Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an everlasting stream. Book of Amos. The book of Amos holds God's people accountable for their ill-treatment of others. I denounce the crimes against humanity committed by the Catholic Church in Ireland. God did not exempt them from accountability for rape and murder of vulnerable women and children. The Irish Catholic Church were illegally trafficking needy, vulnerable Babies and Children for cash, taking advantage of the helpless, oppressing the poor, and the Clerics were using women immorally and as slaves. Drunk on their own economic success and corrupt power, intent on strengthening their financial position, the Clerics had lost the concept of caring for another. Religion without justice is an affront to God I was raped as a boy for 18 years by the Clerics of the Irish Catholic Church, as were tens of thousands of other vulnerable women and children, in the rape rooms of Orphanages, Industrial Schools and Magdalene Laundries /Asylums of Ireland. My youth, my continuous haunting memories are a living testament to the rules, the practices, the causes of the Irish Catholic Church. If there are those who still want to remember the legacy of The Cult, the Irish Catholic Church. If they, the Catholic Church in Ireland want sepulchres, well, then, my body is a living monument, as are tens of thousands of other Survivors, alive today. My battered and bruised mind and skin is a testament to their brutality. My memories are never out of print but sepulchred in the dust of libraries of my tormented mind. Dead Saints, Scoundrels, and Clerical Paedophiles are venerated all across Ireland. Thousands of women and children are still hidden in the many septic tanks, cesspools and mass graves that grace beneath the fine lawns of many Religious run Institutions, like the Convents of Ireland. Genocide was committed, there were multiple crimes against humanity, rape, torture, trafficking of babies and children, and even murder of women and children, still there were no accountability and little or no prosecutions. To this day, the Catholic Church in Ireland and the rest of the world, is still struggling to come to terms with its deplorable past, according to many historians. Irish people are still having a hard time openly addressing the country’s ecclesiastical government of the Gestapo Clerics of the past. The Irish government was ruled by tyrannical ecclesiastical rulers, who even wrote the Irish Constitution for them. They pledged loyalty and recognised as the supreme ruler of Ireland, The Pope in Rome. This of course was high treason, pledging allegiance to another State. The crime of Treason is defined by Article 39 of the Constitution of Ireland, adopted in 1937, which states: “Treason shall consist only in levying war against the State, or assisting any State or person or inciting or conspiring with any person to levy war against the State, or attempting by force of arms or other violent means to overthrow the organs of government established by the Constitution, or taking part or being concerned in or inciting or conspiring with any person to make or to take part or be concerned in any such attempt” The Catholic Church in Ireland waged a total war against the Irish People, explicitly against hundreds of thousands of women and their children. It ran Religious Detention Camps, through, State funded Magdalene Laundries /Asylums, Industrial Schools, Orphanages, funded by State Aid, Slavery, and Trafficking of stolen Babies and Children. There was and still is no "outrage of the Christian conscience”. The Irish Catholic Church "engaged in a bitter war of attrition with the Irish People, especially its women and children. Clerical oppression to anything that threatened their wealth or power was fought to a bitter end. One only has to think of Dr. Noel Browne’s Mother and Child Scheme, which was a healthcare programme in Ireland that would later become remembered as a major political crisis involving the Irish Government and Irish Catholic Church in the early 1950s. The Irish Clerics criminal efforts to undermine various Irish Government institutions, practices and beliefs was always ongoing. Their iron grip on say, education and schools is another case in point. The Irish Bishops were hostile to the emerging programme that Dr. Noel Browne laid out in the Irish Parliament, his mistake was to defy the Bishops. The Irish Bishops publicly and energetically denounced its "false doctrines” and the fearless Dr. Noel Browne as the new satan. They dragged Dr. Noel Browne down and politically buried him. The Irish Bishops had won even though they were not elected by the people of Ireland, the Irish Bishops were having none of that, it was a direct threat to their power. Irish People didn’t want to know that the Rebels of 1916 lost their lives as the Irish Catholic Church seized the real power, the Rebels deaths were in glorious vain. The Irish Catholic Church formed the new government immediately with its henchmen, acolyte followers who were prepared to engage in crime or violence by way of service to the Catholic Church in Ireland. The nation of Ireland was in mortal danger, these dangers lay in the tyrannical ecclesiastical rulers. As I reach my retirement age of 66 years of painful memories, there is no retirement of my raped youth. All my religious tormentors were rapists, dressed or undressed as religious paedophiles, hid in plain sight, glorified and encouraged by the Irish Catholic Church. All my tormentors and rapists were Clerics. My very existence is a relic of slavery and rape, compounded by the Catholic Church in Ireland. As far as my family history goes and what I learned and can confirm, I am the descendant of slaves. I am the son of a slave; my slave mother was also a daughter of a slave. My mother, and grandmother were domestic servants in the Religious run Institutions, like Magdalene Laundries /Asylums of Ireland. My mother Nora McCarthy, brutalised as a slave, died, penniless as a slave in a Magdalene Laundry /Asylum of Ireland. Her disfigured body unceremoniously dumped with hundreds more helpless women and vulnerable children into an unmarked mass pit. The Irish Catholic Church as an enemy of Ireland, was and is guilty of injustice toward the innocent, poor, women and children. Many boys and girls of the Religious run Institutions of Ireland that were sold out to outside businesses for profit, like hotels, farms, guesthouses, clerical residences, were all domestic servants, none of the boys or girls were ever paid. Because they were mistreated as domestic servants, and slaves, many if not all were raped, brutalised at random. Many of the girls and women after being raped ended up pregnant to continue a very vicious cycle, the children were abandoned by their rapist fathers. The Irish Clerics took what they wanted, there was nothing to stop them, they were encouraged by both the weak Irish State, and a corrupt An Garda Síochána. A fearful, ignorant Irish population fell silent, as their daughters, their children were dragged, screaming out of their homes, their local communities looking on in silence. In many cases the local communities helped by betraying their neighbours over petty disputes, and vicious gossip. All to appraise the local Catholic Church. The Clerics of the Catholic Church in Ireland took what they wanted from women and children they raped and enslaved, they brutally used and even murdered some of the enslaved women and children. The Clerics did not love them, did not care about them, the vulnerable women and children, over whom they had extraordinary power. My battered body and haunted mind are a continuous tangible truth of the brutality of the Irish Catholic Church and its past. Myself, My Mother, my Grandmother, her Mother and even her Grandmother were owned by the holier-than-thou Irish Catholic Church. My Brothers and Sisters, who I never met were also owned, brutalised, and raped, murdered by the Irish Catholic Church. In fact, hundreds of thousands of other Mothers, women, children were enslaved, stolen babies trafficked, brutalised, tortured, raped, and murdered, in all the Religious run Gulags of Ireland. You cannot dismiss me as someone who doesn’t understand what happens in the Religious run Institutions of Ireland. You cannot say it wasn’t my family members who were enslaved, brutalised, tortured and murdered in these Gulags. I am squarely at the heart of this debate; I will speak out till my last breath of pain. I am Irish, I come from Ireland, I got Celtic blood flowing through my veins from hundreds of generations, I am here. The crimes and corruptions of the Catholic Church in Ireland must be reckoned with now, we cannot go on for generations without true accountability. Our Irish history is rich in greatness, great historical figures, even a few Nobel Laureates. Our causes are justified, our Celtic ancestors lie but just a footstep beneath our soil. I am proud of every one of the Survivors who survived slavery in the Religious run Gulags of Orphanages, Industrial Schools and Magdalene Laundries /Asylums of Ireland. I am not proud of the sanctimonious Catholic Church in Ireland whom I know, by virtue of my very existence, their lies, their hypocrisy in all things pertaining to life. Their treatment of my entire family, and many other families of Ireland is a continuous scandal. Whatever happened to all their sanctimonious talk about putting family first, and the sanctity of life. Where was their sanctity of life as they raped, murdered, and sold women and children for profit? For the Clerics and Christians, human life is sacred and is a gift from God, so they preach and scream daily, and must be respected and protected. The Bible teaches that human beings are created in the image of God. It also teaches that murder and rape are forbidden yet was carried out in all the Religious run Institutions of Ireland. Among the many apologists for the Catholic Church in Ireland. there are still those who dismiss the brutality of the past. They imagine a world of benevolent Clerics, and speak with dreamy or sentimental loss, of a romantic Ireland that never existed. These same clerical enablers deny the brutal rape, trafficking of stolen babies, torture, enslavement, illegal drug experiments and murder of tens of thousands of women and children in all the Religious run Institutions of Ireland. My reply to them both, the enablers and Clerics, I am living proof as are thousands of the other Survivors. Still a few are blind to the truth, but Survivors still are telling their stories. We need a full reckoning with the truth, the Catholic Church and its monuments to lies must fall. Owen Felix O’Neill
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May 2022