A geriatric 82 year so called old holy man, dressed from head to foot in ivory white and off his delusional medication, unsteadily strolls out to his balcony window in his ostentatiously costly and opulent palace and waves at his adoring fervent fans below, in St. Peter's Square, in Rome and says- “Satan is attacking his Bishops; they must fight with prayer,” and the overwrought old man continues- “Bishops must remember, particularly when under attack, that their role is to pray, be humble in knowing God chose them and remain close to the people, said the agitated patient in his early morning homily”.
On the opulent palace balcony this schizophrenia person, speaks and deals with other distressed male patients, waiting in their ostentatious and luxurious wards behind him. All garlishly dressed in robes of scarlet red silk dresses with their chains of gold pyramid of problems, like the diseases of raping, torturing and killing children, and their collective coverups, while continuing to pillage and loot, millions of innocent children’s childhoods. The senile man and his followers can be further characterised by holding idiosyncratic beliefs of a supernatural nature, and make hypothetical propositions and statements, that are contradicted by reality and rational argument and thought. Typically as a symptom of his and their mental disorders, he, claims to be a direct descendant of a mystical figure called St. Peter and he should be hospitalised immediately for schizophrenia and delusional paranoia. Psychosis is a symptom, not an illness, when St. Peter's disciple loses touch with reality and sees, hears, believing things that aren’t real. Of course the other delusional old men behind him, are known as Cardinals and Bishops in The Papal Basilica, also hold on to untrue and strange beliefs, the poor delusional and vulgar old boys in their palaces, imagine they hear and see things too that don’t exist. You see the difference between what’s real and what’s not is, in his and their speeches which are unclear and their behaviour is disorganised, bordering on blind panic. This St. Peter’s disciple, now feels paranoid, experiencing hallucinations, about a mystical figure called Satan and is having trouble expressing clear coherent ideas, how very sad. Also these mentally deranged old men, standing behind him, resplendent in their richly colourful dresses, with their criminal personalities, need to see their psychiatrists immediately, maybe he or she can unexplained their strange thinkings and perceptions. The trained psychiatrists might be able to find out what caused their unorthodox believes and belief and uncover any related conditions. They will be diagnose with mental illnesses after ruling out other things that could be causing their psychotic symptoms. After all, they all read, believe and consult a 4th.century ancient book of lies dressed up in Latin and this outdated book they try to use to justify their very existence and the very existence of the world. The first obvious manifestations of a figure called Satan which is attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding and the laws of nature, can be found in ancient literature, going back thousands of years. How ironic that Peter’s apostle also said, “it seems like the Devil, "the great accuser, has been let loose and he's got it in for our tawdry Bishops”. He also is so convinced that Satan is ultimately to blame for both the sexual rapes of millions of children world wide, and the world-wide coverup of the heinous crimes, and not his rabelaisian Bishops and lewd Priests. Also that he the true descendant of St. Peter, has enlisted the aid of another mystical historical figure called St. Michael the Archangel. The talking and ramblings of this paranoid old man, who continues to suffer from horrific hallucinations, says that St. Michael the Archangel was the leader of a band of imaginary angels who ousted Satan, the fallen angel, from paradise, or heaven . In the New Testament story, this St. Michael, leads God's armies against Satan’s forces in the fantastical Book of Revelation, where during the War in Heaven, St. Michael defeats Satan. Now in Catholic mythology Satan, also known as the Devil, is an enemy in the Abrahamic Religions that seduces us humans into sin and falsehood. According to this humble and lecherous St. Peter’s disciple and his lascivious Bishops, The Holy Bible is God’s Laws and history. In reality the Books of the Bible are rooted in a genre of speculative fiction set in a fictional universe, often without any locations, events, or people referencing the real world. Also its roots are in oral traditions, which then became literature and drama. This book, commonly known as The Bible, is and can be seen as a speculative fiction book that contains unrealistic settings, and magic, often set in a fictional universe, involving mythical beings and supernatural forms as a primary element of the plot, themes, and settings. I haven’t invented this, please don’t take my word for it, forget the religion, just read the book known as the Bible as a story, it is a very fine fantasy as escapism. In the book of myths known as Genesis from the Bible, it does not mention a Satan or Devil. Satan is often identified as the serpent in the garden of Eden and played a minimal role in Christian theology always used as a comic relief figure. Hard to believe, recently Satan's significance greatly increased as beliefs such as demonic possession and witchcraft became more prevalent. During the Age of Enlightenment, belief in the existence of Satan became harshly criticised. Nonetheless, belief in Satan has persisted, to this day, encouraged by the dishonest and unscrupulous scoundrels of the descendant of St. Peter, his preposterous Bishops and Cardinals from their opulent palaces. This degenerate old man, St. Peter’s disciple now speaks, and who firmly believes that a mythical figure of Satan incites humans to sin by infecting their minds with evil suggestions. He also believes that it was fictitious Satan, alone, that encouraged the rape of millions of children and not by his risible Bishops and reprobate Priests. How absolutely outrageous and insulting is this, to us, the surviving Survivors, who have to endure years of childhood rape at the hands of his hysterical Clerics. Yes they are and were the true devils, evil itself, all in their black robes. The rape of million of children and their childhoods, is to blame it on the mythical figure of the Devil, why not blame it on say, another fictional figure called-“Faust” who was the protagonist of a classic German legend, based on the historical Johann Georg Faust. it is more likely that the descendant of St. Peter is a Faustian an ambitious priest, who has surrendered his moral integrity in order to achieve, corrupt power and success for a delimited term, his lifetime. Or better still, why not Mephistopheles, another mythical figure of vulgar fun, at least this Mephistopheles, and this word derives from the Hebrew, which means "plasterer of lies”, and that summons it up for me. In the fictional novel, a literary work, Mephistopheles, as the lead antagonist, is an agent of the Devil, appears and at first advises Faust not to forgo the promise of heaven but to pursue his goals”. We also have real magic in the form of transubstantiation as Catholic Church dogma, stating that "by the consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine or or grape juice are changed also into the body and blood of Christ. Good luck trying to explain that to a psychiatrist, that should be fun. The manner in which the change occurs, the Roman Catholic Church teaches, is a mystery. At one time, the death penalty was specifically prescribed for any person who denied, this nonsense called- Transubstantiation. We could go on, with explaining the Virgin Birth story, the age of Mary (12) and Joseph, (90) and hundreds of different magical things, but no, thank the Greeks, not god for science. But what is great about The Enlightenment of the 18th century, was that it included a range of ideas centred on reason as the primary source of authority and legitimacy and came to advance ideals like, an emphasis on the scientific methods, along with increased questioning of religious orthodoxy and individual liberty, progress and tolerance, including separation of Church and State, along with increased questioning of religious orthodoxy, an attitude captured by the phrase "Dare to Know”. It also fought against the fixed and stupid dogmas, excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernaturals of the Roman Catholic Church, as a true cult and other cult religions. I think a new Age of Enlightenment is long overdue in the Roman Catholic Church. Owen Felix O’Neill
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