The human invention of god is the problem to begin with. I shall start with a quote- “Violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and tribalism and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children: organised religion ought to have a great deal on its conscience.” ― Christopher Hitchens, God is Not Great;- How Religion Poisons Everything. A Catholic Priest is a Priest, once he is ordained, he is a Priest forever. Clerical Rape is a “terrible tragedy. You can’t outrun your nightmares, it penetrates your inner dreams, it perforates your well being, dulling your psychic pain with fear. You relive the rape forever, it permeates your entire stressed-out existence, in time you will decide to take an eternal sleep. Your new found friends, like drugs, and drink will accompany you to many strange places, debauchery opens the nine circles of hell. Dark places were friendship goes to die, were anger, pity, violence, fraud, and treachery mix, fighting for your loyalty. Lecherousness will be your constant bed time companion, depravity will be your blanket, your comfort pillow will be lasciviousness, the cruel corruption of human nature, will be your original sin. Your inner demons will act as your fathers, a cruel god’s punishment for your immorality. Your rapist, your pedophile Priest, who stole your innocent childhood, will slip in and out of your life, like the Cheshire Cat with his distinctive mischievous grin. Your rapist ability to appear and disappear at will, with his enormous grin, will be maddening. Your rapist like the cheshire cat with his evaporating and shapeshifting skills, his sarcastic and slightly dark personality, and his stealthy attitude, will forever haunt you. In fact, in your anxious nightmares, the entire pedophile disappears, leaving only his grin behind. Your Catholic pedophile Priest is a metaphorical devil, who will haunt and chase you through life and your dreams, forever. To terrify children with the image of hell, to consider women an inferior creation that is a true abomination. Many Irish Bishops talk about the many “acts of kindness” and “deep faith” of their convicted pedophile Priests, even after many of the pedophile Priests admitted to fondling or raping thousands of children in their local communities. Some children were even raped in their own homes, while their parents were in other rooms. A few of the children after been raped, tried to commit suicide or committed suicide days after their rapes, such was the shame. A few of the children while in the local hospital were visited by their rapists at their hospital beds, and raped or fondled again. Child rape “was rampant and widespread, throughout Ireland, it touched every diocese, thousands of children and it is worse then horrifying. All of the child victims were brushed aside, by the powerful Catholic Church, by church leaders who preferred to protect the rapists and their institutions above all. Catholic Priests were raping little boys and girls, and the men of God who were responsible not only did nothing, they actively hid it all. Top Roman Catholic leaders in Ireland covered up decades of child sexual rape, involving tens of thousands of children and thousands of Clerics. Many senior church officials, including a few now in prominent posts nationally here in Ireland, were named as complicit in the 4 Official Government Reports about Child Rape and the Cover-Up. The Catholic Church routinely prioritising their institution the Catholic Church, over the welfare of vulnerable children in their care, according to all the Official Irish Government Reports, published to date. All of this adds up to the inescapable conclusion that the Catholic Church, which is a business that thrives on schadenfreude, is more of a boys-club for masochist pedophiles and sadism than a real religious institution, that it is utterly corrupt the whole rotten edifice will soon fall down because of evil. For almost 2000 years, a terrible cancer, a stain of pure evil that has been inflicted on humanity. No other organisation in Man’s history has done so much to children, whole-scale child rape. If the word religion was not used, this structure of hatred, this church, this Vatican of pedophiles and rapists, would have been, long ago, burned to the ground and all its Clerics Imprisoned. Both the Clerics and its Church were wrong to inflict their superstitious beliefs on everyone else, after all this is now the true Church of Pedophiles, as history will soon show, and no child will ever be safe as long as it, the Church of Pedophilia is allowed to stand. Many Pedoholic Priests were part of a “ring of predatory Priests, that roamed Dublin City at the time, visiting the Boy’s Club and other Boys Clubs to pick up and rape children, share intelligence on potential victims, and manufacture child pornography in parishes and rectories throughout Ireland. Some Priests used whips, crosses, violence, and sadism in raping children, the Priests, would give their boys, their favourite boys gold crosses, to wear, they favoured. The child could wear the gold cross, innocently not knowing that he was been marked out as a prime target for future rape. Pedophile Priest were recycled through Church-owned treatment centres, both in Ireland and abroad. Many professional experts, dismissed the churches therapy at such church holiday camps, as largely existed to “launder pedophile Priests” and “provide plausible deniability to the Bishops who permitted hundreds, if not thousands of known pedophiles to return to Priestly duties. Pedoholic Priests preyed on vulnerable children, and their superiors either ignored or hid allegations while shuffling pedophiles from Parish to Parish. When the Catholic Church settled with the Survivors, all had to sign strict confidentiality agreements, ensuring their silence forever. Despite the wide-ranging criminal behaviour of the Catholic Church, it still goes unpunished. The rape of Irish children in the Religious run Institutions and also all the parishes throughout Ireland is but only a tip of an immense iceberg that reaches all the way to the Vatican. The Roman Catholic Church long ago institutionalised rape and the practice of covering up the most vile and horrific rapes of children by it’s Clergy. Thus enabling pedophile Priests and other Clerics to enjoy lifelong careers of rape, sodomy, torture and even murder. When the hierarchy was informed, they shifted the pedophile Priests around from one Parish to another, or from one county to country, where the rapes of more innocent children would continue unabated. From the first time that men poured concrete into its foundations, the Vatican was infected with a construction of lies. For over 1,500 years we humans watched with a sense of both horror and delight, a house, a temple of deceit grow and took form. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. They, the Clerics who built the Temple came to plunder, murder as pillagers of Humanity. The Clerics as deceivers and liars came to destroy life and Humanity. Catholics throughout the world don't expect their Priests and Bishops to lie, but Clerics do lie. Some even make a virtue of it, after all Clerics make a living from lying. The human invention of god is the first problem to begin with. So many Catholic Priests have been exposed as rapists and pedophiles that it is reasonable to assume that the great majority of Catholic Priests are abusive pedophiles and only a very small minority are not involved. The question is how putrid is the Institution of the Catholic Church, how long can it survive given that it is inevitable that more and more of the Survivors world-wide will start to come forward seeking natural justice. Please what is the tipping point, a few more million innocent children, raped? a few million more suicides? The entire hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church is complicit and utterly guilty, including the Pope, its leader. What to do ? I know what I would do, burn it to the f…ing ground. Owen Felix O'Neill As Nietzsche wrote in "Beyond Good and Evil," “No one is such a liar as an indignant man.”.
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