Let us examine the Irish Catholic Church’s enablers and their vulgarisation of various modern philosophers and the distinguished academics who supported the Irish Catholic Church and their brutal reign in Ireland. Many academics carried overtones of saintliness combined with the suggestion of profound learning, when really they had dubious degrees and ennobled themselves with bullshit. John Charles McQuaid, Primate of Ireland and Archbishop of Dublin between December 1940 and January 1972, even selected the editors of every newspaper in Ireland. McQuaid, who once said that brutality is respectful, took all the ingredients of a frightened and ignorant Ireland, mixed old superstitions with Christian superstitions from his cabinet of bigotry and loathing, combined them in his private transmutation lab and turned the idiosyncratic Irish mixture into a honeyed elixir that the Irish masses willingly drank. The Irish Catholic Church learned to hate democracy because, as Nietzsche said, it “encouraged mediocrity.” The Irish Catholic Church wanted a uniquely Catholic Theocratic State, a form of civil government of which God himself (McQuaid), would be recognised as the head. Fear is absolutely indispensable in the founding of a new power and that new power was to be The Irish Catholic Theocratic State - an ecclesiocracy in which Priests ruled in the name of Jesus Christ. For close on eighty years Ireland had such an ecclesiocracy in which the Catholic Bishops were the temporal rulers. The Irish State used the administrative hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church for its own administration, with the administrators being the Clergy who were, of course, also subordinate to the religious hierarchy. The Irish Clerics were an Oligarchy of Ireland, a power structure in which real power rested with a small number of Priests and which involved the rule of the many by the few, some of whom were anointed under claim of divine commission. Throughout history, oligarchies have always been tyrannical, relying on the existence of absolute public obedience and oppression. As can now be seen from recently uncovered scandals, the Irish Catholic Church was no different in that respect. The Irish Catholic Church used their skills for their own benefit, recruiting enablers and volunteers to select the civil servants who would perform judicial, executive, and administrative functions. They also controlled every lever of power in the budding Irish State including the election of parliamentary representatives (T.Ds.), who, once elected, abrogated their legal responsibilities and, instead kowtowed to the Irish Bishops. The Irish Bishops, in effect, appointed all Irish government positions including judges, ambassadors and other diplomatic posts. and, of course, all the doctors in their Church-run hospitals. They also appointed all the teachers and academics at the schools, colleges and universities of which 99% were controlled by the Irish Catholic Church. They also controlled all media outlets, including the “State-run” broadcasting service, managed the banning of “unsuitable” books, plays, movies and television, exiled famous Irish writers and prohibited visits by international writers. De facto, they controlled the words and thoughts of the Irish people. With no opposition, they went about raping, torturing and murdering women and children in their thousands while their enablers looked the other way. In this ecclesiocracy of Ireland, there was the situation where the Irish Catholic Church leaders assumed a leading role in running the Irish State affairs, and McQuaid and his Clerics felt they were divinely sanctioned and blessed with divine authority to do so. Just as monarchs of old believed in the divine right of Kings, McQuaid and his henchmen believed they had God's mandate to rule and, as McQuaid further asserted, as Archbishop he was not subject to any earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from the will of a Higher Being and thus not subject to the will of his people. This assertion implies that only God can judge an unjust Archbishop and that any attempt to depose, dethrone or restrict his powers would run contrary to the will of Almighty God and would constitute a sacrilegious act. Like an Emperor of Rome, McQuaid maintained that his office and rule was not only divinely approved but also constitutional. The duly elected Government of Ireland shamefully conceded, prostrated itself before him and his Clerics, and accepted his divine right to rule. [The Roman Catholic Church’s notion of a divine right of Kings is traced to a story found in Samuel 1, where the prophet Samuel anoints Saul and then David as Messiah or King over the Land of Israel. The anointing is such that the monarch became inviolable, so that even when Saul sought to kill David, David would not raise his hand to defend himself against him because "He was the Lord's anointed".] Archbishop McQuaid was often heard to say in Latin, “Dieu et mon droit”-“God and my right” - he wanted his followers to believe that he was the Father of the Irish State. McQuaid also said that Archbishops are not only God's lieutenants upon earth and sit upon God's throne, and, even by God himself, they are called gods. (The reference to "God's lieutenants" is apparently a reference to the text in Romans 13 where Paul refers to "God's ministers".) Irish Catholic Priests, en bloc, raped children, marking them as their territory and using their position in God’s light as an excuse to rob babies of their irretrievable innocence. For many decades, no matter how bad it got, the Irish Catholic Church’s enablers also covered it up, in order to avoid prosecution and protect the Church. There is now no longer any question in anyone’s mind that the Irish Catholic Church is a criminal cabal, hiding behind and using religion to commit their most evil deeds of raping, torturing, and even murdering innocent boys and girls and being protected by a network of religious fanatics. We wouldn’t tolerate this behaviour in any other organisation in the world, and yet we allow it to happen in the Cabal Ministry known as the Irish Catholic Church - an organisation that is irreligious, secretive, murderous, evil, treacherous, sadistic, compassionless, and filled with psychopaths. The genetic make-up of these clerics is dramatically different from the rest of us. They completely lack compassion and empathy; they exude glibness and superficial charm under many false fronts; they are ruthless, self-centred sociopaths wrapped in lies. These are their genetic traits. Many of them are also sadistic child rapists who engage in satanic rituals in which children are raped, tortured and murdered. Let’s be honest here: the Roman Catholic Church is a worldwide organisation filled with mind-manipulators and pedophiles. These Christian Criminals are notorious for their hypocrisy, their disdain for the truth, their complete lack of integrity, and their utter lack of compassion or concern for anybody or anything but themselves. They are nothing short of presumptuous, repugnant, and reprehensible. They suffer from general poverty, from moral depravity and insanity and truly exhibit the symptoms of Dissociative Personality Disorder in that they seem to possess no sense of ethics pertaining to the rights of others, especially children. Priests and Nuns are born fabulists, with an imagination unfettered by the laws of logic and probability, they are emotionally shallow and show a lack of guilt even to this very day as, for example, the Nuns who don’t see a problem with having flushed thousands of babies down a sluice into a septic tank in their Mother and Baby Homes and Convents. These Nuns were (and are) psychopaths and notorious for their lack of fear. Why else would they dispose of babies in this fashion? The well- honed tools of the Catholic Church range from untruthfulness and insincerity, to outright pathological lying. It is now a well known fact, accepted world-wide, that Priests are more likely to be pedophiles than any other group. Why do we, as a society, condone pedophilia in the Irish Catholic Church and accept the systematic cover-ups of child rape, murder and other abuse? The Roman Catholic Church has been involved in the organised enabling of rape and murder of children for over 2,000 years. The perspectives of the Roman Catholic Church are so similar because the truth is so evident. The raping of children always starts in the local parish but runs all the way up to the very top, even to the Pope. If people continue to support and give money to the Catholic Church, then they are complicit in the continued ritualistic and systematic rape of children, thus enabling the Catholic Church in its many crimes. Owen Felix O’Neill
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May 2022