Wrath of God
The recent conviction for child rape by Cardinal George Pell by an unanimous jury in Victoria Australia is Brobdingnagian in scope. The verdict of guilty on all accounts has sent shock waves throughout the Roman Catholic Church, and especially the Vatican. This verdict has send a clear message that no Priest, Bishop or Cardinal, and no matter how powerful should consider themselves to be above the law in this country or any other country in the world. Ballarat-born George Pell was found guilty in December of 2018 of sexually abusing two choirboys at St Patrick's Cathedral during his time as Archbishop of Melbourne, Australia in December 1996. Ballarat Proclaimed a city in 1871 and is located on the Yarrowee River in the Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia. In reality Cardinal Pell felt no empathy for the innocent children caught up in this mess because he was trying to protect himself and his church. Please remember that the two boys were 13-year-old choir boys at St Patrick's Cathedral. The teenagers were raped within the sacred spaces of the Cathedral, Cardinal George Pell thought and knew he was untouchable. I personally want this to be a turning point and to finally see the Roman Catholic Church to be held truly accountable and declared a criminal organisation that it is, an organisation that has actively hidden known and unknown Pedophiles for decades, and for the Roman Catholic Church to finally face the full might of the law. One Australian Survivor said recently, a man named Mr Nagle that of his class of 33 boys aged between 9 and13 years of age, that 12 of his fellow pupils had killed themselves because they were raped at school by Clerics. That is shocking and I can identify with Mr. Nagle of Australia, because of my class of 48 boys, in my Industrial School in Ireland, 2 of us have survived, and this I struggle with as do many more Survivors, it morally has almost destroyed me. There’s nothing more disappointing than a person, a Cardinal of the Church you held in the highest respect being convicted of one of the worst heinous crimes - the rape and destruction of a child’s life. One of the two boys, sadly committed suicide because he couldn’t cope with his childhood pain. He hid his pain in a spiral of drug and alcohol abuses. It is a known fact that as Archbishop of Melbourne in Australia, George Pell attempted to shut down and silence victims of clerical rapes and other abuses for decades. Pope Francis began an unprecedented summit in Rome in recent days to confront the Catholic Church's Clergy Rape scandals by saying that Catholics are not looking for simple condemnation, but concrete actions. But in reality, Roman Catholic Bishops -"convene, confer, defer” it’s as simple as that. I believe that the Rome Summit was a publicity stunt that has now spectacularly backfired. It’s becoming more and more clear that sexual predators often target vulnerable children who have no one to protect them, and who, if they speak out, are unlikely to be believed. The raped children of the Religious Run Institutions in Ireland continue to tell harrowing stories of being young and disempowered, then being exploited sexually by Clerics who held all the power, and knew it. “When you try to break the silence, there is always resistance.” The Clerics who Raped Children were often in vulnerable positions in their confused lives. Pedophiles presented by The Roman Catholic Church as Men, Priests of the cloth and God. But infidelity is the action and state of being unfaithful to a spouse or other sexual partner and in the Clerics case, to God. For too long, tightly closed systems of power, such as within the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican have controlled the message, protecting the church and themselves at the cost of the rape, torture, and murder of vulnerable children. But let’s be clear here, Survivors of Clerical Rape also deserve a fair playing field. The crimes perpetrated against them as children have already violated them. To date, within the Roman Catholic Church, it has been anything but fair, just, humane or moral, it’s an outrage, unpardonable sins which will never be forgiven by their God, true divine retribution is coming and if that does not work out, secular justice is upon us now. Even more so when the violations are against vulnerable children and all committed in the name of God. But I believe strangely that God’s wrath is just, I want to summarise, that “God’s Wrath in the Bible is never the capricious, self-indulgent, irritable, morally ignoble thing that human anger so often is. God’s wrath is, a right and necessary reaction to objective moral evil. Some of the evildoers of the Roman Catholic Church are, Cardinal George Pell, Cardinal Bernard Law, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Cardinal Francis Spellman, Cardinal Philippe Barbarin and many thousands more of senior Clerics and Priests, who are now waking up to a very new dawn. Convicted Pedophile, Cardinal George Pell, now sitting in an Australian Prison is astronomical, this simple act of a convicted rapist Cardinal sitting in a Australian cell, will and has sent shivers within the ranks of the Cleric world, a cosmic tremor, an earthquake has just ruptured beneath the all male, dysfunctional, hermetically sealed Vatican. God’s Wrath is coming, says the Pope, but realistically in the meantime, Mankind’s Wrath has now just begun. Owen Felix O’Neill
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Irish First Mothers on Facebook are over 70 women who were coerced during pregnancy. Most of us were in religious-run institutions and were coerced into forced adoptions of their children. Our stories at: http://IrishFirstMothers.com
Statistics;- The practice or science of collecting and analysing numerical data in large quantities especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample.
Before the 1990s Ireland was a sexual utopia for Catholic Priests, sexual promiscuity was very normal among the Irish Clerics. 82% of Irish Catholic Priests were and are practicing or secret homosexuals for most of their lives, 37% of Irish Clerics were and are sexual psychopaths or pedophiles in all groups. 15% Irish Clerics were and are heterosexual, over 96% of all Irish Catholic Priests engaged directly in sexual relationships, in one form or another. Many Irish Catholic Priests regularly indulged in sexual deviancy, and more shocking, most of the heterosexual Irish Catholic Priests who went on to have sex with girls or women, the girls and women then went on to England to have their abortions. The so called gay Irish Priests were very active members of Ireland's and Britain’s homosexual underground, peopled its bathhouses, saunas and homosexual bars and clubs, and known cursing grounds looking’ for multiple sexual partners in this thriving gay underworld of the 1960s, 70s and 1980’s and 90’s. First I would like to point out, I’m not a statistician, an expert in the preparation and analysis of statistics, but I do my research. If we can use comparable numbers to other male groups in which we have Statistics, like Irish Prisons, now work out all the other variants, nothing can be used to compared to the Roman Catholic Church. Take Irish Prisons for example, according to new figures provided by Irish Minister for Justice who confirms there are 397 sex offenders in Irish Prisons, but there are only 38 convicted pedophiles out of a prison population of 3,904 people in prison custody in Ireland (01 January 2019) in comparison to Priests in Ireland today, 2019, there are approximate 4,257 Priests. So if we apply the Statistics between almost an equal number of people in Irish Prisons and Catholic Priests in Ireland in general the numbers are very frightening. 3,904 Prisoners in Irish Prisons- 2019 4,257 Catholic Priests in Ireland- 2019 (Approximate) Out of a population of 3,904 Prisoners there are approximately 38 convicted pedophiles in Irish prisons, but almost half, 17 are convicted Priests. In the Irish Catholic Church more than 1,857 Priests out of an Irish population of 4,257 Priests have been credibly accused of the rape of children, so they are pedophiles. All the credibly accusations are made by Boys, now men, who were raped between the ages of 11 and 16 years of age, and the smaller group the real pedophile Priests from children, (now men) as young as 3 to 11 years of age. Irish Catholic Priests are rarely accused of rape of adults, 99% are always accused of the rape of Children, less than 3% are with underage girls, 97% are with the rape of Boys under the age of 16. This is shocking, no other organisation in the world has such Statistics, none. And please remember shocking as the figure are, it’s difficult to know the real figures as still the Irish Catholic Church will not release the true numbers or have burned most documentations to hide the truer figures, which is judging by the more sex scandals coming to the surface almost on a monthly basis. Something more to think about is that many of the Irish Priests accused of the rape of children from the 1940s, 50s and 60s are long dead, but never-the- less the number of these Priests who raped children and got away with it, is a third higher then 1,857 Priests today. (In 1956, there were 5,489 Priests in Ireland.) And we know that many children, in the wider communities and later as adults never reported their childhood rapes to anybody even their parents, so even more Priests got away with their heinous crimes. Let’s take an active pedophile Irish Catholic Priest, at the lowest numbers, say one child a month, that’s 12 children a year on average. A fully trained Catholic Priest would be expected to have a ministry lifespan of about 50 years as a Priest, now that’s an average of 12 children a year for an inactive pedophile Priest which equals to 600 children over this ministry lifetime. Remember one child a month is very low for an active pedophile, even if he had, say one child a year over 50 years, that’s 50 children he raped. Now multiply that by hundreds of fellow pedophile Irish Catholic Priests and that number of children is enormous, easily running into the tens of thousands. We are only talking about Ireland here, now when you list all the countries around the world, with Catholic Priests, that number of raped Children runs into the millions. Think of it like this, 37 out of every 100 Irish Catholic Priests were and are pedophiles, with boys or girls. 82 out of every 100 Irish Catholic Priests were and are homosexual,15 out of every 100 Irish Catholic Priests were and are heterosexual. In the 1950s, the number of Irish Catholic Priests reached its highest level. In 1956, there were 5,489 Priests in Ireland. Then remember this, Ireland exported tens of thousands of newly trained Irish Priests to North America, Canada, Australia–New Zealand, Africa, China, and Asia. Many Priests talk today about been raped and sexually abused in the dozen or more of the all male Catholic Seminaries they trained in, it was a major part of the Clerical culture at the different Seminaries Colleges throughout Ireland. Most trainee Priests were unaware of the extensive consequences of the clerical culture in which Priests and the Hierarchy spend most of their adult lives. Pope Francis recently blamed “clericalism” in the Catholic Church for creating a culture where criminal rape was widespread and extraordinary efforts were made by the Hierarchy to keep the crimes hidden. Sexually abusive behaviour once more underscore the fact that an institutional sickness afflicts the Roman Catholic Church. A predator Priest can easily ascend to princely rank only if the clerical culture around him enables those who are complicit by their silence and failure to act. Rape of children by even Bishops and higher up the scale, was something of an open secret at elite levels of the Irish Catholic Church. We know that pedophile Priests were actively raping children, not just in the Religious run Institutions in Ireland but in all the Irish Communities throughout the land of Ireland. Please don’t take my word for it, you only have to read the 4 following Official Irish Government Reports and 3 International Reports are but the tip of the iceberg. The Fern Report https://industrialmemories.ucd.ie/assets/thefernsreportoctober2005.pdf The Murphy Report https://www.oneinfour.ie/site/uploads/documents-download-files/murphyreport-july-2009.pdf The Ryan Report http://www.childabusecommission.ie/rpt/ The Cloyne Report;- report-http://www.justice.ie/en/JELR/Cloyne_Rpt.pdf/Files/Cloyne_Rpt.pdf And Pennsylvania Priests Abused Thousands of Children. August 14, 2018; "Jesuits release lists of clergy accused of abusing minors," December 18, 2018 "500 priests in Illinois alone accused of child predation" December 20, 2018 Or a few other official Government Reports about the endemic rape of children by the Irish Clergy, each Report is shocking in its own right. In reality, the Irish Catholic Church consorted with different devils. Many Irish Catholic Priests believed sex with children can prove to be a satisfying and enriching experience for the child, how sick is that. It is even known by some Irish Bishops when the Church sex scandals broke in the mid-1990s, said- "child molestation, child abuse”. What is that, collectively asked the Irish Bishops, are they talking about, discipline, or disciplining a sinful child? slapping them across the ear or hitting them with a wooden cane. Or are they talking about tickling and playing with the child? One thing the Irish Catholic Bishops agreed with immediately was to use the word ABUSE, it was nicer than RAPE. They, the Irish Catholic Bishops could hide behind the soft word of ABUSE, they could even live with that word, ABUSE rather than saying or admitting to Sexual Rape of a child, by their Clergy. In reality many Irish Catholic Priests were pedophiles who set out to destroy innocent children’s souls, a child’s innocence was never precious as a holy man took advantage of his trusted position as a pillar of the local community, above suspicion, a representative of Jesus Christ, a Catholic Priest. Still been protected by the silence of fellow Priests and the compliance of all Bishops. For the Irish Catholic Church, or the Priestly Fraternity it was anything goes when it came to cover-ups, and I mean anything. The Irish Catholic Bishops believed, for example, that there were no pedophiles in their ranks, many Bishops confessed they didn’t even know what a pedophile was. To the Catholic Church as a whole “Sexuality was an appetite to be controlled,” they taught that, and preached it at all their churches every day. The Irish Cult were afflicted to its core, the Irish Catholic Church was consumed by a grotesque, debilitating obsession with sex in all forms. For the 37 percent who were pedophile Priests. It was in their interest to see vulnerable children as sex objects who enjoyed sexual contact, with holy man and had the right to consent to it, without other adults, or the law, or the wider society interfering. The most recent revelations of Sexual Rape of children in the Catholic Church highlight the shadow side of celibate male clerical culture. Clericalism enables such crimes as Sexual Rape to be covered up and for criminal actions to be repeated and repeated, and repeated. No other male dominated groups has these statistics, when compared to other male dominated institutions, like say the Army, even male prisons. All you need is to be ordained a Priest, and the way is clear for the pedophile. And so while some organisations, such as in the police force or teachers screen for pathologies by using psychometric tools, the Catholic Church does not. Which is why the pedophiles would benefit from joining and climbing to the very top as Bishops. The pedophile merely needs the child to have faith and trust in him, something that is often easily achieved with the vestments and holiness of a Priest. Here is where a pedophile Priest has an advantage because in the Catholic Church this overvaluation of self is potentiated by the title that is either conferred, that comes with the office, or bestowed through ordination. For the pedophile, it is tantamount to being told, “you are” therefore “you can.” As simple as that. Something else, the Catholic Church preach forgiveness, for every sin. For pedophiles this is truly a bonus. This means that if they get caught, they can ask for forgiveness from a fellow Priest. Unfortunately, the pedophile sees this as an opportunity to learn from his mistakes continuing his rapes on children again, and again. The pedophile Priest knows that even his fellow Priests and community will staunchly defend him even if convicted of serial rapes of children. The pedophile Priest will immediately be cloaked with power and authority, after all he is a disciple of Jesus Christ. For some pedophile Priests the rape of children is justified merely by invoking the ostensible desire and will of God or that he had a right to sexually abuse children because it was god’s will. For to long the local Irish Community enabled criminal behaviour by Priests or people employed by the Catholic Church. The desire to protect the reputation of the Irish Church at all cost, makes it more likely that Irish Bishops will place the reputation of the Church above the welfare of the community affected by its many crimes. This is and was the policy of the Irish Catholic Church, and so allow pedophile Priests to move freely from one Parish to another where they will reoffend unopposed. Now The Catholic Church reaps what it sows, and not just here in Ireland but world-wide. Owen Felix O’Neill |
May 2022