The Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, shouldn’t get special deference on the criminal investigation now opened on his time as both a student priest and his earlier time as a ordained Priest at the Boy’s Club in Dublin. Too many Catholic Priests preach truth, but live a lie. People don't expect their Priests and Bishops to lie, but Clerics do lie. Some even make a virtue of it.
Why no-one is above the law, it should mean that the law applies to everyone, no-one is above the law. The secular laws of Ireland must be applied the same regardless of race, gender, status or any other consideration. If the mantra "no one is above the law" is true, is it equally true that "no one is beneath the law”? That is a question I pose here in this article, take for example, should the sitting Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin be above the law, the answer is clearly no. For many years, the Irish Catholic Church, known as The Cult ruled Ireland and controlled all levers of power in the Irish State, without running for election. The Irish Catholic Church introduced a twisted ideology of fear and superstition into the country's legal and judicial systems of Ireland. The shift from the traditional legal system (the "normative state") to the Cult ideological mission (the "prerogative state”) enabled all of the subsequent acts of the Irish Catholic Church regime, including its atrocities to be performed "legally". For this to succeed, the normative judicial system needed to be reworked, Irish Judges, Lawyers and other Civil Servants acclimatised themselves to the new Cult laws and personnel. All Irish Lawyers and Judges were staunch Catholics and staunchest supporters of The Cult and its twisted policies. The Cults influence increased after the 1922 Irish Free State Constitution Act 1922 passed, which was an Act of the Parliament of the UK. Enact in UK law the Constitution of the Irish Free State, which formally ratify the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty of 6 December 1921. But the real Irish constitution was passed and more so after The Cult wrote the new 1937 constitution. The Cult, and not The Irish Government, amended the Irish act in 1933, and the 1937 constitution repealed the entire Free State constitution. The new Irish constitution of 1937 was written by Monsignor John Charles McQuaid, soon be be Archbishop and ruler of Ireland. Monsignor McQuaid, was then President of the Blackrock College In County Dublin. The College was founded by the Congregation of the Holy Ghost in 1860, providing a first class Catholic education for Irish boys. The new elites or rulers of Ireland were to be trained at this Catholic College. Although never a Seminary College, some ordinations have taken place in Blackrock. Blackrock College was the bastion of Irish Catholicism for over 100 years. The Arch-Catholic and architect of the new Irish Constitution of 1937 was Monsignor John Charles McQuaid, the real ruler of Ireland. The Irish Catholic Church and the Irish State began to visibly collaborate, immediately. The crowning of Archbishop McQuaid in 1940 as Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland, led the belief that the Irish Catholic Church embodied ultimate authority to which secular leaders were subordinate. The ensuing Irish Catholic Church continued this perception for many decades, in fact to this very day. By restricting civil liberties and granting increased power to the The Cult, the Irish Clerics arrested and detained thousands of women and children to work in their slave camps of Magdalene Laundries, Orphanages and Industrial Schools of Ireland, as well The Cult had control of all the Schools, Colleges and Universities of Ireland. Legislative power was given to McQuaid so his government of Clerics, The Cult could create laws without Irish Consent. The rubber stamp of the elected Irish Government, designated The Cult, and its Clerics as above the law. The Cult moved quickly to consolidate McQuaid’s rise to power, and The Cult ideology was imposed immediately on all of Irish Society. The new Irish Constitution of 1937 enabled McQuaid to usurp his new found powers, and his dictatorship was built upon his position as the newly installed Archbishop of Dublin in 1940. Archbishop McQuaid was the real Head of the Irish State. When Ireland was completely under the rule of The Cult, the number and severity of Church laws increased. In Catholic Ireland, at the time and for many decades later the Irish Civil Service provided a legal framework to deprive Irish people of their rights, special women. Opportunities to create anti-women policies were coveted, and career bureaucrats came together and developed increasingly-dramatic policies. Their familiarity with the legal system enabled them to easily manipulate it. Many of the new bureaucrats were trained at Blackrock Catholic College which was the bastion of Irish Catholicism for well over 100 years. The Irish Judiciary lost its independence as it was increasingly controlled by The Cult, tested Irish Catholic Judges were soon appointed by The Cult, as were Editors of all the newspapers and media in Ireland. Judges or Editors who opposed The Cult were brutally dismissed, the overarching legal catholic principles became The Cult’s new creed. Coming from a longstanding authoritarian, conservative, and a very narrow Irish nationalist tradition, Irish Judges believed deeply in reinforcing The Cult’s authority, ensuring public respect for the law, and guaranteeing that The Cult’s actions had a legal basis. At the same time, Irish Judges didn’t valued judicial independence, it was about them keeping their jobs and perks. Irish Judges rendered judgments based on sound fundamental Catholic Church legal principles. There was no equality of all Irish Citizens, the right of an accused person to a fair trial, was laughable as was the concept that there could be no crime or penalty without prior Church law. After all we here in Catholic Ireland at the time and we must remember, we were living under the dictate policies and tyranny of The Cult. The Irish Catholic Church undermined the authority of a willing Irish State, using the old boy network of the premier Catholic Colleges such as Blackrock College and St Patrick's College, Maynooth, County Kildare. St Patrick's College, Maynooth was a Seminary College for the education of tens of thousands of middle class boys, later to be come Priests, the largest Seminary in the world. The Irish elected Government facilitated, rather than hindered, The Cult’s ability to carry out their agenda. Legislative acts, and case law at the time shows the gradual process by which The Cult leadership, with support or acquiescence from the majority of the Irish people, including judges, newspapers, and businesses moved the Irish Nation from a democracy to a Catholic theological society. McQuaid controlled the media and arts, making sure that Ireland was fed The Cult’s ideology while censoring all information. Radios at the time were cheap to buy and would broadcast The Cult’s messages and speeches. Loudspeakers were installed and used in all public places and on Church properties, blared out The Cult’s propaganda. All Irish or other media that conveyed anti-Cult ideas or even other ways of life, were censored. Censorship of newspapers, radio, cinema and the theatre were strictly enforced. Only books which agreed with The Cult’s point of view were allowed. All other books were banned and many were publicly burned or banned in Ireland. The Cult’s philosophy taught that women and unwed women were subhuman. As a result of these beliefs, The Cult took the following actions:- They detained the unwed women and their children in their Gulags, or work camps throughout Ireland. 42% of the children and babies died and 21 % of the women died in the Irish religious Gulags. Many more children and babies were illegally trafficked into North America. We know from the illegal drug experiments carried out in all the Gulags, that a few of the unwed women were sterilised. The Cult also house mentally ill and disabled women and their children, allowing many of the children or babies to die from hunger and neglect. The Cult also imprisoned unwed women and their children because they regarded them as anti-social thus enslaved them in the profit making Gulags of Magdalene Asylums, Orphanages and Industrial Schools of Ireland. Few Irish People at the time spoke out against The Cult and its policies, the few who could, faced years of intimidation and threats from the powerful Clerics, hence, there was little open opposition to the power of The Cult. Through rigid censorship and propaganda, The Cult eliminated opposition in the Irish media and Irish society in general. Irish people lived in fear of being denounced by local neighbours and the local Priests, or their children in local church controlled schools, been picked up and sent to the slave camps, such as the Magdalene Asylums or Industrial Schools of Ireland. Many Irish People genuinely believed that The Cult was the real rulers of Ireland and that its Clerics couldn’t do no wrong. If there was a negative side as a ‘necessary evil’ it was that it would be better then been ruled by the heathen English across the water. No Catholic Priests or Cleric opposed The Cult. Even the Pope issued a message calling Ireland a true Catholic Country, this message was read in every Catholic Church in Ireland. In 1948 John Costello, became Taoiseach and he sent a message to the Pope as de Valera had done in 1932. His message assured the Pope of “our filial loyalty and our devotion, as well as our firm resolve to be guided in all our work by the teaching of Christ. The principles of Irish Catholic Faith was enshrined in Irish Civil Law, some of the Taoiseachs of Ireland were repulsively arrogant. The census carried out in 1961 revealed that 95% of the Irish population in the Republic of Ireland were Roman Catholic, this is why The Cult could do as it wished and did. In a draft memo on Church and State, (Later Archbishop) John Charles McQuaid wrote: The State acknowledges that the true religion is that established by Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Which he committed to His Church to protect and propagate, as the guardian and interpreter of true morality. Further, the State acknowledges that the Church of Christ is a (perfect) society, having within itself full competence and sovereign authority, in respect for the spiritual good of men. And this above from the man, Archbishop John Charles McQuaid that wrote the Irish Constitution, he didn’t write it for Ireland, he wrote it for both his Church, The Cult and himself, as its leader. Ireland was the centre of a spiritual empire, and presented as a morally superior counterweight to the British Empire. This also is the man that ran an Irish empire of Gulags of slaves in Ireland, of the Magdalene Asylums, Industrial Schools and Orphanages, where tens of thousands died from simple neglect. Where was the Christian compassion then when over 200,000 women and children were enslaved, brutalised, raped, beaten, sold and murdered in the Religious run Gulags of Ireland. The Catholic Church always proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. I have often wondered was human life sacred in the Religious run Gulags of Ireland when thousands of babies, children and women were murdered, or starved to death. It clearly wasn’t, many of these women, babies and children are still in mass graves, septic tanks, or cesspools still hidden on Church Lands in Ireland to this day. Owen Felix O’Neill Vatican II called for the formation of "people who will respect the moral order, will obey lawful authority, and be lovers of true freedom." It is a lofty vision for the Christian citizen, but no more so than the cryptic admonition of Jesus: "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's, but give to God what is God's" (Matt. 22:21).
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