An Act for the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Colonies; for promoting the Industry of the manumitted Slaves; and for compensating the Persons hitherto entitled to the Services of such Slaves. [28th August 1833.] All Persons who on the 1st August 1834 shall have been registered as Slaves, and be Six Years old or upwards, shall become apprenticed Labourers. The Trade in Human Beings violates the God-given dignity of so many of our brothers and sisters, and constitutes a true crime against humanity. Pope Francis. (Hypocrite) Perseverance Irish Nuns should begin to confront their complicity in slavery of hundreds of thousands of women and children of Ireland. There are a few Irish Nuns who are still alive today, that are complicit in slavery, which was outlawed when the British Government finally Slavery in most of its colonies, including Ireland on 1st. of August 1834. A new generation of Irish people should learn the truth about the past, and the ways in which so many of our Religious run Institutions benefited directly from slavery. In looking at the recent past, facts are always better than sentimental fictions to understand the present. Complicity involves intent, and there was intent to participate in events, the wholesale slavery of vulnerable women and children that happened just a generation ago. Historic slavery of unwed women and their children must be addressed and fixed, we seek genuine justice and compassion. We can only live with its memory and move forward from here, once the Irish Catholic Church acknowledges its wrongs and offers proper and meaningful compensation. To provide something good as a balance against something evil, such as slavery, in which the Irish Catholic Church greatly benefited. The Cult, the criminals to whom the truth was intolerable, detaining and treating women and children who were poor, as their slaves. There were and are no arguments that I know of about how to reimburse these slaves, women and children of the Irish Gulags for their forced labours. It matters that Living Witnesses or Survivors still can’t identify their family, their mothers, brothers, sisters, and that their existence and history isn't erased. We must excavate all the material, documents, oral history of Living Witnesses or Survivors which tells the truth, no matter how harsh or painful. The importance of digging up all the documents, still in the archives in the Convent’s records. There are records to be found that documented a darker side of he Irish Gulags history. Take for example, the different Order of Irish Nuns that ran the Irish Gulags. The Sisters owned tens of thousands of enslaved women and children, the records show. And they sold abroad thousands of babies and children, like bags of potatoes, to pay debts and to help finance the expansion of their convents, schools, lands and the construction of new Magdalene Laundries in Ireland. All the Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, depended on slave labour to function, the Nuns acted as Overseers, the middle-persons of the antebellum Catholic Church's Gulags hierarchy. The real slave-masters were The Cult, in using the unwed mothers and their children as free labour. Slavery refers to a condition in which individuals, the unwed women and their children were owned by Nuns, who control where they lived and at what they work at. The unwed mothers and their children were slaves who where considered property, and they were property because they were unwed, single mothers. Their status as property was enforced by violence -- actual or threatened. Women and children, lived together within these parameters, and their lives together took many forms. There were numerous other types of slave labour required in the running of the Convents, Magdalene Laundries and Industrial Schools of Ireland. Most of the Convents and Industrial Schools in Ireland, had functioning farms. Some of the older slave children had to clear new land, dig ditches, endless backbreaking weeding of new crops, cut and haul wood, milk and slaughter livestock, and make repairs to buildings and tools. In many instances, older children had worked as mechanics, carpenters, tailors, shoemakers, and in other skilled trades. Some of the slave women cooked and took care of the younger children, as well as spinning, weaving, and sewing. All worked as domestics, providing services for the master's or overseer's families or were loaned out to local Grand houses, rural farms and hotels, and the thousands of Clergy houses, up and down Ireland, as free domestic slaves. In a few cases the children loaned out where raped, brutalised or kept as domestic pets, sex slaves. There was no accountability, and even in a few cases we know that children ran away. So the Industrials Schools or other Religious run Institutions were informed, the runaway children were never to be seen again. There was no answerability, nobody to check on, to follow-up on the child loaned out, no visit to the house or farm or hotel the child worked in. There was talk that some children were murdered, beaten to death, so as to keep them quiet about their rapes and beatings. Who was to know? who was to ask the question? who gave a fig?. This happened because the Great Houses, the rural farms, the Hotels all gave generous donations to The Cult. In return the Great Houses, the rural farms and the Hotels got free slaves to work for them. I myself worked on a rural farm-cum- guesthouse from the age of 14, I was loaned out to rural guesthouses since the age of 11. I ran away from a rural farm-guesthouse in County Kerry, after a serious of violent rapes and beatings, I was 14 years old. I was treated worse than their domestic animals. The diets of enslaved women and children were inadequate or barely adequate to meet the demands of their heavy workload. The women and children lived in crude quarters that left them vulnerable to bad weather, disease, rape and daily beatings. Their clothing and bedding were minimal at best, most children, wore a pair of ragged shorts, rarely washed, tatty underpants, the same, a coarse cloth shirt, and a worn jumper, a moth eaten overcoat in the winter, which also acted as a another blanket in the winter months, and a pair of socks and boots, both smelly, worn, with no laces, boots that leaked like a sieve and wooden socks full of holes. As a result many children suffered from bromodosis, fungal infections, were rampant in the Industrial Schools. In fact in all the Religious Gulags in Ireland. The women and children’s health needs, were inadequate, the Nuns believed in prayers and not medicines, which were costly, children were worth more dead than alive. There was no money for toothbrushes, toothpaste, most of the children suffered for various periodontal diseases, like gingivitis and bone loss, even to this day. There was little or no soap, a skimpy threadbare towel, that was shared by many others, and no toilet paper. As one Mother Superior wrote, and as many others did over the years-“Nothing else to do than to dispose of the Babies and Children” one Mother Superior wrote a grovelling letter to the Archbishop of Dublin in 1956. This Mother Superior just approved the sale of a 86 Babies and Children from her Mother and Baby Home to be exported, immediately to America as soon as possible, as the money was needed in their future expansion plans, for the refurbishment of both her convent and chapel in their Mother and Baby Home. Meanwhile babies and children in her care died from lack of basic food and hygiene. These babies and children can be found by their hundreds in a nearby septic tank or the convent cesspool. Thousands spent on new curtains, comfy sofas, bedding and cushions, as well as a repainted convent was money well spent than feeding ungrateful brats. After all the local Bishop will be calling for tea and not to see the ingrate slaves Sadly nothing new here in the casual cruelty of Irish Nuns disposing of Babies and Children in the many Mother and Baby Homes, Orphanages, or Magdalene Laundries of Ireland. Stunning when we look at it now, Irish Catholic Nuns sold human beings, Babies and Children by their thousands. The Religious Orders of Nuns, Priests, Brothers, profited from the sale of tens of thousands of slaves, and even more outrageous, profited from enslaved women, who worked as slaves in the Religious run Institutions of Ireland, the mothers of the babies and children the Religious Orders now sold. The disposal of thousands of unwanted babies and children was common in all the Religious run Gulags in Ireland, these babies and children the nuns couldn’t or wouldn’t feed, died, now lay or stacked in septic tanks or cesspools on convent grounds and other religious grounds throughout Ireland to this day. Slavery helped to fuel the growth of all the Religious Institutions, like Convents, Schools, Churches, Church Palaces, and religious organisations in Ireland. In fact all of the Religious Institutions and Orders of Nuns, Priests and Brothers owned slaves. The slaves were the unwed mothers and their children, who cleaned the Priest’s house, and in many cases both the mother or her child was probably raped by the Priest. The Religious Institutions and Orders in Ireland have expressed misgivings, fearful that exposing the past may leave them open to criticism and rightful compensation. The Religious Institutions and Orders in Ireland, now search and are destroying their own archives, and will never acknowledge or atone for their participation in Ireland’s system of human bondage, the trafficking of stolen Irish babies and children for profit. Stolen Irish babies and children, enslaved mothers, women whose involuntary sacrifices supported the growth of the Irish Catholic Church. Many in the Irish Catholic Church today have expressed unease about the decision to unearth the past and have encouraged the destroying of all records they hold. The Irish Catholic Church wants to whitewashed their history, but Irish Catholic Church’s ties to both child and women slavery were much deeper than had been previously publicised anywhere in Ireland. We must have a reckoning an accountability to described the extent of the Irish Catholic Church’s profits from the illegal sale of humans, babies and children and the profit of the forced use of their mothers in all the Religious run Institutions of Ireland. In many Irish communities the use of enslaved women was considered a mark of wealth and prestige for wealthy parishioners, Clergy and Nuns. It was not unusual for Catholic Priests and Nuns to relied on slave labour. Slave labour after all was used to run all the Magdalene Laundries, and Industrial Schools throughout Ireland. Irish people need to remember that The Cult, that ran Ireland were among the largest slaveholders in Ireland. The Cult needed slave women and children to run their commercial enterprises, all the Religious run Institutions were profit-making organisations at the expense of the unwed women and children. We know that many women and children also died from hunger, torture and rape in these Irish Gulags of Magdalene Laundries, Industrial Schools, Mother and Baby Homes and Orphanages of Ireland. Many if not all the unwed women that entered the Convents, the Mother and Baby Homes, as unwed single mothers, brought their human poverty, abject destitution as payment for debts, to the Nuns. The debts were to be paid of with the unwed mothers working as slaves, in the Magdalene Laundries, with the understanding that their babies or children would be sold of as well, records show. All the Convents in Ireland were funded and run on slaves. Irish Catholic Nuns bought, sold and bartered enslaved Irish women, their babies and children. At the time, Irish Nuns outnumbered Irish Priest in Ireland by almost four to one. There was a convent in almost every town in Ireland, and dozens of convents in the major cities, all rich and powerful. Some Nuns complained that they had to take care of “the disposal of our poor servants” their elderly slaves, who were no longer productive. Their elderly slaves, the helpless women were than offloaded to the local council to look after, rather then the Convent in which they the slave women spent a lifetime, unpaid. In some cases, many of the slave women were there in the convent for over 60 years as unpaid labours. Something else the selling of babies and children was profitable and the profit from the sale of babies and children would become a vital lifeline during a period of expansion, 1940-1960s. The Nuns throughout Ireland at that time 1940-1960s, embarked on a building campaign, which left them saddled with debt. To ease the financial strain, they sold thousands of babies and children, the records show. We Living Witnesses and Survivors of the Religious run Institutions of Ireland need to know who the babies and children who were illegally sold abroad were, we also need to know their proper names, know their story and make them visible. In truth the Irish Catholic Church and their religion has failed us, the Living Witnesses in every way. The slavery of our mothers, the women and children, and the illegal export and sale of babies and children has kept the Irish Catholic Church rich, fat and afloat. There are not enough words to empathise with the horror they, the Living Witnesses lived through, we must never accept forgiveness from our tormentors, The Cult, as they try to seek healing through empty prayers, a jumble of meaningless words, their prayers were always filled with hatred, of unwed mothers and their children. My Mother, my Brothers, my Sisters and myself were all slaves of The Cult, the Irish Catholic Church. My Mother Nora, was brutalised and died in a Magdalene Laundry, and is buried with hundreds of other dehumanised slave mothers and their children in a single grave, a cesspool in Cork. As for my lost Brothers and Sisters who I never met, but know of, have vanished within the forced labour Gulags, the godforsaken places of Ireland, the Religious run Institutions, the very profitable organisations run with the blessings, a desolate prayer asking for divine favour and protection by The Cult of Ireland. Tens of thousands of women and children were brutalised by their captors, the Nuns, The Priests, the Christian Brothers and other Irish Clerics. The unwed women and their children were brutalised by the harsh life in the forced labour Gulags, most didn’t survive, many that are alive today are reanimating life as the living dead. To all Living Witnesses in Ireland, of the Religious run Institutions, your nightmares come when you wake up. Irish Catholics can renounce The Cult, the Irish Catholic Church all they want, but it will not undo the pure evil they have sown. As Job 4:8 says “As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.” Decades of torture, rape, slavery and murder of tens of thousands of women and children in Ireland. Leaving in their wake thousands of ruined lives, of the Living Witnesses unnecessary suffering causing their further deaths. Sadly that is and will be The Cult, the Irish Catholic Church’s true legacy, leaving decades of ruined lives, torn and lost families, daily pain and suffering. Owen Felix O’Neill My Conclusions The question begs to be asked -Why did it happen? 1. Because the enablers of The Cult, the Irish Catholic Church rounded up tens of thousands of single women, unmarried women and their children they deemed inferior or undesirable—“life unworthy of life” and used the resources of the fledgling state to store up its power base. The Cult was the only power at that time in Ireland, they had hundreds of years of experience in manipulating ignorance. 2. Because The Cult, had supreme authority in a free Ireland and held superstitious Ireland and its fearful people in terror, The partition of Ireland was a boon for The Cult, they had the manpower, the resources, all the power. All Irish Politicians were irrational and paid homage, or were members to the only real power in Ireland, The Cult. 3. Because The Cult committed atrocities on its own, the enslavement of tens of thousands of women and children. The Cult had the active support of the powerful Cult Religious Organisations, like the Legion of Mary and many wealthy enablers, that supported The Cult. The Cult was viewed by the fearful population who hailed the Cult as a national saviour of both the Mother Church and Mother Ireland. In reality, Ireland needed a real democracy but not a credulous Cult. References;- Nevertheless, institutions in the Catholic Church continued to be linked with slavery throughout the 20th century. In Ireland, up to 30,000 women were forced into slave labour at those Magdalene Laundries/ Asylums ran by Catholic Church from 1922 to 1996. This year’s Day for Life will be celebrated in Ireland on Sunday 7 October and will focus on the theme of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery. PS. You couldn’t take these clowns seriously. The very people that trafficked in human misery, the selling of thousands of Irish babies and children, for profit. Felix O’Neill.
May 2022