Moral Hypocrite
So what does Archbishop Diarmuid Martin really believe, he talks with fake humility about the hundreds of pedophile Priests, roaming raping thousands of children, around Dublin City. According to Archbishop Martin, it would appear that each pedophile Priest raped a hundred or more children each. Where is the moral outrage, as the Archbishop of Dublin talks about hundreds of his fellow pedophile Priests, member of his Cult. Let’s see, one hundred pedophile Priests, that is 10,000 children, raped, by 100 Catholic Priests- but the Archbishop confirms that 100s of pedophile Priests operated in Dublin. Now was it 200 pedophile Priests, that would be 20,000 children, raped, or 300, that would be 30,000 children, raped. Maybe the Archbishop meant more, pedophile Priests, he did say “hundreds” -maybe 500, 600, 700, 800, 900… that would be 10s of thousands of children raped. This is a fecking outrage, not a moral outrage, A F—KING OUTRAGE!!—Please “Pardon my French”-- I have been writing about child rape by The Cult on my website for 2 years now and a dozen years before that. I spent the first 18 years of my early life in a few Religious run Institutions. Anyone who thinks that Archbishop Martin didn’t know what his Clerics were up to in Dublin and the Religious run Institutions throughout Ireland are delusional. Dr. Martin may stick to his idiosyncratic beliefs, I knew Diarmuid Martin since the 1960s when he was a Priest- Student, as a resident of the Boys Club I told Diarmuid Martin, myself. After all, most of his classmates, fellow Priests he trained with during the 1960s at Clonliffe College in Dublin, are behind bars for the crime of the rape of children, and not one child but hundreds and maybe a thousand or more. Also Fr. Diarmuid Martin was a acolyte of one Archbishop John Charles McQuaid of Dublin, who we now know was a pedophile who founded the Boys Club. Filling the Boys Club with vulnerable, damaged boys from the Industrial Schools, where industrial torture and rape was the norm. The Boys Club was founded for the pleasure of the Cult and its visiting Clergy, who came far and wide, for frightened vulnerable boys to rape and abuse. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin- “Any organisation has to ask how is it that, at a particular time, there was a large number of serial paedophiles. When I’m talking about serious paedophiles, we’re talking about hundreds,” (of Priests). There is lack of moral outrage in Ireland in relation to the pillage and rape of children by the Catholic Priests of The Cult, as told by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin’s interview in most of the Ireland’s Sunday newspapers on the 7th. of April 2019. Wartime sexual violence like Clerical rapes of children also include gang rape and rape with objects, like crucifixes. Rape can also be recognised as genocide or ethnic cleansing when committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a targeted group, like Orphans in the Religion run Institutions, in Ireland, or the Magdalene Laundries and other Religious run Institutions. Let’s be clear, these men of Christ, those Priests were not men of Christian Charity, no, their only god was absolute power, money, influence and they the Clergy intended to impose and protect it at every opportunity. There is no mistake, our sanctimonious Archbishop, Dr. Diarmuid Martin is a lying hypocrite in every sense of the word, how could he not know, it would be ridiculous to believe otherwise. Archbishop Martin pretends to have virtues, deep rooted beliefs, both moral and religious, that he does not actually possess, as can be clearly seen by his actions. Archbishop Martin knew for over 50 years, yes he knew what was happening at the Boys Club, he certainly knew what was happening in the Parishes, and for sure he knew what was happening in the Religious run Institutions in Ireland. If he didn’t as he claims, then he is a fool, but Dr. Diarmuid Martin is no halfwit, make no mistake, Dr. Diarmuid Martin is nobody’s cretin. He has played the Cult system very well at the expense of the thousands of raped vulnerable Children, and Irish History will judge him harshly for it. He could have stopped it or at least acted 50 years earlier, but he choose his rising career instead and as his Bible says-Galatians 6:7: 'Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. However, we now know thanks to the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin that rape by 100s of his Priests, remains widespread and is still widespread in Ireland in general. Rape and brutality were carried out on an industrial scale in all the Religion run Institutions, of Ireland, on the vulnerable children in all these Religion run Institutions by the Clergy, both male and female. It now also appears that Cult Priests, carried out on an industrial scale, the rapes on thousands of children in the general population as well as the industrial scale rapes in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland. This is overwhelmingly to take in, the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin has acknowledged and confirmed that 100s of his Priests of The Cult have raped thousands of vulnerable children throughout his Dublin Parishes. A campaign of terror and rape of the innocence, vile evil, perpetrated by pedophile Priests of The Cult. The Cult that stalks our country and history, ravaging the innocence of infants and children. Archbishop Martin- the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, has revealed that some (hundreds) Priests sexually raped so many innocent children they could not remember all their victims’ names. Sunday Times. The International Criminal Court in the The Hague, in the Netherlands, defines rape as follows:- The perpetrator invaded the body of a person by conduct resulting in penetration, however slight, of any part of the body of the victim or of the perpetrator with a sexual organ, or of the anal or genital opening of the victim with any object or any other part of the body." and The invasion was committed by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment, or the invasion was committed against a person incapable of giving genuine consent. The Cult of the Catholic Church use gang rape of children as a socialisation tactic during their detention in the Religious run Institutions.The Clerics used gang rape of children and sexually tortured, as a means of control in the various Religious run Institutions in Ireland. It enabled the Clerics of The Cult to--
While Institutional rape and sexually torture of thousands of children was a tool, a weapon of control, it did serve as a primary tool to create a cohesive in the Religious Orders that ran the Religious run Institutions. The Cult could take anything they wanted without fear of retribution from both the Irish State and the Irish Police. I always believed that the Cult and the pedophile Priests of The Cult had no concept of divine retribution. What after all is a Magdalene Laundry if not a place where an emotionally-damaged nation, like Ireland can hide its dirty linen, and laundered secrets. Savagely suppress all its religious shame, with the stain of unwanted love, the sinful stain of rape within the christian family. The scourge and stain of unmarried mothers, which must be crushed and demoralised. All the Church’s hate of the stain of illegitimate children, the church’s twisted ideology is stained with the guilt of shame and contempt for the children. The stain that allows its Clerics to trample and humiliation them, the women and their children. The stain of starvation, the stain of daily beatings and rape, and finally the ultimate stain, to dispose of them, the women and their children in secret mass graves, like septic tanks. This was the dirty linen the Catholic Church hid from the Irish people and the world, the dirty linen stains behind cloister walls. Some indelible stains, like indelible memories cannot be easily removed, no matter how hard they try. The Religious run Institutions provided the Religious Orders with the perfect psychological backdrop to give vent to their contempt for unmarried women and their children. The maleness of the Religious Orders, in general as in the boys Industrial schools in Ireland, mostly run by the Christian Brothers. Their brute power exclusive to their hands, the spiritual bonding of the undisciplined Christian Brothers and Catholic Priests. The manly discipline of Religious Orders given and orders obeyed, the simple logic of the hierarchical command of The Cult, confirmed for the men, the boys of the Christian Brothers and the Priesthood, what they long suspect, that women, the Nuns were peripheral to their world. Child rape and sexually tortured was a recognised weapon used by the Clerical classes that controlled the Religious run Institutions in Ireland. In reality, many of the Clerics of The Cult "Men who rape and sexually tortured children were ordinary decent people, according to Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin and made unordinary by entry into the most exclusive male-only club in the world" all run by The Cult. The Cult of the Catholic Church depends on this, that both perpetrator, the pedophile Clerics, and the Survivors enter a conspiracy of silence. This is why male Survivors of the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, often find, once their story is told or discovered, that they, the male Survivors lose the support and comfort of those friends and family around them. Sadly for many male victims of sexual Clerical violence who are so deeply ingrained with guilt and religious guilt that the mere existence of male rape will always be denied, no matter what. Each to their own, I no longer feel ashamed of my rapes at the hands of multiple Christian Brothers and Catholic Priests in the many Religious run Institutions in Ireland, for the first 18 years of my life. My rapes and nightmares are something I no longer want to hide or feel ashamed about. I honestly want to use my survival to inform others, there is hope for Survivors, and that hope is, we must tackle this together with dignity and be accountable to those that can’t speak or are unable to speak. Those children that were raped, tortured and murdered, I know I have a duty to them and also to humanity as a whole. Our hypocritical Archbishop, Diarmuid Martin also has a moral duty to them also, but Archbishop Diarmuid Martin pays lip service to the thousands of raped and violated children. Sanctimonious and self-righteous Archbishop Martin never committed himself to it in any substantial way to the raped children. Honour forces us to think about what’s best for Humanity, and not necessarily what’s best for our individual needs like you, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin protecting The Cult and its pedophile Priests, at all cost. He also talks about “the horrendous and evil acts,” “moral failure” by his Church and Cult, and he goes on about his “deep grief, great sadness, feelings of betrayal, even anger” that followed, new revelations of more children raped by his pedophile Priests. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin then says sorry. I for one don't believe it and neither should you. You can’t say sorry or rebuilt the lives of the thousands of children that your Clerics, tortured, raped, and destroyed. Their destroyed innocent childhoods, their destroyed families, their destroyed trusts, their religions and their future. The raped children that didn’t make it, fallen by the wayside, died by their own hands in grief and despair. Please Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, STOP LYING. Owen Felix O’Neill
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