Rape Classification;-
Different Types of Rape that the Clerics of the Irish Catholic Church used, The Cult used rape of children in all their Religious run Gulags in Ireland.
All the above classifications of Rape took place on a daily basis in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, by the Christian Clerics that ran them, like -The Christian Brother, the different groups of Nuns that ran the Institutions, the Catholic Priests, other Male Religious Orders who ran and visited the many Religious run Institutions of Ireland. In fact as I said before all Orphanages, Industrial Schools, Magdalene Laundries, Hospitals, and Asylums throughout Ireland, were the “Rape Rooms” for any and all Christian Clerics, both male and female. Don’t take my word for it, please read any of the Official Irish Government Reports. I too was a product of these Religious run Institutions in Ireland, for 18 years, my story like thousands of others, boys and girls, can be found both in The Ryan Report http://www.childabusecommission.ie/ or in many of my articles I wrote, which can be found on www.tuambabies.org There are still a few thousand boys and girls, alive today. Now men and women of these Religious run Institutions of Ireland. I call them “Living Witnesses” to the horrors that took place in all of the Religious run Institutions in Ireland. Owen Felix O’Neill
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May 2022