The Shame of Ireland
The mythologised history of the Religious Run Institutions as told by the Cult, the Clerics who spoon-fed us the mythologised history of their Religious Run Institutions. A crime is an act that constitutes a serious violation of the law that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility. The individual criminal responsibility must now apply to all the Nuns, Priests and Religious Brothers that ran the Religious Institutions in Ireland.
Uncovering The Cults massacre of unwed Mothers and their Children must now be a top priority. Slowly, gently even, we must scrape away the dirt, raw sewage and the Cults lies of decades, from human bones, the remains of innocent women and their vulnerable children. Tangled with the remains, are shreds of pain, rape, brutality, bruised clothes and the rotten mould of unnamed children’s leather shoes. The mass graves at all Religious run Institutions in Ireland, must be rediscovered, NDA and reburied in proper graves. In many of these Religious run Institutions in Ireland we have to unearthed the remains of more than 10,000 Children and Babies, known as the Rejects, dumped into these mass graves, at the back of Convents, Industrial Schools and Orphanages of Ireland.
Women and Children bodies were lying face down, many of the women, were covered in bandages from beatings and broken bones inflected on them when they were alive by the cruel Nuns, and were than liquidated. Then the Nuns, got others to dig ditches, for them, cesspools and reopened Septic Tanks to dispose or flush the rejects, the children and babies who they didn’t want to look after, because they the rejected children and babies were unsaleable. The unwed Women and vulnerable Children massacre was not commemorated, not would it be. After all the Nuns did not want any reminders of their evil work, better to bury them in cesspools and septic tanks, unseen, unrecorded and out of sight.
So let’s start with Bessborough Mother and Baby Home in Cork - the burial place of well over 900 children who died in the care of Bessborough Mother and Baby Home is unknown. A Nun who worked for 40 years years in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, claims she doesn't remember any child deaths - there were 671 children’s deaths during her time there;-
This is Outrageous- One Nun of the Congregation, The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary who was in Bessborough for most of the period 1948- 1998 told the Commission that--
“She did not remember any child deaths during her time there but she implied that the children who did die there were buried in the congregation burial ground.”
The Mother and Baby Home Commission of Investigation said;-
“The affidavit from the congregation that ran Bessborough Mother and Baby Home was “speculative, inaccurate and misleading”.
Here's what the commission found:-
"It is not known where the vast majority of the children who died in Bessborough are buried. There is a small burial ground in the grounds of Bessborough. This was opened in 1956 for members of the congregation. It seems to have been assumed by former residents and advocacy groups that this is also where the children who died in Bessborough are buried as there are occasional meetings and commemoration ceremonies held there. The vast majority of children who died in Bessborough are not buried there; it seems that only one child is buried there. More than 900 children died in Bessborough or in hospital after being transferred from Bessborough. Despite very extensive inquiries and searches, the Commission has been able to establish the burial place of only 64 children. The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary who owned and ran Bessborough do not know where the other children are buried.”
But in my opinion the Commission is blind to the Nuns Crimes in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home. And even more Outrageous-
Of the 552 “illegitimate” children who died in Cork District Hospital/St Finbarr’s, (including 113 transferred from Bessborough Mother and Baby Home), the Commission has identified the burial place of only 5 children. Between 1922 and 1998, a combined total of 1,343 “illegitimate” children died; 771 died in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, Cork;- 552 died in St Finbarr’s Hospital, Cork City and 20 subsequently died elsewhere. To date, the Commission has identified the burial places of just 64 children. “Despite having undertaken an intensive investigation the burial locations of 1,279 of these children remain unknown,” Commission of Investigation said;-
Ok let’s get real here, we need to take of the gloves here, Bessborough Mother and Baby Home in Cork needs to be treated as a Crime Scene, as does every Religious run Institution in Ireland, immediately. Better still all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, need to be treated as War Crime Scenes and the war on unmarried women and their vulnerable Children by The Cult. This really was a war on both unwed mothers and their children, by The Cult that ran Ireland.
Ireland’s Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, such as:
1. Willful or Intentionally killing, causing great suffering or serious injury to body and health unwed Women and their Children.
2. Torture and inhumane treatment of unwed Women and their Children.
3. Forcing unwed Women and their Children to serve in the forces of a hostile power
4. Depriving the unwed Women and their Children of a fair trial.
5. Unlawful deportation (illegal adoptions) of the Children of unwed women.
6. Selling the unwed Women and their Children for money.
7.Taking hostages, as in the removal, dragging out of girls from their homes
9. Murder, cruel or degrading treatment and torture of unwed Women and their Children
10. Rape, sexual slavery, forced slavery, forced prostitution and forced pregnancy and abortions of unwed Women and their Children.
11. Denial of medicines to unwed Women and their Children.
These horrendous crimes where a part of a diabolical plan and policy of the Irish Catholic Church, The Cult. Which was carried out in all the Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools and Orphanages in Ireland. All part of large-scale crimes of the Irish Catholic Church. For along with the many thousands of missing and dead children and babies, the Rejects of the Religious run Institutions. The Criminal Nuns according to the Commission of Investigation have conveniently lost, destroyed, reams of vanished records and documentations.The Commission of Investigation have said also that the Criminal Nuns were unwilling to help.
It would also help If more Irish media outlets focused as fastidiously on the Catholic Church's lies as I do, we might have avoided tens of thousands of more child rapes and deaths, altogether.
More Horrors-
More than 950 children’s bodies were sold for medical research to University College Dublin, Trinity and Royal College of Surgeons.
Galway County Council has said it was not aware that babies were informally and inappropriately buried at the Tuam Mother and Baby Home which it owned and maintained, yet there is ample evidence to the contrary. It has not explained why it would have no burial register for the children when it was legally obliged to keep such records.
The Bon Secour Sisters who ran Tuam Mother and Baby Home, have said;- That is has found the resources to hire their own Archaeologist to challenge the findings, in other words to lie for them, just like it did with the PR. Firm, run by Terri Prone who said after been paid by the Bon Secour Sisters who ran Tuam Mother and Baby Home, that the 796 Babies in the Septic Tank were all Famine Children from the mid- 1840s..We now know this was and is a perfidious lie, proliferate by The Bon Secour Sisters and Terri Prone, PR. Forensic Archaeology has conclusively proven that the 796 babies were flushed into the Septic Tank from the 1930s to 1960.
A Mass Grave is a grave containing multiple human corpses, which may or may not be identified prior to burial. The United Nations has defined a criminal mass grave as a burial site containing 3 or more victims. It is now a known fact that all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland have Mass Graves of thousands of women and children.
Dublin Union/St Patrick’s, Navan Road (Pelletstown)
St Patrick’s Mother and Baby Home was run by the Daughters of Charity. The burial register records the children as "abandoned", "deserted" and/or "illegitimate". The Commission’s report notes the analysis of deaths at the home is complex for reasons including that many of the children were sent there because they were very ill. More than 950 children who died there out of more then 7,000 children and babies, between 1920 and 1977. 950 children and babies remains were sent to the medical schools at UCD, Trinity and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, for “anatomical studies”.
Sean Ross Abbey-Tipperary
Records concerning the Sean Ross Mother and Baby Home show that more than 1,000 children and 29 mothers died there or in the District Hospital, Roscrea, where they were sent when they became very ill. What is shocking is that there is no evidence that any record of burials was kept by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who owned and ran the Sean Ross home, despite a canon law requirement to keep a record of burials. There is no certainty about where these children are buried.
The Commission of Investigation said that an affidavit about the burials provided by the Congregation, The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary was "in many respects, speculative, inaccurate and misleading”. In other words the Nuns lied.
The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary also said the children and babies buried at Sean Ross Abbey were buried without cost to local or central government. The Commission of Investigation dismissed this, saying it was -
“not true in respect of some, if not all, of the burials”, and said it had seen evidence of burial bills being sent to the local authority.
Bethany Home
Bethany Home was located in Blackhall Place, Dublin between the years 1922 and 1934 and in Orwell Road, Rathgar after that. The cemetery’s burial registers show that 240 children who were born in, or at one time admitted to Bethany, died between September 1922 and October 1964. Of that 240, 213 were recorded as coming directly from the Bethany Home. There are at least 20 other children who died and are not recorded in the Mount Jerome burial register. Bethany Home Survivors identified over 310 Bethany children buried there. The Commission said that once a particular grave was full, it was closed and the next available grave with spare capacity was used.
The Commission has so far established that over 220 children died in Castlepollard and there were 8 mothers who died from complications of pregnancy/childbirth. Again most shocking- There is no evidence that any record of burials was kept by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in respect of burials in Castlepollard, despite a canon law requirement to keep such records. An affidavit from the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who owned and ran the institution, was deemed
" in many respects, speculative, inaccurate and misleading"
This horror of mass graves of children and babies only underlines how little we know about our true Irish history. The death of tens of thousands of unmarried women and their children in the Religious run Institutions of Ireland is a catastrophic loss and suffering under the occupation of The Cult, the Irish Catholic Church. We must never forget about the dead of innocent women and their children. We must never allow the hushed up by The Cult, the Clerics and their enablers. Please!! we don’t need more memorials dedicated to nameless children. A better memorial would be the need for true and honest accountability. The children and babies were killed or allowed to die because they were REJECTS, plain and simple.
Countless mass graves are still secreted away across Ireland. Excavation work, should only stop once all the remains of the children and babies have been recovered. I have heard young people in their teens flippantly say- "I don't think anyone our age really knows what happened." In which I reply, I’m a Survivor of 18 years in these Religious run Institutions of Ireland and I do remember, as do tens of thousands of other Survivors, the walking wounded. Please remember this-
History becomes harder to ignore, with every fragment of a Child, a Baby, a Woman recovered from the Septic Tanks, the Cesspools and Mass Graves of the Religious run Institutions of Ireland.
least we forget, over 170,000 vulnerable children passed through the Religious Gulags of Ireland. Over 185,000 unmarried women, slaved in the Religious Gulags of Ireland. What is a fact is that over 60,000 of their children were stolen and sold overseas for cash and over 20,000 unmarried women and their children died or were murdered in these cruel Religious Gulags of Ireland. It’s time to dig up the Secret Grave Pits, Convent and Industrial School dumps and Septic Tanks, attached to all the Religious Gulags of Ireland. Owen Felix O’Neill
The mythologised history of the Religious Run Institutions as told by the Cult, the Clerics who spoon-fed us the mythologised history of their Religious Run Institutions. A crime is an act that constitutes a serious violation of the law that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility. The individual criminal responsibility must now apply to all the Nuns, Priests and Religious Brothers that ran the Religious Institutions in Ireland.
Uncovering The Cults massacre of unwed Mothers and their Children must now be a top priority. Slowly, gently even, we must scrape away the dirt, raw sewage and the Cults lies of decades, from human bones, the remains of innocent women and their vulnerable children. Tangled with the remains, are shreds of pain, rape, brutality, bruised clothes and the rotten mould of unnamed children’s leather shoes. The mass graves at all Religious run Institutions in Ireland, must be rediscovered, NDA and reburied in proper graves. In many of these Religious run Institutions in Ireland we have to unearthed the remains of more than 10,000 Children and Babies, known as the Rejects, dumped into these mass graves, at the back of Convents, Industrial Schools and Orphanages of Ireland.
Women and Children bodies were lying face down, many of the women, were covered in bandages from beatings and broken bones inflected on them when they were alive by the cruel Nuns, and were than liquidated. Then the Nuns, got others to dig ditches, for them, cesspools and reopened Septic Tanks to dispose or flush the rejects, the children and babies who they didn’t want to look after, because they the rejected children and babies were unsaleable. The unwed Women and vulnerable Children massacre was not commemorated, not would it be. After all the Nuns did not want any reminders of their evil work, better to bury them in cesspools and septic tanks, unseen, unrecorded and out of sight.
So let’s start with Bessborough Mother and Baby Home in Cork - the burial place of well over 900 children who died in the care of Bessborough Mother and Baby Home is unknown. A Nun who worked for 40 years years in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, claims she doesn't remember any child deaths - there were 671 children’s deaths during her time there;-
This is Outrageous- One Nun of the Congregation, The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary who was in Bessborough for most of the period 1948- 1998 told the Commission that--
“She did not remember any child deaths during her time there but she implied that the children who did die there were buried in the congregation burial ground.”
The Mother and Baby Home Commission of Investigation said;-
“The affidavit from the congregation that ran Bessborough Mother and Baby Home was “speculative, inaccurate and misleading”.
Here's what the commission found:-
"It is not known where the vast majority of the children who died in Bessborough are buried. There is a small burial ground in the grounds of Bessborough. This was opened in 1956 for members of the congregation. It seems to have been assumed by former residents and advocacy groups that this is also where the children who died in Bessborough are buried as there are occasional meetings and commemoration ceremonies held there. The vast majority of children who died in Bessborough are not buried there; it seems that only one child is buried there. More than 900 children died in Bessborough or in hospital after being transferred from Bessborough. Despite very extensive inquiries and searches, the Commission has been able to establish the burial place of only 64 children. The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary who owned and ran Bessborough do not know where the other children are buried.”
But in my opinion the Commission is blind to the Nuns Crimes in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home. And even more Outrageous-
Of the 552 “illegitimate” children who died in Cork District Hospital/St Finbarr’s, (including 113 transferred from Bessborough Mother and Baby Home), the Commission has identified the burial place of only 5 children. Between 1922 and 1998, a combined total of 1,343 “illegitimate” children died; 771 died in Bessborough Mother and Baby Home, Cork;- 552 died in St Finbarr’s Hospital, Cork City and 20 subsequently died elsewhere. To date, the Commission has identified the burial places of just 64 children. “Despite having undertaken an intensive investigation the burial locations of 1,279 of these children remain unknown,” Commission of Investigation said;-
Ok let’s get real here, we need to take of the gloves here, Bessborough Mother and Baby Home in Cork needs to be treated as a Crime Scene, as does every Religious run Institution in Ireland, immediately. Better still all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, need to be treated as War Crime Scenes and the war on unmarried women and their vulnerable Children by The Cult. This really was a war on both unwed mothers and their children, by The Cult that ran Ireland.
Ireland’s Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, such as:
1. Willful or Intentionally killing, causing great suffering or serious injury to body and health unwed Women and their Children.
2. Torture and inhumane treatment of unwed Women and their Children.
3. Forcing unwed Women and their Children to serve in the forces of a hostile power
4. Depriving the unwed Women and their Children of a fair trial.
5. Unlawful deportation (illegal adoptions) of the Children of unwed women.
6. Selling the unwed Women and their Children for money.
7.Taking hostages, as in the removal, dragging out of girls from their homes
9. Murder, cruel or degrading treatment and torture of unwed Women and their Children
10. Rape, sexual slavery, forced slavery, forced prostitution and forced pregnancy and abortions of unwed Women and their Children.
11. Denial of medicines to unwed Women and their Children.
These horrendous crimes where a part of a diabolical plan and policy of the Irish Catholic Church, The Cult. Which was carried out in all the Mother and Baby Homes, Industrial Schools and Orphanages in Ireland. All part of large-scale crimes of the Irish Catholic Church. For along with the many thousands of missing and dead children and babies, the Rejects of the Religious run Institutions. The Criminal Nuns according to the Commission of Investigation have conveniently lost, destroyed, reams of vanished records and documentations.The Commission of Investigation have said also that the Criminal Nuns were unwilling to help.
It would also help If more Irish media outlets focused as fastidiously on the Catholic Church's lies as I do, we might have avoided tens of thousands of more child rapes and deaths, altogether.
More Horrors-
More than 950 children’s bodies were sold for medical research to University College Dublin, Trinity and Royal College of Surgeons.
Galway County Council has said it was not aware that babies were informally and inappropriately buried at the Tuam Mother and Baby Home which it owned and maintained, yet there is ample evidence to the contrary. It has not explained why it would have no burial register for the children when it was legally obliged to keep such records.
The Bon Secour Sisters who ran Tuam Mother and Baby Home, have said;- That is has found the resources to hire their own Archaeologist to challenge the findings, in other words to lie for them, just like it did with the PR. Firm, run by Terri Prone who said after been paid by the Bon Secour Sisters who ran Tuam Mother and Baby Home, that the 796 Babies in the Septic Tank were all Famine Children from the mid- 1840s..We now know this was and is a perfidious lie, proliferate by The Bon Secour Sisters and Terri Prone, PR. Forensic Archaeology has conclusively proven that the 796 babies were flushed into the Septic Tank from the 1930s to 1960.
A Mass Grave is a grave containing multiple human corpses, which may or may not be identified prior to burial. The United Nations has defined a criminal mass grave as a burial site containing 3 or more victims. It is now a known fact that all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland have Mass Graves of thousands of women and children.
Dublin Union/St Patrick’s, Navan Road (Pelletstown)
St Patrick’s Mother and Baby Home was run by the Daughters of Charity. The burial register records the children as "abandoned", "deserted" and/or "illegitimate". The Commission’s report notes the analysis of deaths at the home is complex for reasons including that many of the children were sent there because they were very ill. More than 950 children who died there out of more then 7,000 children and babies, between 1920 and 1977. 950 children and babies remains were sent to the medical schools at UCD, Trinity and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, for “anatomical studies”.
Sean Ross Abbey-Tipperary
Records concerning the Sean Ross Mother and Baby Home show that more than 1,000 children and 29 mothers died there or in the District Hospital, Roscrea, where they were sent when they became very ill. What is shocking is that there is no evidence that any record of burials was kept by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who owned and ran the Sean Ross home, despite a canon law requirement to keep a record of burials. There is no certainty about where these children are buried.
The Commission of Investigation said that an affidavit about the burials provided by the Congregation, The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary was "in many respects, speculative, inaccurate and misleading”. In other words the Nuns lied.
The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary also said the children and babies buried at Sean Ross Abbey were buried without cost to local or central government. The Commission of Investigation dismissed this, saying it was -
“not true in respect of some, if not all, of the burials”, and said it had seen evidence of burial bills being sent to the local authority.
Bethany Home
Bethany Home was located in Blackhall Place, Dublin between the years 1922 and 1934 and in Orwell Road, Rathgar after that. The cemetery’s burial registers show that 240 children who were born in, or at one time admitted to Bethany, died between September 1922 and October 1964. Of that 240, 213 were recorded as coming directly from the Bethany Home. There are at least 20 other children who died and are not recorded in the Mount Jerome burial register. Bethany Home Survivors identified over 310 Bethany children buried there. The Commission said that once a particular grave was full, it was closed and the next available grave with spare capacity was used.
The Commission has so far established that over 220 children died in Castlepollard and there were 8 mothers who died from complications of pregnancy/childbirth. Again most shocking- There is no evidence that any record of burials was kept by the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in respect of burials in Castlepollard, despite a canon law requirement to keep such records. An affidavit from the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who owned and ran the institution, was deemed
" in many respects, speculative, inaccurate and misleading"
This horror of mass graves of children and babies only underlines how little we know about our true Irish history. The death of tens of thousands of unmarried women and their children in the Religious run Institutions of Ireland is a catastrophic loss and suffering under the occupation of The Cult, the Irish Catholic Church. We must never forget about the dead of innocent women and their children. We must never allow the hushed up by The Cult, the Clerics and their enablers. Please!! we don’t need more memorials dedicated to nameless children. A better memorial would be the need for true and honest accountability. The children and babies were killed or allowed to die because they were REJECTS, plain and simple.
Countless mass graves are still secreted away across Ireland. Excavation work, should only stop once all the remains of the children and babies have been recovered. I have heard young people in their teens flippantly say- "I don't think anyone our age really knows what happened." In which I reply, I’m a Survivor of 18 years in these Religious run Institutions of Ireland and I do remember, as do tens of thousands of other Survivors, the walking wounded. Please remember this-
History becomes harder to ignore, with every fragment of a Child, a Baby, a Woman recovered from the Septic Tanks, the Cesspools and Mass Graves of the Religious run Institutions of Ireland.
least we forget, over 170,000 vulnerable children passed through the Religious Gulags of Ireland. Over 185,000 unmarried women, slaved in the Religious Gulags of Ireland. What is a fact is that over 60,000 of their children were stolen and sold overseas for cash and over 20,000 unmarried women and their children died or were murdered in these cruel Religious Gulags of Ireland. It’s time to dig up the Secret Grave Pits, Convent and Industrial School dumps and Septic Tanks, attached to all the Religious Gulags of Ireland. Owen Felix O’Neill
The Darker Side
In today’s Irish Times, the 13th. March 2019, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin speaks of the-
“darker and sadder side of Church life in a culture of careerism and nastiness”
and he continues-
“working at the Vatican is an unusual experience”
This of course begs the question, what does Archbishop Martin mean by “darker and sadder side of Church life in a culture of careerism and nastiness” Does he mean for example, the Vatican; or much closer to home in Dublin, Ireland; or that the Roman Catholic Church has dark secrets? This is very intriguing coming from an Irish Archbishop with his own dark secrets.
Dr. Martin should enlighten us on this darker aspect. Perhaps it was the recent cardinals, bishops and priests convicted of raping millions of children world-wide? Or was it the 60,000 secret files Dr. Martin gave as Archbishop of Dublin to the Irish police? Their Investigators were given access to 60,000 previously secret Catholic Church files which in part incriminated four Archbishops of Dublin of deliberately suppressing evidence of "widespread" rape of children by it's clerics.
Also the Irish Government went on to say that the Irish clergy were able to rape thousands of vulnerable children in Ireland because of a "systemic, calculated perversion of power" that put their rapists and pedophiles above Irish Law.
This damning verdict on the conduct of the Irish Catholic Church and secular authorities followed a three-year investigation into allegations of the rape of thousands of children by Irish Catholic priests in Dublin and Ireland going back to the 1960s. Is this the darker side of Irish Church life that Archbishop Diarmuid Martin speaks of?
Irish Clerical pedophiles who operated with impunity under the cloak of the priesthood are the true serpents that can and did wreck innocent children’s lives -feeding and with the direct help of the body of the Roman Catholic Church.
The implicit and real crime of the 60,000 secret files is that the evidence was kept inside a secret vault in the Archbishop's own Dublin residence -even as pedophile clerics were moved between parishes to prevent the facts being made public.
What did Archbishop Martin know about the secret files? After all the 60,000 secret files where in his vault, in his residence in Dublin. He Dr. Martin did read most of the files, according to people present and work at the Archbishop’s Palace, Dr. Martin was enraged throwing many of the files onto the wooden parquet floor of his Palace office. He should release the files immediately to the public. The Irish people have a right to them; a right to know who and what clerics raped their children.
In fact, some experts claim that there were in excess of 100,000 secret files, 60,000 were still in the Archbishop’s Palace, in Dublin. The rest of the secret files, over 40,000 were taken to Rome. A key question about the 60,000 secret files is this: given this huge number of files, are these the secret files of all the Clergy in Ireland? If one thinks about it for a moment- there are not that number of Clergy in the whole of Ireland. There were about in 1960s, 16,000 nuns in Ireland and some 14,000 male priests and brothers, including all the male Religious Orders in Ireland.
This number is correct and begs the question of whether the whole barrel of apples are rotten. Because if we add these numbers up, the total is 30,000 Clerics. Yet there are
60,000 secret files in Archbishop Martin’s vault in Dublin.
We are not talking about "a few bad apples here," it would appear the whole barrel is rotten. Call it what you like, whether it's said of bad apples or rotten ones, or of bushels, barrels, baskets or bins, the lot is rotten. A well known metaphor applies-“A fish rots from the head down." Starting with the Pope, it means that the Catholic Church leadership is the root cause of the organisations failures and demise.
If the Roman Catholic Church is broken, what now? If the Vatican fails to establish and protect a healthy culture, some unhealthy culture will fill that vacuum, and it appears it did. But I say that the leadership of the culture itself, The Vatican is unhealthy. There begins the rot, and soon the fish is lost. It’s time to seriously talk about the closing of the Vatican and abolish the Roman Catholic Church for the good of humanity.
There is a corrupt realm in Rome which pits innocent children against pedophile priests- Good versus pure Evil. The Vatican is a place where sin and unrighteous virtue are celebrated and collide. This is not the supernatural world, this is a real world in which I grew up: the religious-run Institution in Ireland. I’m still faced off in various legal battles against The Dark Side, the force that is The Catholic Church, The Cult.
Hunting the great Whore of Babylon, which was and is Rome. Rome in the form of the Catholic Church is still a power. According to history, when the power of Imperial Rome waned, her Bishops (the Popes) became the new Caesars. That is why the Pope walks around like the King of the world and lives in a palace, the Vatican, and sits on a gold throne.
Instead of having their own standing army, the Popes have used the armies of other nations to do their bidding and to fight their wars. Through the centuries, the Popes have continued to take the styles and names of the Caesars. The Pope is still called "Pontifex Maximus" which means, "High Priest" just as were the Caesars.
Is this what our Archbishop Diarmuid Martin speaks of…What did he, Archbishop Martin really see? did he see the true filth in all of Roman’s glory at the Vatican ? or did the 60,000 secret files he held in his own vault and knew about and doesn’t speak about shake his chosen faith with idiosyncratic beliefs? But sadly the delusional Archbishop choose his own fate, he took the side of pure evil, because he became one of the rotten apples at the head of the rotten fish.
Come, I will show you the face of truth, of the one that calls himself Peter, corruptible forever. Surrounded by 214 flesh eating, blood sucking Cardinal Vultures sitting in judgement, and speaking from their distorted mouths of these false prophets, is Hate, Intolerance and Death, filling the pure air we breathe with their raucous grunts, and barks. And No, the Pope, Pope Francis, does not occupy St. Peter’s chair, he really occupies Caesar's chair, serving up the rancid fish, head and all, camouflaging the foul stench with lashings of rotten apple sauce.
Secret Files, Secrets.
It does matter if Archbishop Martin knew about any acts of pedophilla by visiting Clerics and fellow student Priests to the Boy’s Club in Dublin during the 1960s to 1973 or to Dublin City in general. We know from reading and speculation in the Irish Media that Archbishop Diarmuid Martin wants to exit Ireland and seek a more cushy senior position at the Vatican. Is he running to hide away or is there something more? He did say that “working at the Vatican is an unusual experience” I wonder what does he mean? I think before Dr. Martin runs away, he should come clean about the filth in the 60,000 secret files in his palace vault. Dr. Martin is guilty of nonfeasance, a failure to perform an act that is required by law.
We know that one of his predecessor, the pedophile Archbishop McQuaid, manically collected the secret files and all the clerical scandals, filth and sexual peccadilloes of his Clergy. Archbishop McQuaid kept secret files like his great American Friend, J. Edgar Hoover, the secret files were used to Blackmail both his Clerics and Irish Politicians to do his biddings. These two queens, J. Edgar Hoover and Archbishop McQuaid had many things and secrets in common. The “Personal File", thought to be where the most incriminating material Archbishop McQuaid ruthlessly used to manipulate and control the most powerful figures in Ireland. Hoover and McQuaid were very Political yet both were sexually in the Closet. J. Edgar Hoover loved to secretly dress up in lady’s frocks, whereas McQuaid was always in a flock but was a vile pedophile. The Secret Files contained voluminous reports concerning all sorts of famous Irish public figures and Irish celebrities merely because they were people that Archbishop McQuaid felt were a danger to the Catholic State of Ireland.
Read the excellent book “JOHN CHARLES MCQUAID---Ruler of Catholic Ireland” by John Cooney, link below..
Extract- “ An admirer of the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover, Archbishop McQuaid built up a vigilante system that spied on politicians and priests, workers and students, doctors and lawyers, nuns and nurses, soldiers and trade unionists”
The year before the death of Archbishop McQuaid, in 1973, we know that panicky instructions were issued by senior officials at the Vatican to purge and steal the secret files belonging to Archbishop McQuaid or to ship or air them immediately to the Vatican in safe diplomatic Vatican bags. The Secret Files were marked "Official/Confidential" files, containing material too sensitive for outside eyes. That tens of thousands of these secret files were flown to the Vatican for safe keeping and only inspected by senior Vatican officials. We also know the an Irish Priest, named Fr. Diarmuid Martin, now Archbishop, was one of the main couriers of the secret files, over 40,000, taken from Ireland and flown to Rome. Fr. Diarmuid Martin at that time,1972 was a personal confidant of Archbishop McQuaid, and one of only a handful of Priests that Archbishop McQuaid trusted implicitly with his many dark secrets, including the secret files. The 40,000 secret files the Vatican wanted and got were only the secret files on the Clerics of Ireland. There were many incriminating material and derogatory information in the secret files, for many of the files were deliberately mislabeled, many labeled "Rebus Obscoeni". in Latin. (Obscene Matters)
The Murphy Report is the brief name of the report of a Commission of Investigation conducted by the Irish Government into the rape of children in Dublin, by the Clerics of Dublin.
I would like to thank WikiLeaks for their help- and I quote-
In December 2010 the WikiLeaks group publicised thousands of recent American Diplomatic Cables. One had been sent by the US Embassy in Rome on 26 February 2010. The author commented that the Murphy Commission had written to the Pope for information in any Vatican files, but the requests had not even been acknowledged. The Vatican argued that such requests should be made through the Irish government via diplomatic channels, as the Holy See is a Sovereign State. It was said in the cable that – " many in the Vatican were offended by requests for information from the Murphy Commission, which they saw as an affront to Vatican sovereignty.” "While Vatican contacts immediately expressed deep sympathy for the victims and insisted that the first priority was preventing a recurrence, they also were angered by how the situation played out politically." Vatican officials were annoyed that the Irish Government "did not step in to direct the Murphy Commission to follow standard procedures in communications with Vatican City”. The Murphy Commission argued it had written to Pope Benedict in his capacity as head of the Church, not as Head of State of the Vatican City. It said it could not involve the Irish Government, as some past actions and omissions by the government's departments were under investigation.
The other problem was that at the time many of the secret files were not kept at the Archbishop’s Palace in Druncondra, Dublin, but at Archbishop McQuaid seaside private 17th century, Gothic-style Killiney mansion, in County Dublin. The mansion was named by McQuaid “Notre Dame des Bois” from it original name Ashurst House. The originals of the corrupt money used to buy the mansion by McQuaid is still one open to speculation, but the general consensus is that powerful people he blackmailed, gave him the money to buy and furnish the mansion. The Seal of Confessional was and is the absolute duty of all Priests not to disclose anything that they learn or hear from penitents during the course of the Sacrament of Penance. But Archbishop McQuaid disregarded his, with many of his Priests breaking and divulging the secrets of the Confessional to him, specially if the penitent was known or famous. More betrayals and gossip to add to his secret files, this Confessional was then used as direct blackmail., the Priests had no shame, McQuaid misuse the secrecy of the Confessional to blackmail famous Irish people, the consequences were devastating to the family and children of the person blackmailed.
The nature of the secret files, like the F.B.I. Hoover secret files, their contents included blackmail material on all Clerics in Ireland, plus the Irish political elite, writers, poets, and business leaders, their children, their wives, and partners, allegations of homosexual acts, or extramarital affairs or other marriage discretions, even drunken or criminal arrests which McQuaid leaked selectively if he was challenged. McQuaid publicising through sympathetic Irish media contacts and McQuaid also ruthlessly used a network of Priests, Nuns, and other Clerics, including the Irish Police and criminal informants to obtain his secrets for the files. Archbishop McQuaid was the most notorious and evil blackmailer in the country.
McQuaid had for forty years cultivated spies in the highest levels of the Irish Government, the Irish Courts, the Irish Police and the Irish Army and the biggest names in Irish show business. His informants, submitting surveillance reports regularly and given to McQuaid. All the unsavoury titillating gossip, for a sick psychopath, that was McQuaid. Like both of this great friends, the FBI director- J. Edgar Hoover, and Chief of the Gestapo, Heinrich Himmler, who was one of the most powerful men in Nazi Germany and among those most directly responsible for the Holocaust. Archbishop McQuaid admired both men, and learnt a lot from both of them on gathering and maintaining fear and secret files.
McQuaid also amassed secret files on Ireland’s most prominent figures, files he used to smear and control everybody important in Ireland at the time. The individual Irish person didn’t know about the secret files, so they were handicapped by the tens of thousands of secret files, when the news broke a few years ago in the Irish Press. So monstrous were the files, that many Irish people cannot believe they even exist. The Irish mind simply has come to the realisation of the evil which has been introduced into their midst by McQuaid and this gang of controlling psychopaths known as The Cult.
The historian and moralist, who was otherwise known simply as Lord Acton, expressed this opinion in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." And this phrase absolutely applied to Archbishop Don Charles McQuaid of Dublin.
Which bring me to the present, for Archbishop Martin to say that he was not aware of his peers committing child rape, doesn’t stack up in light of the fact that Archbishop Martin admitted to having read and seen the 60,000 odd secret files on Irish Clerics which were stored at the Archbishop’s Palace in Drumcondra, Dublin. Archbishop Martin as a young seminarian student was a personal protege of the worse of the known pedophiles, Archbishop Don Charles McQuaid of Dublin. As far as I’m concerned the Irish Bishops who actively moved guilty Priests from Parish to Parish, including Dr. Martin are as complicit in the actual rape as the pedophiles. It doesn’t matter if they, the Priests are aged or infirm, they should be made to face the Law Courts for their actions like their fellow pedophile Clerics.
All the Irish Bishops, including Archbishop Diarmuid Martin actively and knowingly aided and abetted “sexual criminals” and abused Catholic Church rites in the process. Is this the real darker and sadder side of Church life that Archbishop Diarmuid Martin spoke to the Irish Times about. Or is there more, much more than Archbishop Diarmuid Martin is prepared to speak out about, I wish to express incredulity Dr. Diarmuid Martin? what do you know about the secret files? when did you know,? after all as a young priest you helped to move many of the secret files to Rome. More importantly what did you see and read in the 60,000 secret files.? And claiming to be now a righteous and moral man, surely you would have resigned once you learnt the dark, forbidden files had many horrendous secrets. Secrets you knew and saw as a young trainee Priest in the Boys Club in Dublin, I was a 15 years old boy in the same Boys Club for 3 years, and I know what went on there, do you, Dr. Diarmuid Martin?.
I wonder why this Pope, Pope Francis wants Archbishop Diarmuid Martin to head up the critical Church’s Commission on Child Abuse at the Vatican.. But if Pope Francis cares to look and not very deep, he would find his new Godfather, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, flawed. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin is the new Godfather of cover-ups, long practiced in Ireland, a true student of both Hoover and McQuaid. Dr. Martin has a long and lustrous career doing just that. Characterised by his fundamental weakness and imperfect imperfection. These are Dr. Martin’s dark, deep secrets. Maybe the Vatican should read my blog posts and visit my website for facts. Owen Felix O’Neill
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