Euthanasia and The Cult The Catholic Church’s Euthanasia programme, was carried out successfully in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, the Mother and Baby Homes, the Orphanages and the Industrial Schools. Here is the proof, two statements below that is tantamount to Catholic Church sanctioned and blessed murder, of single mothers and their children. The Cult, The Irish Catholic Church effort—framed as a euthanasia program was carried out in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland. The euthanasia program was to kill incurably ill, physically or mentally disabled, emotionally distraught, babies and children. The Cult, The Irish Catholic Church initiated this ruthless program in the 1940s, and, officially continued the programme up to the mid- 1970s, the murder and disposal of babies and children, which continued covertly in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland. The Irish Catholic Bishops empowered their Religious Orders of Nuns, Priest and Brothers to dispose of babies and children considered unsuited to live or they couldn’t sell abroad. Babies and children who were considered incurable, unsaleable according to the best available human judgment of the ruthless Religious Orders, were granted a brutal killing, in many cases starved or beaten to death. The babies and children were brutally disposed of, flushed into many septic tanks and cesspools in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland. In reality, the Irish Catholic Church, The Cult expressed its determination to clean up the unwed mothers and their children pitilessly, by demonising the unwed mothers and their children. The criminal Irish Catholic Church stated;- ‘There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about our duty to preserve the purity of Irish motherhood through the sanctity of holy matrimony, according to the rites and traditions of the Irish Catholic Church, this was said at the time in the late 1940s.’ The Irish Catholic Bishops also said this;- “We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.” in eliminating this scourge from our pure Irish society, these unwed women, and their filth, their offsprings.’ The two statements above is tantamount to murder, this euthanasia program was to kill incurably ill, physically or mentally disabled, emotionally distraught children in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland. One only has to look at the way 800 babies and children were disposed of in a Septic Tank in one Mother and Baby Home, in Tuam, County Galway. The Irish Government’s fear of investigating the remains of the children prove my point. There is a concerted effort by both the Irish Government and the Irish Catholic Church to prolong and obstruct the official investigation. To drag the investigation out with the excuse that it takes time, they want to run out the clock on this evil, hoping people will move on and forget. The other problem is that the Irish Government have not involved or refuse to call the Irish Police into this matter. Sadly this is a bigger crime, the cover up. In effect the Irish State has given, The Cult, The Irish Catholic Church political cover in the direct murder of 800 hundred babies and children in one of their Mother and Baby Home, in Tuam County Galway. Were 800 babies and children were disposed of, flushed into a Septic Tank in one Mother and Baby Home, in Tuam County Galway. In October 2018, the Irish Government announced that it would introduce legislation to facilitate a full excavation of the mass grave and site, and for forensic DNA testing to be carried out on the remains. Stall, stall, stall… The Galway Tuam Mother and Baby Home is now being investigated by a statutory Commission of Investigation under Irish Judge Yvonne Murphy– the "Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation". The other problem, the Health Service Executive raised concerns that up to another 1,000 babies and children had been sold from the Tuam Mother and Baby Home, for the purpose of illegal adoptions in the United States. Another fact and criminal act was that death certificates were falsified by the Nuns so babies and children could be "brokered for adoption", (Child Trafficking) which would "prove to be a scandal that dwarfs other, more recent issues with The Cult and the Irish State”. The HSE report also states that tens of thousands of Irish babies and children from all the Mother and Baby Home, disappeared, were illegally Trafficked which were facilitated by Catholic Doctors, Social Workers, all the criminal Religious Orders, who operated the Institutions like Mother and Baby Homes, and Orphanages, with many more people including Politicians in positions of Power who actively assisted the insidious Cult, the Irish Catholic Church in their crimes. The Cult, the Irish Catholic Church made money from the illegal sale of babies and children, over £100 million Irish pounds. (Child Trafficking)- All Tax Free. The illegal selling of Irish babies and children from the Mother and Baby Homes and Orphanages of Ireland and into the United States of America was a very lucrative business for The Cult. It was only about money and money only, as was the Magdalene Laundries in which the children’s mothers worked as slaves without pay, while their babies and children were sold off on auction blocks, high altars of Catholic Churches. International media outlets first covered the story of the babies and children flushed into a septic tank from Tuam’s Mother and Baby Home in late May/early June 2014. The horrific story sparked outrage both in Ireland and internationally. The Irish Government came under pressure to launch an investigation. The Irish Government called the allegations "deeply disturbing" and ordered the police to begin a preliminary investigation, with the aim of launching an inquiry. Here is what The Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference said, once they were caught- ‘We wish to apologise for the hurt caused by our part in the system, and "the appalling story of life, death and adoptions related to the Mother and Baby Homes has shocked everyone in Ireland and beyond.’ What an understatement, by a group of professional liars. As can be seen after now 5 years, nothing has been done, and nothing will be done, it’s all about protecting The Cult at all cost nothing else matters. We here in Ireland have a criminal organisation, the Irish Catholic Church that can and did get away with the brutal murder and rape of tens of thousands of babies and children. In fact, The Cult, the Irish Catholic Church has penchant for euphemism. The choice of terminology for the program is consistent with the Catholic Church penchant for euphemism. Euthanasia which typically means "mercy killing" The number of babies and children disposed of in the Religious run Institutions in Ireland may well be too low, the known numbers, according to both the Irish Government and The Cult are invented. Because it is now known that The Cult altered and doctored the figures. I would guess that twice or thrice of these numbers of babies and children may have perished. The fact is that we do not know and shall probably never know. Elements of deception, imposed chaos, and the active destruction of many official records by the Religious Orders and the Catholic Church make anything like an accurate estimate impossible. Owen Felix O’Neill
The right to personal identity is recognised in International Law through a range of Declarations and Conventions. From as early as birth, an individual’s identity is formed and preserved by registration or being bestowed with a name. The human right to know your identity and who your mother or father was is a very strong human instinct. The right to personal identity is recognised in International Law through a range of declarations and conventions. From as early as birth, an individual’s identity is formed and preserved by registration or being bestowed with a family name. The right to personal identity begins with the Right to Life. It is only through existing can individuals cultivate their identity. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Under Article 7, a child has a right to have a "legal" identity by being registered, and has a right to a name and a nationality. Article 8 illustrates the state’s duty to protect this right, both passively and actively. Articles 7 and 8 developed to confront the issues of children in political struggles and disappearances. 193 States including Ireland have ratified this convention, making it the most-ratified convention in history. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created to preserve the biological and philosophical elements of human beings since its establishment in 1948, and one of the basic right, is the right to know your biological origin. This basic right was denied to most of the children of the Irish State Orphanages, Mother and Baby Homes, and Industrial Schools in Ireland. Listening to painful testimonies from many of these Survivors today, there is the outrage by many of the Survivors of the wilful destruction of many official documentations kept by the Irish Religious Orders, pertaining to the Survivors identity, Identities of their families, their Mothers, siblings etc…and their correct date of birth, it’s a known fact that many of the Children in the Irish State Orphanages, Mother and Baby Homes, and Industrial Schools in Ireland had their date of birth and family names criminally altered, as was the case with nearly all adopted children stolen and sold to other families throughout the world, by the Irish Religious Orders. The Religious Orders in Ireland were meticulous record-keepers and would be loathe to destroy any documents, but once the sexual rape scandals broke the Religious Orders in Ireland were hell bent on destroying as many original documents as possible to hide their criminal misdeeds. The danger of the documents became apparent to the The Religious Orders in Ireland when Survivors of the Irish Religious Institutions started to ask for any documentations pertained to their identities and The Religious Orders fear of The Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, and the much vaulted report that followed, The Ryan Report. The rape of the children of the Irish Religious Institutions has been described by some as Ireland's Holocaust. The rapes was said to be “endemic" in the these Religious Institutions that dealt with boys. The Religious Orders in Ireland saw no value in keeping their trove of documentation of living or dead Survivors, especially when they realised that their own handwritten documents would condemn them. For the first time in Irish history, the powerful Irish Catholic Church was now to face wrongful lawsuits, and moral outrage with many of their own documentations, which could and would be used in Irish courts of law against the Religious Orders in Ireland, accusing them of criminal acts, systematic rape, murder, drug experiment of orphan children, illegal adoptions, etc..etc… destroying the Religious Orders documentational evidence was the only option left open to them, and destroying such documentation was easy for the criminal Religious Orders in Ireland, hence denying both the Survivors any direct link to their families history, and destroying the many criminal acts committed against vulnerable children in their care, forever. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child stresses the value and importance of a child’s identity. Under Article 7, a child has a right to have a "Legal" Identity by being registered, and has a right to a name and a nationality. These protect mainly the static aspects of identity. However, Article 8 protects and encourages the child’s dynamic aspects of identity through preserving his or her identity in relation to nationality, name and family relations. Article 8 illustrates the Member State’s duty to protect this Right, both passively and actively, all these conventions established by The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was broken and misused by the Religious Orders in Ireland. Articles 7 and 8 The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was developed to confront the issues of Children in disappearances, we known that tens of thousands of Irish Children disappeared through illegal adoptions in Ireland, their identities were stolen as were their childhoods. Ireland been one of the earliest signature to the UN Convention, which was part of the most-ratified Convention in human history, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Sadly Ireland broke this,UN Convention, and all the rules pertaining to Child Protection from the very beginning. When countries ratify an international treaty or convention, such as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, they enter a binding agreement to meet its provisions and obligations. Ireland signed the UN Convention on 30 September 1990, and ratified it on 28 September 1992. In reality, the Irish Catholic Church, The Cult expressed its determination to clean up the single mother and their children pitilessly, by demonising the unwed mothers and their children. The criminal Irish Catholic Church stated;- ‘There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about our duty to preserve the purity of Irish motherhood through the sanctity of holy matrimony, according to the rites and traditions of the Irish Catholic Church, this was said at the time in the late 1940s.’ The Irish Bishops also said this;- “We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.” in eliminating this scourge from our pure Irish society, these unwed women, and their filth, their offsprings.’ The two statements above is tantamount to murder of all unwed mothers and their children and the Irish State’s dereliction of duty by turning a blind eye. We must Prosecute the Irish Catholic Church, known as The Cult as criminals. To this day, many unwed women and their children escaped and had to survive by hiding out in England, never to return to Ireland the land of their births. We must tell our children and their children about how this evil, The Cult was allowed to manipulate their evil truths because so many Irish people capitulated to their darkest instincts, while many Irish people stood silent. We Living Witnesses showing great courage everyday, have always told the truth in face of fierce adversity From the 1930s onwards The Irish Catholic Church persecution of unwed women and their children were common knowledge in Ireland. The Irish Catholic Church tried to keep the extermination of unwed women and their children a secret. While ordinary Irish people knew that the unwed women, their sisters, their mothers, their girlfriends and their children had been put into Religious prisons, such as Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, and Industrial Schools, large segments of the Irish population were claim they were unaware or didn’t want to know what was taken place in these Irish Catholic Church sanctioned gulags and that many of the unwed Mothers and their Children were been raped, murdered, experimented on and many other horrors all in the name of a purer Ireland run by the Irish Catholic Church for the good of Irish Society. You may ask “What is the evidence for say, my use of the word, “Murder” of unwed mother and their children by the Irish Religious Orders? There are numerous pieces of evidence proving that thousands of unwed mothers and their children were killed by the Irish Religious Orders? We have many hand written Records left on the number of people sent to the Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, and Industrial Schools, in Ireland, which were built and used primarily for unwed mothers and their children; And most damning of all, recent evidence that has come to light, 3 years ago for example, as a result of official Government excavation of mass graves (septic tank) under a Mother and Baby Home of over 800 children in a convent in the rural town of Tuam in County Galway, in the West of Ireland, (and there will be officially 17 more Irish Institutions out of a total of 200 run by the Irish Religious Orders throughout Ireland, still ongoing, as I write this article). Something else, we know and is confirmed by the numerous official Irish Government Reports that all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland were nothing more than Rape Rooms, orgy rooms of misery and death for the Clerics. In a time when the Irish Catholic Church, The Cult had engulfed Ireland in hatred and fear, while the Clerics feasted on vulnerable children. Sadly the numbers of buried children and their mothers in other septic tanks and mass pits will run into the tens of thousands. The attitude of the Irish local population vis-a-vis the persecution and destruction and demonising of unwed mothers and their children, ranged from zealous collaboration with the Irish Catholic Church, to indifference to the suffering of the unwed mothers and their children. There was much more knowledge of the "Final Solution" of unwed mothers and their children, orchestrated by the Irish Catholic Church, because it was implemented in every county of Ireland with the full participation of the local Irish population. The response of the Irish Government at the time to the persecution and destruction of unwed mothers and their children was inadequate and the strongest moral voice that of the President of Ireland Éamon de Valera was forever, to remain silent. Ireland today must not remain silent, but hold to full account the Irish Catholic Church and all the Religious Orders. Owen Felix O’Neill |
May 2022