School from 1969-1973. Dabbene is former official with SF Archdiocese. He lived at the Salesian provincial headquarters for years. Died 9/9/10. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
25 Bernard Ward
Ward, a former priest and current radio talk show host, was indicted on federal internet child porn charges 12/07. His attorney reports that charges relate back to events 3-4 yrs ago when Ward was researching a book. Left priesthood in 1979 or 1980. He reportedly emailed child porn pictures to a woman who immediately turned him over to police & FBI. Originally pled not guilty. In 5/08 he pled guilty to 1 count. 5/08 articles allege abuse when he was still priest. Sentenced 8/08 to 7+ yrs. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
26 Brendan Smyth
Smyth, a native of Ireland, briefly served in RI and ND. He is believed to have abused at least 50 boys and girls, both in Ireland and in US. Sentenced to 4 yrs jail in Ireland in 1995 on 17 counts of assaulting 5 girls and 4 boys between 1964-1988. In 7/97 he was sentenced to 12 yrs for abusing 20 boys and girls. He died in prison in 08/97. Add'l suit filed 6/08 in Providence RI re abuse in 1968. Also worked in Boston. Two sued his Order 6/10. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
27 Brian Keith Olkowski
Olkowski, a 23 yr old seminarian, was dismissed from Seminary 1/95 when he pleaded guilty to charges he gave beer to 14 yr old boy in 1994 and then molested him. Sentenced 1 yr jail, counseling and 500 hrs community service. 5 yr probation after release from prison. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
28 Brian M. Cox
Part of Josephite society from 1968. Joined Baltimore Archdiocese in 1981. In 1995 complaint of abuse in 1981 was made to Baltimore. Cox admitted that he had abused from 1979-1985. Placed on permanent leave without privileges. He was arrested in 2002 and charged with abuse of 2 boys. Sentenced to 15 months in jail & 5 yrs probation. Served 9 months. Laicized in 2004. Registered sex offender. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
29 Bruce E. Ball
1993 plea of no contest to charge of sexual contact w/ 12 yr old boy during therapy session. Total of 4 known victims. Sentenced to 5 yrs prison; released 3/96. On parole thru 12/97. Laicized at his own request as of 8/11/97. Settlement of $100K in 1993(?). In 1993 La Crosse diocese told Baltimore of 2 claims against Ball during the time he was a seminarian for La Crosse in Baltimore in mid 1970s. Died 2003. -- Diocese: La Crosse, WI
30 Bruce O. Ewing
Left priesthood in 1977. Civil suit filed 4/02. Also charged 2003 with abuse of Plaintiff in early 1970s. She claimed a consensual relationship beginning when she was age 14 but he denied any relationship. Civil suit settled through mediation 3/03. Criminal trial ended in mistrial 2004. New criminal trial held 3/07 and jury found him guilty of 1 count on 3/22/07. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation 5/07. Laicized 2004. Led parish council in 2010; terminated 2/11. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
31 Bryan Kuchar
Confessed on tape to a sexual relationship with a 14 yr old boy in 1995 but then complained that he had been coerced by police. First trial ended in hung jury in 5/2003. Convicted 8/03 of abuse and received 3 yr sentence. Civil suit also filed. To be released in 8/06 but Bishop will assign him to "secure and monitored residence" within the archdiocese. Laicization announced 11/03/06. Registered sex offender. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
32 Carl Anthony Schipper
Arrested 3/04 after he held a series of explicit sexual conversations with what he thought was a 13 yr old boy in an Internet Chat Room. He was immediately placed on leave from position as academic dean at Menlo Park's St. Patrick's Seminary. Pled guilty 8/00. Sentenced to 6 mo. jail and 3 yrs probation and to register as sex offender. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
33 Carl E. Drake, Jr.
Accused in 1993 of sodomizing a boy 1989-93 starting at age 14. Drake had obtained a court order granting him custody. Convicted 11/18/93 in court martial of committing indecent acts with the boy but acquitted of charges that he sodomized the boy for more than 4 years. Drake denied the charges. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Drake had worked at 2 parishes in the Columbus diocese and then as a Navy chaplain 1968-93. He was suspended by the Navy and the Washington archdiocese in 4/93. -- Diocese: Military Services, US
34 Carl Stone
It was announced in 7/08 that Albany had placed Stone on leave in 1981 after he pleaded guilty in County Court to sodomy charges stemming from an indictment that alleged sex with two teenage brothers in Colonie. Allegations also made when he worked for Ogdensburg Diocese. Went on to work in Canada until 1985 when Bishop Larocque terminated him after new allegations. Larocque knew of earlier allegations when he hired Stone. Died 11/06. -- Diocese: Albany, NY
35 Carlos Guzman
Bishop removed him from diaconate program in early 1990s after abuse allegation involving touching and kissing an 8 yr old boy. In 1993 he served 8 months of 9 month sentence for abuse. Accused of abuse of at least 2 in 2004 civil suit. Abuse alleged in 1970s-early 1980s. Current whereabouts unknown. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
36 Carlos Lozano
Served as Oblate brother for several years prior to ordination. Convicted 1994 for abuse of 4 boys. 30 days in jail & 10 yrs probation (deferred adjudication). Civil suit filed 1994. Left priesthood in 1994. One victim committed suicide in 1997. Shortly before probation over in 2004, he was arrested for computer pornography and judge soon sentenced him to 20 yrs in prison for each of 4 prior convictions (to be served concurrently). -- Diocese: San Antonio, TX
37 Carlos Rene Rodriguez
Convicted 2004 of abuse of 2 from 1988-1993. Sentenced to 8 yrs in prison. 1st abuse report 1987. Placed on leave1993. Accused of abuse prior to 1994 in civil litigation. Laicized in 1993 (or 1998 per LA Archdiocese). Included in 12/06 $60M settlement re 22 priests which covers all of the cases involving molestations that occurred since Mahony was named head of the diocese in 1985. Released from prison 1/08. In violation of sex offender registration requirements since 12/09 per Registry 1/2/10. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
38 Carmelo Melchior ""Mel"" Baltazar
An extern priest from the Philappines, Baltazar has a history of abuse of boys over a 20 year period while serving Diocese of Cleveland, Diocese of Phillippines, US Navy, Diocese of Boise, Idaho, and Diocese of San Diego. Named in several civil suits. Convicted 1984 & sentenced to 7 yrs. Released to treatment after 3 yrs. 2003 civil suit in San Diego said that plaintiff lived with Baltazar and traveled with him for 5 years during military assignments. Always introduced as his nephew. Deceased. -- Diocese: Boise, ID
39 Carmen Sita
Arrested 9/15/82 for abusing male minor and giving him drugs. Pleaded guilty 1983. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation; sent to Paraclete's in Albuquerque NM. Legally changed name to Gerald Howard. Incardinated in Jefferson City MO; assigned 1983 to parish with school. Accused 2007 of abusing boy for 5 years, starting at age 13, and giving him drugs. Left parish 1984. Claim settled 2009 for $600K & agreement to laicize. Other victims came forward in NJ and MO. Arrested 4/10 in NJ. Also crim. in MO. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
40 Charles Leonard Connor
Accused 1995 and 1997 of abusing 2 dependent adult men living / working at Jesuit center. Admitted inappropriate touching; restricted but not reported to police. Case reopened 2000; search warrant revealed documents; abuse may have lasted 1970-2000. Connor sent to live at school. Pled no contest 2001; got no jail time. Settled 9/4/02 for $7.5M. Accused 2002 of abusing Jesuit; complaint deemed unproven. Accusing priest died, an apparent suicide, after Connor was housed at centre with him again. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
41 Charles Michael Cikovic
Placed on leave in 1993 after accusations of sexual relationship with 13 yr old girl. Pleaded guilty in 1993 on 4 counts of sexual battery and/or lewd acts; sentenced to 6 mo in jail and 20 yrs probation with mandatory treatment and forced retirement.Released from jail in Dec. 1995. Civil suit filed and settled out of court in 1997. 2002 article says settlement was $550,000. Previous accusations in 1980s. Lives in MO. 2010. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Venice, FL
42 Charles Plock
Plock, a chaplain and youth minister at St. John's University in Queens, was arrested 10/08 after emailing a homemade video of himself masturbating to someone he thought was a 13 yr old boy in Colorado. Instead, it was a police officer. He was released on bond and immediately sent to St. John Vianney Center in Downington, PA for evaluation. Criminal charges filed. Pleaded guilty and sentenced to 5 yrs probation 12/09. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
43 Daniel A. Calabrese
Convicted 1992 of abuse of teenage boy. Sentenced to 90 days in jail, 5 yrs probation, and 1 yr treatment. Previously transferred twice because of allegations involving youths. Civil suit 1993. As of 2003, he was living in New Mexico and was listed as being on a "leave of absence" per 2002 Cath. Dir. Laicized 2005. -- Diocese: New York, NY
44 Daniel C. Clark
Convicted of abusing 2 boys in 1988. Probation for 15 years and 90 days in jail. Removed from ministry but allowed to volunteer and wear clerical collar. Litigation settled 1989 and 1997. Named in 19 suits 2002-2003, of which 18 settled in 6/03 and 1 in4/06. Found guilty in 2003 criminal trial and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Laicization announced 11/04. Sentence overturned 5/07. Pleaded guilty 11/07 in return for release from prison, with 5 years probation and 5 years court supervision. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
45 Daniel J. McCormack
Accused of abusing boy while in Seminary in Mexico. Accused in 10/99 of abusing altar boy. Archdiocese ignored 9/5/03 warning about boys in rectory. Arrested 8/30/05 on credible allegation. Reassigned as dean 9/1/05. Arrested 1/20/06; removed from ministry. Pled guilty 7/2/07 to abuse of 5 boys, some abused after first arrest; sentenced to 5 years. 23 known accusers. Multiple settlements for over $10M. Laicized 11/07. Multiple accusers in 2010 suits. 5/11 suit names Vatican. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
46 Daniel J. Tisak
Criminal charges filed in 1988 allege Tisak abused 12 yr old at Pennsylvania YMCA. Tisak pleaded guilty. Sentenced to 2 yr probation and 6 mo at St. Luke's. Shown as "On leave" from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pittsburgh, Byzantine per 1989 Official Catholic Directory. Not listed in 1990 or 1995 Catholic Directories. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
47 Daniel M. Azzarone, Jr.
Complaints received as early as 1985, 1992 and 1998-1999. Only placed on leave 11/01 after he was accused of abusing a 15 yr old boy on Caribbean cruise in 11/00. Abuse continued until 2001, often in rectory. Another youth also accused him of abuse. Pleaded no contest to two counts of first-degree sexual assault 9/05 and sentenced to 3 yrs prison & 7 yrs probation. Named in 2005 civil suit which settled 8/08 as part of $1.326M settlement by Providence Diocese. Laicization as of 6/12/09 announced 2/10. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
48 Daniel Medina
Medina, a native of Honduras but ordained for the Diocese, was quietly placed on admin. leave in 2002. In 2004 he was arrested & charged with abuse of 14 yr old male in 1999. Pleaded guilty summer, 2008. Sentenced to 3 yrs probation. Privileges were withdrawn. Name became public 9/08 after "confidential" memo from archdiocese to all bishops warning them he had no privileges. Now facing court trial and possible dismissal from priesthood. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
49 Daniel P. Herek
Pleaded no contest 1998 to allegations of sexual abuse of 1 youth. Served 2 1/2 yrs jail. Named by 8 in subsequent civil suits. 2002 Jury award of $800K to 1 plaintiff. Other suits then settled. Convicted of exposing himself in mall parking lot in 9/05. Request for new trial denied. Sentenced 120 days in jail. Verdict appealed.. Finally going to jail 3 yrs later (7/08). He had requested house arrest. Judge also added 4 months for probation violation when caught masturbating in public. -- Diocese: Omaha, NE
50 Daniel R. McBride
Retired 1987. Placed on leave in 2002 when charged with abuse of minor (a 17 yr old boy who was part of prostitution ring). Pleaded guilty to soliciting a minor. Sentenced to 3 yrs probation 6/03. Charges resulted from investigation of Parmadale Residential treatment facility which is operated by Cleveland Catholic Charities for children with history of delinquent behavior & emotional problems. Still on admin. leave as of 2007 per Diocese website. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
51 David A. Holley
Abused in Massachusetts and sent to Paraclete center in New Mexico for treatment. Convicted 1993 of abusing 8 boys between 1972-1974 in Alamogordo, NM. 275-year sentence. Many victims in many states. He abused in El Paso and Bp. Metzger then transferred him to San Angelo TX diocese. -- Diocese: Worcester, MA
52 David G. Smith
In July 2002 Smith was charged with perverted practice after a man claimed that Smith abused him at parish rectory when he was 16 (between 1973-1976). In Oct. 2002 Smith pleaded guilty to engaging in sex acts with the Plaintiff. Smith had taken an unrelated leave of absence in 2000 and had no faculties to perform ministry. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
53 David J. Boyea
Accusations that he abused 9-12 boys over 5 yrs. One woman said she told Aux. Bishop in 1979 that Boyea had molested her son. $12M civil suit filed 11/86 on behalf of three victims but suit is believed to be sealed; In 8/85 Boyea pleaded guilty to 1 criminal charge and was sentenced to 10 years in jail. Petition to reduce sentencing denied 9/88. Released 1995. Lifetime listing on sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Green Bay, WI
54 David J. Malsch
Allegations in 1984 that Malsch had molested 3 boys. Bishop did not investigate. Accused in 1991 of molesting a 15 yr old boy with emotional, learning disabilities & behavioral problems. 1992 criminal charges. Found guilty 1993 & rec'd 5 yr suspended sentence. 1995 civil suit. Violated parole 1997 & sent to prison to serve 5 yr term. Sent to Wounded Brothers after release. Indicted 2003 on child porn while at Wounded Brothers. Pled guilty 2005 and sentenced to 9 yrs federal prison. -- Diocese: Superior, WI
55 David J. Nickerson
Known as "Brother Dave" while ministering in Milwaukee in 1980s, Nickerson confessed in 2007 to abuse of a 9 or 10 yr old boy in mid-1980s at St. Vincent De Paul school. This was only after another "Brother Dave" (David Sanders) had been arrested, convicted at trial, and sentenced to 15 yr sentence as of Jan. 2007. Real Brother Dave was arrested 6/08 in MO and was being returned to WI. In treatment at RECON in MO as of 7/08. Sentenced to 5 yrs prison. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
56 Dennis A. Pecore
Convicted 1987 of assault on a teenage boy over 3 year period. Placed on probation and ordered to serve year in jail on work-release program. In 1994 Pecore was convicted of sexually molesting a second boy from 1989-1992 (his nephew) while working at a care center for elderly priests. Sentenced to 12 yrs prison. Named in at least 2 civil suits. Released from prison 02/02. Also abused in Baltimore 1975-1976 when he was religious brother. On sex offender registry. "Defrocked" in 1995. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
57 Dennis A. Wagner
Pleaded guilty in 1983 to assault and battery (reduced charge) involving 13 yr old boy. Placed on probation for 2 years and received indepth counseling. Nver received another parish assignment but did work as a canon lawyer in Diocesan Tribunal Office until his suspension 5/02. Apparently admitted in 1983 that he had molested more than one boy. Diocese received 6 substantiated allegations. Lots of treatment. Agreed to ask for laicization. -- Diocese: Grand Rapids, MI
58 Dennis E. Schmitz
Placed on leave 5/02 and charged in 6/02 with improperly touching 1 teenage youth several times between 6/98-5/99. Pleaded guilty 2002 and received 32-month sentence. Served as Vocations Director of Archdiocese from 1994 through 7/01. A civil suit against archdiocese was settled in 2003. Suit against Schmitz was ongoing. Schmitz agreed to seek laicization. On KS sex offender registry 1/3/10. -- Diocese: Kansas City, KS
59 Dennis Puhl
Convicted 1980 of 4th degree sexual assault of boy 15. Received a 21 mo. sentence, probated for 5 yrs and treatment at church center in Milwaukee. 1983 suit claimed Puhl not only abused the youth in 1980 but that the Diocese knew that he had received treatment in 1977 for sexual problems. Puhl admitted in deposition that he had homosexual contacts with several youths in 1977 in another MN parish and that he received treatment then. Civil suit settled in 1984. -- Diocese: Duluth, MN
60 Dennis R. Sewar
Sewar had taken a sabatical in 01/05 but was placed on leave 6/05 and then arrested 7/05. Charged with abuse of 14 yr old boy from 1999-2001. Trial set for 8/06. Allowed to plead guilty to lesser charge of attempted endangering the welfare of a child, a misdemeanor. Sentenced to 1 yr probation. In 9/08 he was teaching in Hong Kong school until a parent googled him and found hs record on this website. -- Diocese: Rochester, NY
61 Dennis Raymond Jost
Raised in San Angelo TX Diocese. Spent years in CA training to be deacon before being removed from program. Served as vol. coord. of altar boys. Named in 1992 suit re abuse of one boy. Arrested in 1992 on charges that in 1990 he took minor from CA to AZ & NM to abuse him. Convicted & sentenced 1993 to six months' jail and 2 years' probation. Worked in Dallas Diocese 1995-1997 until past uncovered. Personnel file released by San Diego Diocese 10/25/10 references prior conviction from 1970s. -- Diocese: San Bernardino, CA
62 Dominic Bokulich
Bokulich, also known as Br. Leopold, was arrested 10/07 and pleaded guilty 3/08 to abuse of 4 boys from one family between 2006 and 2007. Sentenced to 7 yrs state prison in 6/08, along with 5 yrs post-release supervision. Required to register as sex offender. In prison as of 7/10. -- Diocese: New York, NY
63 Donald Henry Heck
Heck abused boy in 1990 and was sent to treatment (supposedly for stress) for one year. He was already working in another parish when he was indicted in 1991. In 1992 he entered Alford Plea (defendant does not admit guilt but concedes that the state has enough evidence to win a conviction) and was sentenced to 4 years jail. He also abused at least one other boy in 1990. On sex offender registry in MO as of 5/11. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
64 Donald J. Bowen
Woman was 9 when first sexual abuse occurred and it continued until she was 16. He wrote letters saying that he would leave the priesthood to marry her. She told Diocese 1990 and accepted $200K settlement 1992. Bowen served in Bolivia for 28 yrs before Boston indictment in 2002. Charged with indecent assault & battery of person under 14 & lascivious acts on a person under 16. Pled guilty 2005; 2 yrs jail and 10 yrs probation & registration as sex offender. Not found on list 2/10. -- Diocese: Fall River, MA
65 Donald J. Buzanowski
Suspended 1992. Convicted 2000 on a child porn charge and sentenced to 21 months in jail. Admitted in 2002 letter (made public 2003) to molesting 14 boys aged 14-17 in 1969-88. Laicized 3/05. Convicted 7/05 and sentenced to 32 years in prison. In 10/06,claimant rejected a proposed settlement with the Diocese. Jury decided 2/07 that diocese did not threaten the plaintiff in order to hide abuse. Case dismissed. In 9/08, WI Supreme Court declined to hear appeal. Still in prison 9/10. -- Diocese: Green Bay, WI
66 Donald J. McGuire
Sued 2003; accused of abuse. Criminal charges in 2005. Could not prosecute in IL. Found guilty 2/24/06 in WI. In 7/06 sentenced to 20 yrs probation & confinement in nursing home. Arrested twice 9/06 for violating probation. WI Sup. Court upheld conviction 7/10. New suits in 8/07 and 10/07 in AZ. Dismissed from Order 11/06/07. Laicization announced 2/08. Criminal charges filed in AZ 4/08. Guity in federal criminal case 10/08. Sentenced 2/09 to 25 yrs prison. New suit 2/09. Fed. sentence upheld 12/10. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
67 Donald L. Stavinoha
Police officer caught Stavinoha having sex with a minor boy in a van at local park in Houston in 1986. Church removed privileges and sent him for therapy. In 1990, Stavinoha pleaded guilty; sentenced to 10 yrs. Served 14 mo. and then put on probation.Civil suit filed, settled, and sealed. May have lived in St. Louis area at St. Vianney or Wounded Brothers. Died 3/27/07 in Houston. -- Diocese: Galveston-Houston, TX
68 Donald Patrick Roemer
Convicted 1981. 2 yrs mental hospital and 10 yrs probation. Abuse of boys. 1 girl also alleges abuse. Suits filed 1984, 2003 & 2004. He is # 8 on Archdiocese list of 10 priests with most accusations of abuse (with 13). He admitted to at least 30. Still on Calif. Sex Offender Register as of 1/2/10 and is shown to be living in Anaheim.. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
69 Earl Bierman
First complaints received in 1961. May have abused as many as 100 boys. Convicted of abuse of 6 boys in 1993 and received 20-year sentence. Died in prison 2005. Sued in both KY and NM. 1 case in 1995 went to Jury verdict of $700,000 in punitive damagesafter Diocese accused of failing to reveal abuse of other victims. Another suit settled in 2003. -- Diocese: Covington, KY
70 Edmund J. Boyle
Convicted 1987. Lewdness with child in Reno, NV. Sued 2003. Accused of abuse in 1960s in Portland. In 2005 three siblings (2 girls and 1 boy) settled claims against Seattle Archdiocese for $1.1 million. Other claims still pending. Boyle is accused of molesting at least 9 boys and girls in Oregon, Washington, and Nevada. Died 1995. One claim settled in Seattle 10/07 for $270,000. Four others settled in 2009. -- Diocese: Seattle, WA
71 Edward Anthony Holmes
Holmes, a religious Br, was a residential counselor at Nazareth Child Care Center in Jamaica Plain run by the Boston Arch. Left order in 2002. Arrested 2005 for abuse and photographing of 2 boys at the home in 1970s and 1980s. "Housemates" found photos in 1989. Both men made complaints in 2003.. Sentenced to 5 yrs and 1 day in prison 12/06. Pleaded guilty to raping 3rd man 2008. 2 more yrs on sentence. At least 4 claims included in 2003 global settlement with Archdiocese. One pending as of 5/10. -- Diocese: Fall River, MA
72 Edward Anthony Rodrigue
Sentenced to probation in 1979 for abuse of 1 youth. Sentenced in 1998 to 10 yrs prison for abuse of youth in 1997. Civil suits filed 2003 by at least 19. Admits to abuse of "four or five" boys every year of his 22 yr career. Laicized 1992. Released from prison 1/06. Judge ruled that Diocese may be assessed punitive damages if found liable. Name on 3/30/07 list of San Diego/San Bernardino priests accused of abuse. Died in 2009. Suit by 1 settled 4/10. Personnel file released 10/10. -- Diocese: San Diego, CA
73 Edward B. Pritchard
Received treatment in 1986 for abuse of 1 youth. Arrested 1995. Accused of abuse of 3 altar boys. Pleaded guilty 12/95 and sentenced to 5 yrs probation. Died Nov. 2002. At least 1 claim included in $1.3M settlement with the Archdiocese in 12/06. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
74 Edward G. Huff
In 1992 two families in 2 days complained to Diocese that Huff had molested their sons. After treatment Huff was made a hospital chaplain in late 1992. Within two months several more families complained of abuse from 1987-91. He was sent back to treatment and resigned from priesthood 7 weeks later. Pled guilty in 1994 to charges of improperly touching and providing alcohol to several youths. Sentenced to 15 mo to 5 yrs in prison as result of plea bargain. Other charges dropped. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
75 Edward J. McKeown
Convicted 1999 of abuse of boy, age 12, in 1995. Sentenced to 25 yrs in prison. Also admitted to raping 3 boys in early 1980s. Settlement in 1985. Forced out of priesthood 1989. May have abused between 20-30 youths. Began to abuse again in early 1990s.2 civil suits filed over abuse in 1995. Another civil suit filed 9/2006. Yet another one filed 3/07. -- Diocese: Nashville, TN
76 Edward J. Sadowski, Jr.
Arrested in MA in 2001 after allegedly arranging over the Internet to meet someone he thought was a 14 yr old girl. He wanted sex and to take pornographic photos of the girl. He also sent nude photos of himself. Was a deacon in RI for 24 years Dioceseimmediately placed him on leave. Sentenced 2002 to 2 years in prison and 5 yrs probation. Also arrested in RI on similar charges. Arrested again in RI 12/09 on Internet Solicitation & child porn. Convicted 5/10. In Prison 2/11. Case referred to Vatican. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
77 Edward Lawrence Ball
Indicted on 4 counts of abuse of minors 9/92; plea of guilty to 1 count. Sentenced to 9 mo jail and 5 yr probation. Total of three victims. Family of two boys settled out of court 1994. Ball criminally charged in 1999 with 31 counts of sexually abusing two other boys from 1979-1986. He was sentenced to 3 years in prison. $4.2M civil settlement. from Diocese & Order in 6/03. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: San Bernardino, CA
78 Edward M. DePaoli
Convicted 1986 of possession of child porn. 1 yr suspended sentence. Continued "extremely restricted ministry" until 2002 but did more than allowed because of "communications breakdown." Accused in 2002 of abuse of 14 yr old girl in 1970. Placed on leave. In 2004 allegations found credible. Laicized 8/11/04. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
79 Edward Nicewicz
Nicewicz was assigned as chaplain at state prison in Gardner, MA when he was accused in 1985 of child rape and molestation involving 2 girls, ages 11 and 12, from Sutton. Received a jail sentence in 1986. -- Diocese: Worcester, MA
80 Edward Pipala
Archdiocese learned of abuse in 1977, sent Pipela for treatment and then reassigned him. Removed from assignment 1992; convicted 1993 of Sodomy. Served 7 years in prison on state and federal charges. Released July, 2000. Numerous victims over a 20 year span. Named in several civil suits. Laicized?? On NY sex offender registry as of 9/09. -- Diocese: New York, NY
81 Edward Sokol
Sokol, a former Franciscan priest, was arrested 4/01 after arranging over the Internet to meet a 15 yr old boy for sex (it was a police sting). Pleaded no contest to computer pornography 12/01 and Judge allowed him to continue running a group home for disabled adult males, Finally ordered to leave the home 3/02 by Social Services. Also worked in Boston Arch. and at Perkins School for the Blind and in NH. Briefly had privileges in Miami after Franciscans withdrew his privileges. -- Diocese: Miami, FL
82 Edward Stefanich
Stefanich abused a 15 yr old girl for 16 mos in 1985-86. Church warned by Counselor about the relationship in 1986; they promised to handle but did nothing until 1987 after Stefanich proposed marriage and girl's parents complained. Stefanich was indicted and pled guilty. In 1987 sentenced to 6 mo. jail; 1 yr of counseling and had to be laicized. Police admitted that they knew he had abused another girl as well. Settled with family 4/88 for $450K. Man filed suit 9/03 re abuse from 1969-1970. -- Diocese: Joliet, IL
83 Edward Theodore Olszewski
Accused of sodomizing foster son starting at age 11. Found guilty by jury 12/18/02 of indecent liberties with a minor and innocent of sodomy charges; sentenced 1/30/03 to 3 years probation. New trial denied 3/13/03. Civil suit filed 12/22/03 in FL alleging abuse there. Conviction reversed 12/8/05 by MI Supreme Court: Olszewski "was deprived of an impartial jury." Prosecutor did not retry because sentence mostly served. Removed from MI and FL sex-offender registries. Ministry remains restricted. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
84 Edward Thomas Burke
Admitted to Jesuit superior in 2000 that he abused dependent adult man living/working at Jesuit center. Jesuits moved Burke but did not report accusation to police. Charged 5/9/02, pled guilty. Sentenced 6/28/02 to 2 years in prison at age 80. Claims against Burke and Br. Charles Leonard Connor SJ settled 6/4/02 by Jesuits for $7.5M. Died 2/27/09. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
85 Eileen M. Rhoads
Became a nun in 1957 as Sr. M. Frances Therese. Laicized in 1974 for "familiarity," yet she was allowed to teach in Catholic schools for 21 years and continued to abuse. Abuse included intercourse with at least one boy, starting at age 12. Also gave children pornography and encouraged them to be sexual with each other. Convicted 7/13/04 of felony sexual abuse of a 10-yr-old boy in 1969-70. Sentenced 9/04 to 6 mo in jail. Sued in 2004 in VA & PA. Lives in Drexel Hill, PA as of 1/09. -- Diocese: Richmond, VA
86 Elias Francisco Guimaraes
Guimaraes, a Brazilian priest working in Palm Beach Diocese since 2001, was arrested 9/02 when he arrived on beach for sexual rendezvous with detective who had been posing as a 14 year old boy on the Internet. Guimaraes sent many sexually explicit messages and bragged of having sex with a 14 yr old boy and a 16 yr old boy. Pleaded guilty 2003; sentenced to four years and 3 months in Federal prison. Released 5/23/06. May have been deported to Brazil when he was released. -- Diocese: Palm Beach, FL
87 Elwood F. Figurelle
Figurelle resigned from his parish position 10/03 and was charged with federal charge of downloading child pornography from the Internet. Had been on leave since 3/03 when FBI searched the rectory and seized a computer with child pornography on it. Investigators would not permit Diocese to release information while investigation was ongoing. Figurelle pleaded guilty in 10/03. Sentenced 2004 to 15-21 months. Died in farming accident 7/08. -- Diocese: Altoona-Johnstown, PA
88 Emeh ""Anthony"" Nwaogu
From Nigeria. Admitted in 1999 to abuse of girl, age 12. He was sentenced to 5 yrs in prison. Named in civil suit by this Plaintiff. Diocese previously ignored complaints that he had sexually harassed adult women. May have been paroled in 2003 and sent back to Nigeria. -- Diocese: Dallas, TX
89 Enrique Diaz Jimenez
From Columbia, he was arrested 1990 and pled guilty 1991 to abusing 3 boys 1984-1989. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation and 4 month prison sentence where he was allowed to leave on weekends to celebrate Mass. $60 million suit filed by 3 boys 4/91. Deported to Venezuela in 1991 and returned to Columbia in 1996. Abused 18 in Venezuela and 2 more in Columbia. Sentenced to jail in Columbia. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
90 Eugene D. Corbesero
Corbesero, a "former priest," pleaded guilty 6/07 to sexually assaulting a 12 yr old boy in 8/06 in New Jersey and was sentenced 10/07 to 5 yrs prison. Conviction upheld by appeals court 12/08. Prosecutors tried to obtain his personnel records from timeas priest alleging that he may have had similar troubles in the 1970s but court denied the motion. Corbesero left the order in approx. 1979 and later married. Still in prison 10/10. -- Diocese: Metuchen, NJ
91 Eugene G. Emo
Arrested 2/96; sentenced to 6 months in prison and 5 yrs probation 5/97 for abuse of 31 yr old mentally disabled man. At that time he was on limited duty because of prior sexual abuse allegations. He was sent for residential treatment in 1993 after accusations surfaced. Numerous other complaints after his arrest. In 1999 Emo was charged with violating probation by having contact with 16 year old boy and was sentenced to 1-3 years in prision. He was released from prison in 2002. -- Diocese: Rochester, NY
92 Eugene L. Condon
Indicted 7/96 re 1970s abuse of minor. Resigned immediately after Diocese learned of charges and allowed "early retirement" without privileges. Ordered not to be alone with minors. Police also found child porn in his possession. In 4/98 he received 5 yrs probation for committing lewd acts with boys in 1970s. Arrested again in 1/06 on similar charges. Charges dropped 2/09 because victim's extensive legal, mental and sobriety issues did not allow him to testify. -- Diocese: Charleston, SC
93 Eugene M. O'Sullivan
First accused of abusing an altar boy in a letter to Cardinal Cushing in 1964. With multiple allegations at that first parish, O'Sullivan was transferred to three other parishes, and was moved each time because of multiple complaints. Convicted in 1984 of raping an altar boy. Given probation on condition that he be kept away from children. Cardinal Law sent him to Metuchen instead, where he worked in 4 more parishes. Recalled to Boston in 1992, he was retired and made a senior priest. Laicised 2005. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
94 Eugene P. Heyndricks
Arrested in July 2002 in male prostitution sting allegedly involving minors. Placed on leave by archdiocese. Pleaded guilty 2003 and sentenced to 2 yrs probation with no unsupervised contact with minors. Archdiocese still investigating and he remaned onleave as of 5/03. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
95 Eugene Walter Kelly, Jr.
Kelly left the priesthood prior to the late 1960s. He married in late 1960s and was accused in 1998 of abusing his two stepchildren between 1972-1976. Pled no contest to criminal charges 1998 and received 3 yr probated sentence w/ registration as sexoffender. -- Diocese: Richmond, VA
96 Felix Bland
Pleaded guilty in 1995 to sodomizing an 11 yr old boy in 1988. Assault occurred at LaSalle Institute in Wildwood. Police knew of assault prior to 1995 but Bland was serving as missionary in Africa. Upon his return, his victim wore a wire and he was arrested. Sentenced to 15 yrs prison with all but 1 yr suspended. The year was spent in work release program so he only spent nights in jail. One man filed suit alleging abuse of 5 of his sons; suit settled on eve of trial in 1997. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
97 Fernando Lopez
Arrested 2004 re abuse of 1. Other victims found. Sent from a church in Rome Italy to St. Thomas the Apostle church in LA in 2001. Citizen of Colombia and visiting priest. 2005 conviction/ prison sentence overturned 4/06 by appeals court. In 1/08 the CA. Supreme Court overturned the appeals court decision and returned case to the court which then upheld the conviction 4/08. CA Supreme Court refused to hear appeal. 20 yr old man filed suit 5/09. Deported per CA Sex Offender Registry accessed 10/2/10. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
98 Fernando Noe Guzman
Guzman molested 13 yr old girl in grandfather's house in 1984. Caught by social worker who reported abuse to Bishop. Transferred to another parish where he started an affair with married woman. Civil suit filed 1990 by woman he seduced and made pregnant. Jury denied her claims but Guzman testimony in this case resulted in criminal charges and conviction later in 1990 re 13 yr old girl. He was sentenced to 10 yrs jail. Served 90 day shock probation and was released. May be dead as of 10/06. -- Diocese: Galveston-Houston, TX
99 Fidelis DeBerardinis
Worked in MA., Honduras, Guatemala, Trinidad, Israel and NY. Charged 2002 with sexual assault of as many as 7 altar boys from 1968-1973. He left MA in 1973 which stopped the statute. Franciscan order said that it settled a sexual misconduct claim against him "a decade ago" [1992?] involving one of the men who filed criminal charges in 2002. Pleaded guilty in 2004 to assaulting 8 youths and was sentenced to 8 years in prison and 10 yrs probation. Still in custody 10/10/10. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
100 Francis A. Benham
First complaint made in 1979 and he was sent for treatment. Pleaded guilty in 2005 to molesting 15-year-old boy and sodomizing a 13-year-old girl in the late 1970s. Sentenced to 2 concurrent 10 yr sentences but suspened all but 18 months. Released fromprison 1/06, followed by 3 yrs probation. Placed on sex offender registry. Previously worked in Columbus OH and in Illinois. In Illinois he was a certified child care provider with Human Services. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
101 Francis A. Talbot
Placed on leave 10/02. Accused in 2002 of abuse in 1960s by at least 4 individuals 1 claim settled 10/02. Another settled 11/02. At least 2 suits filed. 1 suit settled 4/03. Sentenced to at least 10 years in prison 3/03 after pleading guilty 12/02 to five counts of sexually assaulting a boy over a period of 8 years. Request for early release due to health denied 11/10. Not listed in the NH Atty General Report of 3/03. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
102 Francis Engels
Engels & 2 other priests accused of abusing youth in 1973. The victim complained directly to Bishop Myers in 1992. Diocese did not put Engels on leave until the family went to the media in 1993. Engles also admitted abusing one youth in 1980s. Bishoptried to reinstate him in 2002 but 2nd victim complained and he was not reassigned. Named in 2004 civil suit which settled 2005. In 6/05 he was sentenced to 10 yrs in WI prison. -- Diocese: Peoria, IL
103 Francis G. DeLuca
Accused in 1993 of abusing 3-4 youths in 1960s. Barred from ministry, sent for counseling & retired. Diocese told Atty General in 2002; Criminally charged in 10/06 with abuse of 12-13 year old youth in Syracuse, NY around 2000. Name on list released 11/06. Pleaded guilty 6/28/07. 60 days in jail and 6 yrs probation 9/07. One suit settled 2/08. Multiple suits filed 2008-2009. Laicization 8/08. Diocese filed bankruptcy 10/09. Judge found for Plaintiff in civil trial 11/10. Damages awarded 12/2/10. -- Diocese: Wilmington, DE
104 Francis William LeBlanc
LeBlanc left the priesthood in 1967 after about 8 years and served for 20 yrs w/ New Orleans Police until he retired. In 1996 he was sentenced to 90-days jail and 5 yrs probation for molestation of 3 girls. He touched the girls on the outsides of their clothing between 1994 and 1995. -- Diocese: New Orleans, LA
105 Francis X. Nelson
Charged in 2002 after DA obtained Brooklyn church files. Nelson pled not guilty. He was accused of visiting a 12-year-old girl in 1999, taking her on his lap, touching her breasts under her bra, and pushing his penis into her buttocks through her clothing, while her terminally ill grandmother sat nearby. Parents reported the abuse, Nelson was removed, then accepted in the NY archdiocese after Bishop Tharmaraj of Kottar, India, wrote ltr of recommendation. Convicted and sentenced 2003 to 4 months jail. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
106 Fred D. Ingalls
In 2/04 Ingalls was placed on leave after being charged by federal authorities with receiving child pornography and storing it on a computer in the parish rectory. Charges said he paid for access to child pornography sites on 13 occasions between 7/02and 6/03. In 6/04 he pleaded guilty to possession of 144 pornographic images of children which he had downloaded in the rectory. Sentenced 2005 to 3 yrs 1 mo in federal prison. -- Diocese: Buffalo, NY
107 Frederick A. Lenczycki
Removed 2002. Arrested and convicted 2004 of abuse of 3 boys. Sentenced to 5 yrs prison. Also worked in MO and CA. About to be released from prison 4/06. Instead, remanded to mental treatment facility upon release pending trial as to whether he is sexually dangerous. Trial held 3/08. Experts testified he allegedly molested at least 24 boys in 3 states in a 25 yr career. Jury said he was too dangerous to release & sent him back to prison. Released 9/09 on parole. On IL sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Joliet, IL
108 Frederick J. Hopwood
Accused of abusing multiple people. Resigned 12/93 after accusations became public. Criminal charges filed 1994. He pled guilty and was sentenced to 3 yrs probation, treatment and 250 hrs public service. Hopwood's roommate at seminary (and later) was Cardinal Bernardin. Ordained by Bishop Russell of Charleston who made him Chancellor immediately after ordination. -- Diocese: Charleston, SC
109 Frederick L. Guthrie
Arrested 11/01 in NH and charged with soliciting sex from a minor over the Internet. Retired from Boston Arch 7/01 and lived in MA. Also faced charges of possession of child porn on home computer in MA. In 3/04 in NH Guthrie was senteced to 3 months in jail and 5 years probation for attempting to solicitate sex over the Internet. Child porno charges still pending in MA and he was to be extradited for trial. No further information found. Laicization announced 2/11/11. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
110 Gary D. Berthiaume
Removed from duty. Convicted of abuse of 2 in 1978 in Detroit. Served 6 months in jail then transferred to Cleveland diocese where he offended again and then moved in 1987 to Joliet Diocese. Detroit victim filed civil suit 1983. Another suit filed in 1999 which alleged abuse in 1980s. Living in Illinois retreat house as of 2002. Laicization announced 11/07. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
111 Gary E. Underwood
Arraigned 11/06 on 8 counts of molesting two boys under the age of 15 in 1983 and 1984 at St. Odilia's Catholic Church. He was at the church from 1982-1988. He was working as Air Force chaplain in Louisiana when the diocese placed him on leave. Indicted again 5/07 on charges of abusing another youth in 1985-1986. Pleaded guilty 5/08 to abuse of 3. Sentenced to 10 yrs prison & lifetime probation 8/08. In 7/09 Court had to reduce probation to 3 yrs. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
112 Gary J. Mercure
On leave 1/19/08; privileges removed 8/15/08 after investigation found "reasonable grounds to believe" boy abused in mid-1980s. Abuse 1978-1991 alleged 1/28/08 by 4 men. Suit 5/23/08 alleged abuse of vulnerable adult and that in 1994 diocese knew Mercure had sexual interest in children. Multiple victims. Indicted on 10/30/08 for raping 2 Albany NY boys in MA in 1980s. Pleaded not guilty. Found guilty at trial 2/10/11. Sentenced to 20-25 yrs. Bishop Hubbard will seek laicization. -- Diocese: Albany, NY
113 Gary Michael Holtey
Holtey placed on leave in May, 2004 during investigation of international child pornography ring. Police and federal agents searched the offices at St. Charles Borromeo Church and seized computers. Pleaded guilty 2/05 to 10 misdemeanour counts of possession of child porn and received 3 yrs probation. -- Diocese: San Diego, CA
114 Gary P. Wolken
Convicted 2002 of abuse of boy over a 3 yr period beginning about 1997 when he was 5 yrs old. Sentenced to 15 yrs in prison. Trying for early release in 2006. Had abused another boy 25 yrs ago but not prosecuted. Sent for therapy. He was in therapy when he abused this plaintiff. Civil suit filed 4/04 and settled for $1.675M. Diocese asked Vatican to laicize him; pending 8/06. Up for parole 8/10. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
115 Gary Timmons
Two 1994 civil suits alleging abuse of 8 youths were filed against Timmons. He was arrested 11/95 on 17 counts re 2 victims. 18 others known but were dropped because of statute problems. He admitted in 1970 diary entry that he was a child molester. In Sept. 1996 he was sentenced to two concurrent 8 yrs prison terms but was released from prison in 2000. Other civil suits filed in 2003 and in 2007. -- Diocese: Santa Rosa, CA
116 George Cooley
Archdiocese knew of complaints as early as 1971 when Cooley in Seminary and again in 1978. Numerous male victims. Convicted 1991 & sent to prison for 18 months. Prison again 1994 for violation of probation. At least 9 civil suits. Permanently removed 1984 and laicized in 1998 after church trial. Still had teacher's license as of 10/06. License finally revoked 12/06. -- Diocese: Cincinnati, OH
117 George S. Silva
Placed on leave 2005. Arrested 2006 and charged with abuse of boy 14 which occured in 2005 during trip to France and Portugal. Civil suit filed 3/06. Pleaded guilty 6/1/06. Silva was Christian Brother for 17 yrs before being ordained in 1997. Studied in Connecticut. Sentenced to 5 yrs prison and 5 yrs probation 9/06. Civil suit settled 11/06. -- Diocese: Santa Fe, NM
118 George V. Bredemann
Attended 3 seminaries; one said he should never be a priest. Former executive for the Boy Scouts. He abused 15 boys before becoming a priest and at least 8 after. Arrested 1988. Sentenced 1 yr jail in 1989 and lifetime probation (after intervention by Bishop O'Brien). Victims were 8, 10 and 14 yrs old. Arrested in Miami attempting to flee to Brazil. Sentenced to 45 years. Civil suits filed in 1990 and 1992; settled 1991 & 1994. Bishop knew of past allegations prior to ordination. Laicized 2003. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
119 Gerald B. Fessard
Pled no contest 1987 to battery and assault of students at San Fernando Mission minor seminary. 3 years probation. May have had conviction expunged after he finished probation. Worked at Tribunal from 1987 to 2002. Listed as abuser in 2003 but not accused by any of plaintiffs. At least 8 individuals have accused him of abuse. He was 1 of six accused abusers assigned to 1 parish, Santa Clara Roman Catholic Church in Oxnard. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
120 Gerald J. Robinson
Placed on leave 2003 or 2004. Accused in 2003 of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl in 1978 at Mercy Hospital; accuser claimed ritual abuse by several priests. Accused 2005 of ritual abuse of a girl in 1968-75. Convicted 5/11/06 of 1980 ritual murder of nun at Mercy Hospital; sentenced to 15 years in prison. Case appealed. Ohio Sup. Court refused to hear appeal 12/08. Civil suit involving abuse dismissed 1/07 on SOL. Court reinstated lawsuit 10/07. Dismissed again 1/10. Dismissal upheld 12/10 & 4/11. -- Diocese: Toledo, OH
121 Gerald J. Ryfinski
Arrested 6/01 after computer repair man found child pornography on his computer. In 3/02 he pleaded guilty to one count of third-degree sexual exploitation of a minor. Received a five year suspended sentence with three years probation. On SC Sex Offender Registry as of 1/3/10. -- Diocese: Charleston, SC
122 Gerald John Vesnaugh
12 yr old youth accused Vesnaugh, a former priest and practicing attorney, of molesting him at a swimming pool in 1981. Three other boys testified that he did same thing to them. Criminal charges filed and Vesnaugh was convicted and sentenced to 5-15 yrs prison. Law license suspended in 1980 and revoked in 1982. Left the priesthood prior to 1980. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
123 Gerard T. McMahon
Indicted 4/06 for rape of one girl between 1967-1970. Allegations surfaced in 2006. He would get drunk at family's home and they would let him sleep it off in the little girl's bed. Left Boston in 1970 to serve as military chaplain but still part of archdiocese. Retired from military and settled in FL. Pleaded guilty 5/06. Sentenced to lifetime on probation to be served in FL. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
124 Gerardo Jarencio Tanilong
Per 7/03 articles, he had just been arrested after 15 yr old girl complained that he had molested her earlier in the week. Diocese placed him on leave. Had been part of Diocese for 17 years. Came from the Philippines in 1986; incardinated into the Diocese in 1990. On 1/30/04 he entered a plea of guilty and in 4/04 he was sentenced to six months in jail and 3 yrs probation. Diocese permanently suspended his privileges. On sex offender registry 1/10. In violation of registration requirements since 10/09. -- Diocese: Orange, CA
125 Gerhardt B. Lehmkuhl
In 1995 Lehmkuhl was arrested for receiving child pornography through the mails. Lehmkuhl checked himself into St. Luke's after he pleaded guilty but before his sentence. In 1996 he was sentenced to one year in prison. Also ordered to get mental-health treatment after he was released from prison. Per 2009 article, he was at Jesuit Community Corporation at St. Louis University--Jesuit Hall. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
126 Gilbert Gauthe
Gauthe was first widely publicized abuser. First allegations against him came out in 1983. Convicted in 1985 of abuse of as many as 39 young children between 1972-1983. Served 10 years in prison. Multiple civil suits and settlements. In 1997 he pled nocontest to abuse of 3 yr old boy in Texas. 7 yrs probation. As of 2008, Gauthe was living near Houston, TX. He was arrested 4/08 because he failed to register as sex offender. Served 2 yrs county jail. Released 4/23/10. -- Diocese: Lafayette, LA
127 Gilbert J. Gustafson
Pleaded guilty to abusing a youth for 5 years in the 1970s. Parents found out in 1982 and complained to church officials. Gustafson sent for treatment. He also admitted abusing 2 other boys. He paid $40 fine and served four to six months in Jail. In 11.92 woman filed suit alleging she was abused by Gustafson for about 5 years, also beginning in 1977. Suit settled 10/05. On leave as of 2007. -- Diocese: St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
128 Gordon J. MacRae
Psychological problems during seminary in 1978. Pleaded guilty in 1988 to paying boy for sex. Rec'd 1 yr jail deferred and sent for treatment. Also may have abused in 1983 but no action. In 1993 he was charged w/ 11 counts of molestation of at least 4 boys. Convicted 1994 re assault of 1 boy. Rec'd. 33 1/2 - 67 year sentence. Civl suits filed. See Major Account for much information and related documents. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
129 Gregory J. Sutton
Sutton, principal of Catholic school in Missouri, was arrested 8/95 on charges he molested students in Australia in 1980s. No accusations in Missouri. He was extradited at request of Australian officials 5/96 after several court battles. US officials knew he was wanted in Australia for almost year but didn't know he was a school principal. In Australia in 5/96 he pleaded guilty to numerous charges of abuse between 1976-1987. Sentenced to 18 yrs jail on total of 67 charges against 15 children. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
130 Gustavo Benson
Arrested in San Bernardino for abuse of 2 boys. Pleaded no contest 1/87 re 1 and given 3 yrs probation and treatment in New Mexico. 6/02 article says he moved to Mexico and was assigned to a diocese there. Calif. Bishop told Tijuana Bishop of Benson's history and that he should never have access to adolescents.Two filed civil suit 12/03. Listed on 3/07 list released by San Diego Diocese. Personnel file released 10/10. He is currently working for church in Ensenada, Mexico. -- Diocese: San Bernardino, CA
131 Gustavo DeJesus Cuello
Cuello, who came from Colombia in 1995, was arrested in 1997; charged with having sex with 13 year old girl. He was released on bail and fled the country. Arrested in Ecuador 7/03 and finally extradited to Texas. He was found guilty in trial 10/03. Judge sentenced him to 50 yrs in prison. Cuello rejected the judge's sentence and opted to have a jury decide his sentence. In 10/03 jury sentenced him to life in prison. Civil suit settled for less than $100,000. Laicization announced 11/06. -- Diocese: Tyler, TX
132 Harold Charles Depp
Per May 2003 articles, Depp walked away from his church in Detroit Archdiocese in 1963 and never returned. Placed "on leave." Never officially left the Church. In 1980s the Archdiocese learned that in 1982 Depp had been convicted of child sexual abuse and was serving eight years in an Alaskan prison. He was arrested in Calif. in 2003 on charges of abusing an 11 yr old boy in 1971 while a visiting priest from Detroit. Charges dropped 7/15/03. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
133 Harry S. Benjamin
Removed from duties in 1989 after accusations he abused a 14 yr old boy during overnight pizza and beer parties at the rectory and on trip to Europe. Admitted the abuse in 11/89 resignation letter. Name not released until 5/02. Criminal charges filed in 2002; sentenced after 2003 plea agreement to 1 yr prison. Laicized in 1992 but continued to say mass without permission thru 2005. On VA Sex Offender Registry as of 7/10. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
134 Henry G. Carriere
Pleaded guilty 12/91 to three counts of child sexual abuse. Carriere was pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Rouseau, MN at the time. Retired 7/90. Died 11/03. -- Diocese: Crookston, MN
135 Honesto Bayranta Bismonte
Accused of abuse between 1997-2001 while at St. Joseph Church in Pomona. Convicted 2003. Battery (misdemeanor) of two sisters, age 12 & 8 when abuse occurred. Received 2 yrs probation. Remains on inactive status as of 2006. Not a registered sex offenderas of 2010. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
136 J. Michael Tynan
Tynan, a 45 yr old ordained deacon, was two days away from becoming an ordained priest 6/04 when he was placed on leave after Diocese learned that he was being investigated for possession of child porn. Name appeared on a child-porn web site based in aforeign country and the US Customs had begun an investigation. Reason he was not ordained was not announced until 10/04 when he was criminally charged. Has been laicized. Sentenced to 3 yrs prison. On OH sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Toledo, OH
137 James A. Beine
Civil suit filed 1994 alleged abuse of 2 boys beginning in 1967. 7 other suits filed. Left priesthood in 1977. 2 claims settled for $110K. Beine was working as school counselor as of 2002. Convicted 2003 on fed. charge of possession of child porn (later overturned). Also convicted 2003 of exposing himself to 3 students. Sentenced to 12 yrs but sentence overturned by Court. Laicized 2005. MO permanently revoked teaching license as of 10/07. Reportedly living in Las Vegas 8/07. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
138 James A. Forsythe
Pleaded guilty 12/89 to having sexual relations with teenage boy over 2 yr period. Sentenced to 1-5 yrs jail but served 3-4 months in jail and then probation; sent for treatment in NM for 7 months. Victim got cash settlement from Diocese. On leave per1990 OCD. Papers say he left priesthood then. Became minister for protestant sect until forced to resign after community learned of past. Living in FL and Costa Rica as of 2009 per FL Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Kansas City, KS
139 James A. Funke
Pled guilty in 1987 to 10 counts of second-degree deviate sexual assault of two boys. Police also found child porn in his possession. Received 10 yrs prison; released in 1992. Laicization announced 11/03/06. One of 6 priests included in settlement announced 7/08. Still on MO sex offender registry as of 5/15/11. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
140 James Aubrey Finan
Removed from ministry in 1996. Pled guilty in 1997 to sexually abusing a 10 yr old boy in 1966. Also accused of abuse of a 6 yr old girl in 1966. Sentenced to 18 mo. prison 3/97. Pled guilty in 2003 to sexually abusing a 7- or 8-year-old boy in 1966. Sentenced to 5 yr suspended sentence and 5 yr probation. At least one claim settled in $1.3M settlement with archdiocese 12/06. Laicized in 1996. On Sex Offender Registry 12/10. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
141 James D. Campbell
Worked at parish in West Warwick, RI from 7/75 to 11/77 and as chaplain at Rhode Island Medical Center for Diocese of Providence at the same time. Placed on leave by Order in 2002 after allegations of abuse of boy in Worcester, MA received. Indicted 9/03 and convicted 2004 of abuse of 2 teens, one a girl. Sentenced 1/05 to 90 days in house of correction and 10 yrs probation. Laicization announced 3/05. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
142 James E. Hargadon
4 civil suits filed in 2002 by men accusing him of abuse when they were altar boys. Privileges were removed in 2002 after suits filed. Twice convicted of abuse in 2004. Received separate 8 yr sentences in 2 counties. Died 5/05 after 1 yr in prison. In 10/05 Vatican ordered him (already dead) to life of prayer & penance. One man who lives in Texas says he reported the abuse to Bishop Tschoepe of Dallas in approx. 1990. Apparently nothing done. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
143 James E. Leu
Accused in 1989 of systematically abusing 2 altar boys 1985-89. Pled guilty, convicted 1989, sentenced to 2 years. Worked with Bass. Bishop O'Keefe was deposed. Name appeard on Diocese's 7/10/08 list of "credibly accused" abusers. -- Diocese: Davenport, IA
144 James E. Mason
In 2000, man accused Mason of making sexual advances when he was junior in high school and at Univ. Diocese did not tell him that Mason had been found guilty in 1981 of sexually assaulting a student and placed on probation for 18 months. Absent on sick leave from 1987 through 1992 per Catholic Directory; "On duty outside the diocese" from 1993 to 2003. Believed to be drug abuse counselor in WI; may have undergone "voluntary laicization" in 2004. -- Diocese: La Crosse, WI
145 James F. Kuntz
Pled guilty 9/08 to possession of child pornography on computer. Sentenced 2/09 to 40 mo. prison and 5 yrs supervised release. He was former adminstrator at St. Peter's College in Jersey City. From 1984 to 1988 he was principal at St. Peter's Prep. He had served as vice president for mission and ministry at St. Peter's College since 8/04. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
146 James F. Talbot
Claims in 1998 that Talbot, a teacher, had abused a student in 1984-1985. He was suspended. Claim settled in 2001. Allegations by at least 8 men surfaced in 2002 re abuse between 1972 and 1980. Criminal charges filed but dropped. 14 claims settled 1/03for $5.2M. Pleaded guilty 2005 to raping two teenagers between 1977-79. Sentenced to 5 to 7 years. On sex offender registry. Released from prison 3/18/11. Will live out of state in monitored facility. Laicization pending. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
147 James Francis Hopkins
Parents complainted in 1988 of inappropriate behavior toward their son and he was sent for therapy. Removed from ministry in 1995 after one accusation. In 1999 the man's younger brother also alleged abuse. 1999 lawsuit by younger brother settled for $625K in 2001. Arrested in 2003. Laicized in 2004. Convicted 2005 of abuse of boy and sentenced to 8 yrs in prison as of 3/5/05. On NJ sex offender registry 6/12/11. May be out of prison. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
148 James Griffith
Articles refer to him as a "Deacon" in the Passionist Order. Convicted 1988. Abuse of boy, age 11 between 1974-1977 at St. Raphael. 60 days jail; 5 yrs probation. Sued by same victim in 1988 but suit dismissed due to SOL. 5/02 lawsuit alleges abuse in 1970s. As of 2002 Griffith was "long removed from public ministry" and lived at a Passionist residence in Chicago. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
149 James J. Behan
Placed on leave 4/02 by Raleigh Bishop after "credible allegation" that he abused youth 25 years before. It was a long-term relationship which began when plaintiff was 14 and Behan was teacher at Northeast Catholic High School in Philadelphia. He laterworked in Raleigh. Behan admitted the abuse and was convicted in 2005. Sentenced to 12 yrs probation 12/05. Only priest indicted by the Philly Grand Jury. On MD sex offender registry 7/10. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
150 James L. Arimond
Placed on leave 1/90 when allegations of abuse of boy in 1988 surfaced; privileges suspended 7/90 when charges filed. Pleaded no contest 7/90. In 10/90 Arimond was sentenced to 18 mo. probation and 45 days in House of Corrections under work-release program. Laicized. In 1995 he began working as state-licensed professional counselor until State ordered him to surrender his license 7/03. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
151 James M. Burns
In 2003 Diocese released names of Burns and 4 other Catholic priests accused of sexual abuse over last 20 years. Burns was accused "several times" of sexual abuse, sent for therapy, & reassigned. Another allegation made; he was removed from duty and "retired" in 1993. Accused of abuse in AZ and CA by 1 in 2003 CA suit. This claim included in massive 7/07 $660M settlement with LA Archdiocese. Pleaded guilty in 2004 and rec'd. two 1.5 yr sentences. Also accused of abuse of girl. Died 8/6/10 in AZ. -- Diocese: Gallup, NM
152 James Patrick Grady
Arrested 7/09 after arranging to have sex with a 16 yr old girl at a secret location. Contact was actually an an undercover FBI agent in a sting. Meet arranged over the Internet. Immediately placed on leave from assignment at St. Raphael The Archangel. Later indictment said child pornography was found on his computer. Pleaded guilty 3/10 to child porn and agreeing to pay for sex w/ 16 yr old. Sentenced to 6 yr 8 mo prison and register as sex offender in 6/10. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
153 James R. Porter
Porter was laicized in 1974. In numerous civil suits Porter was accused of abusing many, many children, both in Massachusette before being sent to Paracletes and in New Mexico after treatment, as well as in Minnesota and Texas. Pleaded guilty in 1993 to sexually abusing 28 children and sentenced to 18-20 years. Over 100 settled claims. Died 2/05 of cancer while awaiting release from prison. -- Diocese: Fall River, MA
154 James Rapp
Accused of abuse of at least 2 Michigan boys in 1987. Removed from assignment and sent for counseling. Transferred to Oklahoma and abused several boys there. Convicted 1999 in Oklahoma and received 40-year sentence. $5M settlement in Oklahoma civil suit. Also accused in 2003 Utah civil suit by 2 brothers. Suit dismissed on statute of limitations. Dismissal upheld by Utah Supreme Court 3/07. -- Diocese: Lansing, MI
155 James Ronald Gonsalves
Ordained as deacon 1987. Accused in 2005 of abuse of 1 boy beginning in 2002 when boy was 12 and lasting for 3 yrs. Placed on leave 2005. Pleaded guilty 5/06. Sentenced to 1 yr prison and 20 years probation 7/06. -- Diocese: Honolulu, HI
156 James Stein
Pled no contest in 1991 to touching a man in a sauna. Charged 9/03 with 3 counts of felony second-degree sexual assault of a youth at Notre Dame Academy in Green Bay. Victim says that in 1988 Stein gropped him several times in swimming pool & hot tub at the Norbertine Abbey. Pleaded no contest 8/04. Sentenced to 1 yr jail (work release) and 10 yrs probation 12/04. -- Diocese: Green Bay, WI
157 James T. Monaghan
Convicted 1992 of fondling girl, age 7, when he pastor at St. Ignatius parish in Sacramento. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation and 120 hrs community service. Because of his age and health, he was sent to live at Sacred Heart retirement center in Los Gatos along with several other sex offenders. Died 10/04 at age 89. -- Diocese: Sacramento, CA
158 Jason E. Sigler
Canadian priest. Worked in Detroit & Lansing Dioceses. Sent to Paracletes in 1960s-1970s then assigned to NM parishes where he abused again. Named by 45 victims in multiple lawsuits. 17 men in NM settled for $13M in 1993. Also pled guilty in 1983 to abuse of child; received probation and counseling. Laicized early 1980s. Many new allegations in MI in 2002. Arrested and convicted at least twice. Also included in new civil suits. In prison & on MI sex offender registry 1/10. Up for parole 7/10. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
159 Jason R. Dolan
Dolan, age 31, was placed on leave 1/05 by Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh. He later pleaded guilty to charges of possession of internet child pornography. Sentenced to 30 mo. prison and lifetime probation 2/06. Released on probation 7/08. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
160 Jean F. Vogler
Caught in a sting ordering hard-core child pornography for delivery to the Holy Rosary rectory, where he was pastor. Inspectors found 92 videos in a trunk in the rectory, many of them 'extremely graphic and explicit child porn.' Resigned 12/8/95; convicted and sent to prison for a year. As of 2008, Vogler is lead priest at Holy Trinity parish, director of diocese's deacon program, and member of the priests' council. -- Diocese: Evansville, IN
161 Jean-Level Eliscard
Ordained in Haiti. Working in New Jersey. Arrested 11/94 for assault of 13 yr old girl; he was at airport waiting to return to Haiti. Convicted 1995; received 3-year probated sentence. Returned to Haiti. In 2003 he was working in Canadian diocese. Prior to offense, he had worked in Brooklyn and Los Angeles Dioceses. -- Diocese: Trenton, NJ
162 Jeremiah M. Spillane
Spillane, a chaplain at a Catholic high school in Sarasota, was charged in early 1997 with Internet solicitation of boy, age 13, actually an undercover policeman. Pleaded no contest to charges and sentenced to 2 yrs house arrest and 2 yrs probation. Also admitted abuse in prior assignments in Mexico. Also worked in Spain and Rome. -- Diocese: St. Petersburg, FL
163 Jerome "Jeff" F. Toohey
In 1993 Toohey was accused of sexually abusing a male high school student who had sought counseling. Suit filed in 1994 but dropped in 1996 after ruling on recovered memories by MD Court of Appeals in another case. Has been on leave, without facultiesto perform ministry, since 1993. Convicted in 2005 of abusing another male minor in late 1980s. Sentenced to 5 yrs prison (18 months in jail & balance suspended). Laicization announced 5/08. Does not have to register as sex offender because abuse too old. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
164 Jesus "Jesse"Armando Dominguez
Name appears on list of accused priests and religious released by the Los Angeles Archdiocese on February 17, 2004. List reflects 6 accusers and 1973-1988 as time of incidents. Worked in San Bernardino diocese from 1978-1993. Placed on leave. Pleaded no contest in 2001 to misdemeanor child molestation. Laicized in 2000. Charged in 2005 with abusing 2 boys in 1988-1989. Fled to Mexico before he could be arrested. Six men filed civil suits. -- Diocese: San Bernardino, CA
165 John A. O'Brien
O'Brien pleaded no contest 11/00 to 4th degree sexual assault and was sentenced to 18 months of probation, a $1,000 fine, & ordered to undergo 6 months of psychiatric counseling for indecently touching a 17 year old boy. In 2002 treating docs said he could be returned to duty as chaplain at nursing home but unsure if this happened. He was permanently restricted from duty by 7/04 and had been laicized by 11/07. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
166 John A. Oliver
In 2002 it was revealed that in 1967 Oliver was alleged to have picked up a 14-year-old boy who was hitchhiking home. Instead of taking the boy home, boy says Oliver drove him to a home, gave him alcohol and molested him. Diocese officials say Oliver pleaded guilty but it is unclear what plea involved. He was sentenced to 6 or 7 yrs probation. Sheriff's report from that case includes a comment suggesting prior cover-ups by the diocese. Retired in 2000 and was placed on leave 5/02. Supervised R. Trupia. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
167 John Anthony Salazar-Jimenez
Convicted 1987 of molesting 2 boys. Sentenced 6 yrs. Served 4. 1986 civil suit filed. Changed to Amarillo diocese in 1991. 2002 CA criminal charges dropped due to Supreme Court ruling. Charged in 2003 with assault of 18 yr old in Dallas. Convicted 7/1/05. Sentenced to life in prison. Laicization announced 2/05. At least 1 claim included in 2007 LA Arch. settlement. Another settled in TX in 2008. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
168 John B. Feit
In 1962 he pleaded no contest to reduced charge of aggravated assault for grabbing a young woman in church in 1960. Shortly after the 1960 assault, he became prime suspect in rape/murder of another young woman in McAllen, TX. Never indicted (even after another grand jury investigation in 2004). Feit worked at Paraclete facility in N.M. for several years and placed many abusers in outside positions. Left order in 1972 and married. -- Diocese: Brownsville, TX
169 John Bauer
Left priesthood in 1970. Opened sex shop and adult book store in Montana in 1981. Pleaded no contest in 1990 in CA to charges of making and participating in child porn videos and films in Mexico and California. Referred to as "Priest of porn." Sentenced to 8 yrs prison. Died of a heart attack in federal prison in 1992. Unknown if he was laicized. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
170 John F. Keane
Keane pleaded guilty 2/08 to indecent assault and battery on a person under 14 and 3 counts of assault and battery. He was charged with assaulting a girl between 1981 and 1983 when. Keane was at St. Elizabeth Parish in Milton and/or Our Lady Parish in Stoughton. Sentenced to 30 days in jail and probation. Keane transferred to another church in 1987 and took a leave of absence in 1989, He now lives in FL and is registered sex offender. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
171 John G. Pisarcik
Arrested and charged 1991 with of abuse of 2 boys from 1989-1991. Admitted the abuse. Convicted 1992. Sentenced 1/93 to 5 years at Avenel adult diagnostic & treatment center but was released 12/95 after serving only 2 yrs. Immediately sent for treatment in NM. 2 civil suits filed 1994 on behalf of the victims. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
172 John H. Dagwell
Per Boston personnel files released 1/03, Dagwell pleaded guilty in 1988 to molesting one student in Newark, NJ; others also complained. Sentenced to probation and ordered to stay from children. Fired from his position as teacher and coach at a parochial school. Transferred to Boston and may have abused there. Left order in 2002. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
173 John Hemstreet
Hemstreet left active ministry in 1987 and in 1992 was arrested for sexually abusing a 10 yr old boy. Diocese paid for his treatment at St. Luke's. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail in 1993. Diocese says he left ministry without requesting laicization. Hemstreet, an "admitted alcoholic, convicted child molester and former boy scout leader", was active in protesting the Boy Scouts' policy of not accepting homosexual leaders. Absent on leave per 1988, 1990 and 1995 Catholic Directories. Died 2007.. -- Diocese: Toledo, OH
174 John J. Castaldo
Arrested/charged 6/01 w/ explicit sexual conversations on Internet w/ 14 yr old boy (police). Wanted to meet for sex. Spiritual adviser at Trinity H.S. Removed; admitted charges in court 9/01. Sentenced 11/01 to 1 weekend in jail and 5 years probation. Suit filed 10/01 alleged abuse in 1991. Suit filed 4/02 (settled 2005). Suit filed 1/09. 3rd suit filed 3/10. Diocese said 3/10 plaintiff was not abused. 1/09 suit decided for Plaintiff by Judge when diocese failed to produce docs. -- Diocese: Bridgeport, CT
175 John J. Fallon
Arrested 9/85 on charges of mailing child pornography (pictures of boy under 14) to photo lab for developing. Other pictures of boys from town where Fallon was assigned were also found at rectory. Pleaded guilty 12/85 and sentenced to 5 yrs probation, including six months of psychiatric therapy. Lived in New Mexico "on sick leave" from 1989-2000. Moved to Syracuse retirement home but remained inactive. Syracuse Diocese said it had no knowledge of his past. -- Diocese: Ogdensburg, NY
176 John J. Geoghan
Accused in over 87 lawsuits of raping and molesting at least 150 children. Convicted 2002 of fondling a 10-year-old boy. Sentenced to 9-10 yrs in prison. Murdered in prison 8/03 by another inmate. Conviction then removed by court, citing pending appeal at time of death. In 2002 Archdiocese paid $10M to settle claims brought by 86 accusers but another two dozen civil suits were still pending. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
177 John J., Jr. McElroy
Arrested 5/88 and convicted 1989 of abuse of boy, age 12. Received 5-year sentence. $700K settlement of lawsuit in 1990. Laicized in 1993 so he could marry. He sued diocese because it would not pay his criminal defense fees. Case dismissed by Superior Court. Also named in 1994 RICO pleading filed by Rubino. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
178 John Joseph, Jr. Mike
Several individuals came forward beginning in 1987 to allege physical and sexual abuse by Mike. In 1987 his faculties were removed by Archdiocese. Also in 1987 criminal charges were brought against him for whipping a 17 yr old youth and hanging the youth upside down from a basketball backboard and striking him on the buttocks with a table tennis paddle. Pleaded guilty 9/87 and was sentenced to 5 yrs of supervised probation. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
179 John Lloyd Caskey
In 11/07 he admitted writing "inappropriate letters" to a 18 yr old man who had reported them to police 9/07. He immediately resigned from parish. Not placed on leave by the Diocese until 1/08 when he was arrested and charged with possessing child pornography on his computers, Pled guilty 8/08. Sentenced to 1 mo. in prison and 5 yrs probation 5/09. -- Diocese: St. Cloud, MN
180 John Lugowski
Pleaded guilty in 1987 to felony counts of sexual abuse of 10 yr old boy and was sentenced to one year in county jail. He served 8 months. He admitted to sexual contact with total of five boys between 1981-1987 and left priesthood in 1989. He claimed he met all of his victims through the YMCA and not his parish. Also worked in NJ. -- Diocese: Syracuse, NY
181 John M. Banko
Removed from ministry 2000. Convicted 2002 on charges of molesting 11 yr old boy in 1993. Received a 15-year sentence. Included in 1/03 settlement re abuse by 5 priests. 9 other alleged victims have also come forward. Additional criminal charges filed9/06 alleging abuse of 1 victim in 1994-1995. Pleaded not guilty 11/06. Trial started 5/08 and he was convicted again as of 5/13/08. Sentenced 9/08 to add'l 18 years. In prison 6/10. Still a priest, but inactive. -- Diocese: Metuchen, NJ
182 John M. Furdek
Member of Joliet Diocese. Arrested in WI in Feb. 2000 on charges of using Internet to set up a meeting with someone who he thought was a 14 year old boy (actually an undercover agent). Pleaded guilty in WI in 3/03. Sentenced to 15 yrs in prison on attempted sexual assault. Served 3 yrs w/ rest probation. Paroled 5/06. In 2/07 he was being forced to move from condo because daycare was on 1st floor and school was next door. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
183 John Maurice Giandelone
Arrested in 1984 and confessed that he had molested youth for several yrs.. Civil suit filed 3/04. Pled guilty in 1985 to attempted sexual misconduct with minor; sentenced to 1 yr jail on work furlough and 5 yr probation. Named in other civil suit in 1993 & 2003. Convicted again in 2003 and sentenced to 1 yr 10 mo in prison & 3 yrs probation for abuse in 1979. Lives in Ft. Myers, FL as of 2/10. On national Sex Offender Registry. Reportedly voluntarily left the priesthood. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
184 John P. Blankenship
Admitted in 1988 that he sexually abused a 14 yr old male in 1982. He apologized to the victim and paid for his college education and counseling. Worked at the Petersburg Fed. Correctional Center as chaplain for many years. 1989 note says that the Catholic chaplain regional superintendent for prisons knew of history. Forced to retire 8/02 after victim came forward. Criminally indicted; pled guilty to sodomy 1/03 and sentenced to indefinite supervised probation. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Richmond, VA
185 John P. Connor
Arrested in Camden in 1984 for abuse of boy 14. Admission. Place in special court program under which his arrest was expunged after 1 year if no more problems. Spent 8 mo. in treatment. Transferred to Pittsburgh in 1985 and then to Philadelphia from 1988 until 1993. Returned to Camden in restricted ministry. Removed in 2002. Named in Philly Grand Jury report 2/10/11. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
186 John P. Hess
Hess pleaded guilty 5/02 to one felony count of possessing child pornography received over the Internet. Federal agents seized Hess' computer from rectory in March 2002 as part of Operation Candyman sting. Allowed to change guilty plea from possession of child pornography to lesser charge of possession of obscene materials because of problems with warrants. In 2003 he was sentenced to 3 months in halfway house, 5 yrs probation, and a fine of $5,000. Still priest but has no duties. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
187 John Patrick Feeney
On leave since 1986. Convicted of abuse in 2004. Sentenced 15 yrs prison. Last appeal denied 4/06. Served 18 parishes in 30 yrs before leaving Diocese in 1983. Laicized 8/05. 1 claim included in massive $660M LA archdiocese settlement of 7/07. Named in1/08 WI civil suit re abuse of same two brothers from criminal case. He also worked in NV. 1 civil suit in NV filed 1/08. Court ordered some records released 4/10. Still in courts. -- Diocese: Green Bay, WI
188 John R. Hanlon
Accused of sexually abusing at least 10 boys during a 14 yr period. Convicted of raping one youth and sentenced to 3 concurrent life sentences as of 3/94. Also abused victim's brother. Would take boys to nude beaches to desensitize them. Civil suit filed by the 2 brothers settled in 1994 for undisclosed sum. Laicization announced 6/10/05. Still in prison 5/11. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
189 John Rodriques Moniz
Convicted in 1995 of lewd conduct with a young girl and sentenced to three years probation. Probation ended in 1998. Also ordered to pay victim's uninsured medical expenses and psychological treatment. At the time of the abuse Moniz was living at Sacred Heart Retirement Center in Los Gatos, CA. Other priests convicted of abuse also lived there. Later moved to Vianney Renewal Center in Dittmer, MO. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
190 John Slown
Slown was convicted of sexually abusing a boy in dupage Co in 1983 and was removed from ministry. Slown says he left priesthood because he was alcoholic. In 10/03 two brothers filed suit alleging abuse by Slown, Ruffalo and Arno Dennerlein. Suit saidabuse occurred in Illinois for several years and, for the younger boy, later in NJ. -- Diocese: Joliet, IL
191 John Steven Rabideau
Accused of Abuse. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
192 John W. Rudy
Arrested 7/98 and accused of improperly touching an 18 yr old male. Arrested again 9/98 and accused of improperly touching a 9 yr old boy 2 yrs before when he was 7. Pleaded no contest to charges of fourth-degree sexual assault and disorderly conduct in11/99 and that kept him out of jail and off sex offender register. Sentenced to one year supended prison term, two years probation, Sent for treatment. -- Diocese: Hartford, CT
193 John W. Wishard
Convicted 1980. Oral copulation of child. 5 yr probation. Probation was terminated in 1982, the felony reduced to misdemeanor in 1991 and later dismissed. Served as police chaplain prior to dismissal in 2002. Named in archdiocesan report. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
194 John Wesley Andries
Accused of sexual contact with 16 yr old boy at the home of boy's family in 4/01. Pleaded innocent 5/02. Was suspended from priesthood after sexual misconduct allegation (fondling) earlier in his career in 1998. Pleaded guilty 5/03 to charge of sexualbattery in plea bargain. Sentenced to 5 years in prison with all but two years suspended. Suit filed 1/03 is still open 3/10. On sex offender registry as of 6/10. -- Diocese: Alexandria, LA
195 John Willliam Vovko
Ordained in Cleveland Diocese. Came to Arizona in approx. 1986. Served as teacher at Mesa High School. Convicted 1990 and sentenced to 1 yr in jail for trying to molest a boy, age 2. Lifetime probation. His teaching certificate was to have been revoked. He is shown as "absent on leave" from Cleveland per the 1988 Catholic Directory. Not in 1989, 1990 or 1993 editions. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
196 Johnny Davila
Arrested in 1994. Sentenced 2/18/95 (?) to 7 yrs probation for indecency w/ 13 yr old girl; ordered by court to undergo weekly counseling for indefinite period. Davila was shown as "on Leave" per 2002 Catholic Directory. Lifetime sex offender registration per website accessed 10/16/10. -- Diocese: San Antonio, TX
197 Jorge Patricio Pintado Herrera
Priest from Ecuador attached to the NY Archdiocese from 1999-2000. Charged 9/02 with groping a 16 yr old altar boy at Manhattan church. Pleaded guilty 6/03 to endangering welfare of child and sentenced to 5 days of community service. Archdiocese said he did not have permission to be working at the church. Further status unknown. -- Diocese: New York, NY
198 Jose Alonso
Convicted 1988 and received 5-year sentence for sexual abuse of 2 boys. Died 2002 shortly after release from prison. Named in at least 3 civil suits. At least 2 claims included in settlement with diocese in 2005. One article spells last name Alonzo. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
199 Jose Joaquin Estrada Arango
Estrada, a priest from Colombia, was arrested for sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl in Morrow County OR. He pleaded guilty in 2003 and was deported to Colombia. Estrada had served in Yakima diocese prior to his transfer to Baker Diocese in 2/03. -- Diocese: Baker, OR
200 Jose Superiaso
Ordained in Philippines. Came to US in 1989. Left San Francisco in 1998 to work on Native American reservation in Santa Fe Archdiocese. Arrested there in 2003 on charges of abuse of girl in 1994-1995. Has acknowledged engaging in intercourse between 20-30 times with young girl, per newspaper article. Mistrial in 2004. Pleaded guilty 2005 and sentenced to 10 years in prison. As of 1/09, he has requested pardon from President Obama. Still in prison 2009. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
201 Joseph A. Abruzzese
Placed on leave in 11/93. Pleaded no contest in 1994 to second-degree sexual assault for grabbing and fondling a 16 yr old boy in a local park. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation and counseling. Shown as Absent on Leave per 1995 - 2002 Official Catholic Directories. He is not listed after 2002. Current status unknown. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
202 Joseph A. Fredette
Fled to Canada 1974 after accusations he molested 2-3 boys at halfway house for delinquents. Indicted in 1992. Arrested 1994 and extradited from Canada. Civil suit filed 1993 in NH by another man. $100K decision for Plaintiff 10/94. Convicted 1995;sentenced to 3 concurrent 4-5 year sentences in prison. Served his time and was released. MA Supreme Court overturned the conviction 10/02, citing procedural errors. Named in DA's report re Worcester Diocese. May have died in MI in 2010. -- Diocese: Worcester, MA
203 Joseph A. Romansky
He played strip poker with 4 youths; also masturbated in front of boys. Mother of one was given a condo, a car and a job by the diocese in return for not filing charges. Rec'd probated sentence; sent to St. Luke's. At least 2 civil suits filed. Church finally paid settlements in 1991. Sent to Biloxi MS. in 1989; Bishop there sent him back after 3 yrs. Worked in nursing home until 2002 when placed on leave. 3 more suits filed 9/02. Died 7/04. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
204 Joseph Cervantez Briceno
Placed on leave in 1992 after accusations he abused a young brother and sister in early 1980s. Privileges not permanently removed until 2002. Indicted 2003. Left for Mexico in 1992 and was an active priest there. Diocese asked him to return but he refused. Finally waived extradition and was returned to Phoenix in Jan. 2006. Trial started 10/11/06. Pleaded guilty 10.16.06. Sentenced to 2 yrs prison and 3 yrs probation. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
205 Joseph D. Ross
Pleaded guilty in 1988 to sexually assaulting an 11 yr old boy 12/86. Sentenced to 2 yrs probation and treatment. He admitted during investigation that he had earlier been accused of molesting one youth in 1970s & had been arrested for propositioning apolice officer and for public indecency. Placed on leave 3/02. Civil suit filed 11/02 alleged abuse of 14 yr old boy in 1977. Laicization announced 8/02. Arrested 9/08 on new charges from 2000. Crim. charges dropped 8/10. May live in Arkansas. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
206 Joseph E. Macanga
Macanga, a former priest, was arrested in Lumberton NJ 4/08 by the FBI after they found child pornography on his personal computer. He had been identified as a participant in an internet chat room. He was working as a teacher and coach at a BurlingtonCounty middle school at the time of his arrest and was suspended without pay. Macanga left the active 1995 with clean record. Released on house arrest with monitoring. Sentenced 6/09 to 57 months in fed prison. Projected release date 8/13. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
207 Joseph I. Crowley, Jr.
Ordained as permanent deacon in 1980. Pleaded guilty in 1999 to abuse of 2 family members. Sentenced to three successive 2 1/2-year terms and 10 years probation. Laicized per 3.18.06 article. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
208 Joseph J. Pilger
Pleaded guilty in 1995 to sexually abusing 3 brothers and their cousin in 1960s. Received 5 yrs probation, beginning 1/95. Sued 2003 re abuse in 1960-62. Suit settled 12/03 as part of $5.2M settlement with 27 accusers re 6 priests. Murdered 12/03 by 26 yr old man who had been living with him. -- Diocese: Owensboro, KY
209 Joseph J. Rocha
Per 9/01 article, Rocha, a former priest, pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 21 yr old mentally disabled man in 1999 and was sentenced to 10 yrs probation, counseling, and registering as sex offender. His criminal trial was underway at the time of his plea. He was ordered to register as sex offender but no such record found as of 12/09. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
210 Joseph L. Fitzharris
Removed 1991. Accused of abuse. Criminally convicted in 1987. Resigned from priesthood 1/95. Archdiocese settled at least one claim in 5/07 $6.65M settlement with 14 people alleging abuse by 12 priests. Another man settled his claims for $875K in 7/07 just prior to filing suit. He had alleged abuse in 1970s between ages of 7-10. Laicised 5/09. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
211 Joseph Marcel Lessard
Admitted in 1986 to sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy. 2 felony charges were reduced to misdemeanors in a plea bargain after Bishop O'Brien wrote to the judge requesting leniency because Lessard was remorseful. Sentence was 3 years probation and $100 fine. Continued to work as priest, including time as a hospital chaplain in the Rockford IL diocese. Removed 2002. Phoenix diocese settled the civil case in 2006 for $50K. Lives in Thailand per 11/06 article. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
212 Joseph McHugh
Accused of molesting 9 yr old boy in 1996; placed on leave then. In 2005 he pleaded guilty and in 4/06 was sentenced to 5 yrs probation on lesser charge so boy would not have to testify. Civil suit was filed and settled. -- Diocese: Trenton, NJ
213 Joseph N. Muench
Removed 7/09 after Lexington diocese received complaint 3/09 from three men who alleged abuse in 1980s when Muench was at Good Shepherd in Frankfort. Indicted 10/09 re abuse of 2 of the accusers between 1980-81 & 84-85. Frankfort was part of Covington at the time but has been part of Lexington since its creation. Named in 11/09 civil suit by one victim in criminal case. Entered Alford Plea 3/10. Sentenced to 2 1-yr terms in prison. Released 9/30/10. -- Diocese: Covington, KY
214 Joseph N. Williams
Williams, who left the priesthood in 1979 and later became an attorney, was sentenced to life in prison w/o parole 12/30/08 on charges he raped an 8 yr old boy in 1992. Rape occurred at a nursing home where boy had gone to visit family. While a priest,Williams also served as chaplain at Lorain Catholic High School. Williams also sexually molested a 12 yr old boy for 3 yrs beginning in 1984. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
215 Joseph P. Byrns
Placed on leave 7/02. One of 12 priests named as abusers in civil suit filed in Brooklyn 10/02. In the suit, two brothers (one of them a priest) accuse Byrns of abusing them for years as children in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Charged 8/04 with abuse of 3rd youth beginning in 2000. Pleaded guilty 1/06 and sentenced to 3 yrs probation 3/06. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
216 Joseph Sito
Resigned in 1993 after credible allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor in 1960s. Victim told the Diocese in 1985 but nothing done. Told them again in 1993 and Sito "retired." After treatment at two facilities, Sito retired and was banned from public ministry. Criminally charged in 1989 with molesting a 17 yr old youth. Sito pleaded guilty to lesser charge and paid a fine. Would still say mass on occasion. Laicization announced 1/12/04. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
217 Joseph T. Maguire
Transferred 3 times in first 14 months after ordination. Diocese investigated 1974 allegation. Became Stigmatine in 1981. Investigated by police 1986. He was working in Ireland at the time and nothing done.No assignment since 1981 and faculties withdrawn 1994. Some claims in 11/02 settlement. 2 men filed criminal charges in 2003. Convicted 2004 and sentenced to 44 yrs prison. 8 others offered to testify as to his crimes against them. Died 2/05 while still in prison. Worked in Boston. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
218 Juan Bazalar
Peruvian. Indicted 1991 for sexually abusing a 15-year-old altar boy at St. Peter's Church in Monticello. He fled to Canada. Extradited and then convicted in 1993. Sentenced to 5-15 years in state prison. Conviction overturned. Found not guilty at 2nd trial. Returned to Peru. -- Diocese: New York, NY
219 Juan Carlos Castano
Came from Colombia in 1999 and was investigated before being granted visiting priest status. Arrested and indicted 4/02 on charges that he abused a 4 year old girl in 2000. She told her brother who told another relative. Incident was not reported to Diocese until 2002. In 4/03, he admitted fondling the child and was sentenced to 2 years in jail, 2 yrs probation, and required to pay restitution.. May have been similar allegations in South America. -- Diocese: Charleston, SC
220 Juan Guillen
Pleaded guilty in 2003 to abuse of 3 boys. Received 10-year sentence. At least 7 plaintiffs filed 4 civil suits by 2004. Some of the abuse is alleged to have occurred in Monterey Diocese in CA. Some claims included in 2005/2006 settlement in AZ. Trial of one suit filed in CA was set for 6/09. Suit alleged abuse of one youth for years by Guillen and Velez, beginning in 1988 when boy was 8. Settled 5/09 for $1.2M. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
221 Julian S. Pagacz
Pagacz, a Polish National Catholic church parish priest, was arrested in 1992 and accused of raping two teenage girls while he was drinking with them in his home. In plea bargain, he acknowledged enough evidence to convict him of indecent assault. Ordered to receive sex offender counseling and pay $300 fine for providing alcohol. Girls changed their stories at least once. One girl refused to testify and prosecutors dropped charges in her case. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
222 Julian Sanz
Sanz, a native of Spain, came to diocese in 1980. Became diocesan priest in 1994. Placed on leave 10/02 after youth said he had been molested in Aug. Another victim came forward later to say he was molested at age 11 during confession in 1982. Arrested in 2/03 on 2 counts of sexual abuse of a child and pleaded guilty. Sentenced to prison for 5 yrs in 10/03. As of 2004 diocese had started process to laicize him. Civil suit filed 1/04 by the same man in criminal charges. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
223 Justin L. Goodwin
Arrested 1994 on charges of abusing 4 boys in late 1970s. Released on personal recognizance. In 1995 he entered an Alford plea (did not admit to wrongdoing but felt evidence would result in conviction) and was sentenced to 10 yrs prison, suspended upon service of 5 yrs probation. Died 12/95. Plaintiffs settled for $200K total but were denied permission to participate in 2007 settlement. -- Diocese: Charleston, SC
224 Karl LeClaire
Placed on leave 2001. Man filed suit 8/02 alleging that LeClaire abused him for 7 yrs beginning when he was 13. LeClaire was parish priest and princial of parish grade school. LeClaire would take boy with him on trips and cruises to Alaska and Mediterranean. Indicted 5/03 and pled guilty 10/04. Sentenced 1/05 to 1 yr jail and 3 yrs probation. One claim re abuse in 1993 settled for $40K in 2006. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
225 Kelvin E. Iguabita
Iguabita, a native of Columbia, was ordained by Archdiocese. Took a leave 7/01 from assignment at All Saints Parish in Haverhill. Arrested 1/02 on two charges of rape of 15 yr old girl in 2000 after mandated reporter contacted the diocese 11/01. Found guilty of rape of the girl at trial in 2003 and sentenced to 12-14 yrs in prison. Also accused of assault of a 24 yr old woman prior to ordination. Laicization announced 2/05. New trial denied 2/11. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
226 Kenneth C. Hasselbach
Hasselbach permanently removed in 1994 after accusations he abused 2 boys some 20 yrs previously. Allegations surfaced shortly after Hasselbach was sent for therapy because another priest had found pornography in his room. He admitted abusing a 12 yr old youth in 1974 but said the youth's version was exaggerated and he thought the youth was older than 12 or 13. Arrested 1/09 in Ft. Lauderdale FL for possession of internet child pornography. Pleaded guilty; sentenced to 2 yrs prison 1/10. -- Diocese: Rockville Centre, NY
227 Kenneth Schoettmer
Placed on leave after he admitted in 2001 that he had sexual encounters with boys between 1984 and 1999. Also downloaded porn and trolled Internet for boys. Pleaded guilty 2003 to felony sexual abuse charges re 17 yr old boy. 5 years probation. Civil suit also filed 2004. Still on payroll of Archdiocese as of 4/07. Laicization announced 5/11/07. -- Diocese: Cincinnati, OH
228 Lawrence Gerard Smith
In 1/84 Smith. a member of an "old Catholic sect" was sentenced to 19 yr 8 mo in jail for molesting Vietnamese boys who did not speak English. Served 9 yrs. Abuse occurred in 1983 and there may have been as many as six victims. Also convicted in 1977 of sex offense involving a 10 yr old boy. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
229 Lawrence Joseph Lovell
Convicted in 1986 (Los Angeles--3 mo. probation) for abuse of 14 yr old boy and in 2004 for abuse of several boys in 1970s-1980s (Phoenix--14 yrs prison). Placed on leave 1985 and laicized 1992. Married woman with 3 boys in 1995. She knew he had been a priest but never knew of past allegations until his arrest in 2003. He was a counselor and worked for U of NM health center. Civil suits filed 1996 and 12/03. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
230 Lawrence Nawrocki
Woman complained to regional Bishop in 1981 that Nawrocki had abused her 7th grade son. Bishop talked her out of pressing charges. Convicted 1989 of abuse of 3 Macomb Township boys in 1987 at St. Isidore Church after the parents banded together and complained. Released from prison in 1994. Archdiocese said he would never be returned to active duty. Deceased per Archdiocese website accessed 10/09. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
231 Leo Alfred Shea
In 1994 Shea pled guilty to assaulting a 14 yr old and seven others; sentenced to 3-6 yrs prison. Released on parole 1997 and "retired." 1993 civil 1 man. Accused in 2002 civil suits of abusing 2 boys. Claims by 6 individuals included in 10/02settlement with Diocese. Another settlement in 11/02 also included at least 1 claim. Shea died 10/08. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
232 Leo P. Landry
Plead guilty 8/04 on sexual abuse charges in MA and sentenced to lifetime probation. Also had allegations in Springfield, MA and Manchester, NH. Multiple victims in 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. Multiple civil suits. Also worked in Canada. Laicized in 1972. 1 claim settled in Springfield in 2004 and 2 in 2008. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
233 Leonard B. Nienaber
Indicted in 1993 at age 86 on 36 counts of sexual abuse on 24 minors. Sentenced to 10 yrs (probated) and admittance to Servants of the Paraclete in Dittmer, Mo. 17 women and 1 man filed suit 2002 & 2003. 20 of 24 claims in 12/03 settlement with Covington Diocese were Nienaber victims. 97 and still living at center 12/03. Ordered by Diocese to remain there even after his 10 yr sentence was over. Died 11/06 at age 99. -- Diocese: Lexington, KY
234 Leonardo Montoya
Montoya, a native of Columbia and a 3rd year seminary student for Bridgeport Diocese, was criminally charged with molesting a 16 yr old girl 11/03 while she slept. He pled not guilty. Immediately dismissed from Seminary. Girl says he groped her during a car ride to her home and then appeared in her room twice during the night and tried to molest her. Jury found him guilty 1/05. Sentenced to 1 yr jail, suspended after 90 days served, and 3 yrs probation. Appeals Court upheld conviction 8/08. -- Diocese: Bridgeport, CT
235 Leonel C. Noia
Per 5/02 article, 2 boys testified in 1976 that Noia showed them pornography, and rubbed their genitals during camping trip. Boys told family camping nearby & police were called. Noia pleaded no contest to one felony charge; sentenced to jail for 6 mo.and psych treatment. Ret'd to duty in 1978. Placed on leave in 6/02. Two new allegations in 7/02 were followed by civil suit filed 3/03. Both claims included in 6/05 $21.2M settlement with SF Archdiocese involving 5 priests. Died 6/05. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
236 Louis Aloysius Garcia
Garcia accused of abusing several developmentally disabled patients between 5/79-8/80 at Porterville State Hospital where he was Chaplain. Civil litigation and criminal charges filed. Matters taken to California's Court of Appeals. Sentenced to 6 years in 1983. Garcia was on sick leave per 1988 Catholic Directory. Listed on CA sex offender registry as of 5/15/11. -- Diocese: Fresno, CA
237 Louis E. Miller
Complaints in 1961 but Archbishop Floersh refused Miller's resignation. Civil suits in 1990 and 1999 alleged that Miller abused minors. Settled out of court. Not removed until 3/02 when earlier suits revealed. Named in at least 94 civil suits in 2002-2003. Many settled 6/03 as part of large settlement. Pleaded guilty 3/03 to abuse of 21 children. Sentenced to 20 years in prison. Pleaded guilty 6/03 to abuse of 8 more children and received additional 10-year sentence. Laicization announced 11/04. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
238 Louis P. Rogge
In 1974, Rogge pleaded guilty to child molestation charges in Athens, Ga., and was sentenced to six years of probation. Returned to active status in 1976. In 1996 and 1999 Rogge abused 2 brothers in Joliet Diocese. He was a long-time family friend. Removed from public ministry in 2002. Rogge was indicted on criminal charges in Dec. 2006, pled guilty in 4/07 and was expected to receive 60 day sentence & probation. Died 8/07 before sentencing. -- Diocese: Atlanta, GA
239 Louis Ward Dunn
Placed on leave in 1994 after woman made complaint of sexual misconduct to Bishop. Suit filed 1995. Tried on 2 separate rape allegations. 1 dismissed. Convicted in 2nd. Received 10-year susp. sentence. At least 2 other suits filed. Died 2001. Some claims settled in 2002 settlement but 1 of the original complainants has never settled. She carried her case all the way to the R.I. Supreme Court which dismissed it 2/08. Has appealed to US Sup. Court. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
240 Louis Wayne Ladenburger
Arrested 5/07 for sexual battery of teenage boys at Idaho school for troubled boys where he was a counselor. Admitted being a sex addict. Order revealed 2 past allegations of "inappropriate relationships." Sent for treatment both times. Placed on restricted leave in 1993. Laicized in 1996. Pleaded guilty 11/07 just before trial. Sentenced to 5 years 3/08. Worked in dioceses of Stockton (twice), Tucson, Portland, El Paso, Spokane, Seattle, Sacramento, Reno, and Phoenix; aka Wayne 1963-74. -- Diocese: Spokane, WA
241 Lucas A. Galvan
Convicted 1989. Pleaded guilty to sexually fondling an 11-year-old girl; sentenced to 1 [or 2] yr suspended jail sentence and deferred adjudication. Charges then dismissed. Girl settled a lawsuit against the Pueblo Diocese for more than $90K. In 1992 He began working as a priest in Argentine and, as of 1997 he was working as a priest in Mexico. Still active there 4/10 but removed from duty in Mexico City 4/22/10. Apparently can still work in other parts of Mexico. -- Diocese: Pueblo, CO
242 Lucien Meunier de la Pierre
A/K/A Pedro Luke, Luke Munier, or Pedro Luc de la Pierre. Came to Tucson from Canada in 1974 & received ok to function in diocese. Arrested in 1975 in AZ on child abuse charges. Jumped bail. Charged in Canada in 1989 with child abuse. Arrested 1990 in FL and ordered extradited to Canada. Died in FL prison before extradition. Named in many law suits filed 1998-2004. In 2/02 Diocese settled 11 suits which included claims against de la Pierre. New suit 9/04. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
243 Luis Eduardo Ramirez
Arrested 1/08 after he took a 17 yr old boy to a motel room to "counsel" him. His order bailed him out and in 6/08 he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor battery and burglary; other misdemeanor charges were dismissed. Admitted inappropriately touching the youth. His lawyer said it was "bad judgment." Sentenced to 6 months in jail 8/08 and 3 yrs probation. Released from jail 3/09. All privileges removed. -- Diocese: Orange, CA
244 Marcel Crete
Pleaded guilty 12/89 to 5 counts of gross sexual miscounduct for having sex with 12 yr old boy in 1983. Two other charges outside the statute of limitations. Per 2/04 Maine Atty General Report, Crete was sentenced to 8 years with all but two and a half years suspended and a period of probation. Served 7 months of his sentence and was released 7/90. He still resides with the Brothers of Christian Instruction in Alfred, Maine. Registered Sex Offender. -- Diocese: Portland, ME
245 Mario Arbelaez Olarte
Arrested 5/03 and charged with enticing a minor over the Internet. Claimed he was doing research but posed as a 20 yr old. Agreed to meet a 15 yr old boy but it was a police officer. Placed on leave and his computer seized. In 9/03 he pleaded no contestto the criminal charges. Did not show up for sentencing 11/03. Defense atty said that Olarte had returned to his native country of Columbia as part of plea agreement. Prosecutors denied. Judge issued an arrest warrant. On sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Salt Lake City, UT
246 Marion Francis Helowicz
Pleaded guilty in 1988 to abusing a learning-disabled teenage boy for 18 months (7/82 - 2/84) and was sentenced to 6 mo. jail, suspended for 2 years, and 200 hrs community service. Privileges were removed. In 2/90 a civil suit was settled out of court and terms not revealed. Between 1990 and 1993 two other individuals came forward to allege abuse in early 1980s. Named on Baltimore's 9/26/02 list. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
247 Mark A. Campobello
Arrested 12/02 when 18 yr old girl alleged abuse at 14 when he was ass't principal/spiritual dir at school. Placed on leave. Indicted again 10/03 on charges that he molested 2nd girl from 1999-2000 in different county. Pled guilty 2004: sentenced to 8yrs (4 for each girl). 2 civil suits filed 2004 & settled 5/07 for $2.2M. At least 1 more credible accuser. Laicised 6/05. Released from prison 2/13/08. Back in prison 4/08; soon released. Back in 4/09. Released 7/28/10. Lives in Crystal Lake, IL. -- Diocese: Rockford, IL
248 Mark Allen Lehman
Placed on leave 1990. Sentenced in 1992 to 10 yrs prison without parole for fondling one young girl and sentenced to life time parole for abuse of 3 additional girls and one boy. Released from prison 2002. Diocese provided financial support while in prison and gave him $1000 and other benefits when released. 1/05 civil suit alleging abuse of 1 youth in 1985 was settled 12/06 for $100K. Laicized 4/12/06. Listed on AZ sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
249 Mark Ciganovich
Arrested in nationwide pornography sting 5/96. Order placed him under supervision and removed from public ministry. He had been a moral theology professor at St. Meinrad School of Theology for 17 yrs before resigning 8/96. Pleaded guilty 12/96 to federal charge of receiving child pornography in mail and sentenced to 1 yr & 1 day in federal pen, $3000 fine, and 2 yrs supervised release.. -- Diocese: Evansville, IN
250 Mark J. Makowski
Charged 1/95 with molesting a 16-year-old boy in the rectory after giving the boy alcohol. Abuse allegedly involved penetration. Initially pleaded not guilty but in a plea bargain pleaded guilty on 3/29/95 to fourth-degree misconduct. Sentenced to six months in jail and seven years' probation. At some point he became affiliated with the MN Episcopal Diocese. He was not a priest and arrangements were in place to monitor him while on church property. -- Diocese: Duluth, MN
251 Mark Matson
Accused of abuse of 2 in CO in 1987 and acquitted of abuse of 1 in 1989 in CA. Convicted 2000 in HI of 1998 sexual assault on 13 yr old boy. Sentenced to 20 years. Also served in San Antonio. 1 Civil suit filed 2002. Another CO victim came forward in 2005 to allege abuse in 1982. He received $22.5K from the Order. Matson is still in prison and on sex offender register in HI as of 8/09. New civil suit filed 4/10 re abuse in CO seminary in 1976. -- Diocese: Denver, CO
252 Mark Thomas Roberts
First incident occurred in 1996. Later accused of abuse of at least 9 youths in 2002 civil suit. Criminal charges also filed re 5 youths. Convicted 2003. Sentenced to 3 years probation. Removed from formal probation by court in 8/04 and ordered to treatment at RECON, a church-run center in MO, even though one of his victims lived within a 20 minute drive of the site. -- Diocese: Las Vegas, NV
253 Martin J. Louis
In 1990 20 yr old woman accused Louis of molesting and raping her several times when she was 10. Diocese made Louis resign & sent him to counseling. Girl filed civil suit in 1991 and settled out of court in 1992. Louis indicted on rape charges in 1992; in 1993 he was sentenced to 5-25 yrs prison. Other victims came forward when charges filed. He admitted in therapy to abusing as many as 90 (diocese said really 14-16). In 2001, a civil suit was filed alleging Louis also abused a young man. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
254 Matthew Bagert
Arrested 2005 on charges of possessing child porn on his computer. Trial set for 6/06. Charges dismissed just prior to trial after judge said evidence of the porn was obtained illegally by a Deacon and another priest. Case was referred to Feds for prosecution. He left priesthood and married. In 11/08 Bagert pleaded not guilty to federal indictment of child porn. In 4/09 he changed plea to guilty. On 12/1/09 he was sentenced to 4 yrs 3 mo. in prison. -- Diocese: Dallas, TX
255 Matthew Berko
Berko, a member of Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of St. Josaphat of Parma, was working in Toronto, Canada when he abused a 14 yr old girl. Pleaded guilty 1985 to molestation charge and served a year of probation in Connecticut. Girl and family sued and won judgment (never paid). Berko turned up as pastor of Ukrainian Catholic church in St. Petersburg FL. Removed from these duties in 4/02 when Ukrainian Bishop was informed of his past. Died 5/08. -- Diocese: St. Petersburg, FL
256 Matthew J. Kornacki
Accused of possession of child porn from 2001-2003; placed on leave in 2003 and sent for treatment. Indicted and pleaded guilty 2004. Sentenced to 30 months federal prison. His ministry was permanently restricted. He is a registered sex offender in PA.. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
257 Maurice J. Blackwell
Placed on leave in 1993 after complaints of abuse of 1 between 1989-1992. Sent for treatment and reinstated. In 1998 he was permanently placed on leave after admitting to a sexual relationship with another minor which ended in 1970s. 1993 accuser shot and injured him in 2002 but abuse acknowledged by Archbishop. Found guilty during 2/05 criminal trial but motion for new trial granted. Trial never held. Laicization announced in Dec. 2004. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
258 Michael C. Fugee
Arrested 2001; placed on leave. Confessed to sexual contact w/ 13 yr old boy and then recanted. Convicted 2003; sentenced to lifetime probation w/ community service and registration as sex offender. Overturned by appeals court 4/06 re confession. He entered into pre-trial intervention program and case was dismissed 8/09. Worked as chaplain at St. Michael's Med Center for 2 mo. until hospital learned of prior allegations 10/09 and asked that he be removed. Judge refused to expunge record 10/10. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
259 Michael Edwin Wempe
Accused of abuse of 13 from 1972-1995 per archdiocesan report. Sued several times from 2002 to 2003. Original criminal charges dropped due to Supreme Court ruling. Re-arrested 2003. Convicted 1 count 2006. Sentenced to 3 yrs prison 5/06. Included in 12/06 $60M settlement re 22 priests which covers all of the cases involving molestations that occurred since Mahony was named head of the diocese in 1985. Released on parole 02/07. Last known to be living in Orange Co., CA. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
260 Michael F. Hanrahan
Resigned 1993. Pleaded guilty in 1994 to molesting a boy in 1983-1984 and served 3 yrs in prison. Avoided prosecution in cases involving boy's 2 older brothers. Civil suit filed by at least one man and Court ordered diocese to produce Hanrahan's secret archive file. Diocese settled and file never produced. Court ruled in 1998 that procedural error meant Hanrahan no longer had to register as sexual predator. Laicized early 1990s. -- Diocese: Columbus, OH
261 Michael J. Miller
Miller was working as chaplain at maximum security Great Meadow Correctional Facility at time of his 2001 arrest. Privileges also removed. He was charged with approaching a 14 yr old boy who was riding a bicycle down the street and soliciting sex 8/01.In 12/03 he pleaded guilty and Judge sentenced hm to 5 yrs probation. -- Diocese: Albany, NY
262 Michael J. Stevens
Pleaded guilty in late 1980s to sexual misconduct with a minor. In 2002 Archbishop Flynn admitted that Stevens had been working on Diocese's computer services team after past offenses. Flynn said his case had been made public in the past, archdiocesan staff was notified and his position did not involve working with children. Finally placed on leave from admin. position 6/02 after Dallas Bishops' conference. -- Diocese: St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
263 Michael K. Madden
Convicted 1989. Lewd conduct with a boy. 2 yrs prison. Civil trial 1994, ordered to pay victim $175,000. 2nd suit filed 2003. Madden died 2000. -- Diocese: Burlington, VT
264 Michael Lowell Barnes
6/09 suit against Baltimore AD filed in DE alleged Barnes molested a boy 1977-1982 while at St. Clare School in Essex. Baltimore contacted plaintiff in 2002 after a review of files; he denied abuse. He contacted them in 2003 but refused counseling/ mediation. Left priesthood in 1988 but began working for Wash. DC as lay member. Civil case dismissed 4/10 by DE Judge. Arrested in NC 10/09 on charges he abused the same man. Extradited to MD 2/10. Pled no contest 6/10. 6 mo in jail. Laicization sought. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
265 Michael P. Santillo
Worked in diocese until 1992 when he left active priesthood to care for his parents. In 5/97, he was charged with molesting a 13 yr old boy in 1987. When arrested, he was working in non-priest role at church in Albany, NY diocese. Convicted 1999 of sexually assaulting 1 youth. Also molested 3 more. Sentenced to 10 years. Died of cancer in prison 2000. Three claims included in 1/03 diocesan settlement re abuse by 5 priests. -- Diocese: Metuchen, NJ
266 Michael R. Hands
Arrested 5/01 and charged with sexual abuse of a 13 year old youth over a year and a half period. Another allegation surfaced involving a 22 yr old man abused about 10 yrs previously (before ordination??). Pleaded guilty in 2002-2003 on two separate charges. Sentenced 2003 to 2 yrs jail and to 6 mo jail and 5 yrs probation. Released 4/04 and requested laicization. Identified as Priest W in Suffolk Co. Grand Jury report of 1/03. On NY Sex Offender Register. -- Diocese: Rockville Centre, NY
267 Michael V. LaMountain
Suspended by Church 3/95 when 1st accusation made. Indicted 10/97 on criminal charges that he molested 5 boys. Pleaded guilty to nine counts. Judge sentenced him to nine 12-year suspended sentences. At least 2 civil suits filed 12/95. Claims settled 9/02 as part of $13.5M mass settlement involving 36 victims & Providence Diocese. Seminary student in Baltimore from 1972 to 1976. A person came forward in 2001 to allege abuse by LaMountain in Baltimore in mid 1970s. Died 8/25/10. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
268 Michael Volino
Charged with possession of child porn on his computer. Pleaded guilty 5/05. In 12/05 he was sentenced to 15 months in prison and is scheduled to be released in early 2007. He will remain on administrative leave pending a decision by the diocesan reviewboard and, if necessary, by Rome. Volino fought against having to register as a (low level) sex offender but court ruled 2/07 that he had to.This level is not published on list. Still on leave as of 5/07. -- Diocese: Rochester, NY
269 Michael W. Swierzy
Pled guilty 1998 to corrupting morals of a minor; received 5 years probation. Other accusations received. On leave 1997-2003. Named in civil suit filed prior to 3/02. Archdiocese found accusations credible in 2004. Sent case to Vatican for review. Laicization announced early 2005; Died July 2005. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
270 Morgan J. Kuhl
Arrested 1999 as part of Internet sting. Though he was meeting 15 yr old boy for sex. Sentenced to 4 mo. in half-way house and 4 months in-house arrest. Arrested 2002 for inappropriately touching boy in 1999. Sentenced to 45 days jail & 1 yr probation. Has not served as active priest since 1999. -- Diocese: New York, NY
271 Morris Dale Vanderford
Vanderford, a deacon, was convicted in 1993 of abusing two boys in 1989. He was sentenced to 60 years in prison. He died in prison. Two civil suits were also filed. One settled in 1993 for $750K and another settled in 1995 for $44K. -- Diocese: Tulsa, OK
272 Myles Patrick White
White's abuse came to light in 1992 when he donated a video tape of parade to garage sale. The tape contained a 30 minute segment of White having sex w/ boy. When police arrested him, he was destroying pictures of boys. Sentenced to 4 yrs prison in 1993 in Illinois and similar sentence in Indiana. Released from prison in 1995. At least 4 suits settled by 11/95, including one where victim had killed himself 20 yrs after the abuse. -- Diocese: Joliet, IL
273 Narcisco Marquez Custodio
Custodio, a deacon at St. Paul the Apostle in Richardson, was arrested 6/84 and charged w/ aggravated sexual assault of 11 yr old boy. Sentenced to 8 yrs jail 4/85. Has been released. Civil suit filed in 1986 against the parish, the Dallas Diocese, the San Antonio Archdiocese, and Custodio. It settled at some point. -- Diocese: Dallas, TX
274 Nicholas Paul Bendillo
Known as "Br. Vic." Taught at McGill-Toolen High School in Mobile from 1959-1998. Verbal complaint received in 1998 and he was placed on leave. Received treatment. Arrested 4/03. Tried & sentenced in 2004 to 5 yrs prison. Multiple plaintiffs with allegations going back to 1963. Civil suit filed 2003 by 2 men and settled in 2004. 2 more suits filed 5/04. Released from prison hospital 7/04/07 at age 78 and sent to Missouri for treatment. On AL & MO sex offender registries. -- Diocese: Mobile, AL
275 Nilo C. Martins
Convicted 1985. Abuse of boy, age 12. Served only about 5 weeks of 23-46 month sentence. Immediately deported/returned to Brazil (his native country). Remained active priest for many years. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
276 Norbert J. Maday
Arrested 1993 for sexual assault of 2 boys; convicted 1994. 20-year sentence. Sued. Included in 10/03 settlement. Additional suit filed 5/06. Archdiocese settled at least one claim in 5/07 $6.65M settlement with 14 people alleging abuse by 12 priests.At least 1 more claim included in 8/08 $12.7M settlement involving 11 priests and 16 plaintiffs. Laicized 12/07. Another settlement 7/09. Registered sex offender in supervised living facility as of 8/22/08. Trial set for 9/12/11. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
277 Norbert Paul LaCosse
Pled guilty to 4 counts of abusing altar boy from 1988-1990. Charges filed in three counties but dropped in 1. Sentenced to 3-15 years on each count. LaCosse was at St. Luke's for 6 months between time charges filed and sentencing. Per 2002 news article, he served 6 1/2 yrs in prison and was released. Has been registered sex offender in MI since 1995. -- Diocese: Marquette, MI
278 Norman J. Rogge
Pleaded guilty in Florida in 1967 to one count of contributing to delinquency of minor. Judge sentenced him to three yrs probation and psychiatric counseling. Charged in Florida in 1985 with one count of sexual battery or lewd and lascivous act on boyunder 14 in 1984. Sentenced to 1 yr jail. Worked in Texas. Living in Louisiana in 2002. 2004 complaint re 1962 abuse. Died 2/09. -- Diocese: St. Petersburg, FL
279 Oliver Francis O'Grady
Convicted 1993. 14-yr sentence. Served 7 yrs; deported to Ireland. $7M settlement. as well as other settlements. Molested as many as 25 boys and girls. Laicized. Documentary released 2006. Disappeared from Ireland 10/06; Suit filed 12/06 includes Irish Archdiocese Settled 12/06 for $3M. New suit 12/07 by woman. Working in Netherlands but returned to Ireland per 4/10 article. Diocese pd $2M 6/10 to 2. New suit 10/10. Arrested for child porn in Ireland 12/10. More charges 3/11. -- Diocese: Stockton, CA
280 Owen John Melody
Melody confessed in 1987 to abusing a girl for three years. He was active duty Navy Chaplain at the time of abuse. He was sentenced to 20 yr suspended sentence and 10 yr probation. Also 5 yrs therapy. Privileges suspended 1988. Oct. 2003 article reported Melody had been dismissed from the Navy and the priesthood but that he still claimed to be innocent. He married a female Navy Chaplain. -- Diocese: Military Services, US
281 Patrick Henry O'Liddy
Joined Order in 1977 and ordained in 1990. O'Liddy pleaded guilty in 1999 to sending a lewd photo of himself to 14 yr old girl over the Internet. Mother reported photo to police and he was arrested at meeting site. Sentenced to 10 yrs probation and 200 hrs of community service. O'Liddy was on leave from the Jesuits at the time of the offense and after the court sentence he resigned from the Order. -- Diocese: Denver, CO
282 Patrick J. O'Connor
Removed 9/03 after review board found credible a recent claim that he had sexually abused a child in late 1980s at St. Joseph's in Cuyahoga Falls (1st assingment after ordination). He denied allegation. Was teaching at Borromeo Seminary when he was placed on leave. Cleared by the Vatican and returned to active status 9/07 with restrictions. "Resigned from priesthood" 6/08 after allegations of abuse of 15 yr old boy in 1997. Indicted 8/09. Pleaded guilty 9/09. Sentenced to 90 days jail 12/09.. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
283 Patrick M. Kelly
Visiting Priest from Ireland. In 1991 returned to Ireland after allegation he abused a girl. Promised to return to face charges but did not. Pleaded no contest in 1992 to charges and received 3 yr Probation without returning to US. Civil suit filed 1992. Archdiocese report says 4 accusers from 1991. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
284 Patrick Quigley
Served in Manhattan, Staten Island and Rockland counties. Pleaded guilty 1994 to offering several youg boys in Haverstraw Village money for sex. Received probation. Still on leave per 2002 Official Catholic Directory. Laicized in July, 2005. -- Diocese: New York, NY
285 Patrick R. Kujawa
Sent for treatment after housekeeper found 220 pornographic photos in rectory 12/99. Arrested 1/00 and charged with 62 counts of downloading child porn. Pleaded guilty 12/00; received 10 yr probated sentence. Arrested again 2/04 after more porn found at Benedictine monastery where he was living. Received mandatory 10 yr prison sentence 4/04. Received add'l 10 yr sentence 9/04 for violating original probation. -- Diocese: Houma-Thibodaux, LA
286 Patrick Weaver
Weaver was a "spiritual adviser" to Bishop Guilfoyle. Original accusation rec'd in 1966. Diocese did nothing except promote and transfer him. Arrested 1985 and 1986 and charged with sex crimes. Convicted and placed on probation. Abused at least 6 boys. Named in 1994 RICO lawsuit. Permanently suspended. All RICO claims settled 3/03. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
287 Paul Botty
Case reported at State V. Botty, 1988 WL 86954 (Ohio App.). Convicted of sexual battery. In 3/86 Botty was sentenced to 7 1/2 years for molesting four teenage boys. 12 felony counts dismissed Died 12/27/07 in CA. Marianist Newsletter of 1/8/08 referred to him as a "former Marianist." -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
288 Paul Francis LeBrun
Arrested 2002. Accused of sexually abusing boys in the Ft. Wayne-South Bend IN diocese and the Phoenix AZ diocese. Denied the allegations. Transferred to Arizona in 1986. Returned to Indiana in 1993 and resigned from parish in 1999. Convicted in 2005 and sentenced in 2006 to 111 years in prison. Five lawsuits which name LeBrun as an abuser have been settled by Phoenix Diocese for a total of $75,000. Conviction upheld by AZ Court of Appeals 7/09. -- Diocese: Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN
289 Paul Henry Leech
Convicted of molesting 3-4 boys between 1982-1984. In 1985 he was sentenced to 86 yrs in prison but ordered to serve 3 years and then 12 yrs probation. In 1994 a civil suit was filed on behalf of one youth. Suit says that Leech, prior to 1980, was known to Bishop to be a homosexual with a habit of making advances on young boys. Another suit may have been filed in 1985. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
290 Paul Joseph Conn
In 5/88 Conn was charged with five felony counts of indecent liberties with minors. In 7/88 he pleaded guilty to molesting six boys between the ages of 11-13. Also admitted to abuse of others police did not know about. Sentenced to 4 yrs in prison. Also a former supervising priest of another abuser, James McGreal. Civil suit settled wtih archdiocese in 1996. Laicized. -- Diocese: Seattle, WA
291 Paul Margand
Acused of fondling and molesting at least three boys on separate occasions within 2 yrs of ordination. Criminal charges filed 7/87 after one youth came forward. In 1988 Margand was found guilty. Served approx. 3 yrs. Released 1/91. Diagnosed in prisonas pedophile with "obsessive-compulsive personality disorder with paranoid and schizoid features. 4/02 story said he was a graduate student in criminal justice at Temple Univ. in Philadelphia. -- Diocese: Lincoln, NE
292 Paul R. Shanley
Laicized 2004. Convicted 2005 of sexually abusing boy in the 1980s. Dozens of complaints; many settlements. Abuse included oral and anal rape. First complaint 1961 from parents of 12-year-old boy. Earliest complaint in file 1967 from priest alleging Shanley abused a 16-year-old boy. Shanley denied and was assigned to parish work, special ministries, and parish work again until 1989. Then was transferred to NY and San Bernardino, where he allegedly abused 17-year-old boy. Serving 12-15 yrs. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
293 Paul Rodriguez
Rodriguez abused one youth in 1966-1967. Mom told church. Rodriguez removed & sent for treatment. Never reinstated. Man told police 1993. Rodriguez pleaded guilty to fondling Plaintiff. Sentenced to 4 mo. in jail (with balance of five yr sentence suspended) and 10 yrs probation. Admitted abuse of others during trial. Was working as clinical psychologist at California Men's Colony, a prison, at time of arrest. -- Diocese: Richmond, VA
294 Paul William Hurley
Arrested and indicted 2002. Accused of abuse of 15 yr old boy in 1987-1988 (paid him $100 each time he and boy had sex). Pleaded not guilty and denied allegation. Convicted 6/06 and immediately began serving 3 yr provisional sentence. Sentenced to 4 yrs in prison 7/06 followed by 5 yrs probation. Laicization announced 1/07. Released on probation & back in Sandwich, MA as of 1/10. Also on Sex offender register. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
295 Peter A. Burns
Woman complained to police and church in 1987 that son had been abused during sleepovers at rectory. Burns pleaded no contest in 1992 to charges that he molested another youth and was sentenced to 9 months in jail and 10 years probation. Civil suit filed 1993; settled 1994. One victim committed suicide in 1990s. At least one other victim known. Has been laicized per Archdiocese website list updated as of 11/26/07. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
296 Peter M. McCutcheon
Pled guilty in 1986 to sexually abusing 3 male minors between 1981-1985. Sentenced to 25 yrs jail but ended up serving about 1 yr and treatment in New Mexico and probation. Civil suit filed against Archdiocese & priest in 1987, alleging among other things, that McCutcheon had sexual and alcohol problems dating back to seminary days. Settled in 1988 after Judge found McCutcheon liable for damages. Archiocese also paid settlement. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
297 Peter M. Walsh
Arrested 1993 in NJ. Convicted 1994 on 5 counts of child endangerment (he exposed himself to children) in Lyndhurst NJ. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation; ordered to have chaperone whenever he was in a car. In 6/04, a man reported to Manchester NH diocese that Walsh fondled then masturbated him for 3-4 months between 1987-1988. Walsh was assigned to St. Thomas Aquinas in Derry at the time. Walsh has denied these allegations. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
298 Peter Osinski
Arrested in 1997 and pleaded guilty in 1998 to sexual assult of boy for 7 years, beginning when boy was 6. Sentenced to 10 years. Laicized in 2003. Paterson diocese paid one individual to settle a suit against Bishop Rodimer for "failing to notice orput a stop to the assaults" by Osinski who shared a vacation home with the Bishop for more than 20 years. May be living in Shenandoah, PA area 2009. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
299 Peter S. Kanchong
Ordained in Thailand. Began working in Boston in 1977. Arrested in 1983 & charged w/ molesting a 9 yr old girl. Also molested her two brothers. Received probation; refused treatment. Cardinal Law asked that he be recalled to Thailand. Cardinal Medeiroshad already withdrawn Kanchong's right to say mass and act as a priest in 1983 after negative letter from Bishop in Thailand. Refused to return to Thailand. Last known to be living in Dorchester as of 11/08. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
300 Philip Mark Wolfe
Convicted 1989 of abuse of 1 boy. 1 yr jail and 5 yrs probation. Committed suicide 1994. Named in Los Angeles Archdiocesan report with 3 accusers and incidents from 1975-1989. 1991 civil suit settled 1992. He was at St. Anthony Seminary. Man sued Franciscans of California in 2001 alleging that he was abused by Wolfe in 1982 in Portland, Oregon when Wolfe visited his family. Suit was settled 5/02 for $10K. Named as abuser in 2 suits filed fall 2009.. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
301 Phillip C. Keyes
Keyes had originally been part of Madison Diocese but left in 1976 and became a priest in an independent church for Catholics. He was convicted of first degree sexual assualt of 10 yr old boy in 1993. Sentenced to 1 year in jail with privileges to get out to feed cats and take care of home. Sued in 1994 by the youth and an adult alleging abuse when he was a minor in 1982-1984. Suit settled in 1994. Keyes paid some to both parties. Diocese & order had settled earlier. Died in 1998. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
302 Phillip G. Speers
Speers, a former seminary student and teacher at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School in Yuma, was accused of abusing at least 5 girls in 2nd grade class in 1999-2000 as well as possession of child pornography. $1.8M settlement in 2003 with 5 girls andtheir families. Convicted in 2002 and 2003 but decisions reversed by AZ court of appeals. Retried 8/07 and found guilty. Sentenced to 34 yrs in prison. Possession of child porn charges dropped. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
303 Ponciano M. Ramos
In 1993 Ramos pleaded guilty to three misdemeanors in connection with strip-search of young boys in Indianapolis after they set off stink bombs in parish school. Ramos was sentenced to 18-month suspended sentence and 15 months of probation. He was moved to Chicago and then to San Bernardino, CA diocese and worked there until 2002 when he was placed on leave. Again allowed to return to restricted duty with Order in 2003. Still priest in 2005. -- Diocese: Indianapolis, IN
304 Ralph Mravintz
Mravintz, a brother and teacher at a Catholic high school, was accused of molesting a male student from Oct. 1984-Feb. 1985 by hugging him, saying I Love You and fondling the youth who had sought help with studies. Mravintz faced charges of indecent assault and corrupting a minor but was not removed from his classroom. He pleaded no contest to disorderly conduct charge because boy did not want to testify. Diocese denied responsibility because Mravintz was a member of a religious order. Died 5/06. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
305 Ralph S. Strand
Removed from public ministry 3/93. Convicted 1995. Abuse of boy, age 15 from 1990-1992. 4-year sentence after plea bargain. Two other accusers also came forward. Paroled 4/97 after serving 21 months. Included in 10/05 settlement with Archdiocese. Lastknown to be living at University of St. Mary of the Lake seminary campus in Mundelein. Registered sex offender. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
306 Raymond J. Ethier
Arrested 5/07 under federal charges of receiving and possessing child pornography. His computers were confiscated after they were found to contain the pornography. He admits to sexually-oriented internet chats with others regarding children. Bishop immediately placed him on administrative leave. Pleaded guilty to 1 count 11/07. In 6/08 he was sentenced to 4 yrs prison followed by 10 yrs supervised release.Must register as sex offender. Permanently removed from ministry. -- Diocese: Albany, NY
307 Raymond J. Lauzon
Accused of performing oral sex on youth and of trying to get youth to recant statement to police. Sentenced in 1985 to 6 mo. jail and 1 yr probation for abuse of 2 youths. Diocese published written apology 4/98. Several suits filed in 1990s. Maine AG report shows 18 plaintiffs. In 2002 he was living at Monastery in Lithania and was often seen with children. Died 9/05. -- Diocese: Portland, ME
308 Richard ""Sade"" Zula
Zula originally indicted on 138 counts of sexual abuse. He pled guilty to two counts involving two brothers and in 1990 was sentenced to 2-5 yrs in prison. Sentence to run concurrently with one in another county imposed for 1-5 yrs. Francis Pucci and Robert Wolk accused of abuse of the same boys. Zula was placed on permanent leave in 1987. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
309 Richard Allen Henry
Placed on leave 1991. Pled guilty 12/91 to abuse of 4 boys between 1985-1991. Received treatment. Sentenced 1993 to 8-year prison sentence. Removed from active ministry 1993. New accusations in 2002. Civil suit 2003 by 3 plaintiffs. A total of 13 accusers per archdiocese list. Included in12/06 $60M settlement re 22 priests which covers all of the cases involving molestations that occurred since Mahony was named head of the diocese in 1985. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
310 Richard B. Farwell
Indicted 8/02 on charges that he took indecent liberties with boy in mid-1980s. Diocese told about charges in 1999 and in 2000 Farwell went to work at Food for the Poor in FL. Had letter of reference from Bishop Curlin who felt charges were not credible. Working at the food pantry when faculties were revoked 4/02. Officially still attached to Charlotte Diocese. Pleaded no contest to charges 11/04; sentenced to 180 days probation, counseling & community service. Civil suit may be pending. -- Diocese: Charlotte, NC
311 Richard Boyd
Convicted in 1984 of possession of magazines containing child pornography. Two yrs probation and 6 mo. therapy. Police investigated in 2003 and did find adult porn on website he built. He took indefinite leave of absence and resigned from parish in 2003 saying "innuendo and gossip" about the 1984 conviction destroyed his credibility as minister. 2007 article says he was "subsequently laicized" and that Boyd has appealed the dismissal. -- Diocese: Crookston, MN
312 Richard Deakin
Convicted 1990 of molesting young girl from 1986-88. 15 yr suspended sentence & 5 yrs probation. Civil suit filed 1/92 & settled out of court 9/93. Archdiocese knew of his history of deviant sexual behavior. In 1987 (after he yelled obscenities & exposed himself to a woman), Order transferrred him to Pittsburgh. Seminary officials knew of use of church money for x-rated movies and pornography before Ordination. Left priesthood 1988 & married. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
313 Richard Galdon
Took leave in 1986 and suspended from duties 1987. Abused boys in 1960s. Convicted 1987 of sexual abuse of 3 individuals. Sentenced to total of 25 years. Charges re abuse of 7 others dropped. Died in 2000 "serving at the Service of the Paraclete, a home for retired priests in Jemez Springs, New Mexico." -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
314 Richard J. Cochrane
Cochrane arrested in 1999 for assault of 14 yr old boy during trip to the Poconos. He was a teacher at Malvern Prep School. Another person came forward to allege same type of abuse in 1990. Pleaded no contest to statutory rape charge in 1/03 re 1st boy after PA appellate court ruled that the 2nd student could testify at trial. Sentenced 7/03 to 18 to 48 months in jail. In 7/03, Arch. settled civil suit filed by 1st youth. New suit 2/14/11. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
315 Richard J. Dorsch
Accused of kissing and fondling boy during outing in 1994. Placed on leave 8/94 after incident reported. Convicted by Jury 4/95. Sentenced to 11 1/2 - 23 months in county jail but served only 1 mo. Formally withdrew from ministry 1996. Named in at least2 civil suits in 2004. Claims included in Diocese's 9/07 $1.25M settlement as to 32 plaintiffs alleging abuse by 17 priests. Sued 7/10 by family of victim who committed suicide 5/10 after diocese quit paying for therapy. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
316 Richard J. Mieliwocki
Allegation in 1994 of abuse of 2 youths in 1988. Placed on leave and ordered to undergo counseling. Disappeared. State counseling license suspended 1999 for improper behavior with minor. Arrested 2004 and accused of abuse of 4 teenage boys (ages 16-18) at in-patient substance abuse rehabilitation facility. Forced to surrender his license. Pled guilty in plea bargain to 2 counts 8/21/07. Sentenced 9/07 to 5 yrs probation and community service. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
317 Richard J. Poster
Pled guilty 2003 and sentenced in 2004 to 1 year prison for possession of child pornography after images of boys and adolescent males engaged in sex acts were found on his church computer. Matter sent to the Vatican. Poster arrested 9.20.06 on allegations that he violated his parole by being near children. Must serve 2 months in jail. Laicization announced 9/07. Name NOT on diocese's 7/08 list of credibly accused priests. -- Diocese: Davenport, IA
318 Richard R. Lavigne
Arrested and charged in 1991 re abuse of 5 boys. Convicted in 1992 of assaulting 2 boys but jail time of 4-6 yrs suspended and received 10 yrs probation. 11 new accusers surfaced in 1993. 17 plaintiffs settled claims in 1994 ($1.4M). Other plaintiffs included in 7/04 settlement. Laicization announced 1/04. Remains prime suspect in 1972 murder of altar boy. Investigation continuing as of 2007. As many as 48 known victims per 12/08 article. -- Diocese: Springfield, MA
319 Robert A. Gray
Convicted of sexually abusing a teenage boy while teaching him karate in 1993. Charges re two other boys were dismissed. Sent to jail for 160 days and 5 years probation. Received psychiatric treatment before being returned to job in the Diocese in 1995.Removed from his job as head of cemeteries department and placed on permanent leave in June 2002. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
320 Robert Allgaier
Archbishop knew of allegation of child pornography in 2001 but reassigned him to middle school after evaluation. Only removed in 2002 just prior to charges being filed. Pleaded guilty to attempted possession of child pornograph for using computers to view internet photos of children involved in sex acts. Sentenced to 2 years probation. Finally left priesthood in 2005. On sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Omaha, NE
321 Robert Brouillette
Arrested 1998 & convicted 2000 on solicitation and child porn charges. Received 4 years probation. Accused in 7/02 suit of sexual abuse of a student at St. Laurence High School between 1996-1998. Suit also alleges that he had sex with minors at schools in HI, MA, MI and a NM Reservation before being transferred to St. Lawrence School. 2nd suit 1/03. Living at Vianney Center in MO in 2004. Left the Order and Vianney Center after judge ruled his probation was over. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
322 Robert C. Hrdlicka
In 1993, while serving as Navy chaplain, he was court martialed and sent to prison after pleading guilty to indecent acts with minors in South Carolina and Sicily, Italy. Released from prison and from Navy in 1999. Articles also reported he was removedor dismissed from the priesthood. In 2002 he was sued by 4 brothers in the Lincoln diocese who accused him of abuse in 1978. -- Diocese: Lincoln, NE
323 Robert D. Friese
Friese was teacher/counselor at Maryville Academy and abused boy on at least three occasions. At time of indictment, Friese was on leave from Chicago Archdioces and working as researcher at Univ of Illinois--Chicago's child care program. He was convicted in 1985 and placed on probation for 4 yrs and sent to House of Affirmation. Resigned from priesthood 8/85. Laicized 7/87. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
324 Robert E. "Paul" Hayden
Br. Robert (or "Paul") Hayden (also known as Brother Declan) sentenced to one year in prison in 1986 for sexually abusing mentally retarded men at a group home. One resident contracted AIDS and died. Civil suit filed 1993 accused Hayden and Br. Fintan Shaffer of abuse. Also named was Order which ran the home and other religious. Suit settled fall, 1997. Mother of victim will donate proceeds to charity to help other victims. -- Diocese: Columbus, OH
325 Robert E. Freitas
Sent for treatment and placed on "restricted ministry" in 1985 after two boys complained of sexual abuse. In 2002, man told Diocese Freitas had molested him in 1979. Police notified. Plaintiff wore a wire during meeting; Freitas admitted abuse and was arrested. Accuser also filed suit. Police believe there were at least 4 more victims from about the same time frame. Pled guilty 12/02; sentenced to 6 mo in jail & 5 yrs probation. Released 6/03 after US Supreme Ct ruling. 1 settlement 11/03. -- Diocese: Oakland, CA
326 Robert E. Kelley
Convicted 1990 and 2003. Admitted abusing 50-100 girls between 1976-1983. Sentenced to two separate prison terms (1990-1996 and 2003-2008) for different abuses. Also several civil suits. First civil suit filed 1993. In 1997 one Plaintiff awarded $527,734 from Kelley. Ceased to be active priest in 1986 but not laicized. Referred to as one of the worst offenders in the Diocese. 2 lawsuits settled in 2006. Registered sex offender. -- Diocese: Worcester, MA
327 Robert E. Mayer
Civil suit filed 1982 alleged he exposed himself to several boys. Settled; no criminal charges. Convicted 1992 of abuse of girl, age 13. Sentenced to 3 years in jail. Resigned 1/94. New civil suit filed 6/06 by 4 men alleging abuse when they were young. Archdiocese settled at least one claim in 5/07 $6.65M settlement with 14 people alleging abuse by 12 priests. At least 1 claim included in 8/08 $12.7M settlement involving 11 priests and 16 plaintiffs. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
328 Robert G. Wolk
Wolk, Francis Pucci and Richard Zula accused of abuse of two brothers in the 1980s' Wolk began abusing both boys when they were 12. He was placed on leave in 1987 and indicted in 1988. Sentenced to jail (2 concurrent 5-10 yrs sentences.). Wolk is also suspected of abuse in Pennsylvania, Florida and Canada. Believe he was voluntarily laicized in 2003. Diocese also admitted settling a civil suit out of court. On Sex Offender Registry in FL 1/10. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
329 Robert Hill
Arrested and convicted in 1991 on charges of compelling prostitution by paying to perform sex acts on a 17 year old boy. Served 2 yrs in prison. He was suspended by the Diocese and sent for treatment. In 2002 he was found living at a retirement home for priests--in the same building as a pre-school. He is retired per May 2002 article. -- Diocese: Youngstown, OH
330 Robert Howell
Ordained as deacon 2001. Pled guilty 11/04 to viewing child pornography in 2002 on a computer at the Boise office of Seattle's Casey Family Programs, a foster child counseling service. Bishop Driscoll knew of the investigation in 6/04 but only removed Howell in 10/04 and informed the parish where he worked 2/05. Sentenced 1/05 to 18 months in prison. Reportedly laicized in 2006. On ID sex offender registry 6/11. -- Diocese: Boise, ID
331 Robert J. Fisher
Convicted of a sexual offense committed against 14 year old girl in 1987 (referred to as misdemeanor charges of sexual imposition and contributing to sexual abuse of a minor). He served 30 days in jail in 1988 and underwent 4 years of therapy and counseling before being reinstated. Not permanently removed until 7/02 after Dallas Bishops' Conference. -- Diocese: Toledo, OH
332 Robert J. Hermley
Accused in 2003 of abuse of boy in Philly between 1976-1980. In 1987 he was reported to Oblates for having abused a youth during early 1980s in NJ. Convicted 1982 in PA of indecent assult of boys age 13 and 14 during Wilmington assignment. 3 yrs probation. Reinstated to ministry same year in parish in VA.. When listed in the Philly Grand Jury report, he was living at an Oblate facility in Childs, Md. Died 8/30/09. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
333 Robert Joseph Petrella
Indicted and convicted 1997 for sexual abuse of 10 yr old boy in late 1970s. Sentenced to 6 mo in jail, reduced to 7 days. Convicted 2003 for abuse of three. Sentenced to 18 mo in prison. Sent for treatment 3 times. Placed on leave 1989. Laicizied 4/03. At least 1 claim included in $1.3M settlement with archdiocese in 12/06. At least 25 people report having been molested by him. Living at his mom's in North Arlington, MD as of 9/08. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
334 Robert K. Larson
Former Director of Catholic Charities. Removed/retired from active service in 1988 for "stress related problems." Accused of abusing >17 boys. Pled guilty in 2001 to abusing 4, including 1 felony count. Sentenced to 3-10 yrs prison; 5 others whom L denies abusing later committed suicide. Abuse included sodomy. Moved to St. John Vianney Renewal Center in MO. after 3/06 release from prison. Listed on MO sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Wichita, KS
335 Robert L. Foster
Foster, a deacon for 18 years and retired Judge, was charged in 1997 with sexually abusing a 12 yr old girl when she and her younger sister stayed overnight at his home. He also tried to get her to let him take pictures of her. Girl was altar server at church where Foster served. He pleaded no contest in 1998--5 yr deferred adjudication. In 2000, he was charged with stalking girl and sentence was revised to 5 yrs probation. Died in 2003. -- Diocese: Oklahoma City, OK
336 Robert L. Melancon
Had already been placed on leave and sent for therapy at time of his arrest 6/95. Charged with raping an altar boy several times between 1985-1991. In 7/95 someone gave Melancon's attorney a $1M cashier's check to pay for bail. Convicted 6/96. Sentenced to life without parole. Accuser settled a civil suit with Diocese for $800K. Church paid $30K in 1993 to settle with another individual who had "relationship" w/ Melancon as a minor. -- Diocese: Houma-Thibodaux, LA
337 Robert L. Schaeufele
Placed on leave 4/02 after allegations began to surface. Several civil suits 2003-2004. In 2004 Diocese agreed to pay $1.1M to 12 men abused by him. Others refused to settle. Found not guilty 5/03 of some charges but convicted 6/03 on other charges of abuse in 1980s. Received two 30-year concurrent sentences. Diocese knew in 1994 that he was bringing boys to rectory without another adult. At least 22 accusers are known. Also abused in parishes now part of Venice Diocese. Still in jail 1/10. -- Diocese: St. Petersburg, FL
338 Robert M. Burns
Abused in Youngstown diocese and was sent for counseling and treatment before transferring to Boston. Youngstown told Boston not to let him be around children. Still abused. Burns removed from duties in 1991 because of abuse. Pled guilty 3/96 in NH tomolesting 2 youths. Served 3 yrs of 8 yr sentence. Admitted to abusing 42 boys and young men. Sued several times. Boston settled claims with Burns' victims totaling more than $2.6M. between 1992-2002. Also convicted 2005. 11 yr sentence. -- Diocese: Youngstown, OH
339 Robert M. Timchak
Arrested 10/09 on 16 counts of having child pornography on his computer. Released on own recognizance. Investigation began 12/08 when Diocese notified the DA's office of an anonymous letter re improper use of computer by Timchak. In 2006, he took a 1 yr leave of absence. Has been on leave since 4/09 for treatment. Pled guilty 8/10 to 17 counts of possession of child porn & downloading same. Sentenced 11/10 to 6-72 mo in state prison, $3400 fine & register as sex offender.. -- Diocese: Scranton, PA
340 Robert Morel
Placed on leave 1993. Charged with criminal sexual contact after allegedly fondling a youth. Trial set for 1994. Sentenced to 6 months probation. Morel also faced civil suit filed by man who alleged Morel abused him for 8 years beginning when he was 9 and ending about 1981. -- Diocese:
341 Robert N. Burkholder
Called one of MI's worst pedophiles. Abused in 1940s. 1st complaint 1968; "retired" 1985. Removed 1993 after admitting in writing to molesting at least 23 boys. Civil suits filed in 1994 (dismissed on limitations) and 1995 (settled). On sick leave per OCD but worked as Army chaplain in Hawaii from 1982. Extradited 2002; pleaded no contest. Sentenced to 30 days jail & 5 yrs probation. Permanently removed w/o privileges 2005. Named in 2 suits in HI in 2009 filed by same Plaintiff. Died between 2005-2008 -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
342 Robert N. Caparelli
Originally reported to diocese in 1968. Abused several boys before being arrested in 1991. Sentenced 7/92 to 2 1/2 to 5 yrs prison. Another charge re abuse of 2nd youth added additional time to his sentence in 1993. He died in prison 12/94. Named in civil suits. Had been moved several times after diocese knew of his actions. 2 suits settled 1996. 1 man settled his 2005 lawsuit 01/07 for undisclosed sum. -- Diocese: Scranton, PA
343 Robert P. Pelkington
Surrendered to police in 2000 after being charged with abusing two youths (brothers) between 12/98 and 4/99. He had been in treatment at St. Luke's prior to surrendering to police. Pilkington was assigned to parish in New York state from 1995-1999 but apparently was visiting in CT at time of assaults. Convicted. 3 yrs suspended sentence and 10 years probation. Listed on sex offender registry in Washington, D.C. as of 8/09. -- Diocese: Hartford, CT
344 Robert Patrick Malloy
Arrested in 1998 and later charged with sexually exploiting at least 14 boys 1992-1998. Placed on leave. Indictment covered 42 charges. Charges dismissed 2/02 but refiled and in plea agreement 8/02 Malloy pleaded no contest to five lesser counts. Sentenced 9/02 to 5 yrs (less 5 days) probation. 2002 article says he had been writing anonymous, sexually explicit notes to teenage boys at St. Pius High School, offering to pay them for their semen. Served as police chaplain until 1998. -- Diocese: Santa Fe, NM
345 Robert Ruglovsky
Accused of molesting at least 7 boys. First abuse occurred in Ohio and Michigan and then he moved to Minnesota where he abused six other boys. Criminal charges were filed in Minnesota in 1987. Sentence was 15 yrs probaton and 1 yr. jail with participation in sex offender program. One civil suit filed in 1994 in California & 2 other suits filed in Minnesota in 1988. 1990 article says that he admitted to molesting numerous boys over a 20 yr period. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
346 Robert V. Gale
2002 articles cite numerous complaints about Gale's abuse of young boys in 1979, 1981, 1983 and 1987. Removed from ministry in 1991 but allowed to reside at a church. Accusations of abuse from that church in 1994. 1995 and 1996 lawsuits. Arrested 2002 on charges of raping an altar boy between 1980-1984. Pleaded guilty in 2004 and sentenced 4-5 yrs in prison & probation. Laicized 2006. Also part of NH Atty General report. Released from treatment 3/09. On Sex Offender Registry as of 5/15/11. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
347 Robert Van Handel
Founding director of Santa Barbara Boys' Choir and principal of St. Anthony's Seminary High School. Charged 1994 with abuse of students. Sentenced 8/94 to 8 yrs prison for abuse of 1. Released in 2002. Named in several civil suits. Archdiocesan report says abuse of 6 between 1970-1982. 4 claims settled 2006. See add'l info in 2 suits filed fall, 2009. Registered sex offender. CA. Court of Appeals confirmed court's decision to release personnel file 9/30/10. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
348 Robert Yurgel
Arrested 4/08 and charged with sexual abuse of a 14 yr old boy in 1999 at St. Matthew Church in Charlotte. He was assigned to the church from 1997-1999. At the time of his arrest he was working in Passaic, NJ as a chaplain at St. Mary's Hospital. Had been at the hospital since 2000. Extradited to Charlotte and released on bail. Plaintiff filed civil suit 10/08, saying diocese knew before transfer to NJ. Pleaded guilty to 1 count 2/09; sentenced to 90-120 months in jail. Suit settled 5/10 for $1M. -- Diocese: Charlotte, NC
349 Roger Armand Fortier
By 1984 Fortier had admitted to Chancellor that he watched pornographic filmes and gave alcohol to minor boys and then abused them. Arrested 1997 for molesting 2 boys at the rectory in mid 1990s. Also charged with possession of child porn. Convicted 7/98 and sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison for abuse of two youths. Pled guilty 11/97 to attempted abuse of a 3rd youth and rec'd concurrent 5-10 yr sentence. Other victims came forward 2002 & 2003. Still in prison 5/11. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
350 Roger J. Trott
Director of Cathedral Boys Choir in 1973. Criminal charges filed in 1987 against Trott for abusing as many as 12 young boys. Pled guilty to abuse of one youth and sentenced to 5 yrs probation with treatment as a condition of probation and a fine of $10,000. Newspapers compared the rapid, open treatment of charges against Trott to the secret treatment of Dennis Dellamalva in 1983 and the sealing of litigation for 4 yrs. Civil suit filed 2005 re abuse 1973-1976. -- Diocese: Greensburg, PA
351 Roman Kramek
Kramac, a visiting priest from Warsaw, Poland was arrested 12/02 for allegedly sexually abusing a 17 yr old girl who had gone to him for counseling after she had been assaulted by other individuals. Plea agreement in 2004 led to sentence of 9 months in jail and 10 yrs probation. Upon his release in 2005, he returned to Poland. -- Diocese: Hartford, CT
352 Romano J. Ferraro
Arrested 4/1/02; convicted and sentenced 5/20/04 to life in prison for repeatedly raping boy 1973-80 in Billerica MA starting at age 7. Admitted at trial he was pedophile who abused perhaps dozens of boys. Earliest abuse alleged in civil suits was 1964-68.Then he was in FL as Navy chaplain 1968-71; dishonorably discharged; sued 1/06 for FL abuse. Reassigned, he allegedly abused in Brooklyn, Rockville Centre, St. Louis, and Metuchen dioceses. Suspended 1988. Diocese apparently knew much earlier. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
353 Ronald Borman
Borman was arrested 10/11/06 on charges of Internet child seduction. Employed by Louisville KY archdiocese as teacher 1978-85. Worked as priest 1992-98 in the Lansing MI and Toledo OH dioceses and the Indianapolis IN archdiocese. Left the priesthood in 1998. Then taught in Louisville archdiocesan schools until 2001, and in Louisville public middle schools until his arrest. Pleaded guilty 2/09 to 1 count of possession of child porn. . Sentenced to 30 mo. prison. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
354 Ronald D. Provost
Pastor gave Aux. Bp. Harrington photos he made of boys in underwear in early 1980s; sent to House of Affirmation. Made pastor 1988. Removed 1/92; sent to St. Luke's. Convicted 1/93 of taking nude photos of 10 yr old. 10 yr susp. sentence. In 1/92 gavepolice 100+ nude & semi-nude photos of boys he took starting in 1977. In 1996 civil trial, jury found Diocese & Bp. not responsible & found that Plaintiff did not suffer physical harm from the pictures. New suit filed 10/10 re abuse 1979-1982. -- Diocese: Worcester, MA
355 Ronald H. Paquin
Pleaded guilty late 12/02 to three counts of child rape and was sentenced to 12-15 yrs in prison. At least 18 complaints reported to Archdiocese over a 20 year period (13 between 1990 and 1996) but he was not permanently removed from active ministry until 2000. He had been placed on leave in 1990 and reinstated in 1998. Six claims against him were settled by the church for amounts totaling more than $500K. Also named in report by NH Atty General. Laicization announced 5/04. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
356 Ronald J. Yarrosh
Arrested 2004 on charges of possession of "enormous amount" of child pornography. Removed from assignment and sent for psych treatment. Diocese knew Yarrosh had "personality problems." Also accusation of embezzlement. Agreed to plead guilty in 2005 inreturn for sentence of 3 to 23 months in prison, 20 months of parole,10 years of probation, and pay $24,000 in restitution. Violated probation and sentenced in 11/06 to 4-10 yrs in prison. Sentenced upheld 1/08. -- Diocese: Allentown, PA
357 Ronald Lane "Jean Paul" Fontenot
Accused of abuse in Louisiana in mid 1970s. Civil Suit filed in Louisiana in 1983. Placed on leave and sent for counseling in 1983. Then transferred to Spokane as drug/alcohol counselor. Abused at least 3 there. Criminal conviction in 1986 resulted in1 yr jail and 2 yrs Jemez Springs (on probation). Six civil suits filed in Spokane in 1986 and settled in 1989. Another civil suit filed there in 2003. -- Diocese: Lafayette, LA
358 Ronald Sam Gilardi
Arrested and charged in 2000 with 14 counts of indecent solicitation of child and other crimes of 14 yr old boy at Thomas More Prep-Marian High School in 1993-1994. Pleaded guilty in 2001 re 3 cournts; sentenced to at least 32 months in treatment at Vianney Center in MO and 5 yrs probation. Suit filed in 2001 in TX. Dismissed and refiled in KS. Settlement announced 12/01. School paid $30K. Family also settled with insurance co. and Diocese in confidential settlement. Living w/ Order in St. Louis 12/06 -- Diocese: Salina, KS
359 Ruben Soto
Soto, a Franciscan brother in training, was accused in 1995 of molesting three boys at St. Anthony's Church in Cicero. Soto told another Friar who alerted authorities. Soto arrested 6/95. LINKUP later reported that that Soto may have also abused youths in Texas as well. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
360 Rudolph "Rudy" Kos
Sued in 1993-1994 by at least 12 victims. Abuse occurred before ordination, during priesthood, and while he was on leave from treatment at Paracletes. $119Ml civil jury verdict for Plaintiffs 7/97. reduced to $30.9M in 1998 after negotiated settlement.. Convicted in 1998 of criminal abuse of 4 of the plaintiffs. Received 4 life sentences. Laicization announced 6/98.. Later lawsuits also filed. -- Diocese: Dallas, TX
361 Rudolph Stefan Nocinski
Arrested 7/04 and charged with felony possession of child pornography. Computer technician found screen saver with pornographic images and some child pornography and alerted police who found more than 2500 images at residence. Had been with order for 35yrs. Was not currently involved in public ministry. Received 18 mo prison term (suspended) and 5 yrs probation. -- Diocese: Green Bay, WI
362 Russell Gerald Appleby
Also known as Gerald Russell Appleby. In 1994 young man accused Appleby of molestation over 2 year period. Suit filed in 1996; later dropped. Appleby left St. Petersburg in 1979; diocese admits no knowledge of complaints until 1994. Order paid the accuser $4,800 for therapy in 1995. Removed by Order in 1990 or 1991; laicized in 1995. Arrested in Texas on FL abuse charges 3/03. Pleaded guilty 2004; sentenced to 12 yrs prison & 20 yrs sex offender probation. Died in prison 2005 per State of FL website. -- Diocese: St. Petersburg, FL
363 Salvatore ""Br. Sal" Billante
Abused as many as 25 youths between 1969-1989. Pleaded guilty to abuse of 1--sentenced to 8 yrs prison in 1989. Released 1994. Registered sex offender. Left the order. Arrested again in 2002 for abuse of 1 but charges dropped after Calif Supreme Courtdecision. Named in 2003 civil suit. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
364 Samuel D. Pusateri
Pusateri worked as teacher, chaplain and counselor at the St. Bede Academy near Peru for 20 yrs. He received 6 yr jail sentence after pleading guilty in 1991 to abusing a 17 yr old student in 1990. Still a Benedictine and working in Rome per 9/2000 newsletter from Most Rev. Marcel Rooney O.S.B., Abbot Primate. -- Diocese: Peoria, IL
365 Shamaun Beas
Beas, an extern priest from Pakistan, was arrested 5/04 in an Internet sting and charged with soliciting sex over the Internet from someone he believed to be a 14 yr old girl. Had previously exhibited "questionable behavior" and sent for therapy. Sentenced to 5 to 20 years 3/06 Later sentenced to 1 yr for abuse of 1 girl. Withdrew guilty plea to add'l charges in another county 7/08. Girl's sister also alleges abuse. Sentenced to another 16-24 mo. 10/08 for abuse of both sisters. -- Diocese: Grand Rapids, MI
366 Shawn McEnany
Pleaded guilty in 1988 to unlawful sexual contact with 15 yr old female student at Lewiston ME High School. Rec'd suspended sentence. Went to work for school operated by Bros. Sacred Heart in NH. Order thought it was ok since it was boys school and he abused a girl. Placed on leave 1997 and charged with violating a state law that bars sex offenders from working with children and for failing to register. Charges dropped 1999. Moved to RI. Named in Maine AG Report. -- Diocese: Portland, ME
367 Simon Palathingal
Originally from India. Arrested 6/04 on charges that he sexually assaulted a young boy in 1990-1991 in Milwaukee. At time of arrest, he was working in South Amboy, NJ in the Metuchen diocese. He apparently left Milwaukee in 1991 and lived in India for some time before living and working in several states between 1993 and 2004. Diocese knew in 1993 because youth testified then re abuse by his uncle, Fr. Dennis Pecore, and by Palathingal. Also abused in Louisiana. Sentenced to 16 yrs prison in 2004. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
368 Stephen A. Fernandes
Arrested 11/04 and placed on leave by diocese after computer repair technician found child pornography involving men and boys on his laptop computer and reported it to the Diocese. He was working at Our Lady of Fatima Church in New Bedford at time of his arrest. Also charged with exhibiting or posing at least one child engaged in a sexual act. Pleaded guilty and sentenced 11/05 to 8 months in prison, 4 yrs probation and $20K fine. -- Diocese: Fall River, MA
369 Stephen C. Hernandez
Retired 1997. Placed on leave 4/02. Multiple victims before 1985. One suit filed 10/03 alleged he abused a girl at Santa Clara Parish in 1970s. Another suit filed 12/03 accused him of abuse from 1998-2002 at Eastlake Juvenile Hall. Arrested 6/04. Sentenced to 3 yrs probation 1/25/06 for misdemeanor charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
370 Stephen G. Rogers
Rogers, a religion teacher at Central Catholic High School, was placed on leave 12/02 after being caught with internet child porn. Convicted in 2003 and sentenced to 21 months prison. Served 18 months. Diocese paid his salary while he was in prison. Teacher's certificate was been revoked as of 11/06. Permanently removed from public ministry. Still a registered sex offender as of 1/2/10. -- Diocese: Toledo, OH
371 Stephen Kiesle
Left priesthood 1981. Laicized 1987. Convicted in 1978 of child molestation of 2 boys. Sentenced to 3 years probation. Arrested 2002 after 3 women alleged abuse as children. Arrested again 8/02 on complaint that he assaulted a male victim. May be up to10 female victims. Kiesle admitted that if girls said abuse happened then he was sure it did. Charges dropped 7/03. Sentenced 2004 to 6 yrs prison for abuse in 1995. Civil suits also filed. Registered sex offender. 2 more suits with 7 accusers 8/10. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
372 Stephen Scruton
Arrested at least twice for lewd behavior and/or indecent behavior. Sued in 1991 by one boy alleging abuse in 1986. Took sick leave in 1990. Removed from position at counselor for sex offenders at Essex County Jail in 1992 after name appeared on list ofaccused abusers. Named in 3 suits in 2002. At least one claim in 11/02 $5M settlement involving 62 victims and 28 priests. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
373 Terrence Healy
Healy pled no contest in Livingston County. to molestation charges 12/87 and spent 4 1/2 yrs in prison. May have abused in earlier assignment. Per 2/04 article, allgations were made (in 2002 or 2003??) in Lansing Diocese against Healy who served in Grand Blanc at one time. -- Diocese: Lansing, MI
374 Terry Manspeaker
Manspeaker, a deacon, received 5 yrs probation in 1994 after pleading guilty to assaulting a 17 yr old teenage boy and to making sexual advances to a 14 yr old boy. -- Diocese: Hartford, CT
375 Thomas A. Kuhn
Placed on leave in 2002 after deputies confiscated several parish computers to look for inappropriate material. Indicted on 11 courts of public indecency and providing alcohol to minors betweem 11/01 and 1/02. Claims involved 4 boys and 1 girl. Convicted 2004 and sentenced to 5 yrs probation. Violated probation 1/05. Still on Archdiocesan payroll as of 4/07. Still on administrative leave in 2009 per archdiocesan website 11/1/09. -- Diocese: Cincinnati, OH
376 Thomas A. Rydzewski
Rydzewski was arrested for possession of child pornograpy and internet child pornography 12/01. Pleaded guilty 7/02 and was sentenced to 27 months in prison 11/02. He was caught as part of Operation Candyman Sting. Name appeared on Baltimore Archdiocese's 9/02 list of priests accused of abuse. List said that "possession of child pornography is immoral and a crime that causes great harm to children." On MD sex offender registry as of 1/10. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
377 Thomas B. Laughlin
Accused of sexually abusing between 20-40 boys from 1967-1996. Numerous civil suits filed; several settled. Convicted at least once and sentenced to 1 yr in jail in 1983 when he finally became inactive as priest. Even abused on way to therapy in New Mexico. Apparently was laicized after 1988. 10 men sued Laughlin, individually, in 2004. Addl suit filed 8/07 by one man alleging abuse beginning in 1960. -- Diocese: Portland, OR
378 Thomas C. Chleboski, Jr.
Began to abuse boys prior to ordination. Criminal charges in DC, Virginia & Maryland re 2 13-yr-old boys. Convicted in all three states. Sentenced to prison for 22 yrs & 15 yrs probation in 1991 in VA; also sentenced in MD. DC sentence unknown. Abused one child again after he was reported. Mother of 1 youth filed civil suit. Voluntarily laicized. Served as chaplain in Air Force Reserves. Out on probation and registered as sex offender as of 10/3/10. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
379 Thomas Cuthbert Ford
Ford, a Christian Brother from Canada, lived and taught in New Jersey for many years. Extradited to Canada and convicted of abuse at Mount Cashel orphanage between 1956-1959. Sentenced to 5 months in jail in 2000. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
380 Thomas F. Dempsey
Worked in La Crosse Diocese off and on from 1955 to 1975 (15 parishes in 15 years). Pleaded guilty in 1997 to one count of indecent behavior during 1960s with a youth. Sentenced to community service and to pay up to $6,000 for counseling for victims. Could be prosecuted because he had been transferred to Boston in 1970. "Retired" in 1989 and died in 1998. Also abused in Boston and New Hampshire. Named in at least 3 suits. -- Diocese: La Crosse, WI
381 Thomas G. Saloy
Arrested 11/17/06 after year-long investigation of Saloy's activity in internet chat rooms. The investigation began when the arrest of a porn dealer revealed that Saloy was a customer. Pled guilty on 11/30/06 to possessing over 600 images of child pornography on his rectory computer. Sentenced to 3 1/2 yrs fed. prison 5/1/08. Still on administrative leave. -- Diocese: Rockville Centre, NY
382 Thomas Graham
Indicted, convicted in 2005, and sentenced to 20 years in prison for orally sodomizing a boy in the late 1970s. Archdiocese investigated in 1994 but could not substantiate the allegations. Diocese posted bond after the conviction while case was being appealed. MO Supreme Court overturned the conviction & prison sentence 11/06, saying sodomy had 3 yr statute of limitations. New suit filed 3/11 by one man who alleged abuse twice in 1966. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
383 Thomas J. Bender
Convicted 1988. Abuse of boy. 7 years probation. New accusations 2006 where he was arrested on charges of online solicitation of detective posing as 14 yr old boy. Bender pleaded guilty 7/06 but asked in 8/06 to withdraw his guilty plea based on a recent appellate decision. Pleaded guilty to federal charges 2/07. Sentenced to 10 yrs prison 5/08. Laicized in May, 2005. -- Diocese: Allentown, PA
384 Thomas James Pagni, III
1995 suit alleges Pagni molested young people in seminary and at several assignments. Diocese put him through school for mental counseling career in 1986 in exchange for leaving priesthood. Suit says diocese lied to state about background. Diocese agreed it helped him change careers but denies deceiving state. 2 more suits filed in 1996. Arrested 1995; sentenced to 10 yrs prison 1996. Released 7/2000. Still in FL. On sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Orlando, FL
385 Thomas Kieran Ahearn
Ahearn arrested 1/93 and charged with molesting 14 yr old youth he picked up while on a skiing vacation. Found guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and sentenced to 2 yrs probation. Youth also filed a civil suit in 1995. Personnel file produced to Court in 1999. Ahearn died 12/97. -- Diocese: Bridgeport, CT
386 Thomas L. McLaughlin
Sentenced in 1989 to 18 months in prison for sexually molesting a 12 yr old boy. He pleaded guilty and charges re 6 other boys dismissed. McLaughlin spent one year at Hocking Correctional Facility. After his release from prison in 1990 he "complied with [Bp] Griffin's request" that he be laicized. Civil suit filed by two victims and settled in 1992. -- Diocese: Columbus, OH
387 Thomas Patrick Purcell
Name appeared in 6/02 article listing 15 priests with ties to Tucson diocese who had been accused of child sexual abuse. Purcell worked in the Tucson diocese from 1982-1984 as a visiting priest. Came from St. Louis area. Convicted 2003 of abuse of 13 yr old in 1982-1983. Received 9.5-year sentence. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
388 Thomas R. Bevan
Removed 8/09 after allegations that he sexually abused a minor boy several times at St. John's school in Frederick between 1974-1979. He denied. Archdiocese learned of allegations 6/09 and notified police. Another allegation made in 2005 dated back to 1974 but review board found "insufficient evidence" and he wasn't removed. 4 allegations found credible 11/09. Perm. removed from active ministry 11/09. Criminal charges filed 2/10. Plea agreement 9/10. 10 yr susp. sentence & 18 mo home detention. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
389 Thomas S. Schaefer
Convicted 1996 of abuse of 5. 16-year sentence reduced to 1 year. Abused at least 21 boys. Sent to live at St. John Vianney in St. Louis. At least 1 claim included in $1.3M settlement with Archdiocese in 12/06. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
390 Timothy DeVenney
Accused of abuse of several minor boys from 1993 - 1996 during his first assignment as a priest. Suspended in 1996. Pled guilty in 1997 and sentenced to 10 yrs in prison. Released from prison on parole12/01 and was living outside Washington DC in residence run by a religious order. At least 1 claim settled in $2.6M settlement with Archdiocese 3/07. Another included in 3/08 settlement. Laicization announced 12/08. -- Diocese: Dubuque, IA
391 Timothy E. Pisik
Convicted 1991 for sexual assault of 16 year old. Sentenced to 7 years and served 5. Named in 3/05 suit along with 2 other priests as abusers of one individual between 1986-1991. Also named as abuser in 1994 RICO civil suit. Lived in Syracuse NY as of6/06. Diocese asked that he be laicized but Vatican sent case back and ordered church trial. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
392 Timothy E. Svea
Svea, the U.S. Superior of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest Order, pleaded guilty 2/02 to exposing himself to and molesting teenage boys. Sentenced to 1.5 years jail. 20 years probation. Bishop Burke brought Svea and his group to La Crosse to run a parish. Last known to be living in Marathon Co. Wisconsin. -- Diocese: La Crosse, WI
393 Timothy J. Brennan
Pleaded guilty in 1987 to aggravated sexual contact with a 15 yr old boy in 1983 at Delbarton School. Received 1 yr suspended sentence and sent for therapy. Officials at St. Mary's Abbey admitted he was then allowed to continue working at churches in New York state for more than a decade, He was working in Rochester NY in 2002 when he was placed on leave. Additional complaint filed 2002. Order sent him to rehabilitation center for rest of his life. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
394 Timothy J. Szott
Placed on leave 2/03 after repair technicians found child pornography on his computer and notified police. Arraigned 6/03 and posted bail before returning to treatment at St. Luke's. In 9/03 he was sentenced to 18 mo. probation after pleading no contest to possession of child pornography. Permanently removed from ministry 2005. Sued 4/08 for abuse of 1 youth in 1999. Plaintiff had just turned 18. Other complaints too old to prosecute. Died 8/08 in AZ. Sued again 11/08. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
395 Timothy Joseph Evans
Charged with two counts of sexual abuse. 3 male victims. Abuse occurred 1995-1997 and 1999. Removed from active ministry in 2003. Judge will allow other accusers to testify. Has pleaded innocent to all charges. Found guilty in 1 trial in 03/07 and then found guilty in another county in 2nd trial in 04/07. Named in 1st civil suit 4/07. Sentenced to 14 yrs to life 5/07 with 4 more years added 1 day later in another case. Suit settled 4/08. -- Diocese: Denver, CO
396 Timothy Slevin
In 1972 Slevin underwent treatment for fondling children. "Formally separated" from priesthood in 1974 after allegations that he molested children. In 1986 Slevin, then basketball coach at Sacred Heart Catholic School, admitted to police that he sexually abused 6 boys more than 50 times in six years. Charges relating to these acts were dropped in exchange for guilty plea on 4 counts of abusing another boy from 1983-1986. Slevin sentenced to 3-12 yrs prison. 1986 suit settled out of court. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
397 Tomasz Adam Zielinski
Zielinski, a priet from Poland, had been working at Christ King Church in Manville since 4/08. In 7/08 a teenage girl complained to flight attendants that he was groping her and attepting to unzip her pants during flight from Poland to the US. Zielinski was criminally charged approx . 1 week later, He was placed on leave by the diocese. Pleaded guilty 10/1/08. Sentenced to 1 yr in fed. prison 1/09. Released 1/10. -- Diocese: Metuchen, NJ
398 Toussaint J. Perron
Convicted 1993 of abuse of boy, age 14. 5-year sentence. Served 3 yrs. Removed from public ministry in 1992. Civil suit (filed in 11/05) later dropped, and refiled 1/07. -- Diocese: Peoria, IL
399 Varghese Pereppadan
Pereppadan, a visiting priest from India, was arraigned 8/04 on charges that he sexually molested a teenage girl at Our Lady of the Presentation Church in Brighton. Placed on leave by the Archdiocese. He had been studying in Cambridge and working at the church since 10/03. Admitted guilt 12/04 and received 1 yr probation. Charges to be dropped if he successfully completed probation. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
400 Victor Frobas
Abused in Wheeling/Charleston in 1977 and sent for treatment at House of Affirmation. Later assigned to St. Rose of Lima parish in Worcester Diocese 1978-1979 and reoffended. Said to have participated in sex ring. Convicted of child molestation in MO in 1988 after being extradited from NM. 4 yr sentence. Indicted on charges in MA but died 1993 before trial. Sued 1 time in MA and twice in WV beginning in 1993-1994. -- Diocese: Wheeling-Charleston, WV
401 Victor Lucien Chateauvert
Accused of molesting two boys over a three year period at parish in Bull Dog Lake. Boys were 14 and 19 when Chateauvert was arrested 12/92. Sentenced to 6 mo. in jail 2/93 (priest was 73). He also worked in Ottawa, Ontario Canada at Our Lady of the Visitation from 1974 to 1978 and again in 1982. Died 3/99. -- Diocese: Duluth, MN
402 Vincent A. Lipinski
Archbp Sanchez confronted him re 2 allegations in early 1990 that Lipinski had abused a youth after getting him drunk. Lipinski denied; nothing done. Working at St. Anthony Parish in Questa, NM when criminal charges filed 10/92. He pled guilty in 1993 to two charges of molesting a 14 yr old boy after giving him alcohol. Sentenced to 3 yrs jail, suspended for 5 yrs. Civil suit filed by boy in 1993 and settled in 1996. 6/02 article reports he was laicized at some point. -- Diocese: Santa Fe, NM
403 Vincent McCaffrey
Removed in 1991 after allegations of abuse of minors. Resigned 12/93. Convicted on child porn charges 2002; 20 yr sentence. Civil suit filed 9/02. 4 claims settled 7/03. At least 1 claim in 10/05 settlement with Archdiocese. Admitted under oath to abusing as many as 40 young boys. Sued 5/06 by 1 man re abuse from 1982-1986 when Plaintiff was between 8-12 yrs old. Archdiocese settled at least 1 claim in 5/07 $6.65M settlement with 14 people alleging abuse by 12 priests. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
404 Virgil Bradley Tetherow
Also known as "Father Gabriel." Admitted in 2005 that he downloaded child porn while working at St. Ann's Catholic Church in Tobyhanna, Pa. in 01/05. He was arrested in West Orange NJ while staying at St. Anthony of Padua. Pleaded guilty to one charge of criminal use of a communication facility; sentenced to two years probation. Case sent to Vatican for review. Privileges were removed when he was found celebrating mass in PA. Working as priest at traditionalist Catholic congregation in York until 5/10. -- Diocese: Scranton, PA
405 W. James Nyhan
Allegations 1993 & 1997 per diocesan records. Removed 2002. Arrested 2003 in Charleston SC. Criminal trial 4/06. Allegations in both Boston and Charleston. Pleaded guilty just prior to start of criminal trial 4/25/06. 30 yr sentence changed to 5 yrs probation. Civil suit in Charleston setted at mediation in 8/06. Laicization announced by Boston Archdiocese 3/07. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
406 Walter M. Weerts
Pled guilty in 1986 to abuse of 3 boys and was sentenced to 6 yrs in prison. Presentencing report says Weerts was sexually involved with boys for at least 18 yrs and officials knew of his problems. Served approx. 3 yrs. Was laicized during or shortly after release from prison. Diocese settled w/ 3 in 1987. 8 more claims settled 2004 for total of $1.2M. New suit filed 11/07 alleged abuse from 1968-1970. -- Diocese: Springfield, IL
407 Wayland Yoder Brown, Jr.
First complaint 1969 when he was lay catechism teacher in Savannah. Bishop Lessard ordained Brown despite advice from Voc. Director. Complaints through late 1980s. Returned to ministry after treatment at St. Luke's in 1986. Abuse in 1960s and 1970s alleged by 3 other men. Pled guilty 9/02 to abuse of 2 boys starting in 1974 while in Cath. Univ Seminary in DC; sentenced 2/6/03 to 10 yrs in prison in MD. Released 2008. New suit filed 6/08; settled 10/09 for $4.24M. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Savannah, GA
408 William C. Casey
Retired. Permanently removed 4/10 by Knoxville BP after man filed criminal complaint in NC (no SOL). He alleged Casey abused him for 5 yrs beginning in 5th grade in 1975. Casey was at St. Dominic's in Kingsport at the time; accuser said abuse also occurred during trip to NC. Casey admitted that allegation had credibility. Arrested 4/19/10 on NC charges. Pled guilty 7/29/10. 3 yrs prison suspended to 24 mo probation. Same accuser also filed VA and in TN complaints. These will also go to trial. -- Diocese: Knoxville, TN
409 William C. O'Connell
After 2 parishes in 3 years became Navy chaplain 1953-58. Resigned to avoid court martial for criminal homosexual contact. Reassigned in Providence. Abuse of 3 boys in 1965-72 is alleged in suit settled 6/11/93 and 10/31/94 RICO suit. Pled guilty to abuse of 3 boys 1972-85; sentenced 6/23/86 to 5 years, 4 suspended. Sent to St. Luke's. Retired 1986 to Camden diocese. Pled guilty 12/19/94 to sexual assault and making child porn; got 10 years 2/95. Other suits. Included in 9/9/02 and 3/03 settlements. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
410 William C. Wert
Arrested in Venice FL 2/1/11; accused of having sex w/ 14 yr old boy between 9/10 and 1/11. Father notified police when found improper messages on boy's phone. Add'l charges filed 2/11 re abuse of 2nd victim. Charged in 1997 in D.C. with abuse of 14 yr old boy. Convicted 9/07 of simple assault; sentenced to 180 days in jail & 5 yrs probation. Was living in Order's retirement home in FL. Order is paying for defense lawyer. Worked at Crespi Carmelite High in Encino, CA. Civil suit filed 3/11. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
411 William D. Lum
Placed on leave 1996. Pleaded guilty 8/97 to misdemeanor sexual abuse of 16 yr old boy in 1992 and given conditional discharge instead of prison or probation. Lum allowed to perform administrative duties for Diocese until 4/02 when he was again placed on leave without privileges. Civil suit filed. Dismissed by Appeals court 2/02 as to Diocese & church but not Lum. On behalf of Lum, Diocese settled 5/02 for counseling fees. -- Diocese: Rochester, NY
412 William Earl Krouse
Krouse, former pastor of St. Francis Catholic Deaf Center in Prince George Co., MD, was arrested in FL 3/96 after former student accused him of abuse 1968-1972. He admitted to abusing youth and was jailed in Florida while awaiting extradition. He voluntarily left active priesthood about 1986 but still shown on leave per 1990 Catholic directory. Also known as Jay Krouse. In 11/96 Krouse sentenced to 10 yrs in prison for abusing 6 youths from 1970-1978. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
413 William Groves
Pleaded not guilty 12/89 to felony & misdemeanor child molestation. Previously served in MO, NE & KS. Gave shelter to runaway Indian & Hispanic kids and also gave them drugs & alcohol. Pleaded guilty in 1990 to one felony involving 14 yr old boy. Sentenced to 90 days jail & 4 yrs probation. Left active priesthood and spent 10 yrs working in OK as chaplain at a drug & alcohol rehab center. Fired when past known. Named in 2009 civil suit by 2 men in CO. -- Diocese: Pueblo, CO
414 William J. Effinger
Accused of molesting numerous boys and girls from first assignment to last. Transferred multiple times. At least one incident of abuse reported to Archdiocese in 1979 because there was a psychological report on Effinger addressed to Archbishop Weakland. 7 men/2 women settled out of court with Archdiocese in 1994. Sentenced to 10 yrs jail in 1993 for molesting a 14 yr old boy in 1988. Died of cancer in prison 12/96. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
415 William J. Heim
Heim, a former priest working as a school guidance counselor, was arrested 3/02 on recent charges of inappropriately touching (sexual contact) on an 11 year old boy for over a year. His last church assignment was 1972. In 8/02 he was sentenced to two years in state prison. In 5/02 he pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his home computer and received a sentence of 5 years probation (this was in another county). In 5/04 Heim was released on parole from prison. -- Diocese: Albany, NY
416 William L. Winston
Accused of abuse of boy between 1999-2002. He was married Episcopal priest who became Catholic priest. Also accused of physically abusing his wife. Placed on leave by diocese in 2005 and has asked to be laicized. Sentenced to jail for 180 days 5/06. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
417 William McSherry Stock
Stock left priesthood in 1985. First allegation arose in 3/06 when man reported he was assaulted by Stock about 1981 when he was about 16. Stock arrested and charged 5/06. Arrested again 9/06 and charged with abusing another youth in late 1970s when accuser was 14. Sentenced to 19 months in prison 11/07 for abuse of 2nd accuser. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
418 William N. Cramer
Accused of abusing 2 young brothers in 1984. Mother told diocese which just transferred him. Reported to police in 1985; convicted in 1988 and received 3 yrs probation. Each child received $38K in civil suit. Worked as hospital chaplain beginning 1991 but placed on leave 2002. Cramer hired canon lawyer to fight his suspension. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
419 William Nicholas Garding
Ordained at age 43. In 1989 20 yr old man accused Garding of sexually abusing him over a three year period, beginning during confirmation classes. Pleaded guilty; sentenced to 6 mo jail and 10 yr stayed sentence. Sued 1991 but suit dismissed. Later wrote book "My Journey Alone" about his battle to suppress homosexuality and his quest for approval and love from adolescent male. parishioner. Privileges removed 6/02. Died 11/05 after auto accident. -- Diocese: St. Cloud, MN
420 William S. Green
Arrested 4/99 along with 5 other individuals for sending sexually explicit messages and pornography to a 14 yr old boy in chatroom on the Internet. Pleaded guilty 7/99 to two counts of oral copulation and one charge of attempting to send harmful material to a minor and was sentenced to two years in prison. -- Diocese: Oakland, CA
421 Wilputte Alanson 'Lan' Sherwood
Arrested 1984 and 1986 for public indecency. Arrested and convicted 1993 of sexual contact and attempted sexual contact with a 14 yr old boy in 1987 at St. Benedict Church in Chandler. Sentenced to 10 yrs in prison. Wrote in diary of over 1800 male partners,of whom 22 were minors. Released from jail 11/03 and placed at Arizona State Hospital for evaluation as sex offender. Disappeared 2005 until 11/08 arrest. On AZ sex offender registry 1/3/10. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
422 Xavier Ortiz-Dietz
Indicted in 1993 for abusing three altar boys over a 2 yr period. Convicted in 1994 and sentenced to three 20 yr jail sentences (to run concurrently). Total of ten civil suits were filed, four in 1993 and six in 1994. One victim committed suicide. Settlement for $4M with seven victims 6/98. 1974 report from Mexican college to Archdiocese warned that he suffered from "marked sexual conflict" paranoia and delusions. Should never have been ordained. -- Diocese: San Antonio, TX
423 Yusaf Dominic
Native of Pakistan. Accused of abuse of boys in several countries. Convicted of abuse in 1996 in England. Returned to ministry after jail. In US, he worked in Newark Diocese and in New York City area. Several variations on his name, depending on where he worked, including Dominic Yusaf. In 2004 he was found working in Italy. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
List: Catholic Priests names of 301 priests from six Catholic diocese in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.. Grand Jury Report on Sexual Abuse;-
Diocese of Allentown
Diocese of ErieThe Diocese of Erie released a public disclosure list on the diocese website. According to the diocese, "every person named on this list was credibly accused of actions that, in the diocese's judgement, disqualify that person from working with children."
The list includes actions such as the use of child pornography, furnishing pornography to minors, corruption of minors, violating a child-protection policy, failure to prevent abuse they knew to be happening and direct physical sexual abuse or sexual assault of minors, the diocese said.
In total, 67 clergy members and lay persons associated with the Diocese of Erie were mentioned.
To read the list, in detail, click here.
The following on the list are believed to be alive:
Diocese of HarrisburgThe Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg released a list of 71 names of clergy members accused of sexually abusing children on August 1. The diocese added another name days later.
The list includes cases that date back decades. The diocese said the list includes those who were accused of abuse of a child since the 1940s, and does not include assessments of credibility or guilt.
In releasing the names last week, the diocese said it was not making an assessment of guilt. Instead, it says it was releasing a list of everyone with an allegation against them that had not been proven false.
To read full details about the accused, click here.
1. Cases where abuse was first alleged while accused was living
Cases involving allegations of indecent behavior
Barry Ashwell
Edmund Boyle*
Edward Boyle*
Dennis Champagne
Michael Cody*
Paul Conn
John Cornelius
Jerome Dooley*
James Gandrau*
Michael Hays
David Jaeger*
Dennis Kemp
James Knelleken*
David Linehan
Lawrence Low*
Theodore Marmo
John Marsh*
James McGreal*
Desmond McMahon
Gerald Moffat
Dennis Muehe*
Michael C. O'Brien
William O'Brien*
Thomas Pitsch*
William Quick*
Harold Quigg*
Leo Racine
Richard Stohr*
James Toner*
Stephen Trippy*
Dennis Albrechtson
Gregory Hewitt
Reinart Beaver
Mario Blanco*
Gary Boulden
Dale Calhoun
Dermot Foyle
Phan Huu Hau
Jayawardene Pantaleone
Michael Ledwith
James Mitchell
Manuel C. Ocana
Patrick O'Donnell
James Pommier*
Richard Scully
George Silva
Engelbert Axer*
John Coughlin*
Leonard Feeney*
David Fleckenstein
John Forrester*
Bernard Harris*
David Johnson
Louis Ladenberger
Timothy Lamm
John McManus*
James McSorley*
Gerald Morin*
James Poole
Robert Renggli
Anthony Slane*
Michael Toulouse*
Robert Brouilette
Albert Casale
Edward Courtney
Patrick Croke*
Dolores Crosby*
Frank Delamere
William Donahue*
Patrick Duffy*
George Dwyer
Gerard Al Kealy*
John Lackie*
Vincent O'Sullivan*
C.P. Ryan*
D.P. Ryan*
James Warren*
1 Aaron Joseph Cote
18 yr old boy filed suit 11/05 alleging abuse in 2001-02 when the youth attended Mother Seton Church in Germantown MD., Suit said abuse occurred in both MD and DC. Cote removed. Reported to Archdiocese in 2003 but it just moved him to RI. Also alleged to have abused 2nd youth in OH in 1980s. Case settled 8/07 for $1.2M paid by Order. Also worked in Springfield MA. Woman filed suit 4/08 re abuse of her children. First criminal charges filed 7/08 re 2003 abuse. Found guilty 7/09. 10 yrs probation 11/09. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
2 Alphonsus M. Smith
In 1995 Smith admitted affair with 1 youth from 1988-1993. Civil suit filed 1995 dismissed on statute of limitations. Sentenced 1996 to 16 years for abuse of 4. Reduced to 1 year. Sent to live at St. John Vianney in St. Louis. Died in 2005. At least 1 claim included in $1.3M settlment with Archdiocese 12/06. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
3 Alvin L. Campbell
Arrested on sexual assault charges in 1985. Owned child porn. History of abuse involving numerous victims going back at least 20 years. Convicted and sentenced to 14 yrs prison. Released 1992. Bishop requested laicization in 1989 but was denied by Ratzinger because Campbell did not agree. He later agreed and was laicised (1992?). Died in late 2002. At least 1 civil suit settled in 2004 mass settlement. Six more victims from 1970s and early 1980s settled with Diocese 1/07 for $625K total. -- Diocese: Springfield, IL
4 Andre Anthony Corbin
Criminal charges filed 1988 alleged abuse in 1966 when parish was part of Raleigh Diocese. Sentenced 3 yrs jail; served only about 60 days. Put on probation for 5 yrs and sent for treatment. Accused of dressing young boys in loin cloths to depict modelof crucified Christ. Charlotte Diocese stripped Corbin of priestly faculties in 1988. Also named in 12/03 lawsuit in Springfield, MA which settled 8/04 as part of multiple plaintiffs $7.75M settlement. Died in fire 5/08 at age 79. -- Diocese: Raleigh, NC
5 Andrew Christian Andersen
Convicted 1986 of 26 counts of felony molestation of 4 boys. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation after treatment at Servants of Paracletes. Continued to molest boys while in therapy. Arrested in New Mexico in 1990 for abuse of another youth. Sentenced to 6 yrs prison for violating Calif. probation. Laicised in mid-1990s. Current whereabouts unnknow. Prior to 2005 there were $4.62M in settlements regarding Andersen. -- Diocese: Orange, CA
6 Andrew L. Millar
Ordained in Ireland and had worked in Rockville Centre since 1964. Retired 1999. Arrested 5/00 on charges that he sexually abused a 15 yr old learning disabled/developmentally delayed youth in a bathroom. Pleaded guilty and sentenced to 1-3 yrs in prison in 11/00. 17 yr old altar boy complained in 1999 that Millar had abused him in 1991. Millar sent for treatment and "retired." 3 other complaints made since 1995. Priest V in the Suffolk Co. Grand Jury Report. Laicised. -- Diocese: Rockville Centre, NY
7 Andrew W. Krafcik
Ordained for Richmond diocese but requested transfer to Arlington Diocese in 1984. Convicted in 1984 of a misdemeanor charge involving a 12-yr-old girl and sentenced to counseling. Served in "limited ministry" from 1985 to 1996 when he retired. Laicisation requested by Bishop Loverde in 2002 and announced 7/04. -- Diocese: Richmond, VA
8 Angel Crisostomo Mariano
Mariano was a cross-dresser who was convicted of child molestation in 1998 for performing oral sex on a teenage boy while posing as a 25 yr old woman. Served 5 months in jail. Jesuit leaders had reprimanded Mariano for sexual misconduct at least 5 yearsprior to the 1998 incident. Jesuits had apparently been moving him around since 1988. After release from prison he moved to Jesuit community at Los Gatos where other priests abused two mentally disabled residents. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
9 Anthony ""Tony"" Jablonowski
Pleaded no contest to 2004 charges of abuse of 17 yr old boy in 1982. Sentenced to 15 months to 7 yrs in prison. Privileges removed. Another accuser filed civil suit 3/05. Released from prison 7/05. Required to register as sex offender. He worked in several dioceses and is on Tucson list of abusive priests. Laicization announced 6/06. -- Diocese: Cheyenne, WY
10 Anthony Martinez Garduno
Accusations that Garduno asked an adult man to strip during premarital counseling surfaced in approx. 1993. Sent for treatment. Church trial for heresy after Garduno found a separate Catholic sect in 1996. He was "removed from the clerical state." Arrested 12/09 and charged with abuse of a 17 yr old boy 4 yrs before and continued sale of drugs from the church. Accuser said he knew of other minor victims who had been abused at that location. Sentenced 3/10 to 2 yrs prison on drug and gun charges. -- Diocese: San Bernardino, CA
11 Anthony Parlangeli
In 3/02 article, Man says that at 15 he was drugged and raped by Parlangeli on overnight camping trip. Parlangeli said he was too tired to camp and rented a hotel room. Drugs caused convulsions; Parlangeli had to take youth to hospital ER. Police notifed; he was arrested. Charges later reduced to administering drugs illegally and he spent a brief time in jail. Transferred to Baltimore where he also abused. 1994 civil suit settled. Died 1997. -- Diocese: Miami, FL
12 Anton Mowat
Mowat, from England, was charged in 1988 with abuse of 4 altar boys in Stone Mt. Georgia. Prior to charges, he fled the U.S. Extradited from England in 1990 and convicted. Sentenced to 6 yrs jail and probation. Served 15 mos; released and deported to England. Atlanta Archdiocese paid at least $358K to families of t3 of the boys. In 03/96 Mowat was arrested on charges of violating his probation by inappropriately touching an 11 yr old boy in 1994. -- Diocese: Atlanta, GA
13 Antonio Cortes
Arrested 4/16/09 for unlawful sexual behavior with a teenage boy and providing alcohol to a minor. Most recent event 4/09 on church property, just before the accuser told police. Assigned to St. Mary of The Nativity in Salinas. Placed on leave by Diocese. He had been counseling the boy for 2 yrs. Child porn also found on his computer. Pled no contest 3/11 to 14 counts, including child porn. Sentenced to 1 yr jail & probation. Case will be referred to Vatican. -- Diocese: Monterey, CA
14 Armand Thibault
Sacred Heart Brother for 34 yrs before being ordained as Marist. Personnel file released 12/02. 1993 criminal trial in ME for 1992 sexual contact with child under 14 (re 3 boys) and child endangerment (providing beer to kids). Found not guilty on sex charge and pleaded no contest to the other. Received treatment then reassigned to Boston under restrictions. Retired. All privileges removed 1/02. -- Diocese: Portland, ME
15 Arthur J. O'Brien
Accused of abuse of 1 boy in MD between 1984-1985. Also allegation of abuse of 14 yr old boy in Boston when O'Brien was in seminary. Moved to Hawaii in 1985. Accused of abuse of boy, age 10, in 1989 in Hawaii. Recd 5 yrs probation in 1992. Placed on permanent leave in 1993. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
16 Arthur Manuel Cunha
At least three civil suits filed as well as criminal charges re abuse of boys in 1986. One suit settled for $640K. Sentenced to 60 days jail and 4 mo counseling center for abuse of two boys. May have left priesthood. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
17 Arthur Maurer
Maurer pleaded guilty in 1993 to child sex offense that occurred out of state in 1992. He apparently retired and was living in Baltimore from 1992 to 1993 but 1993 Catholic Directory shows he was affiliated with Galveston-Houston Diocese. Maurer died in 1993. His obit was in Houston TX newspaper. Name appears on 9/02 list from Archdiocese of Baltimore of Religious priests and brothers accused of sexual abuse of children. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
18 Arturo Ahumada
Deacon. Pleaded no contest in 3/02 of providing pornographic material to 2 boys and misdemeanor sexual battery on one of them between 1999-2000 at Epiphany Church in South El Monte. Taken into custody 5/02 pending sentencing Sentenced 6/02 to 1 ys in county jail, a 44-month suspended state prison term, 5 yrs felony probation, and required to register as sex offender. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
19 Augustine K. Jones
Convicted 1968 of abuse of boy. Rec'd 3 yrs probation and treatment. More charges in 1993 of abuse in 1990. Indicted 1993 and pled guilty. Rec'd 4 yrs probation. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
20 Augusto Cortez
Arrested 6/08 and charged with touching the breast of a 12 yr old girl on 5/29/08. He worked with students at Saint John the Baptist School, in Bushwick. Per The Tablet 3/1/08, Cortez had been working at Centro de Evangelizacion San Vicente de Paul but was to return to his order, effective 12/31. Sentenced to 6 yr probation 7/09. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
21 Avdon Serratos
Priest visiting from Colima diocese in Mexico. Sexually abused a 15-year-old girl on 8/10/03 during confession, was arrested, pled no contest, and in 2004 was sentenced to a year in jail. Archdiocese could not determine whether Serratos had been granted faculties to minister. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
22 Barry E. Ryan
Air Force Chaplain for many years. Left military in 1995 after investigation in 1994 for sexual misconduct with minor in Mobile, AL. Also left active priesthood. Name became known in 2003. Pleaded guilty in late 2004 to abuse of a 6 yr old boy in fall of 2003 in NY. Suffering from stomach cancer. Resided at St. Luke's, rather than jail, because ofr "Health.". Attempted suicide 8/07 to avoid sentencing. Remanded to prison 10/29/07. Living at St. John Vianney Renewal Center as of 6/09. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
23 Barry F. Bossa
Bossa pleaded guilty in 1974 to charge of misdemeanor sexual abuse of a 12 yr old boy. Served no jail time. Order knew; still let him be ordained. 2 victims filed suit in Boston in 2002 They allege he performed oral sex on them as 8 and 10 yr olds in Bridgewater in 1970s when he was a "parish brother." Worked in NY archdiocese in 2002. Transferred to Rome after NY Archdiocese learned of 1974 charges and pulled his privileges. MA charges filed and attempts made to extradite him. Died 5/07. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
24 Bernard Dabbene
Suspended 11/00 after found in car with 17 yr old boy. Sentenced to 3 yr probation and community service. Named in 2003 civil suit which alleged he was part of a ring of child molesters at Salesian High School from 1969-1973. Dabbene is former official with SF Archdiocese. He lived at the Salesian provincial headquarters for years. Died 9/9/10. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
25 Bernard Ward
Ward, a former priest and current radio talk show host, was indicted on federal internet child porn charges 12/07. His attorney reports that charges relate back to events 3-4 yrs ago when Ward was researching a book. Left priesthood in 1979 or 1980. He reportedly emailed child porn pictures to a woman who immediately turned him over to police & FBI. Originally pled not guilty. In 5/08 he pled guilty to 1 count. 5/08 articles allege abuse when he was still priest. Sentenced 8/08 to 7+ yrs. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
26 Brendan Smyth
Smyth, a native of Ireland, briefly served in RI and ND. He is believed to have abused at least 50 boys and girls, both in Ireland and in US. Sentenced to 4 yrs jail in Ireland in 1995 on 17 counts of assaulting 5 girls and 4 boys between 1964-1988. In 7/97 he was sentenced to 12 yrs for abusing 20 boys and girls. He died in prison in 08/97. Add'l suit filed 6/08 in Providence RI re abuse in 1968. Also worked in Boston. Two sued his Order 6/10. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
27 Brian Keith Olkowski
Olkowski, a 23 yr old seminarian, was dismissed from Seminary 1/95 when he pleaded guilty to charges he gave beer to 14 yr old boy in 1994 and then molested him. Sentenced 1 yr jail, counseling and 500 hrs community service. 5 yr probation after release from prison. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
28 Brian M. Cox
Part of Josephite society from 1968. Joined Baltimore Archdiocese in 1981. In 1995 complaint of abuse in 1981 was made to Baltimore. Cox admitted that he had abused from 1979-1985. Placed on permanent leave without privileges. He was arrested in 2002 and charged with abuse of 2 boys. Sentenced to 15 months in jail & 5 yrs probation. Served 9 months. Laicized in 2004. Registered sex offender. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
29 Bruce E. Ball
1993 plea of no contest to charge of sexual contact w/ 12 yr old boy during therapy session. Total of 4 known victims. Sentenced to 5 yrs prison; released 3/96. On parole thru 12/97. Laicized at his own request as of 8/11/97. Settlement of $100K in 1993(?). In 1993 La Crosse diocese told Baltimore of 2 claims against Ball during the time he was a seminarian for La Crosse in Baltimore in mid 1970s. Died 2003. -- Diocese: La Crosse, WI
30 Bruce O. Ewing
Left priesthood in 1977. Civil suit filed 4/02. Also charged 2003 with abuse of Plaintiff in early 1970s. She claimed a consensual relationship beginning when she was age 14 but he denied any relationship. Civil suit settled through mediation 3/03. Criminal trial ended in mistrial 2004. New criminal trial held 3/07 and jury found him guilty of 1 count on 3/22/07. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation 5/07. Laicized 2004. Led parish council in 2010; terminated 2/11. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
31 Bryan Kuchar
Confessed on tape to a sexual relationship with a 14 yr old boy in 1995 but then complained that he had been coerced by police. First trial ended in hung jury in 5/2003. Convicted 8/03 of abuse and received 3 yr sentence. Civil suit also filed. To be released in 8/06 but Bishop will assign him to "secure and monitored residence" within the archdiocese. Laicization announced 11/03/06. Registered sex offender. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
32 Carl Anthony Schipper
Arrested 3/04 after he held a series of explicit sexual conversations with what he thought was a 13 yr old boy in an Internet Chat Room. He was immediately placed on leave from position as academic dean at Menlo Park's St. Patrick's Seminary. Pled guilty 8/00. Sentenced to 6 mo. jail and 3 yrs probation and to register as sex offender. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
33 Carl E. Drake, Jr.
Accused in 1993 of sodomizing a boy 1989-93 starting at age 14. Drake had obtained a court order granting him custody. Convicted 11/18/93 in court martial of committing indecent acts with the boy but acquitted of charges that he sodomized the boy for more than 4 years. Drake denied the charges. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Drake had worked at 2 parishes in the Columbus diocese and then as a Navy chaplain 1968-93. He was suspended by the Navy and the Washington archdiocese in 4/93. -- Diocese: Military Services, US
34 Carl Stone
It was announced in 7/08 that Albany had placed Stone on leave in 1981 after he pleaded guilty in County Court to sodomy charges stemming from an indictment that alleged sex with two teenage brothers in Colonie. Allegations also made when he worked for Ogdensburg Diocese. Went on to work in Canada until 1985 when Bishop Larocque terminated him after new allegations. Larocque knew of earlier allegations when he hired Stone. Died 11/06. -- Diocese: Albany, NY
35 Carlos Guzman
Bishop removed him from diaconate program in early 1990s after abuse allegation involving touching and kissing an 8 yr old boy. In 1993 he served 8 months of 9 month sentence for abuse. Accused of abuse of at least 2 in 2004 civil suit. Abuse alleged in 1970s-early 1980s. Current whereabouts unknown. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
36 Carlos Lozano
Served as Oblate brother for several years prior to ordination. Convicted 1994 for abuse of 4 boys. 30 days in jail & 10 yrs probation (deferred adjudication). Civil suit filed 1994. Left priesthood in 1994. One victim committed suicide in 1997. Shortly before probation over in 2004, he was arrested for computer pornography and judge soon sentenced him to 20 yrs in prison for each of 4 prior convictions (to be served concurrently). -- Diocese: San Antonio, TX
37 Carlos Rene Rodriguez
Convicted 2004 of abuse of 2 from 1988-1993. Sentenced to 8 yrs in prison. 1st abuse report 1987. Placed on leave1993. Accused of abuse prior to 1994 in civil litigation. Laicized in 1993 (or 1998 per LA Archdiocese). Included in 12/06 $60M settlement re 22 priests which covers all of the cases involving molestations that occurred since Mahony was named head of the diocese in 1985. Released from prison 1/08. In violation of sex offender registration requirements since 12/09 per Registry 1/2/10. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
38 Carmelo Melchior ""Mel"" Baltazar
An extern priest from the Philappines, Baltazar has a history of abuse of boys over a 20 year period while serving Diocese of Cleveland, Diocese of Phillippines, US Navy, Diocese of Boise, Idaho, and Diocese of San Diego. Named in several civil suits. Convicted 1984 & sentenced to 7 yrs. Released to treatment after 3 yrs. 2003 civil suit in San Diego said that plaintiff lived with Baltazar and traveled with him for 5 years during military assignments. Always introduced as his nephew. Deceased. -- Diocese: Boise, ID
39 Carmen Sita
Arrested 9/15/82 for abusing male minor and giving him drugs. Pleaded guilty 1983. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation; sent to Paraclete's in Albuquerque NM. Legally changed name to Gerald Howard. Incardinated in Jefferson City MO; assigned 1983 to parish with school. Accused 2007 of abusing boy for 5 years, starting at age 13, and giving him drugs. Left parish 1984. Claim settled 2009 for $600K & agreement to laicize. Other victims came forward in NJ and MO. Arrested 4/10 in NJ. Also crim. in MO. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
40 Charles Leonard Connor
Accused 1995 and 1997 of abusing 2 dependent adult men living / working at Jesuit center. Admitted inappropriate touching; restricted but not reported to police. Case reopened 2000; search warrant revealed documents; abuse may have lasted 1970-2000. Connor sent to live at school. Pled no contest 2001; got no jail time. Settled 9/4/02 for $7.5M. Accused 2002 of abusing Jesuit; complaint deemed unproven. Accusing priest died, an apparent suicide, after Connor was housed at centre with him again. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
41 Charles Michael Cikovic
Placed on leave in 1993 after accusations of sexual relationship with 13 yr old girl. Pleaded guilty in 1993 on 4 counts of sexual battery and/or lewd acts; sentenced to 6 mo in jail and 20 yrs probation with mandatory treatment and forced retirement.Released from jail in Dec. 1995. Civil suit filed and settled out of court in 1997. 2002 article says settlement was $550,000. Previous accusations in 1980s. Lives in MO. 2010. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Venice, FL
42 Charles Plock
Plock, a chaplain and youth minister at St. John's University in Queens, was arrested 10/08 after emailing a homemade video of himself masturbating to someone he thought was a 13 yr old boy in Colorado. Instead, it was a police officer. He was released on bond and immediately sent to St. John Vianney Center in Downington, PA for evaluation. Criminal charges filed. Pleaded guilty and sentenced to 5 yrs probation 12/09. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
43 Daniel A. Calabrese
Convicted 1992 of abuse of teenage boy. Sentenced to 90 days in jail, 5 yrs probation, and 1 yr treatment. Previously transferred twice because of allegations involving youths. Civil suit 1993. As of 2003, he was living in New Mexico and was listed as being on a "leave of absence" per 2002 Cath. Dir. Laicized 2005. -- Diocese: New York, NY
44 Daniel C. Clark
Convicted of abusing 2 boys in 1988. Probation for 15 years and 90 days in jail. Removed from ministry but allowed to volunteer and wear clerical collar. Litigation settled 1989 and 1997. Named in 19 suits 2002-2003, of which 18 settled in 6/03 and 1 in4/06. Found guilty in 2003 criminal trial and sentenced to 10 years in prison. Laicization announced 11/04. Sentence overturned 5/07. Pleaded guilty 11/07 in return for release from prison, with 5 years probation and 5 years court supervision. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
45 Daniel J. McCormack
Accused of abusing boy while in Seminary in Mexico. Accused in 10/99 of abusing altar boy. Archdiocese ignored 9/5/03 warning about boys in rectory. Arrested 8/30/05 on credible allegation. Reassigned as dean 9/1/05. Arrested 1/20/06; removed from ministry. Pled guilty 7/2/07 to abuse of 5 boys, some abused after first arrest; sentenced to 5 years. 23 known accusers. Multiple settlements for over $10M. Laicized 11/07. Multiple accusers in 2010 suits. 5/11 suit names Vatican. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
46 Daniel J. Tisak
Criminal charges filed in 1988 allege Tisak abused 12 yr old at Pennsylvania YMCA. Tisak pleaded guilty. Sentenced to 2 yr probation and 6 mo at St. Luke's. Shown as "On leave" from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pittsburgh, Byzantine per 1989 Official Catholic Directory. Not listed in 1990 or 1995 Catholic Directories. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
47 Daniel M. Azzarone, Jr.
Complaints received as early as 1985, 1992 and 1998-1999. Only placed on leave 11/01 after he was accused of abusing a 15 yr old boy on Caribbean cruise in 11/00. Abuse continued until 2001, often in rectory. Another youth also accused him of abuse. Pleaded no contest to two counts of first-degree sexual assault 9/05 and sentenced to 3 yrs prison & 7 yrs probation. Named in 2005 civil suit which settled 8/08 as part of $1.326M settlement by Providence Diocese. Laicization as of 6/12/09 announced 2/10. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
48 Daniel Medina
Medina, a native of Honduras but ordained for the Diocese, was quietly placed on admin. leave in 2002. In 2004 he was arrested & charged with abuse of 14 yr old male in 1999. Pleaded guilty summer, 2008. Sentenced to 3 yrs probation. Privileges were withdrawn. Name became public 9/08 after "confidential" memo from archdiocese to all bishops warning them he had no privileges. Now facing court trial and possible dismissal from priesthood. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
49 Daniel P. Herek
Pleaded no contest 1998 to allegations of sexual abuse of 1 youth. Served 2 1/2 yrs jail. Named by 8 in subsequent civil suits. 2002 Jury award of $800K to 1 plaintiff. Other suits then settled. Convicted of exposing himself in mall parking lot in 9/05. Request for new trial denied. Sentenced 120 days in jail. Verdict appealed.. Finally going to jail 3 yrs later (7/08). He had requested house arrest. Judge also added 4 months for probation violation when caught masturbating in public. -- Diocese: Omaha, NE
50 Daniel R. McBride
Retired 1987. Placed on leave in 2002 when charged with abuse of minor (a 17 yr old boy who was part of prostitution ring). Pleaded guilty to soliciting a minor. Sentenced to 3 yrs probation 6/03. Charges resulted from investigation of Parmadale Residential treatment facility which is operated by Cleveland Catholic Charities for children with history of delinquent behavior & emotional problems. Still on admin. leave as of 2007 per Diocese website. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
51 David A. Holley
Abused in Massachusetts and sent to Paraclete center in New Mexico for treatment. Convicted 1993 of abusing 8 boys between 1972-1974 in Alamogordo, NM. 275-year sentence. Many victims in many states. He abused in El Paso and Bp. Metzger then transferred him to San Angelo TX diocese. -- Diocese: Worcester, MA
52 David G. Smith
In July 2002 Smith was charged with perverted practice after a man claimed that Smith abused him at parish rectory when he was 16 (between 1973-1976). In Oct. 2002 Smith pleaded guilty to engaging in sex acts with the Plaintiff. Smith had taken an unrelated leave of absence in 2000 and had no faculties to perform ministry. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
53 David J. Boyea
Accusations that he abused 9-12 boys over 5 yrs. One woman said she told Aux. Bishop in 1979 that Boyea had molested her son. $12M civil suit filed 11/86 on behalf of three victims but suit is believed to be sealed; In 8/85 Boyea pleaded guilty to 1 criminal charge and was sentenced to 10 years in jail. Petition to reduce sentencing denied 9/88. Released 1995. Lifetime listing on sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Green Bay, WI
54 David J. Malsch
Allegations in 1984 that Malsch had molested 3 boys. Bishop did not investigate. Accused in 1991 of molesting a 15 yr old boy with emotional, learning disabilities & behavioral problems. 1992 criminal charges. Found guilty 1993 & rec'd 5 yr suspended sentence. 1995 civil suit. Violated parole 1997 & sent to prison to serve 5 yr term. Sent to Wounded Brothers after release. Indicted 2003 on child porn while at Wounded Brothers. Pled guilty 2005 and sentenced to 9 yrs federal prison. -- Diocese: Superior, WI
55 David J. Nickerson
Known as "Brother Dave" while ministering in Milwaukee in 1980s, Nickerson confessed in 2007 to abuse of a 9 or 10 yr old boy in mid-1980s at St. Vincent De Paul school. This was only after another "Brother Dave" (David Sanders) had been arrested, convicted at trial, and sentenced to 15 yr sentence as of Jan. 2007. Real Brother Dave was arrested 6/08 in MO and was being returned to WI. In treatment at RECON in MO as of 7/08. Sentenced to 5 yrs prison. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
56 Dennis A. Pecore
Convicted 1987 of assault on a teenage boy over 3 year period. Placed on probation and ordered to serve year in jail on work-release program. In 1994 Pecore was convicted of sexually molesting a second boy from 1989-1992 (his nephew) while working at a care center for elderly priests. Sentenced to 12 yrs prison. Named in at least 2 civil suits. Released from prison 02/02. Also abused in Baltimore 1975-1976 when he was religious brother. On sex offender registry. "Defrocked" in 1995. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
57 Dennis A. Wagner
Pleaded guilty in 1983 to assault and battery (reduced charge) involving 13 yr old boy. Placed on probation for 2 years and received indepth counseling. Nver received another parish assignment but did work as a canon lawyer in Diocesan Tribunal Office until his suspension 5/02. Apparently admitted in 1983 that he had molested more than one boy. Diocese received 6 substantiated allegations. Lots of treatment. Agreed to ask for laicization. -- Diocese: Grand Rapids, MI
58 Dennis E. Schmitz
Placed on leave 5/02 and charged in 6/02 with improperly touching 1 teenage youth several times between 6/98-5/99. Pleaded guilty 2002 and received 32-month sentence. Served as Vocations Director of Archdiocese from 1994 through 7/01. A civil suit against archdiocese was settled in 2003. Suit against Schmitz was ongoing. Schmitz agreed to seek laicization. On KS sex offender registry 1/3/10. -- Diocese: Kansas City, KS
59 Dennis Puhl
Convicted 1980 of 4th degree sexual assault of boy 15. Received a 21 mo. sentence, probated for 5 yrs and treatment at church center in Milwaukee. 1983 suit claimed Puhl not only abused the youth in 1980 but that the Diocese knew that he had received treatment in 1977 for sexual problems. Puhl admitted in deposition that he had homosexual contacts with several youths in 1977 in another MN parish and that he received treatment then. Civil suit settled in 1984. -- Diocese: Duluth, MN
60 Dennis R. Sewar
Sewar had taken a sabatical in 01/05 but was placed on leave 6/05 and then arrested 7/05. Charged with abuse of 14 yr old boy from 1999-2001. Trial set for 8/06. Allowed to plead guilty to lesser charge of attempted endangering the welfare of a child, a misdemeanor. Sentenced to 1 yr probation. In 9/08 he was teaching in Hong Kong school until a parent googled him and found hs record on this website. -- Diocese: Rochester, NY
61 Dennis Raymond Jost
Raised in San Angelo TX Diocese. Spent years in CA training to be deacon before being removed from program. Served as vol. coord. of altar boys. Named in 1992 suit re abuse of one boy. Arrested in 1992 on charges that in 1990 he took minor from CA to AZ & NM to abuse him. Convicted & sentenced 1993 to six months' jail and 2 years' probation. Worked in Dallas Diocese 1995-1997 until past uncovered. Personnel file released by San Diego Diocese 10/25/10 references prior conviction from 1970s. -- Diocese: San Bernardino, CA
62 Dominic Bokulich
Bokulich, also known as Br. Leopold, was arrested 10/07 and pleaded guilty 3/08 to abuse of 4 boys from one family between 2006 and 2007. Sentenced to 7 yrs state prison in 6/08, along with 5 yrs post-release supervision. Required to register as sex offender. In prison as of 7/10. -- Diocese: New York, NY
63 Donald Henry Heck
Heck abused boy in 1990 and was sent to treatment (supposedly for stress) for one year. He was already working in another parish when he was indicted in 1991. In 1992 he entered Alford Plea (defendant does not admit guilt but concedes that the state has enough evidence to win a conviction) and was sentenced to 4 years jail. He also abused at least one other boy in 1990. On sex offender registry in MO as of 5/11. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
64 Donald J. Bowen
Woman was 9 when first sexual abuse occurred and it continued until she was 16. He wrote letters saying that he would leave the priesthood to marry her. She told Diocese 1990 and accepted $200K settlement 1992. Bowen served in Bolivia for 28 yrs before Boston indictment in 2002. Charged with indecent assault & battery of person under 14 & lascivious acts on a person under 16. Pled guilty 2005; 2 yrs jail and 10 yrs probation & registration as sex offender. Not found on list 2/10. -- Diocese: Fall River, MA
65 Donald J. Buzanowski
Suspended 1992. Convicted 2000 on a child porn charge and sentenced to 21 months in jail. Admitted in 2002 letter (made public 2003) to molesting 14 boys aged 14-17 in 1969-88. Laicized 3/05. Convicted 7/05 and sentenced to 32 years in prison. In 10/06,claimant rejected a proposed settlement with the Diocese. Jury decided 2/07 that diocese did not threaten the plaintiff in order to hide abuse. Case dismissed. In 9/08, WI Supreme Court declined to hear appeal. Still in prison 9/10. -- Diocese: Green Bay, WI
66 Donald J. McGuire
Sued 2003; accused of abuse. Criminal charges in 2005. Could not prosecute in IL. Found guilty 2/24/06 in WI. In 7/06 sentenced to 20 yrs probation & confinement in nursing home. Arrested twice 9/06 for violating probation. WI Sup. Court upheld conviction 7/10. New suits in 8/07 and 10/07 in AZ. Dismissed from Order 11/06/07. Laicization announced 2/08. Criminal charges filed in AZ 4/08. Guity in federal criminal case 10/08. Sentenced 2/09 to 25 yrs prison. New suit 2/09. Fed. sentence upheld 12/10. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
67 Donald L. Stavinoha
Police officer caught Stavinoha having sex with a minor boy in a van at local park in Houston in 1986. Church removed privileges and sent him for therapy. In 1990, Stavinoha pleaded guilty; sentenced to 10 yrs. Served 14 mo. and then put on probation.Civil suit filed, settled, and sealed. May have lived in St. Louis area at St. Vianney or Wounded Brothers. Died 3/27/07 in Houston. -- Diocese: Galveston-Houston, TX
68 Donald Patrick Roemer
Convicted 1981. 2 yrs mental hospital and 10 yrs probation. Abuse of boys. 1 girl also alleges abuse. Suits filed 1984, 2003 & 2004. He is # 8 on Archdiocese list of 10 priests with most accusations of abuse (with 13). He admitted to at least 30. Still on Calif. Sex Offender Register as of 1/2/10 and is shown to be living in Anaheim.. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
69 Earl Bierman
First complaints received in 1961. May have abused as many as 100 boys. Convicted of abuse of 6 boys in 1993 and received 20-year sentence. Died in prison 2005. Sued in both KY and NM. 1 case in 1995 went to Jury verdict of $700,000 in punitive damagesafter Diocese accused of failing to reveal abuse of other victims. Another suit settled in 2003. -- Diocese: Covington, KY
70 Edmund J. Boyle
Convicted 1987. Lewdness with child in Reno, NV. Sued 2003. Accused of abuse in 1960s in Portland. In 2005 three siblings (2 girls and 1 boy) settled claims against Seattle Archdiocese for $1.1 million. Other claims still pending. Boyle is accused of molesting at least 9 boys and girls in Oregon, Washington, and Nevada. Died 1995. One claim settled in Seattle 10/07 for $270,000. Four others settled in 2009. -- Diocese: Seattle, WA
71 Edward Anthony Holmes
Holmes, a religious Br, was a residential counselor at Nazareth Child Care Center in Jamaica Plain run by the Boston Arch. Left order in 2002. Arrested 2005 for abuse and photographing of 2 boys at the home in 1970s and 1980s. "Housemates" found photos in 1989. Both men made complaints in 2003.. Sentenced to 5 yrs and 1 day in prison 12/06. Pleaded guilty to raping 3rd man 2008. 2 more yrs on sentence. At least 4 claims included in 2003 global settlement with Archdiocese. One pending as of 5/10. -- Diocese: Fall River, MA
72 Edward Anthony Rodrigue
Sentenced to probation in 1979 for abuse of 1 youth. Sentenced in 1998 to 10 yrs prison for abuse of youth in 1997. Civil suits filed 2003 by at least 19. Admits to abuse of "four or five" boys every year of his 22 yr career. Laicized 1992. Released from prison 1/06. Judge ruled that Diocese may be assessed punitive damages if found liable. Name on 3/30/07 list of San Diego/San Bernardino priests accused of abuse. Died in 2009. Suit by 1 settled 4/10. Personnel file released 10/10. -- Diocese: San Diego, CA
73 Edward B. Pritchard
Received treatment in 1986 for abuse of 1 youth. Arrested 1995. Accused of abuse of 3 altar boys. Pleaded guilty 12/95 and sentenced to 5 yrs probation. Died Nov. 2002. At least 1 claim included in $1.3M settlement with the Archdiocese in 12/06. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
74 Edward G. Huff
In 1992 two families in 2 days complained to Diocese that Huff had molested their sons. After treatment Huff was made a hospital chaplain in late 1992. Within two months several more families complained of abuse from 1987-91. He was sent back to treatment and resigned from priesthood 7 weeks later. Pled guilty in 1994 to charges of improperly touching and providing alcohol to several youths. Sentenced to 15 mo to 5 yrs in prison as result of plea bargain. Other charges dropped. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
75 Edward J. McKeown
Convicted 1999 of abuse of boy, age 12, in 1995. Sentenced to 25 yrs in prison. Also admitted to raping 3 boys in early 1980s. Settlement in 1985. Forced out of priesthood 1989. May have abused between 20-30 youths. Began to abuse again in early 1990s.2 civil suits filed over abuse in 1995. Another civil suit filed 9/2006. Yet another one filed 3/07. -- Diocese: Nashville, TN
76 Edward J. Sadowski, Jr.
Arrested in MA in 2001 after allegedly arranging over the Internet to meet someone he thought was a 14 yr old girl. He wanted sex and to take pornographic photos of the girl. He also sent nude photos of himself. Was a deacon in RI for 24 years Dioceseimmediately placed him on leave. Sentenced 2002 to 2 years in prison and 5 yrs probation. Also arrested in RI on similar charges. Arrested again in RI 12/09 on Internet Solicitation & child porn. Convicted 5/10. In Prison 2/11. Case referred to Vatican. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
77 Edward Lawrence Ball
Indicted on 4 counts of abuse of minors 9/92; plea of guilty to 1 count. Sentenced to 9 mo jail and 5 yr probation. Total of three victims. Family of two boys settled out of court 1994. Ball criminally charged in 1999 with 31 counts of sexually abusing two other boys from 1979-1986. He was sentenced to 3 years in prison. $4.2M civil settlement. from Diocese & Order in 6/03. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: San Bernardino, CA
78 Edward M. DePaoli
Convicted 1986 of possession of child porn. 1 yr suspended sentence. Continued "extremely restricted ministry" until 2002 but did more than allowed because of "communications breakdown." Accused in 2002 of abuse of 14 yr old girl in 1970. Placed on leave. In 2004 allegations found credible. Laicized 8/11/04. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
79 Edward Nicewicz
Nicewicz was assigned as chaplain at state prison in Gardner, MA when he was accused in 1985 of child rape and molestation involving 2 girls, ages 11 and 12, from Sutton. Received a jail sentence in 1986. -- Diocese: Worcester, MA
80 Edward Pipala
Archdiocese learned of abuse in 1977, sent Pipela for treatment and then reassigned him. Removed from assignment 1992; convicted 1993 of Sodomy. Served 7 years in prison on state and federal charges. Released July, 2000. Numerous victims over a 20 year span. Named in several civil suits. Laicized?? On NY sex offender registry as of 9/09. -- Diocese: New York, NY
81 Edward Sokol
Sokol, a former Franciscan priest, was arrested 4/01 after arranging over the Internet to meet a 15 yr old boy for sex (it was a police sting). Pleaded no contest to computer pornography 12/01 and Judge allowed him to continue running a group home for disabled adult males, Finally ordered to leave the home 3/02 by Social Services. Also worked in Boston Arch. and at Perkins School for the Blind and in NH. Briefly had privileges in Miami after Franciscans withdrew his privileges. -- Diocese: Miami, FL
82 Edward Stefanich
Stefanich abused a 15 yr old girl for 16 mos in 1985-86. Church warned by Counselor about the relationship in 1986; they promised to handle but did nothing until 1987 after Stefanich proposed marriage and girl's parents complained. Stefanich was indicted and pled guilty. In 1987 sentenced to 6 mo. jail; 1 yr of counseling and had to be laicized. Police admitted that they knew he had abused another girl as well. Settled with family 4/88 for $450K. Man filed suit 9/03 re abuse from 1969-1970. -- Diocese: Joliet, IL
83 Edward Theodore Olszewski
Accused of sodomizing foster son starting at age 11. Found guilty by jury 12/18/02 of indecent liberties with a minor and innocent of sodomy charges; sentenced 1/30/03 to 3 years probation. New trial denied 3/13/03. Civil suit filed 12/22/03 in FL alleging abuse there. Conviction reversed 12/8/05 by MI Supreme Court: Olszewski "was deprived of an impartial jury." Prosecutor did not retry because sentence mostly served. Removed from MI and FL sex-offender registries. Ministry remains restricted. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
84 Edward Thomas Burke
Admitted to Jesuit superior in 2000 that he abused dependent adult man living/working at Jesuit center. Jesuits moved Burke but did not report accusation to police. Charged 5/9/02, pled guilty. Sentenced 6/28/02 to 2 years in prison at age 80. Claims against Burke and Br. Charles Leonard Connor SJ settled 6/4/02 by Jesuits for $7.5M. Died 2/27/09. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
85 Eileen M. Rhoads
Became a nun in 1957 as Sr. M. Frances Therese. Laicized in 1974 for "familiarity," yet she was allowed to teach in Catholic schools for 21 years and continued to abuse. Abuse included intercourse with at least one boy, starting at age 12. Also gave children pornography and encouraged them to be sexual with each other. Convicted 7/13/04 of felony sexual abuse of a 10-yr-old boy in 1969-70. Sentenced 9/04 to 6 mo in jail. Sued in 2004 in VA & PA. Lives in Drexel Hill, PA as of 1/09. -- Diocese: Richmond, VA
86 Elias Francisco Guimaraes
Guimaraes, a Brazilian priest working in Palm Beach Diocese since 2001, was arrested 9/02 when he arrived on beach for sexual rendezvous with detective who had been posing as a 14 year old boy on the Internet. Guimaraes sent many sexually explicit messages and bragged of having sex with a 14 yr old boy and a 16 yr old boy. Pleaded guilty 2003; sentenced to four years and 3 months in Federal prison. Released 5/23/06. May have been deported to Brazil when he was released. -- Diocese: Palm Beach, FL
87 Elwood F. Figurelle
Figurelle resigned from his parish position 10/03 and was charged with federal charge of downloading child pornography from the Internet. Had been on leave since 3/03 when FBI searched the rectory and seized a computer with child pornography on it. Investigators would not permit Diocese to release information while investigation was ongoing. Figurelle pleaded guilty in 10/03. Sentenced 2004 to 15-21 months. Died in farming accident 7/08. -- Diocese: Altoona-Johnstown, PA
88 Emeh ""Anthony"" Nwaogu
From Nigeria. Admitted in 1999 to abuse of girl, age 12. He was sentenced to 5 yrs in prison. Named in civil suit by this Plaintiff. Diocese previously ignored complaints that he had sexually harassed adult women. May have been paroled in 2003 and sent back to Nigeria. -- Diocese: Dallas, TX
89 Enrique Diaz Jimenez
From Columbia, he was arrested 1990 and pled guilty 1991 to abusing 3 boys 1984-1989. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation and 4 month prison sentence where he was allowed to leave on weekends to celebrate Mass. $60 million suit filed by 3 boys 4/91. Deported to Venezuela in 1991 and returned to Columbia in 1996. Abused 18 in Venezuela and 2 more in Columbia. Sentenced to jail in Columbia. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
90 Eugene D. Corbesero
Corbesero, a "former priest," pleaded guilty 6/07 to sexually assaulting a 12 yr old boy in 8/06 in New Jersey and was sentenced 10/07 to 5 yrs prison. Conviction upheld by appeals court 12/08. Prosecutors tried to obtain his personnel records from timeas priest alleging that he may have had similar troubles in the 1970s but court denied the motion. Corbesero left the order in approx. 1979 and later married. Still in prison 10/10. -- Diocese: Metuchen, NJ
91 Eugene G. Emo
Arrested 2/96; sentenced to 6 months in prison and 5 yrs probation 5/97 for abuse of 31 yr old mentally disabled man. At that time he was on limited duty because of prior sexual abuse allegations. He was sent for residential treatment in 1993 after accusations surfaced. Numerous other complaints after his arrest. In 1999 Emo was charged with violating probation by having contact with 16 year old boy and was sentenced to 1-3 years in prision. He was released from prison in 2002. -- Diocese: Rochester, NY
92 Eugene L. Condon
Indicted 7/96 re 1970s abuse of minor. Resigned immediately after Diocese learned of charges and allowed "early retirement" without privileges. Ordered not to be alone with minors. Police also found child porn in his possession. In 4/98 he received 5 yrs probation for committing lewd acts with boys in 1970s. Arrested again in 1/06 on similar charges. Charges dropped 2/09 because victim's extensive legal, mental and sobriety issues did not allow him to testify. -- Diocese: Charleston, SC
93 Eugene M. O'Sullivan
First accused of abusing an altar boy in a letter to Cardinal Cushing in 1964. With multiple allegations at that first parish, O'Sullivan was transferred to three other parishes, and was moved each time because of multiple complaints. Convicted in 1984 of raping an altar boy. Given probation on condition that he be kept away from children. Cardinal Law sent him to Metuchen instead, where he worked in 4 more parishes. Recalled to Boston in 1992, he was retired and made a senior priest. Laicised 2005. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
94 Eugene P. Heyndricks
Arrested in July 2002 in male prostitution sting allegedly involving minors. Placed on leave by archdiocese. Pleaded guilty 2003 and sentenced to 2 yrs probation with no unsupervised contact with minors. Archdiocese still investigating and he remaned onleave as of 5/03. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
95 Eugene Walter Kelly, Jr.
Kelly left the priesthood prior to the late 1960s. He married in late 1960s and was accused in 1998 of abusing his two stepchildren between 1972-1976. Pled no contest to criminal charges 1998 and received 3 yr probated sentence w/ registration as sexoffender. -- Diocese: Richmond, VA
96 Felix Bland
Pleaded guilty in 1995 to sodomizing an 11 yr old boy in 1988. Assault occurred at LaSalle Institute in Wildwood. Police knew of assault prior to 1995 but Bland was serving as missionary in Africa. Upon his return, his victim wore a wire and he was arrested. Sentenced to 15 yrs prison with all but 1 yr suspended. The year was spent in work release program so he only spent nights in jail. One man filed suit alleging abuse of 5 of his sons; suit settled on eve of trial in 1997. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
97 Fernando Lopez
Arrested 2004 re abuse of 1. Other victims found. Sent from a church in Rome Italy to St. Thomas the Apostle church in LA in 2001. Citizen of Colombia and visiting priest. 2005 conviction/ prison sentence overturned 4/06 by appeals court. In 1/08 the CA. Supreme Court overturned the appeals court decision and returned case to the court which then upheld the conviction 4/08. CA Supreme Court refused to hear appeal. 20 yr old man filed suit 5/09. Deported per CA Sex Offender Registry accessed 10/2/10. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
98 Fernando Noe Guzman
Guzman molested 13 yr old girl in grandfather's house in 1984. Caught by social worker who reported abuse to Bishop. Transferred to another parish where he started an affair with married woman. Civil suit filed 1990 by woman he seduced and made pregnant. Jury denied her claims but Guzman testimony in this case resulted in criminal charges and conviction later in 1990 re 13 yr old girl. He was sentenced to 10 yrs jail. Served 90 day shock probation and was released. May be dead as of 10/06. -- Diocese: Galveston-Houston, TX
99 Fidelis DeBerardinis
Worked in MA., Honduras, Guatemala, Trinidad, Israel and NY. Charged 2002 with sexual assault of as many as 7 altar boys from 1968-1973. He left MA in 1973 which stopped the statute. Franciscan order said that it settled a sexual misconduct claim against him "a decade ago" [1992?] involving one of the men who filed criminal charges in 2002. Pleaded guilty in 2004 to assaulting 8 youths and was sentenced to 8 years in prison and 10 yrs probation. Still in custody 10/10/10. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
100 Francis A. Benham
First complaint made in 1979 and he was sent for treatment. Pleaded guilty in 2005 to molesting 15-year-old boy and sodomizing a 13-year-old girl in the late 1970s. Sentenced to 2 concurrent 10 yr sentences but suspened all but 18 months. Released fromprison 1/06, followed by 3 yrs probation. Placed on sex offender registry. Previously worked in Columbus OH and in Illinois. In Illinois he was a certified child care provider with Human Services. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
101 Francis A. Talbot
Placed on leave 10/02. Accused in 2002 of abuse in 1960s by at least 4 individuals 1 claim settled 10/02. Another settled 11/02. At least 2 suits filed. 1 suit settled 4/03. Sentenced to at least 10 years in prison 3/03 after pleading guilty 12/02 to five counts of sexually assaulting a boy over a period of 8 years. Request for early release due to health denied 11/10. Not listed in the NH Atty General Report of 3/03. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
102 Francis Engels
Engels & 2 other priests accused of abusing youth in 1973. The victim complained directly to Bishop Myers in 1992. Diocese did not put Engels on leave until the family went to the media in 1993. Engles also admitted abusing one youth in 1980s. Bishoptried to reinstate him in 2002 but 2nd victim complained and he was not reassigned. Named in 2004 civil suit which settled 2005. In 6/05 he was sentenced to 10 yrs in WI prison. -- Diocese: Peoria, IL
103 Francis G. DeLuca
Accused in 1993 of abusing 3-4 youths in 1960s. Barred from ministry, sent for counseling & retired. Diocese told Atty General in 2002; Criminally charged in 10/06 with abuse of 12-13 year old youth in Syracuse, NY around 2000. Name on list released 11/06. Pleaded guilty 6/28/07. 60 days in jail and 6 yrs probation 9/07. One suit settled 2/08. Multiple suits filed 2008-2009. Laicization 8/08. Diocese filed bankruptcy 10/09. Judge found for Plaintiff in civil trial 11/10. Damages awarded 12/2/10. -- Diocese: Wilmington, DE
104 Francis William LeBlanc
LeBlanc left the priesthood in 1967 after about 8 years and served for 20 yrs w/ New Orleans Police until he retired. In 1996 he was sentenced to 90-days jail and 5 yrs probation for molestation of 3 girls. He touched the girls on the outsides of their clothing between 1994 and 1995. -- Diocese: New Orleans, LA
105 Francis X. Nelson
Charged in 2002 after DA obtained Brooklyn church files. Nelson pled not guilty. He was accused of visiting a 12-year-old girl in 1999, taking her on his lap, touching her breasts under her bra, and pushing his penis into her buttocks through her clothing, while her terminally ill grandmother sat nearby. Parents reported the abuse, Nelson was removed, then accepted in the NY archdiocese after Bishop Tharmaraj of Kottar, India, wrote ltr of recommendation. Convicted and sentenced 2003 to 4 months jail. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
106 Fred D. Ingalls
In 2/04 Ingalls was placed on leave after being charged by federal authorities with receiving child pornography and storing it on a computer in the parish rectory. Charges said he paid for access to child pornography sites on 13 occasions between 7/02and 6/03. In 6/04 he pleaded guilty to possession of 144 pornographic images of children which he had downloaded in the rectory. Sentenced 2005 to 3 yrs 1 mo in federal prison. -- Diocese: Buffalo, NY
107 Frederick A. Lenczycki
Removed 2002. Arrested and convicted 2004 of abuse of 3 boys. Sentenced to 5 yrs prison. Also worked in MO and CA. About to be released from prison 4/06. Instead, remanded to mental treatment facility upon release pending trial as to whether he is sexually dangerous. Trial held 3/08. Experts testified he allegedly molested at least 24 boys in 3 states in a 25 yr career. Jury said he was too dangerous to release & sent him back to prison. Released 9/09 on parole. On IL sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Joliet, IL
108 Frederick J. Hopwood
Accused of abusing multiple people. Resigned 12/93 after accusations became public. Criminal charges filed 1994. He pled guilty and was sentenced to 3 yrs probation, treatment and 250 hrs public service. Hopwood's roommate at seminary (and later) was Cardinal Bernardin. Ordained by Bishop Russell of Charleston who made him Chancellor immediately after ordination. -- Diocese: Charleston, SC
109 Frederick L. Guthrie
Arrested 11/01 in NH and charged with soliciting sex from a minor over the Internet. Retired from Boston Arch 7/01 and lived in MA. Also faced charges of possession of child porn on home computer in MA. In 3/04 in NH Guthrie was senteced to 3 months in jail and 5 years probation for attempting to solicitate sex over the Internet. Child porno charges still pending in MA and he was to be extradited for trial. No further information found. Laicization announced 2/11/11. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
110 Gary D. Berthiaume
Removed from duty. Convicted of abuse of 2 in 1978 in Detroit. Served 6 months in jail then transferred to Cleveland diocese where he offended again and then moved in 1987 to Joliet Diocese. Detroit victim filed civil suit 1983. Another suit filed in 1999 which alleged abuse in 1980s. Living in Illinois retreat house as of 2002. Laicization announced 11/07. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
111 Gary E. Underwood
Arraigned 11/06 on 8 counts of molesting two boys under the age of 15 in 1983 and 1984 at St. Odilia's Catholic Church. He was at the church from 1982-1988. He was working as Air Force chaplain in Louisiana when the diocese placed him on leave. Indicted again 5/07 on charges of abusing another youth in 1985-1986. Pleaded guilty 5/08 to abuse of 3. Sentenced to 10 yrs prison & lifetime probation 8/08. In 7/09 Court had to reduce probation to 3 yrs. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
112 Gary J. Mercure
On leave 1/19/08; privileges removed 8/15/08 after investigation found "reasonable grounds to believe" boy abused in mid-1980s. Abuse 1978-1991 alleged 1/28/08 by 4 men. Suit 5/23/08 alleged abuse of vulnerable adult and that in 1994 diocese knew Mercure had sexual interest in children. Multiple victims. Indicted on 10/30/08 for raping 2 Albany NY boys in MA in 1980s. Pleaded not guilty. Found guilty at trial 2/10/11. Sentenced to 20-25 yrs. Bishop Hubbard will seek laicization. -- Diocese: Albany, NY
113 Gary Michael Holtey
Holtey placed on leave in May, 2004 during investigation of international child pornography ring. Police and federal agents searched the offices at St. Charles Borromeo Church and seized computers. Pleaded guilty 2/05 to 10 misdemeanour counts of possession of child porn and received 3 yrs probation. -- Diocese: San Diego, CA
114 Gary P. Wolken
Convicted 2002 of abuse of boy over a 3 yr period beginning about 1997 when he was 5 yrs old. Sentenced to 15 yrs in prison. Trying for early release in 2006. Had abused another boy 25 yrs ago but not prosecuted. Sent for therapy. He was in therapy when he abused this plaintiff. Civil suit filed 4/04 and settled for $1.675M. Diocese asked Vatican to laicize him; pending 8/06. Up for parole 8/10. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
115 Gary Timmons
Two 1994 civil suits alleging abuse of 8 youths were filed against Timmons. He was arrested 11/95 on 17 counts re 2 victims. 18 others known but were dropped because of statute problems. He admitted in 1970 diary entry that he was a child molester. In Sept. 1996 he was sentenced to two concurrent 8 yrs prison terms but was released from prison in 2000. Other civil suits filed in 2003 and in 2007. -- Diocese: Santa Rosa, CA
116 George Cooley
Archdiocese knew of complaints as early as 1971 when Cooley in Seminary and again in 1978. Numerous male victims. Convicted 1991 & sent to prison for 18 months. Prison again 1994 for violation of probation. At least 9 civil suits. Permanently removed 1984 and laicized in 1998 after church trial. Still had teacher's license as of 10/06. License finally revoked 12/06. -- Diocese: Cincinnati, OH
117 George S. Silva
Placed on leave 2005. Arrested 2006 and charged with abuse of boy 14 which occured in 2005 during trip to France and Portugal. Civil suit filed 3/06. Pleaded guilty 6/1/06. Silva was Christian Brother for 17 yrs before being ordained in 1997. Studied in Connecticut. Sentenced to 5 yrs prison and 5 yrs probation 9/06. Civil suit settled 11/06. -- Diocese: Santa Fe, NM
118 George V. Bredemann
Attended 3 seminaries; one said he should never be a priest. Former executive for the Boy Scouts. He abused 15 boys before becoming a priest and at least 8 after. Arrested 1988. Sentenced 1 yr jail in 1989 and lifetime probation (after intervention by Bishop O'Brien). Victims were 8, 10 and 14 yrs old. Arrested in Miami attempting to flee to Brazil. Sentenced to 45 years. Civil suits filed in 1990 and 1992; settled 1991 & 1994. Bishop knew of past allegations prior to ordination. Laicized 2003. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
119 Gerald B. Fessard
Pled no contest 1987 to battery and assault of students at San Fernando Mission minor seminary. 3 years probation. May have had conviction expunged after he finished probation. Worked at Tribunal from 1987 to 2002. Listed as abuser in 2003 but not accused by any of plaintiffs. At least 8 individuals have accused him of abuse. He was 1 of six accused abusers assigned to 1 parish, Santa Clara Roman Catholic Church in Oxnard. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
120 Gerald J. Robinson
Placed on leave 2003 or 2004. Accused in 2003 of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl in 1978 at Mercy Hospital; accuser claimed ritual abuse by several priests. Accused 2005 of ritual abuse of a girl in 1968-75. Convicted 5/11/06 of 1980 ritual murder of nun at Mercy Hospital; sentenced to 15 years in prison. Case appealed. Ohio Sup. Court refused to hear appeal 12/08. Civil suit involving abuse dismissed 1/07 on SOL. Court reinstated lawsuit 10/07. Dismissed again 1/10. Dismissal upheld 12/10 & 4/11. -- Diocese: Toledo, OH
121 Gerald J. Ryfinski
Arrested 6/01 after computer repair man found child pornography on his computer. In 3/02 he pleaded guilty to one count of third-degree sexual exploitation of a minor. Received a five year suspended sentence with three years probation. On SC Sex Offender Registry as of 1/3/10. -- Diocese: Charleston, SC
122 Gerald John Vesnaugh
12 yr old youth accused Vesnaugh, a former priest and practicing attorney, of molesting him at a swimming pool in 1981. Three other boys testified that he did same thing to them. Criminal charges filed and Vesnaugh was convicted and sentenced to 5-15 yrs prison. Law license suspended in 1980 and revoked in 1982. Left the priesthood prior to 1980. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
123 Gerard T. McMahon
Indicted 4/06 for rape of one girl between 1967-1970. Allegations surfaced in 2006. He would get drunk at family's home and they would let him sleep it off in the little girl's bed. Left Boston in 1970 to serve as military chaplain but still part of archdiocese. Retired from military and settled in FL. Pleaded guilty 5/06. Sentenced to lifetime on probation to be served in FL. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
124 Gerardo Jarencio Tanilong
Per 7/03 articles, he had just been arrested after 15 yr old girl complained that he had molested her earlier in the week. Diocese placed him on leave. Had been part of Diocese for 17 years. Came from the Philippines in 1986; incardinated into the Diocese in 1990. On 1/30/04 he entered a plea of guilty and in 4/04 he was sentenced to six months in jail and 3 yrs probation. Diocese permanently suspended his privileges. On sex offender registry 1/10. In violation of registration requirements since 10/09. -- Diocese: Orange, CA
125 Gerhardt B. Lehmkuhl
In 1995 Lehmkuhl was arrested for receiving child pornography through the mails. Lehmkuhl checked himself into St. Luke's after he pleaded guilty but before his sentence. In 1996 he was sentenced to one year in prison. Also ordered to get mental-health treatment after he was released from prison. Per 2009 article, he was at Jesuit Community Corporation at St. Louis University--Jesuit Hall. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
126 Gilbert Gauthe
Gauthe was first widely publicized abuser. First allegations against him came out in 1983. Convicted in 1985 of abuse of as many as 39 young children between 1972-1983. Served 10 years in prison. Multiple civil suits and settlements. In 1997 he pled nocontest to abuse of 3 yr old boy in Texas. 7 yrs probation. As of 2008, Gauthe was living near Houston, TX. He was arrested 4/08 because he failed to register as sex offender. Served 2 yrs county jail. Released 4/23/10. -- Diocese: Lafayette, LA
127 Gilbert J. Gustafson
Pleaded guilty to abusing a youth for 5 years in the 1970s. Parents found out in 1982 and complained to church officials. Gustafson sent for treatment. He also admitted abusing 2 other boys. He paid $40 fine and served four to six months in Jail. In 11.92 woman filed suit alleging she was abused by Gustafson for about 5 years, also beginning in 1977. Suit settled 10/05. On leave as of 2007. -- Diocese: St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
128 Gordon J. MacRae
Psychological problems during seminary in 1978. Pleaded guilty in 1988 to paying boy for sex. Rec'd 1 yr jail deferred and sent for treatment. Also may have abused in 1983 but no action. In 1993 he was charged w/ 11 counts of molestation of at least 4 boys. Convicted 1994 re assault of 1 boy. Rec'd. 33 1/2 - 67 year sentence. Civl suits filed. See Major Account for much information and related documents. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
129 Gregory J. Sutton
Sutton, principal of Catholic school in Missouri, was arrested 8/95 on charges he molested students in Australia in 1980s. No accusations in Missouri. He was extradited at request of Australian officials 5/96 after several court battles. US officials knew he was wanted in Australia for almost year but didn't know he was a school principal. In Australia in 5/96 he pleaded guilty to numerous charges of abuse between 1976-1987. Sentenced to 18 yrs jail on total of 67 charges against 15 children. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
130 Gustavo Benson
Arrested in San Bernardino for abuse of 2 boys. Pleaded no contest 1/87 re 1 and given 3 yrs probation and treatment in New Mexico. 6/02 article says he moved to Mexico and was assigned to a diocese there. Calif. Bishop told Tijuana Bishop of Benson's history and that he should never have access to adolescents.Two filed civil suit 12/03. Listed on 3/07 list released by San Diego Diocese. Personnel file released 10/10. He is currently working for church in Ensenada, Mexico. -- Diocese: San Bernardino, CA
131 Gustavo DeJesus Cuello
Cuello, who came from Colombia in 1995, was arrested in 1997; charged with having sex with 13 year old girl. He was released on bail and fled the country. Arrested in Ecuador 7/03 and finally extradited to Texas. He was found guilty in trial 10/03. Judge sentenced him to 50 yrs in prison. Cuello rejected the judge's sentence and opted to have a jury decide his sentence. In 10/03 jury sentenced him to life in prison. Civil suit settled for less than $100,000. Laicization announced 11/06. -- Diocese: Tyler, TX
132 Harold Charles Depp
Per May 2003 articles, Depp walked away from his church in Detroit Archdiocese in 1963 and never returned. Placed "on leave." Never officially left the Church. In 1980s the Archdiocese learned that in 1982 Depp had been convicted of child sexual abuse and was serving eight years in an Alaskan prison. He was arrested in Calif. in 2003 on charges of abusing an 11 yr old boy in 1971 while a visiting priest from Detroit. Charges dropped 7/15/03. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
133 Harry S. Benjamin
Removed from duties in 1989 after accusations he abused a 14 yr old boy during overnight pizza and beer parties at the rectory and on trip to Europe. Admitted the abuse in 11/89 resignation letter. Name not released until 5/02. Criminal charges filed in 2002; sentenced after 2003 plea agreement to 1 yr prison. Laicized in 1992 but continued to say mass without permission thru 2005. On VA Sex Offender Registry as of 7/10. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
134 Henry G. Carriere
Pleaded guilty 12/91 to three counts of child sexual abuse. Carriere was pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Rouseau, MN at the time. Retired 7/90. Died 11/03. -- Diocese: Crookston, MN
135 Honesto Bayranta Bismonte
Accused of abuse between 1997-2001 while at St. Joseph Church in Pomona. Convicted 2003. Battery (misdemeanor) of two sisters, age 12 & 8 when abuse occurred. Received 2 yrs probation. Remains on inactive status as of 2006. Not a registered sex offenderas of 2010. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
136 J. Michael Tynan
Tynan, a 45 yr old ordained deacon, was two days away from becoming an ordained priest 6/04 when he was placed on leave after Diocese learned that he was being investigated for possession of child porn. Name appeared on a child-porn web site based in aforeign country and the US Customs had begun an investigation. Reason he was not ordained was not announced until 10/04 when he was criminally charged. Has been laicized. Sentenced to 3 yrs prison. On OH sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Toledo, OH
137 James A. Beine
Civil suit filed 1994 alleged abuse of 2 boys beginning in 1967. 7 other suits filed. Left priesthood in 1977. 2 claims settled for $110K. Beine was working as school counselor as of 2002. Convicted 2003 on fed. charge of possession of child porn (later overturned). Also convicted 2003 of exposing himself to 3 students. Sentenced to 12 yrs but sentence overturned by Court. Laicized 2005. MO permanently revoked teaching license as of 10/07. Reportedly living in Las Vegas 8/07. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
138 James A. Forsythe
Pleaded guilty 12/89 to having sexual relations with teenage boy over 2 yr period. Sentenced to 1-5 yrs jail but served 3-4 months in jail and then probation; sent for treatment in NM for 7 months. Victim got cash settlement from Diocese. On leave per1990 OCD. Papers say he left priesthood then. Became minister for protestant sect until forced to resign after community learned of past. Living in FL and Costa Rica as of 2009 per FL Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Kansas City, KS
139 James A. Funke
Pled guilty in 1987 to 10 counts of second-degree deviate sexual assault of two boys. Police also found child porn in his possession. Received 10 yrs prison; released in 1992. Laicization announced 11/03/06. One of 6 priests included in settlement announced 7/08. Still on MO sex offender registry as of 5/15/11. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
140 James Aubrey Finan
Removed from ministry in 1996. Pled guilty in 1997 to sexually abusing a 10 yr old boy in 1966. Also accused of abuse of a 6 yr old girl in 1966. Sentenced to 18 mo. prison 3/97. Pled guilty in 2003 to sexually abusing a 7- or 8-year-old boy in 1966. Sentenced to 5 yr suspended sentence and 5 yr probation. At least one claim settled in $1.3M settlement with archdiocese 12/06. Laicized in 1996. On Sex Offender Registry 12/10. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
141 James D. Campbell
Worked at parish in West Warwick, RI from 7/75 to 11/77 and as chaplain at Rhode Island Medical Center for Diocese of Providence at the same time. Placed on leave by Order in 2002 after allegations of abuse of boy in Worcester, MA received. Indicted 9/03 and convicted 2004 of abuse of 2 teens, one a girl. Sentenced 1/05 to 90 days in house of correction and 10 yrs probation. Laicization announced 3/05. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
142 James E. Hargadon
4 civil suits filed in 2002 by men accusing him of abuse when they were altar boys. Privileges were removed in 2002 after suits filed. Twice convicted of abuse in 2004. Received separate 8 yr sentences in 2 counties. Died 5/05 after 1 yr in prison. In 10/05 Vatican ordered him (already dead) to life of prayer & penance. One man who lives in Texas says he reported the abuse to Bishop Tschoepe of Dallas in approx. 1990. Apparently nothing done. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
143 James E. Leu
Accused in 1989 of systematically abusing 2 altar boys 1985-89. Pled guilty, convicted 1989, sentenced to 2 years. Worked with Bass. Bishop O'Keefe was deposed. Name appeard on Diocese's 7/10/08 list of "credibly accused" abusers. -- Diocese: Davenport, IA
144 James E. Mason
In 2000, man accused Mason of making sexual advances when he was junior in high school and at Univ. Diocese did not tell him that Mason had been found guilty in 1981 of sexually assaulting a student and placed on probation for 18 months. Absent on sick leave from 1987 through 1992 per Catholic Directory; "On duty outside the diocese" from 1993 to 2003. Believed to be drug abuse counselor in WI; may have undergone "voluntary laicization" in 2004. -- Diocese: La Crosse, WI
145 James F. Kuntz
Pled guilty 9/08 to possession of child pornography on computer. Sentenced 2/09 to 40 mo. prison and 5 yrs supervised release. He was former adminstrator at St. Peter's College in Jersey City. From 1984 to 1988 he was principal at St. Peter's Prep. He had served as vice president for mission and ministry at St. Peter's College since 8/04. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
146 James F. Talbot
Claims in 1998 that Talbot, a teacher, had abused a student in 1984-1985. He was suspended. Claim settled in 2001. Allegations by at least 8 men surfaced in 2002 re abuse between 1972 and 1980. Criminal charges filed but dropped. 14 claims settled 1/03for $5.2M. Pleaded guilty 2005 to raping two teenagers between 1977-79. Sentenced to 5 to 7 years. On sex offender registry. Released from prison 3/18/11. Will live out of state in monitored facility. Laicization pending. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
147 James Francis Hopkins
Parents complainted in 1988 of inappropriate behavior toward their son and he was sent for therapy. Removed from ministry in 1995 after one accusation. In 1999 the man's younger brother also alleged abuse. 1999 lawsuit by younger brother settled for $625K in 2001. Arrested in 2003. Laicized in 2004. Convicted 2005 of abuse of boy and sentenced to 8 yrs in prison as of 3/5/05. On NJ sex offender registry 6/12/11. May be out of prison. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
148 James Griffith
Articles refer to him as a "Deacon" in the Passionist Order. Convicted 1988. Abuse of boy, age 11 between 1974-1977 at St. Raphael. 60 days jail; 5 yrs probation. Sued by same victim in 1988 but suit dismissed due to SOL. 5/02 lawsuit alleges abuse in 1970s. As of 2002 Griffith was "long removed from public ministry" and lived at a Passionist residence in Chicago. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
149 James J. Behan
Placed on leave 4/02 by Raleigh Bishop after "credible allegation" that he abused youth 25 years before. It was a long-term relationship which began when plaintiff was 14 and Behan was teacher at Northeast Catholic High School in Philadelphia. He laterworked in Raleigh. Behan admitted the abuse and was convicted in 2005. Sentenced to 12 yrs probation 12/05. Only priest indicted by the Philly Grand Jury. On MD sex offender registry 7/10. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
150 James L. Arimond
Placed on leave 1/90 when allegations of abuse of boy in 1988 surfaced; privileges suspended 7/90 when charges filed. Pleaded no contest 7/90. In 10/90 Arimond was sentenced to 18 mo. probation and 45 days in House of Corrections under work-release program. Laicized. In 1995 he began working as state-licensed professional counselor until State ordered him to surrender his license 7/03. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
151 James M. Burns
In 2003 Diocese released names of Burns and 4 other Catholic priests accused of sexual abuse over last 20 years. Burns was accused "several times" of sexual abuse, sent for therapy, & reassigned. Another allegation made; he was removed from duty and "retired" in 1993. Accused of abuse in AZ and CA by 1 in 2003 CA suit. This claim included in massive 7/07 $660M settlement with LA Archdiocese. Pleaded guilty in 2004 and rec'd. two 1.5 yr sentences. Also accused of abuse of girl. Died 8/6/10 in AZ. -- Diocese: Gallup, NM
152 James Patrick Grady
Arrested 7/09 after arranging to have sex with a 16 yr old girl at a secret location. Contact was actually an an undercover FBI agent in a sting. Meet arranged over the Internet. Immediately placed on leave from assignment at St. Raphael The Archangel. Later indictment said child pornography was found on his computer. Pleaded guilty 3/10 to child porn and agreeing to pay for sex w/ 16 yr old. Sentenced to 6 yr 8 mo prison and register as sex offender in 6/10. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
153 James R. Porter
Porter was laicized in 1974. In numerous civil suits Porter was accused of abusing many, many children, both in Massachusette before being sent to Paracletes and in New Mexico after treatment, as well as in Minnesota and Texas. Pleaded guilty in 1993 to sexually abusing 28 children and sentenced to 18-20 years. Over 100 settled claims. Died 2/05 of cancer while awaiting release from prison. -- Diocese: Fall River, MA
154 James Rapp
Accused of abuse of at least 2 Michigan boys in 1987. Removed from assignment and sent for counseling. Transferred to Oklahoma and abused several boys there. Convicted 1999 in Oklahoma and received 40-year sentence. $5M settlement in Oklahoma civil suit. Also accused in 2003 Utah civil suit by 2 brothers. Suit dismissed on statute of limitations. Dismissal upheld by Utah Supreme Court 3/07. -- Diocese: Lansing, MI
155 James Ronald Gonsalves
Ordained as deacon 1987. Accused in 2005 of abuse of 1 boy beginning in 2002 when boy was 12 and lasting for 3 yrs. Placed on leave 2005. Pleaded guilty 5/06. Sentenced to 1 yr prison and 20 years probation 7/06. -- Diocese: Honolulu, HI
156 James Stein
Pled no contest in 1991 to touching a man in a sauna. Charged 9/03 with 3 counts of felony second-degree sexual assault of a youth at Notre Dame Academy in Green Bay. Victim says that in 1988 Stein gropped him several times in swimming pool & hot tub at the Norbertine Abbey. Pleaded no contest 8/04. Sentenced to 1 yr jail (work release) and 10 yrs probation 12/04. -- Diocese: Green Bay, WI
157 James T. Monaghan
Convicted 1992 of fondling girl, age 7, when he pastor at St. Ignatius parish in Sacramento. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation and 120 hrs community service. Because of his age and health, he was sent to live at Sacred Heart retirement center in Los Gatos along with several other sex offenders. Died 10/04 at age 89. -- Diocese: Sacramento, CA
158 Jason E. Sigler
Canadian priest. Worked in Detroit & Lansing Dioceses. Sent to Paracletes in 1960s-1970s then assigned to NM parishes where he abused again. Named by 45 victims in multiple lawsuits. 17 men in NM settled for $13M in 1993. Also pled guilty in 1983 to abuse of child; received probation and counseling. Laicized early 1980s. Many new allegations in MI in 2002. Arrested and convicted at least twice. Also included in new civil suits. In prison & on MI sex offender registry 1/10. Up for parole 7/10. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
159 Jason R. Dolan
Dolan, age 31, was placed on leave 1/05 by Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh. He later pleaded guilty to charges of possession of internet child pornography. Sentenced to 30 mo. prison and lifetime probation 2/06. Released on probation 7/08. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
160 Jean F. Vogler
Caught in a sting ordering hard-core child pornography for delivery to the Holy Rosary rectory, where he was pastor. Inspectors found 92 videos in a trunk in the rectory, many of them 'extremely graphic and explicit child porn.' Resigned 12/8/95; convicted and sent to prison for a year. As of 2008, Vogler is lead priest at Holy Trinity parish, director of diocese's deacon program, and member of the priests' council. -- Diocese: Evansville, IN
161 Jean-Level Eliscard
Ordained in Haiti. Working in New Jersey. Arrested 11/94 for assault of 13 yr old girl; he was at airport waiting to return to Haiti. Convicted 1995; received 3-year probated sentence. Returned to Haiti. In 2003 he was working in Canadian diocese. Prior to offense, he had worked in Brooklyn and Los Angeles Dioceses. -- Diocese: Trenton, NJ
162 Jeremiah M. Spillane
Spillane, a chaplain at a Catholic high school in Sarasota, was charged in early 1997 with Internet solicitation of boy, age 13, actually an undercover policeman. Pleaded no contest to charges and sentenced to 2 yrs house arrest and 2 yrs probation. Also admitted abuse in prior assignments in Mexico. Also worked in Spain and Rome. -- Diocese: St. Petersburg, FL
163 Jerome "Jeff" F. Toohey
In 1993 Toohey was accused of sexually abusing a male high school student who had sought counseling. Suit filed in 1994 but dropped in 1996 after ruling on recovered memories by MD Court of Appeals in another case. Has been on leave, without facultiesto perform ministry, since 1993. Convicted in 2005 of abusing another male minor in late 1980s. Sentenced to 5 yrs prison (18 months in jail & balance suspended). Laicization announced 5/08. Does not have to register as sex offender because abuse too old. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
164 Jesus "Jesse"Armando Dominguez
Name appears on list of accused priests and religious released by the Los Angeles Archdiocese on February 17, 2004. List reflects 6 accusers and 1973-1988 as time of incidents. Worked in San Bernardino diocese from 1978-1993. Placed on leave. Pleaded no contest in 2001 to misdemeanor child molestation. Laicized in 2000. Charged in 2005 with abusing 2 boys in 1988-1989. Fled to Mexico before he could be arrested. Six men filed civil suits. -- Diocese: San Bernardino, CA
165 John A. O'Brien
O'Brien pleaded no contest 11/00 to 4th degree sexual assault and was sentenced to 18 months of probation, a $1,000 fine, & ordered to undergo 6 months of psychiatric counseling for indecently touching a 17 year old boy. In 2002 treating docs said he could be returned to duty as chaplain at nursing home but unsure if this happened. He was permanently restricted from duty by 7/04 and had been laicized by 11/07. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
166 John A. Oliver
In 2002 it was revealed that in 1967 Oliver was alleged to have picked up a 14-year-old boy who was hitchhiking home. Instead of taking the boy home, boy says Oliver drove him to a home, gave him alcohol and molested him. Diocese officials say Oliver pleaded guilty but it is unclear what plea involved. He was sentenced to 6 or 7 yrs probation. Sheriff's report from that case includes a comment suggesting prior cover-ups by the diocese. Retired in 2000 and was placed on leave 5/02. Supervised R. Trupia. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
167 John Anthony Salazar-Jimenez
Convicted 1987 of molesting 2 boys. Sentenced 6 yrs. Served 4. 1986 civil suit filed. Changed to Amarillo diocese in 1991. 2002 CA criminal charges dropped due to Supreme Court ruling. Charged in 2003 with assault of 18 yr old in Dallas. Convicted 7/1/05. Sentenced to life in prison. Laicization announced 2/05. At least 1 claim included in 2007 LA Arch. settlement. Another settled in TX in 2008. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
168 John B. Feit
In 1962 he pleaded no contest to reduced charge of aggravated assault for grabbing a young woman in church in 1960. Shortly after the 1960 assault, he became prime suspect in rape/murder of another young woman in McAllen, TX. Never indicted (even after another grand jury investigation in 2004). Feit worked at Paraclete facility in N.M. for several years and placed many abusers in outside positions. Left order in 1972 and married. -- Diocese: Brownsville, TX
169 John Bauer
Left priesthood in 1970. Opened sex shop and adult book store in Montana in 1981. Pleaded no contest in 1990 in CA to charges of making and participating in child porn videos and films in Mexico and California. Referred to as "Priest of porn." Sentenced to 8 yrs prison. Died of a heart attack in federal prison in 1992. Unknown if he was laicized. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
170 John F. Keane
Keane pleaded guilty 2/08 to indecent assault and battery on a person under 14 and 3 counts of assault and battery. He was charged with assaulting a girl between 1981 and 1983 when. Keane was at St. Elizabeth Parish in Milton and/or Our Lady Parish in Stoughton. Sentenced to 30 days in jail and probation. Keane transferred to another church in 1987 and took a leave of absence in 1989, He now lives in FL and is registered sex offender. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
171 John G. Pisarcik
Arrested and charged 1991 with of abuse of 2 boys from 1989-1991. Admitted the abuse. Convicted 1992. Sentenced 1/93 to 5 years at Avenel adult diagnostic & treatment center but was released 12/95 after serving only 2 yrs. Immediately sent for treatment in NM. 2 civil suits filed 1994 on behalf of the victims. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
172 John H. Dagwell
Per Boston personnel files released 1/03, Dagwell pleaded guilty in 1988 to molesting one student in Newark, NJ; others also complained. Sentenced to probation and ordered to stay from children. Fired from his position as teacher and coach at a parochial school. Transferred to Boston and may have abused there. Left order in 2002. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
173 John Hemstreet
Hemstreet left active ministry in 1987 and in 1992 was arrested for sexually abusing a 10 yr old boy. Diocese paid for his treatment at St. Luke's. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail in 1993. Diocese says he left ministry without requesting laicization. Hemstreet, an "admitted alcoholic, convicted child molester and former boy scout leader", was active in protesting the Boy Scouts' policy of not accepting homosexual leaders. Absent on leave per 1988, 1990 and 1995 Catholic Directories. Died 2007.. -- Diocese: Toledo, OH
174 John J. Castaldo
Arrested/charged 6/01 w/ explicit sexual conversations on Internet w/ 14 yr old boy (police). Wanted to meet for sex. Spiritual adviser at Trinity H.S. Removed; admitted charges in court 9/01. Sentenced 11/01 to 1 weekend in jail and 5 years probation. Suit filed 10/01 alleged abuse in 1991. Suit filed 4/02 (settled 2005). Suit filed 1/09. 3rd suit filed 3/10. Diocese said 3/10 plaintiff was not abused. 1/09 suit decided for Plaintiff by Judge when diocese failed to produce docs. -- Diocese: Bridgeport, CT
175 John J. Fallon
Arrested 9/85 on charges of mailing child pornography (pictures of boy under 14) to photo lab for developing. Other pictures of boys from town where Fallon was assigned were also found at rectory. Pleaded guilty 12/85 and sentenced to 5 yrs probation, including six months of psychiatric therapy. Lived in New Mexico "on sick leave" from 1989-2000. Moved to Syracuse retirement home but remained inactive. Syracuse Diocese said it had no knowledge of his past. -- Diocese: Ogdensburg, NY
176 John J. Geoghan
Accused in over 87 lawsuits of raping and molesting at least 150 children. Convicted 2002 of fondling a 10-year-old boy. Sentenced to 9-10 yrs in prison. Murdered in prison 8/03 by another inmate. Conviction then removed by court, citing pending appeal at time of death. In 2002 Archdiocese paid $10M to settle claims brought by 86 accusers but another two dozen civil suits were still pending. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
177 John J., Jr. McElroy
Arrested 5/88 and convicted 1989 of abuse of boy, age 12. Received 5-year sentence. $700K settlement of lawsuit in 1990. Laicized in 1993 so he could marry. He sued diocese because it would not pay his criminal defense fees. Case dismissed by Superior Court. Also named in 1994 RICO pleading filed by Rubino. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
178 John Joseph, Jr. Mike
Several individuals came forward beginning in 1987 to allege physical and sexual abuse by Mike. In 1987 his faculties were removed by Archdiocese. Also in 1987 criminal charges were brought against him for whipping a 17 yr old youth and hanging the youth upside down from a basketball backboard and striking him on the buttocks with a table tennis paddle. Pleaded guilty 9/87 and was sentenced to 5 yrs of supervised probation. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
179 John Lloyd Caskey
In 11/07 he admitted writing "inappropriate letters" to a 18 yr old man who had reported them to police 9/07. He immediately resigned from parish. Not placed on leave by the Diocese until 1/08 when he was arrested and charged with possessing child pornography on his computers, Pled guilty 8/08. Sentenced to 1 mo. in prison and 5 yrs probation 5/09. -- Diocese: St. Cloud, MN
180 John Lugowski
Pleaded guilty in 1987 to felony counts of sexual abuse of 10 yr old boy and was sentenced to one year in county jail. He served 8 months. He admitted to sexual contact with total of five boys between 1981-1987 and left priesthood in 1989. He claimed he met all of his victims through the YMCA and not his parish. Also worked in NJ. -- Diocese: Syracuse, NY
181 John M. Banko
Removed from ministry 2000. Convicted 2002 on charges of molesting 11 yr old boy in 1993. Received a 15-year sentence. Included in 1/03 settlement re abuse by 5 priests. 9 other alleged victims have also come forward. Additional criminal charges filed9/06 alleging abuse of 1 victim in 1994-1995. Pleaded not guilty 11/06. Trial started 5/08 and he was convicted again as of 5/13/08. Sentenced 9/08 to add'l 18 years. In prison 6/10. Still a priest, but inactive. -- Diocese: Metuchen, NJ
182 John M. Furdek
Member of Joliet Diocese. Arrested in WI in Feb. 2000 on charges of using Internet to set up a meeting with someone who he thought was a 14 year old boy (actually an undercover agent). Pleaded guilty in WI in 3/03. Sentenced to 15 yrs in prison on attempted sexual assault. Served 3 yrs w/ rest probation. Paroled 5/06. In 2/07 he was being forced to move from condo because daycare was on 1st floor and school was next door. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
183 John Maurice Giandelone
Arrested in 1984 and confessed that he had molested youth for several yrs.. Civil suit filed 3/04. Pled guilty in 1985 to attempted sexual misconduct with minor; sentenced to 1 yr jail on work furlough and 5 yr probation. Named in other civil suit in 1993 & 2003. Convicted again in 2003 and sentenced to 1 yr 10 mo in prison & 3 yrs probation for abuse in 1979. Lives in Ft. Myers, FL as of 2/10. On national Sex Offender Registry. Reportedly voluntarily left the priesthood. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
184 John P. Blankenship
Admitted in 1988 that he sexually abused a 14 yr old male in 1982. He apologized to the victim and paid for his college education and counseling. Worked at the Petersburg Fed. Correctional Center as chaplain for many years. 1989 note says that the Catholic chaplain regional superintendent for prisons knew of history. Forced to retire 8/02 after victim came forward. Criminally indicted; pled guilty to sodomy 1/03 and sentenced to indefinite supervised probation. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Richmond, VA
185 John P. Connor
Arrested in Camden in 1984 for abuse of boy 14. Admission. Place in special court program under which his arrest was expunged after 1 year if no more problems. Spent 8 mo. in treatment. Transferred to Pittsburgh in 1985 and then to Philadelphia from 1988 until 1993. Returned to Camden in restricted ministry. Removed in 2002. Named in Philly Grand Jury report 2/10/11. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
186 John P. Hess
Hess pleaded guilty 5/02 to one felony count of possessing child pornography received over the Internet. Federal agents seized Hess' computer from rectory in March 2002 as part of Operation Candyman sting. Allowed to change guilty plea from possession of child pornography to lesser charge of possession of obscene materials because of problems with warrants. In 2003 he was sentenced to 3 months in halfway house, 5 yrs probation, and a fine of $5,000. Still priest but has no duties. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
187 John Patrick Feeney
On leave since 1986. Convicted of abuse in 2004. Sentenced 15 yrs prison. Last appeal denied 4/06. Served 18 parishes in 30 yrs before leaving Diocese in 1983. Laicized 8/05. 1 claim included in massive $660M LA archdiocese settlement of 7/07. Named in1/08 WI civil suit re abuse of same two brothers from criminal case. He also worked in NV. 1 civil suit in NV filed 1/08. Court ordered some records released 4/10. Still in courts. -- Diocese: Green Bay, WI
188 John R. Hanlon
Accused of sexually abusing at least 10 boys during a 14 yr period. Convicted of raping one youth and sentenced to 3 concurrent life sentences as of 3/94. Also abused victim's brother. Would take boys to nude beaches to desensitize them. Civil suit filed by the 2 brothers settled in 1994 for undisclosed sum. Laicization announced 6/10/05. Still in prison 5/11. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
189 John Rodriques Moniz
Convicted in 1995 of lewd conduct with a young girl and sentenced to three years probation. Probation ended in 1998. Also ordered to pay victim's uninsured medical expenses and psychological treatment. At the time of the abuse Moniz was living at Sacred Heart Retirement Center in Los Gatos, CA. Other priests convicted of abuse also lived there. Later moved to Vianney Renewal Center in Dittmer, MO. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
190 John Slown
Slown was convicted of sexually abusing a boy in dupage Co in 1983 and was removed from ministry. Slown says he left priesthood because he was alcoholic. In 10/03 two brothers filed suit alleging abuse by Slown, Ruffalo and Arno Dennerlein. Suit saidabuse occurred in Illinois for several years and, for the younger boy, later in NJ. -- Diocese: Joliet, IL
191 John Steven Rabideau
Accused of Abuse. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
192 John W. Rudy
Arrested 7/98 and accused of improperly touching an 18 yr old male. Arrested again 9/98 and accused of improperly touching a 9 yr old boy 2 yrs before when he was 7. Pleaded no contest to charges of fourth-degree sexual assault and disorderly conduct in11/99 and that kept him out of jail and off sex offender register. Sentenced to one year supended prison term, two years probation, Sent for treatment. -- Diocese: Hartford, CT
193 John W. Wishard
Convicted 1980. Oral copulation of child. 5 yr probation. Probation was terminated in 1982, the felony reduced to misdemeanor in 1991 and later dismissed. Served as police chaplain prior to dismissal in 2002. Named in archdiocesan report. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
194 John Wesley Andries
Accused of sexual contact with 16 yr old boy at the home of boy's family in 4/01. Pleaded innocent 5/02. Was suspended from priesthood after sexual misconduct allegation (fondling) earlier in his career in 1998. Pleaded guilty 5/03 to charge of sexualbattery in plea bargain. Sentenced to 5 years in prison with all but two years suspended. Suit filed 1/03 is still open 3/10. On sex offender registry as of 6/10. -- Diocese: Alexandria, LA
195 John Willliam Vovko
Ordained in Cleveland Diocese. Came to Arizona in approx. 1986. Served as teacher at Mesa High School. Convicted 1990 and sentenced to 1 yr in jail for trying to molest a boy, age 2. Lifetime probation. His teaching certificate was to have been revoked. He is shown as "absent on leave" from Cleveland per the 1988 Catholic Directory. Not in 1989, 1990 or 1993 editions. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
196 Johnny Davila
Arrested in 1994. Sentenced 2/18/95 (?) to 7 yrs probation for indecency w/ 13 yr old girl; ordered by court to undergo weekly counseling for indefinite period. Davila was shown as "on Leave" per 2002 Catholic Directory. Lifetime sex offender registration per website accessed 10/16/10. -- Diocese: San Antonio, TX
197 Jorge Patricio Pintado Herrera
Priest from Ecuador attached to the NY Archdiocese from 1999-2000. Charged 9/02 with groping a 16 yr old altar boy at Manhattan church. Pleaded guilty 6/03 to endangering welfare of child and sentenced to 5 days of community service. Archdiocese said he did not have permission to be working at the church. Further status unknown. -- Diocese: New York, NY
198 Jose Alonso
Convicted 1988 and received 5-year sentence for sexual abuse of 2 boys. Died 2002 shortly after release from prison. Named in at least 3 civil suits. At least 2 claims included in settlement with diocese in 2005. One article spells last name Alonzo. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
199 Jose Joaquin Estrada Arango
Estrada, a priest from Colombia, was arrested for sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl in Morrow County OR. He pleaded guilty in 2003 and was deported to Colombia. Estrada had served in Yakima diocese prior to his transfer to Baker Diocese in 2/03. -- Diocese: Baker, OR
200 Jose Superiaso
Ordained in Philippines. Came to US in 1989. Left San Francisco in 1998 to work on Native American reservation in Santa Fe Archdiocese. Arrested there in 2003 on charges of abuse of girl in 1994-1995. Has acknowledged engaging in intercourse between 20-30 times with young girl, per newspaper article. Mistrial in 2004. Pleaded guilty 2005 and sentenced to 10 years in prison. As of 1/09, he has requested pardon from President Obama. Still in prison 2009. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
201 Joseph A. Abruzzese
Placed on leave in 11/93. Pleaded no contest in 1994 to second-degree sexual assault for grabbing and fondling a 16 yr old boy in a local park. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation and counseling. Shown as Absent on Leave per 1995 - 2002 Official Catholic Directories. He is not listed after 2002. Current status unknown. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
202 Joseph A. Fredette
Fled to Canada 1974 after accusations he molested 2-3 boys at halfway house for delinquents. Indicted in 1992. Arrested 1994 and extradited from Canada. Civil suit filed 1993 in NH by another man. $100K decision for Plaintiff 10/94. Convicted 1995;sentenced to 3 concurrent 4-5 year sentences in prison. Served his time and was released. MA Supreme Court overturned the conviction 10/02, citing procedural errors. Named in DA's report re Worcester Diocese. May have died in MI in 2010. -- Diocese: Worcester, MA
203 Joseph A. Romansky
He played strip poker with 4 youths; also masturbated in front of boys. Mother of one was given a condo, a car and a job by the diocese in return for not filing charges. Rec'd probated sentence; sent to St. Luke's. At least 2 civil suits filed. Church finally paid settlements in 1991. Sent to Biloxi MS. in 1989; Bishop there sent him back after 3 yrs. Worked in nursing home until 2002 when placed on leave. 3 more suits filed 9/02. Died 7/04. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
204 Joseph Cervantez Briceno
Placed on leave in 1992 after accusations he abused a young brother and sister in early 1980s. Privileges not permanently removed until 2002. Indicted 2003. Left for Mexico in 1992 and was an active priest there. Diocese asked him to return but he refused. Finally waived extradition and was returned to Phoenix in Jan. 2006. Trial started 10/11/06. Pleaded guilty 10.16.06. Sentenced to 2 yrs prison and 3 yrs probation. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
205 Joseph D. Ross
Pleaded guilty in 1988 to sexually assaulting an 11 yr old boy 12/86. Sentenced to 2 yrs probation and treatment. He admitted during investigation that he had earlier been accused of molesting one youth in 1970s & had been arrested for propositioning apolice officer and for public indecency. Placed on leave 3/02. Civil suit filed 11/02 alleged abuse of 14 yr old boy in 1977. Laicization announced 8/02. Arrested 9/08 on new charges from 2000. Crim. charges dropped 8/10. May live in Arkansas. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
206 Joseph E. Macanga
Macanga, a former priest, was arrested in Lumberton NJ 4/08 by the FBI after they found child pornography on his personal computer. He had been identified as a participant in an internet chat room. He was working as a teacher and coach at a BurlingtonCounty middle school at the time of his arrest and was suspended without pay. Macanga left the active 1995 with clean record. Released on house arrest with monitoring. Sentenced 6/09 to 57 months in fed prison. Projected release date 8/13. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
207 Joseph I. Crowley, Jr.
Ordained as permanent deacon in 1980. Pleaded guilty in 1999 to abuse of 2 family members. Sentenced to three successive 2 1/2-year terms and 10 years probation. Laicized per 3.18.06 article. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
208 Joseph J. Pilger
Pleaded guilty in 1995 to sexually abusing 3 brothers and their cousin in 1960s. Received 5 yrs probation, beginning 1/95. Sued 2003 re abuse in 1960-62. Suit settled 12/03 as part of $5.2M settlement with 27 accusers re 6 priests. Murdered 12/03 by 26 yr old man who had been living with him. -- Diocese: Owensboro, KY
209 Joseph J. Rocha
Per 9/01 article, Rocha, a former priest, pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 21 yr old mentally disabled man in 1999 and was sentenced to 10 yrs probation, counseling, and registering as sex offender. His criminal trial was underway at the time of his plea. He was ordered to register as sex offender but no such record found as of 12/09. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
210 Joseph L. Fitzharris
Removed 1991. Accused of abuse. Criminally convicted in 1987. Resigned from priesthood 1/95. Archdiocese settled at least one claim in 5/07 $6.65M settlement with 14 people alleging abuse by 12 priests. Another man settled his claims for $875K in 7/07 just prior to filing suit. He had alleged abuse in 1970s between ages of 7-10. Laicised 5/09. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
211 Joseph Marcel Lessard
Admitted in 1986 to sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy. 2 felony charges were reduced to misdemeanors in a plea bargain after Bishop O'Brien wrote to the judge requesting leniency because Lessard was remorseful. Sentence was 3 years probation and $100 fine. Continued to work as priest, including time as a hospital chaplain in the Rockford IL diocese. Removed 2002. Phoenix diocese settled the civil case in 2006 for $50K. Lives in Thailand per 11/06 article. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
212 Joseph McHugh
Accused of molesting 9 yr old boy in 1996; placed on leave then. In 2005 he pleaded guilty and in 4/06 was sentenced to 5 yrs probation on lesser charge so boy would not have to testify. Civil suit was filed and settled. -- Diocese: Trenton, NJ
213 Joseph N. Muench
Removed 7/09 after Lexington diocese received complaint 3/09 from three men who alleged abuse in 1980s when Muench was at Good Shepherd in Frankfort. Indicted 10/09 re abuse of 2 of the accusers between 1980-81 & 84-85. Frankfort was part of Covington at the time but has been part of Lexington since its creation. Named in 11/09 civil suit by one victim in criminal case. Entered Alford Plea 3/10. Sentenced to 2 1-yr terms in prison. Released 9/30/10. -- Diocese: Covington, KY
214 Joseph N. Williams
Williams, who left the priesthood in 1979 and later became an attorney, was sentenced to life in prison w/o parole 12/30/08 on charges he raped an 8 yr old boy in 1992. Rape occurred at a nursing home where boy had gone to visit family. While a priest,Williams also served as chaplain at Lorain Catholic High School. Williams also sexually molested a 12 yr old boy for 3 yrs beginning in 1984. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
215 Joseph P. Byrns
Placed on leave 7/02. One of 12 priests named as abusers in civil suit filed in Brooklyn 10/02. In the suit, two brothers (one of them a priest) accuse Byrns of abusing them for years as children in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Charged 8/04 with abuse of 3rd youth beginning in 2000. Pleaded guilty 1/06 and sentenced to 3 yrs probation 3/06. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
216 Joseph Sito
Resigned in 1993 after credible allegation of sexual misconduct with a minor in 1960s. Victim told the Diocese in 1985 but nothing done. Told them again in 1993 and Sito "retired." After treatment at two facilities, Sito retired and was banned from public ministry. Criminally charged in 1989 with molesting a 17 yr old youth. Sito pleaded guilty to lesser charge and paid a fine. Would still say mass on occasion. Laicization announced 1/12/04. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
217 Joseph T. Maguire
Transferred 3 times in first 14 months after ordination. Diocese investigated 1974 allegation. Became Stigmatine in 1981. Investigated by police 1986. He was working in Ireland at the time and nothing done.No assignment since 1981 and faculties withdrawn 1994. Some claims in 11/02 settlement. 2 men filed criminal charges in 2003. Convicted 2004 and sentenced to 44 yrs prison. 8 others offered to testify as to his crimes against them. Died 2/05 while still in prison. Worked in Boston. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
218 Juan Bazalar
Peruvian. Indicted 1991 for sexually abusing a 15-year-old altar boy at St. Peter's Church in Monticello. He fled to Canada. Extradited and then convicted in 1993. Sentenced to 5-15 years in state prison. Conviction overturned. Found not guilty at 2nd trial. Returned to Peru. -- Diocese: New York, NY
219 Juan Carlos Castano
Came from Colombia in 1999 and was investigated before being granted visiting priest status. Arrested and indicted 4/02 on charges that he abused a 4 year old girl in 2000. She told her brother who told another relative. Incident was not reported to Diocese until 2002. In 4/03, he admitted fondling the child and was sentenced to 2 years in jail, 2 yrs probation, and required to pay restitution.. May have been similar allegations in South America. -- Diocese: Charleston, SC
220 Juan Guillen
Pleaded guilty in 2003 to abuse of 3 boys. Received 10-year sentence. At least 7 plaintiffs filed 4 civil suits by 2004. Some of the abuse is alleged to have occurred in Monterey Diocese in CA. Some claims included in 2005/2006 settlement in AZ. Trial of one suit filed in CA was set for 6/09. Suit alleged abuse of one youth for years by Guillen and Velez, beginning in 1988 when boy was 8. Settled 5/09 for $1.2M. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
221 Julian S. Pagacz
Pagacz, a Polish National Catholic church parish priest, was arrested in 1992 and accused of raping two teenage girls while he was drinking with them in his home. In plea bargain, he acknowledged enough evidence to convict him of indecent assault. Ordered to receive sex offender counseling and pay $300 fine for providing alcohol. Girls changed their stories at least once. One girl refused to testify and prosecutors dropped charges in her case. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
222 Julian Sanz
Sanz, a native of Spain, came to diocese in 1980. Became diocesan priest in 1994. Placed on leave 10/02 after youth said he had been molested in Aug. Another victim came forward later to say he was molested at age 11 during confession in 1982. Arrested in 2/03 on 2 counts of sexual abuse of a child and pleaded guilty. Sentenced to prison for 5 yrs in 10/03. As of 2004 diocese had started process to laicize him. Civil suit filed 1/04 by the same man in criminal charges. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
223 Justin L. Goodwin
Arrested 1994 on charges of abusing 4 boys in late 1970s. Released on personal recognizance. In 1995 he entered an Alford plea (did not admit to wrongdoing but felt evidence would result in conviction) and was sentenced to 10 yrs prison, suspended upon service of 5 yrs probation. Died 12/95. Plaintiffs settled for $200K total but were denied permission to participate in 2007 settlement. -- Diocese: Charleston, SC
224 Karl LeClaire
Placed on leave 2001. Man filed suit 8/02 alleging that LeClaire abused him for 7 yrs beginning when he was 13. LeClaire was parish priest and princial of parish grade school. LeClaire would take boy with him on trips and cruises to Alaska and Mediterranean. Indicted 5/03 and pled guilty 10/04. Sentenced 1/05 to 1 yr jail and 3 yrs probation. One claim re abuse in 1993 settled for $40K in 2006. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
225 Kelvin E. Iguabita
Iguabita, a native of Columbia, was ordained by Archdiocese. Took a leave 7/01 from assignment at All Saints Parish in Haverhill. Arrested 1/02 on two charges of rape of 15 yr old girl in 2000 after mandated reporter contacted the diocese 11/01. Found guilty of rape of the girl at trial in 2003 and sentenced to 12-14 yrs in prison. Also accused of assault of a 24 yr old woman prior to ordination. Laicization announced 2/05. New trial denied 2/11. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
226 Kenneth C. Hasselbach
Hasselbach permanently removed in 1994 after accusations he abused 2 boys some 20 yrs previously. Allegations surfaced shortly after Hasselbach was sent for therapy because another priest had found pornography in his room. He admitted abusing a 12 yr old youth in 1974 but said the youth's version was exaggerated and he thought the youth was older than 12 or 13. Arrested 1/09 in Ft. Lauderdale FL for possession of internet child pornography. Pleaded guilty; sentenced to 2 yrs prison 1/10. -- Diocese: Rockville Centre, NY
227 Kenneth Schoettmer
Placed on leave after he admitted in 2001 that he had sexual encounters with boys between 1984 and 1999. Also downloaded porn and trolled Internet for boys. Pleaded guilty 2003 to felony sexual abuse charges re 17 yr old boy. 5 years probation. Civil suit also filed 2004. Still on payroll of Archdiocese as of 4/07. Laicization announced 5/11/07. -- Diocese: Cincinnati, OH
228 Lawrence Gerard Smith
In 1/84 Smith. a member of an "old Catholic sect" was sentenced to 19 yr 8 mo in jail for molesting Vietnamese boys who did not speak English. Served 9 yrs. Abuse occurred in 1983 and there may have been as many as six victims. Also convicted in 1977 of sex offense involving a 10 yr old boy. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
229 Lawrence Joseph Lovell
Convicted in 1986 (Los Angeles--3 mo. probation) for abuse of 14 yr old boy and in 2004 for abuse of several boys in 1970s-1980s (Phoenix--14 yrs prison). Placed on leave 1985 and laicized 1992. Married woman with 3 boys in 1995. She knew he had been a priest but never knew of past allegations until his arrest in 2003. He was a counselor and worked for U of NM health center. Civil suits filed 1996 and 12/03. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
230 Lawrence Nawrocki
Woman complained to regional Bishop in 1981 that Nawrocki had abused her 7th grade son. Bishop talked her out of pressing charges. Convicted 1989 of abuse of 3 Macomb Township boys in 1987 at St. Isidore Church after the parents banded together and complained. Released from prison in 1994. Archdiocese said he would never be returned to active duty. Deceased per Archdiocese website accessed 10/09. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
231 Leo Alfred Shea
In 1994 Shea pled guilty to assaulting a 14 yr old and seven others; sentenced to 3-6 yrs prison. Released on parole 1997 and "retired." 1993 civil 1 man. Accused in 2002 civil suits of abusing 2 boys. Claims by 6 individuals included in 10/02settlement with Diocese. Another settlement in 11/02 also included at least 1 claim. Shea died 10/08. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
232 Leo P. Landry
Plead guilty 8/04 on sexual abuse charges in MA and sentenced to lifetime probation. Also had allegations in Springfield, MA and Manchester, NH. Multiple victims in 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. Multiple civil suits. Also worked in Canada. Laicized in 1972. 1 claim settled in Springfield in 2004 and 2 in 2008. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
233 Leonard B. Nienaber
Indicted in 1993 at age 86 on 36 counts of sexual abuse on 24 minors. Sentenced to 10 yrs (probated) and admittance to Servants of the Paraclete in Dittmer, Mo. 17 women and 1 man filed suit 2002 & 2003. 20 of 24 claims in 12/03 settlement with Covington Diocese were Nienaber victims. 97 and still living at center 12/03. Ordered by Diocese to remain there even after his 10 yr sentence was over. Died 11/06 at age 99. -- Diocese: Lexington, KY
234 Leonardo Montoya
Montoya, a native of Columbia and a 3rd year seminary student for Bridgeport Diocese, was criminally charged with molesting a 16 yr old girl 11/03 while she slept. He pled not guilty. Immediately dismissed from Seminary. Girl says he groped her during a car ride to her home and then appeared in her room twice during the night and tried to molest her. Jury found him guilty 1/05. Sentenced to 1 yr jail, suspended after 90 days served, and 3 yrs probation. Appeals Court upheld conviction 8/08. -- Diocese: Bridgeport, CT
235 Leonel C. Noia
Per 5/02 article, 2 boys testified in 1976 that Noia showed them pornography, and rubbed their genitals during camping trip. Boys told family camping nearby & police were called. Noia pleaded no contest to one felony charge; sentenced to jail for 6 mo.and psych treatment. Ret'd to duty in 1978. Placed on leave in 6/02. Two new allegations in 7/02 were followed by civil suit filed 3/03. Both claims included in 6/05 $21.2M settlement with SF Archdiocese involving 5 priests. Died 6/05. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
236 Louis Aloysius Garcia
Garcia accused of abusing several developmentally disabled patients between 5/79-8/80 at Porterville State Hospital where he was Chaplain. Civil litigation and criminal charges filed. Matters taken to California's Court of Appeals. Sentenced to 6 years in 1983. Garcia was on sick leave per 1988 Catholic Directory. Listed on CA sex offender registry as of 5/15/11. -- Diocese: Fresno, CA
237 Louis E. Miller
Complaints in 1961 but Archbishop Floersh refused Miller's resignation. Civil suits in 1990 and 1999 alleged that Miller abused minors. Settled out of court. Not removed until 3/02 when earlier suits revealed. Named in at least 94 civil suits in 2002-2003. Many settled 6/03 as part of large settlement. Pleaded guilty 3/03 to abuse of 21 children. Sentenced to 20 years in prison. Pleaded guilty 6/03 to abuse of 8 more children and received additional 10-year sentence. Laicization announced 11/04. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
238 Louis P. Rogge
In 1974, Rogge pleaded guilty to child molestation charges in Athens, Ga., and was sentenced to six years of probation. Returned to active status in 1976. In 1996 and 1999 Rogge abused 2 brothers in Joliet Diocese. He was a long-time family friend. Removed from public ministry in 2002. Rogge was indicted on criminal charges in Dec. 2006, pled guilty in 4/07 and was expected to receive 60 day sentence & probation. Died 8/07 before sentencing. -- Diocese: Atlanta, GA
239 Louis Ward Dunn
Placed on leave in 1994 after woman made complaint of sexual misconduct to Bishop. Suit filed 1995. Tried on 2 separate rape allegations. 1 dismissed. Convicted in 2nd. Received 10-year susp. sentence. At least 2 other suits filed. Died 2001. Some claims settled in 2002 settlement but 1 of the original complainants has never settled. She carried her case all the way to the R.I. Supreme Court which dismissed it 2/08. Has appealed to US Sup. Court. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
240 Louis Wayne Ladenburger
Arrested 5/07 for sexual battery of teenage boys at Idaho school for troubled boys where he was a counselor. Admitted being a sex addict. Order revealed 2 past allegations of "inappropriate relationships." Sent for treatment both times. Placed on restricted leave in 1993. Laicized in 1996. Pleaded guilty 11/07 just before trial. Sentenced to 5 years 3/08. Worked in dioceses of Stockton (twice), Tucson, Portland, El Paso, Spokane, Seattle, Sacramento, Reno, and Phoenix; aka Wayne 1963-74. -- Diocese: Spokane, WA
241 Lucas A. Galvan
Convicted 1989. Pleaded guilty to sexually fondling an 11-year-old girl; sentenced to 1 [or 2] yr suspended jail sentence and deferred adjudication. Charges then dismissed. Girl settled a lawsuit against the Pueblo Diocese for more than $90K. In 1992 He began working as a priest in Argentine and, as of 1997 he was working as a priest in Mexico. Still active there 4/10 but removed from duty in Mexico City 4/22/10. Apparently can still work in other parts of Mexico. -- Diocese: Pueblo, CO
242 Lucien Meunier de la Pierre
A/K/A Pedro Luke, Luke Munier, or Pedro Luc de la Pierre. Came to Tucson from Canada in 1974 & received ok to function in diocese. Arrested in 1975 in AZ on child abuse charges. Jumped bail. Charged in Canada in 1989 with child abuse. Arrested 1990 in FL and ordered extradited to Canada. Died in FL prison before extradition. Named in many law suits filed 1998-2004. In 2/02 Diocese settled 11 suits which included claims against de la Pierre. New suit 9/04. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
243 Luis Eduardo Ramirez
Arrested 1/08 after he took a 17 yr old boy to a motel room to "counsel" him. His order bailed him out and in 6/08 he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor battery and burglary; other misdemeanor charges were dismissed. Admitted inappropriately touching the youth. His lawyer said it was "bad judgment." Sentenced to 6 months in jail 8/08 and 3 yrs probation. Released from jail 3/09. All privileges removed. -- Diocese: Orange, CA
244 Marcel Crete
Pleaded guilty 12/89 to 5 counts of gross sexual miscounduct for having sex with 12 yr old boy in 1983. Two other charges outside the statute of limitations. Per 2/04 Maine Atty General Report, Crete was sentenced to 8 years with all but two and a half years suspended and a period of probation. Served 7 months of his sentence and was released 7/90. He still resides with the Brothers of Christian Instruction in Alfred, Maine. Registered Sex Offender. -- Diocese: Portland, ME
245 Mario Arbelaez Olarte
Arrested 5/03 and charged with enticing a minor over the Internet. Claimed he was doing research but posed as a 20 yr old. Agreed to meet a 15 yr old boy but it was a police officer. Placed on leave and his computer seized. In 9/03 he pleaded no contestto the criminal charges. Did not show up for sentencing 11/03. Defense atty said that Olarte had returned to his native country of Columbia as part of plea agreement. Prosecutors denied. Judge issued an arrest warrant. On sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Salt Lake City, UT
246 Marion Francis Helowicz
Pleaded guilty in 1988 to abusing a learning-disabled teenage boy for 18 months (7/82 - 2/84) and was sentenced to 6 mo. jail, suspended for 2 years, and 200 hrs community service. Privileges were removed. In 2/90 a civil suit was settled out of court and terms not revealed. Between 1990 and 1993 two other individuals came forward to allege abuse in early 1980s. Named on Baltimore's 9/26/02 list. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
247 Mark A. Campobello
Arrested 12/02 when 18 yr old girl alleged abuse at 14 when he was ass't principal/spiritual dir at school. Placed on leave. Indicted again 10/03 on charges that he molested 2nd girl from 1999-2000 in different county. Pled guilty 2004: sentenced to 8yrs (4 for each girl). 2 civil suits filed 2004 & settled 5/07 for $2.2M. At least 1 more credible accuser. Laicised 6/05. Released from prison 2/13/08. Back in prison 4/08; soon released. Back in 4/09. Released 7/28/10. Lives in Crystal Lake, IL. -- Diocese: Rockford, IL
248 Mark Allen Lehman
Placed on leave 1990. Sentenced in 1992 to 10 yrs prison without parole for fondling one young girl and sentenced to life time parole for abuse of 3 additional girls and one boy. Released from prison 2002. Diocese provided financial support while in prison and gave him $1000 and other benefits when released. 1/05 civil suit alleging abuse of 1 youth in 1985 was settled 12/06 for $100K. Laicized 4/12/06. Listed on AZ sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
249 Mark Ciganovich
Arrested in nationwide pornography sting 5/96. Order placed him under supervision and removed from public ministry. He had been a moral theology professor at St. Meinrad School of Theology for 17 yrs before resigning 8/96. Pleaded guilty 12/96 to federal charge of receiving child pornography in mail and sentenced to 1 yr & 1 day in federal pen, $3000 fine, and 2 yrs supervised release.. -- Diocese: Evansville, IN
250 Mark J. Makowski
Charged 1/95 with molesting a 16-year-old boy in the rectory after giving the boy alcohol. Abuse allegedly involved penetration. Initially pleaded not guilty but in a plea bargain pleaded guilty on 3/29/95 to fourth-degree misconduct. Sentenced to six months in jail and seven years' probation. At some point he became affiliated with the MN Episcopal Diocese. He was not a priest and arrangements were in place to monitor him while on church property. -- Diocese: Duluth, MN
251 Mark Matson
Accused of abuse of 2 in CO in 1987 and acquitted of abuse of 1 in 1989 in CA. Convicted 2000 in HI of 1998 sexual assault on 13 yr old boy. Sentenced to 20 years. Also served in San Antonio. 1 Civil suit filed 2002. Another CO victim came forward in 2005 to allege abuse in 1982. He received $22.5K from the Order. Matson is still in prison and on sex offender register in HI as of 8/09. New civil suit filed 4/10 re abuse in CO seminary in 1976. -- Diocese: Denver, CO
252 Mark Thomas Roberts
First incident occurred in 1996. Later accused of abuse of at least 9 youths in 2002 civil suit. Criminal charges also filed re 5 youths. Convicted 2003. Sentenced to 3 years probation. Removed from formal probation by court in 8/04 and ordered to treatment at RECON, a church-run center in MO, even though one of his victims lived within a 20 minute drive of the site. -- Diocese: Las Vegas, NV
253 Martin J. Louis
In 1990 20 yr old woman accused Louis of molesting and raping her several times when she was 10. Diocese made Louis resign & sent him to counseling. Girl filed civil suit in 1991 and settled out of court in 1992. Louis indicted on rape charges in 1992; in 1993 he was sentenced to 5-25 yrs prison. Other victims came forward when charges filed. He admitted in therapy to abusing as many as 90 (diocese said really 14-16). In 2001, a civil suit was filed alleging Louis also abused a young man. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
254 Matthew Bagert
Arrested 2005 on charges of possessing child porn on his computer. Trial set for 6/06. Charges dismissed just prior to trial after judge said evidence of the porn was obtained illegally by a Deacon and another priest. Case was referred to Feds for prosecution. He left priesthood and married. In 11/08 Bagert pleaded not guilty to federal indictment of child porn. In 4/09 he changed plea to guilty. On 12/1/09 he was sentenced to 4 yrs 3 mo. in prison. -- Diocese: Dallas, TX
255 Matthew Berko
Berko, a member of Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of St. Josaphat of Parma, was working in Toronto, Canada when he abused a 14 yr old girl. Pleaded guilty 1985 to molestation charge and served a year of probation in Connecticut. Girl and family sued and won judgment (never paid). Berko turned up as pastor of Ukrainian Catholic church in St. Petersburg FL. Removed from these duties in 4/02 when Ukrainian Bishop was informed of his past. Died 5/08. -- Diocese: St. Petersburg, FL
256 Matthew J. Kornacki
Accused of possession of child porn from 2001-2003; placed on leave in 2003 and sent for treatment. Indicted and pleaded guilty 2004. Sentenced to 30 months federal prison. His ministry was permanently restricted. He is a registered sex offender in PA.. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
257 Maurice J. Blackwell
Placed on leave in 1993 after complaints of abuse of 1 between 1989-1992. Sent for treatment and reinstated. In 1998 he was permanently placed on leave after admitting to a sexual relationship with another minor which ended in 1970s. 1993 accuser shot and injured him in 2002 but abuse acknowledged by Archbishop. Found guilty during 2/05 criminal trial but motion for new trial granted. Trial never held. Laicization announced in Dec. 2004. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
258 Michael C. Fugee
Arrested 2001; placed on leave. Confessed to sexual contact w/ 13 yr old boy and then recanted. Convicted 2003; sentenced to lifetime probation w/ community service and registration as sex offender. Overturned by appeals court 4/06 re confession. He entered into pre-trial intervention program and case was dismissed 8/09. Worked as chaplain at St. Michael's Med Center for 2 mo. until hospital learned of prior allegations 10/09 and asked that he be removed. Judge refused to expunge record 10/10. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
259 Michael Edwin Wempe
Accused of abuse of 13 from 1972-1995 per archdiocesan report. Sued several times from 2002 to 2003. Original criminal charges dropped due to Supreme Court ruling. Re-arrested 2003. Convicted 1 count 2006. Sentenced to 3 yrs prison 5/06. Included in 12/06 $60M settlement re 22 priests which covers all of the cases involving molestations that occurred since Mahony was named head of the diocese in 1985. Released on parole 02/07. Last known to be living in Orange Co., CA. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
260 Michael F. Hanrahan
Resigned 1993. Pleaded guilty in 1994 to molesting a boy in 1983-1984 and served 3 yrs in prison. Avoided prosecution in cases involving boy's 2 older brothers. Civil suit filed by at least one man and Court ordered diocese to produce Hanrahan's secret archive file. Diocese settled and file never produced. Court ruled in 1998 that procedural error meant Hanrahan no longer had to register as sexual predator. Laicized early 1990s. -- Diocese: Columbus, OH
261 Michael J. Miller
Miller was working as chaplain at maximum security Great Meadow Correctional Facility at time of his 2001 arrest. Privileges also removed. He was charged with approaching a 14 yr old boy who was riding a bicycle down the street and soliciting sex 8/01.In 12/03 he pleaded guilty and Judge sentenced hm to 5 yrs probation. -- Diocese: Albany, NY
262 Michael J. Stevens
Pleaded guilty in late 1980s to sexual misconduct with a minor. In 2002 Archbishop Flynn admitted that Stevens had been working on Diocese's computer services team after past offenses. Flynn said his case had been made public in the past, archdiocesan staff was notified and his position did not involve working with children. Finally placed on leave from admin. position 6/02 after Dallas Bishops' conference. -- Diocese: St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN
263 Michael K. Madden
Convicted 1989. Lewd conduct with a boy. 2 yrs prison. Civil trial 1994, ordered to pay victim $175,000. 2nd suit filed 2003. Madden died 2000. -- Diocese: Burlington, VT
264 Michael Lowell Barnes
6/09 suit against Baltimore AD filed in DE alleged Barnes molested a boy 1977-1982 while at St. Clare School in Essex. Baltimore contacted plaintiff in 2002 after a review of files; he denied abuse. He contacted them in 2003 but refused counseling/ mediation. Left priesthood in 1988 but began working for Wash. DC as lay member. Civil case dismissed 4/10 by DE Judge. Arrested in NC 10/09 on charges he abused the same man. Extradited to MD 2/10. Pled no contest 6/10. 6 mo in jail. Laicization sought. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
265 Michael P. Santillo
Worked in diocese until 1992 when he left active priesthood to care for his parents. In 5/97, he was charged with molesting a 13 yr old boy in 1987. When arrested, he was working in non-priest role at church in Albany, NY diocese. Convicted 1999 of sexually assaulting 1 youth. Also molested 3 more. Sentenced to 10 years. Died of cancer in prison 2000. Three claims included in 1/03 diocesan settlement re abuse by 5 priests. -- Diocese: Metuchen, NJ
266 Michael R. Hands
Arrested 5/01 and charged with sexual abuse of a 13 year old youth over a year and a half period. Another allegation surfaced involving a 22 yr old man abused about 10 yrs previously (before ordination??). Pleaded guilty in 2002-2003 on two separate charges. Sentenced 2003 to 2 yrs jail and to 6 mo jail and 5 yrs probation. Released 4/04 and requested laicization. Identified as Priest W in Suffolk Co. Grand Jury report of 1/03. On NY Sex Offender Register. -- Diocese: Rockville Centre, NY
267 Michael V. LaMountain
Suspended by Church 3/95 when 1st accusation made. Indicted 10/97 on criminal charges that he molested 5 boys. Pleaded guilty to nine counts. Judge sentenced him to nine 12-year suspended sentences. At least 2 civil suits filed 12/95. Claims settled 9/02 as part of $13.5M mass settlement involving 36 victims & Providence Diocese. Seminary student in Baltimore from 1972 to 1976. A person came forward in 2001 to allege abuse by LaMountain in Baltimore in mid 1970s. Died 8/25/10. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
268 Michael Volino
Charged with possession of child porn on his computer. Pleaded guilty 5/05. In 12/05 he was sentenced to 15 months in prison and is scheduled to be released in early 2007. He will remain on administrative leave pending a decision by the diocesan reviewboard and, if necessary, by Rome. Volino fought against having to register as a (low level) sex offender but court ruled 2/07 that he had to.This level is not published on list. Still on leave as of 5/07. -- Diocese: Rochester, NY
269 Michael W. Swierzy
Pled guilty 1998 to corrupting morals of a minor; received 5 years probation. Other accusations received. On leave 1997-2003. Named in civil suit filed prior to 3/02. Archdiocese found accusations credible in 2004. Sent case to Vatican for review. Laicization announced early 2005; Died July 2005. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
270 Morgan J. Kuhl
Arrested 1999 as part of Internet sting. Though he was meeting 15 yr old boy for sex. Sentenced to 4 mo. in half-way house and 4 months in-house arrest. Arrested 2002 for inappropriately touching boy in 1999. Sentenced to 45 days jail & 1 yr probation. Has not served as active priest since 1999. -- Diocese: New York, NY
271 Morris Dale Vanderford
Vanderford, a deacon, was convicted in 1993 of abusing two boys in 1989. He was sentenced to 60 years in prison. He died in prison. Two civil suits were also filed. One settled in 1993 for $750K and another settled in 1995 for $44K. -- Diocese: Tulsa, OK
272 Myles Patrick White
White's abuse came to light in 1992 when he donated a video tape of parade to garage sale. The tape contained a 30 minute segment of White having sex w/ boy. When police arrested him, he was destroying pictures of boys. Sentenced to 4 yrs prison in 1993 in Illinois and similar sentence in Indiana. Released from prison in 1995. At least 4 suits settled by 11/95, including one where victim had killed himself 20 yrs after the abuse. -- Diocese: Joliet, IL
273 Narcisco Marquez Custodio
Custodio, a deacon at St. Paul the Apostle in Richardson, was arrested 6/84 and charged w/ aggravated sexual assault of 11 yr old boy. Sentenced to 8 yrs jail 4/85. Has been released. Civil suit filed in 1986 against the parish, the Dallas Diocese, the San Antonio Archdiocese, and Custodio. It settled at some point. -- Diocese: Dallas, TX
274 Nicholas Paul Bendillo
Known as "Br. Vic." Taught at McGill-Toolen High School in Mobile from 1959-1998. Verbal complaint received in 1998 and he was placed on leave. Received treatment. Arrested 4/03. Tried & sentenced in 2004 to 5 yrs prison. Multiple plaintiffs with allegations going back to 1963. Civil suit filed 2003 by 2 men and settled in 2004. 2 more suits filed 5/04. Released from prison hospital 7/04/07 at age 78 and sent to Missouri for treatment. On AL & MO sex offender registries. -- Diocese: Mobile, AL
275 Nilo C. Martins
Convicted 1985. Abuse of boy, age 12. Served only about 5 weeks of 23-46 month sentence. Immediately deported/returned to Brazil (his native country). Remained active priest for many years. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
276 Norbert J. Maday
Arrested 1993 for sexual assault of 2 boys; convicted 1994. 20-year sentence. Sued. Included in 10/03 settlement. Additional suit filed 5/06. Archdiocese settled at least one claim in 5/07 $6.65M settlement with 14 people alleging abuse by 12 priests.At least 1 more claim included in 8/08 $12.7M settlement involving 11 priests and 16 plaintiffs. Laicized 12/07. Another settlement 7/09. Registered sex offender in supervised living facility as of 8/22/08. Trial set for 9/12/11. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
277 Norbert Paul LaCosse
Pled guilty to 4 counts of abusing altar boy from 1988-1990. Charges filed in three counties but dropped in 1. Sentenced to 3-15 years on each count. LaCosse was at St. Luke's for 6 months between time charges filed and sentencing. Per 2002 news article, he served 6 1/2 yrs in prison and was released. Has been registered sex offender in MI since 1995. -- Diocese: Marquette, MI
278 Norman J. Rogge
Pleaded guilty in Florida in 1967 to one count of contributing to delinquency of minor. Judge sentenced him to three yrs probation and psychiatric counseling. Charged in Florida in 1985 with one count of sexual battery or lewd and lascivous act on boyunder 14 in 1984. Sentenced to 1 yr jail. Worked in Texas. Living in Louisiana in 2002. 2004 complaint re 1962 abuse. Died 2/09. -- Diocese: St. Petersburg, FL
279 Oliver Francis O'Grady
Convicted 1993. 14-yr sentence. Served 7 yrs; deported to Ireland. $7M settlement. as well as other settlements. Molested as many as 25 boys and girls. Laicized. Documentary released 2006. Disappeared from Ireland 10/06; Suit filed 12/06 includes Irish Archdiocese Settled 12/06 for $3M. New suit 12/07 by woman. Working in Netherlands but returned to Ireland per 4/10 article. Diocese pd $2M 6/10 to 2. New suit 10/10. Arrested for child porn in Ireland 12/10. More charges 3/11. -- Diocese: Stockton, CA
280 Owen John Melody
Melody confessed in 1987 to abusing a girl for three years. He was active duty Navy Chaplain at the time of abuse. He was sentenced to 20 yr suspended sentence and 10 yr probation. Also 5 yrs therapy. Privileges suspended 1988. Oct. 2003 article reported Melody had been dismissed from the Navy and the priesthood but that he still claimed to be innocent. He married a female Navy Chaplain. -- Diocese: Military Services, US
281 Patrick Henry O'Liddy
Joined Order in 1977 and ordained in 1990. O'Liddy pleaded guilty in 1999 to sending a lewd photo of himself to 14 yr old girl over the Internet. Mother reported photo to police and he was arrested at meeting site. Sentenced to 10 yrs probation and 200 hrs of community service. O'Liddy was on leave from the Jesuits at the time of the offense and after the court sentence he resigned from the Order. -- Diocese: Denver, CO
282 Patrick J. O'Connor
Removed 9/03 after review board found credible a recent claim that he had sexually abused a child in late 1980s at St. Joseph's in Cuyahoga Falls (1st assingment after ordination). He denied allegation. Was teaching at Borromeo Seminary when he was placed on leave. Cleared by the Vatican and returned to active status 9/07 with restrictions. "Resigned from priesthood" 6/08 after allegations of abuse of 15 yr old boy in 1997. Indicted 8/09. Pleaded guilty 9/09. Sentenced to 90 days jail 12/09.. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
283 Patrick M. Kelly
Visiting Priest from Ireland. In 1991 returned to Ireland after allegation he abused a girl. Promised to return to face charges but did not. Pleaded no contest in 1992 to charges and received 3 yr Probation without returning to US. Civil suit filed 1992. Archdiocese report says 4 accusers from 1991. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
284 Patrick Quigley
Served in Manhattan, Staten Island and Rockland counties. Pleaded guilty 1994 to offering several youg boys in Haverstraw Village money for sex. Received probation. Still on leave per 2002 Official Catholic Directory. Laicized in July, 2005. -- Diocese: New York, NY
285 Patrick R. Kujawa
Sent for treatment after housekeeper found 220 pornographic photos in rectory 12/99. Arrested 1/00 and charged with 62 counts of downloading child porn. Pleaded guilty 12/00; received 10 yr probated sentence. Arrested again 2/04 after more porn found at Benedictine monastery where he was living. Received mandatory 10 yr prison sentence 4/04. Received add'l 10 yr sentence 9/04 for violating original probation. -- Diocese: Houma-Thibodaux, LA
286 Patrick Weaver
Weaver was a "spiritual adviser" to Bishop Guilfoyle. Original accusation rec'd in 1966. Diocese did nothing except promote and transfer him. Arrested 1985 and 1986 and charged with sex crimes. Convicted and placed on probation. Abused at least 6 boys. Named in 1994 RICO lawsuit. Permanently suspended. All RICO claims settled 3/03. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
287 Paul Botty
Case reported at State V. Botty, 1988 WL 86954 (Ohio App.). Convicted of sexual battery. In 3/86 Botty was sentenced to 7 1/2 years for molesting four teenage boys. 12 felony counts dismissed Died 12/27/07 in CA. Marianist Newsletter of 1/8/08 referred to him as a "former Marianist." -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
288 Paul Francis LeBrun
Arrested 2002. Accused of sexually abusing boys in the Ft. Wayne-South Bend IN diocese and the Phoenix AZ diocese. Denied the allegations. Transferred to Arizona in 1986. Returned to Indiana in 1993 and resigned from parish in 1999. Convicted in 2005 and sentenced in 2006 to 111 years in prison. Five lawsuits which name LeBrun as an abuser have been settled by Phoenix Diocese for a total of $75,000. Conviction upheld by AZ Court of Appeals 7/09. -- Diocese: Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN
289 Paul Henry Leech
Convicted of molesting 3-4 boys between 1982-1984. In 1985 he was sentenced to 86 yrs in prison but ordered to serve 3 years and then 12 yrs probation. In 1994 a civil suit was filed on behalf of one youth. Suit says that Leech, prior to 1980, was known to Bishop to be a homosexual with a habit of making advances on young boys. Another suit may have been filed in 1985. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
290 Paul Joseph Conn
In 5/88 Conn was charged with five felony counts of indecent liberties with minors. In 7/88 he pleaded guilty to molesting six boys between the ages of 11-13. Also admitted to abuse of others police did not know about. Sentenced to 4 yrs in prison. Also a former supervising priest of another abuser, James McGreal. Civil suit settled wtih archdiocese in 1996. Laicized. -- Diocese: Seattle, WA
291 Paul Margand
Acused of fondling and molesting at least three boys on separate occasions within 2 yrs of ordination. Criminal charges filed 7/87 after one youth came forward. In 1988 Margand was found guilty. Served approx. 3 yrs. Released 1/91. Diagnosed in prisonas pedophile with "obsessive-compulsive personality disorder with paranoid and schizoid features. 4/02 story said he was a graduate student in criminal justice at Temple Univ. in Philadelphia. -- Diocese: Lincoln, NE
292 Paul R. Shanley
Laicized 2004. Convicted 2005 of sexually abusing boy in the 1980s. Dozens of complaints; many settlements. Abuse included oral and anal rape. First complaint 1961 from parents of 12-year-old boy. Earliest complaint in file 1967 from priest alleging Shanley abused a 16-year-old boy. Shanley denied and was assigned to parish work, special ministries, and parish work again until 1989. Then was transferred to NY and San Bernardino, where he allegedly abused 17-year-old boy. Serving 12-15 yrs. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
293 Paul Rodriguez
Rodriguez abused one youth in 1966-1967. Mom told church. Rodriguez removed & sent for treatment. Never reinstated. Man told police 1993. Rodriguez pleaded guilty to fondling Plaintiff. Sentenced to 4 mo. in jail (with balance of five yr sentence suspended) and 10 yrs probation. Admitted abuse of others during trial. Was working as clinical psychologist at California Men's Colony, a prison, at time of arrest. -- Diocese: Richmond, VA
294 Paul William Hurley
Arrested and indicted 2002. Accused of abuse of 15 yr old boy in 1987-1988 (paid him $100 each time he and boy had sex). Pleaded not guilty and denied allegation. Convicted 6/06 and immediately began serving 3 yr provisional sentence. Sentenced to 4 yrs in prison 7/06 followed by 5 yrs probation. Laicization announced 1/07. Released on probation & back in Sandwich, MA as of 1/10. Also on Sex offender register. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
295 Peter A. Burns
Woman complained to police and church in 1987 that son had been abused during sleepovers at rectory. Burns pleaded no contest in 1992 to charges that he molested another youth and was sentenced to 9 months in jail and 10 years probation. Civil suit filed 1993; settled 1994. One victim committed suicide in 1990s. At least one other victim known. Has been laicized per Archdiocese website list updated as of 11/26/07. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
296 Peter M. McCutcheon
Pled guilty in 1986 to sexually abusing 3 male minors between 1981-1985. Sentenced to 25 yrs jail but ended up serving about 1 yr and treatment in New Mexico and probation. Civil suit filed against Archdiocese & priest in 1987, alleging among other things, that McCutcheon had sexual and alcohol problems dating back to seminary days. Settled in 1988 after Judge found McCutcheon liable for damages. Archiocese also paid settlement. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
297 Peter M. Walsh
Arrested 1993 in NJ. Convicted 1994 on 5 counts of child endangerment (he exposed himself to children) in Lyndhurst NJ. Sentenced to 5 yrs probation; ordered to have chaperone whenever he was in a car. In 6/04, a man reported to Manchester NH diocese that Walsh fondled then masturbated him for 3-4 months between 1987-1988. Walsh was assigned to St. Thomas Aquinas in Derry at the time. Walsh has denied these allegations. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
298 Peter Osinski
Arrested in 1997 and pleaded guilty in 1998 to sexual assult of boy for 7 years, beginning when boy was 6. Sentenced to 10 years. Laicized in 2003. Paterson diocese paid one individual to settle a suit against Bishop Rodimer for "failing to notice orput a stop to the assaults" by Osinski who shared a vacation home with the Bishop for more than 20 years. May be living in Shenandoah, PA area 2009. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
299 Peter S. Kanchong
Ordained in Thailand. Began working in Boston in 1977. Arrested in 1983 & charged w/ molesting a 9 yr old girl. Also molested her two brothers. Received probation; refused treatment. Cardinal Law asked that he be recalled to Thailand. Cardinal Medeiroshad already withdrawn Kanchong's right to say mass and act as a priest in 1983 after negative letter from Bishop in Thailand. Refused to return to Thailand. Last known to be living in Dorchester as of 11/08. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
300 Philip Mark Wolfe
Convicted 1989 of abuse of 1 boy. 1 yr jail and 5 yrs probation. Committed suicide 1994. Named in Los Angeles Archdiocesan report with 3 accusers and incidents from 1975-1989. 1991 civil suit settled 1992. He was at St. Anthony Seminary. Man sued Franciscans of California in 2001 alleging that he was abused by Wolfe in 1982 in Portland, Oregon when Wolfe visited his family. Suit was settled 5/02 for $10K. Named as abuser in 2 suits filed fall 2009.. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
301 Phillip C. Keyes
Keyes had originally been part of Madison Diocese but left in 1976 and became a priest in an independent church for Catholics. He was convicted of first degree sexual assualt of 10 yr old boy in 1993. Sentenced to 1 year in jail with privileges to get out to feed cats and take care of home. Sued in 1994 by the youth and an adult alleging abuse when he was a minor in 1982-1984. Suit settled in 1994. Keyes paid some to both parties. Diocese & order had settled earlier. Died in 1998. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
302 Phillip G. Speers
Speers, a former seminary student and teacher at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School in Yuma, was accused of abusing at least 5 girls in 2nd grade class in 1999-2000 as well as possession of child pornography. $1.8M settlement in 2003 with 5 girls andtheir families. Convicted in 2002 and 2003 but decisions reversed by AZ court of appeals. Retried 8/07 and found guilty. Sentenced to 34 yrs in prison. Possession of child porn charges dropped. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
303 Ponciano M. Ramos
In 1993 Ramos pleaded guilty to three misdemeanors in connection with strip-search of young boys in Indianapolis after they set off stink bombs in parish school. Ramos was sentenced to 18-month suspended sentence and 15 months of probation. He was moved to Chicago and then to San Bernardino, CA diocese and worked there until 2002 when he was placed on leave. Again allowed to return to restricted duty with Order in 2003. Still priest in 2005. -- Diocese: Indianapolis, IN
304 Ralph Mravintz
Mravintz, a brother and teacher at a Catholic high school, was accused of molesting a male student from Oct. 1984-Feb. 1985 by hugging him, saying I Love You and fondling the youth who had sought help with studies. Mravintz faced charges of indecent assault and corrupting a minor but was not removed from his classroom. He pleaded no contest to disorderly conduct charge because boy did not want to testify. Diocese denied responsibility because Mravintz was a member of a religious order. Died 5/06. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
305 Ralph S. Strand
Removed from public ministry 3/93. Convicted 1995. Abuse of boy, age 15 from 1990-1992. 4-year sentence after plea bargain. Two other accusers also came forward. Paroled 4/97 after serving 21 months. Included in 10/05 settlement with Archdiocese. Lastknown to be living at University of St. Mary of the Lake seminary campus in Mundelein. Registered sex offender. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
306 Raymond J. Ethier
Arrested 5/07 under federal charges of receiving and possessing child pornography. His computers were confiscated after they were found to contain the pornography. He admits to sexually-oriented internet chats with others regarding children. Bishop immediately placed him on administrative leave. Pleaded guilty to 1 count 11/07. In 6/08 he was sentenced to 4 yrs prison followed by 10 yrs supervised release.Must register as sex offender. Permanently removed from ministry. -- Diocese: Albany, NY
307 Raymond J. Lauzon
Accused of performing oral sex on youth and of trying to get youth to recant statement to police. Sentenced in 1985 to 6 mo. jail and 1 yr probation for abuse of 2 youths. Diocese published written apology 4/98. Several suits filed in 1990s. Maine AG report shows 18 plaintiffs. In 2002 he was living at Monastery in Lithania and was often seen with children. Died 9/05. -- Diocese: Portland, ME
308 Richard ""Sade"" Zula
Zula originally indicted on 138 counts of sexual abuse. He pled guilty to two counts involving two brothers and in 1990 was sentenced to 2-5 yrs in prison. Sentence to run concurrently with one in another county imposed for 1-5 yrs. Francis Pucci and Robert Wolk accused of abuse of the same boys. Zula was placed on permanent leave in 1987. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
309 Richard Allen Henry
Placed on leave 1991. Pled guilty 12/91 to abuse of 4 boys between 1985-1991. Received treatment. Sentenced 1993 to 8-year prison sentence. Removed from active ministry 1993. New accusations in 2002. Civil suit 2003 by 3 plaintiffs. A total of 13 accusers per archdiocese list. Included in12/06 $60M settlement re 22 priests which covers all of the cases involving molestations that occurred since Mahony was named head of the diocese in 1985. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
310 Richard B. Farwell
Indicted 8/02 on charges that he took indecent liberties with boy in mid-1980s. Diocese told about charges in 1999 and in 2000 Farwell went to work at Food for the Poor in FL. Had letter of reference from Bishop Curlin who felt charges were not credible. Working at the food pantry when faculties were revoked 4/02. Officially still attached to Charlotte Diocese. Pleaded no contest to charges 11/04; sentenced to 180 days probation, counseling & community service. Civil suit may be pending. -- Diocese: Charlotte, NC
311 Richard Boyd
Convicted in 1984 of possession of magazines containing child pornography. Two yrs probation and 6 mo. therapy. Police investigated in 2003 and did find adult porn on website he built. He took indefinite leave of absence and resigned from parish in 2003 saying "innuendo and gossip" about the 1984 conviction destroyed his credibility as minister. 2007 article says he was "subsequently laicized" and that Boyd has appealed the dismissal. -- Diocese: Crookston, MN
312 Richard Deakin
Convicted 1990 of molesting young girl from 1986-88. 15 yr suspended sentence & 5 yrs probation. Civil suit filed 1/92 & settled out of court 9/93. Archdiocese knew of his history of deviant sexual behavior. In 1987 (after he yelled obscenities & exposed himself to a woman), Order transferrred him to Pittsburgh. Seminary officials knew of use of church money for x-rated movies and pornography before Ordination. Left priesthood 1988 & married. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
313 Richard Galdon
Took leave in 1986 and suspended from duties 1987. Abused boys in 1960s. Convicted 1987 of sexual abuse of 3 individuals. Sentenced to total of 25 years. Charges re abuse of 7 others dropped. Died in 2000 "serving at the Service of the Paraclete, a home for retired priests in Jemez Springs, New Mexico." -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
314 Richard J. Cochrane
Cochrane arrested in 1999 for assault of 14 yr old boy during trip to the Poconos. He was a teacher at Malvern Prep School. Another person came forward to allege same type of abuse in 1990. Pleaded no contest to statutory rape charge in 1/03 re 1st boy after PA appellate court ruled that the 2nd student could testify at trial. Sentenced 7/03 to 18 to 48 months in jail. In 7/03, Arch. settled civil suit filed by 1st youth. New suit 2/14/11. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
315 Richard J. Dorsch
Accused of kissing and fondling boy during outing in 1994. Placed on leave 8/94 after incident reported. Convicted by Jury 4/95. Sentenced to 11 1/2 - 23 months in county jail but served only 1 mo. Formally withdrew from ministry 1996. Named in at least2 civil suits in 2004. Claims included in Diocese's 9/07 $1.25M settlement as to 32 plaintiffs alleging abuse by 17 priests. Sued 7/10 by family of victim who committed suicide 5/10 after diocese quit paying for therapy. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
316 Richard J. Mieliwocki
Allegation in 1994 of abuse of 2 youths in 1988. Placed on leave and ordered to undergo counseling. Disappeared. State counseling license suspended 1999 for improper behavior with minor. Arrested 2004 and accused of abuse of 4 teenage boys (ages 16-18) at in-patient substance abuse rehabilitation facility. Forced to surrender his license. Pled guilty in plea bargain to 2 counts 8/21/07. Sentenced 9/07 to 5 yrs probation and community service. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
317 Richard J. Poster
Pled guilty 2003 and sentenced in 2004 to 1 year prison for possession of child pornography after images of boys and adolescent males engaged in sex acts were found on his church computer. Matter sent to the Vatican. Poster arrested 9.20.06 on allegations that he violated his parole by being near children. Must serve 2 months in jail. Laicization announced 9/07. Name NOT on diocese's 7/08 list of credibly accused priests. -- Diocese: Davenport, IA
318 Richard R. Lavigne
Arrested and charged in 1991 re abuse of 5 boys. Convicted in 1992 of assaulting 2 boys but jail time of 4-6 yrs suspended and received 10 yrs probation. 11 new accusers surfaced in 1993. 17 plaintiffs settled claims in 1994 ($1.4M). Other plaintiffs included in 7/04 settlement. Laicization announced 1/04. Remains prime suspect in 1972 murder of altar boy. Investigation continuing as of 2007. As many as 48 known victims per 12/08 article. -- Diocese: Springfield, MA
319 Robert A. Gray
Convicted of sexually abusing a teenage boy while teaching him karate in 1993. Charges re two other boys were dismissed. Sent to jail for 160 days and 5 years probation. Received psychiatric treatment before being returned to job in the Diocese in 1995.Removed from his job as head of cemeteries department and placed on permanent leave in June 2002. -- Diocese: San Jose, CA
320 Robert Allgaier
Archbishop knew of allegation of child pornography in 2001 but reassigned him to middle school after evaluation. Only removed in 2002 just prior to charges being filed. Pleaded guilty to attempted possession of child pornograph for using computers to view internet photos of children involved in sex acts. Sentenced to 2 years probation. Finally left priesthood in 2005. On sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Omaha, NE
321 Robert Brouillette
Arrested 1998 & convicted 2000 on solicitation and child porn charges. Received 4 years probation. Accused in 7/02 suit of sexual abuse of a student at St. Laurence High School between 1996-1998. Suit also alleges that he had sex with minors at schools in HI, MA, MI and a NM Reservation before being transferred to St. Lawrence School. 2nd suit 1/03. Living at Vianney Center in MO in 2004. Left the Order and Vianney Center after judge ruled his probation was over. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
322 Robert C. Hrdlicka
In 1993, while serving as Navy chaplain, he was court martialed and sent to prison after pleading guilty to indecent acts with minors in South Carolina and Sicily, Italy. Released from prison and from Navy in 1999. Articles also reported he was removedor dismissed from the priesthood. In 2002 he was sued by 4 brothers in the Lincoln diocese who accused him of abuse in 1978. -- Diocese: Lincoln, NE
323 Robert D. Friese
Friese was teacher/counselor at Maryville Academy and abused boy on at least three occasions. At time of indictment, Friese was on leave from Chicago Archdioces and working as researcher at Univ of Illinois--Chicago's child care program. He was convicted in 1985 and placed on probation for 4 yrs and sent to House of Affirmation. Resigned from priesthood 8/85. Laicized 7/87. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
324 Robert E. "Paul" Hayden
Br. Robert (or "Paul") Hayden (also known as Brother Declan) sentenced to one year in prison in 1986 for sexually abusing mentally retarded men at a group home. One resident contracted AIDS and died. Civil suit filed 1993 accused Hayden and Br. Fintan Shaffer of abuse. Also named was Order which ran the home and other religious. Suit settled fall, 1997. Mother of victim will donate proceeds to charity to help other victims. -- Diocese: Columbus, OH
325 Robert E. Freitas
Sent for treatment and placed on "restricted ministry" in 1985 after two boys complained of sexual abuse. In 2002, man told Diocese Freitas had molested him in 1979. Police notified. Plaintiff wore a wire during meeting; Freitas admitted abuse and was arrested. Accuser also filed suit. Police believe there were at least 4 more victims from about the same time frame. Pled guilty 12/02; sentenced to 6 mo in jail & 5 yrs probation. Released 6/03 after US Supreme Ct ruling. 1 settlement 11/03. -- Diocese: Oakland, CA
326 Robert E. Kelley
Convicted 1990 and 2003. Admitted abusing 50-100 girls between 1976-1983. Sentenced to two separate prison terms (1990-1996 and 2003-2008) for different abuses. Also several civil suits. First civil suit filed 1993. In 1997 one Plaintiff awarded $527,734 from Kelley. Ceased to be active priest in 1986 but not laicized. Referred to as one of the worst offenders in the Diocese. 2 lawsuits settled in 2006. Registered sex offender. -- Diocese: Worcester, MA
327 Robert E. Mayer
Civil suit filed 1982 alleged he exposed himself to several boys. Settled; no criminal charges. Convicted 1992 of abuse of girl, age 13. Sentenced to 3 years in jail. Resigned 1/94. New civil suit filed 6/06 by 4 men alleging abuse when they were young. Archdiocese settled at least one claim in 5/07 $6.65M settlement with 14 people alleging abuse by 12 priests. At least 1 claim included in 8/08 $12.7M settlement involving 11 priests and 16 plaintiffs. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
328 Robert G. Wolk
Wolk, Francis Pucci and Richard Zula accused of abuse of two brothers in the 1980s' Wolk began abusing both boys when they were 12. He was placed on leave in 1987 and indicted in 1988. Sentenced to jail (2 concurrent 5-10 yrs sentences.). Wolk is also suspected of abuse in Pennsylvania, Florida and Canada. Believe he was voluntarily laicized in 2003. Diocese also admitted settling a civil suit out of court. On Sex Offender Registry in FL 1/10. -- Diocese: Pittsburgh, PA
329 Robert Hill
Arrested and convicted in 1991 on charges of compelling prostitution by paying to perform sex acts on a 17 year old boy. Served 2 yrs in prison. He was suspended by the Diocese and sent for treatment. In 2002 he was found living at a retirement home for priests--in the same building as a pre-school. He is retired per May 2002 article. -- Diocese: Youngstown, OH
330 Robert Howell
Ordained as deacon 2001. Pled guilty 11/04 to viewing child pornography in 2002 on a computer at the Boise office of Seattle's Casey Family Programs, a foster child counseling service. Bishop Driscoll knew of the investigation in 6/04 but only removed Howell in 10/04 and informed the parish where he worked 2/05. Sentenced 1/05 to 18 months in prison. Reportedly laicized in 2006. On ID sex offender registry 6/11. -- Diocese: Boise, ID
331 Robert J. Fisher
Convicted of a sexual offense committed against 14 year old girl in 1987 (referred to as misdemeanor charges of sexual imposition and contributing to sexual abuse of a minor). He served 30 days in jail in 1988 and underwent 4 years of therapy and counseling before being reinstated. Not permanently removed until 7/02 after Dallas Bishops' Conference. -- Diocese: Toledo, OH
332 Robert J. Hermley
Accused in 2003 of abuse of boy in Philly between 1976-1980. In 1987 he was reported to Oblates for having abused a youth during early 1980s in NJ. Convicted 1982 in PA of indecent assult of boys age 13 and 14 during Wilmington assignment. 3 yrs probation. Reinstated to ministry same year in parish in VA.. When listed in the Philly Grand Jury report, he was living at an Oblate facility in Childs, Md. Died 8/30/09. -- Diocese: Philadelphia, PA
333 Robert Joseph Petrella
Indicted and convicted 1997 for sexual abuse of 10 yr old boy in late 1970s. Sentenced to 6 mo in jail, reduced to 7 days. Convicted 2003 for abuse of three. Sentenced to 18 mo in prison. Sent for treatment 3 times. Placed on leave 1989. Laicizied 4/03. At least 1 claim included in $1.3M settlement with archdiocese in 12/06. At least 25 people report having been molested by him. Living at his mom's in North Arlington, MD as of 9/08. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
334 Robert K. Larson
Former Director of Catholic Charities. Removed/retired from active service in 1988 for "stress related problems." Accused of abusing >17 boys. Pled guilty in 2001 to abusing 4, including 1 felony count. Sentenced to 3-10 yrs prison; 5 others whom L denies abusing later committed suicide. Abuse included sodomy. Moved to St. John Vianney Renewal Center in MO. after 3/06 release from prison. Listed on MO sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Wichita, KS
335 Robert L. Foster
Foster, a deacon for 18 years and retired Judge, was charged in 1997 with sexually abusing a 12 yr old girl when she and her younger sister stayed overnight at his home. He also tried to get her to let him take pictures of her. Girl was altar server at church where Foster served. He pleaded no contest in 1998--5 yr deferred adjudication. In 2000, he was charged with stalking girl and sentence was revised to 5 yrs probation. Died in 2003. -- Diocese: Oklahoma City, OK
336 Robert L. Melancon
Had already been placed on leave and sent for therapy at time of his arrest 6/95. Charged with raping an altar boy several times between 1985-1991. In 7/95 someone gave Melancon's attorney a $1M cashier's check to pay for bail. Convicted 6/96. Sentenced to life without parole. Accuser settled a civil suit with Diocese for $800K. Church paid $30K in 1993 to settle with another individual who had "relationship" w/ Melancon as a minor. -- Diocese: Houma-Thibodaux, LA
337 Robert L. Schaeufele
Placed on leave 4/02 after allegations began to surface. Several civil suits 2003-2004. In 2004 Diocese agreed to pay $1.1M to 12 men abused by him. Others refused to settle. Found not guilty 5/03 of some charges but convicted 6/03 on other charges of abuse in 1980s. Received two 30-year concurrent sentences. Diocese knew in 1994 that he was bringing boys to rectory without another adult. At least 22 accusers are known. Also abused in parishes now part of Venice Diocese. Still in jail 1/10. -- Diocese: St. Petersburg, FL
338 Robert M. Burns
Abused in Youngstown diocese and was sent for counseling and treatment before transferring to Boston. Youngstown told Boston not to let him be around children. Still abused. Burns removed from duties in 1991 because of abuse. Pled guilty 3/96 in NH tomolesting 2 youths. Served 3 yrs of 8 yr sentence. Admitted to abusing 42 boys and young men. Sued several times. Boston settled claims with Burns' victims totaling more than $2.6M. between 1992-2002. Also convicted 2005. 11 yr sentence. -- Diocese: Youngstown, OH
339 Robert M. Timchak
Arrested 10/09 on 16 counts of having child pornography on his computer. Released on own recognizance. Investigation began 12/08 when Diocese notified the DA's office of an anonymous letter re improper use of computer by Timchak. In 2006, he took a 1 yr leave of absence. Has been on leave since 4/09 for treatment. Pled guilty 8/10 to 17 counts of possession of child porn & downloading same. Sentenced 11/10 to 6-72 mo in state prison, $3400 fine & register as sex offender.. -- Diocese: Scranton, PA
340 Robert Morel
Placed on leave 1993. Charged with criminal sexual contact after allegedly fondling a youth. Trial set for 1994. Sentenced to 6 months probation. Morel also faced civil suit filed by man who alleged Morel abused him for 8 years beginning when he was 9 and ending about 1981. -- Diocese:
341 Robert N. Burkholder
Called one of MI's worst pedophiles. Abused in 1940s. 1st complaint 1968; "retired" 1985. Removed 1993 after admitting in writing to molesting at least 23 boys. Civil suits filed in 1994 (dismissed on limitations) and 1995 (settled). On sick leave per OCD but worked as Army chaplain in Hawaii from 1982. Extradited 2002; pleaded no contest. Sentenced to 30 days jail & 5 yrs probation. Permanently removed w/o privileges 2005. Named in 2 suits in HI in 2009 filed by same Plaintiff. Died between 2005-2008 -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
342 Robert N. Caparelli
Originally reported to diocese in 1968. Abused several boys before being arrested in 1991. Sentenced 7/92 to 2 1/2 to 5 yrs prison. Another charge re abuse of 2nd youth added additional time to his sentence in 1993. He died in prison 12/94. Named in civil suits. Had been moved several times after diocese knew of his actions. 2 suits settled 1996. 1 man settled his 2005 lawsuit 01/07 for undisclosed sum. -- Diocese: Scranton, PA
343 Robert P. Pelkington
Surrendered to police in 2000 after being charged with abusing two youths (brothers) between 12/98 and 4/99. He had been in treatment at St. Luke's prior to surrendering to police. Pilkington was assigned to parish in New York state from 1995-1999 but apparently was visiting in CT at time of assaults. Convicted. 3 yrs suspended sentence and 10 years probation. Listed on sex offender registry in Washington, D.C. as of 8/09. -- Diocese: Hartford, CT
344 Robert Patrick Malloy
Arrested in 1998 and later charged with sexually exploiting at least 14 boys 1992-1998. Placed on leave. Indictment covered 42 charges. Charges dismissed 2/02 but refiled and in plea agreement 8/02 Malloy pleaded no contest to five lesser counts. Sentenced 9/02 to 5 yrs (less 5 days) probation. 2002 article says he had been writing anonymous, sexually explicit notes to teenage boys at St. Pius High School, offering to pay them for their semen. Served as police chaplain until 1998. -- Diocese: Santa Fe, NM
345 Robert Ruglovsky
Accused of molesting at least 7 boys. First abuse occurred in Ohio and Michigan and then he moved to Minnesota where he abused six other boys. Criminal charges were filed in Minnesota in 1987. Sentence was 15 yrs probaton and 1 yr. jail with participation in sex offender program. One civil suit filed in 1994 in California & 2 other suits filed in Minnesota in 1988. 1990 article says that he admitted to molesting numerous boys over a 20 yr period. -- Diocese: Cleveland, OH
346 Robert V. Gale
2002 articles cite numerous complaints about Gale's abuse of young boys in 1979, 1981, 1983 and 1987. Removed from ministry in 1991 but allowed to reside at a church. Accusations of abuse from that church in 1994. 1995 and 1996 lawsuits. Arrested 2002 on charges of raping an altar boy between 1980-1984. Pleaded guilty in 2004 and sentenced 4-5 yrs in prison & probation. Laicized 2006. Also part of NH Atty General report. Released from treatment 3/09. On Sex Offender Registry as of 5/15/11. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
347 Robert Van Handel
Founding director of Santa Barbara Boys' Choir and principal of St. Anthony's Seminary High School. Charged 1994 with abuse of students. Sentenced 8/94 to 8 yrs prison for abuse of 1. Released in 2002. Named in several civil suits. Archdiocesan report says abuse of 6 between 1970-1982. 4 claims settled 2006. See add'l info in 2 suits filed fall, 2009. Registered sex offender. CA. Court of Appeals confirmed court's decision to release personnel file 9/30/10. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
348 Robert Yurgel
Arrested 4/08 and charged with sexual abuse of a 14 yr old boy in 1999 at St. Matthew Church in Charlotte. He was assigned to the church from 1997-1999. At the time of his arrest he was working in Passaic, NJ as a chaplain at St. Mary's Hospital. Had been at the hospital since 2000. Extradited to Charlotte and released on bail. Plaintiff filed civil suit 10/08, saying diocese knew before transfer to NJ. Pleaded guilty to 1 count 2/09; sentenced to 90-120 months in jail. Suit settled 5/10 for $1M. -- Diocese: Charlotte, NC
349 Roger Armand Fortier
By 1984 Fortier had admitted to Chancellor that he watched pornographic filmes and gave alcohol to minor boys and then abused them. Arrested 1997 for molesting 2 boys at the rectory in mid 1990s. Also charged with possession of child porn. Convicted 7/98 and sentenced to 30 to 60 years in prison for abuse of two youths. Pled guilty 11/97 to attempted abuse of a 3rd youth and rec'd concurrent 5-10 yr sentence. Other victims came forward 2002 & 2003. Still in prison 5/11. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
350 Roger J. Trott
Director of Cathedral Boys Choir in 1973. Criminal charges filed in 1987 against Trott for abusing as many as 12 young boys. Pled guilty to abuse of one youth and sentenced to 5 yrs probation with treatment as a condition of probation and a fine of $10,000. Newspapers compared the rapid, open treatment of charges against Trott to the secret treatment of Dennis Dellamalva in 1983 and the sealing of litigation for 4 yrs. Civil suit filed 2005 re abuse 1973-1976. -- Diocese: Greensburg, PA
351 Roman Kramek
Kramac, a visiting priest from Warsaw, Poland was arrested 12/02 for allegedly sexually abusing a 17 yr old girl who had gone to him for counseling after she had been assaulted by other individuals. Plea agreement in 2004 led to sentence of 9 months in jail and 10 yrs probation. Upon his release in 2005, he returned to Poland. -- Diocese: Hartford, CT
352 Romano J. Ferraro
Arrested 4/1/02; convicted and sentenced 5/20/04 to life in prison for repeatedly raping boy 1973-80 in Billerica MA starting at age 7. Admitted at trial he was pedophile who abused perhaps dozens of boys. Earliest abuse alleged in civil suits was 1964-68.Then he was in FL as Navy chaplain 1968-71; dishonorably discharged; sued 1/06 for FL abuse. Reassigned, he allegedly abused in Brooklyn, Rockville Centre, St. Louis, and Metuchen dioceses. Suspended 1988. Diocese apparently knew much earlier. -- Diocese: Brooklyn, NY
353 Ronald Borman
Borman was arrested 10/11/06 on charges of Internet child seduction. Employed by Louisville KY archdiocese as teacher 1978-85. Worked as priest 1992-98 in the Lansing MI and Toledo OH dioceses and the Indianapolis IN archdiocese. Left the priesthood in 1998. Then taught in Louisville archdiocesan schools until 2001, and in Louisville public middle schools until his arrest. Pleaded guilty 2/09 to 1 count of possession of child porn. . Sentenced to 30 mo. prison. -- Diocese: Louisville, KY
354 Ronald D. Provost
Pastor gave Aux. Bp. Harrington photos he made of boys in underwear in early 1980s; sent to House of Affirmation. Made pastor 1988. Removed 1/92; sent to St. Luke's. Convicted 1/93 of taking nude photos of 10 yr old. 10 yr susp. sentence. In 1/92 gavepolice 100+ nude & semi-nude photos of boys he took starting in 1977. In 1996 civil trial, jury found Diocese & Bp. not responsible & found that Plaintiff did not suffer physical harm from the pictures. New suit filed 10/10 re abuse 1979-1982. -- Diocese: Worcester, MA
355 Ronald H. Paquin
Pleaded guilty late 12/02 to three counts of child rape and was sentenced to 12-15 yrs in prison. At least 18 complaints reported to Archdiocese over a 20 year period (13 between 1990 and 1996) but he was not permanently removed from active ministry until 2000. He had been placed on leave in 1990 and reinstated in 1998. Six claims against him were settled by the church for amounts totaling more than $500K. Also named in report by NH Atty General. Laicization announced 5/04. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
356 Ronald J. Yarrosh
Arrested 2004 on charges of possession of "enormous amount" of child pornography. Removed from assignment and sent for psych treatment. Diocese knew Yarrosh had "personality problems." Also accusation of embezzlement. Agreed to plead guilty in 2005 inreturn for sentence of 3 to 23 months in prison, 20 months of parole,10 years of probation, and pay $24,000 in restitution. Violated probation and sentenced in 11/06 to 4-10 yrs in prison. Sentenced upheld 1/08. -- Diocese: Allentown, PA
357 Ronald Lane "Jean Paul" Fontenot
Accused of abuse in Louisiana in mid 1970s. Civil Suit filed in Louisiana in 1983. Placed on leave and sent for counseling in 1983. Then transferred to Spokane as drug/alcohol counselor. Abused at least 3 there. Criminal conviction in 1986 resulted in1 yr jail and 2 yrs Jemez Springs (on probation). Six civil suits filed in Spokane in 1986 and settled in 1989. Another civil suit filed there in 2003. -- Diocese: Lafayette, LA
358 Ronald Sam Gilardi
Arrested and charged in 2000 with 14 counts of indecent solicitation of child and other crimes of 14 yr old boy at Thomas More Prep-Marian High School in 1993-1994. Pleaded guilty in 2001 re 3 cournts; sentenced to at least 32 months in treatment at Vianney Center in MO and 5 yrs probation. Suit filed in 2001 in TX. Dismissed and refiled in KS. Settlement announced 12/01. School paid $30K. Family also settled with insurance co. and Diocese in confidential settlement. Living w/ Order in St. Louis 12/06 -- Diocese: Salina, KS
359 Ruben Soto
Soto, a Franciscan brother in training, was accused in 1995 of molesting three boys at St. Anthony's Church in Cicero. Soto told another Friar who alerted authorities. Soto arrested 6/95. LINKUP later reported that that Soto may have also abused youths in Texas as well. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
360 Rudolph "Rudy" Kos
Sued in 1993-1994 by at least 12 victims. Abuse occurred before ordination, during priesthood, and while he was on leave from treatment at Paracletes. $119Ml civil jury verdict for Plaintiffs 7/97. reduced to $30.9M in 1998 after negotiated settlement.. Convicted in 1998 of criminal abuse of 4 of the plaintiffs. Received 4 life sentences. Laicization announced 6/98.. Later lawsuits also filed. -- Diocese: Dallas, TX
361 Rudolph Stefan Nocinski
Arrested 7/04 and charged with felony possession of child pornography. Computer technician found screen saver with pornographic images and some child pornography and alerted police who found more than 2500 images at residence. Had been with order for 35yrs. Was not currently involved in public ministry. Received 18 mo prison term (suspended) and 5 yrs probation. -- Diocese: Green Bay, WI
362 Russell Gerald Appleby
Also known as Gerald Russell Appleby. In 1994 young man accused Appleby of molestation over 2 year period. Suit filed in 1996; later dropped. Appleby left St. Petersburg in 1979; diocese admits no knowledge of complaints until 1994. Order paid the accuser $4,800 for therapy in 1995. Removed by Order in 1990 or 1991; laicized in 1995. Arrested in Texas on FL abuse charges 3/03. Pleaded guilty 2004; sentenced to 12 yrs prison & 20 yrs sex offender probation. Died in prison 2005 per State of FL website. -- Diocese: St. Petersburg, FL
363 Salvatore ""Br. Sal" Billante
Abused as many as 25 youths between 1969-1989. Pleaded guilty to abuse of 1--sentenced to 8 yrs prison in 1989. Released 1994. Registered sex offender. Left the order. Arrested again in 2002 for abuse of 1 but charges dropped after Calif Supreme Courtdecision. Named in 2003 civil suit. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
364 Samuel D. Pusateri
Pusateri worked as teacher, chaplain and counselor at the St. Bede Academy near Peru for 20 yrs. He received 6 yr jail sentence after pleading guilty in 1991 to abusing a 17 yr old student in 1990. Still a Benedictine and working in Rome per 9/2000 newsletter from Most Rev. Marcel Rooney O.S.B., Abbot Primate. -- Diocese: Peoria, IL
365 Shamaun Beas
Beas, an extern priest from Pakistan, was arrested 5/04 in an Internet sting and charged with soliciting sex over the Internet from someone he believed to be a 14 yr old girl. Had previously exhibited "questionable behavior" and sent for therapy. Sentenced to 5 to 20 years 3/06 Later sentenced to 1 yr for abuse of 1 girl. Withdrew guilty plea to add'l charges in another county 7/08. Girl's sister also alleges abuse. Sentenced to another 16-24 mo. 10/08 for abuse of both sisters. -- Diocese: Grand Rapids, MI
366 Shawn McEnany
Pleaded guilty in 1988 to unlawful sexual contact with 15 yr old female student at Lewiston ME High School. Rec'd suspended sentence. Went to work for school operated by Bros. Sacred Heart in NH. Order thought it was ok since it was boys school and he abused a girl. Placed on leave 1997 and charged with violating a state law that bars sex offenders from working with children and for failing to register. Charges dropped 1999. Moved to RI. Named in Maine AG Report. -- Diocese: Portland, ME
367 Simon Palathingal
Originally from India. Arrested 6/04 on charges that he sexually assaulted a young boy in 1990-1991 in Milwaukee. At time of arrest, he was working in South Amboy, NJ in the Metuchen diocese. He apparently left Milwaukee in 1991 and lived in India for some time before living and working in several states between 1993 and 2004. Diocese knew in 1993 because youth testified then re abuse by his uncle, Fr. Dennis Pecore, and by Palathingal. Also abused in Louisiana. Sentenced to 16 yrs prison in 2004. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
368 Stephen A. Fernandes
Arrested 11/04 and placed on leave by diocese after computer repair technician found child pornography involving men and boys on his laptop computer and reported it to the Diocese. He was working at Our Lady of Fatima Church in New Bedford at time of his arrest. Also charged with exhibiting or posing at least one child engaged in a sexual act. Pleaded guilty and sentenced 11/05 to 8 months in prison, 4 yrs probation and $20K fine. -- Diocese: Fall River, MA
369 Stephen C. Hernandez
Retired 1997. Placed on leave 4/02. Multiple victims before 1985. One suit filed 10/03 alleged he abused a girl at Santa Clara Parish in 1970s. Another suit filed 12/03 accused him of abuse from 1998-2002 at Eastlake Juvenile Hall. Arrested 6/04. Sentenced to 3 yrs probation 1/25/06 for misdemeanor charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. -- Diocese: Los Angeles, CA
370 Stephen G. Rogers
Rogers, a religion teacher at Central Catholic High School, was placed on leave 12/02 after being caught with internet child porn. Convicted in 2003 and sentenced to 21 months prison. Served 18 months. Diocese paid his salary while he was in prison. Teacher's certificate was been revoked as of 11/06. Permanently removed from public ministry. Still a registered sex offender as of 1/2/10. -- Diocese: Toledo, OH
371 Stephen Kiesle
Left priesthood 1981. Laicized 1987. Convicted in 1978 of child molestation of 2 boys. Sentenced to 3 years probation. Arrested 2002 after 3 women alleged abuse as children. Arrested again 8/02 on complaint that he assaulted a male victim. May be up to10 female victims. Kiesle admitted that if girls said abuse happened then he was sure it did. Charges dropped 7/03. Sentenced 2004 to 6 yrs prison for abuse in 1995. Civil suits also filed. Registered sex offender. 2 more suits with 7 accusers 8/10. -- Diocese: San Francisco, CA
372 Stephen Scruton
Arrested at least twice for lewd behavior and/or indecent behavior. Sued in 1991 by one boy alleging abuse in 1986. Took sick leave in 1990. Removed from position at counselor for sex offenders at Essex County Jail in 1992 after name appeared on list ofaccused abusers. Named in 3 suits in 2002. At least one claim in 11/02 $5M settlement involving 62 victims and 28 priests. -- Diocese: Manchester, NH
373 Terrence Healy
Healy pled no contest in Livingston County. to molestation charges 12/87 and spent 4 1/2 yrs in prison. May have abused in earlier assignment. Per 2/04 article, allgations were made (in 2002 or 2003??) in Lansing Diocese against Healy who served in Grand Blanc at one time. -- Diocese: Lansing, MI
374 Terry Manspeaker
Manspeaker, a deacon, received 5 yrs probation in 1994 after pleading guilty to assaulting a 17 yr old teenage boy and to making sexual advances to a 14 yr old boy. -- Diocese: Hartford, CT
375 Thomas A. Kuhn
Placed on leave in 2002 after deputies confiscated several parish computers to look for inappropriate material. Indicted on 11 courts of public indecency and providing alcohol to minors betweem 11/01 and 1/02. Claims involved 4 boys and 1 girl. Convicted 2004 and sentenced to 5 yrs probation. Violated probation 1/05. Still on Archdiocesan payroll as of 4/07. Still on administrative leave in 2009 per archdiocesan website 11/1/09. -- Diocese: Cincinnati, OH
376 Thomas A. Rydzewski
Rydzewski was arrested for possession of child pornograpy and internet child pornography 12/01. Pleaded guilty 7/02 and was sentenced to 27 months in prison 11/02. He was caught as part of Operation Candyman Sting. Name appeared on Baltimore Archdiocese's 9/02 list of priests accused of abuse. List said that "possession of child pornography is immoral and a crime that causes great harm to children." On MD sex offender registry as of 1/10. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
377 Thomas B. Laughlin
Accused of sexually abusing between 20-40 boys from 1967-1996. Numerous civil suits filed; several settled. Convicted at least once and sentenced to 1 yr in jail in 1983 when he finally became inactive as priest. Even abused on way to therapy in New Mexico. Apparently was laicized after 1988. 10 men sued Laughlin, individually, in 2004. Addl suit filed 8/07 by one man alleging abuse beginning in 1960. -- Diocese: Portland, OR
378 Thomas C. Chleboski, Jr.
Began to abuse boys prior to ordination. Criminal charges in DC, Virginia & Maryland re 2 13-yr-old boys. Convicted in all three states. Sentenced to prison for 22 yrs & 15 yrs probation in 1991 in VA; also sentenced in MD. DC sentence unknown. Abused one child again after he was reported. Mother of 1 youth filed civil suit. Voluntarily laicized. Served as chaplain in Air Force Reserves. Out on probation and registered as sex offender as of 10/3/10. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
379 Thomas Cuthbert Ford
Ford, a Christian Brother from Canada, lived and taught in New Jersey for many years. Extradited to Canada and convicted of abuse at Mount Cashel orphanage between 1956-1959. Sentenced to 5 months in jail in 2000. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
380 Thomas F. Dempsey
Worked in La Crosse Diocese off and on from 1955 to 1975 (15 parishes in 15 years). Pleaded guilty in 1997 to one count of indecent behavior during 1960s with a youth. Sentenced to community service and to pay up to $6,000 for counseling for victims. Could be prosecuted because he had been transferred to Boston in 1970. "Retired" in 1989 and died in 1998. Also abused in Boston and New Hampshire. Named in at least 3 suits. -- Diocese: La Crosse, WI
381 Thomas G. Saloy
Arrested 11/17/06 after year-long investigation of Saloy's activity in internet chat rooms. The investigation began when the arrest of a porn dealer revealed that Saloy was a customer. Pled guilty on 11/30/06 to possessing over 600 images of child pornography on his rectory computer. Sentenced to 3 1/2 yrs fed. prison 5/1/08. Still on administrative leave. -- Diocese: Rockville Centre, NY
382 Thomas Graham
Indicted, convicted in 2005, and sentenced to 20 years in prison for orally sodomizing a boy in the late 1970s. Archdiocese investigated in 1994 but could not substantiate the allegations. Diocese posted bond after the conviction while case was being appealed. MO Supreme Court overturned the conviction & prison sentence 11/06, saying sodomy had 3 yr statute of limitations. New suit filed 3/11 by one man who alleged abuse twice in 1966. -- Diocese: St. Louis, MO
383 Thomas J. Bender
Convicted 1988. Abuse of boy. 7 years probation. New accusations 2006 where he was arrested on charges of online solicitation of detective posing as 14 yr old boy. Bender pleaded guilty 7/06 but asked in 8/06 to withdraw his guilty plea based on a recent appellate decision. Pleaded guilty to federal charges 2/07. Sentenced to 10 yrs prison 5/08. Laicized in May, 2005. -- Diocese: Allentown, PA
384 Thomas James Pagni, III
1995 suit alleges Pagni molested young people in seminary and at several assignments. Diocese put him through school for mental counseling career in 1986 in exchange for leaving priesthood. Suit says diocese lied to state about background. Diocese agreed it helped him change careers but denies deceiving state. 2 more suits filed in 1996. Arrested 1995; sentenced to 10 yrs prison 1996. Released 7/2000. Still in FL. On sex offender registry. -- Diocese: Orlando, FL
385 Thomas Kieran Ahearn
Ahearn arrested 1/93 and charged with molesting 14 yr old youth he picked up while on a skiing vacation. Found guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and sentenced to 2 yrs probation. Youth also filed a civil suit in 1995. Personnel file produced to Court in 1999. Ahearn died 12/97. -- Diocese: Bridgeport, CT
386 Thomas L. McLaughlin
Sentenced in 1989 to 18 months in prison for sexually molesting a 12 yr old boy. He pleaded guilty and charges re 6 other boys dismissed. McLaughlin spent one year at Hocking Correctional Facility. After his release from prison in 1990 he "complied with [Bp] Griffin's request" that he be laicized. Civil suit filed by two victims and settled in 1992. -- Diocese: Columbus, OH
387 Thomas Patrick Purcell
Name appeared in 6/02 article listing 15 priests with ties to Tucson diocese who had been accused of child sexual abuse. Purcell worked in the Tucson diocese from 1982-1984 as a visiting priest. Came from St. Louis area. Convicted 2003 of abuse of 13 yr old in 1982-1983. Received 9.5-year sentence. -- Diocese: Tucson, AZ
388 Thomas R. Bevan
Removed 8/09 after allegations that he sexually abused a minor boy several times at St. John's school in Frederick between 1974-1979. He denied. Archdiocese learned of allegations 6/09 and notified police. Another allegation made in 2005 dated back to 1974 but review board found "insufficient evidence" and he wasn't removed. 4 allegations found credible 11/09. Perm. removed from active ministry 11/09. Criminal charges filed 2/10. Plea agreement 9/10. 10 yr susp. sentence & 18 mo home detention. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
389 Thomas S. Schaefer
Convicted 1996 of abuse of 5. 16-year sentence reduced to 1 year. Abused at least 21 boys. Sent to live at St. John Vianney in St. Louis. At least 1 claim included in $1.3M settlement with Archdiocese in 12/06. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
390 Timothy DeVenney
Accused of abuse of several minor boys from 1993 - 1996 during his first assignment as a priest. Suspended in 1996. Pled guilty in 1997 and sentenced to 10 yrs in prison. Released from prison on parole12/01 and was living outside Washington DC in residence run by a religious order. At least 1 claim settled in $2.6M settlement with Archdiocese 3/07. Another included in 3/08 settlement. Laicization announced 12/08. -- Diocese: Dubuque, IA
391 Timothy E. Pisik
Convicted 1991 for sexual assault of 16 year old. Sentenced to 7 years and served 5. Named in 3/05 suit along with 2 other priests as abusers of one individual between 1986-1991. Also named as abuser in 1994 RICO civil suit. Lived in Syracuse NY as of6/06. Diocese asked that he be laicized but Vatican sent case back and ordered church trial. -- Diocese: Camden, NJ
392 Timothy E. Svea
Svea, the U.S. Superior of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest Order, pleaded guilty 2/02 to exposing himself to and molesting teenage boys. Sentenced to 1.5 years jail. 20 years probation. Bishop Burke brought Svea and his group to La Crosse to run a parish. Last known to be living in Marathon Co. Wisconsin. -- Diocese: La Crosse, WI
393 Timothy J. Brennan
Pleaded guilty in 1987 to aggravated sexual contact with a 15 yr old boy in 1983 at Delbarton School. Received 1 yr suspended sentence and sent for therapy. Officials at St. Mary's Abbey admitted he was then allowed to continue working at churches in New York state for more than a decade, He was working in Rochester NY in 2002 when he was placed on leave. Additional complaint filed 2002. Order sent him to rehabilitation center for rest of his life. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
394 Timothy J. Szott
Placed on leave 2/03 after repair technicians found child pornography on his computer and notified police. Arraigned 6/03 and posted bail before returning to treatment at St. Luke's. In 9/03 he was sentenced to 18 mo. probation after pleading no contest to possession of child pornography. Permanently removed from ministry 2005. Sued 4/08 for abuse of 1 youth in 1999. Plaintiff had just turned 18. Other complaints too old to prosecute. Died 8/08 in AZ. Sued again 11/08. -- Diocese: Detroit, MI
395 Timothy Joseph Evans
Charged with two counts of sexual abuse. 3 male victims. Abuse occurred 1995-1997 and 1999. Removed from active ministry in 2003. Judge will allow other accusers to testify. Has pleaded innocent to all charges. Found guilty in 1 trial in 03/07 and then found guilty in another county in 2nd trial in 04/07. Named in 1st civil suit 4/07. Sentenced to 14 yrs to life 5/07 with 4 more years added 1 day later in another case. Suit settled 4/08. -- Diocese: Denver, CO
396 Timothy Slevin
In 1972 Slevin underwent treatment for fondling children. "Formally separated" from priesthood in 1974 after allegations that he molested children. In 1986 Slevin, then basketball coach at Sacred Heart Catholic School, admitted to police that he sexually abused 6 boys more than 50 times in six years. Charges relating to these acts were dropped in exchange for guilty plea on 4 counts of abusing another boy from 1983-1986. Slevin sentenced to 3-12 yrs prison. 1986 suit settled out of court. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
397 Tomasz Adam Zielinski
Zielinski, a priet from Poland, had been working at Christ King Church in Manville since 4/08. In 7/08 a teenage girl complained to flight attendants that he was groping her and attepting to unzip her pants during flight from Poland to the US. Zielinski was criminally charged approx . 1 week later, He was placed on leave by the diocese. Pleaded guilty 10/1/08. Sentenced to 1 yr in fed. prison 1/09. Released 1/10. -- Diocese: Metuchen, NJ
398 Toussaint J. Perron
Convicted 1993 of abuse of boy, age 14. 5-year sentence. Served 3 yrs. Removed from public ministry in 1992. Civil suit (filed in 11/05) later dropped, and refiled 1/07. -- Diocese: Peoria, IL
399 Varghese Pereppadan
Pereppadan, a visiting priest from India, was arraigned 8/04 on charges that he sexually molested a teenage girl at Our Lady of the Presentation Church in Brighton. Placed on leave by the Archdiocese. He had been studying in Cambridge and working at the church since 10/03. Admitted guilt 12/04 and received 1 yr probation. Charges to be dropped if he successfully completed probation. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
400 Victor Frobas
Abused in Wheeling/Charleston in 1977 and sent for treatment at House of Affirmation. Later assigned to St. Rose of Lima parish in Worcester Diocese 1978-1979 and reoffended. Said to have participated in sex ring. Convicted of child molestation in MO in 1988 after being extradited from NM. 4 yr sentence. Indicted on charges in MA but died 1993 before trial. Sued 1 time in MA and twice in WV beginning in 1993-1994. -- Diocese: Wheeling-Charleston, WV
401 Victor Lucien Chateauvert
Accused of molesting two boys over a three year period at parish in Bull Dog Lake. Boys were 14 and 19 when Chateauvert was arrested 12/92. Sentenced to 6 mo. in jail 2/93 (priest was 73). He also worked in Ottawa, Ontario Canada at Our Lady of the Visitation from 1974 to 1978 and again in 1982. Died 3/99. -- Diocese: Duluth, MN
402 Vincent A. Lipinski
Archbp Sanchez confronted him re 2 allegations in early 1990 that Lipinski had abused a youth after getting him drunk. Lipinski denied; nothing done. Working at St. Anthony Parish in Questa, NM when criminal charges filed 10/92. He pled guilty in 1993 to two charges of molesting a 14 yr old boy after giving him alcohol. Sentenced to 3 yrs jail, suspended for 5 yrs. Civil suit filed by boy in 1993 and settled in 1996. 6/02 article reports he was laicized at some point. -- Diocese: Santa Fe, NM
403 Vincent McCaffrey
Removed in 1991 after allegations of abuse of minors. Resigned 12/93. Convicted on child porn charges 2002; 20 yr sentence. Civil suit filed 9/02. 4 claims settled 7/03. At least 1 claim in 10/05 settlement with Archdiocese. Admitted under oath to abusing as many as 40 young boys. Sued 5/06 by 1 man re abuse from 1982-1986 when Plaintiff was between 8-12 yrs old. Archdiocese settled at least 1 claim in 5/07 $6.65M settlement with 14 people alleging abuse by 12 priests. -- Diocese: Chicago, IL
404 Virgil Bradley Tetherow
Also known as "Father Gabriel." Admitted in 2005 that he downloaded child porn while working at St. Ann's Catholic Church in Tobyhanna, Pa. in 01/05. He was arrested in West Orange NJ while staying at St. Anthony of Padua. Pleaded guilty to one charge of criminal use of a communication facility; sentenced to two years probation. Case sent to Vatican for review. Privileges were removed when he was found celebrating mass in PA. Working as priest at traditionalist Catholic congregation in York until 5/10. -- Diocese: Scranton, PA
405 W. James Nyhan
Allegations 1993 & 1997 per diocesan records. Removed 2002. Arrested 2003 in Charleston SC. Criminal trial 4/06. Allegations in both Boston and Charleston. Pleaded guilty just prior to start of criminal trial 4/25/06. 30 yr sentence changed to 5 yrs probation. Civil suit in Charleston setted at mediation in 8/06. Laicization announced by Boston Archdiocese 3/07. -- Diocese: Boston, MA
406 Walter M. Weerts
Pled guilty in 1986 to abuse of 3 boys and was sentenced to 6 yrs in prison. Presentencing report says Weerts was sexually involved with boys for at least 18 yrs and officials knew of his problems. Served approx. 3 yrs. Was laicized during or shortly after release from prison. Diocese settled w/ 3 in 1987. 8 more claims settled 2004 for total of $1.2M. New suit filed 11/07 alleged abuse from 1968-1970. -- Diocese: Springfield, IL
407 Wayland Yoder Brown, Jr.
First complaint 1969 when he was lay catechism teacher in Savannah. Bishop Lessard ordained Brown despite advice from Voc. Director. Complaints through late 1980s. Returned to ministry after treatment at St. Luke's in 1986. Abuse in 1960s and 1970s alleged by 3 other men. Pled guilty 9/02 to abuse of 2 boys starting in 1974 while in Cath. Univ Seminary in DC; sentenced 2/6/03 to 10 yrs in prison in MD. Released 2008. New suit filed 6/08; settled 10/09 for $4.24M. On Sex Offender Registry. -- Diocese: Savannah, GA
408 William C. Casey
Retired. Permanently removed 4/10 by Knoxville BP after man filed criminal complaint in NC (no SOL). He alleged Casey abused him for 5 yrs beginning in 5th grade in 1975. Casey was at St. Dominic's in Kingsport at the time; accuser said abuse also occurred during trip to NC. Casey admitted that allegation had credibility. Arrested 4/19/10 on NC charges. Pled guilty 7/29/10. 3 yrs prison suspended to 24 mo probation. Same accuser also filed VA and in TN complaints. These will also go to trial. -- Diocese: Knoxville, TN
409 William C. O'Connell
After 2 parishes in 3 years became Navy chaplain 1953-58. Resigned to avoid court martial for criminal homosexual contact. Reassigned in Providence. Abuse of 3 boys in 1965-72 is alleged in suit settled 6/11/93 and 10/31/94 RICO suit. Pled guilty to abuse of 3 boys 1972-85; sentenced 6/23/86 to 5 years, 4 suspended. Sent to St. Luke's. Retired 1986 to Camden diocese. Pled guilty 12/19/94 to sexual assault and making child porn; got 10 years 2/95. Other suits. Included in 9/9/02 and 3/03 settlements. -- Diocese: Providence, RI
410 William C. Wert
Arrested in Venice FL 2/1/11; accused of having sex w/ 14 yr old boy between 9/10 and 1/11. Father notified police when found improper messages on boy's phone. Add'l charges filed 2/11 re abuse of 2nd victim. Charged in 1997 in D.C. with abuse of 14 yr old boy. Convicted 9/07 of simple assault; sentenced to 180 days in jail & 5 yrs probation. Was living in Order's retirement home in FL. Order is paying for defense lawyer. Worked at Crespi Carmelite High in Encino, CA. Civil suit filed 3/11. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
411 William D. Lum
Placed on leave 1996. Pleaded guilty 8/97 to misdemeanor sexual abuse of 16 yr old boy in 1992 and given conditional discharge instead of prison or probation. Lum allowed to perform administrative duties for Diocese until 4/02 when he was again placed on leave without privileges. Civil suit filed. Dismissed by Appeals court 2/02 as to Diocese & church but not Lum. On behalf of Lum, Diocese settled 5/02 for counseling fees. -- Diocese: Rochester, NY
412 William Earl Krouse
Krouse, former pastor of St. Francis Catholic Deaf Center in Prince George Co., MD, was arrested in FL 3/96 after former student accused him of abuse 1968-1972. He admitted to abusing youth and was jailed in Florida while awaiting extradition. He voluntarily left active priesthood about 1986 but still shown on leave per 1990 Catholic directory. Also known as Jay Krouse. In 11/96 Krouse sentenced to 10 yrs in prison for abusing 6 youths from 1970-1978. -- Diocese: Baltimore, MD
413 William Groves
Pleaded not guilty 12/89 to felony & misdemeanor child molestation. Previously served in MO, NE & KS. Gave shelter to runaway Indian & Hispanic kids and also gave them drugs & alcohol. Pleaded guilty in 1990 to one felony involving 14 yr old boy. Sentenced to 90 days jail & 4 yrs probation. Left active priesthood and spent 10 yrs working in OK as chaplain at a drug & alcohol rehab center. Fired when past known. Named in 2009 civil suit by 2 men in CO. -- Diocese: Pueblo, CO
414 William J. Effinger
Accused of molesting numerous boys and girls from first assignment to last. Transferred multiple times. At least one incident of abuse reported to Archdiocese in 1979 because there was a psychological report on Effinger addressed to Archbishop Weakland. 7 men/2 women settled out of court with Archdiocese in 1994. Sentenced to 10 yrs jail in 1993 for molesting a 14 yr old boy in 1988. Died of cancer in prison 12/96. -- Diocese: Milwaukee, WI
415 William J. Heim
Heim, a former priest working as a school guidance counselor, was arrested 3/02 on recent charges of inappropriately touching (sexual contact) on an 11 year old boy for over a year. His last church assignment was 1972. In 8/02 he was sentenced to two years in state prison. In 5/02 he pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his home computer and received a sentence of 5 years probation (this was in another county). In 5/04 Heim was released on parole from prison. -- Diocese: Albany, NY
416 William L. Winston
Accused of abuse of boy between 1999-2002. He was married Episcopal priest who became Catholic priest. Also accused of physically abusing his wife. Placed on leave by diocese in 2005 and has asked to be laicized. Sentenced to jail for 180 days 5/06. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
417 William McSherry Stock
Stock left priesthood in 1985. First allegation arose in 3/06 when man reported he was assaulted by Stock about 1981 when he was about 16. Stock arrested and charged 5/06. Arrested again 9/06 and charged with abusing another youth in late 1970s when accuser was 14. Sentenced to 19 months in prison 11/07 for abuse of 2nd accuser. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
418 William N. Cramer
Accused of abusing 2 young brothers in 1984. Mother told diocese which just transferred him. Reported to police in 1985; convicted in 1988 and received 3 yrs probation. Each child received $38K in civil suit. Worked as hospital chaplain beginning 1991 but placed on leave 2002. Cramer hired canon lawyer to fight his suspension. -- Diocese: Paterson, NJ
419 William Nicholas Garding
Ordained at age 43. In 1989 20 yr old man accused Garding of sexually abusing him over a three year period, beginning during confirmation classes. Pleaded guilty; sentenced to 6 mo jail and 10 yr stayed sentence. Sued 1991 but suit dismissed. Later wrote book "My Journey Alone" about his battle to suppress homosexuality and his quest for approval and love from adolescent male. parishioner. Privileges removed 6/02. Died 11/05 after auto accident. -- Diocese: St. Cloud, MN
420 William S. Green
Arrested 4/99 along with 5 other individuals for sending sexually explicit messages and pornography to a 14 yr old boy in chatroom on the Internet. Pleaded guilty 7/99 to two counts of oral copulation and one charge of attempting to send harmful material to a minor and was sentenced to two years in prison. -- Diocese: Oakland, CA
421 Wilputte Alanson 'Lan' Sherwood
Arrested 1984 and 1986 for public indecency. Arrested and convicted 1993 of sexual contact and attempted sexual contact with a 14 yr old boy in 1987 at St. Benedict Church in Chandler. Sentenced to 10 yrs in prison. Wrote in diary of over 1800 male partners,of whom 22 were minors. Released from jail 11/03 and placed at Arizona State Hospital for evaluation as sex offender. Disappeared 2005 until 11/08 arrest. On AZ sex offender registry 1/3/10. -- Diocese: Phoenix, AZ
422 Xavier Ortiz-Dietz
Indicted in 1993 for abusing three altar boys over a 2 yr period. Convicted in 1994 and sentenced to three 20 yr jail sentences (to run concurrently). Total of ten civil suits were filed, four in 1993 and six in 1994. One victim committed suicide. Settlement for $4M with seven victims 6/98. 1974 report from Mexican college to Archdiocese warned that he suffered from "marked sexual conflict" paranoia and delusions. Should never have been ordained. -- Diocese: San Antonio, TX
423 Yusaf Dominic
Native of Pakistan. Accused of abuse of boys in several countries. Convicted of abuse in 1996 in England. Returned to ministry after jail. In US, he worked in Newark Diocese and in New York City area. Several variations on his name, depending on where he worked, including Dominic Yusaf. In 2004 he was found working in Italy. -- Diocese: Newark, NJ
List: Catholic Priests names of 301 priests from six Catholic diocese in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.. Grand Jury Report on Sexual Abuse;-
Diocese of Allentown
- Thomas J. Bender
- Thomas J. Benestad
- Robert G. Cofenas
- Francis J. Fromholzer
- James Gafney
- Joseph Galko
- Edward George Ganster
- Francis T. Gilespie
- Edward R. Graf
- Richard J. Guiliani
- Joseph D. Hulko
- Joseph H. Kean
- Thomas J. Kerestus
- Francis Joseph McNelis
- Gabriel Patil
- Henry Paul
- Paul G. Puza
- Dennis A. Rigney
- Joseph A. Rock
- Gerald Royer
- Charles J. Ruffenach
- J. Pascal Sabas
- William J. Shields
- Stephen F. Shigo
- David A. Soderlund
- Henry E. Strassner
- Bruno M. Tucci
- Gregory Uhrig
- Andrew Aloysius Ulincy
- Ronald Yarrosh
- Joseph A. Zmijewski
- David Connell
- Timothy Johnson
- Jim Gross
- Michael S. Lawrence
- William E. Jones
- Michael J. Amy
- Michael G. Barletta
- Donald C. Bolton
- Robert F. Bower
- Dennis Chludzinski
- Donald Cooper
- Michael R. Freeman
- Gregory P. Furjanic
- Chester Ggawronski
- Herbert G. Gloeker
- Robert E. Hannon
- James P. Hopkins
- Barry M. Hudock
- Joseph W. Jerge
- Stephen E. Jeselnick
- Thomas C. Kelley
- Gary L. Ketcham
- Thaddeus Kondzielski
- Gerard Krebs
- Jerry (John) Kucan
- Louis Lorei
- Salvatore P. Luzzi
- Ricahrd D. Lynch
- Daniel Martin
- Redacted
- Leon T. Muroski
- Edmundus Murphy
- John L. Murray
- Giles L. Nealen
- Jan Olowin
- Andrew Pawlaczyk
- John A. Piatkowski
- David L. Poulson
- William Presley
- John Philip Schanz
- Samuel B. Slocum
- Thomas Smith
- Thomas Snyderwine
- John Tome
- Patrick Vallimont
- Redacted
- Father Dennis Dellamalva
- Father Greg Flohr
- Father Charles B. Guth
- Father Francis Lesniak
- Father Raymond Lukac
- Father Henry J. Marcinek
- Greensburg Priest #1
- Father Robert Moslener
- Father Fabian G. Oris
- Edmond A. Parrakow
- Father George R. Pierce
- Father Gregory F. Premoshis
- Father Thomas W. Rogers
- Father Leonard Sanesi
- Father Roger A. Sinclair
- Reverend Joseph L. Sredzinski
- Father John T. Sweeney
- Reverend Joseph Anthony Tamikowski
- Father Roger J. Trott
- Father Charles Weber, OSB
- Francis J. Allen
- John G. Allen
- Francis A. Bach
- Jesus Barajas
- Richard J. Barry
- James Beeman
- John Bostwick
- Donald Cramer
- Walter Emala
- Paul R. Fisher
- Harrisburg Priest #1
- Augustine Giella
- Harrisburg Priest #2
- Donald “Tim” Hackman
- T. Ronald Haney
- John Herber
- Philip Hower
- Kevin Kayda
- Edward Konat
- George Koychick
- Thomas Kujovsky
- Thomas Lawler
- Robert Logue
- Arthur Long
- David H. Luck
- Robert Maher
- Daniel Mahoney
- Guy Marsico
- John M. McDevitt
- Anthony McGinley
- James McLucas
- Ibarra Mercado
- Redacted – pending litigation
- Joseph Pease
- Charles Procopio
- Guido Miguel Quiroz Reyes
- James Rush
- Redacted – pending litigation
- Bryan Schlager
- Herbert Shank
- Patrick Shannon
- Timothy Sperber
- Carl J. Steffen
- Frederick Vaughn
- Salvatore V. Zangari
- Redacted – pending litigation
- James R. Adams
- James L. Armstrong
- John M. Bauer
- John E. Brueckner
- Leo Burchianti
- Robert Castelucci
- Mauro James Cautela
- Charles J. Chatt
- Anthony J. Cipolla
- John P. Conner
- John David Crowley
- Richard Deakin
- Ferdinand B. Demsher
- Myles Eric Diskin
- Richard J. Dorsch
- David F. Dzermejko
- Redacted – pending litigation
- John P. Fitzgerald
- Joseph M. Ganter
- John A. Genizer
- Charles R. Ginder
- James G. Graham
- William Hildebrand
- John S. Hoehl
- James Hopkins
- John J. Huber
- Edward G. Huff
- Edward Joyce
- Marvin Justi
- Bernard J. Kaczmarczyk
- Joseph D. Karabin
- John Keegan
- Redacted – pending litigation
- Henry Krawczyk
- Redacted – pending litigation
- Edward L. Kryston
- Anujit Kumar
- George Kurutz
- Fidelis Lazar
- Redacted – pending litigation
- Albert Leonard
- Casimir F. Lewandowski
- John P. Maloney
- Julius May
- Dominic McGee
- Donald W. McIlvane
- Thomas McKenna
- Albert McMahon
- John J. McMahon
- Frank Meder
- Redacted – pending litigation
- Arthur R. Merrell
- Redacted – pending litigation
- Joseph Mueller
- Lawrence O’Connell
- Thomas M. O’Donnell
- William P. O’Malley, III
- Ernest Paone
- George Parme
- Paul E. Pindel
- Pittsburgh Priest #1
- Francis Pucci
- John W. Rebel
- Raymond R. Rhoden
- Carl Roemele
- Michael C. Romero
- Oswald E. Romero
- David Scharf
- Richard Scherer
- Raymond T. Schultz
- Francis Siler
- Rudolph M. Silvers
- Edward P. Smith
- James E. Somma
- Bartley A. Sorensen
- Robert E. Spangenberg
- Paul G. Spisak
- Lawrence F. Stebler
- Richard Gerard Terdine
- Redacted – pending litigation
- Charles Thomas
- John William Wellinger
- Joseph S. Wichmanowski
- George A. Wilt
- Robert G. Wolk
- William B. Yockey
- Theodore P. Zabowski
- George Zirwas
- Richard Zula
- Pittsburgh Priests #2-10
- Philip A. Altavilla
- Girard F. Angelo
- Mark G. Balzeniuk
- Redacted – Pending litigation
- Joseph P. Bonner
- Martin M. Boylan
- Robert J. Braque
- Francis T. Brennan
- Joseph W. Bucolo
- Gerald J. Burns
- Robert N. Caparelli
- Anthony P. Conmy
- J. Peter Crynes
- Raymond L. Deviney
- Redacted – pending litigation
- Donald J. Dorsey
- Redacted – pending litigation
- John M. Duggan
- John J. Dzurko
- James F. Farry
- James F. Fedor
- Ralph N. Ferraldo
- Angelus Ferrara
- Austin E. Flanagan
- Joseph D. Flannery
- Martin J. Fleming
- Robert J. Gibson
- Joseph G. Gilgallon
- Joseph A. Griffin
- Joseph T. Hammond
- P. Lawrence Homer
- Mark A. Honart
- Joseph F. Houston
- Redacted – pending litigation
- Redacted – pending litigation
- Francis G. Kulig
- Albert M. Libertore, Jr.
- John A. Madaj
- Redacted – pending litigation
- James M. McAuliffe
- Neil McLaughlin
- Joseph F. Meighan
- Russel E. Motsay
- James F. Nolan
- W. Jeffrey Paulish
- John A. Pender
- Mark T. Rossetti
- Edward J. Shoback
- Thomas P. Shoback
- Thomas D. Skotek
- John J. Tamalis
- Virgil B. Thetherow
- Robert M. Timchak
- Lawrence P. Weniger
- Joseph B. Wilson
- Society of St. John
- Christopher R. Clay
- Eric S. Ensey
- Carlos Urrutigoity
- Benedict J. Can der Putten
Diocese of ErieThe Diocese of Erie released a public disclosure list on the diocese website. According to the diocese, "every person named on this list was credibly accused of actions that, in the diocese's judgement, disqualify that person from working with children."
The list includes actions such as the use of child pornography, furnishing pornography to minors, corruption of minors, violating a child-protection policy, failure to prevent abuse they knew to be happening and direct physical sexual abuse or sexual assault of minors, the diocese said.
In total, 67 clergy members and lay persons associated with the Diocese of Erie were mentioned.
To read the list, in detail, click here.
The following on the list are believed to be alive:
- Former Fr. Michael J. Amy - Niceville, Florida
- Fr. Michael G. Barletta - Erie
- Fr. Robert F. Bower - Edinboro
- Andre C. Butler - Rosedale, New York
- Randolph A. Byrd - Crozet, Virginia
- Former Fr. Dennis C. Chludzinski - Erie
- Charles R. Cooper - Lanexa, Virginia
- Megan E. Fecko - Cleveland, Ohio
- Kevin J. Feyas - Erie
- Former Fr. Chester J. Gawronski - Sahuarita, Arizona
- Timothy G. Hanson, Sr. - North East, Pennsylvania
- Former Fr. Barry M. Hudock - Albany, Minnesota
- Fr. Stephen E. Jeselnick - Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Former Fr. Gary L. Ketcham - Erie
- Fr. Thaddeus T. Kondzielski - Waterford, Pa.
- Kevin S. Kulhanek - Erie
- Fr. Salvatore P. Luzzi - Bradford, Pa.
- Eve Minter (nee Spangler) - Henrico, Virginia
- David Montgomery - Otisville, New York (in federal prison until 2041)
- Fr. Leon T. Muroski - Erie
- Denise J. (nee Geitner) Myers (Meyer) - Greensburg, Pa.
- Hattie B. Nichols - Erie
- Philip J. Pochatko - Erie
- Brian J. Radachy - Elkton, Ohio (in federal prison until 2024)
- Former Fr. Samuel B. Slocum - Bradford, Pa.
- Former Fr. Thomas E. Smith - Erie
- Fr. Daniel J. Taylor - Tuscon
- Ron Thomsen - Erie
- Former Fr. Patrick Vallimont - Union City, Pa.
- Dennis E. Vickery - Erie
- Joseph M. Votino - Masury, Ohio
- Craig T. Ward - Erie
- Fr. Donald C. Bolton, CSsR
- Fr. Edmund S. Borycz, OFM
- Msgr. Bonaventure M. Ciufoli
- Fr. Donald J. Cooper
- William (Bill) Couse
- Fr. Kevin E. Cray, SDS
- Father G. Matthew Daly
- Fr. David V. Dobrowolski
- William P. Garvey
- Fr. Herbert G. Gloekler
- Fr. Robert E. Hannon
- Msgr. James Hopkins
- Fr. Joseph W. Jerge
- Fr. Edward W. Jungquist
- Fr. Thomas C. Kelley
- Fr. Gerard (Gerald, Gerry) H. Krebs
- Fr. Jerry Kucan, OFM
- Fr. Fidelis G. Lazar, OSB
- Msgr. Louis Lorei
- Msgr. Daniel Martin
- Fr. Joseph F. Meisinger
- Fr. John L. Murray
- Fr. Giles L. Nealen, OSB
- Fr. Andrew W. Pawlaczyk
- Fr. John A. Piatkowski
- Former Fr. William F. Presley
- Fr. John P. Schanz
- Fr. Charles A. Sheets, Jr.
- Vincent "Vance" Valentine
- Bishop Alfred M. Watson
- Jonathan Borkowski - Fairview, Pa.
- Fr. Sean P. Kerins - Erie
- Fr. William A. Rice (retired) - Fryburg, Pa.
- John (Jack) E. Tome - Lancaster
- Fr. David Poulson
Diocese of HarrisburgThe Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg released a list of 71 names of clergy members accused of sexually abusing children on August 1. The diocese added another name days later.
The list includes cases that date back decades. The diocese said the list includes those who were accused of abuse of a child since the 1940s, and does not include assessments of credibility or guilt.
In releasing the names last week, the diocese said it was not making an assessment of guilt. Instead, it says it was releasing a list of everyone with an allegation against them that had not been proven false.
To read full details about the accused, click here.
1. Cases where abuse was first alleged while accused was living
Cases involving allegations of indecent behavior
- Alexander Dario Agudelo Cano – Alive – Diocese of Harrisburg (DOH) (seminarian)
- Francis (Scotty) Allen II– Dead – DOH (seminarian)
- John Allen – Alive – DOH (priest)
- Francis Bach – Dead – DOH (priest)
- Luis Jesus Barajas Arias – Alive – Order (Order of the most blessed Trinity)
- Richard Barry – unknown – Order (OMI)
- James Beeman – dead – DOH (priest)
- John Bostwick III – alive – Diocese of Richmond
- Augustine Giella – dead- Archdiocese of Newark
- Ronald Gonzalez – alive – Diocese of Dallas
- Thomas Ronald Haney – dead – DOH (priest)
- William Haviland – dead – DOH (priest)
- John Herber – dead – Order (CPPS)
- Philip Hower – alive – DOH (seminarian)
- George Koychick – dead – DOH (priest)
- Kevin Labuda – alive – DOH (seminarian)
- Arthur Long – dead – Order (SJ)
- David Luck – alive – DOH (priest)
- Guy Marsico – alive – DOH (priest)
- Anthony McGinley – dead – DOH (priest)
- Joseph Pease – alive – DOH (priest)
- Charles Procopio -dead - DOH (priest)
- Guido Miguel Quiroz Reyes – unknown – Order (OFM)
- John Rebovich – dead – order (OSJ)
- Thomas Scala – alive – DOH (priest)
- Herbert Shank – alive – DOH (priest)
- Timothy Sperber – alive – DOH (priest)
- Carl Steffen – dead – DOH (priest)
- John Tokarick Jr. – alive – DOH (seminarian)
- Salvatore Zangari – dead – DOH (priest)
- Walter Emala – dead – Diocese of Memphi
- Archdiocesan Cases of Los Angeles F-O
- Falvey affairRev. Mark A. Falvey (d. 1975), Jesuit, ordained 1928, served in Asia and was assigned in 1959 as assistant pastor at Blessed Sacrament in Hollywood, where he apparently served until 1975, when he died. Accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
- Sex abuser brotherFalvey is the brother of Rev. Mark Falvey of the Diocese of Sacramento (Falvey affair)
- Falvey settlementJesuit order agreed to a tentative payout of $16 million to settle claims that one of its priests Mark A. Falvey sexually abused nine Los Angeles children over 16 years ending in 1975. Mark Falvey was accused of molesting four girls and five boys between 1959 and 1975 at Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church in Hollywood. Falvey was never charged with a crime. "One of his victims, an 8-year-old girl, tried to commit suicide," said the lawyer for the victims, Raymond P. Boucher. "This guy brought a lifetime of misery to a group of young children. They'll never get over it," Boucher said. The agreement in principle was confirmed by the Rev. Alfred Naucke of the California Province of the Society of Jesus. All of the parties still must sign the pact to make it official. Each victim will receive between $1.4 million and $1.6 million, 18 May 2007.
- Diocese of Sacramento
- Farabaugh affair Rev. Clint Farabaugh, order of Precious Blood, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Farmer affair Rev. Donald G. Farmer accused of abuse, 2003.
Farris affairRev. John V. Farris, Vincentian, accused of involvement with abuse, sued 2003.
Fatooh affairBr. Charles Fatooh, Marianist, accused in a suit of abuse of from 1973-1974.
Faue affair Rev. Mathias Faue, Benedictine, ordained 1951, accused of abuse between 1963-1963, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Fernando affair IRev. Arthur N. Fernando (Arturo) accused of abuse of between 1973-1975. Named in at least one civil suit.
Fernando affair IIRev. Walter Fernando, ordained 1973, was accused of molesting a girl in 1981 during trips to a Downey movie theater, in his car, at the Whittier Narrows Recreation Area, and in his parish bedroom after she turned 18, when she attended the Pico Rivera church he was serving. She reported to the archdiocese in 2002 who kept him working for two years. Sued 2003.
Fessard case Rev. Gerald B. Fessard, ordained 1972, alleged pedophilein Santa Clara Parish, pled no contest in 1987 to fondling some of his seminary students, sentenced to 3 years probation. Fessard was assigned to live at St. Luke the Evangelist in Temple City in 1991, despite his conviction. At St. Luke in 1994, Fessard was again accused of “boundary violations,” patting a teenager's buttocks. He was sent for alcohol treatment and then reassigned as a chaplain at Maryknoll Sisters Convent in Monrovia.
Fitzpatrick affair I Rev. James J. Fitzpatrick (deceased) accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Fitzpatrick affair II Rev. Thomas Q. Fitzpatrick, ordained 1976, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Foley affair Rev. George Foley, Sacred Heart, ordained 1963, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Ford affairRev. James M. Ford, a classmate of Eleuterio Ramos, ordained 1966, faced one child-abuse accusation at Holy Family Cathedral in Orange during the 1960s, settled 2005.
Gaioni affair Rev. Dominic Gaioni, Divine Word Misston, ordained 1967, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Gallagher affair Monsignor George Michael Gallagher (deceased), ordained 1928, worked at St. Mary's during the 1930s, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Garay affairRev. Jesus Garay accused of abuse of a girl in 1997. May have been extern priest from Argentina. Named in archdiocesan report addendum. Sued 2004.
Garcia affair I Rev. Christobal Garcia, Dominican, accused of abuse, sued 1988. Believed to have fled to Philippines in 1988.
Garcia affair II Rev. Peter E. Garcia, ordained 1966, accused of involvement with abuse, sued 2003.
Garcia affair III Rev. Ramon Garcia (deceased) named in one civil suit and 2005 addendum to LA Archdiocesan Report. One accuser claiming abuse from 1950-1952.
Garcia affair IV Rev. Richard Francis Garcia, ordained 1958, Complaint received in 2002 that he abused a male between 1961-1963. Left priesthood 1967.
Ginty affair Rev. Denis Ginty (d. 1985), ordained in Ireland 1927, in Los Angeles 1928, accused of abuse in 1932 in 1993. Allegations of abuse from 1978-1980. Archdiocesan report says 4 accusers. Named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004. Civil suit filed in 2003 re abuse in 1932.
Granadino affair Rev. David F. Granadino, ordained 1981, accused of abuse. Denied allegation. Removed, 2002.
Grill affair Rev. Philip L .Grill, ordained 1943, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Grimes affairRev. James Grimes (d. 1978) accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Guerrero affairRev. Matteo (Mateo) Guerrero, Franciscan, one of several religious assigned to Santa Barbara who were named as abusers in civil suit filed August 2008 which alleged that the Franciscans constituted "an ongoing public nuisance as a result of their practice of shuttling pedophile priests among communities without warning members of the public that a sexual predator might be in their midst." Abuse allegedly took place in 1970s, 1990s-2000s. Two petitions filed fall 2009.
Guerrini affair Rev. Roderic M. Guerrini, ordained 1963, alleged pedophile in Santa Clara Parish, accused of abuse of girls, removed. Pursuit by police, 2002.
Gunst affair Rev. George A. Gunst (d. 1995), ordained 1950, accused of abuse in 1955. Sick Leave 1974; Military leave on 2 occasions. Sued 2003.
Guzman affair Rev. Vincente Guzman (deceased) accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Hackett affairRev. John Joseph Hackett (d. 1988) accused of abuse of a person in 1969 per a civil suit.
Hagenbach affairRev. Clinton Vincent Hagenbach (d. 1987), ordained 1961, served in 8 parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeleswhich quietly paid $1.5 million to settle a sexual-abuse claims by 7 men against him, August 2002. Five more men stepped forward claiming that they had been molested by Hagenbach 1968-86, 5 November 2003. Hagenbach used money from the collection to support his expensive habit of buying cars, motorcycles, gifts and outings for many boys. Eighteen men have accused Hagenbach of abuse. Officials at the Los Angeles Archdiocese said they have no evidence Hagenbach ever stole from the church.
Hanley affairRev. Brian Bernard Hanley, ordained 1958, worked as an assistant pastor at La Purisima Conception Parish in Lompoc from October 1963 until he left the archdiocese and returned to his native Ireland in October 1965. In August 2002, a woman filed a civil complaint alleging that her daughter and son were sexually abused by him in 1965.
Haran affairRev. Michael Joseph Haran (deceased) accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Harris affairRev. Michael Harris resigned as principal of Santa Margarita Catholic High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, attributing it to stress, 1994. - Harris settlement Dioceses of Orange and Los Angeles disclosed that they had paid $5.2 million, at the time the largest publicly disclosed settlement of its kind, to a Laguna Hills man and four others who had filed suit alleging that Harris molested him in 1991. Orange County Superior Court Judge James P. Gray also ordered the church to issue public apologies saying the victims’ stories “made my skin crawl,” settled August 2001.
- DiMaria allegationRyan DiMaria sued the Archdiocese of Los Angelesand Diocese of Orangefor abuse inflicted by defrocked principal Michael Harris while he was a student at Santa Margarita High School, filed 2001. All DiMaria sought when he told church officials of his molestation in 1997 was $100,000 to cover counseling. “When we submitted our offer, church lawyers laughed at us and said, ‘No way,’" says DiMaria, now an attorney with the Costa Mesa-based law firm which has about 20 sex-abuse lawsuits pending against the Diocese of Orange. “It wasn’t my intention to file a lawsuit initially, but the reaction I got from them was that they didn’t care what happened to me or other victims.” Superior Court Judge Jim Gray ordered the two dioceses to pay DiMaria $5.2 million in civil damages, then the largest pretrial settlement ever against a diocese in the US, 2001. Gray also forced the Orange diocese to adhere to some of the toughest zero-tolerance policies in the United States Catholic Church.
- Hartman affairRichard Hartman, who spent time at St. Monica’s Church in Santa Monica, accused of abuse.
Hawkes affairRev. Benjamin Hawkes (deceased) accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Henry caseRev. Richard Allen Henry became a close family friend of an east San Fernando Valley couple, earned the trust of their sons and over a decade he molested four of them. The parents responded by becoming more active in their church and trying to keep Henry from going to prison. He was convicted of abuse of boys, sentenced to 8 years, 1993.
Hernandez affairRev. Stephen C. Hernandez alleged pedophile in Santa Clara Parish, put on inactive leave, 2002.
Hill affairRev. Patrick Hill accused of abuse. named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Hunt affairRev. Michael A. Hunt (deceased) accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Hurley affairRev. John J. Hurley (deceased) accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
IngelsaffairRev. Gregory Ingels appeared in Marin County Superior Court on charges that he had oral sex with a 15-year-old boy from Marin Catholic High School in the summer of 1972, two years before he was ordained, 21 May 2003. Ingels is a church lawyer, one of only four experts chosen by the Canon Law Society of America to advise US bishops on abusive clerics. And for the past two decades, he worked on the tribunal of the archdiocese, which considers requests for marriage annulments by Catholics in San Francisco, Marin and San Mateo counties. Ingels is the co-author of new church guidelines on dealing with priests who sexually abuse children.
James affairRev. Joseph James, Carmelite, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Jaramillo affairRev. Luis Jaramillo, Capuchin, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Jayawardene affairRev. Tilak A.Jayawardene accused of abuse, indicted, fled to Sri Lanka, August 2002.
Jimenez-Pelayo affairRev. Emmanuel Jimenez-Pelayo, Salesian, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Johnson affairRev. Dave Johnson, Franciscan, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Juarez affairBr. Anthony Juarez, Salesian, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Kareta case Rev. Gregory Kareta (1924-), Conventual Franciscan, was accused of repeatedly molesting an 11-year-old altar boyduring the summers of 1973 and 1974, when Kareta was the pastor at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church. The victim said he had reported his experience in 1985 to the bishop at the Montgomery Church in Torrance but was encouraged not to report Kareta to authorities. Charged with abuse 2003, criminal charges dismissed due to Supreme Court ruling.
Kavanaugh affairRev. Philip Kavanaugh accused of abuse. Removed. Police investigation, August 2002.
Kearney affair Rev. Christopher Kearney, Capuchin Friar, settlement for alleged abuse of boy, April 2002.
Keeney affair Rev. John Keeney, Premonstratensians, accused of abuse, was transferred from St. Francis High School in La Canada to San Lorenzo Friary in Santa Ynez in 1995, the same year allegations that he inappropriately wrestled with a student during the 1970s surfaced. In 2002, an anonymous male phoned church officials alleged that Kearney touched him as they wrestled. An anonymous caller made similar accusations to a talk radio show in 2002. Named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Kelly affairRev. Matthew H. Kelly (deceased) of Our Lady of Guadalupe, molested a boy more than 30 times over the course of two years, beginning when he was 12, at a cabin in the Santa Ynez mountains, where Kelly would take him under the pretense of doing yard work. “He made me feel really comfortable and he was this cool kind of guy. He would let me drink up there and get me anything to drink that I wanted.” Civil suit filed in Santa Barbara Superior Court, 25 November 2003. Seven men complained they had been molested by Matthew Kelly.
Kelly caseRev. Patrick Kelly, Jesuit- Irish Province, convicted of abuse, sentenced to probation, fled country, 2002.
Kiesle caseRev. Stephen M. Kiesle pleaded no contest to a charge of lewd conduct having been accused of tying up and molesting two boys, ages 11 and 12 in his rectory in 1978, served three years on probation, and left the priesthood 1981. Kiesle was arrested for molesting three girls in c. 1970 while a priest at Santa Paula Catholic Church, 15 May 2002. Freed after Supreme Court sex crime ruling of 26 June 2003.
NotePolice opened an investigation on three missing girls (1988-90), digging up the front yard of Kiesle’s summer home, May 2002.
Kimball affair Rev. Thomas F. Kimball (deceased) accused of abuse, sued 2004.
King affair Rev. Thomas F. King, began his career at St. Louise de Marillac Catholic Church, then served at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Monrovia in 1971-72 and at St. Luke the Evangelist in Temple City 1988-2001, finally pastor of St. Anastasia Catholic Church in Thomas F. King, allegedly tied the boy's legs together with tape, then sodomizedand masturbatedhim. The complaint also alleges King beat the boy's genitals with a stick and told the victim it was necessary to beat the homosexuality out of him to save the boy's dying father. The alleged three to six months of abuse took place when the victim was 11 years old in 1967.
Klikunes affair Rev. Bruce Klikunes, Servite, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
KohlbeckaffairDeacon Frank Kohlbeck accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Kohnke affair Rev. John Kohnke, order of St. Norberts Abbey, accused of abuse, November 2003.
Lacar affair Rev. Sylvio Lacar accused of abuse of a teenage girl, February1984.
Lapierre affair Rev. David Lapierre, Capuchin, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Lenihan affairRev. John Peter Lenihan (1946-) of St. Norbert's parish, Anaheim, impregnated Kathy Freberg when she was 16, then paid for her to have an abortion. Lenihan admitted the abuse to church authorities years later, after the woman had gone to the police, who had recorded the call in which he confessed. The diocese settled for $25,000 in Mary Grant’s a suit for sexual assault beginning in 1978 in 1991 (Grant went on to become western regional director of SNAP). “Church officials and parishioners immediately rallied around Lenihan, and criticized me for reporting the abuse to the newspaper. I was mortified and crushed that church officials and Catholics with whom I had grown up could care less about protecting kids from child predators,” Grant said. The diocese paid another settlement for $1.2 million in 2002 to a woman who said Lenihan abused her when she was 16 in 1978. In all the diocese paid $1.6 million for Lenihan’s wrongdoings. Lenihan wrote to the pope, asking to be released from the priesthood, admitting having affairs with teenagers. It was reported that Lenihan was “struggling to remain celibate after having been disciplined for sexual contact with a teenager and other women,” and was removed from St. Edward Church in Dana Point by Bishop Tod D. Brown because of the 2002 review. He was arrested and accused of having unlawful sex with a teenage girl, 13 March 2003. Lenihan was never convicted in court.
Leon affair Br. Modesto Leon, Claretian, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Lindner affairRev. Jerold W. Lindner, Jesuit, ordained 1976, serial pedophile who taught at Loyola High School in Los Angeles, was accused by ten people, that he molested them. He denies it and has not been charged. Lindner was removed from active ministry in Los Angeles in 1997 in response to the Lynch civil lawsuit, and was reportedly sent to the South Bay Jesuit Center in 2002. - Lynch accusationRev. Jerold W. Lindner was accused of rape and sodomizing of William Lynch and his brother when they were small boys, 7 and 4, in the 1970s while on camping trips in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
- Lynch assaultWilliam Lynch accused of beating Lindner at the Los Gatos Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in May of 2010. He readily admitted doing so.
- Jesuit cover-upJesuit leaders said they first learned about Lindner’s past in the early 1990s, when Lindner’s brother told them that Lindner had sexually abused three nieces, a nephew and a younger sibling. After sending Lindner for a psychiatric evaluation, Jesuit officials claimed the allegations not credible and put Lindner back in the classroom at Loyola High School.
- Lynch accusationIn 2002 William Lynch said he had suffered nearly three decades of irreparable emotional and psychological harm, and attempted suicide two times, because of what happened to him at the hands of then-theology student Jerold Lindner, S.J. during a 1975 church-led, family camping trip in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
- Lindner lawsuit ICivil suit contends that from the 1950s to the 1980s, Lindner "abused and molested his 5-year-old nephew in Arizona and Berkeley," "sodomized and molested two brothers, ages 4 and 7," "orally copulated and sodomized his 11-year-old nephew" and "molested three nieces." Lindner denied the allegations, but he was part of a secret $625,000 settlement in 1997, according to the Los Angeles Times.
- Lindner's brotherAssociated Press report quoted Lindner's brother, a retired Los Angeles police officer, as saying that he last saw his brother more than two decades ago, after he walked in on his sibling molesting his 8-year-old daughter during a visit. "The last contact I had with him personally was the day after I caught him with my daughter, and I told him he best get in his vehicle and leave," the brother was quoted as saying. "I said, 'If I go out to the truck and get my off-duty weapon out of the glove box, you're a dead man."
- Lindner lawsuit IICivil suit with 2 accusers alleging abuse 1973-83, 2003. Lindner has been accused by 10 men and women in Southern California, Phoenix and the Bay Area, the Los Angeles Times reported.
- Lindner/Diocese of OaklandRev. Jerold Lindner, who was named in a 2003 lawsuit by a girl who said he molested her at Corpus Christi in Piedmont while he was serving at St. Ignatius Prep School in San Francisco.
- Vatican lawsuitWilliam Lynch filed an unusual federal civil lawsuit against the Vatican, accusing it of being complicit in his abuse, was still furious at the priest: "Of course, he's angry. Every single one of them who was abused by any priest is angry. My client, as well as the other victims in this case, laments the fact that this priest was never prosecuted despite overwhelming evidence,October 2010.
- Jesuit memoLawsuit alleges that Lindner's pedophilia was well-known among his superiors and that they wrote a memo that said his long record of molestations going back to the 1950s should be kept "internal to the Society of Jesus."
- Revenge beatingWilliam Lynch made a trip to the Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos to see the Rev. Jerold Lindner again, 10 May 2010. "Do you remember me?" he asked the 65-year-old Jesuit priest. "You abused me and my brother." Then, police reports continue, the 44-year-old Lynch began punching Lindner, pummeling the older man so badly that he was hospitalized, his body covered in bruises. The beating may have been prophetic. In a 2002 interview with the Mercury News, Lynch said his rage at Lindner for molesting the Lynch brothers when they were young children was so great, "I could kill him with my bare hands."
- 3 Lynch trialAfter an unusual trial, a California jury found William Lynch not guilty of beating up Jesuit priest, Fr. Jerold Lindner, 6 July 2012.
Llanos affair Rev. Theodore Llanos accused of abuse. Case dismissed due to statute of limitations, May 2002. Committed suicide after allegation.
Llanos affairRev. Theodore Llanos (d. 1997) accused of abuse. In 1994, Jim Dunlap and other plaintiffs alleged abuse by Llanos sued the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Case dismissed due to statute of limitations, May 2002. Llanos committed suicide after allegation in 1997. - Dunlap accusationJim Dunlap was 12 years old in 1972 when Theodore Llanos, a deacon at St. Barbara's Church in Santa Ana, began making sexual advances toward him. Dunlap says his "relationship" with Llanos, who was ordained as a priest in 1974, endured until 1976. The alleged abuse left Dunlap feeling despondent and abandoned by family and friends who he says refused to believe him. Settled July 2007.
- Loofborough affair Br. Charles Loofborough, Redemptorist, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Loomis affair Monsignor Richard A. Loomis of the Sts. Felicitas and Perpetua Church in San Marino, former aide to Cardinal Roger M. Mahoney, of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, who as head of clergy oversaw misconduct allegations against priests, one of the archdiocese's most prominent clerics, faced allegations in a lawsuit of sexual abuse. He was placed on administrative leave after a second accusation of sexual misconduct was lodged against him, 13 February 2004. - Loomis lawsuitAccusing Monsignor Richard A. Loomis of sexually abusing a boy between 1969 and 1971, filed late 2003.
- Lopez caseRev. Fernando Lopez (1964-), a member of a diocese in Italy, a Colombia citizen, who went to the US from Rome in 2001. Before Lopez was allowed to function as a priest in Los Angeles, he and his bishop provided a statement saying that Lopez had “no impediments to full ministry, and that includes working with children.” Lopez was arrested for allegedly molesting multiple victims while he was a priest at St. Thomas the Apostle parish in the Koreatown area, 28 September 2004.
- Lopez/Italy caseLopez had already been arrested for child abuse in Italy when he showed up unannounced in Los Angeles asking for a job.
- Unnamed witnessUnnamed man (1981-) was abused c. 2000 in a building near St. Thomas the Apostle Church after he sought out Lopez for advice because he was feeling depressed and alone. The witness testified that Lopez invited him to his bedroom, helped him undress and then forced him to masturbate Lopez.
- Lopez affair Rev. Joseph Lopez, Capuchin, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Lorenzoni affair Rev. Larry Lorenzoni, Salesian, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Lovell case Rev. Lawrence Joseph Lovell (LJ) (1948-), Claretians, a youth pastor in charge of altar boysat San Gabriel Mission. Lovell was removed from the ministry 1986. - Lovell trial ILovell was convicted of child molestation at San Gabriel Mission, 1986.
- Lovell trial II Lovell was charged with 11 counts of lewd acts upon a child under the age of 14 by the Los Angeles County district attorney allegedly molesting four altar boys 1980-1984, 25 March 2002. Released under US Supreme Court's ruling to overturn a 1994 California law that extended the statute of limitations on sex- abuse cases, 26 June 2003.
- Lovell trial IIILovell was sentenced in Prescott, Ariz., for molesting a 13-year-old boy there in the late 1970s, 2004.
- Lukasiewicz affairRichard Lukasiewicz, Jr. (Brother Mark) (1967-2003) hanged himself 12 hours after being admitted to a Pasadena psychiatric hospital April 2002, despondent over being molested as a student at John Bosco Technical Institute in Rosemead by a Roman Catholic brother, a teacher and counselor at the school, that began during a camping trip in 1979, when Lukasiewicz was about 11, and continued for four years. “The sexual abuse stole Richard Jr.'s youth, it took his self-esteem and drained his ability to cope.” Lawsuit named as defendant the Salesians of St. John Bosco, the religious order that runs the school where the molestation allegedly took place.
McElhatton affair Rev. Thomas McElhatton, Dominican, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
McGloin affair Br. James McGloin, Marist, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
McHugh affair Rev. Patrick McHugh (d. 1979) accused of abuse. Sued 2003.
McKeon affair Rev. Martin McKeon, Franciscan, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
McNamara affair Rev. Patrick McNamara, Jesuit, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
MacSweeney affair Rev. Eugene MacSweeney accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Macias affairBr. Juan Macias, Dominican, was sued for alleged abuse, June 1988.
Mahony affair Rev. Roger Mahony accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Maio affair Rev. Eugene A. Maio, Jesuit, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Malburg affair John Joseph Malburg (1969-) of Daniel Murphy Catholic High School as accused of sexually abusing two boys, posed a third in a sexually explicit video produced for commercial purposes and videotaped several minors without their knowledge while they showered at his Hancock Park home. He was fired in July 2006 but continued to videotape an unsuspecting minor in the shower for two months. Malburg is also charged in a political corruption scandal involving the city of Vernon. On trial November 2006. - Daniel Murphy recordSix of those accused of sex abuse in the archdiocese worked at Daniel Murphy but not in recent years.
- MarshallcaseRev. Thomas R. Marshall (1929-), Paulist Father, who served at St. Paul the Apostle Church in West Los Angeles, was charged with 20 counts of lewd acts upon a child under 14, the victims, who were 11 and 13, were altar boys, the alleged molestations occurring 1959-1963, issued 25 March 2003. Now in Canada.
Martin affair Rev. James Aloysuis Martin (deceased) accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Martinez affair I Br. Ernest Martinez, Salesian, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Martinez affair II Rev. Ruben Martinez, Oblates of >Mary Immaculate, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Martini affair Rev. Richard M. Martini, accused of abuse. Sued 2003.
Mateo affair Rev. Leonardo Mateo accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Mateos affairRev. Francisco Mateos, Vincentian, at a Boyle Heights church, was accused in a civil lawsuit of sex abuse dating back to c. 1980, filed 31 December 2004.
Mendez affair Rev. Jose J. Mendez, Augustinian Recollects, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Meyer affair Rev. Louis L. Meyer, Holy Cross Father, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Miani caseTitian A. Miani (1927-) of the Salesian Society, was placed in a succession of church roles in different countries. He was arrested at his home during an investigation of molesting two girls in the 1960s while he was a priest assigned to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, June 2003. - Miani/ItalyMiani and a child went on a camping trip in Italy in 1947. Letter from the Salesian President in Rome to the American consul dated 1950 reveals the Salesians in Rome dumped a pedophile on the US: “Rev. Brother Miani is coming to this country solely and entirely to continue his studies in view of ordination to the Salesians Priesthood, and for no other purpose whatsoever.”
- Miani/CanadaMiani was at a boys orphanage in Canada.
- Miani/US From 1957 to 1967 Titian Miani was assistant principal at St. John Bosco boys high school in Bellflower where he preyed on more than a dozen children resulting in four lawsuits out of the 550 in the LA settlement. Some of his victims are pursuing final justice with Miani and the Salesians in the jury trial 14 April 2008.
- Three siblings allegationMiani abused them repeatedly in the mid-1960s. The allegations, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, contend that the Salesian Society routinely transferred its accused members “often internationally” and placed loyalty to clergy “far above the duty to protect poor and vulnerable children,” 22 January 2008.
- Miller affairRev. George Michael Miller, Vincentian, sexually molested boys in his rectory bedroom at Santa Clara parish in Oxnard in the 1990s. Miller was routinely witnessed having boys spend the night in his bedroom. Arrested 2002, but charges dropped due to Supreme Court ruling. Defrocked.
- Miller arrestGeorge Miller was arrested on 24 July 2007 for allegedly molesting a boy between 1988 and 1991.
- Molthen affair Rev. Vincent Molthen, Redemptorist, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Monte affair Rev. Alfred Monte, Augustinian Community, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Monzoaffair Rev. Manuel D. Moreno (later bishop of Tucson) recalled allowing Fernando Monzo to work at Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Habra during the summer of 1983 despite having received a complaint that Monzo was engaging in sexual acts with young men and boys.
Moody affair Br. Michael Andre Moody, Brothers of St. Francis accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Munoz affair Rev. Antonio Munoz accused of abuse. Removed 2004.
Nocita affair Rev. Mike Nocita accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Nwankwo affair Rev. Cyril Nwankwo, Josephite Father. accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
O'Carroll affair Rev. Charles O'Carroll (deceased) accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
O'Connor affair Rev. Donal O'Connor accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
O'Dwyer affair Rev. Patrick F. O'Dwyer (deceased) accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
O'Loghlen affair Rev. Martin O'Loghlen, Sacred Heart, accused of abuse, named in the National Audit, 18 February 2004.
Orellana affair Rev. Samuel Orellana accused of abuse, sued 2003.
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Edward Boyle*
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Michael Cody*
Paul Conn
John Cornelius
Jerome Dooley*
James Gandrau*
Michael Hays
David Jaeger*
Dennis Kemp
James Knelleken*
David Linehan
Lawrence Low*
Theodore Marmo
John Marsh*
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Gerald Moffat
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Michael C. O'Brien
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Phan Huu Hau
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Manuel C. Ocana
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James Warren*