“Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, not a soul of them has read the Bible; ‘tis a book unknown to them. They are a pack of guzzling, stuffing wretches, rich, wallowing in wealth and laziness, resting secure in their (corrupt) power.” Martin Luther -16th. Century. The Catholic Church invented modern Propaganda, the Catholic Church itself, created persuasive religious Propagandists, even a College of Propaganda was set up under Pope Urban VIII, in the 17th. century. The Latin name given to this congregation was the “Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide” or, the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. This congregation is the origin of the term “Propaganda.” The use of Propaganda as a means of controlling information flow, managing public opinion, or manipulating behaviour is as old as recorded history. The concept of persuasion is an integral part of human nature, and the use of specific techniques to bring about large-scale shifts in ideas can be traced back to the Master Propagandists, of the Roman Catholic Church. Propaganda is now been used and abused by the Catholic Church, under the cloak of the Australian Gag Order of silence used in Cardinal George Pell’s Criminal court case, now that the verdict is in, found guilty on all 5 counts. Within minutes the Catholic Church ’s surrogate Propagandists, began to call into question the Jury’s decision, as misguided. News-sites like “the Catholic News Agency”- “National Catholic Reporter”-with headlines like - “In times like the trials of Cardinal Pell, media needs to check itself” or “Critics Decry ‘Absurd’ Abuse Conviction of Cardinal George Pell by Australian Court”—-So it is no surprise that their pages featured an article by ex-Priest Thomas Williams denouncing “the verdict as a sham.” "As Breitbert News reported, Pell has consistently maintained his innocence of all charges and his lawyer, Robert Richter, has said there is “voluminous' evidence to show that 'what was alleged is impossible,'" Williams writes. Or again “Ed Condon at Catholic News Agency similarly rushed to Pell's defense. He cites an unnamed source who "attended the entire trial in person" as saying: "It was absolutely clear to everyone in that court that the accusations were baseless. It wasn't that Pell didn't do what he's accused of — he clearly couldn't have done it." Better still- “Cardinal Pell’s sex abuse conviction makes no sense” or better still- “Is Cardinal Pell “the quintessential scape-goat”? “The Australian leftist establishment hates him,” says a source in Australia, “the gay lobby hate him, the atheists, liberal Catholics and feminist ideologues hold him in contempt and he has taken on the Italian mafia in trying to reform the Vatican’s finances.” https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/reports-of-pell-guilty-verdict-emerge-despite-gag-order-32220 https://www.ncronline.org/news/opinion/distinctly-catholic/times-trials-cardinal-pell-media-needs-check-itself https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/cardinal-pells-sex-abuse-conviction-makes-no-sense https://www.catholicworldreport.com/tag/cardinal-george-pell/ And there are dozens of more surrogate Propagandists, Catholic news Outlets sprouting the same black Propaganda lies, so this black Propaganda is covert in nature in that its aims, identity, significance, and sources are hidden. But it is direct by the expert Propagandists, at the Vatican and enabled by the Trial Judge under the cloak of his Gag Order. Propaganda as promotion is a necessary part of the Catholic Church’s campaign in the war against the truth of Catholic Church misdeeds of Child Rape by its Clerics and senior Clerics. In its origins “Propaganda” was an ancient and honourable word. Religious activities which were associated with Propaganda commanded the respectful attention of mankind. Sadly today the word “Propaganda” comes to have a selfish, dishonest, and subversive association. By placing the Gag Order on the Cardinal Pell’s criminal trial the judge enabled the vast Catholic Church right wing Propaganda sites to dominate the discourse of the trial, hoping to rubbish and muddy the waters of what really happen in the Australian Court. Calling into open question the unanimous guilty verdicts by the Jury. All news organisations operating in Australia are subject to these unconstitutional Gag Order restrictions, which creates the potential for vast differences between articles about a case published from inside Australia and the work of organisations based elsewhere in the wider world. In many cases, suppression orders are used to further restrict what journalists can report in Australia, placing certain details that appear in court records off limits. This suits the Catholic Church’s agenda and Propaganda, of making an issue of rape by a sitting Cardinal more confusing and complicated. By attacking the Jury as bias, hateful, unfair and prejudice against both the Cardinal and the Catholic Church. It’s a fact that Cardinal Pell when first learnt that he was going to be charged with rape of children he hired the best PR Firm in Australia, (the PR firm CPR Australia) to represent him. This Propaganda Firm were paid millions of Church money to portray Cardinal Pell as a Saint. Even inviting the faithful to contribute to the Cardinal's defence of child sexual rape allegations. Advertisements began to appear in church-run media outlets, like- “The Catholic Weekly” and “Annals Australasia”, published by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart as a “journal of Catholic culture”, inviting donations to “help pay the Saintly, Holy Cardinal Pell’s legal fees”. The Catholic Bishops of Australia formed a new Propaganda group called -“The Truth, Justice and Healing Council” this new Propaganda Firm, was funded with again, millions of Australian dollars to front its campaign of dis-information about the Church’s role in the Rape of children. The council's CEO is Francis Sullivan, who said -The Church’s truth needs to be revealed; the Church needs to acknowledge its areas of failing and mismanagement, While “The Truth, Justice and Healing Council” can make recommendations, it is the Church that pulls the purse strings, whether they are implemented, after all it’s the Church’s money. Cardinal Pellophile’s bed fellow and sympathiser, Melbourne’s Archbishop Denis Hart of Australia has asked for forgiveness and said he felt personally shamed by the Church’s Rape of children. But this very Archbishop of Melbourne also said——- “I would risk going to jail rather than report allegations of child Rape raised during confession, and that the sacredness of communication with God during confession should be above the law.” Melbourne’s Archbishop Denis Hart also said—“Much of the Rape of children that occurred was historical and that he Archbishop Denis Hart believed it was unlikely “anything would ever happen” again today. Catholic Confession, he added, was “perhaps the only opportunity where a Priest-(Rapist) who has RAPED a child has the opportunity for broader advice,” from a fellow (pedophile) Priest, Melbourne’s Archbishop said. The Archbishop of Melbourne, Australia, called child sexual Rape a "Spiritual encounter with God.” Please how sick is that, no amount of black Propaganda would hide the fact that this Cult is very sick as are the leaders itself…The Propaganda no longer works, the fact is Cardinal Pell was unanimous found guilty of Raping two Children, by all 12 members of the Jury, that you can’t hide. The Judge’s Gag Order will be broken, I have broken the Gag Order, I am very proud I did. My motto has always been- Publish and be Damned… Owen Felix O’Neill
Cardinal PellodphileCardinal George Pell, Convicted Pellodphile
A 77 year old man, George Pell an Australian Prelate of the Roman Catholic Church is now a convicted sex offender. An Australian Criminal Court on Tuesday later afternoon has convicted one of the most powerful and highest Vatican official on sexual-rape charges. Cardinal George Pell has been found GUILTY of the rape of two teen boys, after nearly four full days of deliberations, a jury of 12 members rendered unanimous guilty verdicts on all five charges related to the abuse of two choirboys in 1996. Cardinal George Pell’s conviction stemmed from the rape of two teen choir boys in 1996. Only one of the alleged victims was present in court to give evidence against Pell. The other alleged victim, according to a 2017 report from The Australian newspaper The Age, died of a drug overdose in 2014. When asked how the 12 members of the jury could have delivered a unanimous conviction despite the seeming weight of evidence in Pell’s favour, several trial attendees noted that Cardinal Pell refused to give evidence in his own defence. “Pell didn’t take the stand, and that definitely made a negative impression; it doesn’t look good if you won’t deny it with your own lips.” This past May, after a four-week committal hearing, an Australian magistrate struck down some of the more serious charges against Pell but ruled he must stand trial on five charges related to sexual abuse of minors. The allegations, however, are from two separate periods, the 1970s and the 1990s, hence Judge Sue Pullen’s decision in May to mandate two different trials. His case in Criminal High Court in Melbourne, Australia has unfolded in great secrecy because of a court-issued gag order set in place. This criminal conviction provides one of the clearest examples of how the sexual rape scandal has totally eroded the Roman Catholic Church’s credibility while ensnaring senior members in the upper highest echelons of power. Cardinal George Pell is considered the Holy See’s third- most-powerful person, as the Economy Minister in the Vatican. Sadly one of the most important stories in the world has not broken yet, but when it does it will be huge globally. No Irish or English news outlet has covered the story. This will have the power of ripping the filth of the Roman Catholic Church apart. More telling, the Vatican itself has stayed tightlipped on his explosive case, there is a smell of fear emitting from St. Peter's Basilica. Pope Francis had quietly removed Cardinal Pell from his advisory group known as the Council of Cardinals, along with a Chilean Cardinal, Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa, who is accused of covering up for rapist Priests. Another Cardinal from Africa, Congolese Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, was also removed from the Council of Cardinals, but nobody knows why. Pope Francis in dismissing Cardinal Pell and thanked him for his Church services, I assume that also includes his services in the raping of children. The Australian Court said that Cardinal Pell’s will be sentenced in the New Year, but they will also be bring additional criminal charges very soon. Sadly there is a total news blackout in effect in Australia issued by the trail judge, they wanted a fair trail as best as possible. The judge in the County Court of Victoria had placed the gag order as a way “to prevent a real and substantial risk of prejudice to the proper administration of justice.” Also please remember that Cardinal George Pell is Australia’s most important Catholic Church figure and Australian’s most respected Catholic leader. George Pell was the son of a gold miner who rose to become the Archbishop of both Melbourne and Sydney in Australia. Cardinal George Pell was meant to help Pope Francis reform the Vatican bureaucracy, that would take some doing. The best way to reform the excrement of the Roman Catholic Church is to totally dismantle the defilement completely. The Australian Justice Department of the Government announced last year that Cardinal Pell must face and answer “ Sexual and Historical Rape Charges” Cardinal Pell said the accusations were false and made up by the devil, he continued-“The whole idea of sexual rape is abhorrent to me,” Cardinal Pell said. Well the jury of his fellow peers reached a unanimous decision and didn’t believe the Cardinal, the evidence of one of the young boys now brave man stood out as did his suffering and pain. But I say that “Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done.” and a frightened Vatican spokesman said, that the Holy See “has the utmost respect for Australian judicial authorities.” The secrecy surrounding Cardinal Pell’s case reminds me of the Irish Catholic Church’s own approach in dealing with alleged Clerical rapists and pedophiles, always behind closed doors. This conviction of the one of the highest members of the Roman Catholic Church and a Cardinal to boot, is just the latest in a series of major rape-related developments that have amounted to the greatest challenge of Pope Francis’s Papacy. The fight will go on, in countries around the world, and in more than a dozen States across the United States, and here in Ireland, outside authorities are pursuing crimes within the Catholic Church with unprecedented vigour. The apple never falls far from the tree, Pope Francis himself has been accused by a former Vatican Ambassador of knowing about rapes of children and unwilling to act or respond to the allegations. Than we have the sexual rape of dozens of prepubescent children by another Cardinal, Theodore McCormick, an American prelate of the Catholic Church. He served as Archbishop of Washington and was accused and admitted the rape of his own nephew and other children and students Priest for 40 years. More insulting is The Vatican is preparing for a landmark Meeting of Pedophiles in the coming New Year to bring hundreds of Bishops- Peodphiles to Rome from across the world to discuss sexual rape and the protection of children, you couldn’t invent this. Please don't let the fox guard the chicken coop and don't set a wolf to watch the sheep. It's really a case of the proverbial fox guarding the chickens. It’s outrageous, The Roman Catholic Church will exploit the meeting for its own ends, the Pope as the Head Shepherd will say, “Thy father guards the sheep’." But in case any Clerics manage to read my Post I will say it in Latin- 'Ovem lupo commitere’. Owen Felix O’Neill The wilful murder of over 147 children in St Joseph's Industrial School for young boys in Letterfrack, County Galway, Ireland. The Congregation of Christian Brothers who ran the Industrial School where considered the worse of the worse, known clerical pedophiles, who were moved from Industrial School to Industrial School, throughout Ireland to continue their orgy of rape and brutality, and murder of vulnerable children in their care.. From the Ryan Report-- The Ryan Report concluded that corporal punishment in Letterfrack was so "severe, excessive and pervasive, and created a climate of fear", that it "was the primary method of control" and that unavoidable because "it was frequently capricious, unfair and inconsistent”. Also Sexual rape “by the Christian Brothers was a chronic problem in Letterfrack" and that those members of the order who served there "included firstly those who had previously been guilty of sexual rape of boys, in other Industrial Schools;- Secondly those whose rape was discovered while they worked in that Industrial School were than moved to another Industrial School, to continue to rape even more children. And, thirdly some Christian Brothers who were subsequently revealed to have raped boys repeatedly”. The Christian Brothers "did not properly investigate allegations of sexual rape of boys by other Christian Brothers" and "knew that the Christian Brothers who sexually raped boys were a continuing danger". Sending known Christian pedophiles to any industrial school was "an act of reckless disregard" especially "one as remote and isolated as Letterfrack". Hell is full of good wishes and desires, the road to hell being paved with good intentions or evil intentions of the Christian Brothers. This hideous and now notorious children’s penal colony was considered to be the worse Industrial School in Ireland. Conditions at this Industrial School found its equal only in18th Century English judicial barbarism. The ‘school’s’ notoriety was founded upon the rape and extreme physical and mental punishments inflicted daily upon defenceless children by a largely psychotic mob of cassocked ecclesiastical pedophiles, the sadistic Christian Brothers. No fewer than 147 children were murdered whilst under their tender mercies, many former inmate that survived this hellhole say that the number of murdered children is two or three times higher, than 147 murdered children. Again in secret grave pits. Many of these Christian Brothers should be presumed to be practitioners of the dark arts. Only the devil could have been inspired to inflict such miseries on defenceless children; only cruel darkness have conspired a whole community to turn aside from the wailing of thousands of vulnerable children through those dark decades of its existence. Some of the dreadful scenes are reminiscent of the scenes depicted in medieval tapestries in which the excesses of hell are defined, Letterfrack, was hell itself. In the bone-numbing sadness of Letterfrack Industrial School burial pits, 78 named children, lie in the neat rows of marble hearts, the names of four children, four brothers stand out, who were buried side by side, their murders occurring at two-year intervals. What brutal savagery or act of an indifferent god led to their murders, of these four defenceless children, these four powerless brothers. Letterfrack is a haunted place, a sombre place, a place of real nightmares, that no healing mist should obliterate from our collective memory. The heart-shaped memorial stones lie on either side of a broken moss stone path, floating in dark pools of grass punctuated with insidious secrets, of death and hidden murder in this wild, untamed landscape. Short creeping rosettes of small rounded and spoon-shaped daisies, with their white ray floret and their yellow disc florets, grow undomesticated, surrounded by downy covered wild and unrestrained dandelions. Every other wild flower has its secrets, every contemptibly feeble weed is lurking and wants to scream. The vulnerable children dreams died in the nearby trees, but there is one secret unmarked grave that can be seen in the woods, if one looks for it, it is the unmarked grave of a four year old boy Bernard Kerrigan, who was raped and murdered in 1935 by the sadist Christian Brothers. At Four years of age and already a hardened criminal in the worse Industrial School in Ireland. His crime…nobody knows…his death ..nobody knows or cares…his burial place I can’t forget…Owen Felix O'Neill |
May 2022