How ironic that the Chief Judge of Ireland’s High Court is in Poland giving support to Poland’s Judiciary, against a right wing elected government. Where was Ireland’s Judiciary when The Cult, The Irish Catholic Church controlled all the Courts in Ireland, even going as far in appointing all the Judges in the land, during the 1930s, and the later decades, almost to the present day. At the time for 70 years, The Cult brought both the Irish Government and Irish judiciary under their iron fist control. It was a known fact that Ireland’s Judiciary had no independence. There was no separation of powers, the only power was The Cult, The Cult even wrote the Irish constitution. Independence of Irish Judges were hard to imagine at the time when they were openingly willing members of The Cult. At the time all members of the Ireland’s Judiciary pledged their total loyalties not to the Irish Constitution but the the corrupt Cult of the right wing Irish Catholic Church. A recent headline reads-- “Irish judges are taking the lead in mounting a staunch defence of the independence of the judiciary in Poland’. Led by Chief Justice Frank Clarke who said that- “certain measures of recent Polish legislation” that fail to fulfil the “fundamental obligation to respect the independence of the judiciary”. Hard to believe any Irish Judge saying that when we know what happened with our women and children here in Ireland, during the past decades. Tens of thousands of women and children were lock up as slaves in Religious run Institutions in Ireland, thousands more were dumped into secret mass graves in the very same Religious run Institutions in Ireland. The Irish Supreme Court Justice John MacMenamin was staging a silent protest in Poland’s capital Warsaw. Why would he not go to Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home’s Mass Grave, the Septic Tank and protest there, it would be more effective. Various European judges’ associations, courts and presidents’ associations have joined the campaign to protect the freedom of the Polish judiciary, with universal support from members of the EU judiciary. What about doing this here in Ireland, forcing both the Irish Government and The Cult to accountability for their numerous criminal crimes against 100’s of thousands of women and their children. The active interferences by The Cult for over 70 years and a lesser degree to day, still had the effect of undermining the rule of Irish law, including distrust in the administration of justice, to this very day in Ireland. The Cult got away with the slaughter, rape, murder and brutality of 100s of thousands of women and children, in the Religious run Gulags dotted around Ireland. The Cult did so because Ireland’s Judiciary were at the time part of the apparatus, even enforcers of the corrupt, twisted rules of the The Cult. Now it is time for true accountability, no matter how painful for Ireland’s Judiciary. But I accept that today, things have slowly changed for the better, when it comes to the Judiciary in Ireland. The sex scandals have touched many within the legal profession, many lawyers represented Survivors before the official Investigation, established by the Irish Government. (The Ryan Commission;- The Barristers saw first hand what The Cult did in their Gulags, the Religious run Institutions. I have no doubt that the Barristers were shocked, many young Barristers who represented Survivors would go on to be future judges. They knew what The Cult did. So when new cases came before them to do with rape and brutalities committed on Survivors as children, these judges sided with the Survivors, as I have witnesses first hand with my own legal cases before the Irish High Court. Chief Justice of Ireland, Frank Clarke said in a published letter-- “As judges, we all know that we must refrain from engaging in activity which crosses the boundary into the area of politics. We must be careful ourselves to respect the separation of powers”. There was and is no separation of powers in Ireland and there still isn’t, all power resides with The Cult. Justice Clarke said- “That we must also be brave to protect the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary which supports it.” How ironic that is, when we know that The Cult ruled and still rules Ireland to this day, but their grip is fast slipping. You only have to see the recent Abortion Referendum in Ireland, the referendum on whether to repeal the Eighth Amendment, which passed by 66.4 per cent to 33.6 per cent, a great success, and the breaking of the iron grip of The Cult, on Irish Society. Another breaking point was the Gay Marriage Referendum on 22 May 2015 with 62% of voters on a turnout of 61%. (passed) This was the first time that a State anywhere in the world legalised same-sex marriage through a popular vote. Both referendums were huge, which left The Cult on a life support system, its core support almost collapsing. If you need to know about the power of The Cult, please don’t take my word for it, just go and visit any of The Cult’s Religious run Gulags still dotted around Ireland, or better still speak to any Living Witness still alive. Remember there are still tens of thousands of women and children in Septic Tanks, Black endless Pits, Rubbish Dumps full to the brim with the broken bodies of defenceless children and their mothers to be discovered. Where was Justice for them. Where were the Independent Irish Judges at the time. I firmly believe that the present Judiciary of Ireland will stand up and be counted. We need full accountability on all fronts, The Church, The Police, The Judiciary of Ireland, all had played critical parts in the suppression of their own people, women and children. I welcome any movement that bring out the truth of what really happened, we owe it to them that didn’t make it, including my Mother, Brothers and Sisters. Owen Felix O’Neill
We have a very tragic story out of France on the effect of a child being rape by the local Priest and how the rape led to the destruction of the entire family. This is more common then people realise, many male victims of Clerical rape have committed suicide, because of twins, guilt and shame. Most suicides are committed in the first few years of the rape, and the method of suicide most commonly used is hanging, although other methods included medical and illegal drugs, drink and self-mutilation, the use of garden poisons is another common method. The most common motives for suicides include, feelings of guilt and shame for the unwanted rapes, and fear of been exposed within the cycle of family and friends. Sadly committing suicide is a very common practice, among children and adults that have been raped and violated by Catholic Church Clerics. As has been pointed out that suicides were significantly more common in Male Rape Victims of clerical rape than in the general population as a whole. There is no comprehensive data available, that I’m aware of, but if there is anything to go by, of my class of boys of 46 in my class at the Industrial School I attended for 6 years, I’m aware that 44 of the boys committed suicide within 5 years of their release from the Religious run Institution. Children who were raped by the Clerics in the towns of Ireland, also have a very high suicide figure, but not as high as the Religious run Institutions, like the Mother and Baby Homes, Magdalene Asylums/Laundries, Orphanages and Industrial School of Ireland. Boys and Girls of these Religious Institutions who survived them, describe suicide as more frequent in those boys or girls who suffered the cruelest abuse, of rape, beatings, privation at the hands of these cruel Clerics. Suicides was frequently passed unnoticed because death was so common, among the boys or girls, because they had no family or friends to raise questions, after their deaths. Suicides were only noticed when committed by a well-known Survivor, who were few in number. In the many Religious run Institutions in Ireland the Clerics covered up the murder of children as suicides, and suicides as accidents. In other words the Clerics that ran the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, preferred to cover-up the murder or suicide of a child to avoid any scandal. Thus protecting the Catholic Church at all costs, this also included in most cases, destroying any and all data, documentations as soon as possible. Suicides were overwhelmingly committed by boys, reflecting the fact that the majority of Religious run Institutions in Ireland were for boys. When the Clerics who ran the Religious Institutions in Ireland, raped a child, and the child committed suicide, we know from the few surviving documents that the child would be classified as having an illness, like Pneumonia or the most common, Measles instead of suicide. I know of children who had given up the will to live after been raped by their Clerics and thus could be regarded as concealed or passive suicides. A little unknown fact, in most cases, medical doctors and Clerics, conspired in the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, to falsified the primary cause of death, including suicide, on the child’s death certificate. Please remember that in one Religious run Institutions in Ireland, Letterfrack Industrial School In County Galway, which was run by the Christian Brothers. The Graveyard contains the burials of over 176 boys, that we know about, all were beaten and raped to death. Many of these children lost hope and a many committed suicide to escape their tormentors. Suicides were never reported by the Clerics in any of the Religious run Institutions of Ireland. Self-destructive behaviours by the children, such as self-mutilation or children who let themselves die, have never been reported. Self-mutilation was, in many cases, a cry for help or a desperate escape from the Clerics in the Religious run Institutions. The orphan children didn’t just die from the many infectious diseases, like starvation, and vitamin deficiency. No what forced them to commit suicide was the daily rituals of rape, beatings and starvation, to many orphan children, suicide was the only way out of their miserably existence. I could go on— thousands of abused children throughout the world took their own lives after been raped by the Catholic Clerics and not just in the Religious run Institutions. Thousands of children who were raped committed suicide years later, they couldn’t surmount their childhood rapes, the sad story above the French Boy (link above) who killed his pedophile rapist Priest, learnt that the same local Priest also raped his father, the boy’s grandfather, on learning the horrible news, took his own life, knowing that the evil pedophile Priest had raped his son and now his grandson took his horrors and secrets to his grave. Please where was the merciful God. This one Catholic pedophile rapist Priest, destroyed an entire family and their faith. We also learnt that the pedophile rapist Priest was moved from Parish to Parish to rape hundreds of more children, doing so for over 60 years, destroying many lives. Even though the Catholic Church knew what their rapist Priest did, kept him on their payroll by actively supporting his pedophile lifestyle, the boy killed his rapist by ramming a crucifix down the pedophile rapist Priest’s throat. In my opinion a fitting end to a pedophile rapist Priest. Owen Felix O’Neill Daily Mail Story Link Below—-- |
May 2022