I am only saying as a Witness;-
The Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid founded and ran a Hostel for Boys in Eccles Street Dublin, known as “The Boys Club”- during the heady days of the 1960s and early 1970s. Also the same Boys Club”- known as the Rape Club by his visiting Clerics. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin was one of the main visitors for 8 years to the Boys Club during his early day of the 60s/70s as a young man, and later as a Priest, later still the same Diarmuid Martin was to become Archbishop of Dublin.
The Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid founded and ran a Hostel for Boys in Eccles Street Dublin, known as “The Boys Club”- during the heady days of the 1960s and early 1970s. Also the same Boys Club”- known as the Rape Club by his visiting Clerics. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin was one of the main visitors for 8 years to the Boys Club during his early day of the 60s/70s as a young man, and later as a Priest, later still the same Diarmuid Martin was to become Archbishop of Dublin.
Ireland over the decades steadfastly ignored the
Elephant in the Room
The word is RAPE not ABUSE
Use euphemisms says the Catholic Church;- “Never say “RAPE”; say “inappropriate contact” or “boundary issues.” or Abuse. The Catholic Church loves the word Abuse. Abuse covers a multitude of sins.
Rape is;- unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person.
Abuse is;- cruel and violent treatment of a person.
The Pedophile Clerics sexually RAPED Children
“The road to Hell is paved with the bones of priests and monks, and the skulls of bishops are the lamp posts that light the path.”-
The Prestigious Rape Rooms, Schools and Colleges of Ireland run by the Hundreds of Pedophile Clerics. Where Thousands of Boys were Raped by the numerous Religious Orders of Priests and Brothers. Where is the Outrage.
- The Vincentians Priests, who ran Castleknock College, West Dublin, 100’s of Boys Raped by its Pedophile Clerics
- St Paul’s College, Raheny, Dublin have disclosed the congregation has to date received 128 reports of its members, Vincentians Priests, Raping Boys.
- Priests that ran Moate College, Co Westmeath a boarding school for boys run by the Carmelites Order of Priests, Report over 79 Boys Raped.
- The Carmelites Priests, who also run Terenure College, Dublin confirmed over 98 people had reported being sexually Raped as children by its Priests.
- The Dominican Order of Priests said it had received over 137 complaints of child sexual Rape, a large number of which related to Newbridge College, a Boys boarding school the Pedophile Clerics ran in Co Kildare.
- The Franciscan Province of Ireland confirmed it had received over 154 complaints of sexual Rape against School Boys involving over 26 of its Priests.
- The Diocese of Meath, which ran St Finian’s College, Mullingar, previously a boarding school in Westmeath, said it had received numerous complaints of child sexual Rape since the 1950s.
- Franciscan Priests, accused of Raping boys in its fee-paying boarding school, Gormanston College, Co Meath.
- The Spiritans or Holy Ghosts Priests at Blackrock College Dublin, Raped over 300 boys
- Also the same Order, The Spiritans or Holy Ghosts Priests at Rockwell College, boarding college in Cashel, Tipperary, Raped hundreds of boys. One boy named a Priest who Raped him the the College Chapel.
- Jesuit Priests sexually and physically Raped Boys in Belvedere College, Dublin. Over 149 Boys were Raped involving over 45 of its Priests.
- In all the above cases the Rape of Children, Boys, in the different Irish Elite Catholic Schools and Colleges has been known about for decades by the Hierarchy of the Irish Catholic Church and the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference. Their Silence and inaction allowed the continous Rape of Children for decades. This is the culture fostered by John Charles McQuaid, former Archbishop of Dublin and Ruler of Ireland. McQuaid was Dean & President of Blackrock College, Dublin. Blackrock had a noted rugby record and that Pederast McQuaid "realized fully the value of games in strengthening both body and character; he knew that on the rugby pitch as or the cricket crease Boys learned to be unselfish, to take hard knocks well, to co-operate with each other and to work as a team. In forming the character of his adolescent Boys, Pederast McQuaid imbued them with a virile Catholicism and a strong sense of their social responsibilities." Pederast McQuaid loved to surround himself with adolescent Boys, he had an unhealthy attraction to adolescent Boys, and did so throughout his entire life.
A playbook which was prepared by the Roman Catholic Church, for all their Clerics, on how to conceal the truth, these seven steps they must follow:
- Use euphemisms. (“Never say “rape”; say “inappropriate contact” or “boundary issues.” or Abuse)
- Don’t investigate with trained personnel. (Instead, let clergy members ask the victims “inadequate” questions before judging their own colleagues.)
- Evaluate priests at church-run “treatment centres.” Hear their confessions, forgive them and most of all promote them into new parishes.
- Never say why a priest was removed. (Just say he’s on “sick leave” or something.)
- Keep providing priests with living expenses regardless of the allegations. And always deny, never admit, destroy all known documentations
- Transfer the Priests immediately if his crime becomes public knowledge. (Send him to a place where “no one will know he is a child rapist, a pedophile.”)
- Don’t ever tell the police. (Always keep it “in house.”)
We need to speak about the controversial elephant in the room, one John Charles McQuaid, Archbishop of Dublin and the Ruler of Ireland. Ireland steadfastly ignored this elephant in the room, now it is time to raise the curtain and acknowledge the crimes of McQuaid and Gang. His motto was 'Testimonium Perhibere Veritati’ in Latin, in reality it is 'Bear Testimony to the Truth’ So let us examine the truth.
McQuaid’s Poison Legacy
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
For many years, the Irish Catholic Church, known as The Cult ruled Ireland and controlled all levers of power in the Irish State, without running for election. The Irish Catholic Church introduced a twisted ideology of fear and superstition into the country's legal and judicial systems of Ireland. The shift from the traditional legal system (the "normative state") to the Cult ideological mission (the "prerogative state”) enabled all of the subsequent acts of the Irish Catholic Church regime, including its atrocities to be performed "legally". For this to succeed, the normative judicial system needed to be reworked, Irish Judges, Lawyers and other Civil Servants acclimatised themselves to the new Cult laws and personnel. All Irish Lawyers and Judges were staunch Catholics and staunchest supporters of The Cult and its twisted policies.
The Cults influence increased after the 1922 Irish Free State Constitution Act 1922 passed, which was an Act of the Parliament of the UK. Enact in UK law the Constitution of the Irish Free State, which formally ratify the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty of 6 December 1921. But the real Irish constitution was passed and more so after The Cult wrote the new 1937 constitution. The Cult, and not The Irish Government, amended the Irish act in 1933, and the 1937 constitution repealed the entire Free State constitution. The new Irish constitution of 1937 was written by Monsignor John Charles McQuaid, soon to be Archbishop and ruler of Ireland. Monsignor McQuaid, was then President of the Blackrock College In County Dublin.
The College was founded by the Congregation of the Holy Ghost in 1860, providing a first class Catholic education for Irish boys. The new elites or rulers of Ireland were to be trained at this Catholic College. Although never a Seminary College, some ordinations have taken place in Blackrock. Blackrock College was the bastion of Irish Catholicism for over 100 years. The Arch-Catholic and architect of the new Irish Constitution of 1937 was Monsignor John Charles McQuaid, the real ruler of Ireland.
The Irish Catholic Church and the Irish State began to visibly collaborate, immediately. The crowning of Archbishop McQuaid in 1940 as Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland, led the belief that the Irish Catholic Church embodied ultimate authority to which secular leaders were subordinate. The ensuing Irish Catholic Church continued this perception for many decades, in fact to this very day.
By restricting civil liberties and granting increased power to the The Cult, the Irish Clerics arrested and detained thousands of women and children to work in their slave camps of Magdalene Laundries, Orphanages and Industrial Schools of Ireland, as well The Cult had control of all the Schools, Colleges and Universities of Ireland. Legislative power was given to McQuaid so his government of Clerics, The Cult could create laws without Irish Consent. The rubber stamp of the elected Irish Government, designated The Cult, and its Clerics as above the law. The Cult moved quickly to consolidate McQuaid’s rise to power, and The Cult ideology was imposed immediately on all of Irish Society. The new Irish Constitution of 1937 enabled McQuaid to usurp his new found powers, and his dictatorship was built upon his position as the newly installed Archbishop of Dublin in 1940. Archbishop McQuaid was the real Head of the Irish State. When Ireland was completely under the rule of The Cult, the number and severity of Church laws increased.
In Catholic Ireland, at the time and for many decades later the Irish Civil Service provided a legal framework to deprive Irish people of their rights, special women. Opportunities to create anti-women policies were coveted, and career bureaucrats came together and developed increasingly-dramatic policies. Their familiarity with the legal system enabled them to easily manipulate it. Many of the new bureaucrats were trained at Blackrock Catholic College which was the bastion of Irish Catholicism for well over 100 years. The Irish Judiciary lost its independence as it was increasingly controlled by The Cult, tested Irish Catholic Judges were soon appointed by The Cult, as were Editors of all the newspapers and media in Ireland. Judges or Editors who opposed The Cult were brutally dismissed, the overarching legal catholic principles became The Cult’s new creed.
Coming from a longstanding authoritarian, conservative, and a very narrow Irish nationalist tradition, Irish Judges believed deeply in reinforcing The Cult’s authority, ensuring public respect for the law, and guaranteeing that The Cult’s actions had a legal basis. At the same time, Irish Judges didn’t value judicial independence, it was about them keeping their jobs and perks.
Irish Judges rendered judgments based on sound fundamental
Catholic Church legal principles. There was no equality of all Irish Citizens, the right of an accused person to a fair trial, was laughable as was the concept that there could be no crime or penalty without prior Church law. After all we here in Catholic Ireland at the time and we must remember, we were living under the dictate policies and tyranny of The Cult. The Irish Catholic Church undermined the authority of a willing Irish State, using the old boy network of the premier Catholic Colleges such as Blackrock College and St Patrick's College, Maynooth, County Kildare. St Patrick's College, Maynooth was a Seminary College for the education of tens of thousands of middle class boys, later to become Priests, the largest Seminary in the world.
The Irish elected Government facilitated, rather than hindered, The Cult’s ability to carry out their agenda. Legislative acts, and case law at the time shows the gradual process by which The Cult leadership, with support or acquiescence from the majority of the Irish people, including judges, newspapers, and businesses moved the Irish Nation from a democracy to a Catholic theological society. McQuaid controlled the media and arts, making sure that Ireland was fed The Cult’s ideology while censoring all information. Radios at the time were cheap to buy and would broadcast The Cult’s messages and speeches. Loudspeakers were installed and used in all public places and on Church properties, blared out The Cult’s propaganda. All Irish or other media that conveyed anti-Cult ideas or even other ways of life, were censored. Censorship of newspapers, radio, cinema and the theatre were strictly enforced. Only books which agreed with The Cult’s point of view were allowed. All other books were banned and many were publicly burned or banned in Ireland.
The Cult’s philosophy taught that women and unwed women were subhuman. As a result of these beliefs, The Cult took the following actions:- They detained the unwed women and their children in their Gulags, or work camps throughout Ireland. 42% of the children and babies died and 21 % of the women died in the Irish religious Gulags. Many more children and babies were illegally trafficked into North America. We know from the illegal drug experiments carried out in all the Gulags, that a few of the unwed women were sterilised. The Cult also houses mentally ill and disabled women and their children, allowing many of the children or babies to die from hunger and neglect. The Cult also imprisoned unwed women and their children because they regarded them as anti-social thus enslaved them in the profit making Gulags of Magdalene Asylums, Orphanages and Industrial Schools of Ireland.
Few Irish People at the time spoke out against The Cult and its policies, the few who could, faced years of intimidation and threats from the powerful Clerics, hence, there was little open opposition to the power of The Cult. Through rigid censorship and propaganda, The Cult eliminated opposition in the Irish media and Irish society in general. Irish people lived in fear of being denounced by local neighbours and the local Priests, or their children in local church controlled schools, being picked up and sent to the slave camps, such as the Magdalene Asylums or Industrial Schools of Ireland.
Many Irish People genuinely believed that The Cult were the real rulers of Ireland and that its Clerics couldn’t do no wrong. If there was a negative side as a ‘necessary evil’ it was that it would be better then been ruled by the heathen English across the water. No Catholic Priests or Clergy opposed The Cult. Even the Pope issued a message calling Ireland a true Catholic Country, this message was read in every Catholic Church in Ireland. In 1948 John Costello became Taoiseach and he sent a message to the Pope as de Valera had done in 1932. His message assured the Pope of “our filial loyalty and our devotion, as well as our firm resolve to be guided in all our work by the teaching of Christ. The principles of Irish Catholic Faith were enshrined in Irish Civil Law, some of the Taoiseachs of Ireland were repulsively arrogant. The census carried out in 1961 revealed that 95% of the Irish population in the Republic of Ireland were Roman Catholic, this is why The Cult could do as it wished and did.
In a draft memo on Church and State, (Later Archbishop) John Charles McQuaid wrote:
The State acknowledges that the true religion is that established by Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Which he committed to His Church to protect and propagate, as the guardian and interpreter of true morality.
Further, the State acknowledges that the Church of Christ is a (perfect) society, having within itself full competence and sovereign authority, in respect for the spiritual good of men.
And this above from the man, Archbishop John Charles McQuaid that wrote the Irish Constitution, he didn’t write it for Ireland, he wrote it for both his Church, The Cult and himself, as its leader. Ireland was the centre of a spiritual empire, and presented as a morally superior counterweight to the British Empire. This also is the man that ran an Irish empire of Gulags of slaves in Ireland, of the Magdalene Asylums, Industrial Schools and Orphanages, where tens of thousands died from simple neglect. Where was the Christian compassion then when over 200,000 women and children were enslaved, brutalised, raped, beaten, sold and murdered in the Religious run Gulags of Ireland.
The Catholic Church always proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. I have often wondered was human life sacred in the Religious run Gulags of Ireland when thousands of babies, children and women were murdered, or starved to death. It clearly wasn’t, many of these women, babies and children are still in mass graves, septic tanks, or cesspools still hidden on Church Lands in Ireland to this day. Owen Felix O’Neill
McQuaid’s Poison Legacy
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
For many years, the Irish Catholic Church, known as The Cult ruled Ireland and controlled all levers of power in the Irish State, without running for election. The Irish Catholic Church introduced a twisted ideology of fear and superstition into the country's legal and judicial systems of Ireland. The shift from the traditional legal system (the "normative state") to the Cult ideological mission (the "prerogative state”) enabled all of the subsequent acts of the Irish Catholic Church regime, including its atrocities to be performed "legally". For this to succeed, the normative judicial system needed to be reworked, Irish Judges, Lawyers and other Civil Servants acclimatised themselves to the new Cult laws and personnel. All Irish Lawyers and Judges were staunch Catholics and staunchest supporters of The Cult and its twisted policies.
The Cults influence increased after the 1922 Irish Free State Constitution Act 1922 passed, which was an Act of the Parliament of the UK. Enact in UK law the Constitution of the Irish Free State, which formally ratify the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty of 6 December 1921. But the real Irish constitution was passed and more so after The Cult wrote the new 1937 constitution. The Cult, and not The Irish Government, amended the Irish act in 1933, and the 1937 constitution repealed the entire Free State constitution. The new Irish constitution of 1937 was written by Monsignor John Charles McQuaid, soon to be Archbishop and ruler of Ireland. Monsignor McQuaid, was then President of the Blackrock College In County Dublin.
The College was founded by the Congregation of the Holy Ghost in 1860, providing a first class Catholic education for Irish boys. The new elites or rulers of Ireland were to be trained at this Catholic College. Although never a Seminary College, some ordinations have taken place in Blackrock. Blackrock College was the bastion of Irish Catholicism for over 100 years. The Arch-Catholic and architect of the new Irish Constitution of 1937 was Monsignor John Charles McQuaid, the real ruler of Ireland.
The Irish Catholic Church and the Irish State began to visibly collaborate, immediately. The crowning of Archbishop McQuaid in 1940 as Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland, led the belief that the Irish Catholic Church embodied ultimate authority to which secular leaders were subordinate. The ensuing Irish Catholic Church continued this perception for many decades, in fact to this very day.
By restricting civil liberties and granting increased power to the The Cult, the Irish Clerics arrested and detained thousands of women and children to work in their slave camps of Magdalene Laundries, Orphanages and Industrial Schools of Ireland, as well The Cult had control of all the Schools, Colleges and Universities of Ireland. Legislative power was given to McQuaid so his government of Clerics, The Cult could create laws without Irish Consent. The rubber stamp of the elected Irish Government, designated The Cult, and its Clerics as above the law. The Cult moved quickly to consolidate McQuaid’s rise to power, and The Cult ideology was imposed immediately on all of Irish Society. The new Irish Constitution of 1937 enabled McQuaid to usurp his new found powers, and his dictatorship was built upon his position as the newly installed Archbishop of Dublin in 1940. Archbishop McQuaid was the real Head of the Irish State. When Ireland was completely under the rule of The Cult, the number and severity of Church laws increased.
In Catholic Ireland, at the time and for many decades later the Irish Civil Service provided a legal framework to deprive Irish people of their rights, special women. Opportunities to create anti-women policies were coveted, and career bureaucrats came together and developed increasingly-dramatic policies. Their familiarity with the legal system enabled them to easily manipulate it. Many of the new bureaucrats were trained at Blackrock Catholic College which was the bastion of Irish Catholicism for well over 100 years. The Irish Judiciary lost its independence as it was increasingly controlled by The Cult, tested Irish Catholic Judges were soon appointed by The Cult, as were Editors of all the newspapers and media in Ireland. Judges or Editors who opposed The Cult were brutally dismissed, the overarching legal catholic principles became The Cult’s new creed.
Coming from a longstanding authoritarian, conservative, and a very narrow Irish nationalist tradition, Irish Judges believed deeply in reinforcing The Cult’s authority, ensuring public respect for the law, and guaranteeing that The Cult’s actions had a legal basis. At the same time, Irish Judges didn’t value judicial independence, it was about them keeping their jobs and perks.
Irish Judges rendered judgments based on sound fundamental
Catholic Church legal principles. There was no equality of all Irish Citizens, the right of an accused person to a fair trial, was laughable as was the concept that there could be no crime or penalty without prior Church law. After all we here in Catholic Ireland at the time and we must remember, we were living under the dictate policies and tyranny of The Cult. The Irish Catholic Church undermined the authority of a willing Irish State, using the old boy network of the premier Catholic Colleges such as Blackrock College and St Patrick's College, Maynooth, County Kildare. St Patrick's College, Maynooth was a Seminary College for the education of tens of thousands of middle class boys, later to become Priests, the largest Seminary in the world.
The Irish elected Government facilitated, rather than hindered, The Cult’s ability to carry out their agenda. Legislative acts, and case law at the time shows the gradual process by which The Cult leadership, with support or acquiescence from the majority of the Irish people, including judges, newspapers, and businesses moved the Irish Nation from a democracy to a Catholic theological society. McQuaid controlled the media and arts, making sure that Ireland was fed The Cult’s ideology while censoring all information. Radios at the time were cheap to buy and would broadcast The Cult’s messages and speeches. Loudspeakers were installed and used in all public places and on Church properties, blared out The Cult’s propaganda. All Irish or other media that conveyed anti-Cult ideas or even other ways of life, were censored. Censorship of newspapers, radio, cinema and the theatre were strictly enforced. Only books which agreed with The Cult’s point of view were allowed. All other books were banned and many were publicly burned or banned in Ireland.
The Cult’s philosophy taught that women and unwed women were subhuman. As a result of these beliefs, The Cult took the following actions:- They detained the unwed women and their children in their Gulags, or work camps throughout Ireland. 42% of the children and babies died and 21 % of the women died in the Irish religious Gulags. Many more children and babies were illegally trafficked into North America. We know from the illegal drug experiments carried out in all the Gulags, that a few of the unwed women were sterilised. The Cult also houses mentally ill and disabled women and their children, allowing many of the children or babies to die from hunger and neglect. The Cult also imprisoned unwed women and their children because they regarded them as anti-social thus enslaved them in the profit making Gulags of Magdalene Asylums, Orphanages and Industrial Schools of Ireland.
Few Irish People at the time spoke out against The Cult and its policies, the few who could, faced years of intimidation and threats from the powerful Clerics, hence, there was little open opposition to the power of The Cult. Through rigid censorship and propaganda, The Cult eliminated opposition in the Irish media and Irish society in general. Irish people lived in fear of being denounced by local neighbours and the local Priests, or their children in local church controlled schools, being picked up and sent to the slave camps, such as the Magdalene Asylums or Industrial Schools of Ireland.
Many Irish People genuinely believed that The Cult were the real rulers of Ireland and that its Clerics couldn’t do no wrong. If there was a negative side as a ‘necessary evil’ it was that it would be better then been ruled by the heathen English across the water. No Catholic Priests or Clergy opposed The Cult. Even the Pope issued a message calling Ireland a true Catholic Country, this message was read in every Catholic Church in Ireland. In 1948 John Costello became Taoiseach and he sent a message to the Pope as de Valera had done in 1932. His message assured the Pope of “our filial loyalty and our devotion, as well as our firm resolve to be guided in all our work by the teaching of Christ. The principles of Irish Catholic Faith were enshrined in Irish Civil Law, some of the Taoiseachs of Ireland were repulsively arrogant. The census carried out in 1961 revealed that 95% of the Irish population in the Republic of Ireland were Roman Catholic, this is why The Cult could do as it wished and did.
In a draft memo on Church and State, (Later Archbishop) John Charles McQuaid wrote:
The State acknowledges that the true religion is that established by Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Which he committed to His Church to protect and propagate, as the guardian and interpreter of true morality.
Further, the State acknowledges that the Church of Christ is a (perfect) society, having within itself full competence and sovereign authority, in respect for the spiritual good of men.
And this above from the man, Archbishop John Charles McQuaid that wrote the Irish Constitution, he didn’t write it for Ireland, he wrote it for both his Church, The Cult and himself, as its leader. Ireland was the centre of a spiritual empire, and presented as a morally superior counterweight to the British Empire. This also is the man that ran an Irish empire of Gulags of slaves in Ireland, of the Magdalene Asylums, Industrial Schools and Orphanages, where tens of thousands died from simple neglect. Where was the Christian compassion then when over 200,000 women and children were enslaved, brutalised, raped, beaten, sold and murdered in the Religious run Gulags of Ireland.
The Catholic Church always proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. I have often wondered was human life sacred in the Religious run Gulags of Ireland when thousands of babies, children and women were murdered, or starved to death. It clearly wasn’t, many of these women, babies and children are still in mass graves, septic tanks, or cesspools still hidden on Church Lands in Ireland to this day. Owen Felix O’Neill
The Blackrock College President in 1932 was Chief Pedophile John Charles McQuaid later to become the Archbishop of Dublin and unelected Ruler of all Ireland.
I was raped at the age of 15 by the Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid and the next Archbishop of Dublin, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin covered it up.
And then we have Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin also has the same allegations of knowing about Priests Raping Children, which are made against him, and judging by the legal documents filed in the Irish High Court since 2013. The allegation is that Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin knew of the sexual rapes of orphan boys in a Boys Club in Dublin run by this mentor Archbishop McQuaid, since the 1960s, in this case with Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, there is clear written evidence to support this allegation. Pope Francis and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, virtually indistinguishable, like two peas in a pod, or birds of a feather - flock stick together, really two hypocrites.
How could they not see that what they were doing was wrong, beyond wrong, simply evil. !
"The evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones.”;- The tragedy of "Julius Caesar"
by William Shakespeare
One of the most difficult things for any Survivor to do is to publicly accuse their abuser. Such action usually follows a long period of personal struggle about what repercussions such action will have, both on the Survivor's family, and on the abuser. One of the most successful tactics that the Catholic Church Hierarchy use in such situations is to deny knowledge of any other allegations against the offending Cleric, which has the effect of leaving the Survivor feeling as if they alone are friendless and thus are responsible for the destruction of the good and holy Cleric and his Church. The Catholic Church Hierarchy depends on this, they will be subtle in their approach, by demeaning and degrading the Survivor, by calling into question his mental state, thus causing the isolated Survivor to lose their dignity and self respect. Sadly a few Survivors committed suicide under the strain of the Court cases and the personal attacks and the daunting task of taken on such a well funded organisation such as is the Catholic Church.
However, many Survivors who are brave enough to proceed to a court case soon discover that the Catholic Church Hierarchy has a long history of ignoring or suppressing previous complaints, their secret payments and their history of destroying any and all evidence. We Survivors that are able to must step up the fight against the Catholic Church's deliberate isolation of Survivors.
I have been pursuing a High Court action in Ireland against Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop Of Dublin, since 2015 as can be seen by the High Court document below: Case No 3373
At the time of the event I describe, (1970) I was a fifteen year old boy who had been incarcerated in an industrial School in Tralee, County Kerry since the age of nine. When I was fourteen years old, the School put me to work on a farm/guesthouse in Dingle, Co Kerry where I was an unpaid labourer and sex slave. I ran away from the farm after being raped repeatedly by several Christian Brothers who were staying there over the summer, as well as by the owner of the place. One day I managed to escape the hellhole and hitched to Dublin where I eventually ended up in a Hostel, commonly known as the Boys’ Club and situated on Eccles St.. The hostel had been set up by the sitting and perfidious Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid. In Archbishop McQuaid’s own words, the Hostel was “ A place where disadvantaged boys would be looked after by the good clerics of Dublin”. The Boys’ Club was really a renaissance brothel in all but name, visited by coordinated gangs of roaming pedophile Clerics, manipulating and ravishing their flock and wandering, haunting and hunting around Dublin City and the Irish country landscapes for their prey - boys and young men.
Yes, I was looked after all right by the Machiavellian clerics during the three years that I lived there. I was raped repeatedly by a few of the hundreds of visiting unscrupulous clerics, as were many of the other boys. Boys were easily bought with multicoloured sweets, or a concoction of spiked drinks, mind manifesting cigarettes and/or serotonergic and psychedelic toys and drugs. We were wined and dined - but we were always the main course. We vulnerable innocents never stood a chance; we were to be used and abused by clerical snake charmers with insidious kindness, and all encouraged by the fatuous Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid.
I had never known anything better or different - my life up to then was about being raped almost on a weekly basis (which I thought was normal) at the various Religious Institutions I had been detained in. I was born and had lived for four years in St. Patrick’s Mother and Baby Home in Dublin, where I was used as a guinea pig in various drug experiments carried out by the Welcome Trust Company whose license to do so was granted by the Irish Catholic Church. As a result, I couldn’t walk or stand upright for four years. I was then sold into slavery to St.Philomena's Home in Stillorgan, Dublin for five years and, upon reaching the tender age of nine, I was again sold on. This time it was to the Religious Order of sexual deviants, known as the Christian Brothers, who consigned me to a workhouse - an Industrial School in Tralee, County Kerry. I spent five years in this hellhole: a daily life of hard labour, multiple rapes, daily beatings and both mental and physical torture. Once I was almost murdered there by a Brother after being repeatedly raped. This was my norm, my experience, my daily life. One only has to read the Ryan Report to get the picture.
And then I ended up in the Boys’ Club in Dublin, which brings me to the present-day Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. For eight years Martin was a regular visitor to this hostel, initially as a young student priest at the seminary at Clonliffe College, Dublin, which was nearby. He was ordained a priest in 1969 and celebrated his first mass at the Boys’ Club, now known as Our Lady’s Hostel for Boys. We boys were encouraged to befriend the visiting seminarians and priests. They were also encouraged to befriend us and to take us for day or evening outings and be available to us for counselling in spiritual and other matters.
I was introduced to Father Diarmuid Martin when I first entered the Hostel in the Summer of 1969 and he encouraged me to confide in him if I had any problems. While I had a multitude of problems, I was suspicious of him as I was of all the visiting clerics. One day I saw Father Diarmuid Martin walking around the Hostel’s backyard while he was reading and reciting (muttering) aloud from a small black book which, in the Catholic Church, is known as the Breviary or the Divine Office. I fell in beside him, because I had decided to overcome my distrust and wanted to speak to him in confidence. I told Father Diarmuid Martin that Archbishop McQuaid and other priests had been having sex with me. I had expected an understanding and comforting response, but, instead, Father Martin was furious with me and slapped me across the face and stormed out of the Hostel yard.
Now this was witnessed by two Staff Members of the Hostel at the time: a nun from the kitchen, Sister Genevieve Pendergast, and the Welfare Officer of the Hostel, John Ryan. I ran into the kitchen and Sister Genevieve asked me why Father Martin had slapped me. I said nothing, but later Sister Genevieve told the Welfare Officer John Ryan, who found me in my bedroom and asked me to come to his office so that he could talk to me. I told John Ryan what I had told Father Martin and, although he didn’t disbelieve me, he told me not to speak to another person about this event, but to keep it a secret and he would deal with it.
Which now brings me to a document that he wrote at the time. Under the Rules of Discovery for my case, my legal team applied to the Archdiocese of Dublin’s Archives for any documents pertaining to me (my name was Patrick McCarthy at that time) and my time at the Hostel. On November 26th 2013, (as date stamped by my Solicitor), we received a document written on Our Lady’s Hostel letterhead dated 10th February 1970. I attach the letter below.
Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, has always claimed that he never knew about any of his fellow priests raping children. The letter by the Welfare Officer of the Hostel, John Ryan, proves otherwise and is clear written evidence to support my allegation that Archbishop Diarmuid Martin did know about the sexual rapes of orphan boys in the Boys’ Club run by his mentor, Archbishop McQuaid since the 1960s. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin is a total hypocrite, as this letter supports. He now claims that he has no memory of me - but can’t explain the letter by the Welfare Officer of the Hostel, John Ryan.
I publish this letter now because Archbishop Diarmuid Martin is trying to dismiss my court case on some technicalities – such as that it happened years ago and he has no memory of the event. I believe that he thinks because he is a “holy” Archbishop that he is above the law. I hear from some members of the Irish Press that he is a good and holy man, that he is trying to clean house and we must make allowances for him. I say let’s clean house indeed, but first let’s start with the head man who knew what McQuaid and other priests were doing - and ignored it.
There is no excuse for any type of cover up or convenient memory loss by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. If he had had the courage to speak out years ago when he knew what was going on, then perhaps thousands of children would not have been raped in his diocese.
I’m not going away, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. J’accuse!
Owen Felix O'Neill
One of the most difficult things for any Survivor to do is to publicly accuse their abuser. Such action usually follows a long period of personal struggle about what repercussions such action will have, both on the Survivor's family, and on the abuser. One of the most successful tactics that the Catholic Church Hierarchy use in such situations is to deny knowledge of any other allegations against the offending Cleric, which has the effect of leaving the Survivor feeling as if they alone are friendless and thus are responsible for the destruction of the good and holy Cleric and his Church. The Catholic Church Hierarchy depends on this, they will be subtle in their approach, by demeaning and degrading the Survivor, by calling into question his mental state, thus causing the isolated Survivor to lose their dignity and self respect. Sadly a few Survivors committed suicide under the strain of the Court cases and the personal attacks and the daunting task of taken on such a well funded organisation such as is the Catholic Church.
However, many Survivors who are brave enough to proceed to a court case soon discover that the Catholic Church Hierarchy has a long history of ignoring or suppressing previous complaints, their secret payments and their history of destroying any and all evidence. We Survivors that are able to must step up the fight against the Catholic Church's deliberate isolation of Survivors.
I have been pursuing a High Court action in Ireland against Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop Of Dublin, since 2015 as can be seen by the High Court document below: Case No 3373
At the time of the event I describe, (1970) I was a fifteen year old boy who had been incarcerated in an industrial School in Tralee, County Kerry since the age of nine. When I was fourteen years old, the School put me to work on a farm/guesthouse in Dingle, Co Kerry where I was an unpaid labourer and sex slave. I ran away from the farm after being raped repeatedly by several Christian Brothers who were staying there over the summer, as well as by the owner of the place. One day I managed to escape the hellhole and hitched to Dublin where I eventually ended up in a Hostel, commonly known as the Boys’ Club and situated on Eccles St.. The hostel had been set up by the sitting and perfidious Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid. In Archbishop McQuaid’s own words, the Hostel was “ A place where disadvantaged boys would be looked after by the good clerics of Dublin”. The Boys’ Club was really a renaissance brothel in all but name, visited by coordinated gangs of roaming pedophile Clerics, manipulating and ravishing their flock and wandering, haunting and hunting around Dublin City and the Irish country landscapes for their prey - boys and young men.
Yes, I was looked after all right by the Machiavellian clerics during the three years that I lived there. I was raped repeatedly by a few of the hundreds of visiting unscrupulous clerics, as were many of the other boys. Boys were easily bought with multicoloured sweets, or a concoction of spiked drinks, mind manifesting cigarettes and/or serotonergic and psychedelic toys and drugs. We were wined and dined - but we were always the main course. We vulnerable innocents never stood a chance; we were to be used and abused by clerical snake charmers with insidious kindness, and all encouraged by the fatuous Archbishop of Dublin, John Charles McQuaid.
I had never known anything better or different - my life up to then was about being raped almost on a weekly basis (which I thought was normal) at the various Religious Institutions I had been detained in. I was born and had lived for four years in St. Patrick’s Mother and Baby Home in Dublin, where I was used as a guinea pig in various drug experiments carried out by the Welcome Trust Company whose license to do so was granted by the Irish Catholic Church. As a result, I couldn’t walk or stand upright for four years. I was then sold into slavery to St.Philomena's Home in Stillorgan, Dublin for five years and, upon reaching the tender age of nine, I was again sold on. This time it was to the Religious Order of sexual deviants, known as the Christian Brothers, who consigned me to a workhouse - an Industrial School in Tralee, County Kerry. I spent five years in this hellhole: a daily life of hard labour, multiple rapes, daily beatings and both mental and physical torture. Once I was almost murdered there by a Brother after being repeatedly raped. This was my norm, my experience, my daily life. One only has to read the Ryan Report to get the picture.
And then I ended up in the Boys’ Club in Dublin, which brings me to the present-day Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. For eight years Martin was a regular visitor to this hostel, initially as a young student priest at the seminary at Clonliffe College, Dublin, which was nearby. He was ordained a priest in 1969 and celebrated his first mass at the Boys’ Club, now known as Our Lady’s Hostel for Boys. We boys were encouraged to befriend the visiting seminarians and priests. They were also encouraged to befriend us and to take us for day or evening outings and be available to us for counselling in spiritual and other matters.
I was introduced to Father Diarmuid Martin when I first entered the Hostel in the Summer of 1969 and he encouraged me to confide in him if I had any problems. While I had a multitude of problems, I was suspicious of him as I was of all the visiting clerics. One day I saw Father Diarmuid Martin walking around the Hostel’s backyard while he was reading and reciting (muttering) aloud from a small black book which, in the Catholic Church, is known as the Breviary or the Divine Office. I fell in beside him, because I had decided to overcome my distrust and wanted to speak to him in confidence. I told Father Diarmuid Martin that Archbishop McQuaid and other priests had been having sex with me. I had expected an understanding and comforting response, but, instead, Father Martin was furious with me and slapped me across the face and stormed out of the Hostel yard.
Now this was witnessed by two Staff Members of the Hostel at the time: a nun from the kitchen, Sister Genevieve Pendergast, and the Welfare Officer of the Hostel, John Ryan. I ran into the kitchen and Sister Genevieve asked me why Father Martin had slapped me. I said nothing, but later Sister Genevieve told the Welfare Officer John Ryan, who found me in my bedroom and asked me to come to his office so that he could talk to me. I told John Ryan what I had told Father Martin and, although he didn’t disbelieve me, he told me not to speak to another person about this event, but to keep it a secret and he would deal with it.
Which now brings me to a document that he wrote at the time. Under the Rules of Discovery for my case, my legal team applied to the Archdiocese of Dublin’s Archives for any documents pertaining to me (my name was Patrick McCarthy at that time) and my time at the Hostel. On November 26th 2013, (as date stamped by my Solicitor), we received a document written on Our Lady’s Hostel letterhead dated 10th February 1970. I attach the letter below.
Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, has always claimed that he never knew about any of his fellow priests raping children. The letter by the Welfare Officer of the Hostel, John Ryan, proves otherwise and is clear written evidence to support my allegation that Archbishop Diarmuid Martin did know about the sexual rapes of orphan boys in the Boys’ Club run by his mentor, Archbishop McQuaid since the 1960s. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin is a total hypocrite, as this letter supports. He now claims that he has no memory of me - but can’t explain the letter by the Welfare Officer of the Hostel, John Ryan.
I publish this letter now because Archbishop Diarmuid Martin is trying to dismiss my court case on some technicalities – such as that it happened years ago and he has no memory of the event. I believe that he thinks because he is a “holy” Archbishop that he is above the law. I hear from some members of the Irish Press that he is a good and holy man, that he is trying to clean house and we must make allowances for him. I say let’s clean house indeed, but first let’s start with the head man who knew what McQuaid and other priests were doing - and ignored it.
There is no excuse for any type of cover up or convenient memory loss by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. If he had had the courage to speak out years ago when he knew what was going on, then perhaps thousands of children would not have been raped in his diocese.
I’m not going away, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. J’accuse!
Owen Felix O'Neill
Pedophiles as Shepherds and their Frightened Flock.
When Clerics go forth with murderous intentions, unchecked by compunctious visitings of conscience, and which orphan children, if they could keep note-books or were duly cognisant of their own danger, might justly dread, but alas!! regardless of their own doom. The innocent little children play. The vulnerable children were always in the most imminent peril by the pedophile Clerics, silently creeping to gain the Children's confidence, inch by inch, to seek a powerless child to rape, latching onto the undefended children like blood sucking parasites. Orphanages and Industrial Schools of Ireland were thickly inhabited and infested by these unctuous and slick Clerics and other Christian Clerics, sprouting falsely, and corrupting god’s true love while they tortured, raped and murdered, paralysed with fear, vulnerable children in their pastoral care. Owen Felix O'Neill
When Clerics go forth with murderous intentions, unchecked by compunctious visitings of conscience, and which orphan children, if they could keep note-books or were duly cognisant of their own danger, might justly dread, but alas!! regardless of their own doom. The innocent little children play. The vulnerable children were always in the most imminent peril by the pedophile Clerics, silently creeping to gain the Children's confidence, inch by inch, to seek a powerless child to rape, latching onto the undefended children like blood sucking parasites. Orphanages and Industrial Schools of Ireland were thickly inhabited and infested by these unctuous and slick Clerics and other Christian Clerics, sprouting falsely, and corrupting god’s true love while they tortured, raped and murdered, paralysed with fear, vulnerable children in their pastoral care. Owen Felix O'Neill
Noun- Peterphile *- A Cleric who is sexually attracted to young children. A Follower of Peter the Apostle- the word only applies to Christian Clerics who are pedophiles
How many more children have to be raped before we as a Nation disband the Catholic Church. Another State Inquiry, another delay, another excuse will be offered, still the rape of children goes on. Worse still, we as a Nation still pay our Pedophile Clerics and maintain what is left a putrid Church. The Church will only often apologises and prayers, until the next child or children are exposed as been raped by the Clerics. It is endless.
Breaking the Manacles of Male Rape Shame;-
The hidden toll of stigma and shame has taken its toll on the thousands of boys now grown men in Ireland who were raped by the Catholic Clerical Orders in Ireland. Ireland has long been considered one of the most religious countries in the world, a place where men and women follow Catholic doctrine blindly. But behind the devout exterior, the country is hiding a dark secret, one which both the powerful Irish Catholic Church and the Irish Government has tried to sweep under the rug and hid. In reality, boys as young as 18 months old were stolen and passed around to a group of middle aged clerical men for their own sexual gratification. Ireland's poverty had been a driving force in the rise of the Clerics and the powerful Irish Catholic Church in the last 150 years. It makes it easy for male predators to prowl the Orphanages and Industrial Schools targeting 'pretty' young boys. Also many Irish Priests in parishes up and down the Irish landscape enticed young boys also from their rich and poor families with promises of fun and redemption. All these false promises made by the clerics more often than not come to nothing, instead, the boys were sexually abused or raped and in some cases passed around to groups of men, fellow clerics to do as they wish. To probing questions with a curious boy, by a priest who go like, ’Where do you live, so I can get to know your family, are you in my parish? Once the introduction is over, and the rape consumed, the true horror of the priest’s role is revealed. Then the frightened Catholic boy is shamed and silenced with eternal damnation, the concept of divine punishment and torment in an afterlife for his actions committed on Earth. The frightened boy would be passed along to other clerics in the area, or the boy is taken away for overnight sleepovers to other parishes where he can be sexually abused, again and again.
Many Priests had privately boasted to fellow Priests, about their relationships and love with local boys, the Priests would swap notes with each other, encouraging their fellow Priest to come and visit, hoping for a reciprocate visit with the visiting Priest. After all it was considered highly prestigious in some clerical circles to have your very own regular local boy. Many Irish Priests hunted in pack groups, like hungry sex starved wolves into different parishes throughout the lush green land of Ireland after comparing notes of what was available for them to feast and lust on.
To some clerics it was seen as a marker of your power and standing to have a regular pretty boy. Clerics rarely admit to outsiders to sexually abusing boys, they don't want to talk about it, ever, only to their own kind within clerical circles, nobody can know, not even the boy’s own family, some Irish families willingly gave up their boys to these clerics. The clerics were not even considered to be paedophiles, but good men who took the vulnerable boys under their wing. In Ireland, however, the perpetrators had been openly protected by both the Irish State, and the very powerful Irish Catholic Church. The Irish People, Irish State and even the Irish State Police were afraid to upset the powerful Irish Catholic Church, on average a Priest who sexually abused a boy had on average 80 other boys within different parishes.Yet for the vulnerable boys, more than two thirds of whom were between the ages of 7 and 16, were chosen as sex slaves of the clerics, for the vulnerable boys it was to become a life sentence, one which saw the vulnerable boys hid their shame and secrets from their own families, in some families all the male boys were raped by the same Priest, and their own brothers, verbally threatened, sworn to secrecy, the sexually abused boy never told their own brothers or their own parents out of trembling fear, fear of the local Church, of the holy man, the Priest, fear that their own family wouldn’t believe them, and the anxiety of been branded a deviant, both locally and socially.
Years later many vulnerable boys now young men turned to alcohol and hard drugs, and suicide, to suppress their shame, pain, sexual and emotional confusion, never to cope. Also many of the vulnerable boys in the end ran away, from home, there ruptured families never knowing what happened to them as children. The vulnerable boys of the Orphanages and Industrial Schools, having no home or family to go to, surely ended up in prison, and mental institutions, many died on the streets of towns and cities, both in Ireland and England, completely lost, ever present death was very welcomed by their confused, fearful minds. This is a little of what shame does, the shame of male rape, it utterly destroys your life, and many future loving relationships, forever, the stigma and shame goes with you, even to your lonely grave.
The hidden toll of stigma and shame has taken its toll on the thousands of boys now grown men in Ireland who were raped by the Catholic Clerical Orders in Ireland. Ireland has long been considered one of the most religious countries in the world, a place where men and women follow Catholic doctrine blindly. But behind the devout exterior, the country is hiding a dark secret, one which both the powerful Irish Catholic Church and the Irish Government has tried to sweep under the rug and hid. In reality, boys as young as 18 months old were stolen and passed around to a group of middle aged clerical men for their own sexual gratification. Ireland's poverty had been a driving force in the rise of the Clerics and the powerful Irish Catholic Church in the last 150 years. It makes it easy for male predators to prowl the Orphanages and Industrial Schools targeting 'pretty' young boys. Also many Irish Priests in parishes up and down the Irish landscape enticed young boys also from their rich and poor families with promises of fun and redemption. All these false promises made by the clerics more often than not come to nothing, instead, the boys were sexually abused or raped and in some cases passed around to groups of men, fellow clerics to do as they wish. To probing questions with a curious boy, by a priest who go like, ’Where do you live, so I can get to know your family, are you in my parish? Once the introduction is over, and the rape consumed, the true horror of the priest’s role is revealed. Then the frightened Catholic boy is shamed and silenced with eternal damnation, the concept of divine punishment and torment in an afterlife for his actions committed on Earth. The frightened boy would be passed along to other clerics in the area, or the boy is taken away for overnight sleepovers to other parishes where he can be sexually abused, again and again.
Many Priests had privately boasted to fellow Priests, about their relationships and love with local boys, the Priests would swap notes with each other, encouraging their fellow Priest to come and visit, hoping for a reciprocate visit with the visiting Priest. After all it was considered highly prestigious in some clerical circles to have your very own regular local boy. Many Irish Priests hunted in pack groups, like hungry sex starved wolves into different parishes throughout the lush green land of Ireland after comparing notes of what was available for them to feast and lust on.
To some clerics it was seen as a marker of your power and standing to have a regular pretty boy. Clerics rarely admit to outsiders to sexually abusing boys, they don't want to talk about it, ever, only to their own kind within clerical circles, nobody can know, not even the boy’s own family, some Irish families willingly gave up their boys to these clerics. The clerics were not even considered to be paedophiles, but good men who took the vulnerable boys under their wing. In Ireland, however, the perpetrators had been openly protected by both the Irish State, and the very powerful Irish Catholic Church. The Irish People, Irish State and even the Irish State Police were afraid to upset the powerful Irish Catholic Church, on average a Priest who sexually abused a boy had on average 80 other boys within different parishes.Yet for the vulnerable boys, more than two thirds of whom were between the ages of 7 and 16, were chosen as sex slaves of the clerics, for the vulnerable boys it was to become a life sentence, one which saw the vulnerable boys hid their shame and secrets from their own families, in some families all the male boys were raped by the same Priest, and their own brothers, verbally threatened, sworn to secrecy, the sexually abused boy never told their own brothers or their own parents out of trembling fear, fear of the local Church, of the holy man, the Priest, fear that their own family wouldn’t believe them, and the anxiety of been branded a deviant, both locally and socially.
Years later many vulnerable boys now young men turned to alcohol and hard drugs, and suicide, to suppress their shame, pain, sexual and emotional confusion, never to cope. Also many of the vulnerable boys in the end ran away, from home, there ruptured families never knowing what happened to them as children. The vulnerable boys of the Orphanages and Industrial Schools, having no home or family to go to, surely ended up in prison, and mental institutions, many died on the streets of towns and cities, both in Ireland and England, completely lost, ever present death was very welcomed by their confused, fearful minds. This is a little of what shame does, the shame of male rape, it utterly destroys your life, and many future loving relationships, forever, the stigma and shame goes with you, even to your lonely grave.
What Makes a Paedophile
A question often asked by many people I met over the years is “What Makes a Paedophile” it’s difficult to reply, Joe down the street with a wife and four children?, Susan in her late 50s around the corner, living alone?, no its difficult, to tell, you see, Paedophiles don’t have horns, tails or hooves. Paedophiles in reality, look and act like you and me. Except for one key difference, they are secretly and sexually attracted to children. According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatrist Association, Paedophiles are individuals who are preferentially or solely sexually attracted to prepubescent children, generally 13 years or less. So that we are not confused, not all Paedophiles are child sex offenders, and conversely not all child sex offenders are Paedophiles. Some people who sexually abuse children are not preferentially attracted to children at all. The abuse is a matter of opportunity, the child is a sexual surrogate for an unavailable adult or the abuse represents a need to dominate and control another human being. So to my main question, why does the Catholic Church attract Paedophiles, there is no easy answer. The surge of abuse cases in the 1960s and 70s, 80s, and into the 21st. Century can’t be blamed on the 100% male makeup of the Priesthood, the practice of celibacy or, you know, “the gays”. But the alternative explanations offered raised some troubling new questions. Some researchers attribute the uptick to “opportunity” “emotionally ill-equipped Priests” who “lost their way in the social cataclysm of the sexual revolution of the swinging 60s.” Some researchers say, opportunity and cultural change are responsible for the sexual abuse of children, really? That might seem to imply some unsavoury and disheartening things about human sexuality, but I’m no expert. Again according to the Irish Catholic Bishops, own secret survey, by the Iona Institute, they found that less than 9 percent of accused priests are to be considered Pedophiles, according to the Irish Catholic Church, (and they are such experts on the subject), but that figure is based on children aged 10 and younger, but The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders uses an age ceiling of 13 in its definition of the sexual disorder. A vast majority of the abusers’ victims would have been considered prepubescent” which would make the Pedophilia label seem more apt. So is the rate of sexual offences against children really influenced by “opportunity” I dare to ask…?
It is commonly believed by many professional experts both inside and outside of the Roman Catholic Church, that the percentage of closeted gay Priests in the Roman Catholic Church as a whole is hovering over 78%. Most of these Priests for obvious reasons would be hesitant to acknowledge their own sexuality. Fortunately there’s a tremendous body of research data showing that gay men are no more likely to become sexually involved with a boy than are heterosexual men to become involved sexually with a girl. In fact, lets be honest here, I think that’s one of the great mistakes the Roman Catholic Church made early on, thinking they had a gay problem when in reality they really had a Paedophile problem, through child sexual abuse. Nothing to do with been gay, nor straight. Let’s take for example, an alcoholic, there certainly can be a genetic predisposition for alcoholism and yet whether you have a drink is dependent on whether a drink is available or not, your urges can be heightened by stresses of daily living or you may turn to drink because you’re depressed and want to feel better. So, certainly, if someone has a sexual disorder then that acts as a predisposing factor, but whether they’re gonna act on that sexual abnormality of makeup can be influenced by a number of factors in their environment and that affected them in growing up and so on.
Also let there be no mistake sexual abuse of children has been around, long before the 1960s. So how do you spot a Priest with a Paedophile problem, well the best predictor would surely be to look at both his past and future behaviour with children in his parish, maybe by listening to locals in his parish, and if he has a problem with children, not moving him around to different parishes to hide his sexual and criminal crimes. There is sadly, no personality test that could predict sexual abusers or Paedophiles in anybody, including Catholic Priests. To be fair, there isn’t any evidence that this is more of a problem in the Roman Catholic Priesthood than outside of it. I mean, people try and do blame celibacy, but take for example your local GAA Clubs, they too have had comparable problems. I think it’s so much more egregious and so much more shocking when it’s a Catholic Priest because they’re in a very trusted position. Catholic Priests are supposed to be people with the highest moral standards in their local communities. So, the moral shock and outrage that we experience is far greater than occurs in other cases.
What is it about the Catholic Priesthood that attracts so many Pedophiles? if one follows the news locally or world-wide lately there appears to be a tsunami of male rape victims of child abusing Catholic Priests which just seems to keep rippling outward in country after country, decade after decade. I thought the problem in Ireland was an anomaly and the Roman Catholic Priests in other countries were made of sterner stuff, but this molestation chronicle never seems to end. What is it about the Catholic Priesthood that seems to attract Pedophiles like flies to sticky honey? For a very long time, here in Ireland if a Priest got caught, raping a child, boy or girl, he wasn’t punished. He would be moved, and his heinous crimes were covered up. Soon word spread, among similar Pedophile Priests in the wider community that this Parish is the place to be. Another myth to bust, Priests don't become Pedophiles. Pedophiles become Catholic Priests. Its been suggest by some that some men are trying to hide from their Pedophilia and give in and those men that join for the ability to exercise their Pedophilia. I may be very wrong but I have never bought the idea that celibacy causes Pedophilia, I have seen no evidence to support the case. Does the Catholic Priest become a Pedophile or the Pedophiles become a Catholic Priest.
There was a long-standing tradition of Irish Catholic families steering their un-marriageable sexually suspect children towards religious vocations, it's only in the last 30 years or so that gay and lesbian teenagers had better options, then joining the Religious Orders. If a Pedophile Priest tells the church about himself, it's generally under the cover of the confessional, where it's considered a sin that can be forgiven or an illness that can be treated, not a crime that must be prosecuted with full and open cooperation with police authorities. The alternative is to admit that Mother Church has been complicit in enabling this behaviour for hundreds of years.
If the Roman Catholic Church wants to survive, it needs to drop the celibacy requirement as quick as it can. The other major problem was the molesting Catholic Priest were given a great deal of aid and support in their illegit activities by a very sympathetic Church Hierarchy that would hush up the allegations against one of its own members. The Catholic Priest, would then be moved on to greener pastures, a new Parish mile and miles away, to start all over again working his favourite hobby, raping children.
This the Roman Catholic Church is seemingly the only church with an institutional problem here, which it resolutely fails to acknowledge. Has there been a single statement by the Roman Catholic Church that apologises not just for the presence of Pedophile Priests in its ranks, but for the role of Roman Catholic Church higher-ups, like the Bishops and Cardinals in actively protecting the Pedophile Catholic Priests and finding them new Parishes to prey on the most vulnerable children there. The worse problem was the extreme devotion and trust by the Irish Catholic people toward their Priests. At the time, Irish Catholics considered Priests to be practically infallible and not too far removed from the Pope himself. So if any vulnerable child told his family or friends what the local Priest was abusing him or her, nobody would have believed him or her. The vulnerable child would have been severely punished or locked up in a psychiatric institution for spreading malicious lies about their local holy Priest.
We know that the total number of Priests in Ireland between 1956 to 1960 was about 5,489, according to the Irish Catholic Directory. A survey in 1989 revealed a total of 11,415 Nuns in Ireland, and Religious Brothers working in Ireland were numbered at 9,876 by the late 1960s. Which give us a grand total of 26,780. So according to the Irish Catholic Bishops own figures and survey of 9% of 26,780 is equal to—--2,410;- The Religious Orders at the time in Ireland in the 1960s;- would be the home of 2,410 active Paedophiles. Many leading experts in this field, now believe that this figure is much higher, according to some, just multiply by two for a more realistic figure and even that is to low. But when you take one well known active Paedophile, Brendan Smyth (8 June 1927 – 22 August 1997) was a Roman Catholic Priest from Belfast in Northern Ireland who became notorious as a Child rapist, using his position as a Priest to obtain access to his victims. During a period of over 40 years, Smyth sexually abused and raped over 200 plus children, that is known, and maybe a few hundred more unknown in Parishes in Belfast, Dublin and the United States. His actions were frequently hidden from police and the public by Roman Catholic officials. After his arrest in 1991, he fled to the Irish Republic, where he spent the next three years on the run, enabled and hidden by fellow Catholic Priests. So 200 raped children on average by one active Paedophile, like Father Brendan Smyth and apply that to 2,410 other active Paedophiles known within the Religious Orders, and we have 482,000 raped children. Please don’t take my word for it, research website below….If you want a list of Catholic Priests who sexually abused children, then the excellent website is…..http://www.bishop-accountability.org/
A question often asked by many people I met over the years is “What Makes a Paedophile” it’s difficult to reply, Joe down the street with a wife and four children?, Susan in her late 50s around the corner, living alone?, no its difficult, to tell, you see, Paedophiles don’t have horns, tails or hooves. Paedophiles in reality, look and act like you and me. Except for one key difference, they are secretly and sexually attracted to children. According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatrist Association, Paedophiles are individuals who are preferentially or solely sexually attracted to prepubescent children, generally 13 years or less. So that we are not confused, not all Paedophiles are child sex offenders, and conversely not all child sex offenders are Paedophiles. Some people who sexually abuse children are not preferentially attracted to children at all. The abuse is a matter of opportunity, the child is a sexual surrogate for an unavailable adult or the abuse represents a need to dominate and control another human being. So to my main question, why does the Catholic Church attract Paedophiles, there is no easy answer. The surge of abuse cases in the 1960s and 70s, 80s, and into the 21st. Century can’t be blamed on the 100% male makeup of the Priesthood, the practice of celibacy or, you know, “the gays”. But the alternative explanations offered raised some troubling new questions. Some researchers attribute the uptick to “opportunity” “emotionally ill-equipped Priests” who “lost their way in the social cataclysm of the sexual revolution of the swinging 60s.” Some researchers say, opportunity and cultural change are responsible for the sexual abuse of children, really? That might seem to imply some unsavoury and disheartening things about human sexuality, but I’m no expert. Again according to the Irish Catholic Bishops, own secret survey, by the Iona Institute, they found that less than 9 percent of accused priests are to be considered Pedophiles, according to the Irish Catholic Church, (and they are such experts on the subject), but that figure is based on children aged 10 and younger, but The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders uses an age ceiling of 13 in its definition of the sexual disorder. A vast majority of the abusers’ victims would have been considered prepubescent” which would make the Pedophilia label seem more apt. So is the rate of sexual offences against children really influenced by “opportunity” I dare to ask…?
It is commonly believed by many professional experts both inside and outside of the Roman Catholic Church, that the percentage of closeted gay Priests in the Roman Catholic Church as a whole is hovering over 78%. Most of these Priests for obvious reasons would be hesitant to acknowledge their own sexuality. Fortunately there’s a tremendous body of research data showing that gay men are no more likely to become sexually involved with a boy than are heterosexual men to become involved sexually with a girl. In fact, lets be honest here, I think that’s one of the great mistakes the Roman Catholic Church made early on, thinking they had a gay problem when in reality they really had a Paedophile problem, through child sexual abuse. Nothing to do with been gay, nor straight. Let’s take for example, an alcoholic, there certainly can be a genetic predisposition for alcoholism and yet whether you have a drink is dependent on whether a drink is available or not, your urges can be heightened by stresses of daily living or you may turn to drink because you’re depressed and want to feel better. So, certainly, if someone has a sexual disorder then that acts as a predisposing factor, but whether they’re gonna act on that sexual abnormality of makeup can be influenced by a number of factors in their environment and that affected them in growing up and so on.
Also let there be no mistake sexual abuse of children has been around, long before the 1960s. So how do you spot a Priest with a Paedophile problem, well the best predictor would surely be to look at both his past and future behaviour with children in his parish, maybe by listening to locals in his parish, and if he has a problem with children, not moving him around to different parishes to hide his sexual and criminal crimes. There is sadly, no personality test that could predict sexual abusers or Paedophiles in anybody, including Catholic Priests. To be fair, there isn’t any evidence that this is more of a problem in the Roman Catholic Priesthood than outside of it. I mean, people try and do blame celibacy, but take for example your local GAA Clubs, they too have had comparable problems. I think it’s so much more egregious and so much more shocking when it’s a Catholic Priest because they’re in a very trusted position. Catholic Priests are supposed to be people with the highest moral standards in their local communities. So, the moral shock and outrage that we experience is far greater than occurs in other cases.
What is it about the Catholic Priesthood that attracts so many Pedophiles? if one follows the news locally or world-wide lately there appears to be a tsunami of male rape victims of child abusing Catholic Priests which just seems to keep rippling outward in country after country, decade after decade. I thought the problem in Ireland was an anomaly and the Roman Catholic Priests in other countries were made of sterner stuff, but this molestation chronicle never seems to end. What is it about the Catholic Priesthood that seems to attract Pedophiles like flies to sticky honey? For a very long time, here in Ireland if a Priest got caught, raping a child, boy or girl, he wasn’t punished. He would be moved, and his heinous crimes were covered up. Soon word spread, among similar Pedophile Priests in the wider community that this Parish is the place to be. Another myth to bust, Priests don't become Pedophiles. Pedophiles become Catholic Priests. Its been suggest by some that some men are trying to hide from their Pedophilia and give in and those men that join for the ability to exercise their Pedophilia. I may be very wrong but I have never bought the idea that celibacy causes Pedophilia, I have seen no evidence to support the case. Does the Catholic Priest become a Pedophile or the Pedophiles become a Catholic Priest.
There was a long-standing tradition of Irish Catholic families steering their un-marriageable sexually suspect children towards religious vocations, it's only in the last 30 years or so that gay and lesbian teenagers had better options, then joining the Religious Orders. If a Pedophile Priest tells the church about himself, it's generally under the cover of the confessional, where it's considered a sin that can be forgiven or an illness that can be treated, not a crime that must be prosecuted with full and open cooperation with police authorities. The alternative is to admit that Mother Church has been complicit in enabling this behaviour for hundreds of years.
If the Roman Catholic Church wants to survive, it needs to drop the celibacy requirement as quick as it can. The other major problem was the molesting Catholic Priest were given a great deal of aid and support in their illegit activities by a very sympathetic Church Hierarchy that would hush up the allegations against one of its own members. The Catholic Priest, would then be moved on to greener pastures, a new Parish mile and miles away, to start all over again working his favourite hobby, raping children.
This the Roman Catholic Church is seemingly the only church with an institutional problem here, which it resolutely fails to acknowledge. Has there been a single statement by the Roman Catholic Church that apologises not just for the presence of Pedophile Priests in its ranks, but for the role of Roman Catholic Church higher-ups, like the Bishops and Cardinals in actively protecting the Pedophile Catholic Priests and finding them new Parishes to prey on the most vulnerable children there. The worse problem was the extreme devotion and trust by the Irish Catholic people toward their Priests. At the time, Irish Catholics considered Priests to be practically infallible and not too far removed from the Pope himself. So if any vulnerable child told his family or friends what the local Priest was abusing him or her, nobody would have believed him or her. The vulnerable child would have been severely punished or locked up in a psychiatric institution for spreading malicious lies about their local holy Priest.
We know that the total number of Priests in Ireland between 1956 to 1960 was about 5,489, according to the Irish Catholic Directory. A survey in 1989 revealed a total of 11,415 Nuns in Ireland, and Religious Brothers working in Ireland were numbered at 9,876 by the late 1960s. Which give us a grand total of 26,780. So according to the Irish Catholic Bishops own figures and survey of 9% of 26,780 is equal to—--2,410;- The Religious Orders at the time in Ireland in the 1960s;- would be the home of 2,410 active Paedophiles. Many leading experts in this field, now believe that this figure is much higher, according to some, just multiply by two for a more realistic figure and even that is to low. But when you take one well known active Paedophile, Brendan Smyth (8 June 1927 – 22 August 1997) was a Roman Catholic Priest from Belfast in Northern Ireland who became notorious as a Child rapist, using his position as a Priest to obtain access to his victims. During a period of over 40 years, Smyth sexually abused and raped over 200 plus children, that is known, and maybe a few hundred more unknown in Parishes in Belfast, Dublin and the United States. His actions were frequently hidden from police and the public by Roman Catholic officials. After his arrest in 1991, he fled to the Irish Republic, where he spent the next three years on the run, enabled and hidden by fellow Catholic Priests. So 200 raped children on average by one active Paedophile, like Father Brendan Smyth and apply that to 2,410 other active Paedophiles known within the Religious Orders, and we have 482,000 raped children. Please don’t take my word for it, research website below….If you want a list of Catholic Priests who sexually abused children, then the excellent website is…..http://www.bishop-accountability.org/
Psychology of Child Rape;-
Here is the quote from Archbishop Martin’s defence team when dealing with historical child sexual abuse case… “You can’t do anything — he is above the law”, he is only answerable to God. A famous refrain of many Irish clerics in the Irish Catholic Church was and is “A male child can’t be raped because he must have wanted it.” Sadly another refrain used by the same Irish clerics, suggested that the man/boy made up the allegations to try and get financial compensation. Another refrain yet again, is by an Irish Catholic Priest, “God doesn't like boys who cry especially when we are having fun”. Than comes obfuscation, with the Irish Catholic Church claiming it did not know the substance of the allegations, the boy/ man or boys /men were and are mentally sick. Why, the good Priest or Cleric had been to confession and received absolution by another Priest and God. But most revealing of all would be the attempt by the Church’s defence team, to turn the spotlight on the complainants' motivation, as in my case before the Irish High Court, to blame the accusers rather than the accused. It has been a familiar pattern all to familiar in all Irish Catholic abuse cases over the many years and will be used again and again in the many years to come. Through all the decades, and all the changes, the behaviour of the Irish Catholic Church towards abuse victims has changed remarkably little. The concept is "clericalism", a word used to describe Priests' sense of entitlement, somethings are critical to understanding the Irish Catholic Church behaviour. That is "scandalising the faithful". Traditionally, the Irish Hierarchy believed the greatest sin was shaking the faith of Catholic congregations, protecting them, meant concealing scandal. This concept of "clericalism", a word often used to describe Irish Priests' sense of entitlements, their demands for deference and their apparent conformity to rules and regulations in public, while privately behaving in a way that suggests the rules don't ever apply to them personally. Governed by its own rules, through Canon Law, all this contributes to the notion that the Irish Catholic Church can and did conduct its own affairs without interference or outside scrutiny. It demanded a voice in Irish Society without ever being fully accountable to it.
Child Male Rape is probably the most underreported crime in Ireland. Unfortunately, many Irish police officers are antagonistic toward a child male rape victim. They may feel embarrassed themselves at having to question a fellow male about a sexual assault, never mind a male child. Very often police questioning focuses on the child having “brought on the attack” himself. The police officer may dwell on the sexual aspect of the rape, asking him to describe his feelings during the attack, the rapist’s genitals, or the position in which he raped him. The psychological trauma experienced by a rape victim that includes disruptions to normal physical, emotional, cognitive, and interpersonal behaviour. After the sexual assault, the child often feels troubled by his inability to protect himself, questioning his masculinity, feeling that a sense of control has been taken from him. He will feel ashamed about the incident, making him reluctant to speak out to both family and friends. In fact, most hold the view that “nobody would believe me” as a reason for not reporting the incident.
All male child victims report a complex range of emotional difficulties like isolation, anger, sadness, deep shame, guilt, and fear, depression, anxiety are all the most common. You would think, talk of ‘Children First’ and mandatory reporting to the police would lead you to believe that allegations of sexual abuse on children, specially male children are now handled with greater sensitivity, that victims are respected and believed, pedophiles and rapists are punished. Sadly not so, the battle really starts if and when the child many years later as a man wants to bring a high court action against his rapists, especially if the abusers are Irish clerics of the Irish Catholic Church. Until recently in Irish law, male rape was not defined as a criminal offence, a man could only commit rape against a woman.
Boys were raped by religious men in positions of power with authority over them in all the Industrial Schools in Ireland. Many people did not take the sexual assault of boys seriously, believing that men, especially men who identify as heterosexual or who are assaulted by men, cannot be victims of rape, male victims of sexual abuse and assault often face a culture that tells them their abuse results from either weakness or homosexuality. Many males are reluctant to label their assault as rape or sexual abuse or even mention it at all, to anybody, out of the stigma or been labeled queer, or other derogatory terms that are things that are unflattering, unkind, and demeaning to the masculine. However, a reluctance to disclose may be a barrier to treatment, when treatment can often be of significant help in resolving the feelings of guilt, shame, anger and depression that would always follow a sexual attack. Male rape victims face 'humiliating' questions once they decide to bring a legal action on their historical sex abuse to light. High profile cases will have and leave a lasting impact on victims’ confidence to report sexual crimes, when all the salacious details come out, both in the court and the press. This is why most male rape victims will not step forward, male victims of sexual abuse will always face the possibility of being humiliated in open court by cleaver lawyers or with the untrained police and boys/man credibility will be undermined by both the defence lawyers and the rapist, asking intimate questions about their sexual partners, and lifestyle, their clothing and their appearance. Even their sex identity will become an issue specially if the victim is gay, and the amount of partners he had and the type of sex he preformed.
Sexual violence against boys in all the Industrial Schools in Ireland was alarmingly common, a taboo subject that most boys out of shame didn’t know how to talk about. It was commonly believed at the time that rape can only be against a girl or a woman, but never a boy. The silence surrounding the issue of sexual violence against boys is being broken down slowly, unfortunately effective measures of justice and redress are still not understood or applied in ways that can support male victims, particularly in historical sex abuse case now slowly coming before the Irish Courts. There is no doubt that the scope of the problem for male victims was very large in the Industrial Schools in Ireland as I personally know and also according to the Ryan Report, (The Commission set up in Ireland to Inquire into Child Abuse ) sexual violence against many boys by the Male Religious Orders was rampant and was a significant problem that was completely ignored by both the Irish Catholic Church and Irish society at large.
The sexual violations took many forms, including rape, gang rape, sexual slavery, enforced nudity, and being forced to perform crude sexual acts with the clerics. Very commonly, sexual violence against the vulnerable boys was endemic throughout the Industrial Schools in Ireland. Most male victims experiences of sexual violence continue to be underreported, misunderstood, and mischaracterised in the open Irish Courts. To this day, in all cases, male victims are reluctant to acknowledge the sexual nature of the violations committed against them. Most of the boys, now men talk about sexual abuse in general without saying for example, that they were anally raped or forced to preform fellatio on their tormentors as rape or other crude acts of a sexual nature, forcible committed against the boys at the time in the Industrial Schools in Ireland. This can happen, and did happen to the boys/men in order to avoid the social stigma attached to such acts or due to the fear of being perceived as weak, labeled homosexual, or being accused of having “wanted it.” as was and is used by many of the Irish Clerics as a defence before the High Courts. Even in instances where men report acts of sexual violence, those receiving the reports rarely handle the report with the sensitivity and awareness they require. Medical practitioners, and the police for example, may not be adequately trained to recognise, identify, or treat male victims or they may themselves accuse male victims of sordid homosexuality, as if that is a crime or even prostitution, otherwise perpetuate social misconceptions about these crimes.
Sexual violence against boys is slowly becoming a part of the discussion about justice and accountability for crimes, or historical sex crimes that was committed by the Religious Orders in Ireland, and not just in the Industrial Schools, but in almost every parish the length and breadth of Ireland. Despite the fact that this type of violence is pervasive across contexts and causes significant and enduring harm to both victims and their communities, it has typically been ignored or considered as simply physical rather than sexual harm. In addition, sexual violence has often been defined as violence against women, including the courts, doctors, social services, so that male victims are at risk of being excluded from benefits that are normally available to women victims. Owen Felix O’Neill
Here is the quote from Archbishop Martin’s defence team when dealing with historical child sexual abuse case… “You can’t do anything — he is above the law”, he is only answerable to God. A famous refrain of many Irish clerics in the Irish Catholic Church was and is “A male child can’t be raped because he must have wanted it.” Sadly another refrain used by the same Irish clerics, suggested that the man/boy made up the allegations to try and get financial compensation. Another refrain yet again, is by an Irish Catholic Priest, “God doesn't like boys who cry especially when we are having fun”. Than comes obfuscation, with the Irish Catholic Church claiming it did not know the substance of the allegations, the boy/ man or boys /men were and are mentally sick. Why, the good Priest or Cleric had been to confession and received absolution by another Priest and God. But most revealing of all would be the attempt by the Church’s defence team, to turn the spotlight on the complainants' motivation, as in my case before the Irish High Court, to blame the accusers rather than the accused. It has been a familiar pattern all to familiar in all Irish Catholic abuse cases over the many years and will be used again and again in the many years to come. Through all the decades, and all the changes, the behaviour of the Irish Catholic Church towards abuse victims has changed remarkably little. The concept is "clericalism", a word used to describe Priests' sense of entitlement, somethings are critical to understanding the Irish Catholic Church behaviour. That is "scandalising the faithful". Traditionally, the Irish Hierarchy believed the greatest sin was shaking the faith of Catholic congregations, protecting them, meant concealing scandal. This concept of "clericalism", a word often used to describe Irish Priests' sense of entitlements, their demands for deference and their apparent conformity to rules and regulations in public, while privately behaving in a way that suggests the rules don't ever apply to them personally. Governed by its own rules, through Canon Law, all this contributes to the notion that the Irish Catholic Church can and did conduct its own affairs without interference or outside scrutiny. It demanded a voice in Irish Society without ever being fully accountable to it.
Child Male Rape is probably the most underreported crime in Ireland. Unfortunately, many Irish police officers are antagonistic toward a child male rape victim. They may feel embarrassed themselves at having to question a fellow male about a sexual assault, never mind a male child. Very often police questioning focuses on the child having “brought on the attack” himself. The police officer may dwell on the sexual aspect of the rape, asking him to describe his feelings during the attack, the rapist’s genitals, or the position in which he raped him. The psychological trauma experienced by a rape victim that includes disruptions to normal physical, emotional, cognitive, and interpersonal behaviour. After the sexual assault, the child often feels troubled by his inability to protect himself, questioning his masculinity, feeling that a sense of control has been taken from him. He will feel ashamed about the incident, making him reluctant to speak out to both family and friends. In fact, most hold the view that “nobody would believe me” as a reason for not reporting the incident.
All male child victims report a complex range of emotional difficulties like isolation, anger, sadness, deep shame, guilt, and fear, depression, anxiety are all the most common. You would think, talk of ‘Children First’ and mandatory reporting to the police would lead you to believe that allegations of sexual abuse on children, specially male children are now handled with greater sensitivity, that victims are respected and believed, pedophiles and rapists are punished. Sadly not so, the battle really starts if and when the child many years later as a man wants to bring a high court action against his rapists, especially if the abusers are Irish clerics of the Irish Catholic Church. Until recently in Irish law, male rape was not defined as a criminal offence, a man could only commit rape against a woman.
Boys were raped by religious men in positions of power with authority over them in all the Industrial Schools in Ireland. Many people did not take the sexual assault of boys seriously, believing that men, especially men who identify as heterosexual or who are assaulted by men, cannot be victims of rape, male victims of sexual abuse and assault often face a culture that tells them their abuse results from either weakness or homosexuality. Many males are reluctant to label their assault as rape or sexual abuse or even mention it at all, to anybody, out of the stigma or been labeled queer, or other derogatory terms that are things that are unflattering, unkind, and demeaning to the masculine. However, a reluctance to disclose may be a barrier to treatment, when treatment can often be of significant help in resolving the feelings of guilt, shame, anger and depression that would always follow a sexual attack. Male rape victims face 'humiliating' questions once they decide to bring a legal action on their historical sex abuse to light. High profile cases will have and leave a lasting impact on victims’ confidence to report sexual crimes, when all the salacious details come out, both in the court and the press. This is why most male rape victims will not step forward, male victims of sexual abuse will always face the possibility of being humiliated in open court by cleaver lawyers or with the untrained police and boys/man credibility will be undermined by both the defence lawyers and the rapist, asking intimate questions about their sexual partners, and lifestyle, their clothing and their appearance. Even their sex identity will become an issue specially if the victim is gay, and the amount of partners he had and the type of sex he preformed.
Sexual violence against boys in all the Industrial Schools in Ireland was alarmingly common, a taboo subject that most boys out of shame didn’t know how to talk about. It was commonly believed at the time that rape can only be against a girl or a woman, but never a boy. The silence surrounding the issue of sexual violence against boys is being broken down slowly, unfortunately effective measures of justice and redress are still not understood or applied in ways that can support male victims, particularly in historical sex abuse case now slowly coming before the Irish Courts. There is no doubt that the scope of the problem for male victims was very large in the Industrial Schools in Ireland as I personally know and also according to the Ryan Report, (The Commission set up in Ireland to Inquire into Child Abuse ) sexual violence against many boys by the Male Religious Orders was rampant and was a significant problem that was completely ignored by both the Irish Catholic Church and Irish society at large.
The sexual violations took many forms, including rape, gang rape, sexual slavery, enforced nudity, and being forced to perform crude sexual acts with the clerics. Very commonly, sexual violence against the vulnerable boys was endemic throughout the Industrial Schools in Ireland. Most male victims experiences of sexual violence continue to be underreported, misunderstood, and mischaracterised in the open Irish Courts. To this day, in all cases, male victims are reluctant to acknowledge the sexual nature of the violations committed against them. Most of the boys, now men talk about sexual abuse in general without saying for example, that they were anally raped or forced to preform fellatio on their tormentors as rape or other crude acts of a sexual nature, forcible committed against the boys at the time in the Industrial Schools in Ireland. This can happen, and did happen to the boys/men in order to avoid the social stigma attached to such acts or due to the fear of being perceived as weak, labeled homosexual, or being accused of having “wanted it.” as was and is used by many of the Irish Clerics as a defence before the High Courts. Even in instances where men report acts of sexual violence, those receiving the reports rarely handle the report with the sensitivity and awareness they require. Medical practitioners, and the police for example, may not be adequately trained to recognise, identify, or treat male victims or they may themselves accuse male victims of sordid homosexuality, as if that is a crime or even prostitution, otherwise perpetuate social misconceptions about these crimes.
Sexual violence against boys is slowly becoming a part of the discussion about justice and accountability for crimes, or historical sex crimes that was committed by the Religious Orders in Ireland, and not just in the Industrial Schools, but in almost every parish the length and breadth of Ireland. Despite the fact that this type of violence is pervasive across contexts and causes significant and enduring harm to both victims and their communities, it has typically been ignored or considered as simply physical rather than sexual harm. In addition, sexual violence has often been defined as violence against women, including the courts, doctors, social services, so that male victims are at risk of being excluded from benefits that are normally available to women victims. Owen Felix O’Neill
Reasons Victims Do Not Tell Their Stories of Sexual Violence
(Special Thanks to Dani Bostick and The Huffington Post).
1 Perpetrators and their allies undermine victims’ credibility and impugn their character.
2 The community often rallies around the perpetrator and pillories the victim.
3 Victims face a barrage of questions when they come forward instead of the sympathy and support they need. Why didn’t you speak out sooner? Why didn’t you try to stop the attacks? These questions add to the trauma and horror of sexual violence.
4 Victims sometimes have kept in touch with their perpetrators. Maybe they continued dating, working together, or interacting politely at family events. Continued contact with a perpetrator is also very common. Often this factor alone keeps victims trapped in silence.
5 Not reporting allows a victim to maintain the fantasy that people in positions of responsibility would be helpful if he or she did report. Reporting often crushes that fantasy when responsible people protect themselves and the perpetrator instead.
6 A lot of victims prefer to create an alternate reality, one in which the abuse didn’t happen. If a victim is hiding behind a facade of success, competence, and achievement, admitting past abuse can shatter that facade. Being the victim of sexual violence is highly stigmatised. No high-functioning person wants to be viewed as damaged.
7 Victims often prefer to create an alternate reality, one in which the abuse didn’t happen. It is often easier to pretend to be normal and live a lie than face the horror of sexual abuse and trauma.
8 Victims often fear that coming forward will result in the loss of employment, support network, housing, reputation, and even their lives.
9 Some victims simply don’t remember. I had suppressed the memories of my abuse and still do not have linear memories of it.
10 In the case of child sexual abuse (and oftentimes abuse of adults), reporting can disrupt every relationship important to the victim. Family members and friends choose the easier narrative: that the victim is lying. Believing someone has lied is easier than believing that a loved one has raped a child.
11 Victims might not know who to tell. Do you tell a friend? A Priest? The Police? Since sexual violence is shrouded in a code of silence, sometimes the impediment to timely reporting is that victims literally do not know what to do. Some may not even realise initially they have been a victim of sexual violence in the first place.
12 Some victims are under the mistaken impression that you cannot report at all if you do not report immediately.
13 Some victims tried to report and were told there was no recourse. In some cases, victims disclosed to allies of the perpetrator who told them not to tell anyone else, further fortifying the prison of silence. Who would take the risk and report again after that?
14 Victims may have been committed a crime or infraction of rules around the time of the crime. Underage victims who have been drinking at a party, for example, could fear getting in trouble and decide it is not worth the risk of reporting the sexual assault.
15 Naming an act of sexual violence makes it real. Keeping silent is a way of protecting oneself.
16 The victim feels indebted to the perpetrator. For example, if the victim is an elite athlete, he or she may feel as if she owes the coach his or her silence.
17 Child victims may have been under the misguided impression that they were in a consensual relationship with a much older person. In this case, it can take a long time to realise that the “relationship” was actually a sexual crime.
(Special Thanks to Dani Bostick and The Huffington Post).
1 Perpetrators and their allies undermine victims’ credibility and impugn their character.
2 The community often rallies around the perpetrator and pillories the victim.
3 Victims face a barrage of questions when they come forward instead of the sympathy and support they need. Why didn’t you speak out sooner? Why didn’t you try to stop the attacks? These questions add to the trauma and horror of sexual violence.
4 Victims sometimes have kept in touch with their perpetrators. Maybe they continued dating, working together, or interacting politely at family events. Continued contact with a perpetrator is also very common. Often this factor alone keeps victims trapped in silence.
5 Not reporting allows a victim to maintain the fantasy that people in positions of responsibility would be helpful if he or she did report. Reporting often crushes that fantasy when responsible people protect themselves and the perpetrator instead.
6 A lot of victims prefer to create an alternate reality, one in which the abuse didn’t happen. If a victim is hiding behind a facade of success, competence, and achievement, admitting past abuse can shatter that facade. Being the victim of sexual violence is highly stigmatised. No high-functioning person wants to be viewed as damaged.
7 Victims often prefer to create an alternate reality, one in which the abuse didn’t happen. It is often easier to pretend to be normal and live a lie than face the horror of sexual abuse and trauma.
8 Victims often fear that coming forward will result in the loss of employment, support network, housing, reputation, and even their lives.
9 Some victims simply don’t remember. I had suppressed the memories of my abuse and still do not have linear memories of it.
10 In the case of child sexual abuse (and oftentimes abuse of adults), reporting can disrupt every relationship important to the victim. Family members and friends choose the easier narrative: that the victim is lying. Believing someone has lied is easier than believing that a loved one has raped a child.
11 Victims might not know who to tell. Do you tell a friend? A Priest? The Police? Since sexual violence is shrouded in a code of silence, sometimes the impediment to timely reporting is that victims literally do not know what to do. Some may not even realise initially they have been a victim of sexual violence in the first place.
12 Some victims are under the mistaken impression that you cannot report at all if you do not report immediately.
13 Some victims tried to report and were told there was no recourse. In some cases, victims disclosed to allies of the perpetrator who told them not to tell anyone else, further fortifying the prison of silence. Who would take the risk and report again after that?
14 Victims may have been committed a crime or infraction of rules around the time of the crime. Underage victims who have been drinking at a party, for example, could fear getting in trouble and decide it is not worth the risk of reporting the sexual assault.
15 Naming an act of sexual violence makes it real. Keeping silent is a way of protecting oneself.
16 The victim feels indebted to the perpetrator. For example, if the victim is an elite athlete, he or she may feel as if she owes the coach his or her silence.
17 Child victims may have been under the misguided impression that they were in a consensual relationship with a much older person. In this case, it can take a long time to realise that the “relationship” was actually a sexual crime.
Rule 85 in the Christian Brothers handbook (their written constitution of do’s and don’ts) stated the obvious: “Christian Brothers must not fondle their pupils.”
“Fondle” or “Fondling” is a quaint term to use. What does it mean? The English Oxford Dictionary has the definition for “ Fondle” as, -
(Verb) - “Stroke or caress lovingly or erotically”.
( Noun)- “An act of fondling”.
The ban against fondling was entered into the written constitution of The Christian Brothers Order in 1962, at a time when they were supposedly dealing with the enormous problem of their own peterphiles * (pedophiles) actively working in the Order. Male rape was used systematically as an instrument of total control in all Industrial Schools in Ireland run by the predatory Christian Brothers who ruthlessly exploited and sexually assaulted vulnerable boys in their “care”.
“As long as outsiders do not become aware of these things, we may hope for better times after the war.”
On December 1st 1948, Brother S R Young wrote from Sydney to Dublin:
“We had hoped that rehabilitation had taken place, but generally the dog returns to his vomit especially where the second vow is concerned”. (The second vow is never to have sex with children.)
Again a Christian Brother writes:
“The police were not called. The matter was handled within the Catholic community to avoid scandal”. “The protection of the good name and credibility of the congregation was the outcome most sought after”.
“Fondle” or “Fondling” is a quaint term to use. What does it mean? The English Oxford Dictionary has the definition for “ Fondle” as, -
(Verb) - “Stroke or caress lovingly or erotically”.
( Noun)- “An act of fondling”.
The ban against fondling was entered into the written constitution of The Christian Brothers Order in 1962, at a time when they were supposedly dealing with the enormous problem of their own peterphiles * (pedophiles) actively working in the Order. Male rape was used systematically as an instrument of total control in all Industrial Schools in Ireland run by the predatory Christian Brothers who ruthlessly exploited and sexually assaulted vulnerable boys in their “care”.
“As long as outsiders do not become aware of these things, we may hope for better times after the war.”
On December 1st 1948, Brother S R Young wrote from Sydney to Dublin:
“We had hoped that rehabilitation had taken place, but generally the dog returns to his vomit especially where the second vow is concerned”. (The second vow is never to have sex with children.)
Again a Christian Brother writes:
“The police were not called. The matter was handled within the Catholic community to avoid scandal”. “The protection of the good name and credibility of the congregation was the outcome most sought after”.
Father Joseph Marmion a Sexual Predator
Jesuit maxim;- For those who believe, no words are necessary. For those who do not believe, no words are possible.
Inappropriateness with vulnerable children was Father Joseph Marmion moto- as is the religious ethics of the Irish Catholic Church at large. The Irish Catholic Church knew the differences from things that are illicit in that inappropriate behaviour does not necessarily have any accompanying legal ramifications. Certainly in Ireland there were and are no legal ramifications, this is why they, the Clerics got away with the rape of tens of thousands of children over the decades. The Irish Catholic Church can and did police themselves without any intrusiveness, they after all were the Rulers of Ireland. In reality, everybody in Ireland and abroad knew that an elected Irish Politician had no cojones.
A few days ago, The Jesuit Order named a teacher, a Priest, Father Joseph Marmion who sexually, physically Raped boys in the 1970s. Here we go again, the same modus operandi, will kick-in, one of the most prestigious schools in Ireland, Belvedere College, in Dublin was run by the Jesuit Order of pedophiles. A single-sex boys’ establishment with a reputation for predatory behaviour, by its very own pedophile Clerics. "the manly character of boys will be induced by sex games and sport" say the Jesuits- The Jesuits also famously hyjacked Aristotle’s quote — 'Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.’ Pope Francis is the first Pope to have belonged to the Society of Jesus, The Jesuits.
Belvedere College strives for excellence in all we endeavour including the rape of children. The College’s vision of the future of education in Belvedere is built on the outdated tradition of Jesuit education and a side-order or helpings of the rape of children by its own Clerics. It has done so for over 400 years.
Here what Belvedere College says on its website;- The phrase Cura Personalis (Statement of Core Values) is used to describe how each student is nurtured and cared for- ( to include Rape). Each student is helped to explore their unique talents and gifts and made feel they are part of a community that recognises and celebrates achievement in many different fields.
I bet the wealthy parents who entrusted their young boys to the Jesuits were never consulted when their children were raped by their very own holy Jesuits. The website goes on to say- “The mission of the Belvedere Community – Jesuits, Board, Staff, Parents, present students and past pupils – is to ensure that graduates of the College by their relationship with Jesus Christ and through living Gospel values, shall be persons for others in leadership and example in the pursuit of a just world”.
Let’s be clear, the senile Irish Catholic Church of course knows nothing will happen, it never does, no matter the outrage, just a few bad headlines for a day or two. The Cults way of thinking is;- it was so long ago that the rapes happened, who cares. The Jesuits involved are long dead the rest are in their dotage, and conventiently can’t remember raping multiple young boys-and of course the old refrain “Let bygone be bygone” will be sung out by their favourite media outlets and their willing stooges.
The Characteristics of Jesuit Education;- School Pastoral Care implies caring for the quality of relationships between the Jesuits and the vulnerable boys. It involves the engagement of all the school policies, processes and programmes in the development of the appropriate systemic structures, roles and resources to support the development of the emerging adult. The term ‘pastoral’ is rooted in biblical imagery where the metaphor of Christ as the Good Shepherd, but wait, I never remember reading that Jesus raped anybody. The Belvedere College Boys encounter the person of a Jesuit or Jesuits as a friend, a guide but really heinous pedophiles, lurking around for their next victim, playing and praying on the young boy’s vulnerabilities. The boy or boys come to know the saintly kind and holy Jusuit through his personal and communal sex-games and work. The proverbial Fox looking after the helpless chickens, the pedophile puts on a dog collar and black dress of his religion and he is instantaneously holy, molts into a holy priest, what a miracle of transformation. A kind of metamorphosis of a benevolent Priest into a hidious, sex starved pedophile.
The Belvedere College website goes on to say;- Each member of the school community has a significant role to play in creating and protecting the pastoral ethos of the school and as an individual has access to the pastoral structures and procedures in place. My god it was all rubbish, the ethos of Belvedere College was plain and simple, pedophiles hiding in plain sight, the Jesuits themselves.
Again the newspapers and TV Media can’t even use the word RAPE- ;- The Provincial, Fr Leonard Moloney, said he met the former pupil, who expressed concern for others and asked that his abuser (rapist) be named. In a statement, the Jesuit Order said it has been in contact with other boys over many years who were raped by Father Joseph Marmion while they were young students. Why on earth were the Irish Police not informed as a matter of course. In fact The Provincial, Fr Leonard Moloney, should be arrested immediately for obstruction and covering up multiple crimes against children. The school itself, Belvedere College should be closed down because it is a crime scene and its entire staff, past and present, investigated. There should be no immunity especially for sanctimonious Clerics, from the crimes of child rape and the holy Joes that enabled them and did nothing.
This in of itself is outrageous- Belvedere College and its Order of degenerates that ran the school knew about children being raped for years and did nothing, why on earth are we still having this conversation today. The College and its Order of degenerates should be shut down immediately, its property seized and the degenerates thrown into prison.
Now the Irish Catholic Church’s modus operandi, is on full display- and here it is;- A decision was taken by the Jesuit Order in Ireland and the Archbishop of Dublin at the time that Father Joseph Marmion be removed from the staff in Belvedere with effect from the end of the academic year 1977/1978.
But wait for it;-
The pedophile Father Joseph Marmion who Belvedere College knew was a serial pedophile and child rapist never informed the Irish Police- never stripped the pedophile Father Joseph Marmion of his priestly duties. Instead the Irish Catholic Church rewarded this pedophile Priest, Father Joseph Marmion with a long paid holiday, a year long sabbatical to Paris where he raped French children, as he holidayed with the Jesuit Community in Paris. Than the Jesuit Community of Paris sent him back for a re-assignment to the Gardiner Street Jesuit Community, where the pedophile Jesuit Priest continued unabated with the rape of even more helpless children. Belvedere College and Gardiner Street Jesuit Community are just a few minutes walk from each other. In 1990, the pedophile Priest, Father Joseph Marmion was appointed Chaplain to St Vincent's Private Hospital, Dublin, owned by The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. The pedophile Priest, Father Joseph Marmion was appointed by the Archbishop of Dublin at the time Cardinal Desmond Connell in 1990. Cardinal Desmond Connell a noted closet queen, refused to inform the Irish Police about any of his pedophile Clerics accused of the rape of children. Please don’t take my word for it just read the Murphy Commission Report
I knew this pediphile rapist, Father Joseph Marmion because he was a regular visitor to the Boys Club in Eccles Street, Dublin, just a stone’s throw away from both Belvedere College and Gardiner Street Jesuit Community, in the late 60s and early 1970s. I was in the Boys Club from the age of 15 for over 3 years 1969 to 1973. At the time hundreds if not thousands of sex starved Clerics that roamed Dublin City, like wolf packs at the time, hunting and raping children with impunity. Other regular noted visitors to Eccles Street Boys Club was Archbishop McQuaid, who founded the Boys Club, in the early 1960s and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, who was a student priest at the time, who came to the Boys Club for six or seven years, and Cardinal Desmond Connell who loved meeting the boys, smelling and reeking of sandalwood perfume. Many Priests who were regular visitors to the Boys Club in Eccles Street, Dublin later on, most of them were convicted of child rape. A few are still in Prison in Ireland. Just a few of the thousands of Clerics that visited Eccles Street Boys Club at the time. In fact Archbishop Diarmuid Martin celebrated his first mass at the Boys Club at the time in 1969. Something else, a who's who of the Catholic Church at the time passed into The Boys Club in Eccles Street Dublin.
Father Joseph Marmion also taught at some of the most prestigious schools in Ireland, like the Crescent College Limerick and Clongowes Wood College, Co Kildare. The Jesuit Order said it recognises that "these subsequent appointments should not have been made”. The Jesuit Order now said;- "We have in the past apologised for raping children and invited children and survivors of abuse (Rape) by members of the Society of Jesus to come forward and to seek our help. Give me a break, help from our pedophile Priests, help in covering up the rapes of more children, the Cult, the Clerics, they will never learn.
Be certain of one thing about a deviant pedophile, a Priest, he would over a long career have raped over 100 children in a year. Father Joseph Marmion was Ordained on 31st. July 1957 and died 15th. November 2000, at St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin. Which bring me to the question - How many children did he rape?
This one Priest, Father Joseph Marmion had been raping children for about 50 years. So let’s take a lower figure of 50 children a year he raped over a period as a Priest of his 50 years career. Now that equals to about 2,500 children over his Priestly Ministry lifetime. This is one Pedophile Priest. We know now that there were thousands of pedophile Priests in Ireland. Please just do the numbers, it was an avalanche of rape of vulnerable children by The Cult, The Catholic Church in Ireland and its Clerics.
Hundreds of former students have confirmed the veracity of the allegations made against this one Priest, Father Joseph Marmion, during his time at the prestigious Belvedere College, including all the other prestigious colleges he taught at during his lifetime. Many ex-students say he is just the tip of the iceberg, one of many other Catholic Priests who taught at the Catholic Colleges many of these same Priests, also raped boys. Every religious run college, public or private schools, industrial schools, children were raped, that is a proven fact. Raped by Clerics that both the child and their parents trusted, absolutely. For many years many of these raped children never even told their own parents or families what happened to them at their Christian Schools, at the hands of Clerics, the fear and power of the Clerics was for to great. The Cult created a terror-state. This was achieved through intimidation and brutality.
Irish Politicians, Policemen, Teachers and Judges had to swear an oath of loyalty to the Cult. This gave the Cult greater power over the Irish people. This also created tension and fear throughout the country. Members of the Cult had powers to arrest and detain those people who were considered enemies of the Cult. These preventative arrests were carried out separately from judicial control. This is why Ireland had hundreds of Detention Sites and Labour Camps, called Magdalene Laundries/Asylums, Industrial Schools, Orphanages, Mother and Baby Homes. The women and children who were detained in these Religious run Institutions under cruel and brutal conditions, and were often violently treated, raped and murdered.The Cults tactics included murder and torture of these, the women and children. Tens of thousands that died are still in hidden Septic Tanks, Cesspools and Mass Graves on these same Religious Institutions in Ireland. We here in Ireland need to explain how the Cult could take such effective hold of Ireland, that is another day for historians who still struggle to explain. The age range of the boys, at Belvedere College, was 9 years of age to 16 years of age. Owen Felix O’Neill
Some Famous Students of Belvedere College, Dublin
Tony O’Reilly, James Joyce, Harry Clarke, Austin Clarke, Tim Pat Coogan, Joseph Mary Plunkett, Jimmy O’Dea, Cathal Brugha, Liam O'Flaherty, Brian Lenihan and his brother Conor, Kevin Barry, Dr Garret FitzGerald, Noel Purcell, Terry Wogan, John Bowman, Mr Justice Adrian Hardiman, Cardinal Desmond Connell, Archbishop Dermot Ryan, Pat Taaffe, Donagh, MacDonagh, and hundreds more of known names, in Sport, The Arts, Olympians, Irish History, Politics and Law, Business and Broadcasting, Peers, Religion.
Jesuit maxim;- For those who believe, no words are necessary. For those who do not believe, no words are possible.
Inappropriateness with vulnerable children was Father Joseph Marmion moto- as is the religious ethics of the Irish Catholic Church at large. The Irish Catholic Church knew the differences from things that are illicit in that inappropriate behaviour does not necessarily have any accompanying legal ramifications. Certainly in Ireland there were and are no legal ramifications, this is why they, the Clerics got away with the rape of tens of thousands of children over the decades. The Irish Catholic Church can and did police themselves without any intrusiveness, they after all were the Rulers of Ireland. In reality, everybody in Ireland and abroad knew that an elected Irish Politician had no cojones.
A few days ago, The Jesuit Order named a teacher, a Priest, Father Joseph Marmion who sexually, physically Raped boys in the 1970s. Here we go again, the same modus operandi, will kick-in, one of the most prestigious schools in Ireland, Belvedere College, in Dublin was run by the Jesuit Order of pedophiles. A single-sex boys’ establishment with a reputation for predatory behaviour, by its very own pedophile Clerics. "the manly character of boys will be induced by sex games and sport" say the Jesuits- The Jesuits also famously hyjacked Aristotle’s quote — 'Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.’ Pope Francis is the first Pope to have belonged to the Society of Jesus, The Jesuits.
Belvedere College strives for excellence in all we endeavour including the rape of children. The College’s vision of the future of education in Belvedere is built on the outdated tradition of Jesuit education and a side-order or helpings of the rape of children by its own Clerics. It has done so for over 400 years.
Here what Belvedere College says on its website;- The phrase Cura Personalis (Statement of Core Values) is used to describe how each student is nurtured and cared for- ( to include Rape). Each student is helped to explore their unique talents and gifts and made feel they are part of a community that recognises and celebrates achievement in many different fields.
I bet the wealthy parents who entrusted their young boys to the Jesuits were never consulted when their children were raped by their very own holy Jesuits. The website goes on to say- “The mission of the Belvedere Community – Jesuits, Board, Staff, Parents, present students and past pupils – is to ensure that graduates of the College by their relationship with Jesus Christ and through living Gospel values, shall be persons for others in leadership and example in the pursuit of a just world”.
Let’s be clear, the senile Irish Catholic Church of course knows nothing will happen, it never does, no matter the outrage, just a few bad headlines for a day or two. The Cults way of thinking is;- it was so long ago that the rapes happened, who cares. The Jesuits involved are long dead the rest are in their dotage, and conventiently can’t remember raping multiple young boys-and of course the old refrain “Let bygone be bygone” will be sung out by their favourite media outlets and their willing stooges.
The Characteristics of Jesuit Education;- School Pastoral Care implies caring for the quality of relationships between the Jesuits and the vulnerable boys. It involves the engagement of all the school policies, processes and programmes in the development of the appropriate systemic structures, roles and resources to support the development of the emerging adult. The term ‘pastoral’ is rooted in biblical imagery where the metaphor of Christ as the Good Shepherd, but wait, I never remember reading that Jesus raped anybody. The Belvedere College Boys encounter the person of a Jesuit or Jesuits as a friend, a guide but really heinous pedophiles, lurking around for their next victim, playing and praying on the young boy’s vulnerabilities. The boy or boys come to know the saintly kind and holy Jusuit through his personal and communal sex-games and work. The proverbial Fox looking after the helpless chickens, the pedophile puts on a dog collar and black dress of his religion and he is instantaneously holy, molts into a holy priest, what a miracle of transformation. A kind of metamorphosis of a benevolent Priest into a hidious, sex starved pedophile.
The Belvedere College website goes on to say;- Each member of the school community has a significant role to play in creating and protecting the pastoral ethos of the school and as an individual has access to the pastoral structures and procedures in place. My god it was all rubbish, the ethos of Belvedere College was plain and simple, pedophiles hiding in plain sight, the Jesuits themselves.
Again the newspapers and TV Media can’t even use the word RAPE- ;- The Provincial, Fr Leonard Moloney, said he met the former pupil, who expressed concern for others and asked that his abuser (rapist) be named. In a statement, the Jesuit Order said it has been in contact with other boys over many years who were raped by Father Joseph Marmion while they were young students. Why on earth were the Irish Police not informed as a matter of course. In fact The Provincial, Fr Leonard Moloney, should be arrested immediately for obstruction and covering up multiple crimes against children. The school itself, Belvedere College should be closed down because it is a crime scene and its entire staff, past and present, investigated. There should be no immunity especially for sanctimonious Clerics, from the crimes of child rape and the holy Joes that enabled them and did nothing.
This in of itself is outrageous- Belvedere College and its Order of degenerates that ran the school knew about children being raped for years and did nothing, why on earth are we still having this conversation today. The College and its Order of degenerates should be shut down immediately, its property seized and the degenerates thrown into prison.
Now the Irish Catholic Church’s modus operandi, is on full display- and here it is;- A decision was taken by the Jesuit Order in Ireland and the Archbishop of Dublin at the time that Father Joseph Marmion be removed from the staff in Belvedere with effect from the end of the academic year 1977/1978.
But wait for it;-
The pedophile Father Joseph Marmion who Belvedere College knew was a serial pedophile and child rapist never informed the Irish Police- never stripped the pedophile Father Joseph Marmion of his priestly duties. Instead the Irish Catholic Church rewarded this pedophile Priest, Father Joseph Marmion with a long paid holiday, a year long sabbatical to Paris where he raped French children, as he holidayed with the Jesuit Community in Paris. Than the Jesuit Community of Paris sent him back for a re-assignment to the Gardiner Street Jesuit Community, where the pedophile Jesuit Priest continued unabated with the rape of even more helpless children. Belvedere College and Gardiner Street Jesuit Community are just a few minutes walk from each other. In 1990, the pedophile Priest, Father Joseph Marmion was appointed Chaplain to St Vincent's Private Hospital, Dublin, owned by The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. The pedophile Priest, Father Joseph Marmion was appointed by the Archbishop of Dublin at the time Cardinal Desmond Connell in 1990. Cardinal Desmond Connell a noted closet queen, refused to inform the Irish Police about any of his pedophile Clerics accused of the rape of children. Please don’t take my word for it just read the Murphy Commission Report
I knew this pediphile rapist, Father Joseph Marmion because he was a regular visitor to the Boys Club in Eccles Street, Dublin, just a stone’s throw away from both Belvedere College and Gardiner Street Jesuit Community, in the late 60s and early 1970s. I was in the Boys Club from the age of 15 for over 3 years 1969 to 1973. At the time hundreds if not thousands of sex starved Clerics that roamed Dublin City, like wolf packs at the time, hunting and raping children with impunity. Other regular noted visitors to Eccles Street Boys Club was Archbishop McQuaid, who founded the Boys Club, in the early 1960s and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, who was a student priest at the time, who came to the Boys Club for six or seven years, and Cardinal Desmond Connell who loved meeting the boys, smelling and reeking of sandalwood perfume. Many Priests who were regular visitors to the Boys Club in Eccles Street, Dublin later on, most of them were convicted of child rape. A few are still in Prison in Ireland. Just a few of the thousands of Clerics that visited Eccles Street Boys Club at the time. In fact Archbishop Diarmuid Martin celebrated his first mass at the Boys Club at the time in 1969. Something else, a who's who of the Catholic Church at the time passed into The Boys Club in Eccles Street Dublin.
Father Joseph Marmion also taught at some of the most prestigious schools in Ireland, like the Crescent College Limerick and Clongowes Wood College, Co Kildare. The Jesuit Order said it recognises that "these subsequent appointments should not have been made”. The Jesuit Order now said;- "We have in the past apologised for raping children and invited children and survivors of abuse (Rape) by members of the Society of Jesus to come forward and to seek our help. Give me a break, help from our pedophile Priests, help in covering up the rapes of more children, the Cult, the Clerics, they will never learn.
Be certain of one thing about a deviant pedophile, a Priest, he would over a long career have raped over 100 children in a year. Father Joseph Marmion was Ordained on 31st. July 1957 and died 15th. November 2000, at St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin. Which bring me to the question - How many children did he rape?
This one Priest, Father Joseph Marmion had been raping children for about 50 years. So let’s take a lower figure of 50 children a year he raped over a period as a Priest of his 50 years career. Now that equals to about 2,500 children over his Priestly Ministry lifetime. This is one Pedophile Priest. We know now that there were thousands of pedophile Priests in Ireland. Please just do the numbers, it was an avalanche of rape of vulnerable children by The Cult, The Catholic Church in Ireland and its Clerics.
Hundreds of former students have confirmed the veracity of the allegations made against this one Priest, Father Joseph Marmion, during his time at the prestigious Belvedere College, including all the other prestigious colleges he taught at during his lifetime. Many ex-students say he is just the tip of the iceberg, one of many other Catholic Priests who taught at the Catholic Colleges many of these same Priests, also raped boys. Every religious run college, public or private schools, industrial schools, children were raped, that is a proven fact. Raped by Clerics that both the child and their parents trusted, absolutely. For many years many of these raped children never even told their own parents or families what happened to them at their Christian Schools, at the hands of Clerics, the fear and power of the Clerics was for to great. The Cult created a terror-state. This was achieved through intimidation and brutality.
Irish Politicians, Policemen, Teachers and Judges had to swear an oath of loyalty to the Cult. This gave the Cult greater power over the Irish people. This also created tension and fear throughout the country. Members of the Cult had powers to arrest and detain those people who were considered enemies of the Cult. These preventative arrests were carried out separately from judicial control. This is why Ireland had hundreds of Detention Sites and Labour Camps, called Magdalene Laundries/Asylums, Industrial Schools, Orphanages, Mother and Baby Homes. The women and children who were detained in these Religious run Institutions under cruel and brutal conditions, and were often violently treated, raped and murdered.The Cults tactics included murder and torture of these, the women and children. Tens of thousands that died are still in hidden Septic Tanks, Cesspools and Mass Graves on these same Religious Institutions in Ireland. We here in Ireland need to explain how the Cult could take such effective hold of Ireland, that is another day for historians who still struggle to explain. The age range of the boys, at Belvedere College, was 9 years of age to 16 years of age. Owen Felix O’Neill
Some Famous Students of Belvedere College, Dublin
Tony O’Reilly, James Joyce, Harry Clarke, Austin Clarke, Tim Pat Coogan, Joseph Mary Plunkett, Jimmy O’Dea, Cathal Brugha, Liam O'Flaherty, Brian Lenihan and his brother Conor, Kevin Barry, Dr Garret FitzGerald, Noel Purcell, Terry Wogan, John Bowman, Mr Justice Adrian Hardiman, Cardinal Desmond Connell, Archbishop Dermot Ryan, Pat Taaffe, Donagh, MacDonagh, and hundreds more of known names, in Sport, The Arts, Olympians, Irish History, Politics and Law, Business and Broadcasting, Peers, Religion.
The Banality of Evil
The opposite of good is not evil - it is indifference. And we here in Ireland must never be indifferent when it comes to the banality of evil. The root of all evil is the love of money, and the Roman Catholic Church truly loves power and wealth. But, as Lord Acton wrote in 1897 opposing the doctrine of the Pope’s infallibility:
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you super add the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it.”
I don't believe, however, that there can be a 'radical evil' a phrase used by German philosopher Immanuel Kant in “Religion within the Bounds of Reason Alone” (1793). He wrote:
“The depravity of human nature, then, is not so much to be called badness, if this word is taken in its strict sense, namely, as a disposition (subjective principle of maxims) to adopt the bad, as bad, into one’s maxims as a spring (for that is devilish); but rather perversity of heart, which, on account of the result, is also called a bad heart. This may co-exist with a Will [“Wille”] good in general, and arises from the frailty of human nature, which is not strong enough to follow its adopted principles, combined with its impurity in not distinguishing the springs (even of well-intentioned actions) from one another by moral rule. So that ultimately it looks at best only to the conformity of its actions with the law, not to their derivation from it, that is, to the law itself as the only spring. Now although this does not always give rise to wrong actions and a propensity thereto, that is, to vice, yet the habit of regarding the absence of vice as a conformity of the mind to the law of duty (as virtue) must itself be designated a radical perversity of the human heart (since in this case the spring in the maxims is not regarded at all, but only the obedience to the letter of the law).”
The opposite of good is not evil - it is indifference. And we here in Ireland must never be indifferent when it comes to the banality of evil. The root of all evil is the love of money, and the Roman Catholic Church truly loves power and wealth. But, as Lord Acton wrote in 1897 opposing the doctrine of the Pope’s infallibility:
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you super add the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it.”
I don't believe, however, that there can be a 'radical evil' a phrase used by German philosopher Immanuel Kant in “Religion within the Bounds of Reason Alone” (1793). He wrote:
“The depravity of human nature, then, is not so much to be called badness, if this word is taken in its strict sense, namely, as a disposition (subjective principle of maxims) to adopt the bad, as bad, into one’s maxims as a spring (for that is devilish); but rather perversity of heart, which, on account of the result, is also called a bad heart. This may co-exist with a Will [“Wille”] good in general, and arises from the frailty of human nature, which is not strong enough to follow its adopted principles, combined with its impurity in not distinguishing the springs (even of well-intentioned actions) from one another by moral rule. So that ultimately it looks at best only to the conformity of its actions with the law, not to their derivation from it, that is, to the law itself as the only spring. Now although this does not always give rise to wrong actions and a propensity thereto, that is, to vice, yet the habit of regarding the absence of vice as a conformity of the mind to the law of duty (as virtue) must itself be designated a radical perversity of the human heart (since in this case the spring in the maxims is not regarded at all, but only the obedience to the letter of the law).”
The Former Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin reveals Paedophile Priests cannot identify new victims because they Raped so many children.
Or again Archbishop Martin- the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, has revealed that some (hundreds) Priests sexually raped so many innocent children they could not remember all their victims’ names, same newspaper, Sunday Times.
Again Archbishop Martin-
“Any organisation has to ask how is it that, at a particular time, there was a large number of serial paedophiles. When I’m talking about serious paedophiles, we’re talking about hundreds,” (of Priests)
We know that pedophile Priests were actively raping children, not just in the Religious run Institutions in Ireland but in all the Irish Communities throughout the land of Ireland. Please don’t take my word for it, you only have to read the 4 following Official Irish Government Reports and 3 International Reports are but the tip of the iceberg.
“The Fern Report”- https://industrialmemories.ucd.ie/assets/thefernsreportoctober2005.pdf
or “The Murphy Report” - https://www.oneinfour.ie/site/uploads/documents-download-files/murphyreport-july-2009.pdf
or The Ryan Report- http://www.childabusecommission.ie/rpt/
or The Cloyne Report;- report-http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Cloyne_Rpt.pdf/Files/Cloyne_Rpt.pdf
One thing the Irish Catholic Bishops agreed with immediately was to use the word ABUSE, it was nicer than RAPE. They, the Irish Catholic Bishops could hide behind the soft word of ABUSE, they could even live with that word, ABUSE rather than saying or admitting to Sexual Rape of a child, by their Clergy. In reality many Irish Catholic Priests were pedophiles who set out to destroy innocent children’s souls, a child’s innocence was never precious as a holy man took advantage of his trusted position as a pillar of the local community, above suspicion, a representative of Jesus Christ, a Catholic Priest. Still been protected by the silence of his fellow Priests and the compliance of all the Bishops.
Former Archbishop Diarmuid Martin learnt that hundreds of his Priests raped thousands of children in his dioceses in Dublin alone. The tough questions should have been-
The Former Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin reveals Paedophile Priests cannot identify new victims because they Raped so many children.
Or again Archbishop Martin- the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, has revealed that some (hundreds) Priests sexually raped so many innocent children they could not remember all their victims’ names, same newspaper, Sunday Times.
Again Archbishop Martin-
“Any organisation has to ask how is it that, at a particular time, there was a large number of serial paedophiles. When I’m talking about serious paedophiles, we’re talking about hundreds,” (of Priests)
We know that pedophile Priests were actively raping children, not just in the Religious run Institutions in Ireland but in all the Irish Communities throughout the land of Ireland. Please don’t take my word for it, you only have to read the 4 following Official Irish Government Reports and 3 International Reports are but the tip of the iceberg.
“The Fern Report”- https://industrialmemories.ucd.ie/assets/thefernsreportoctober2005.pdf
or “The Murphy Report” - https://www.oneinfour.ie/site/uploads/documents-download-files/murphyreport-july-2009.pdf
or The Ryan Report- http://www.childabusecommission.ie/rpt/
or The Cloyne Report;- report-http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Cloyne_Rpt.pdf/Files/Cloyne_Rpt.pdf
One thing the Irish Catholic Bishops agreed with immediately was to use the word ABUSE, it was nicer than RAPE. They, the Irish Catholic Bishops could hide behind the soft word of ABUSE, they could even live with that word, ABUSE rather than saying or admitting to Sexual Rape of a child, by their Clergy. In reality many Irish Catholic Priests were pedophiles who set out to destroy innocent children’s souls, a child’s innocence was never precious as a holy man took advantage of his trusted position as a pillar of the local community, above suspicion, a representative of Jesus Christ, a Catholic Priest. Still been protected by the silence of his fellow Priests and the compliance of all the Bishops.
Former Archbishop Diarmuid Martin learnt that hundreds of his Priests raped thousands of children in his dioceses in Dublin alone. The tough questions should have been-
- When did you know about the pedophile Priests, was it from the 1960s when you visited the Boys Club in Dublin as a student Priest for 8 years?
- Did you when you learnt about the hundreds of pedophile Priests in Dublin, did you report them to the Irish Police?
- Where any of the pedophile Priests, fellow classmates of yours?
- Did you dismiss the pedophile Priests or did you move them from Parish to Parish?
- Did you pay off the Child Victims in secret?
- Did you force the Child Victims to sign secret agreements?
- How many Child Victims was there?
- What was in the 60,000 odd secret files you read as an incoming Archbishop?
- What did you learn that horrified you after reading them?
- Did you help to compile some or any of the 60,000 odd secret files for you mentor, Archbishop Charles McQuaid.
- Did you know that Archbishop Charles McQuaid was a pedophile?
- Did you also know that Bishop Eamonn Casey was a pedophile?
- How many child rape cases have you settled in secret in the Irish High Courts in recent years?
- How many pedophile Priests have you uncovered, now that you, yourself talked about hundreds of pedophile Priests in Dublin?
- Are there still pedophile Priests operating in Ireland?
- Why does the organisation, the Catholic Church have a large number of known serial pedophiles.
- Could we have the exact number when you talked about serious pedophile Priest, you say -“we’re talking about hundreds of pedophile Priests.”
- Do you Archbishop, believe that “God chose these men, and the devil works through children”, as both the Pope believes and most of his Cardinals?
- The current Pope, Francis is a big fan of the Devil theory that -“God chose these men, and the devil works through children”., and you, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin do you have this view?
- And Archbishop have you, yourself raped a child?