There is Something Rotten in the State of the Vatican.
So the circus has come to town, and the main attraction is an elderly man in his 80s dressed all in white. One of the headlines was “ Holy Father calls abuse scandal “repugnant” in speech to civil authorities in Ireland. I call it “Murder”, the Church loves to use the word “Abuse” because it not as harsh as the word “Rape” This is from - A playbook which was prepared by the Roman Catholic Church, for all their Priests, on how to conceal the truth, these seven steps they must follow:
The main part of this circus was His Holiness, the title "His All Holiness" comes from the worldly royal authority, not from Scripture or the Apostles. The meeting of a few well intentioned Survivors at a well choreographed dance, all eight Survivors stooped to kiss the papal ring, and were star struck at the prospect of meeting the holiest man on earth. One Priest told me, “God most often works through secondary agents, including human beings. The Church especially, since it is “the Body of Christ” who is God incarnate.” The Pope, whose statements are not to be questioned for they come to him from God, according to the Vatican. I, myself am not interested in customs and man-made traditions. The title "All Holiness" is not from Christ or the Apostles. And no amount of rationalisation will justify it's use. The title is blasphemous, idolatrous, and something only a narcissist or psychopath would apply to himself. No one who has fear of God, true piety and Christian humility would ever allow himself this title. The eight Survivors were well rehearsed and selected the day before and told they must bow down and kiss the Pope’s ring. You see this ring is an idol of what the Vatican claims to be an image of the Apostle Peter, sitting in a boat. The gold ring also has the imprint of the name of the present Pope. When you bow down to kiss this gold ring, you break the Second Commandment and you accept and submit to the Apostolic succession of the Popes in Rome. Exodus 20:4-6 “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. The definition of a hypocrite is a person who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudes or feelings when they really do not. So lets look here at a hypocrite, Pope Francis, who says that he cares about the raped children, but he constantly allows his Priests to continue and even covers up for them. Pope Francis pretends to have virtues, moral and religious beliefs, even principles, but he clearly does not actually possess them. His statements when talking to Survivors in private in Dublin, Pope Francis referred to those who cover up child abuse in the Roman Catholic Church as “caca” the Spanish word for shit, but the official translator interpreted it as ‘filth. The eight Survivors told Pope Francis that an estimated 100,000 mothers were forcibly separated from their babies in Ireland. Pope Francis replied “As an act of healing “we ask you to make it clear to the elderly and dying community of natural mothers and adoptees, that there was no sin in the reunion.” I wonder how he, Pope Francis would say to my Mother, Nora, or my Brothers and Sisters, who were tortured, raped and died in the Religious run Institutions of Ireland, that they were confined to, having committed no crimes, marked by their unimaginable suffering and mine. Or for that matter the tens of thousands of other children and women, who were hunted down, humiliated, raped, bludgeoned to death, and carted off as slave labourers, many stolen and sold abroad. A few were murdered, many raped and dumped like thousands of other Mothers and their Children in unmarked mass graves, and cesspools, septic tanks at the back of Religious run Institutions in Ireland. But the Irish Church’s crimes had been far worse, in all the Religious run Institutions, and the suffering of those that survived such Institutions was and is immense. Will the Silence be ever lifted, the untold stories of thousands of children, raped during their time in the Industrial Schools. The three Christian Brothers in my Industrial School who held down a eleven year old boy as they took turns raping and sodomising him. I later cleaned up after them and offered what comfort I could, to the boy, I was only twelve, the same thing happened to me the year before. We didn't speak about what had happened, no boy talked about such things, if he did he would be beaten almost to death, and in a few case were beaten to death, it was all part of our daily lives. My psychiatrist wanted to help me to heal and recover from my darkest secrets. Sadly no male wants to talk about sexual violence on themselves, especially those boys, now men from the Industrial Schools. In all cases the men will take their shameful secrets, their own brutal rapes, never to share to their worthless graves. It was telling that there was no mention by the Pope of the 1,800 plus Babies and Children disposed of in a septic tank in Tuam, County Galway. The Pope claims he knew nothing about that, how sad, another cover up by the Irish Catholic church, or the infallible Pope is fallible. Nor was their no mention, of Ireland’s “notorious Mother And Baby Homes where thousands of babies and children and their mothers died, from beatings, torture, murder, rape, even experimented on, as well as thousands of their Mothers”. All buried in mass cesspools at the back of these Religious Institutions. Wasn’t it also very grand of Pope Francis to tell Mothers now after all those years, the Mothers of the Mother And Baby Homes, whose children were stolen and sold as sex slaves, “that there was no sin in now looking for their children.” One Survivor said the Pope sounded “genuinely shocked to hear about the 12,000 babies who died from neglect and the other 60,000 banished babies and the tens of thousands of babies murdered during the vaccine trials. According to the Survivors, the Pope lifted his hands to his head in shock”. But shocked he wasn’t, he was shocked because he knew the game was up, he asked himself, that religion does this to children and mothers, he momentarily forgot, maybe a touch of dementia after all he is over 81 years old, and he had to remind himself that he is the current head of that cult. The eight Survivors were absolutely delighted with the meeting as each received a medal from the Pope with an image of St Patrick on it, how very nice, a (f…ing) tin medal of a fake Saint, that was blessed by the Pope as was the Survivors, their blessing would now heal all their pains, they were told by a witness, an Italian Priest, but first he told them, they must go to confession. The Pope said the failure of the church authorities to deal with a long history of the abuse of children in their care – “these repellent crimes” – was a source of “pain and shame”. How ironic of Pope Francis speaking about failure to deal with the abuse of children in our care, we now have world headlines-“Vatican Official Claims Pope Francis Knew Of rape allegation against an American Cardinal” The American Cardinal, Theodore McCarrick of Washington, raped both his nephew for over twenty years and dozens of young seminarians under his care. For his punishment of raping of dozens of young men and his nine year old nephew, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick was told by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009, “to serve a lifetime of penance and prayer, and to no longer celebrate Mass in public or travel.” If the world headlines are true, or remotely true, it’s very explosive-The sex -abuse scandal has come for the Pope Francis- A letter calling for his resignation shows how serious his crisis of credibility has become. Now here is what Pope Francis says—- "I won’t say a word about it’: Are you serious Pope Francis!!, the Pope’s sudden silence on abuse claim letter is an outrage- The Vatican Official, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano says, “Pope Francis knew of sexual misconduct allegations against Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, since 2009.” Pope Francis accepted McCarrick’s resignation as Cardinal only last month, (July 2018) after a US church investigation determined that an accusation he had sexually raped a minor was very credible. Since then, another man has come forward to say Cardinal McCarrick began raping him starting when he was 11years old, and also several dozen young former seminarian students have said Cardinal McCarrick abused and sexually raped them when they were in the seminary, training as Priests. Cardinal McCarrick forcing the young seminarian students into his bed at the college, were he raped them. But wait a minute Pope Benedict XVI sanctioned Cardinal McCarrick in 2009. Which means the Vatican knew since 2009, that is ten years ago. So something strange and wonderful happened as the mass began in the phoenix park Dublin, the conclave of gossiping Bishops, of 9 Cardinals, 100 Bishops with 2,600 priests. They could see from their high altar, the horror as they looked out collectively that the 500,000 crowd of people expected was non existent. The vast park was sparsely crowded. This revealed their desperation, and at times even panic, in frantic manoeuvring to leave, to hide. The Bishops paced around the high altar in a frenetic, manic state of stasis, the shock of so few attendees at their circus was to much to behold. This panic at the sparsely populated mass was an earthquake for the Roman Catholic Church. Now the numbers, so according to the Irish Police, under 130,000 attended the Pope’s Mass in the Park in Dublin. A break down in the numbers is even worse, over 7,000 were Police and trainee Police;- 2,500 Fire officers, and Ambulance personal on standby;-12,000 were the military on standby;- 20,000 Park Stewards;- Over 18,000 were from Religious Orders who traveled from around the world to attend. 3,000 were the world’s press;- 9 Cardinals, 100 Bishops with 2,600 priests and deacons distributing Holy Communion. Irish Government Officials and International Officials, 1,500;- 25,000 were also from Catholic Schools, like choirs, and their parents. So subtract 91,000 in Total and you have maybe 39,009 who attended the Mass a total disaster for the Roman Catholic Church. Owen Felix O’Neill
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May 2022