For the thousands of Babies & Children of unethical human experiments and coerced research done under The Catholic Church’s auspices, must now be fully exposed. Sadly there has been no full evaluation of the numbers of Babies & Children of the Catholic Church who died in their pastoral care, more importantly who the Babies & Children were, and of the frequency and types of experiments done on them. But we do know this, that many Mother and Baby Homes, and Orphanages in Ireland were used for these evil experiments. Let’s be clear here 100% of all medical experiments under the Irish Catholic Church auspices were outrageously criminal. We now need a comprehensive evidence-based evaluation of the different crimes committed by these criminal experiments supported by the Irish Catholic Church, and not just those whose perpetrators were available for arrest and prosecution. The Irish Catholic Church, I accuse of organising and participating in crimes and crimes against humanity in the form of medical experiments and medical procedures inflicted on vulnerable Babies & Children in their Religious run Institutions.
These heinous experiments were conducted on defensible Babies & Children, including the deliberate killing of Babies & Children for anatomical research, the killing of tubercular children, and the euthanasia of sick and disabled Babies & Children in most of Ireland’s Religious run Institutions. I accuse the Irish Catholic Church, known as The Cult of ordering, supervising, and coordinating criminal activities, illegal experiments, trafficking of stolen babies and children and profiting directly from these illegal activities. We also know what tuberculosis immunisation, and polio experiments were conducted with fatal results, with many Babies and Children dying. There were more Babies and Children who survived than were killed as part of or as a result of the vaccine experiments, and the survivors often had severe injuries, many years later. It’s a little known fact that vulnerable Babies and Children of the Mother and Baby Homes, and Orphanages were often used as research subjects with fatal consequences. The Nuremberg Code’s first principle—the requirement of voluntary, competent, informed, and understanding consent—remains its most important and critical contribution to international law. The consent principle of the Code was “stunning and uncompromising on respect for persons- absolute informed consent requirement is a most. That includes children and people with mental illness. We must implement public procedures to punish the sponsors of such evil crimes against Babies and Children, committed by the Irish Catholic Church. The Irish Catholic Church must be held accountable for crimes against humanity for the atrocious experiments they allowed to be carried out on Babies and Children in their Religious run Institutions. Many of the grotesque medical experiments took place at many Mother and Baby Home and Orphanages in Ireland. What Are The Nuremberg Code's Ethical Guidelines. The Nuremberg Code aimed to protect human subjects from enduring the kind of cruelty and exploitation the prisoners endured at concentration camps. The 10 elements of The Nuremberg Code are:
The notorious Irish Catholic Church medical atrocities carried out for profit in most Mother and Baby Home and Orphanages in Ireland, were and are shocking. The Catholic Church in Ireland believed and still believes they can act above the law. The Hippocratic Oath, penned by the father of medicine and held by medical professionals as a sacred tenet to this day, states in part: "I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrongdoing...." Both the Irish Catholic Church and the Wellcome Trust experimenters not only violated the oath in the foulest way, even they lie to this very day. Their actions were clear, direct violations of both the Hippocratic Oath as well as the public's belief that doctors and clerics always look after their people’s well-being. The Irish Catholic Church tried to justify these medical atrocities and formulated ethical arguments to justify their illegal activities. The Cult stated that these children of unwed mothers were vermin which were the central arguments placed above any regard for the suffering women and children. Whereas little or nothing has been written about the perpetrators of The Irish Catholic Church medical atrocities, little is known about the Babies and Children either in terms of how many, or who they were, or their experiences of being subjected to experiments. I myself am a survivor of a few illegal drug experiments carried out in Ireland’s largest Mother and Baby Home, St. Patrick’s on the Navan Road, Dublin in the early 1950s. I bear the searing scars both mentally and physically to this very day, as do many other Survivors. Few know it, but severely mentally and physically handicapped babies and children and young people up to 14 years old were used by the medical establishment on various drug experiments in most of the Mother and Baby Homes and Orphanages in Ireland. At least 5,200 babies and children were victims of these heinous drug programmes, which was a precursor to the subsequent murder of the babies and children in these Religious run Institutions. We know that when these babies and children died their battered bodies were sold on to the Irish medical schools, universities for further experiments. Social Darwinism came to play a major role in the ideology of the Irish Catholic Church, all life was not sacred. Survival of the fittest, which was combined with a similarly pseudo religious theory of a pure Irish hierarchy of Church approved "Utopia" like church sanctioned marriage and church sanctioned Catholic babies. Anything else was considered as unfit to live and out of God’s grace and protection, and eliminate the incurably insane. The Irish Catholic Church believed that the scourge of Ireland was the unwed mother and her filth, her impure offspring. The elimination of these "undesirable elements" was implemented under the brutal reign of the Religious Orders of evil Nuns and other pedophile male Clerics that operated the Mother and Baby Homes, Orphanages and Industrial Schools throughout Ireland. The Irish Catholic Church, euthanasia killings may be broadly divided into the following phases: Child euthanasia and disposal from 1922 to 1996. Decentralised, but partly centrally-controlled medication-administered euthanasia or death by malnutrition from September 1922 to 1996. Death by malnutrition of Babies and Children was very common in all the Religious run Institutions in Ireland, in spite of the fact that the Church was paid by the Irish Government. Serious Hereditary and Congenital Illnesses or disabled euthanasia, from 1922 to 1996. According to the Sea Monkey Files the estimates about 15,000 Babies and Children fell victim to the Irish Catholic Church’s war against unwed mothers and their offspring. Euthanasia of disabled children in all the Mother and Baby Homes, Orphanages and Industrial Schools throughout Ireland. The deliberate killing of Babies and Children was considered a mercy killing which was used as a justifiable excuse by the Catholic Church to keep Ireland pure and free from the filth of unwed mothers and their offspring. This was the Irish Catholic Church’s war Against unwed mothers and their children. That true evil lurked and lived under the holy robes of the Catholic Church. The sad truth is that we need only look at recent human history to find real, live, utterly repugnant evil. Worse yet, it is evil perpetrated by Irish Clerics and the Catholic Church on defensible women and children. Something else we know that a few children were submitted to chemical castrations and electric shock treatment, meant to cure them of their suppose homosexual condition, there was nothing wrong with the children, they complained about been raped by the Clerics, so the cure was to castrate them. Do we call it a conflict of moral values? I don’t think so. Yet many vulnerable children were exposed to the illegal drugs experiments with profound pathological side effects, with varying degrees of severity. The financial incentives provided to the Irish Catholic Church have never been discussed. We know that babies and children of Ireland’s Mother and Baby Homes, and Orphanages had suffered and died in clinical trials in which ethical standards had been deliberately violated. The Irish Catholic Church says it was in need of money and offered as much as 1,000 Irish Pounds per child to "volunteer" the orphan children for drug experiments that they knew involved risks of harm and even death. We know that thousands of babies and children that died were again sold to the Irish Medical schools for even more money for the evil Catholic Church. These financial incentives for the Irish Catholic Church and for them to offer orphan children for experimentation demonstrate a debasement of the children’s humanity. Thousands of children died in these illegal medical experiments in Ireland and thousands more suffered harmful side effects for the rest of their lives. We must have accountability, we must also have a true account of the blood monies that the Irish Catholic Church took for the militated bodies of the orphan babies and vulnerable children in their pastoral care. No matter their so called good intentions, the Irish Catholic Church was complicit in both the illegal drug experiments carried out in their Religious run Institutions on babies and children but also complicit in the direct murder of these babies and children as a result of the failed evil drug and vaccine experiments. Owen Felix O’Neill
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